HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-11-23, Page 88-,.10co �3Ch Have you, seen our shop win- dow this week ? Well you man have your choice of any of those lnany pretty things for 10c., and some for only 5c. It would be well to boar in 'mind that we are headquarters for Santa Claus, and remind` him to select in advance. Another week our window will contain higher priced lines. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 80UTEE1114 181TENBION W. G. & D. 'rains leave Bruesele Station, North lid South, as follows: GozNG SOUTH, GOING Non7H. Mail 9:54 a.m,Mixed 9:45 a., Express 1159 a.m. I a.133,Mail 8:18 p.m, Mixed ........ 9.00 p.m. Express 9:48 p.m, A obiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. THANRSOIVING day is a public holiday. BRUSSELS Sohool Board wants 60 cords of wood. POOTOFFIOE hours on Thanksgiving day 5:30 to 6:30 p. m. "C" soma, in the Methodist church on the evening of Thanksgiving day. IF you enjoy good music go to the orobestre concert next Monday evening at the Methodist church. T. A. HewXma' music clave will be photographed at H. 18. Brewer's studio on Saturday afternoon of this week. THE Editor of THE Pose returns thanks for a supply of Parry Sound venison the result of Deputy Reeve Dames prowere as a huntsman. Mowtaex Horse Fair in Brussels on Thursday, Dec. 0th. Stook and o her articles desired to be sold on Pair day by public auction will be attended to by F. S. Scott, village clerk. IN Saturday's Toronto Mail ie a piotare el the Prospect Park Bowling Club. Conspicuous in the illustration is C. R. Cooper, a formerly well known resident of Brunets, now a citizen of Toronto. HunoN County Council will meet in Godericll on -Thursday, December 611. This is the first Winter session held for years and would not probably, have been held but for dealing with Houseof Refuge contracts. Morrie bridge suit will also be before the Council. OROHneTRA OONORRT.-A concert under the auspices of the Sabbath school oroh- estra will be held in the Methodist church next Monday evening, eommenoing at 8 o'clock. Excellent program of vocal and instrumental music will be given. Silver oolieotion at the door of 10 cents and up- wards. Tan Use of P88E ARA1a.-A. good meny residents neglect to observe the By-law prohibiting the use of firsearme in the eorporation• In addition to the danger of loss of life or limb there is the nervous shook to timid persons from the unex- pected reports. Those who have been in- dulging.in this sport will confer a favor on many by abstaining from its practice within the limits of the corporation. A Coamnorlos.-The judgment in the action of Howe vs. Ronald sustained Mr. Ronald's seizure of the goods under his exeoution against George and Jane Howe, holding that these goods were not the property of Mary Hannah Howe, the daughter under her bill of sale from her mother. The order as to costa is that each party pay their own. Mr. Ronald does not bave to pay the coats, as might be inferred from the report of the matter in lost week's issue. Tin RONALD wigs AGAIN.-Laet Friday the property owners of Dunham town voted on a by-law to provide fire pro- tection and carried it by a large majority. At the same time the Ohoiee of a fire engine was expressed and the Ronald steamer of Brussels secured 130 votes and the Waterous, of Brantford, 2. WhileMr. Ronald had taken his engine to Darham and gave a public test the Waterous declined to do so, although they did send an engine to Durham the night before the vote was taken and attempted a , test through 100 feet of hose. The people of Durham have displayed their good judgment in purchasing a fire light- ing machine which is euro to give them the best of satisfaction although we hope many years may elapse before they will have the necessity of proving its real wortb. W. E. RAAURY'S "Trip Around the World," to be presented in the Town Hall, Brussels, Tuesday evening, D'eo. 4th, under the auepiceeof the Meobanice' Institute, will start from New York, showing all the pointe of interest, in. eluding the Brooklyn Bridge by day and by night. From America's great metro- polis across the Atlantic to the Emerald Isle ; thence to bonnie Scotland, Burne' 'birthplace ; in England, to the afty of all oitiee,London, etc. • in France, to Paris and Versailles, where the mighty Napoleon planned the conquest of