HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-11-16, Page 67'11$ ,311 Q ' Nov, 1o, x.894 .-...18 1 vBLISAED• - EMERY PBIDAX 11201;N'ING, tin time fomite early mails) at F1'T'liio fest" Stenin 1401/1isll'Ing UolisQe Tornissnax ST,; Isnvssaf,a, CNF, Tomo or 8'an0cu0e1;oa.—Ills dollar and a halls, Ybear, in advance. Who eats towblob very au ieription is paid is denoted by tile ate au the addreee label, AnWin4200040 RATES —The following rates will be obarged to those who advertise b1 the year :_- seAOE.. I Ta, 8.nie, 13 ACO One Column 800.00 884.00 520.00 Ralf ". 4 se.00 20,00 12.00 l0ig] Quarter " ....... I 1z 00 1800p0 ( 5..00 Right went ever line for ANA insertion, and three oents per line for ouch enb0e0uent hi. section, 9.1advert ssments measured as Nonpareil -12 lines to the incl;. Sadness Carus, eight lines and under, 05 per annum. Advertisements 'without 8poobdo dims - Roes, will bo inserted until forbid, and (Merged a000rdingly Instructions to change or discontinue an advertisement muet he left at the counting room 01THEPon not later than d'nesday of each week• Tale 10 imperative. W. aa. ;4Er „ Miter end Proprietor. CAPTURED) 13Y '.l'HL JAM TEE SAPS (Annan TAL2E1•WJN. London, November 9,—The Pall Mall Gazette prints a despatch to•day saying the Japanese forces have captured Talien- Wan. The Chinese fleet is as Wei•Hai• Wei, and the Russian fleet at Che -Foe. T1115 ORINESE 1320005 DESERTING, London, Nov. 9.—A despatch from Che.Foo, dated Nov. 6, reports that hun• areas of Chinese are arriving there from Manoburia, who are fleeing, frightened at the approach of the Japanese. The Chi- nese troops, and such of the Chinese fleet as are not pooped up at PortA.rthur,have been ordered to attack the Japanese wherever they meet them. It is reported that Port Arthur is still invested by the Japanese, and that two of the forts there have been Captured by them. TheChinese soldiers are deserting from New Chwang, fearing an athaok by the Japanese. THE RECENT NAVAL EATTLES• New York, Nov. 8.—A special from San Francisco to the Tribune says :—An American naval officer writing from Tokio to San Francisco gives' new facts in regard to the recent naval battles in the Orient. I was at Magaski when the two Japanese war vessels that had been given the worst of the Chinese fire in the Yalu battle arrived, They were the Akagi-13an and the Hiyre•Il:an. They were badly used up vessels above the decks. Their railing and stacks were cut up, but it was noticeable that their halls were practically intact. From a Japan. ese officer I learned the cause. The Chi• nese, he said, approached them for battle in two columns, with all their eights set for 4,000 metres. This was right for that range, but when the Japanese closed in the Chinese committed the serious error of neglecting to lower their sight bars, so the majority of the shots went high at short range and damaged the rigging only. The 5apanese cruisers found themselves more than equal to the two a this `nese battle sh1From bigChi P same officer I learned that the great fault with the Japanese taotice and the real reason why they have not by this time reduced China to submission, is their indisposition to follow up the advantages they have obtained. They are too dis- creet. They seem to overlook the fact that although Crippled themselves, the Chinese are worse off than they, and could not afford to continue to give battle. There have beeo ore or two oceaelons of this kind since the beginning of hostili- ties, when they could have delivered a final and crushing blow bad they follow• ed up their advantages. farm the old Daan Sprigging Worked 00 bard to pay fist,' 04 Go04nes0 graolous 1' "41 'Goodneee graoioue 1' 'Wile did 2t 42'I gay geodnese graoioae 1' "' Tee, I'fusee 00, An' Jitn'e two Children has gene °late crazy 'beat it, art' the 're talkie' 'bout eondire ,'ern to ttre'Y UM. n't tell me 2' "'How 2' "'Yon don't tell me 1' "'I haven't bested, but there's been talk that Jin thought a good deal of the wldder 'fore hie first wife died, an, abet maybe he pizened her.' "'Mercy 1 He ought to be hong P "'Row 2' "'They ought to bang him, 1' "'Well,' says the old lady, kind e' obuoklin' knowin' like to berself—'well,' says she, '11 he marries the widder Sprig. gins he'll wish they had." THE CURIOSITY SHOP. In Great Britain