HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-10-26, Page 6BRUSSELS,
lin tinge far the early mails) at
t'71t0 Posta' Stopnl Pnblishhig Il011s0,
Tonneaux ST., BRu801020, Oar.
mantas or eVhsOMPTlot1.-000 dollar and
a half a vbear, iu advauee, The date towhioh
very subscription le paid ie denoted by the
ate on the address label.
ADvnnv0BIN4 10Anna.-449.10 following rates
will be charged to those who advertise by
the year:—
sRAan, I 1 TB, 0 mo. a mo
One (lolumn500,00 880.00 520,00
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'Plight cents per line for drat insertion, and
three oeuts p801008 for each subeenuont in-
sertion. All advertisements measured as
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Business Oar08, eight lines and under, 80
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Cons, will be ineorted until forbid, and
charged aocordingly.
Instructions to ohen20 or dleoontinue an
advertisement moat bo len at the, eountia8
0000 of Tan' P081, not later than Tueeday
of moll week. This is imperative.
W. 11. AKEI ZI.i,,
Editor and Proprietor.
A Hallowe'en Sapper will be held in
the basement of the Methodist church on
Wednesday evening, October 31et.
Hugh Morrison, of this village, ie pro.
mineutly mentioned as the Conservative.
candidate in West Bruce at the next
election to the Dominion Parliament.
The entertainment in connection with
the West Bruce Teacher's Association,
bald in the town hall, was one of the
most suooeesful in the history of that
Rev. Chas. L. Cocking, ander the ane.
pierce of the Epworth League gave "Two
evenings with the Japanese" by means of
two hundred lime light views, in the
Methodist church this week.
The Directors of the Mechanics In-
stitute have just received a supply of
new books.
Local bee.keepere report a poor yield of
honey this year, and the pries of that
commodity has an upward tendency.
Mrs. Geo. Sanders, while descending a
step, accidentally slipped and fell, broth.
ing her leg badly and narrowly escaped
breaking it.
A daring thief entered John Loadman'e
livery barn, and after removing Will.
Snell's pants from the head of the bad
where he was sleeping, stole a puree oon-
taining $3.78. The same day he lost 76
cis. from his trunk which woe in the
The Foresters attended Rebtenbury
St.churoh on Sunday morning. A. E.
Coombe preached a sermon to them.
The other night some one entered the
garden of E. Dinsley and stole all his
celery. It was a mean thing to do.
Joseph Watebn, a former Olintnnian,
is a candidate for election to the office of
Justice of the Peace of Hollister, Cali-
J. E. Hovey has opened a drug store
in Worthington'e old stand. Clinton has
now four establishments of this kind, and
they are all fine and attractive.
Rev. Mr. Hector, who has a provincial
reputation, and is known as "The Black
Knight," (being a negro) will lecture here
on the 12110 of November ; he will likely
preach in a couple of the town pulpits tbe
day previous.
Sunerc.a,—James McDougall, who has
been oarrying about a sore band for e0me
time, had one of the fingers removed, as
it was found this was the only way of
saving tbe hand from total disability.—
Mies Parker, daughter of John Parker,
15th con. Goderiob township, who has
been stopping with her aunt in town, has
been a great sufferer by reason of a
disease in the bone of one of her legs,
and it was found necessary to amputate
the leg at the knee joint.
The steamer, Cambria, hes gone to
Owen Sound to lay up for the Winter.
She has made her share of the money
this season. She is to undergo extensive
A primary certifioste has been granted
by the Eduoation Department to Miss
Hattie J. Young, on her appeal—the
only appeal which succeeded .from
On Monday of last week Governor
Dickson completed bis 29th year in jail—
as an oHioial, nob a prisoner. That's a
pretty good term, but the old man looks
gond for at least 20 years more.
Ogilvie$ & Hutchison are laying in a
big lot of wheat, and expect to fill both
their own and the G. T. R. elevators
before navagalion oloees. The steamers
Myles and St. Magnus unloaded cargoes
here last week.
The Signal says: --The pastor of
North-st Methodist church has annoano-
ed that be will preach especially to
young ladies next Sunday evening. It
is expected that the display of millinery
from a numerical standpoint, will exceed
the ebow of pates present on the 000081on.
The new P. M. hag been enjoying
quite a epoll of courting. On Monday
be disposed of two young girls who have
been for some time treading the down-
ward path—Mary Durnin and Sarah
Sproule. Neither of them are over 16
years of age. They were fined $10 and
costs each or four months in jail and sc.
meted the latter as the only alternative.
