HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-11-23, Page 6Nov. 28, 1894 tb'e $ruso.elt$ Most .---- 08 JrT7nrwielnWP" 1JWERY FRIDAY MQB11ING (la time for the 047 Mails/AI "The Rost" Wan I ubllsllhig Vouso, Tingling= ST., ParleaUne, Timis o9' SuPaoii1rTlo3,—One defier and a half ayyear 1n advance. Tito date towhich very snbsorjptiOn la paid le 4onoted by the ate on the address heel, ADyaaTIBING BATES,—The following 611000 will Ile charged 00 these Who advertise 131 the year;— SRAM 1 1 Ta. s mo. 9 MO 'One Column 1100.00 810,00 820,00 Quarter " . ••, , I 20,00 0 12A0 128,00 iahth. ' 12.00 8.00 0.00 Dight mints per line for first ineertlon, and three cents per line for each ouboOq11000 144.. 1106010(1. All advertisements measured as Nonpareil -1211108 to the inch. Business Cards, eight lines andunder, $5 per annum. Advertisements without specific dlreo. tions, will be inserted until forbid, and: charged a000rdlogly. Instructions to (Mange or discontinue an advertisement must be left at the counting. room of Tau Tom not later than Tuesday of each week, This is imperatmve, W. ifdl.. iMERR, Editor and Proprietor. A SAD CASE. The Old Story of Ulan's Treachery to it Trusting Woman. One of the saddest events ever chroni- cled in this county culminated in the family of Robert MMutoh, a well known and highly reepeoted farmer living in East Wawanoeh, on Monday night of last week. Hie daughter, Jessie, a young woman of 22 years, was the victim, and the history of the Daae shows it to be the old and ornel story of seduction under promise of marriage, then abandonment by the betrayer, and the death of the poor girl, probably by her own hand, to avoidthe shame she could not face. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Kutch were absent from home, and their daughter Jessie, after spending the even- ing with her brothers, William and Fred, retired, apparently in the best of spirits; but about midnight her screams alarmed the household and she was found in the throes of death from the effects of a dose of strychnine. Dr. McLanohlin, of Man- chester, was summoned, but could do nothing. A. coroner's inquest was held on Wed. nesday by Dr. Milne, of Blyth, under the direction of Mr. Lewis, who sated on be- half of the crown attorney, Dre. No - Laughlin and Ferguson performing the poet mortem examination. The deeeaeed had beeo keeping company with a young man named John Fenton, a miller, and from her correspondence and a diary she had kept, it was found that, having ac- complished her ruin, be had grown tired of bar and refused to marry her. Fen- ton was called as a witness, and at first seemed disposed to deny everything, but under skillful erose questioning he finally admitted the whole story ; also that the deceased had told him she would oommit suicide if he did not marry her, and' that he bad 000 time taken a package of strychnine from her and burned it. The mother of deceased had only recently sus- pected that anything was wrong with her girl, and had determined on learning the facts and endeavoring to genre an hon- orable settlement by the young man, but before her intentions could be carried out the band of death bad fallen. The jury returned an open verdict that deceased came to her death by poison administered by some one unknown, and so the sad tragedy recta for the present. Intense indignation is felt towards the heartless and cowardly wretch who ie the cause of the poor girl's untimely death, and but for the respect of law which ie characteristic of Canadians, he would have met with something like his deserts at the hands of the citizens of that sec- tion. WHAT DOLLAR BILLS WEIGH. Several customers were chatting in a grocery store one evening recently, says an exchange, when the grocer pointed to a barrel of small beans, and asked how many of them it would require to make a bushel. Various estimates were offered. Ona recklessly put the number at 50,000, which occasioned a laugh from all the others who had guessed a much lesser quantity, ranging all the way from 5,000 to 20,000. "Well, gentlemen," remarked the groper, "you are all wrong. There are approximately 119,000 beans in a bushel, ' No one was inclined to believe him until he showed them that it took 60 beans, selected at random, to weigh half an ounce. The rest of the calculation was simple. Now, then," said one of the party, "eines we are engaged in guessing