HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-11-16, Page 8.4,e...ea+mfr
Have you seen our shop win-
dow this week ? Well you of n
have your choice of any of those
ninny pretty things for 10o,, and
some for only 5o,
It would be well to bear in
mind that we are headquarters
for Santa Claus, and remind flim
to select in advance. Another
week our window will contain
higher priced lines.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
900Tn11919 EXTENSION. W, O. & 11.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
nd South, as follows:
Goma 90n1E, GOING kionY r,
6:09 a.m. Mixed 9:46 a,m.
Express 11:59 a.m. Mail 5:18 p,01.
Mixed 0:00 Pm. Express 9:49 p,m.
ram' eivs
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it,
TEE Weblings are not coming to Brus-
sels as announced.
Snnlans and outters made their ap.
?azalea this week.
TEE Maitland river was frozen aver for
the first this Beason last Friday morning.
' TEE Sohool Board should look up the
pupils who hardly ever see the inside of
the publio school.
bushels of potatoes stored intie cellar
at the present. They will beshipped to
outside points.
Pommes thieves are still at work. One
of them purloined a turkey from the
front of the store of the J. Gould 0o. last
Saturday night. "
HoneE Rue. -The firet of a series of
Monthly Horse Fairs for thin season will
be held in Brussels on Thursday, Dec-
ember GUI. Mark down the date.
Wuroane Advanoe says : -An agitat ion
fel going on in Brussele to start a reading
room and gymnaainm fn connection with
the Mechanics' Insbitate. A good idea.,
IT is hinted that one or two persons
in this locality are suspected of doing.
considerable petty thieving and if suf.
Relent evidence can be obtained Goderioh
will be their address for the next six
W. A. EDeAn bae been engaged as
cheese maker of the Culloden factory
near Ingersoll, for next, season. Mr.
Edgar understands liis business thorough-
ly and has taken every opportunity to
post himself both at home and abroad.
A Dei ElaunER.—Next week, on account
of Thanksgiving day coming on Thursday,
Tun Pose will be published on Wednes
day evening and we would be greatly
pleased if all our correspondents would
note the change and send their correspon-
dence a day earlier than usual. We are
always glad to beer from you.
PnoTOGoir9So.—Mooday of this week
W. A, Martell and R. V. Stoot, . of Mont.
real, were in town taking photographic
views of the business places in Brussels,
said views to be used in a new Grand i
Trunk Directory in course of preparation.
It is said a sketch of the town will also
be given. It ie a new idea asfar as small c
plates are concerned.
Goma To Owee BOUND. -Dr. Cavanagh
has purohased the practice of Dentist
Bowes, of Owen Sound, and will remove t
to that town about Deo. let. His re- b
moval will necessitate a number of h
changes in the Methodist obureh and o
Sabbath school on account of the num-
erous offices he filled. His dental office p
in Brussels will not bo closed. a
DnNTAL Norros.—Dr. M. Cavanagh,
Dentist, wishes- to announce to his num-
erous patients that be is leaving Brussels
about Deo. 1st and will complete all work
at reduced rates op to that date. He
also wishes to notify all persona owing
him accounts to . call and settle before
that dote or they will' be handed into
other bands for' oollaction.
Penton Soorw: The Y. P. S. 0. E. of a
St. John's Church gave a social at the 1
residence of Geo. Rogers, Frederick street u
on Thursday evening of last weak and a t
mode enjoyable ulna Was: spent by all.
Games •of various kinds were played and
the following abort and epioyprogram was
listened' to with. keen interest by all
Solo, A. N. Large ; comic song, Wm.'
McCracken; mouth organ music, Wm.
Smithy comic song, T. A. Hawkins;
duett, Meagre. Large and Hawkins';
reading, G. F.Blnir; violin music, David
Smith ; comic song, T. A. Hawking.
The proceeds were about $9.00. The
Society is in a flourishing condition, we
are pleased to state, and gradually in-
creasing its membership and usefulness.