Walter Shannon and J. Johnston, of
the Weet 80. fruit store, left with their
dogs, guns, and ammunition per schooner
Kolfage, Capt McDonald, on Tuesday
evening of last week for Johnston's
harbor, where they intend to take a
sporting vacation among the dean W.
Ruteon and D. McCormack, of the
Huron House also went.
In stepping from his gig Rev, Mr.
Turnbull, of St. George's, sprained his
foot very badly, two of the tendons being
broken. He is likely to be laid up for
some time, seriously' disarranging hie
work. In consequence there was no
serei0e in St, George's on Sunday morn-
ing, but in the evening Rev, Mr. Jeanne$,
of Dungannon, preached. Next Sonde),
services will be conducted at St. George's
00 Ueda],
001'14 0,,
Frank ,t'plloolr bee been engaged to
teach jn 8; S. 0q, I, Howiok, for next
Pas. Arpoetrong, V. S., dehorned seven.
teen head of aottie far John Hunt, of the
0th con„ Howlok.
The new Orange hall is nearingDom.
plotion, It will probably be deicabed
about the first or eeeond week in De-
The young oogple who were caught
Wooing on the bridge the Ober night had
better wait until they have gained the
seclusion of the parlor and drawn down
the blind.
The Orange canoed which was to have
been given on the evening of November
5th, has been postponed and will be held
on the evening of the dedication of the
new grange Hall, which will probably be
about the second week in December.
A convention of the Liberal Coneerva-
tive Assooiabion of East Huron will be
hold, in the Town Hall, Gerrie, on Friday
afternoon of this week, for the purpose
of putting a oandidate in the field to op.
poee Dr, Macdonald at the next general
The English obarmb will put in eleotric
light and a new pipe organ.
Robert Beattie, of this town, shot an
owl one day last week which measured
five feet from tip to tip of wing.
Robert Carmichael's handsome new
red brink stores on Main street are now
completed and ready for °ampancy.
Mrs. M. B. Smith and Charles Gray
represented Seaforth at the Provincial
Methodist, S. S. convention held in Belle.
villa this week.
Frank ,Beattie, V. S. and family have
removed to Detroit whore Mr. B. has ac-
cepted a position in the Shedden Oo's,
stables at a good salary.
W. Duperow, formerly clerk in the
freight office here, has been appointed day
ticket agent at the Grand Trunk, Rich.
mond street station, in London.
J. G. Orioh, artist, of the firm of Wil.
ard. & Orioli, on Monday evening of last
week, was kioked by a horse, causing a
breakage in his leg below the knee.
A fakir opened up business on Main
street the other evening selling trashy
jewelry. It was the same old "gam
game" that has been played over and over
again, but with a fresh orowd of viotime.
The Methodist choir is again tothe
front with active preparations for their
annual concert to take place on Friday
evening, December 28th. Mrs. Caldwell
"Canada's peerless soprano" and Geo.
Fox, the brilliant Canadian solo violinist,
have been engaged for this concert.
Peter O'Connell and Simon Howard,
two worthy and devoted members of St.
James' Roman Catholic churchhave pur-
chased jointly a large ball, weighing about•
one ton, whioh they have presented to
the church. The bell is worth $500 and is
represented as being for olearnese and
richness of tone far above the average
bell. It is expected to be in its place
about the 2nd week in November.
A short time ago the London Tid-Bite
offered a prize of two guineas for the best
definition of "Music." The following
was adjudged the best definition :
Music is the endeavor of the soul to
The following are some of the best defi-
nitions sent in :
That subtle trembling of the air which,
through the ear of man, soothes hie sor-
row, dispels his fear, revives his hopes,
calms his rage, purifies and educates his
whole mind, and elevates his soul to
Music is poetry translated into the lan-
guage of angels.
Music ie the river of melody, which
has Nature for its source, Art for a tribu-
tary, and Skill for its outlet.
The art of using sound, singly or in
combination, capable of pleasing the ear,
touohing the heart, exciting the intellect,
and enlivening the imagination.
Music is the language by which
thoughts and feelings otherwise aflutter.
able are expressed.
Soothing syrup for savage beasts.
An appeal to the soul expressed in
sympathetic sound.
The only gift thought worthy by God
of being equally divided between the
angels and man.
Music is the key to the human heart.
A fancy ball of ideas, dressed in the
masquerade of crotchets and quavers.
Music is the soul's expression, the
heart's solace and the mind's delight.
