HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-11-16, Page 3Nov. 1.6, 1894 THE. SEX'S FAST Town D]reCtory. 11LaIL i and ' m abSunday li hoot at 11 m a p. y at 2;30 p w, lieu. John Bobs, B A, pastor• SNpx Outnolt..—Sabbath HerViees at 11 a in and 6;30 p m, Sunday Sober,' at 2:80 p m. Bev, D, Millar, paster. ST. JOAN'S Ononctl,—Sabbath Bervipes at 11 a m and 7 p m. an ay Sohool at 2;80 p, m, Her, W, G. Reilly, bloom• bunt. MEi'nonter CAUROA,—Sabbath Servioee at 10;80 a to and 6;30 p m, Sunday Scheel at 2:80 p m. Rev. G. H. Cobble - dick, 11 A, B D, pastor. Roma OATnoLta Cnuncn,-^Sabbatb Service third Snnday in every month, at 10;30 a in. Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SALVATION AaML—Servioe at 7 and. 11 a m and 8 and 8 p m on Snnday and every evening in the week at 8 e'olook, at the barracks. Onn FELaowe' Lorton every Thursday evening, in Graham's bionic.. MABoNIQ Lotion Tuesday at or before fu11 moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W LoDaie on the 3rd Friday evening of each month, in Blae• bill's block, 0 0 F Lonoa 2nd end last Monday evoninge of each month, in Blaehill'e blook. 1 0 F, and and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L 0 14 let Monday in every month in Orange Hall. Solis or SCOTLAND, let and 3rd Tues- days of each mouth, in Odd ]fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Lonoa, let and 3rd Thurs- daya of each month, in Vanstone block. Hoag Clsouin, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in Blashill'e Hall. Poco Orman.—Office hours from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. MEonANICs' INswrTDTL.—Library in. Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw, Librarian. TowN Oounom.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and S. Wilton, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas .Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Oolleotor. Board meets the 1st Monday in each month. Sonoox. Bosun.—Rev. Ross, (chairman) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seo.-Treas., ft. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. PIII3LIo Scram TnsonnaS.-3. H. Cam. eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Miss Downey andMies Cooper. BOARD or HEALTH.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Healbh Officer. /Exeter. While going from Exeter to Farquhar, John Heywood, jr., Elimville, lost a roll of bills containing fifty dollars. The big Hay swamp drain is at last completed. It is about three years ago since the eontraotore started the job. A grand organ reoital and eervioe of song ia.announced in the Trivitt Memor- ial Church for Thanksgiving night. The organ solos will be rendered by Rev. E. W. Hunt, and solos, ohoruses,and orches- tral music from the oratoriosby the ohoir and. orchestra. Wes. Isaac, of Stephen, who takes Don. tracts for gutting wood with a circular saw, made a remarkably big day's work on the premises of Wm. Dearing on Tuesday. In 8 hours and 15 minutes he cut 18 cords of dry herd' wood •twice in two. Thos. Atkinson, a young man of 'Os- borne township, was committed bymagis- trates Snell and Clarke, of Exeter, on a charge of attempted rape upon Mrs. Mary R. Rundle, of the same township. Au application for bail until the. Spring assizes was allowed by Judge Tome, the prisoner in $400 and two sureties of $200 each. Clinton. The demand for the world-renowned Doherty Organ is so great that the hands are now kept working overtime, in order to meet requirements. Thos. Tipling, who has been baggage man here for some time, leaves next week for Wingham, where he goes into busi- ness with his brother-in-law. A new industry has sprung up in town, known as "the horn table" industry, and cattle horns, formerly considered of little value, are now in great demand. The other day John McMurray acei- dentally stepped into a post bole and sprained the cords of his leg so severely that he has been lame ever since. H. 0. Oook, who has been buying ap• pies on oommission for Mr. Cimino, of Seaforth, finished up last week. He bought between one and two thousand barrels. One of the telephone workers, named Hutley, fell out of a tree, a distance of nearly forty feet, and was pretty badly shook up. He was fortunate that he sustained no more serious injuries. We are told that a certain farmer near here, who itad more horses than he want- ed toWinter, 'and found it impossible to sell them, actually turned three out on Lha road the other day, with the hope that they would wander away and thus he would be.eaved the expense of feeding them, bat they Dame back to him. aciiteatorth. A pair of elk horns were found in Beattie'a swamp while plowing one day this weds. Messrs. MaCosh & Jeffrey ere now in- stalled in their new premises in the Oar- miobael block. Seaforth is going to have a new veter- inary surgeon in the person of G. 11. Gibb, V. S., of St. Mary's. George