women vote for all eleotive officers except members of parlia• mont. In Franoe the women teaobere slept women members on .all boards of edema. tion. In Sweden women vote for all eleotive rams excopt representatives ; also in. direotly for members of the house of lords. In Norway they have school suffrage. In Ireland the women vote for the har- bor boards, poor law guardians, and in Belfast for all elective officers. In Tinsels, women householders vote for all elective oMcers and on all looal matters. In Finland they vote dor all eleotive ofliears. In Austria•Hungary they vote, by proxy, for all eleotive officers. In Croatia and Dalmatia they have the privilege to do eo in local eleotions in person. In Italy widows vote for members of parliament. In the Madras presidency and the Bombay presidency, Hindustan, the women exercise the right of suffrage in all manioipalitiee. In all the countries of Rnssian Asia they can do so whenever a Russian Colony settles. The Russians aro: colonizing the whole of their vast possessions and carry- ing arry ing with them everywhere the "mir," or self governing village, wherein women who are heads of households are permit- ted to vote. Women have municipal suffrage in New Zealand. Iceland, in the North Atlantic, the isle of Man (between England and Ireland), and Pitcarian •Island, in the south Pacific, have full woman suffrage. In the Dominion of Canada women have municipal suffrage In every provinoe and also in the Northwest Territories. In Ontario they vote for all eleotive officers except in the election of members of the legislature and parliament. In the United States 28 states and territories have given women some form of suffrage, according to Political Progress, the source of these statements. FIGS AND THISTLES. 1tr. Multy's Story. "Speakin' of stories gettin' started," remarked old Mr. Molly, as be rear- ranged the piles of brown wrapping paper into a more comfortable Cushion on the top of the nail -keg "it does beat all. It come mighty nigh goin' hard with of Jim Jahoehin once on account of a story growin' a little." "Tell us about it," said the yqung new clerk, to whom most of the corner -store stories were as yet new. "Well yon see," began Mr. Malty, "old Dakin Swaller came hone to dinner one day, an' he happens to say to Mrs. Swallers, "I met young Slimmers today and he said that be heard that Jim John• shin was thfnkin of buyin the widder Spriggins' place." "Jas as soon as the dekin had gone down town again Mts. Swaller puts her shawl oa an' steps savour to Anastashy Soper's an' says : "What do you sup- pose I heered this roomier" 2 Jim John. shin bee bought the widder Spriggins' place. I tvonder if he's goin' to take the widder along with the reet of the prop'ty ? 'Jas's like as not,' says Anastashy ; 'an' his wife not dead sir months yet P "Soon as Mrs. Swaller'd gone, An. astashy skipped over to of Mrs. Grumpy. She had to talk loud to the of lady, 0C. count of her deafness, au' even then Mrs. Grumpy didn't catch quite all she said and had to guess some. "Anastashy says : "Have you heard the news 2 .rim Johnshin's goin' to marry the widder Spriggins for her prop'ty." flow 2" "Jim Johnshin's 00111' to marry the widder Spriggins for her prop'ty." "No 1 Ie'e 2" "That's what they say. I Niles beard he thought a good deal of the widder 'fore his first wife died." "Yes that's so. What they goin to do with Jim's two children 9' "I don't believe the widder'il have 'em 'round. They'll prob'ly have to send 'em to an orphan. asylum. " 'How 2, " Orphan asylum l'—An' Anastashy she happened to think she'd left three Mee in the oven, an' she skipped bulk home. 'fore the (Ad lady Could half gib the thing straight, She had the roomatics sobad aheuouldu't gib out. to, carry the news along, tad she wag on nebtloa till young Mee. Fred Gadabout came in an' then she says, alt of a tremor, 'Dbd you hear the news 2 Jim Johnein'e goin to marry the widder Spriggins 00 get the arrt0411.0 n ewe. 50, Theme boasts of a population of 10,8118, , Calk is again cogitating for a howernge system. The solitary prison at "Kingston Pen- itentiary was opened last week, 8t4Williano'E, i ort'is, a eountaab, of Hamilton, bee been arra0t4il on a Charge of foriery, W, N. Anderson has been appointed Assistant Provinetal Treasurer, in sun• cession to