HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-11-9, Page 5Noy, 9, 1894
A shooting matoh for turkey°, geese and.
(Woks will he held all the Henfryn notal
Thursday of next week. Rifles, shotguns
and revolvers will be used,
Quarterly aervicee were held at Walton
Methodist ohueh last Sabbath,
Aire, Sage iutende retiring from the
hotel bueineee it she can find a puroheeer
for her premisee.
What about a debating society for Wal-
ton this Winter 7 There ie abuudangeof
talent if it were brought out.
Wiroixto ter.
The induotion services in connection
with the Presbyterian eburohnext Thum -
day ere expeoted to be of considerable
interest. A eooial will be held in the
evening at which a program of addreosee
and music will be given. Rev. Mr, An-
deroon's furniture was moved hero this
Rev. A. Y. Hartley preaobed in Look.
now last Sabbath.
Bible Sooiety meeting on Thursday
evening of this week.
Mice Fanny Patterson, of Wingham,
is visiting her grandparents.
Mise Lida Copeland, of Teeewater, was
the guest of Miss Lizzie Robertson.
Miss Emma Jones has her two broth-
ers, of Walkerton, visiting her this week.
Fred. Hartley has returned to school
again in Clinton after spending a week at
Mrs. Peter Monwan, of Manitoba, has
Dome home again. They intend to re-
main in Ontario.
Mies Lida Campbell hae returned to
her home in MoKillop after a week's visit
with Miss May Scott.
Mrs. Etcher, er„ has got home from
Manitoba, where she has been for the
last two years living with her daughter.
Miss Liza Messer got home on Monday
last. She has been visiting her brother
Doo„ of Hamilton, for the past three
W injlaum,
Treasurer Diokson'e olothes line was
visited one night reoently.
Walter Green is able to be around again
after hie recent severe illoese.
McTavish & Co. have their furniture
factory lighted with eleotrioity.
Snatch thieving from store fronts hae
been 000uring quite frequently of late.
Thos. Roberts, of St. Mary's intends
opening a clothing store in Tamlyn's
block, shortly.
L. Coffee & Co., of Torouto, produce
merchants, who have been represented in
Wingham for some years by A. Burk-
holder, have enured one of the elevators
at the G. T. R. station, and have taken
Conductor Walmsley, who has been a
passenger oonduotor on the L., H. & B.
branoh of the Grand Trunk for the past
fifteen years, has been transferred to the
Sarnia branch. He is succeeded by Con.
ander Dnlmage, late of the Sarnia
branoh. Mr. Dulmage is a brother of J.
H. Dalmage of the Brunswiok House.
]B lv th.
J. B. Kelly was visiting the Queen's
City last week.
Thomas Tamin hae moved into bis new
residence on Hamilton avenue.
One of our young tailors, Ben Quinn,
is seriouslyindisposed at present,
Holy communion was administered in
Trinity ohuroh on Sunday morning.
John Burr has Bold out his bntober
business in this village to a Mr. Clark.
Divine servioe was held in Trinity
church on Wednesday eveninge,t 8.o'alook.
After the service the annual Sunday
school teachers meeting was held.
On Thursday evening the Beau -Ideal
Company gave one of their concerts in In-
dustry hall, ander the auspices of the
Epworth League of the Methodist
G. P.—The anniversary of Gunpowder
Plot was celebrated by the Orangemen
and friends of this town by holding a
tea meeting in their hall. Afterwards
they adjourned to Industry hall, where
speeches were delivered by Revs. Higley,
Beggin and others. A fine programme of
vocal and instrumental music was given
at iutervale by local talent.
Q7 c•,u,nbro olt.
The turnip orop in this section is very
A contagious epedemio in the shape of
colds is on the program.
A. concert ie on the program of the
Canadian Order of Foresters during
this month,
• We hope to have a good time here
with our Literary and Debating society
this Fall and Winter.
Revival servioes are being conducted
in the Methodist ohnreh by Revde.
Messrs. Waddell end Kellington.
Hotelkeeper Weise ie on the sink list_
and has been unable to attend to his
work. We hope he will soon be better.