Bethune, one of the star play. era on the Beaver lacrosse team and until recently assistant book-keeper at the Ogilvie Mills, hits taken a poaibion In Detroit. The directors of the Mechanics' In- stitute desire tb return their einoere thanks to Mrs. Oharlea Lowrie for the donation of a handsome autograph quit, containing 280 name together with the sum of $28, the amount collected for autographs. The directors have deoided to offer the quit for sale at the semi.an• noel meeting to be held in December, which will be duly advertised. This is the third quilt, Mrs. Lowrie has made for charitable purposes.and her industry and liberality are to be commended. The many friends of 4, S. Beberte will be piqued to learn that a decided change for the better has taken plaoe in his On. dition and the dootore entertain hopes el his early reoovery, The Aro brigade was galled out, the Boone of the fire being J, 0, Laidiaw's store, The fire was caused by gas es, caping from the pities which ignited, bub was promptly extinguished before any damage had been done, A painful R. R. aooident took place at Seaforth station do what ie known as the 0 o'clock train. While Wm, Cooper,. bralteeman, wan coupling ears the pin flew bank and strut* hie right band, injuring it pretty severely and lacerating the fleeh badly, the £fest being almost completely torn off one of hie fingers. No bones, however, were broken and it is expected that he will have a,good hand. lktoKiliop. Miss Turnbull, of McKillop, after a six months' sojourn at the Banff, N. W. T. hot springs, has returned home. Her many friends will be mush pleased to learn that her stay there has been bene. tidal to her health. BASH Busuen,—James A. Smith, of the'8t1t ooneession, bad the misfortune to have a bad lire at his place on Tues- day night of last week. The fire broke out about 8 o'oiock and soon the whole piece wan in flames. The implements, which were nearly new, and all the winter's feed were also burned with the building, also abort 600 buehele of grain. There was about $700 insurance in the Howiok Mutual, but this will not nearly cover the loss. Mr. Smith has no idea whatever of how the fire originated. On aocount of the fire he is forced to have an auction sale of his farm stook whish will be held on Friday next, 16th inet. A pleasant and enjoyable, ae well as profitable, evening wail spent in the Orange hall, Winthrop, iby the brethern of L. 0. L. No. 813, MoKillop, in com- memoration of the sun powder plot. The ball was crowded with Orangemen and Lady True Blues, with a few of their friende at about 8 o'clock, when chair was taken by the Worshipful Master, R. Soarlett, who called the meet- ing to order and a program was gone through with consisting of speeches, read. inge, recitations and songs, as well as some instrumental music on. the violin in whish nearly all the brethern and sisters of the two Orders took part. The entertainment being over, a fine spread was made by the Lady True Blues of the best eatables in the land, to which, it is needless to say, everyone present did ample justice, and all returned to their homes, wishing that something of the same would come often. Gor3rie,. Orange concert in the Town Hall on the evening of December 14tht. Jae. Fax will be there. Conductor Snyder ie to deliver one of his popular lectures before the Foresters here in the near future. Harmon W. Hunt, of Sharbot Lake, at one time a general merchant in this vii. lege, was run over by a train Thursday of last week and killed. At a meeting of the Young Liberal Conservative Club the following officers were elected :—Hon. -Pres., E. L. Diokin• son; Hon. Vice -Pres., Major Koine ; Pres., W. Doig ; Vioe.Pres., W. H. Tate; Sec., J. M. Keine ; Treas., Robt. Stin• eon. After the election Mr. Diokinson gave the club an address filled with good, sound practical advise. ' J. R. Williams delivered a heavy con- signment of excelsior to a Walkerton firm. He has lately bought a 50 -core swamp lot near the village and has had a gang of men working in it getting out timber for his faotory. Mr. Williams has sold his old cheese -box manufacturing machinery to a Port Elgin man and the plant was taken away. A great improvement in the appearance of Main street has been made during the past year. On the North side of the river Messrs. Andieon and Sanderson have each finished handsome residences ; on the South side Walker's and Doig'e blocks and the new Orange hall have filled in gaps with splendid effects. Every habitable house in the village is ()coupled. A lively binyole race 000urred here one day recently. The distance was South to the second •non. and return, about seven miles. There were quite a number of starters and the three -23 minutes—over the rough road, showed the oompetitore thought the victory worth winning. J. Toner finished first with J. Taman close at his heels, while Nelson McLaughlin came in a tardy