Music (consists of every sound in
Nature that gives pleasure to its bearers.
A noisy peacemaker.
A euooeesion of harmonious sounds
whioh some people pay a guinea to hear,
end some sixpence to have taken into the
next street.
Medicine for oohing hearts and tired
Notes on the bank of harmony.
A scientific method by which that wild-
est of animals, man, may be tamed.
Music is the Volapuk of the feelings.
The easel of the soul, and the canvas
upon which we picture our emotions.
Nice noise. •
Bars in whioh teetotalers may indulge
their thirst for melody.
General Netivra.
Ohio hae 11,400 saloons.
Chicago has 207 millionaires.
Diseton owns 4,000,000 acres.
America has 2,000 lady doctors.
Savannah car faro is one sent.
Kansas Oity has 200 cigar makers.
Seattle has out teacher's salaries.
Fall River has 26,000 unemployed.
'Frisco has a German Press Club.
New York has a Hungarian paper.
Japan hat; 877 Christian chambers.
Telephones employ 10,000 Americans.
Minnesota has a dairy eohool for
The president of Chili gets $16,000 a
Certain species of ants make slaves of
Photographs have been taken 500 feet
under water.
Paganini was called the Devil Fiddler,
from bre marvellous shill.
.9. chair that is actuated by
eleotrioity is a recent invention.
Hamlet was called the Saxon giant
from hie nationality and his size.
Hair is very strong. A single hair
will bear a weight of 1,150 grains,
A scientific exploring expedition to
Madagascar will eoon leave London.
The Cetholio Total Abetinence union
of the 'United States hag 57,875 mom.
Afghanietan bombe oleotrio light,
Milwaukee has a bootblaok'e union,
50, Paul olerke hold "dime eociale,"
Baltimore ]tall a working girls' borne,
Oce -Story hon8e0 are the rule in Johan.
Paris is t0 have a world's 0Ongres8 of
Bt, Paul union harbors hold literary
The A. P. A. is sold to be "werking"
Missouri Poguliebe,
Jobaonesbtrg (South Afrioa) 0oaobmen
get $46 a 0200911.
Great Britain's amalgamated oevpen.
tore number 41,000 men,
Itis said that Russian glass workers
get from $66 to $86 a year,
One railroad man in Laramie made
66 days for the month of September.
A large amount of Mile year's hop Drop
in Washington will be used to fertilize
the ground for next year.
Sb, Joseph, Mo„ olty ordinanoe per.
mite butchers, game and deli dealers to
have their etorss open until 9 o'clock on
Judge Lao0mbe, of New Zork, hae de•
aided that John James Howard, the Eng-
lish coachman brought out by ex -Vice -
President Morton, must go book to Eng-
A despatch from Buffalo says a new
eleotric road, in opposition to the Niag'
are Falls Park and River railway on the
Canadian shore, will be opened between
Niagara Falls and Lewiston in the
Tbo memory of revolotiooary herons
was honored at Tarrytown, N. Y., on
Friday, by the unveiling of a handsome
monument to the memory of the boys of
'76, who were natives of Tarrytown and
Pour men near Gordon, Texas, Friday
morning held up a train on the Texas
Paoido railway and robbed the express
oar of between $4,000 and $5,000. They
could not open the combination sero,
whioh (contained 930,000 belonging to the
Paoifio Coal Company.
Fred. Hartley, of New Durham, son of
Mrs. Hartley, who is now in Brantford
jail on a charge of poisoning her husband
last Summer, was married last week at
the Avondale manse, Tilsonburg, by Rev.
Mr. MoGregor. His bride is a Mieg,
White, of Hatobley.
The London Star says that Lord Wil-
liam Beresford, V. 0., a brother of the
Marquis of Waterford and of Lord Char-
les Beresford, familiarly known as "Con.
dor Charlie," will shortly be married to
the Duchess of Marlborough. Friends of
the parties discredit the report.
A barn belonging to Postmaster Baird,
of Kincardine, a mile and a half out of
town, was burned the other night. It is
supposed to have been set on fire, and the
people of Kincardine have petitioned the
Ontario Government to take the matter
in hand. Firebugs are thick in the lake
port town.
Rouen, the eldest son of Wm. Dyer,
general merchant of Belmont, had the
misfortune to run a rusty spike through
hie foot, so that the point of it was dis-
cernable in the top of the foot the other
day, His friends are alarmed least blood.
poisoning sets in. At present he is ma.
able to be out,
Mrs. John F. Brown, of Norval, has
received a note from a person unknown
to her, enolosing 94 and a sheet of paper
upon which is written the following :—
"If I defraud any man I restore him
fourfold." Occasionally we hear of
money obtained by fraud being returned.