Saturday afternoon of next week the
ratepayers of the Cranbrook school
section will meet to discuss the proposed
new school house,
The Trustee Board has re.engaged
Mies McLachlan as assistant teacher for
1895 at an advauoe over last year's salary.
Miss McLachlan is a good teacher.
The following is the report of the
ebanding of the pupils of Oranbrook Pub-
lic school for the month of October ;—
Senior 2nd ohtse-Lynn Mitchell, Sara
Buttery, Minerva Ennis, Willie Alder-
son ; Jr. 2nd-Raesel Zimmer, Coverdale ,
Molonald, Minnie Cameron, Sylvester'
Pox ; Sr. Part Sod—Susie Raymano,
Willie Seel, Annie Mitohell, Nelson
Knight ; Jr. Part 2nd—Etta Smalldon,
Minnie Smalldon, Effie Pox, Mina Mc-
Rae ; Sr. let—Jimmy Moniohot, Jessie
MoNiohol, Russei Porter, May Clark ;
Jr. let—Ernest Hunter, Florence Gaalar,
Flossy Seel, Alice Mitchell
Muss 11. MoLAoi tN, Teacher.
Bolt 2,
The names appear in the olaseee to
whioh they were promoted. 8rd olnee-
8usen';MoNair, Edith Mitchell, Mabel
Zimmer, BeatriowMoNuir, Agnes Brown,
Olive Carter, Clara Hunter, Minnie
Knight, Maggie Ruether, James Brown;
48h class—John Kreuter, 'Daniel liue. o
ther, Silvio Seel, Caroline Gorealiez, m
Wm. Hunter, Maggie Brown,' • o
A. W. WYNN, Principal. t
Geo, Brewster bee returned,.
Mrs, Ratcliffe ie visiting ftiendshere,
Mos. W. Spence and Dors. M, Irogal ere
On the sick iiet.
A now eupply of books le expected at
the Institute title week,
J. T, Cook and family are at. present in
our village, Mr, Cook is assisting Mr,
Gober on a house contraot.
Mrs. Savage and family, of the 4th,
eon, have moved into their residenoe re.
cantly purchased from 1, Eokmier,
W. K. Whaley, who has held the
position as oheeeemaker at Avonbank.
faobory during the past season, is home
for the Winter.
In the report of promotion exam. given
in last week's, Poor May Milne should
have been cedited with 472 marks
instead of 442.
Avon, eon of John Elliott, fell from a
chair last Sunday morning and broke his
arm, About six weeks ago the same arm
was broken nearer the wrist.
The new house being erected by John
Balmier will be a handsome building.
It is a two story residence, with pottage
roof and will have all the latest improve.
menta. The carpenter work Is being ably
superintended by Metiers. Hemeworbh &
Mmnntznx.—Clearing sale of fine mil-
linery now going on at Miss Lowery'e,
Ethel. Call and examine my stook of
hate, bonnets and feathers, whioh I am
selling at greatly reduoea prioea. All
latest etylee. No old stook. Remember
the plane—MoAllieter's block, Ethel, Ont.
Mrs, Thomas Miller, 6th line, is at
present seriously ill.
John Meiklejohn, of Moleswortb, Sun-
dayed under the parental roof.
Mrs, G. G. Hood, of Michigan, is visit-
ing friends in the township at present,
Robt. Blair will hold an auction Bale of
stook at hie farm, lot 16, con. 6, on Tam.
day of neat week.
We regret to learn that W. R. Erskine
is lying seriously ill ab the residence of
Mrs. Tuffts inBelgrava.
G. W. Nioholeon, our noted eporteman,
secured two foxes and some other small
game in one day last week.
There was no service in the Methodist
church, Sunshine, last Sabbath, on ao-
oount of saorament at Belgrave.
Rich. Armstrong returned from Moose
Jew, N. W. T., on Wednesday evening of
last week after an absence of two months.
There was no service at Jaokson's
ohuroh last Sabbath afternoon as the
regular quarterly meeting was being held
at Blyth that day.
Rose Stubbs hae moved to bus new
house, the (Hannan farm, 8th con., whioh
property he purchased last Summer.