third. The others were a long distance behind and some of them are aeansed of not going the full distance. A mishap during the race prevented Ta• man from making things more interesting for the winner, who now holds the cham- pionship. %Vj-oxeter . Jno. Sanderson, of the Lion Store, has a live noon on exhibition at his store. What might have proved a serious ac- cident terminated with a few soratches and a good shaking. While Robert Lin- ton er. was driving in town, on Tuesday of last week his horse became frightened at a little school boy who was playing on the roadside and shied into the ditch, throwing the occupants out. However the horse did not run fur until capght. The boggy was slightly damaged. J. Howard Hunter, M. A., Inspector of Insurance for the Province of Ontario, made his annual inspection of the books and documents of the Howiok Mutual Fire Insurance Company on the 258h ult. All the directors were present except Mr. MoKeroher. The books were found to be satiofaotory. For a number of years past the Inspector has been urging upon the directors the advisability of collecting at the. beginning of each policy yoar, the average coat of insurance per year instead of assessing for losses and expenses of eaoh particular year. OnITu,Inr,—The remains of the late Hamilton Griffiith, of Howiclt, were iu• terred in the Chitral of England bunyjng ground on Monday of this weep at the hour of, 2:30 p. m. A large number of sorrowing frieude followed the remaiue to their last resting place. Deceased was born in Ireland, and Dame to Canada in .1852, taking up hie abode in Peterboro', remaining there for the spade of three years, In 1855 he moved to the Town- ship of Wellesley and took up farming, remaining there ten yeare, and in 1866 he came to the Township of Tnrnberry and started farming there, whore he remained for the earns length of time, when in 1875 he made his last move into the Township of Howiok, where he remained until- he day of his death. ltir. Griffith was well known in , these parte and his bereaved Moeda have the sympathy of the Dont-. Inanity at large. He leaves behind him a bereaved wife three) sone and fivedaugh• tem, 318 ;—Mrs Wm, Herron, of Turn, berry, Satnuel Griffith, of Howiok, Mrs,. Tbob, Miller, of Welleeloy township, lifro, Geo, 'uneten, of Arthur, Wm, Griffith,, of Howiok, Geo. Griffith, of London, and Mrs. John Terrill, of Wingham. • erode rich. Mrs, Gundry, of (Uxbridge, is in town visiting her sons. Orabb'e old building, reoently used as a saw mill, but formerly as a faotory, bo being pulled down, Sheriff Gibbons, had the pleasure of weighing a mangold the other day that brought down the scales at 20i lbs. All the fish boats from the Northern fishing grounds are book. They all re- port having, had an exoellent season. Dr. MoLeod's laboratory has been re. moved to Brace -et., first door around the corner from D. K. Straoban'e store, Patrons of Industry in West Huron will meet presently to select a candidate for the Commons in the Doming eleotion. At a meeting of the Quarterly Offioiai Board of North-st Methodist church, it was deoided to engage in evangelietio eer- vioeo at ae early a date in January as possible, The Epworth League of North -et. Methodist ohuroh has eeoured Mise Mag- gie Barr, the fantoue Suottieh singer, for a oonoert in the ohuroh on the evening of Thanksgiving day, Nov. 22nd. At the solicitation of a large number of friende, George Aoheson has deoided to allow his name to stand in nomivation for Mayor of Goderioh for 1896. Mr. Acheson is the largest taxpayer in town. Walter Hick, sr., of Goderioh, town• ship, shows a sample of oats grown since Sept. 1081a or 12th, whish measures from 20 inches to 223 inches in length. Wheat was drilled in on the oat stubble on the dates mentioned. The Police Magistrate has committed two more vagrants to the county jail for six months, one a man named David White, from near Exeter, and the other, Sarah MoKenzie, an old woman of town, who was so feeble she had almost to be carried into the court room. Mayor Bolter has addressed the fol- lowing pard to the electors ;—"LADIas AND GENTLEMEN,—I beg leave to inform you that I am before you for mayor of our town for the year 1895, trusting 'I have done nothing to forfeit your con. fldenoe. I again very respectfully ask your Vote and support for 1895, and now thank you very einoerely for your kind. nese hitherto. When you are tired of me I will gracefully bow to your deoieion, but am not ready to retire at the order of a small, selfish clique." On Tuesday evening of last week there gathered at the Huron hotel about 40 business men and citizens, with the ob- ject of expressing iu a tangible form their respeot for and appreciation of Contractor McNaughton, on the com- pletion of the harbor work whish the firm of Broder & McNaughton have had in charge for nearly a yoar. The company sat down to a tempting lunch