na- tions ; in Switzerland, tr. Berne, showing the mightinees of the Ah a ; in home, to the Colosseum, were gla deters and wild beasts fought for life to please Nero and hie savage followers ; to the world's greatest fortress, Gibraltar ; to all the oapitale of Europe ; to the Orient, where Cleopatra lured kings to death ; and in Jerusalem to Bethlehem, the birthplace of the Saviour. He leads the way to the Suez Canal, showing the wonders of modern engineering ; to the Red Sea ; :and thence to "India's Doral strand," fl. luatrating the riohee of "Our Empire in the Eaet"; to Corea, China and Japan, then taking our own oonntey from the Paoiflo to the Atlantic. Suoh a tour tviliuedoubtedly prove very interesting, A 1 a1Jo. �M JE•WELLIER, Is Offering Bargains in Musical= Instruments, Violins, from ;2 50 up. Guitars, " 5 00 Banos, 4 00 " Accordeons, " 2 50 " Mandolines, " 6 00 " Auto -harps, " S 00 t, Blow Aoeordeons, 65 ,r Mouth Organs, 10 " Xylophones, Ocarinas, Fifes, Violin bows, Strange, Keys, Tail Pieces, Resin and everything in the Musical Line at the Closest Prices. H. L. JACKSON. ADWIRTlsn your Christmas bargaine early as people make their purchases earlier than they need to a year ago. KEEP W. E. Ramsay's "Trip around the World," on Tuesday evening, Deo. 4th in Brunie Town Hall, under the town efetbanios' Institute in mind. Plan of Hall at Foxe drug store, MATTHEW, MARK, LURE AND JOHN. -This Is the most interesting puzzle of the day. Partner wanted with $25. Investigate. None but good reliable men need apply. Objeot-To have it patented, Address, E. R. Johnston, Brussels, Ont. PROGRAM. -At the "0" social, in the Methodist church, on the evening of Thanksgiving day, in addition to Rev. Mr.Cobblediok's "Rambles in Scotland," musical selections will be rendered by Misses Lottie Hill and Annie Smith ; Dr. and Mrs. Cavanagh ; J, Blaehill and the League choir. Readings will also be given by Mrs. J. W. Blasbill, 8. B. Wil- son and others. A pleasant evening promised to all. THE LATE JAAtas WILSON. -The Daily Mercury, of Guelph, edited by an old friend of Mr. Wilson's, adds the following to the notice appearing in last week's Pose :-Many of the older residents of Guelph and surrounding district, especi- ally those of Scottish origin, will learn from the above of the death of one who was very well known and highly esteem. ed while living in this locality. The above extract gives a short sketch of Mr. Wilson's life, both before and after he left this neighborhood, and we have the melancholy pleaeure of supplementing it by some remarks in relation to Mr. Wil- son's interoourae with the public, and the pleasure they often derived from hie efforts on public occasions, while living ib Eden Mills. During the time that he married on the oatmeal mill at Eden Mills, his business led him, we may say weekly, to Guelph, where he was well known by a large portion of its oitizene, and especially by the business men with whom he often came in contact. His happy temperament, his jovial disponi. tion, hie broad humor, his Border dialect, and hie Speoial talent in giving Stottieh stories, reoitatione and readings, rendered him a great favorite with all classes, es- pecially with the people of his own coun- try, who were never tired of his public performances or of his company in social intercourse. At the time of the Burne' Centenary, held in this town in January, 1859, Mr. Wilson took a prominent part, and those now living who beard him on that occasion will remember how well he did his part. Among other pieces be re. cited Tam 0' Shanter and rendered it with such spirit and tree ooueeption of the poem as to elicit the highest praise of all who heard him. At the celebration of the Shakesperian anniversary here Mr. Wilson took a prominent part. Several amens of Hamlet were played on that ocoaeion, Mr. Wilson acting the part of the grave digger with excellent effect and just knowledge of the character. Later On tib same evening, in the production of a portion of Rob Roy, he appeared as Bailie Nicol Jarvie. In this character he i was of course more at home, and bis act- ing of it was pronounced by competent judges to be about as good as some who were in the profession. Again, at the centenary of Sir Walter Soott, Mr. Wil - eon, who had then become a resident of Bruesele, was kind enough to come to Guelph, and take part