Mr. Clennan and family have removed
to Roxboro'.
Thomae Miobie, sr., and hie nephew,
Thomas.Miohie, both of the township of
Eequiesieg, county of Halton, are visiting
at Wm. Mioble's, 6th line. The latter ie
a son of Mr. Michie, of this township.
Rev. John McAlpine preaohed, very
acceptably, in the Presbyterian ohuroh,
Belgrave, on Sabbath last. He is one of
the ablest man that ban yet appeared on
the track. Rev. Mr. Kellogg will officiate
for the next two Sabbaths.
We understand that Miss Mary Halli-
day, who is at present teaching in Currie's
school house, East Wawanosh, intends
taking a Course in the Normal School,
Toronto, after the New Year. It is quite'
evident that Mies Halliday will not rest
satisfied until she gains the top of the
ladder. The young lady above mention.
ed is a sister of Miss Halliday, the popu-
lar teacher in Barrie's school.
A somewhat singular mishap befel a
horse belonging to D. Pipe, 6th line. Mr.
Pipe had been to Brussels and on the
way home his horse became very lame,
On examination a Dopper was found em-
bedded edgeways in the frog of the ani-
mal's foot. It is supposed that the cop-
per was etioking in the mad on the street
with the sharp edge upward when the
horse tramped on it.
Smmomn REPORT.—The following ie the
otanding of pupils in 8. S. No. 4, Morrie,
according to the number oft narks obtain-
ed during the month of October :-5th
olase—Frank Cloakey • Sr." 4th—John
Carry ; Jr. 4th—Lyon Pipe, Robt. Maun-
ders, Ettie Davis, Simeon Forsythe, Lill-
ian Mooney, Hugh Forsythe ; Sr. 8rd—
Norah Maunders, Ida Mooney, Lulu
Davis, Willie Cloakey, Maud Hoggard,
Milton Curry, Geo. Cardiff, Geo. Barrie ;
Jr. 3rd—John Cloakey, Willie Grsen-
slede, Joe Petah, Willie Johnston, Geo.
Innes, Jae. Innes ; Sr. and—Earnest
Mooney, Richard Cardiff, Milton Sharpe,
David Mo0uboheon, Rod. McLean, Myr-
tle Nichol, John Mose, Joe Iblooutobeou ;
Jr. 2nd—Olara Mooney, Pearl Pipe, Mary
Keroagban, Geo. Davis, Bertha Nichol,
Ethel Pipe, Jimmy Haggard - Jr. Part
2nd—Nelson Mnundere, Mabel Nichol,
Minnie Mooney, David Walker, Lizzie
Davis, Charlie Barrio, Willie Ames,
Willie Flatt, Jessie Greenslade.
Mae 0. A. Hxrmmar, Teacher.
UNITED nN llfanatxon.—The following
notice of the marriage of Rev. R. A.
Wright, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and
son of Frannie Wright, of Morrie town
ship, is taken from the Kalamazoo, Miob.,
Daily News of October llth :—"The
wedding of Mise Lydia Rickman and
Rev. R. d,. Wright, of Grand Rapids,
was solemnized Wedneeday afternoon ab
the residence of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Riokmau, 1008 West
North street, The parlors were decorab.
ed with flowers and the Weet end of the
room, where the bridal party stood, was
banked with palms and ferns and the
carpet oevered with white fur rugs. At
4 o'clock to the Mendelshon wedding
march played by Miss Clara Fick, the
bridal party omiolating of the bridesmaid,
Mies Maude Dispennette, the best man,
Douglas Riekman, and the bride and
groom sdvanoed from the hall and were
met ab the end of the west parlor by Rev.
Levi Master, D. D., who performed the
ceremony. The bride was gowned in
white Bilk and carried bride roses. The
bridesmaid also wore a white gown and
oarried pink roses. Supper was served qt
6:80 in the dining room and library, the
table being decorated with pink and while
flowers. Among the guests from out the
city were Stephen Rickman and daughter
and Mrs. Pater Boekloo, of Grand Rapids.