EVENINO 0/Assns.—The Committee ap-
pointed to enquire into the formation of
these classes reported to the Directors of
the Meohanioe' Institute, last Wedneeday
Butt the use of one of the department of
the Public school bad been obtained and
recommended that Principal Cameron be
the teaohor ; that the cines meet on Tues.
deg and Thursday evenings. The report
was adopted and Mr. Cameron and the
other members of the Committee will
meet all who desire to j 'in the close on
Saturday evening of this week at 8
Voted; in the Meohanioe' Inetitute Lib,
nary to arrange the necessary prelimin-
aries. $2.00 will admit each pupil for
the 25 lessons and also entitle him to a
year's membership to the Splendid K
library. If he attends 20 of the 25
leeeons he will receive bank 91.00 of the
entrance fee, Tide ie certainly a grand
opportunity of acquiring knowledge at a
verysmall out 0.
lay. About 20 named of
probable pupils have been Medved bat
the Committee would like to See tbie
doubled. The course embracer, writing,
arithmetic and bookkeeping, Don't foare
get Saturday enening at 8 o'clock. rn
11. L. Jaco,
Is Offering Bargains in
Musioal Instruments.
Mandolines, ” 6 00 to
Auto-llorpe, " a 00 '<
13low Accordeons, 65 "
Mouths Organs, 10 "
from $2 50 up,'
5 00 ",
4 00 '"
2 50 "
Xylophones, 0oarinae, Pifer, Violin bows,
Strings, Heys, Tail Pieper, Resin and
everything in the Mutipal Line
at the Closeet Prices.
Doo. 'MOORE'S well bred latter was
poisoned last week,
Amaze of Brusselites attended the
induction services of Rev. Mr, Anderson,
at Wroxeter, on Thureday of this week,
'Puseosr evening the interior of the
Masonic Lodge room, with the brethren
/present, was photographed. It is a rather
e noval idea.
Tan agrioultaral implement wareroom
of Messrs. Cardiff & Kirkby has been
changed from Thomas street bo the large
shop ab the bridge.
LAST Saturday a fine deer, the prop,
arty of Deputy -Reeve Dames, came to
Brussels from Muskoka per train and
adorned the front of A. Oarrie'a butoher
shop Inc several days. It was duly ad-
mired by all.
Norxoo.—Persons having books be.
longing to Brussels Mechanics' Institute
library are asked to return them at-onoe
so that they may be arranged for sending
out again on the receipt of the new books
ordered. Early attention is asked to
this notice.
SEonTEANn 0/Assns.—At the, request of
several young men in the village Rev. D.
Millar bas oousented to teach a class of
shorthand. Ladies and gentlemen de-
siring to join the ohms are asked to give
in their names as soon as possible to Geo.
Thomson, grocer.
Acamser.—The 10.month-old eon' of
Samuel Plum was seated in a high chair
Last Tuesday morning and in' attempting
to play with a dog overbalanced and fell
against the stove, causing a serious burn.
on his face near the eye. We hope the
little fellow will suffer no permanent in.
jury from the aooident:
HoWE vs. Rote , -In the case of
Howe vergae Ronald, an interpleader
suit for the possession of woolen goods,
machinery, &c., heard before Judge
McMahon, at Godericb, on Monday,
judgment was given for the defendant
who bas to dray the costs. The value of
the stock 10 dispute was about $560.
The case of Sample vs. Sample has been
referred to the Master in Chancery.
"0."^ Sodas,. On the evening of
Thanksgiving Day a "C." social will be
given in the Methodist charoh from 7 to
8 o'clock, after 'which the audience will
abeompany the pastor, Rev. Mr. Cobble-
dfak, oo a "Ramble. through Scotland,"
visiting points of 'interest an Glasgow,
Edinburgh and the Southern Highlands.
Choice readings and musical selections
will also be' given. - A collection of 10
cents and upwards will be taken at the
door and all are invited to' spend a
pleasant evening.