D, E, Cameron. Notice is given by the Toronto, Dam, Mon d Niagara Palis Electric Railway Company of its proposed application for a eberter. Sir Adolphe Caron ordered the sue - pension of all the victoria B. C„ post. office strikers and the employment of new men to take their plows. Owen McCann, who robbed Daniel NU - Cummings U- Cummings at. Essex, was tried before Judge Horne, at Sandwich, and Centeno - ed to three yours in the Kingston Peni- teptiary. HEART DISEASE Reurevan IN 30 AMIN- uoss,—All oases of organio or sympathetic heart disease relieved bn 80 minutes and quiokly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose oonvinees. Sold by G. A. Deadman. The Patrons of Centre Wellington have nominated W. L. Gordon, of Pilkington, for the Commons. There are now three oandidates in the field for that riding— Mr. Semple, Liberal, and Dr. Groves, Modarthyite. The demand for Ayer's/ Hair Vigor in stroll widely separated regions as. South America, Spain, Australia and India has kept pace with the home consumption, which goes to ebow that these people know a good thing tvhee they try it. One of the largest loans ever made on property in Toronto has just been negotiated. The amount of the loan is $200,000 on a ahoioe pieoe of property at 4i per cent per annum. Other 'crane have lately been made there at 5 per Dent. W. P. Prewar, undertaker of Bowman- ville, went to England for his health. Recently he sent an order bo his foreman to bring over a coffin and embalming material., and the odd shipment left Montreal on the Vancouver on Saturday, You may eat cheap food and not be seriously hurt by it; but you Cannot take Cheap medicines without positive injury. If you use any substitute for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, you do so at the peril of your health, and perhaps of your life. Insist on having Ayer's, and no other. Sandford Fleming was in Winnipeg Monday on his return from Honolulu, where he has been working in the interest of the proposed Pacific cable. To a reporter Mr. Fleming said :-"I have no doubt we will be able to float the project on the market, and before long it will be an established fact." RIIEnd1ATl0Da CURED IN A DAY.—South Amerioan Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically aures in 1 to`3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. 10 re- moves at mine the Cause and the, disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 oents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Peter Boyer, employed by James Pat. terson on a farm near Boiseevain, was accidentally shot dead while plough- ing. He was Carrying a gun on the plow, and the lines becoming entangled, dis- charged the gun. Deceased came from Stayner, Simcoe Ce„ Ont. meetingof the Executive Com - Ata mitteeof theHaltonReform Associat- ion held a short time ago a deputstiou was appointed to wait upon John Wal. die to get his consent to allow hie name to be placed before the convention, that is to be called' to nominate a candidate for tho next Commove. The deputa- tion waited on 11ir. Waldie on Tuesday of last week. His answer wall not be made public until the Exeoutive Com- mittee meets again. A Booty To HonsEaoEN.—One bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it acts with myeterioae promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, sweeny, stifles and sprains. GEo. Ilona, farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by G. A. Deadman. On Thursday night a raid was made on several farmers in the Northern part of Malden township and a number of fowls taken. From Andrew Robidoux, 25geeee and 11 turkeys were taken, from Mrs. Simon Deelippe 14 geese, /ram Eli Deslippe 3 turkeys, from Adolphe Des- lippe 3 turkeys, from Andrew Thompson 9 turkeys and from Maurice Grondin 10 geese. The next morning some of the farmers followed foot braoks as far as Windsor, when they found that some Polaofra had crossed bbe river to Detroit half au hour before the farmers reached Windsor. RELIEF no SIX HOons.