in the celebration. His recitations on that occasion were very appropriate and rendered with all hie old ability. This was the last time that he appeared before a Guelph aud- ience. Apart altogether from these great occasions, 1y1r. Wilson, while at Eden Mills, was in pretty general request both in town and country, at many public and social gatherings. Whenever Ise could he with great good nature responded to these and his cheery countenance, hie recita- tions end funny stories always put his audiences in good humor. These are very pleasant traits to recall of our de- oeaeed friend, who, as we said before, had many warm friends in Guelph and neigh- borhood. But 11e had oven better and higher qualities than those we have men- tioned, and now that he has gone it ie fitting that we should offer this tribute to his memory. He was the soul of honor and honesty, and a warm hearted and true friend, generous to a fault, and more thoughtful of others than of himself. Of his rectitude and uprightness, Jae. Goldie is glad to bear willing testimony. Dur- ing the years that he was employed buy- ing grain he was led to esteem him high. ly for his sterling honesty and straight- forward character. We are warranted by Mr. Goldia in staying that he never had a man in his employment whom be valued more highly, and that he was very sorry when ill health compelled him about five years ago to give up his connection with the mill, which began in 1874. To the old friends of deceased these few renin• 10080008 will bring back to memory many incidents and Scenes, and many aseosia tions whioh clustered round evente of paramount interest at the time, but which now only exist among the memories o£ the past. In reviving then for the mons. ant in oonneotion with the death of Mr. Wilson, wo resell to the older residents events in the social history of the place with whioh be was intimately conneoted, whioh made him popolar with the tom. munity, but more than that, conjoined with bis other exosllent qualities, endear- ed him to his many friends. Opoeory our 120915298 00l8.mlle from thio on for afnounpelneette of bargains for the 01201810 ne trade. Tho wide'a• wake merchant wise lute the beet and ghostliest goods to toll is not backward in 105ora sing the publip t f hie warms, A glom, time ago the telegraph repair. ere mutilated a number of Ane shade trees on D. Stewart'9 Property that they say were interfering with the wires, in. Stead of petting do longer poles to pbviate the diffloulty, The Reeve has written the Company ooneeruing it, P00189 Ar TER G. T. 1i, -Therm does not appear tq be any abetemeut in the (Mm•. ing and going of oommeroial travellers. • .Thanksgiving exoureionigte were num. ernuethieyear.-13 oars of freight left Bruesele station yard during the past 5 days ae follows :-6 pare of salt by Cole- man Bros ; 2 ears of lumber from Mc- Donald's mill, Walton ; a oar of wheat and a ear of flour shipped by Meoerm. Stewart & Graham ; a oar of oats to New Brunswiok by Memo. Baelser & Van. Stone ; 1 oar of Irish bullets to Toronto by Councillor MoOraoken ; and 2 oar of tow by J. & J. Livingston. CANADA• -Thin was the topic of a splen. did address by Dr. McDonald, M. P„ for East Huron, before the Young Liberal Club in the Odd Fellows' Hall on Friday evening of lest week. President Blair (sampied the chair and made a brief yet appropriate 'Teen's. The versatile Dr, dealt with hie subject under the following various heads :-Timber and mineral ex- tent, Agrioulture, Education, Judiciary, Government, Religion, and concluded by showing the duty of every Oanadian from the standpoint of patriotism. It was a masterly review of a great country and, it is safe to say, no one went away die. appointed. A hearty vote of thanks was given Dr. MoDonald on motion of J. H. Cameron, seconded by Arob. Hislop. During the evening the or:Tfeetre, and Glee Club rendered a number of excellent selections of instrumental and vocal mueio. A GOOD FACTORY AND A GOOD CHEESE- NAxER,-•Last week Tau PONT referred to the engagement of W. A. Edgar as cheese - maker in the Culloden factory for next year. Since then we have gleaned other, interesting particulars. This is one of four factories owned by the Brownsville Cheese Co. At Culloden factory butter is made during the Winter season and an idea of the emcees of the industry may be gathered from