ENTERED INTO REST.—Early on Monday
morning the. spirit of John N. Knechtel
took its flight.': The deceased was born
n Hitchenhanseu, Bavaria, Germany,
nod along with,bis parents came to
Canada when 12 years of age. They lo-
oted in Waterloo Oountyand the acbjeot
of this notice learned the shoemaking at
Berlin and afterward the tanner's trade
at Stratford. He managed both of these
radee at Egmondville in later years
afore coming to Brussels in 1854. When
a reaohed Ainleyville there were two
tber residents here Wm. Ainley and
Thos. Halliday. From the former be
archasad the first village lot sold and
fterward the farm adjoining the town.
During his sojourn of 40 years here be
displayed. his energy in going into the
mercantile business and he also operated
a shoe shop, harness shop' and tannery.
Six years ago Mr. Kneohlel went to the
West, took up land and opened a
store at. Killarney, Manitoba, where he
spent 5 years. Miss Margaret McMichael,
of MoKillop, became his wife 48 years
go and aided her husband very material -
y io the prosperity whioh attended their
sited labors. 01 eleven ohildren born
en survive viz.:—Mrs. James Wilson, of
Ohesaning, Mich ; Daniel, of Chicago ;
Valentine and Mrs. Noble Oluff, of Sea.
forth i Abraham, of Leslie, Mote ; Robert,
of Ripley ; Mrs. (Rev.)' D. 21 eerie, of
Wingham ; James and William, 01 Brea.
sels, .and Thomas, now attending the
Normal school at Toroubo. The eldest
son died at 8 years of age. Mrs. D.
Stewart of this town was an adopted
daughter of deceased residing with them
until her marriage. Mr. Kneohtel was a
man of strong religions feelings and often
proclaimed the Truth, generally in tbs
German language, to. his Lutheran
brethren.. He was very conscientious and.
lived an upright,' honorable life. The
cause of his death was a degeneration of
the blood corpuscles, he being ill for
seven or eight months, but be wag oon-
eoioue to the lash and knew in whom ho
had believed. The homestead was sold
last Summer to 3. Shaw and the family
purposed removing to Seaforth this
Winter. All the members of the family
were in,attendanos at the funeral exoept-
ing We. Wilson and 8 remarkable and
noticeable feature was that hie seven sons
were pallbearers, Rev. J. Ross conduct.
ed the service on Wednesday afternoon.
Among those noticed from a diatanoo
were :--Rev. D. Port o, Wingham ; Jno,
neohtel and Mrs. Ste seeker, of Rostock,
Perth 'Co. ; J. McMichael and wife, of
Seaforth ; Jno. McMillan, M. P., Thos.
MolRillan, Thos, MoMiohael, and J.
Hawthorn and wife, all of Hulled town.
ship. Three brotbera survlee Mr,
Kuechtel. They are Valentine, of
Rostock ; Daniel, of Hanover, and Wm.
of Belmar+. Mrs, Kneohtel and family
eympathized with :in their bereave.
exit. ..
t •I4 t 1, Oofosrt Conapiilny 414
not visit Brussels this aviisis As their
'"lightning" ad0an66 agent Lined thein
for .Sluovaloonthe woe Auto and ati
B1eeeele' 6ngagetnent wee prier to Deng.
sale they Feed the strougsr •elahn,
W 7. klubi p Levo olo9ad a oontraat
far the management of Maitland Skating
end Carling Welk, A NNW �ot posts 50111
be pleated ou the South aide *f the, bnUd•.
ing to supped the reef, which wee solo"
what damaged by the wind storm last,
Summer. Afeesre. Sample intend put-;
ting it in shape at CUM so that Manna
can he had et as early a date au passible,.
REA0INO Rooci„-.Tile Directors of the
111eolianios' Inetitute are palling work at
the reading room, 'Itis book shelv4e
have been *banged, reading desks ar
ranged and the paper hanger and kal
,5ominer will attend. to the beautifying of
the walls and ceiling. Papers and
magazines have been ordered and the
room will soon be ready for the reception
of the public,
G. T. R. Tools, =Return tickets for
Tbankegiving will heisaued at ein4lefare.