—Distressing kid. ney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Hidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, bank and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and pure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. Some two Cr three years ago W. H. Goodeve (au old Guelph boy) suspected that his mousy drawer was being tam- pered with. He finally set a trap and caught the thief red handed. Lately he again became suspicious and hod a one dollar bill put in the till. In the morn- ing the bill was gone W. H. ab once set to work and had the drawers moved, and about sixteen feet from hie till he found a mouse's neat containing about half a pail of paper and five ono dollar bills and one five chewed up into about 1,000 pieces, he Bays. The mousy was prob. ably a deeoendanb of the thief of three years ago.—Hanover Post. The ex•Mayor of 'Listowel has dia. Carded all others.—He writes :—"I • have for yours been a sufferer from bilious headache and neuralgia, and have tried many kinds of medioine, some with very fair results, but atter trying Stark's Powders for headache, biliousness, neu- ralgia, sickness of the stomach and liver, I have dltcarded all other remedies for over a year. I found Stark's Powders gave me matantaneousrelief. L. Brink- er, ex•Mayor, hardware merchant." Each one of Stark's Powdo,a contain two preparations, and aro nice, immediate, and permanent. Sold by all druggists at 25 cents a box. Love always weeps when it has to whip. Birds with bright plumage are seldom fat, Love never bestows a burden that is heavy. We are fearing God when we fear to do wrong. Faith in Christ Changes the coffin into a chariot. To believe the devil is to loso•the peace of Christ. In the true fold of Christ there are no black sheep. One symptom of backsliding is a lack of thankfulness. Religion pure and undefiled never works by the month. Law wears iron shoes, and don't care where it eteps. There are no real strong people in this world but good people. The truth we hate the most is the broth that bits us the hardest. The more polish you put on a mean man the better the devil is suited. Growth in grace is never promoted by watching for faults in others. The road to heaven seems to become steeper every time we look back. When you can't find anything else to do for God try to make a child happy. To love au enemy is the most Impor- tant service a Christian can render Christ. People who make orooked paths mover get in earnest about following Christ. The sine that pay their rent promptly are the last ones we want to give up. The closer the compdtibion, the more God is needed for a business partner. When unselfish love is asking for a place in your heart, God is knocking at the door. The only thing a Christian can do for an enemy that a worldling cannot do, is to love him. Every time a had man throws mud at a good man he hits himself in the face. It takes more courage to endure than it does to aot. A lie is often told without saying a word, by putting the rotten apples in the bottom of the basket. You can generally tell what a man thinks of God by the way lie talks about his neighbors. If you let the devil go home to dinner with you,, you will have to take him for a regular boarder. The man who has o'1 the whole armor of God never erpreeses auy doubt as to the reality of the devil. One trouble with the church is that there are too many babes in it from five to six feet high. DINE '1'0 uta. ,1. Any .Amount of Money to Loan. an arm or Village Pro.. party a't 6 f' iy per Gent., Yearly. StraightLoans with privilege of repaying when required.. Apply A. Hunter, Division Cowl Clerk, Brussels. 0 F 6 pa to Rev. Ivir. Moody has been invited to speak in Elumilton. Embro school board bad over 150 ap- plioants for the position of teaoher. Mayor Hay hes an order for his Wood- etook factory for parts of 5000 baby oar- riagee. Sheriff Forgotten, of iiingston, is 91 years of age, and Bays be feels as well all he did 20 years ago. William Lemon, warden of Grey county, died as Wednesday night at hie residence in Sydenham township. Mrs. Goo. Dale, of Waterford, plotted an apple from a North. era Spy tree whish weigh- ed 12d'pounds..v J0.eph Moodie, a prominent resident of North hlmeley, while assisting his son in the bush, was struck by a falling tree and killed on Wednesday, Iiammerly, a well-known business man of Hillsboro, Ya., sends this testimony to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla: Several years ago, I hurt my leg, the injury leaving a sorewllichled to erysipelas. My Sufferings were extreme, my leg, from the knee to the ankle, being a solid sore, which began to ex- tend to other parts of the body. Atter trying various remedies, I began takingAyer's Sarsaparilla, u002(5 I and, great rlief; the second bottle effected complete cure.'