the fact that the output for 1898 was 98 tons of cheese and 10,• 000 pounds of butter. In 1894 a better reonrd than the above was made but the report i+ not printed yet. The largest patron keeps 40 twee. For the 4faotories, whioh are within a radios of 7 miles, 448 tone of cheese were turned out in 1893. Mr. Edgar is thoroughly competent to attend to the duties which will devolve upon him in his new position, as be passed suooessfa' examinations at the Provincial Dairy School at Guelph. He will be removing from Brussels to Oullo• den in the course of a month or so in order to proceed with the butter making. Ingersoll will be hie market town. The Brownsville Company is to be congratu- lated on oeoaring the services of Mr. Edgar. Weare sorry to lose him from Brussels but wish him success. Business Locals. DRY stove wood for sale at MoOrnok. en's. HARNESS greatly reduced in prices at H. Dennis', Brussels. R. LEATHEoDALE is prepared to take any amount of goose feathers in trade. Fon sale, very cheap, set light double harness, second band. I. 0. Richards. Fon horse blankets and robes we have the best value in town. I. 0. Richards. Leman stook of Horse Blankets and Robes at low prices at H. Dennis', Brus• eels. ORO8Ns cheaper than ever at Leatber- dale's. Get prioee and come and see for yourself. H. R. Bnewen has a lot of elegant pioture frames whioh he is prepared to Bell cheap. Hum WILLIAAIa 19 prepared to da saw filing and setting at the livery barn. Satisfaction guaranteed to every customer. HoITTING.-Mary H. Howe, of the firm of Howe & Co., is prepared to take in knitting, or knit to order, soaks, stockings, cardigan jnoketa, &e. Will exohange goods for wool. Store, one door South of the Woollen mill, Brueeels. Give us a call. All kinds of saws gleaned, gummed, hammered, jointed, eet, filed and oiled at the Binet end of Queen St„ by saw filer, T. McGregor, Brussels, Saws may be left and arrangements made at Melee)! & Co's. hardware store, Brussels Ont. TER MONTREAL "WITNEee•"-One of the eights of Montreal is a visit to the "Witness" office, whioh, for internal elegance, convenience and completeness of equipment has few rivals anywhere. One's attention is arrested on the side. walk by seeing through a window a Chinaman patiently turning a crank with the air of one who has a contract for a century of faithful labor, and meane to fulfil it, The Chinaman is made of wood, and for steady, patient, endless toil oommend us to a wooden Chinaman. Making bold to go in we find ourselves in an enviable public) Whoa with tiled floor, hothouse flowers and what not. Then we were piloted up a spiral stair, through the groat editorial room, to the battery of linotypoe which are the marvel of the nineteenth century as Gutenharg's mov- able types were of the awakening life of the fifteenth. The great Hoe press' of the "Witness,' wbiah prints almost any number of pages, from two to thirty-two, is the very most complete machine any• where. Close beside it you are shown on enquiry a patoh on the floor whioh marks the spot where exploded the famous bomb some months ago, whioh the "Witness" doubtless owed to its motive and effective war against gamblers and bunco stearate, a elms whioh by exposure and olever aarioature it has managed to drive from the oily, or at levet to deprive of the open tolerance and publip freedom whioh they before enjoyed at the hands of sympa. tbetio officials. The stand for law and order taken by the "Witness" lately re- sulted in an mveetigation of the police and detective system of Montreal, whiah Ilan revealed the need of some revolution. ary change, The paper is devoted to temperance and all good things. It claims to be independent In politios and has certainly opposed with equal vigor the Conservative Government at Ottawa and the Liberal Mercier Government at Queboo. It is at all evente a clean fam• fly paper, very earofully edited and one of the prettiest in get up and typography that comae 150 our office. LS POST ,82T4X2l4B.1 B,/,f,.Xi:L Ol' l!.✓.I,JY4134, 13tH",17,/a.F}Ti+'•rte12.2ZIn 12:72. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSET'S, (Seven9Sillion Dollars) 97,000,000 (ARITAL (Authorised) • , 99,000,000 "Ionia in all Jriflaivallrointsin Ontario, Qualieo,7lfanitoba, Ilftilod StateaoE,Pnplanti' Fal B b,.dilri °�°Alfidzs a i ':'virco. A Gena Banking Busineee Transacted, Farmer9' Notes Dismounted, Drafte Issued and Oolleotione made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Intermit allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date of withdrawal and tompounded half yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION MIVEN TO TRE Don itoTION OF FAatlna9' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance: J. A. STEWART,MANAeunn, GILLIES d SIVE/TX, LABTEEns, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts 13ought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY( • Sawaerfi-S Ilavz Dmpae?r6,yvVa't. Interest Allowed on One Dollar apd Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Speoial Arrangements made for Time Deposita. We effect to write Insurance in old English or Cknadlan Oompanlee, or In Slut - nal Companies as maybe desired. AGENTS Fon CANADA AND UNITED STATES : ITE CANADIAN BARR of COEIMMROE. BolnDEne.-A000mmodation for two boarders at a private home. Reasonable rates. Apply at THE Pose Publishing House. IF you want anything in the furniture line now is the time to buy. I bave bought right and I ,eau Bell right. R. Leatherdele. ANY person purchasing 1 doz. cabinet photos. will receive free a life size port• rail of same, finished in crayon, india ink or bromide. H. R. Brewer. H. R. Bsuwon does nothing but first - ohms work. Give him a oall. Gallery open every Saturday evening for the a0oom modation of customers and visitors. WELL-DIeamNG AND DRILLING. -George Birt hes all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a Way that will insure eatiefaotion. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. 'Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels'. 84-ef F. S. SaoTr will oonduot any Bale of Farm stock as auctioneer during the months of October and November for 65.00. Knowing the standing of nearly every one he is in a position to Bell to good marks, and guarantees satisfaction. Ea will also see that your notes are promptly drawn and signed. Dates can be arranged at Tan Pose Publishing House, Brussels. • MORS? - BAnnETT.-In Morrie, on Monday, Nov. 12th, the wife of Mr. Thos. Barrett of a son. WooD.-At the rectory, Wingham, on Wednesday, Nov. 7th, the wife of Rev. L. G. Wood of a son. S6ARR2}7a, MmD LETON-BAaNETT.-In London, OD Wednesday, Nov. 14, 1894, by Rev. E. Blanc ely, Mr. Alex. Middleton, jr., of Elma, to Mise Rebecca, daughter of Mr. Charles Barnett, mon. 14, Elma. arsra- RADDATZ: In Oranbrook, 6n Nov. 20th, Martin Baddatz, aged 79 years, 9 months and 7 days. 03R'r1'SSS7TdS M.A•R2s:F..,wm. Fall Wheat 52 52 Spring Wheat ... 85 62 Barley 35 40 Peas 49 60 Z5 26 15 • 16 Butter., tubs and rolls.... Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton...... Salt per bbl., retail Hides trimmed Hides rough Sheep skins, saoh Lamb skins mole Apples per bbl.. Hogs, Live Hoge, Dressed 13 00 3 00 8 50 35 110 7 00 00 1 00 00 3 2. 2e 20 40 15 40 1 50 1 75 4 00 4 10 5 25 5 60 TFIE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. C10 MFORTABLE HOUSE AND lot for sale in Brussels. For further partioulars apply at THE Pos8 Publiehlug Ouse. $50 RE WARD FOR ANY Better preparation than Dead - man's Cough Balm. Rodent changes have greatly improved this valuable remedy. Prepared o0DEADMAbyN, G. A. N,, Druggiet, &o, STRAYED FROM THE PRE14I- IBE9 of the undertigned, lot 10, eon,. 7, Grey, on or about Nov. 50i, a large Borkehire lead- ing too her with Any ltbe thankfully re - 0o ved. JA00B KEEFER 18-2 Ethel P. 0. _A.TiOUSE AND SIX LOS'S FOR Bale or torunt being the property North Of the railway, belonging to James Smart, For partioulars es to price and terms, apply to WM. LIMEY, 10-tf Ament'o Factory,:Braseold. MISS OLIVER, Fashionable Dross and Mantle Maker, wiehoe to intimate to the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that she has resumed business again after an abeenoe of over two years is Toronto. Your patronage eolleited. Prioee Moderate. R cadence, Turnberry street South, 19.4 TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received until Doeember 14th, 1894, for the delivery of 00 porde of good sound vr0ou bard wood, Beath and Maple, all body'wood,24 faebee long to be deliver- ed at the Brueeele Public Sanool House bo- fo re the let day of February, 11305. R, ROSS, Srueeole,Roy, 20 0 PubiioH anel'Board, lTTURON COUNTY COUNCIL.' The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huronwill