prepared and served in the most satisfactory man- ner, M. Hutchison presiding as chair- men. He briefly explained the object of the gathering, and R. S. Williams read an address, W. Lee making the presen• tation of a clock. Canadian Newra. A handsome new $88,000 opera house was opened in Guelph Monday evening. Michael Hayes was arrested at An• derdon on a charge of passing counter- feit coin. John Podmore has shipped from Ingersoll station during the past few weeks about 150 tone of cider apples. John Somerville, of Kirkton, left last week for Keewatin, via 0. P. R., where hie brother is very ill with typhoid fever. Seventy-five applications were received by the Shelburne Public School Board iu response to an advertisement announc- ing two vaoanoiee. A number of articles stolen in the mailbags robbery at Kingston have been found on the premises of one of the ac- cused named Cooper. St. John's Presbyterian ohuroh of Hamilton bas decided to extend a call to Rev. W. J. Clerk, of the First Presby. terian church, London. A movement is on foot to induce Hon. H. G. Joly de Lotboniere to re-enter public life as the leader of the Liberal party in the Quebec Ligislature. F. B. Holtby, who has been in the employ of the Merchants Bank for the past twelve years, intends opening out a private bank in the Campbell black, Mitchell. The Government inspectors of live stock at Montreal estimate that over $5,- 000,000 has been paid to Canadian farm- ers the past season for cattle exported to the old country. Deputy Reeve Eden, of Berlin, while attempting to scale a rail fence on Suu• day the top rail broke, throwing him in the ditch, breaking the smell bone of one of hie legs. Orange L. Armstrong, editor of The Orangeville Banner, who wan accused of the theft of $15 from a satchel which he found, was honorably acquitted by the, County Judge of Dufferin last week. Samuel Hess, a well known wholesale butcher, of Hamilton, while driving oat- tle in Caledoria on Friday, was attacked by a young buil and seriously if not fatally injured. A greyhound, when chasing another dog on a London street, slipped on the pavement and knocked against W. P. Mihell with such force as to break his leg above the knee. After en absence of a couple of weeks, James Dykes, of Granton, returned front Muskoka not finding the state of affairs there congenial to his taste. The parties who induced him to go to the lumbering district would not pay the wages promised when he arrived at the thane of labor. At Brampton last week Judge McGib- bon gave his decision to the Giles pool. room rase, finding the defendant guilty of keeping a batting house at Port Credit. One point is reserved, to be argued before the Superior Court. Three Proton sports went nub on is hunt the other day and one of them was fortunate enough to get 8 couple of shots at a very fine deer. The first shot ac- cording to statement copped the deer's hind leg over his bank, two other shote brought him to his knees each time, when a second one of the party came for. ward and attempted to prevent the esoaps of the animal by hanging on to his tail. He claims to have held on over three ploughed fields, when he was forced to let go from exhaustion and the deer made good hie escape into the woodt. W, J. Spence woe killed Monday in the mill of the Toronto Bxoelgior Shingle 9o., on P90408 street, - H, W, Hunt, Of Sherbet Lake, was fatally mangled on !the Kingston and Pembroke railway last week, Waiter f3waneton, Eramasa, has one of the red, mllk•white Aberdeen turnips, whiob weighs 18 pounds, The officers of the Kingston peniten• Mary have not heard anything abort Angus Mapdonald, who ramped reoently. The Town Counoil of Niagara Falls, Ont„ has deoided to spend $3,200 in add. leg new departments to the High School there. The Montreal Street Railway Com• Pan* .new bnilding collapsed last week, burybug several men, Two bave been taken out dead. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs, I, B. Fielr, of Port Royal, on Saturday, being just 22 years behind its predeces- sor, It is a strong child. The eleetr.io street railroad and the electric lighting eyetem of Vancouver, B. C. are said to have been sold to an Bnglish company for 385,000. On Monday, 5th inet., the Orangemen of Blanshard obeeryed the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot by an oyster supper at Woodburn, followed by an entertain- ment. The visiting Dominion Cabinet Minis• ter and party were dined by looal Oon- servativee at the Halifax Hotel, Halifax, N. S., Friday night. About 90 persons were present, The Government will not interfere with the death eentenoe passed on Joseph Truskey for the murder of Con. stable William Lindsay at Comber, and unless the court grant a new trial, True. key will be hanged on December 14th. THFCOOKSBEST FRIEND I.000Ef3T TALL- IM r:ANAe0A. T When you wane; a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware. or