They are good .on noon and evening
triune on Wedneadayto return on Friday
28rd inet,—Jno, Roddick, the veteran.
drover, shipped three deoke.of lambs
during the peat week to Buffalo,.—Salt is
moving at a lively rate„—Messrs. Beaker
& Vanetone shipped the first car Of dress-
ed hogs from Brussels on Wednesday...
Three oars of apples were sent East by
Harry Selly op Saturday.—A oar of oats
went to New Brunewiok this week ship-
ped by Meagre. Beaker & Vanetone.—
Toseph Clegg send a oar of porkers to, the
Eastern markets this week.
Onrosuny.—A resident of 21 years pass.
ed that bourne from whence no traveller
returns on Tuesday afternoon in the
Person of James Wilson, well known to
the people of this looality. Mr. Wilson
was born .in Roxboro'shire, Scotland, on
July 2Gtb, 1821, and served his appren-
ticeship to the house carpentering and
cabinet making. He came to Qenada in
1848 and took .n land in the township of
Waterloo where he farmed for a few years
then to Eden Mills, when he engaged in
sawmilling and afterward went into an
oatmeal mill. In 1868 deceased moved
to Stratford and' followed the grain buei.
fleas for A. L. Argo and for 2 yeare was
with Mr. Redford in the milling industry.
Mr. r. Wilson' beoame a resident of Brussels
in 1873 and for many years was grain
buyer for the Goldie firm of" Guelph at
Alliston, Gerrie and other plaoes and was
held in high esteem by hie employers.
The subject of this notice was twins
married. drat to Miss Elizabeth Ramsay,
of Erainess to>vuship, in 1847 who died
Maroh- 29th, 1869, aged 41 years. Five
children were born, John, of Parkdale ;
Robert, of Saint Paul ; Amite, deceased
William, of California, and David, of
Duluth. Mre,• Inman, of Stratford, wag
Mr. Wilson's second wife and proved
herself a true and faithful companion to
him. They had five children, four of
whom are living. Four years ago deoeas.
ed had a stroke of paralysis which in-
terfered ooueiderably with hie activity.
This was' followed by four other strokes,
something very seldom heard of, and is.
perhaps one of the beet evidenoes of Mr.
Wilson's splendid constitution. Three
weeks ago he was prostrated upon the
floor of the kitchen and from then to the
time. of bis deoease was unable' to speak.
He was a member of the Presbyterian
church for many years and was connected
with the Odd Fellows for upwards of 50
years. Deceased took an active ipteresb
in public affairs in his earlier years and
served. both on munioipal and school
boards rendering good gervice. He was
of a jovial disposition with a strong pref-
erence . for Scotch recitations and
readings whioh. he could render in
good style. A brotber (John Wilson,
of Howick, who was here during a good
portion of Mr. Wilson's late illness), and
sister (Mrs. Coutts, of Cross Hill), sur-
vive hfm. Mrs. Wilson and family are
deeply sympathized with. The funeral
took plaoe on Thursday afternoon and
was largely attended. Rev.' D. Millar
and Rev. S. Jones, in tbe`absence of Rev.
J. Ross, conducted the service. Western
Star Lodge members and visiting Odd.
fellows also attended.
Business Locals,
Dns stove wood for sale at MoOraok-
Enuniea greatly reduced in prices at H.
Dennis', Brussels.
R, LEAxnEanALE is prepared to take any
emountof goose feathers in,arade.
Fon sale, very cheap, set light double
harness, second hand. ,I, 0. Richards.
FOR horsy blankets and robes we have
the beet value in town. I. 0. Richards,
Limon stook of£ Horse Blankets and
Robes at low prioes at H. Dennis', Bros -
Omens cheaper than ever at Leather -
dale's. Get prices and come and see for
H. R. Benefice has a lot' of elegant
picture frames whioh he is prepared to
sell obeyp.