Ho was formerly pastor of the Simpson
church of this pity, hire, Wright was
rgnniet of the ohuroh and they leave
any frionde in Kalamazoo. They lett
n the 7.20 train for Grand Rapids where
bey will reads) at 08 Turner street."
Missionary anniversarywntown will be I`� ' ® cwt
held at Johnobon'a and Bro�vntnwn Mebho• '�"° Be
diet obprobes next Sabbath
2:3Q o'elpok, p. m.
At the sale of Noll MpDonald'e there'-
bred Bottle the whole number advertised
ware sold at fairly good prioea. The meet
of his Leicester steep were also eleared
The 2nd lino would bestow a bleseing
on humanity at large if she would heap,
her sone at home on a Sunday afternoon,
Keep them away from the 8rd line ae
they are apt to do mischief,
Owing to the expiration of Mies
Smlllie's certificate the Trustees of
Button's school have engaged Reuben
;fewitt for 1805. His salary will bo 9876,
Mr. Jewitt has boon toaooing for several
yeare and beide a 2nd close certifioate,
We regret to bear that John, the six.
teen year-old son of Ed. Snell, of Wing-
barn, while running at full speed after a
foot -ball on the oommone back of the
eohool ground, on Monday afternoon of
last week, put hie foot in a hole and had
both bones of hie right leg broken a short
dlstanoe above the ankle, Sargioal' aid
was quiokly procured, and after planing
temporary splints on the broken limb he
was taken home. This is the worst ac-
oident whioh ever betel an attendant of
the school, and it cannot but throw the
viotim book in hie' studies for a third
class certificate, which he expected to
obtain at the next examination. He has
the empathy of all his eoboolmatee.
WEDDING Btanns.—The marriage of
Archibald Taylor, merchant, of Blyth,
and Mise Maggie Taylor, daughter of Rev.
J. B. Taylor, of "Orobill," Morris town-
ship, took place in St. Andow's ohuroh,
Tuesday, 29th ult. Rev. A. McLean
was the officiating clergyman, assisted by
Rev. J. B. Taylor, father of the bride.
Miss Ena Taylor presided at the organ,
playing the wedding march, and Charles
Taylor acted as usher. The bridesmaid
was Mise Annie Taylor, of,Olinton, sister
of the bride, and the maid of honor, Mies
Bessie Taylor, nieoe of the bride. The
groom was assisted by his brother, A. A.
Taylor, of Hamilton. The bride was
dressed in white silk—beautifully trim.
med, bridal veil and orange blossoms, and
carried a bouquet of white roses. The
bridesmaid was attired in cream with silk
lane trimmings and carried a baguet of
yellow roses. The maid of honor looked
charming in rose pink, white kid slippers,
gloves and Turkish fez. After the im-
pressive ceremony in the ohuroh was
over, the invited guests who were :—Rev.
A. McLean and wife, Mrs. (Dr.) Gray, R.
Taylor and wife; Mre. Taylor, Mrs. A.
Mogellar, Mies Ena Taylor, Charles
Taylor, 0. E. Tanner and wife, Mies M.
McKellar, A. Elder and wife, Joseph
Garter and wife,J. A. Anderson and wife,
proceeded to the residence of the bride's
parents where a sumptuous breakfast
was served, after whioh the bridal party
left, under showers of rioe and good
wishes, for Olinton where they took the
train for points South and East. The
bride was the recipient of many beautiful
presents. THE Poem joins with the many
friends of the newly married couple in
wishing them bon voyage over the sea of
Weir & Weir, of the St. Marys flax
mill, have added to their equipment a
chopping mill, of the Joliette pattern.
There is talk of instituting a court of
the Anoient Order of Foresters at Grant.
on in the near Mare.
Rev. P. H. Anderson, of Mt. Brydges,
has accepted the call to the pastorate of
the Baptist church, St. Marys.
Chief of Foliate Norbbgraves, of Ioger-
soll, a former resident of St. Marys, hae
been dismiesed by the Council and the
town is advertising for another official.
A sharper struck Milverton the other
day, went etraightway to a store and
purchased a couple of bare of eleotrio
soap, out them up into small pieces,
wrapped them in blue pager and went out
and sold them for 10 Dents apiece to those
who were silly enough to bits. He said
before leaving town that he caught a few
In Rouse and Business.