meet in the Court House in the Town of Goderieb, oa Thurs. day, the 588 Day (Wlimcember, at 9 o'olook p• In. W. LANE, .10.3 - 'Co. Clerk. Dated Nov. 20th, 1804. OTE LOST. -A NOTE FOR $280 drawn in favor of .the under- eigned and falling due on Deo. let, 1804, won lost on Oot, 27:6, The note is not nogotl able 08 payment has been stopped. J. M. KNIG}IT, 10.4 Oranbroolo, QTRAYED ON TEE PREM - i. tens of the undersigned, lot 19, con, 10, Grey, en or about Oct. 1st, 2 steers, red in color, olio lighter than the other, rising 2 y care old. The owner Is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. JOHN BROWN, 18.4 Proprietor. THRESHING OUTFIT FOR Sale. -The undersigned offers for sale 111s Abel Engine and Separator both in good working order. He will also dispose of his shingle mill. Reason for selling, ill health. A bargain will be given. For further particulars as to price, terms, &o., apply to RIO HARD MITCHELL, 5-tf Lot 15, Con. 9, Grey, or Oranb rook P 0 REAL ESTATE. tIARMS FOR SALE. -THE UN- DEnaION00 has several good Forme for Bale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships o1 Morrie and Grey. F 8. BOOTT.Brueeelo, T'ARM FOR SALE.—CONTAIN- n:G 150 aures, situated on ebb con. Turnberry, Huron Co., Si miles from Wing - ham. Stone bank barn, comfortable frame house, stone cellar, pgritable for dairying purposes. Largo young orchard, well drain- ed and watered. For particulars address WM. SUTTON, Wingb am P. 0, FARM FOR SALE OR TO nn5T.-Tho undersigned offers his 180 acro farm, being Lot0 12 and W t 15, 000, 5, Grey, for sale. On the premises is a tom. fortable brick house, new bank barn, good orchard, wells,fenoee, &o. 150 norma cleared, balance bush. A bargain w1Il be given. If not Bold the im•m will be rented for a term of years, For further particulars as to price terms, &o., apply to BORT. MOKEE, Proprietor, 11.8 borne, P. 0., or to JAMES A. FRAIN,Brussels. 1TARM FOR SALE. -THE UN- DEa,eian m offers his 109 acre farm being Lot 17, Ooa, 9, Grey for. sale. 75 acres cleared balance part hardwood and swamp. Frame house bank barn, young orchard, good wells and other necessaries. Swamp 1s ditched. 11 miles from Oranbrook village, and 4 miles from Brueeels. Possession given' in a month alter sale. Fall plowing done and nearly 8 acres of Fal wheat in. Half the money mould stand for 10 years at 5 per cent. For further particulars apply on the promisee or address, Oranbrook P. 0. WILLIAM WILSON, 19.11 Proprietor, TWO GOOD FARMS FOR 8.401.-8. t 25, con.11, Grey township, 00 acre e, known 50 the Lung homestead, all cleared, good cultivation, good frame house, frame bank barn and stable all in good order. 21 miles from Oranbrook and Ethelatetion,oloeo to church and school, good orchard, 2 wells, some fall wheat and fall plowing, A vory desirable farm, Also E. ;; 22, same concession, 50 nares, nearly all cleared, about 8 acres ashand cedar, good orchard, and frame barn, 8 aures of fall wheat and some fall plowing. Th090 lands must bo sold at once in order to close up an estate and may be bought Dither on Moo or Separate/y. Apply to A. HUNTER, 19.2'1 Bruesele P. 0. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES 1895. The undersigned will receive Tcndore for Btlpence up to noon on MONDAY, DEOEtf- BEI; 80d, 1894, for the supply of /Autoharp' Meat, Butter, Four, Oatmeal, Potatoes, Cordwood, ate„ for the following in;Mtn tioae during tufo year 1801, vie.„ --At the Asylums for the Insane in Toronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton, Mimioo, Brookvlllo and (Millie ; the Contra Prison and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto ; the Reformatory for Boys, Pene- tanguishone ; the Institutions for the Deal and Dumb, B elleville, and the Blind at Brantford. Two sufficient sumacs will bo required for the due fulfilment of each contract. Spool. fioattone and forme of tender sen only be bad on snaking application to the Bursars of the respective inetituttone. N. B, -Tenders ere not required for the supply of moat to the Asylums in Toronto, London, Kingston Hamilton and Mimioo, nor to the Central Prison and Reformatory for Females, Toronto. The lowest or any tonder not nooesoarlly acne pted. R. CHRISTIE T, F. CHAMBIORLAIN, Inepootore 011riooToae ndPOubiloCharities, Toronto, Novemberlebh 1800. "oi, 23, 1894 5C. Xmas tiln0 le Doming, Base ball out of Sight; New Goods at Fox's, Arriving day and night,, ,Albums AT 300. c 990. and Beautiful Celluloid, $1,50 We Woo have a fine assortment of Games, Toy Books, Dolls; Tin Toye and in fact everything to make the little folios happy, em come along and see them AT FOX'S Bru f Store, Oeroe 11 Qmenes HOTEL. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. R L. TAYLOR,BARRISTER, 1 u • Bolioitor and Conveyancer. Collec- tions made. Oltlee-Vanstoue's Block, Bras - 0018. 21.8m .. xu. M. SINCLAIR, V V • Solicitor Conveyancer.•Notarypub- lie, &o. Office-'panetone'e Stook, 1. door north 01 Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. BLAIR, BARRISTER, GF. . Solicitor, &e. pate of Darrow h Proudfoot's Offioe, Goderioh,) Office oyer Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels, Money to Loan. 47 DENTAL. 1)Ei 2'X.1,4 M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Tni. varsity. Oprten-OverA.R. Smith's Store, Brussels, Will vieit Wroxeter the 1st and Brd Mondays and. Blyth the end and. 4th Wednesdays of each month. DR. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Grown and Bridge work a specialt Rieder- • BarreFees. barber shop, Tnroboriy 81, Brus- sels. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, efr • Honor Graduate o1 the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals In a com- petent manner. , Particular attention paid to veterinary dentietry. Calle promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doors north of bridge Turnberry et., Brussels. H. MOORS V. S., ▪ H. M„V, M. 8. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Oollego. Diseases of all domesticated animals treated on scientific principles. Horse dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a specialty. Calle promptly attended to. Office,' over John atom & Cooh- rane'e marble works. Inllrmary at Beattie's livery -Barn, Brussels, Out. 2g. MEDICAL CARDS. -rA. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. EY • C. M., L. R. 0.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P. S. Ont. Residence and office in Wllson'e Block, corner: of Mill and Turnberry Ste. T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Physlolan, Surgeon Aceouoher, etc. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member 01 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. OTaioE-Next door to McDonald &Oo„ Walton Ont. AUCTIONEERS. A RAY0[ANN, 1� • Auctioneer, ,e always ready to at- tend sales offarms, farm stock, &0. Terms cheerfully given. Oranbrook P.O. Sales may bo arranged at Tim Poem Publishing House, Brussels. (.3rEORGE KIRKBY, Lice nsed sed on reasonable terms, Farmead conduct etooka epaoialty. Orders loft at Tun Poem PublishingIto use, Bru seals, or sent to Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, HAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- SE toad of rales f farm stocklat reasonable prices, 'Knowing the standing of nearly every pe00ou I am in a position to sell to good marks and got good security when sold on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mea call, , 82- F S. SCOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. WH. MOCRACKEN, • Iseuror of Marriage Licenses. wilco at hie Grocery, Tur0borry street, Brussels. RN. BARRETT, • Toneorlal Artist. Shop -Next door south o1 A. M. McKay& Co's hardware store. Ladies' and children,' hair cutting a epaoialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 1NSDItAN0E, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN• - O 0104210E 00, Established 1840. In- surancoe °Footed on all Town and Farm Property at very low ratan, • 15•Sm J. A. 01REIGHTON, Agent, $lruseals. ALEX HUNTER, Clerk of 8115 Fourth Division Oourt Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Puhlio Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Collections made Office in Smale'o Block, Brussels. MISS O'CONNOR, R. T., Teacher of instrumental music on Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingham Tues- day and Wednesday of each week, Reel= dense on Prinoaea Street, brussels. TA. HAW.KINS, M. 0, . Organist to 8t, Johu'0 0110551S. M., Brno, sale and pupil, in the Art of :Teaching of A. W'Phayor,Mus ,Don. N0'q Yoi'k, will give lwill to ,pupils either oniano Or organ, at his parlor over A.R, Smith's sto1e,Brue. stele. Vocal lessons also given. Terns mod. erato,