Hard- ware, Paints & Oils, —CALL Ar— HUNTER'S 'Hardware Store Where you will, from this date, get a MOVE of FIVE PER CENT, Off all Cash Purchases. Fine Roman, Artists' Can- vas in' Stock. A. HUNTER. "For Years," Says CADDIE E. STOCKWELL, of Chester- field, N. H., "I was aflicted with an extremely severe pain in the lower part of the chest, The feeling was as 1f a ton weight was laid on a spot the slze of my hand. Dur- ing the attacks, the perspiration would stand in drops on my face, and tt was agony for me to make sufficient effort: oven to wills. per. They came suddenly, at any hour of the day or night, lasting from thirty minutes to ball a day, leaving as suddenly; but, for several days after, I was quite pros- trated and sore. Sometimes the attacks were almost daily, then less frequent. lifter about four years of this suffering, I was taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and when I began t0 recover, I bad the worst attack of my old trouble I over experienced. Atthe first of the fever, my mother gave mo,Ayer's Pills, my doctor recOnlmendiug them as being better than anything be could prepare. I continued taking these Pills, and so great was the benefit derived that during nearly thirty years I have had but one attack of my former trouble, which yielded readily to the same remedy," AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr.3. 0. dyer&. Co., Lowell, Mase. Every Dose Effective Mite fie Stein Line. ROYAL 3ZMJ STk7AsLSIIII'S, Botweeu New (York and Liverpool, via 9iumustown, every Wedpeeday, As the steamers of this line carry only a strictly limited number iu the rum and 81100100 CABIN acoonlmodatioun, intop4ing pase0ngers aro reminded that an early up* plioatiqu for bertha isneeeeoary at this sea* son. For plane, rates, eta, apply to W. H. Kerr Agent, Brussels, ALLAN LINE. Summer Sailings, 1894. MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL SEIVICE. From From Prom Llyerpo'l STEAttsnxrs. Montreal. Quebec. Daylight. 0 a. m. Oot.la iNumidian 25 Parisian' Nov. 1 Mougollau Nov.8 10 Nov.11 ' 17 18 Mill not call at Rimoueki or Moville, Passengers embark at Montreal after 8 p. m. on Fridays. For further information as to rates, &0., apply to W. H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. DZcLEOD'S System Renovator AND 0011E0 TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessnese, Palpate - tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY OODERICHONT. 3. M. MaLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by JAMES FOX. Druggist, Brussels. Youn Lnuiis AND GENTLEMEPJ Fiend A septa In stamps, 01 10 oonto silver, and we will send you by return mail the, PERFECT LETTER WRITER, A neat little Book.being a perfget Gide in the art of bettor Writing. It oontaiso bot, tore 01 Love, Friotldebip, Bpsinees, e6ec:, 3118, Valuable iusbruetiepe and advlg0, Fivery Young man and 30050555 should neve this .33008. Address, NOVELTY PUBLISHERS, 18450 INGERSOLL,(WV. LIME'! LIME ! To those who Intend Building. Having built a Lime House at the Sta. tion 'I will keep a supply of the Boat Fresh Lime for Sale suitable for all Building purposes. Also WHITE BRICK. And Plastering Hair for Sale. D. A. Lowry. BRUSSELS. WESTERN ADVERTISER. 16 -Page Weekly -96 Columns. ONLYI Now to Dec. 31, 1895. Balance of Year Free. 'LEADING WEEKLY Or THE WEST. NONE BETTER. FEW AS GOOD. Large Prize List. Handsome Premium. Good Inducements to Agents. For Agents' Terms, etc., address— Advertiser Printing Co. LONDON, ONT. TAYLOR' t✓ SMILLIE. Opposite the Queen's Hotel, - Brussels. A Full Stock of Fresh Groceries, Flour, Bread, Crockery and Glassware always on hand CHEAP AS EVER FOR CASH. 481 Saleable Produce taken at Highest Market Prices, but no Credit 6ivert. Commissions of all kinds Promptly Executed. Remember the BREAD and other Prices in Proportion. Goods Delivered in any part of the town. Potatoes Wanted.. Any quantity of Poultry wanted, must be clry picked and not drawn. TAYLOR & SMILLIE. "Footprints . On the Sands Of Time." . . • Looking at them closely it is not hard to be- lieve that some of them might have been inacle by ants, so very small their step anal so crooked then' way ; excitable little creatures that with all their flurry never seem to get anywhere in particular, and whose whole interest seems to be that of turn- ing aside from obstacles. Others again, in the great length of their stride, remind one of the mighty jump of the kangaroo. They are evidently getting somewhere, and on reflection it occurs to the observer that these must be the tracks of those shrewd merchants who 'got there' by jumping from one advertisement in Toru BBussmas i'osT to anoth- er, and as we ponder their prodigious strides, these beautiful lines of the poet Colne to uaud 1 Footprints that perhaps another Sailing o'er life's troubled main, Some forlorn and shipwrecked brother Seeing may take heart again.