Hun Wmrrsoe is prepared to do caw
filing and Betting at the livery' barn.
Sabiefaation guaranteed to every customer.
Bo enema.—Accommodation for two
boarders at a private home. Reasonable
rates.. Apply at Tete POST :Publishing
Ie. you want anything in the furniture
line now is the time to buy. I have
bought right and I can sell right. Be
Age person purchasing 1 doz. cabinet
photos. will receive free a life size port.
reit of same, finished' in crayon, India
ink or bromide. H. R, Brewer.
H. R. BREWER does nothing but first-
class work. Give him a call. Gallery,
open every Saturday evening for the
accommodation of customers and visitors.
Kworrnio.--Mary H. Howe, of the firm
of Howe & Oo., is prepared to take in
knitting, or knit to order, gooks, stockings,
cardigan jeokete, &a. Will exchange
goods for wool. Store, one door South
of the Woollen mill, Brussels. Give us a
All kinde of saws cleaned, gummed,
hammered, jointed, set, filed and oiled
at the East end of Queen St., by caw
filer, T. McGregor, Brunelle. Sawe
may be Left and arrangements
made at MoKay & Co's, hardware store,
Breseeis Ont,
F. S. SCOTT will conduct any sale of
Farm stock as auctioneer during the
months of Ootober and November for
$5.00. Knowing the etanding of nearly
every one be is in a position to sell to
good marks, and guarantees satistaotion,
He Will also see that your notes are
promptly drawn and signal. Wee can
be arranged at Tian Pose, Publishing
Hones, Brocade.
t�.fi.� X
Toy, 16, 18941
B4X4' O., I° (4,IY 4D✓,1.'
' ea,'ie4'+a' Ti4/r'r311fi7.ro :1,50711.
ASSATia, (Seven Million Dollars)
CAPITAL (Antliorizo4)
Apanafesla alb prfatotpal yafnts tai Onlorfo, Queboo,Afanfeaba, Unete4
s,ca.B aplaifa,
A General Banking Busineee Transacted. Trarmors' Notes D10oennted.
Drafts Ismail and Colieotions made an all polete.
Interest allowed on deposits of 21.00 and upwards' from dot of deposit to date of
wibidrawel and oompeunded Leif yearly,
091001011 Amens ION GIVEN eo '91111 COLLECTION OF Femmes' SALE NOTES,
Every facility afferded Customers living at diotanoo.
GILL1ii rind. {J(j ST , •ilii d d.V iii EMS,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain,
erwess Beare DEPaffilail
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Bates. :Interest Com-
ponnded"rwice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at tbo and of the Months of
October and April, Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We effect to write Insurance In old: English or Canadian Conxpanies, or in mut-
met Companies as may be 'loslred.
,••••••eom wee,
WELI•Draoneo AND Dereergo.—George
Birt has all the neoeseary machinery for 1
digging and drilling wells a'nd is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out .and put in earner
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
emend door north of the bridge, west
side of Tnrnberry st., Brugge's. 84.91
Sidney W. Lobb, formerly of Toronto,
charged at New Westminster, B. 0„ with
shooting his wife, has been aognibbed.
A postponement of the trial of the
West Algoma election petition has been
prented, but the date bee not been fixed,
The original date of the trial wasNovem-
bar 20th.
The Boston School Board has under.
taken to superintend the luncheon as.
partmenb of High Soboole, so that proper
food may take the 'place of the 'bake-
house stuff," as it is called, viz., pier and
cakes, with a large addition of pioklee.
The main object of the movement is to
abolish the pickle industry, whioh is
thought to be at variance from true hy-
gienic principles as applicable to pupils.