con- tests, how many dollar bills would it take to weigh as much as a silver dollar 7" One said 100, another said 75, while the groper, who knew all about beaus, put the figure at 800. "All wrong," rematked the man. "It takes just 22." This was proven to be the 61180 by experiment. FIGS AND THISTLES. Some preachers are trying by every means to fill their church except by preaching the gospel, Beware of the man who apologizes for sin of any kind. A righteous man needs 00 monument. The prayer ot faitb always counts on immediate results. Whenever love writes its name, it does it in he own blood. To know thut God levee 06, is to know something glorious. God will not give us any niers truth than we are willing to live. We cannot do any man a greater wrong than to misjudge him. The minister who is not more than a preacher is a poor one. The first step toward heaven is genet. ally taken on the knees, Stop moderate drinking and we will soon have no. drunkards, The Meaner men are the more they want their wives to be angers. We cannot ask God for mubh when wo are not willing 00 do much, The pre -Yore that are winged with grati- tude fly straight to heaven. It ie hard to get the dovii'e alavo to believe that God is his friend, There are no promises in the Bible for 11691110 Who are not in earnest, We ars not made riph by what we can i(et, but by what we can't toad. Dyed whiskers are like bypoorley, They never fpot hot one person, Sin makoe an awful change in us, but it never makes any ohange in God. Get salvation before yea wear out your brains in trying to understand it, ,• The prayer that does not bring us eleeer to God takes us farther from Him. The purobaeing power of money eau be made to extend beyond this earth. The saloons would have to elop to- morrow, if the devil had to tail the truth, Sometimes a prayer for a good meeting is not answered beoause' there is bad ventilation. Let hell be blotted out to -day, and there is material enough in any saloon keeper and a barrel of whisky to start another one, 1 tell you plainly that one day you will meet your oustptbers when there will be he counter between you. When your work on earth ie done, and you enter the reward of your business, all the souls of the men you have destroyed will crowd around you, and pour their bitterness in your pup. They will show you their wounds and say, 'you made them' and point to their unquenobable thirst, and say, 'you kindled it' and rattle their chains, and gay, 'you forged them.' Then their united groans will smite your ear; and with the hands from which you pinked dimes they will push you off the verge of great precipices ; white rolling up from beneath and break- ing among the crags of death, will thun- der hunder what God has said. "Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink, that putteat thy bottle to him and makeet him drunken also,"—The blood of Jesus Christ oleaneeth from all sin. I John 1:7. A SHORT SERMON. By Nev. Whnn;doalle Baxter, of the Austin Blue Light Tabernacle. Berlubbed Breddern and Sister( : De subject ob die ebenin's discourse am abarioe, in other words, ,stinginess. Dar's lots ob stingy folks in ebery ker- munity, but de wust case of abarioe ebber I heered of was dat of a man in Alabama. He tried ter pawna coat ob tar and fed - dere dat had been presented ter him by his nabors. 1 has heered ob enudder cage dat was moo' as bad. A chile drank about a pint ob kerosine by mistake, and his madder, who was a mighty close Doman, ran a wink down de chile's front, and used that infant for a lamp. Yes, breddern and cistern, dare a gen- nerman ob my erquaintance who am afeared ter buy a lead pencil, bekase he can't be puffeotly shim dat de lead reach alar fru it. Dar's a man libbers in Western Texas who paria-greened hie tater bugs tor deff, and den he raked up der carcase and dried 'em out ober a slow fire in order ter git de Paris green oaten 'em ter sell hit back ter de drug steal. De stingy man alters miserable. If he walks around he trimbles when be re- member dat he am wearin' out his shoes. Ff he site down he wearee out his pante, and dat makes him wish he was dead. Faehinable folks am not all berry ex- travagant. Ff yer looks inter a ballroom yer kin see for yereelf dat de wimmen folks eat things down gess ae low ae pos- sible. Some ob de rich men am as close as de closest. I read in a paper dat a faithful workman engaged in some