+ Ayer's Sarsaparilla "ropered by Dr. J.O. Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mass. -es others,wlll cure you t�) 'lq, KENDALL'S. SPAVIN CURE zuz THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain 1¢Rt4ead proofeffects s below: blisters. I'�ENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Bnuaroner, L. L, N.Y., Jan. 16,1894. Dr. B. J.. 8senwl. Co. Gentlemen—I bought a splendid bay horse some time ago with a Spavin. I gotblm for $80. I used Rendall% spavin Cure. Tho S ,vin 15 gone now and I Sava beau shared 8160 1ort05 same burse. I only bad him nine weeks, so I got 512000F using 132 worth or Kendall'e spavin Ours. Yours truly, W. 8. Rosters. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Snanair, Mian„ Dec. 181,1899. Dr. D. J. 30esDALG Co. sire—I have used your 8endall'9 Spavin Cure .0111 good success for clubs on two horses and it Is the test Linri�1t1 I paearvoAottlesl`yVcvx FnansmCit. Per Sale by 011Drugg1505, or address Dr. ,Ii..?. JCE2V224LL 00111P4240Z I 2505e5505 FALLS, ST. .00IPLETE!.. Our stook of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, and Groceries is now complete for the I'a11 Trade and we ask all to see our values in each lino which will be found good. See our Dress Goods. See our new lines in Corsets. See our Ladies' Puritan Underwear. A Complete Range of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. Readymade Suits and Overcoats. Hats and Caps. Gents' Furnishings. A CALL SOLICITED: A. STR.ACHAN. BooTs & SHOES. OUR FALL STOCK of Boots and Shoes is to hand and is. First-class in every particular, LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDREN ARE YOU GOING TO Paint Tour I cUse OR I)0 ANY Papering this Spring ? If so, now is the time to consult us. The LARGEST, CHEAPEST and BEST as- sorted stook in tho County, to hand comprising the following :— BIRGE ta SONS CELEBRATED PROCESS, GILTS BRONZES, SINTILARE, AND IN- GRAINS, with gorgeous 1roizes and ceil- ings to match. Also the Handsomest stook of window shades ever shown in the County, Nothing hub the purest Leads and Oils that can be found in the market used in n11 our Work. Farmers and others hav- ing old riga bo paint come and see us at once. Satisfaction guaranteed. RODIDICK & WAKE, Can be suited to a Nicety and at Prices to suit the pocket of every pur- chaser. Special Bargains in Long Boots. Our Custom, Work never fails to give scrtisfac- tion, both for wear and fit. Rips Sewed Free of Charge. Repairing Promptly Attended to. Rouse, Sign, Carriage and Decorative Painters. P. S.—Thanking all old customers for their favors during the past twenty years I have been in business I solicit a con. tinnance of the 501110 and the patronage of the people generally for the new firm, W..1'iOD.DICIi. OWNING, ;BRUSSELS. IR 1E 4BrUSSelS Pliolograplier Is now prepared to take Photos. of every Description from the Small Sunbeams to the LIFE SIZE PHOTO. We have just received our NEW VIEW CAMERA - which is doing splendid work. Views of Pic -nim Parties and Residences can be' �;. taken on the shortest notice by applying at the; Photo. Gallery. Step in and give us a Call. Always welcome at the old Reliable Photo. Studio in Stretton Block, over Standard Bank. H. R. BREWAR, Photographer. D. mn th Ole 1110 55 ofi Int bth le b et 1 eepi all n' ct ask lace here ho elo e ca wo ubje ha asil wee peat ret he utt: Th ow TOO MOS his s th res f ive th, haul our. with stay befor Nein it ha. the d the u of b grout be. is du and BO TO four dow mon is pr mots milk well in pe is to but be as The ed w in th to a pai4 If pail i Dove] until with ing 1 pail i is co shirt and cut of th to spri with Balt with is pr and that in j this The the• is at P in Ino s bee cats the and deb mil eau but arty os tin if be FURNITURE DEALER, Is Showing in his New Premises, -. Opposite American Hotel, AFull Stock of i" 't ` h All Kinds of UJ xJ FOR Parlor, Dining* Room, Bed Room or Kitchen. Picture Framing attended to on short lvotioe. Undertaking Department, A. Full Supply of Funeral Requisites Always in Stock. Special Attention given to Repairing. CALL SOLICITED. -� _ D. G. HOG•G-Br'usse