On the re -organization of the Board of
Education for the oounty of Kent, an im-
portant resolution was passed to the
effect "that the Board do not' in future
renew or extend any professional third.
class certificate not originally granted by
this County Board." The object of this
resolutionis to afford better opportuni-
ties to the eons and daughters of the rate-
payers of the county who are profession-
ally qualified to obtain employment in
the schools of the county as teachers, and
else to retain as far as possible the over-
sight of the professional traininginmdel
school of those who shall be put in charge
of our public imbeds.
eeMsM7 '
HoDuae In Grey, on November 12th,
the wife of Mr. David H. Holmes of
a daughter.
MoKzoseore—At 426 Elgin Avenue, Win-
nipeg, Man., on Nov. llth, the wife
of Mr. P. D. McKinnon of a daugh-
WItsobi.-In Brussels, on November 18th,
James GVilson, aged 78. years.
KivEOETEL.—In Brussels, on Monday,
November 12th, John N. Knenbtel,
aged 72 years.
MoNexen.—In Molesworth, on Nov. 5th,
Mary Ann McNeish, aged 62 years, 2
months and 8 days.
Wi cop. In San Diego, Cal., on the 5th
inst., Charles Wileon, son-in-law of
Wm, Bunn, Atwood, aged 30 years.
Fall Wheat 47
Spring Wheat 47
Barley ' 35
Peas......... . 48
Oats 25
Butter, tube and rolls.... 15
Eggs per dozen 13
Floor per barrel 8 00
Potatoes ... 35
Hay per ton. .. 7 00
Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 00
Hides trimmed 8
Hides rough 2
Sheep skins, eaoh20'
Lamb skins eaoh 15
Apples per bbl, . 1 60
Hogs, Live 4 00
Hogg, Dressed 5 25
3 50
1 75
4 10
5 50
MoNT DEAL, Nov. 18.—There are no new
featuree in the live stook export trade to
note. Cable advisee from London to -day
were weaker, and noted a decline of fully
7So per 1b. ei nee last Monday, owing to
heavy supplies and a weak demand, The
season is feat drawing to a close, and the
indications are at present that it is going to
wind up bad and unprofitable to elrfp ere..
On the other band the returns for cheep
have been eatisfactory, that is to say for
those that have gone over and not been
detained with the scab disease, but
those that have lost money for the ship-
pore. The markets on spot for export
cattle were very quiet to -day and out-
side of a f ow sales of sheep little
business wee done, The bulk of the
cattle offered here consisted of North
westerns, which were not of good quality.'
Chdice Steers and heifers were scarce, and
wanted. The ocean frieghb market
during the past week bas been e,otiVe and
stronger, and the space for the balance of
this Season has been engaged at the
following rates :—Liverpool, rattle, 45S to
508 ; cheep, 45e ; London and Glasgow,
cattle, -45c; sheep, 50o, and Bristol,
cattle, 40a ; sheep, 500.
EAsT BunmAno, Nov. 14.—Cattle-Rs-
oeipts 12Q head on sale, market dull and
weaker; sales, oaurse 12,00 Ib, steers,
93.75 ; Mate stook, bhils 91.50 to $1,75';
Indiana feeders, 83.15.—Hogs—Receipts
6,750 bead on sale ; market opened dull
and lower for light grades, others steady.
Sales, Yorkers, 94.65 to, $4.70, mostly
$4.70 ; good mixed, slow, 84.70 ho $4.75;
mediums, 94,75 to $4.80 ; choice $2.50
lbe.'$4.81i.—Pigs—Light demand, $4.60 to
$4.70 ; roughs, 88.90 to 94.25 ; stags,
$8.25 to $3.85. -Sheep and lambs—Re-
oeipts, 78,000 head ; aide, inolnding 40.
oars held over ; market stronger for
choice Iambs ; dull for others ; sales,
choice to extra native lambs, 98,5 bo 34
fair to good, $8. 15 to $3,50 ; culls .and
oommon, $2 to 93 ; sheep, steady, good
mixed. 92.76 to 98.10 ; fair $2.25 to 32..