kind ob extra dangeroae work, hurt his hand mighty badly. When de doctor was tendin' ter de hand, de foreman came in a harry and says : "Sam, what time was it when yer got hurt 7 I wanter know when ter dock yer wages." Man ain't de only stingyanimile. Hit's true man will ran erter a dollar but de dog will run orter a scent. Heah 1 Hash I At de same time I don't berleeve in a man bein' too generous, for de horn ob plenty will soon empty onlese hit's corked wid er000emy. Don't be stingy wid whatdon't poet yer nuffin', slob se perliteness and good ad- wice. When you am in de temple ob de Lawd yer should cast aside all stinginess. Don't be like dal feller when be is asked ter sing Ole Hundred, churns off N inety and Nine, bekase he wanted ter make one per cent., anyhow, dem hard times. Deacon Snodgrass will please pees de hat. Remember dot de Lewd Tubs a cheerful gibber." • Crt•nadirLrx N o wre. A young man named Bell at Coldwater was seriously injured by the explosion of his gun. Tramp journalist Wilson wee robbed by footpads west of Brandon. He says he had a good ,fight, James Brady, a brakeman on a 0. P. R. freight train, fell between the cars near Chatham and was instantly killed. A Waubanshene man, Mr. Brother. etone, was shot through the heart at Coldwater while laying hie gun down. Wm. Morris, of Hamilton, pleaded guilty of forgery and was sentenced to the Central Prison for eighteen months. Orillia has put in •fin incandescent electric system of street lighting, with 1,400 lamps, at a.cost of 312,000. At the Liberal convention held at Guelph, James Innes, M. P., reoeived the unauimoos nomination of the convention for the South Riding of Wellington. HEART Demise RELIEVED IN 30 MIM. nTEs.—All cases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose oonvinoee. Sold by G. A. Deadman, George Ennis lumped from a window of the General Hospital at Hamilton, while an inmate of that inetitution, and he now wants the trustees to aompensa10 him for the injoriee received. "tO escaped being a confirmed dyspeptic by takilrg Ayer's Pills in time." This is the e11perience of many. Ayer's Pine, ifhethor ea an after-dinner pill er as s remedy for liver aomplaiut, indigestion, •'flatulency, water^brash and nayvea, are invaluable. It 18 olainted that Chicago has a poen. tatien Of 2,284,000. Diphtheria and scarlet fever are spreading rapidly at Mistreat and in Quebec Provinoe,. Aylmer has given an oleetpic ,railway and lighting company a nhprter of 24 years 480 from taxation, Toronto Trades and Labor Connell is agitating the pro coal to have John Purim,. M. P., the nglieh 'labor leader) visit Canada. Nathaniel Pyfe and Porpy Thompson pleaded guilty at Stratbroy to pipping obetruotions en the Grand Trunk tra,ik on Sunday just before the Erie express was due. Mr. Noble, the Rollo(' Magic• trate, remanded them for Week. A cup of muddy ooffee fs not whole. some, neither is a bottle of muddy medi. Moe. One way to know a reliable and skillfully•prepared blood•purifler is by its freedom from sediment. Bleed Sarsaparilla is always sparkling and bright, because. it is an extraot, and not a de000tlon, The .Elgin County Council mat the other day in special aeration and pasted a bylaw to mane debentures to raise $15.- 000 to pay for the Port Stanley and Gil. lett bridges, Bmi000ATlora Conran IN A Dar,—South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheums. tiem and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its notion upon the system is remarkable and mysterione. 10 re. moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first does greatly benefits, 75 cents. Warranted by G. A. 'Madman. In the Sheriff's office at the County Court House, Ottawa, is to bo found, wrapped op in an old newspaper, a suit of clothing to which considerable import - arum is attached. It was worn by the man who hanged Patrick Whelan, •the murderer of D'Aroy McGee, whose mor. der took plane in February, 1868. A Boon To HoneEMBN.—One bottle of Englieh Spavin Liniment completely re. moved a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in reoommending the remedy, as it ants with mysterious promptneee in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, eweeny, stifles and sprains. GED. Rom, farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by G. A. Deadman. Robinson Bros. own and manage a flourishing grocery in Leamington and work a farm too, with very little as- siotanoe. They have grown from 50 acres the following :—Wheat, 809 bus. ; oats, 300 bus.; corn, 1,600 bus. ; potatoes 700 bus. ; roots and hoed (rope, 2,600 bue, in addition to planting 13 acres in frnittrees. At present prices the pro. duce grown is worth 31,538. Is there a farmer fn the bounty can beat this 2 Insurance Companies in a bad way.