I now live three houses West of
8.T. Plum's Blacksmith Shop.
All repairs wanted for machines and
implements sold by me, can now be bad
at S. T. Plum's shop. I still Bell the im-
plements but not the repairs.
For sale, 1 good horse 5 years old ; 1
buggy ; 1 light wagon ; 1 cutter ; 1 set
light bob -sleighs ; 2 sots light harness.
Several Teeswator good Plows and
Pulpere on hand for sale cheaper than
ever. If yon want a good article call on
me before you buy.
All notes and accounts past due must
be Bottled at once.
Grand Trunk
If you want to Travel
Grand. Trunk.
articulare apply to
G. T. R. Agent, Brunets.
ILA Ai._ Mt
Because your Grandfather was, He
Believed in Trading in one store :only.' Now -a -days;
it Pays to Look Around.
r Store, TheJ, Gould Co,, is the place to buy Dry
is� lid moi, Goods at Stone Bottom Prices, We lead, others may
follow -That is their business. We are doing the Trade. Why 7 Because ggood goods
at our prices are bound to draw the people, Pause and.realize, no doubt" wonder
how we do it—the Key Note is Cash. Y
Day for Cash and Sell for Same..
No. 1 3 pairs Lace Curtains
2 Grey Flannel
3 Cottonade
4 Grey Cottons
5 Wool Drugged
6 Good heavy all wool Tweed
7 Tied Blankets in grey
S Wide Shaker Flannel 1C
9 f'oulard's skirt linings, all colors "
10 Men's Cottonade Pants
11 3 pieces T weed Dress Goods .r
12 Men's Sealette Cap 90
13 Boys' Caps, tweed top, sealette band 50
14 6-4 Floor Oilcloth worth 50
15 Linen Towels per pair re 30
16 Good White Cotton at 5e to 610 per yard.
17 3 pieces Melton Dress Goods worth 10
18 1 doz. Spools, machine thread " 30
19 Heavy unbleached Canton, 16 yds for $1.U0.
20 1 piece Garnet Serge worth 60
21 3 doz Ribbed Cashmers Hose " 38
22 Boys' heavy 1 Ribbed Hose " 40
23 Grain Bags per dozen " 2 25
worth $2 00 for $1 00
ft 20 15
15 161
38 23
55 40
2 25 1 75
8 5
8 6
50 25
50 a yd 30
1 90
Keep your eye on the Num-
ber and ask to see it,
Our Salesman and Salesladies are ready
and willing to show you the goods.
My Stock of Fall and Winter
Goods is now about complete
Gents' Furnishings, - Dry Goods,
Groceries, &c.
BARG INS inDress Goods.
Our Fresh Teas & Coffees
lead the Market.
I don't sell below cost, but the
year round give good value to
every person favoring me with
their Patronage.
J. G.
Good Butter Wa ited.
MISS MoPHERSON intends re-
moving from Brussels and
Hill sell off her fine stock
of Fashionable
Fall 86 winter Nilliuery
Below Cost
To Clear Out Stock.
This is a Genuine Sale as the
Ladies will prove by calling
at the Store.
Call early and see the
Fashionable Display.
Miss McPherson.
Bankrupt Prices®
Over X1,000 worth of New Furniture
At the Union Factory, Wingham,
At 60 cents,on the $, I am offering it
. t Less than. Wholesale Prices.
Fine Bedroom Suites........ $11 00 $ i 50
Fine bedroom suits, with
British bevel plate glass.. 15 00 11 50
A Fine All Maple Suite 12 00 8 00
A Fine Sideboard 9 00 7 00
Fine Sideboards 8 00 6 50.
Fine Sideboards 16 00 12 50
Bedsteads 3 50 2 50
Lounges .. .. ............0 7 00 4 50
Extension Tables 7 00 5 00
These are the biggest bargains ever offered in Furni-
ture in Brussels, and the prices can not be had when this
stock is sold out.
If you want anything in furniture call and see these
goods and get prices before you buy.