60 ; culls and common, $ l to $2 ; Canada
lambs, $3.85 to $4. Sheep and lambs
oloeed steady for good grades, but dull
and unchanged for others, wick bulk of
the offerings sold. . Late sales of choice
Canada lambs at 94. 10 to $4.15.
kP Batter Preparation than Dead -
man's cough Balm. Recent changes have
greatly improved this valuable remedy.
Prepared only and for sale by
G. A. DRADMAN, Druggist, &o,
kJ mans of the undersigned, lot 16, oon.7,
Grey, on or about Nov. 5th, a largo Berkshire
sow, heavywitk pig. Any information lead.
ing to her recovery will be thankfullyre-
18.2 Ethel P. 0. •`
Sale or to rent, being the property
North of the railway, belonging to James
Smart, - For partisnlaxe as to price and
terms, apply to WM. AINLER,
10.1.1 Ament'e Faatory,Braseels.
32,80, drawn in favor of the under-
signed and falling due on Dec. 1st, 1891,was
1 est on Oot,27th. The note ie not negotiable
es payment has been stopped.
16.4. .Cranbrook,
'ED on the premises of the undersigned,
Lot 28, Con. 8, Grey, on or about the last of
July, 5 ewes and 3 lambs. The owner is re-
quested to prove property,pay expenses
and take them away,
15.4' Ethel, P.O.
Isms ' of the undersigned lot 18, coin 10,
Gra y, on or about Oot, let, 2 steers, red in
col or, one lighter than the other, rising 2
y oars old, The owner is requested to prove
property, pay expenses and take them
away. 70HN BROWN,
18.4 Proprietor
1 Bale,—The underelgnedoffers for sale
his Abel Engine. and Separator, both in
good working order, He will also dispose of
hie shingle mill, Reason for selling, ill
health. A bargain will be given. For
farther pnrtioulars as to price, terms, &e.,
apply to RICHARD mironsLL,
5•tf Lot 15, Con. 0, Grey, or Cranbrook P 0
'vnRer000n has several good Farms f or
Bale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
ofliforrie and Grey. F 8, SCOTT,13ruesels,
L bEne0ONED oilers his splendid 200 acre.
farm, being Dote 17 and 18, Con. e, Grey, for'
sale, about 130 acres cleared, balance ,vood-
.ed, Good brink house, bank barn, orchard,
&o. Well watered and fenced. For price,
berms, &o., apply to
A. fi, WELSH, Proprietor,
02.0f Ethos P. o.
RENT,—The undersigned oHere hie 180
sore f arm, being Lote 12and W t 18, Con. 5,
Gray, for Bale, On the premises le a nom-
fortabl° brlok house, new hank bars, good.
orchard, welle,fenaee, &o. 150 nares cleared,
balance bush. A bargain will be given. If
not sold the farm will be rented for a terns
of years.: For further particulars 50 to price,
terms, &0., apply to
ROBT. Molil0E, PropDolebor,
11-8 Gorrie,l?; 0.,
or to JAmns A. FRAl1,1'lrus5els.
DEnexsaIDD offers bin 100 acre 0a1102
being Lob 17, Con. 9, Grey, for sato. 75 acres
cleared balance part hardwood and swamp.
Frame house bank barn, young orchard,
ggood *elle and other necessaries, Swamp is
ditched. 11/.t miles from Cranbrook village,
and 4 miles from Brunelle. P055505ion given
in a month after sale. Pali plowing done
and nearly 8 acres of Fall wheat in. Half
the money could stand for 10 years. at 5. per
cent. For Author partienlara apply ou the
promisee or address, Cranbrook 1' 0,
15-tf . Proprleter,
lilac - 051110 i9
13asobaltl olt,of.
Sight ;
New .G0400 at
1'' en's,
Arriving. day and
AT 300. GE 990.
and Beautiful Celluloid, $1,50.
We also have a fine 350sor4mellt of
Games, Toy Books, Dolls, -'.Cin Toys and
in fact everything to make the little folks
happy, 90 tomo along and me them,
Fox's Drug Stare,
Orr'oox'rs QUEEN'S 'IIO'1'NL.