— The other day banks were' fairly right and left in the United States. Now the cry is 'khat Insurance there has reach- ed its limit and unwholesome competi- tion has produced a dangerous state of affairs." We hope this is not the case, but one thing we do know and that is, that sink headaches, neuralgia and biliousness has inoresed of late years, Stark's Powders, the greatest of modern remedies, ie a never failing and pleasant oure. Twenty-five ciente a box, About a week ago a couple on Pelee Ieland had become very impatient for an opportunity to be married. There is no minister on the bland, the spiritual wel- fare of the inhabitants being attended to by the minieters who make occasional visits there. No boat had been running between the island and the mainland for a week, and the result was the postpone- ment of the wedding. Finally the groom sent a plea to Ottawa, asking that the cruiser Petrel be sent to the island with Rev. Mr. Hinds, of Amherstburg. The request was mereifally complied with, and the couple have been made happy. RELIEF IN Sex House.—Distressing kid. ney and bladder diseases relieved In six hours by the "Great South- American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male of female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. Among the occupants of Irieh Jack's sitting room Friday evening was a quiet, unassuming young man who had arrived on the 8.60 G. T. R. After taking a long rest he inquired of the genial proprietor if Snowball was stili in business here, and if Merrybank's eldest daughter was mar- ried yet. He then excused himself, say- ing that he had to slip across to New- castle. It finally dawned on the be- wildered man that he was in Chatham, Ont., and not Chatham N. B., for which latter place he had demanded a tioket at Niagara Falls. He took in the situation quite good naturedly, and Jack did his prettiest to make hie guest feel at home. The stranger breakfasted heartily and left Saturday morning on his way rejoic• ing.—Ohatham Banner. Justice Ferguson had quite a novel ex. penance at Trenton Friday night, He was returning from Napanee to Toronto on a return ticket. He gave the latter up before he reached Trenton and re- ceived no check to show that he had paid, the conductor on the train evident- ly being able to remember him. There was a heavy load of exoursioniets and the train was divided. Justice Ferguson got on the nue which had the new con- ductor, and the latter demanded his tioket, His Lordship was told he would have to pay when he could produce 110 tioket. • He would not pay and was ordered off the train. He got off at Tren- ton and stayed all night at the station. He telegraphed to Turonto and was al- lowed to come on free next morning, The mistake has caused much coneter- nation in Grand Trunk circles; A Pennsylvania oow rejoioes in the diatinatlon of a ,wooden leg, Having lost one of her four supporters through a railway train, which cut it off below the knee, a veterinary surgeon took the wounded animal in hand, and through, his skill and ingenuity her lift was flayed. A cabinet maker completed the good work by manufacturing a wooden leg which seemed to answer every purpeee ; and when the stump of the leg healed, the artificial substitute was successfully strapped on. At first the oow persisted in hopping along on three togs, and hold- ing the injured one up from the ground but before long she grew tired of this, and cautionely tried the wooden one. At last accounts she was doing very well with it, although going about with a de. bided limp ; and she hue the proud dietinotfon of beim the only oow in the world with a wooden leg, HONEY TO LOAN.. Any Amount of Money to LPa on Farm or 'Village Pro, party at ' 6 64 Per Cent., 17 early. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A, Hu.nt•er, - Division Court Clerk, I3ruaaegs.. Only the Scars Remain, "Among the many testimonlale which I see in regard to certain medicines perform- ingcures, cleansing the blood, etc.; writes BENNE Ilunsox, of the James Smith Woolen Maohinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., "none Impress me more than my own CAM Twenty years ago, at the age of 18 years, I bad swellings come on my legs, which broke and became running sores: Our family physician co uld dome no good, and It was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old mother urged me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the scars remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me. I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's; Sarsaparilla advertised In all parts of the United States, and always take pleas- ure In telling what good ft did for me." For the aura of all diseases originating In Impure blood, the best remedy Is AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared byDr. J. C.Ayor&Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you ARE YOU GOING TO Paint Your IIouso OR DO ANY Papering this. Spring ? If so, now is the time to consult us. The LARGEST, CAFAPEST and BEST as- sorted stook in the County, to hand comprising the following :— BIRGE a SONS CELEBRATED PROCESS, GILTS BRONZES, SINTILARE,. AND IN- GRAINS, with gorgeous freizes and ceil- ings to match. Also the Handsomest stook of window shades Aver shown in the County. Nothing but the inmost Leads and Oils that can be found in the market used in all our work. Farmers and others hav- ing old riga to paint come and see us at once.' Satisfaction guaranteed. RODDICK ct WAKE, House, Sign, Carriage and Decorative Painters. P. S.—Thanking all old customers for their favors during the past twenty years I have been in business I solicit a con- tinuance of the same and the patronage of the people generally for the new firm. W. RODDICIC. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never blisters. Read meal baled!: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE BDr. H. J. kesner,vsron r, L. L,10,71„ 300.16, NB. Gdnlbevlcn--1 bought a splendid bay horse some time ago with a Spay in. I gothim for WO. I used Kendall'e Spavin Cure. The aw l8 n is gone now and I have 08011 offered 5150 for the same holm. I only had him nine weeks, so I got 8120 for using 82 worth or KendalPs Spavin Cure. Yours truly, W. 8. MAneon e. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Dr. D. I. BeanLar. Co. Man., Dee, 36,180& f117—I have used your 1(endall't epavla Curo aids m be inocees for Cnrbe ori two horses and It Is the best Liniment I have aver used. Years truly, AuoneF1E01m0K. Prise per Bottle. Por sale by all Druggists, or address Lr. M. tr. ximpaZB COul..ame j 0Ne05600H VALL5, 06, - Saute Claus Will be represented with a' Pine, Now Stook of HOLIDAY GOODS AT THE POST ST BOOkStUrem A Big Stocking Full for a small Amount of Cash. Toys, Books, Albums,, Toilet Cages, Work Boxes, Writing, Desks and hundreds of the lat- est Novelties. See the goods before .you buy elsewhere. Post Bookstore, BRUSSELS. Grand Trunk If you want to Travel NORTH SOUTH EAST or WEST —TARE THE -••— Grand Trunk., For particulars apply to J. N. HENDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels, C l"L ET Our stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, and Groceries is now complete for the Fall Trade and we ask all to see our values in each line which will be found good. See our Dress Goods. See our new lines in Corsets. See our Ladies' Puritan Underwear. A Complete Range of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. -Readymade Suits and Overcoats. Hats and Caps. Gents' Furnishings. A CALL SOLICITED. A. STRACHAN. TIM = 4Bruzse1s Phmographer Is now prepared to take Photos. of every Description from the Small --4111111111111fts..-' Sunbeams to the LIFE SIZE PHOTO. We have just received, our NEW VIEW CAMERA which is doing splendid work. Views of Pic-nic Parties and Residences can be, taken on the shortest notice by applying, at the, Photo. Gallery. Step in and give us a Call. Always welcome at the old Reliable Photo. Studio in Stretton Block, over Standard Bank. H. R. BREWAR, Photographer. D. G. NOGG, FURNITURE DEALER, Is Showing in his New Premises, ,Opposite American Eotel, A Full Stock ofo All Kinds of tr T FOR ,Parlor, Dining Boom, Bed Itooiu or Kitchen. :Picture Framing attended to on short notice. Undertaking Ue artmentt A Full ' Supply of Funeral Requisites Al ways in Stock, y Special Attention given to Repairing. p g A CALL SOLICITED—a.-- D OLICITED. D, G, HOGG, Brussels.