• solicitor and Odnyeyanoer, pollee- •
tions made, Ofiloe-Vaustoae'e Moak, Erie- ,
sole. 21-8m"
Solicitor. elonveyancor,Nobarypub-
lice &o, . Oblee—Vaustone's I Block, 1 door
aorto of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
Loan. -
semenor, &o, (late 01 Garrow&
Proudfoo is Offi G d
oa,' o erih
o ,) Ofiiop - over
Gillies & Smith'aBank, 8ruaeole.
Money to Loan. 47
Graduate, of the Royal College of Dental-'
Surgeons, Ontario. and of Toronto uni-
versityOrvron—Over A, R. Smith's Store,
Bruseeis will visit Wroseter:-.the 1st and"
erd Mondays and alybh the 204 and 4th
Wednesdays of each month. •
Sopor Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal College' Dental Surgeons.
Crown and Bridgework a specialtyY Moder-
ate Fees. Satisfaction Assured. . Office over
Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry: St., Brus-
• Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals. In a -nom
petent manner. Particular attention ,paid
to veterinary dentistry Calla promptly at-
tended to. 0/Bee and Infirmary Four doors
north of bridge rurubany .et., Brussels.'
1VI. H. MOORRE, V. 8-,
S.19•,9', -M. S, .Graduate Of the
Ontario Veterinary College. . Diseases ofall
domesticated animate treated on scientific
principles. Rom dentistry and diseases of
horned cattle a specialty. .. Calls promptly
attended to, Office, over Johnston &'pooh-
rane's marble works, Infirmary at Beattie's
livery barn, Brussels, Ont. - 26..'
• 0.M., L. R.O.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P.
S..Qnt.. Residence and office in Wilson's
Block, Corner of Mill aridTurnberry Ste.
V •. Physician, Surgeon Qoconchor, ate.
Graduate of Toronto. 'University. Medical
Faculty. Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Ont. OFFICE—Nora door to
McDonald & Oo„ Walton Out. ,
• Auctioneer, 1s always ready to at
tend sales of farms, farm stook, &a. .Terme
cheerfully given. Cranbrook P. O. Sales
may be arranged. at True ublish
Rouse, Brussels. ,
kA Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
Orlon reasonableOrders
terms. Farms and farm
s specialty. Ordders !orient THE Poon
P. 0., will
e,Brues t a, or sent to Walton .
P.O., will receive prompt attention,
sE as an Auctioneer, l: am prepared
to conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable
prices. Snowing the standing ofnearly
every person I -am in a position to sell to
good marks Midget good security when sold
onoredit, Satisfaction guaranteed.. Give
mea call.: 82- F S, SCOTT.
• IseurerofMarriageLioenses, °Moe
at his Grocery, Turnberry street. Brussels.
• Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Nett door.
south of A. M, Molloy & Co's 'hardware store.
Ladies' and ehilda'ene hair cuttinga epeoialty..
e7/a49010 00. 1Ietabliehed 1840, In-
euranoes effected on all ToWn and Farm
Property at very low rates, •
d. A, omuici To17,
10 -em Agent, Brussels.
,Clerk of theourt-
F h
Division CourtCa, Huron, nnnoore Notary PublicLand Loan and 9oeuo Astute Funds
and to loan, Co, made
Teacher of instrumental , music on
Piano or Organ. will visit Wingham Tues-.
day and Wedneeday'01 eaoh ;week. Rosi.
donee on Prinoeae Street, Brussels,
A. liAwRnisi M. O, S.
T • Organist in St, Johne Church
Bras -
eels, and r, pupil, in too Art50e 61 York, i in of 0A.
w,�`ns to pup lPoe., t err York; loco gan,
et 00 a to *ever A. It, Ot plano re organ,
at his parlor aver A. o leon.'a store, Br d -
bola. Yooalleasona also given, Terms mod.