Seldom is it returned fourfold.
At 1:30 o'clock Tuesday morning fire
was discovered by the night watchman
in the store of John Ruettel, merchant
tailor, situated in the Crombie blook on
Queen street, Kincardine. Through the
efforts of the fire brigade, what at first
threatened to be a large conflagration
was prevented, and the fire was confined
to the building in whioh it originated.
The fire is supposed to have taken place
through a defective chimney in the work-
room. Mr. Ruettel's lose will be in the
neighborhood of $4,000, with an insur-
ance in the Lancashire of 92,700. The
building is owned by the Merohante'
Bank of Canada, and ie fully insured in
the Royal.
A Drank entered the Clinton Place
Bank at Astor Place, New York, and de-
manded $1,000 from Paying Teller Hind.
Some days ago the bank officials received
from a man a postal card saying that the
writer would pall in a few days for $1,•
000. The police were notified, and a de.
tractive was sent to watch the bank. Fri-
day afternoon a fairly dressed man enter-
ed the bank and put down a check on the
window of Paying Teller Hind, The
oheok was signed "Almighty God." The
paying teller looked for the detective, but
he was not in sight. The teller then told
the man to wait until he could open the
safe and got the money. When Hind's
bead was turned the man ehot at him.
The man was seized by employees of the
bank after he had fired four shots at
Hind. The crank's identity could not be
ascertained. He refused to say who be
was and was looked up.
When you want a Stove, Tin
or Granite -ware, or Hard-
ware, Paints & Oils,
—Cann A'r—
Hardware Store
Where you will, from
this date, get a
Offal! Cash Purchases.
Fine Roman, Artists' Cam-
Oar. 26,1894
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro,
party at
6 & 6i Per Cent,, Yearly,
Straight Loans' with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Ootu]'t Clerk, .Brussels.
till t..i•.
Or La Grippe, though occasionally epirr
demi°, is always more or less prevalent.
The best remedy for this complaint
Is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
"Last Spring, I was taken down with
La Grippe. At times I was completelypros.
trated, and so difficult was my breathing
that my breast seemed as if confined in an
iron cage. I .procured a bottle of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began
taking it than relief followed..I could not be-
lieve that the effect would be so rapid and the
cure so complete. It is truly awonderfulmed
tcine. " W. H.' 'Mtwara, Crook City, S. D.
Cherry Pectoral
Promptto act, sureto cure
Certain is its effects and never bifetere•
Read proofs below,
Box t2 Carman Henderson Co., Ill., Feb, 24,'26
Dr. H. 3. ItsPeALL ho.
Dear Sire—Please Bond me ono of your Horse
Books and oblige. I have used a great deal of your
Keadan's gpavm Cure with good success • it le a
nu500,00oult medicine. T once hod a marc that had
keep °. bottle on hand alitthetime. oared her. 1
Yours truly, C5As, PowsLt.
Casson, Do., Apr. 0, '22.
Dear Biro—I bavo used several bnttlee of your
"BAndall'e Spavin Cure" with mach success, I
think 1t the best Liniment 1 ever used. Rave re-
movedone Curb, ono Blood epavin and killed
two Bone Spovin,, Have recommended it to
several of my friends who are much pleased with
and keep it. Reepootrully,
g. R.
RA P. O, Dom SU.
For sale by all Druggists, or address
Paint Tour rouse
Papering this Spring ?
If so, now is the time to consult IIs. The
sorted stook in the County, to hand
comprising the following
GRAINS, with gorgeous freizes and coil.
hags to match.
Also the Handsomoet stock of window
shades ever shown in the County,
Nothing but the purest Leads and Oils
that can be found 1n the market Used in
all our work, Farmers and others hay.
ing old rigs to paint 00210 and see us at
once, Satisfaction guaranteed,
House, Sign, Carriage and Decorative
P. S.—Thanking all old cnstomors for
their faVore during the past twenty years
I have been in business I solicit a con-
tinuance of the same and the patronage
vas in Stock. of the people generally for the new firm.
A. HUNTER. Gi :, .11' ODDI CFS'.
Our stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, .Boots and Shoes,
and Groceries is now complete for the Fall Tracie
and we ask all to see our values in each line
which will be found good.
See our Dress Goods. See our new lines in Corsets.
See our Ladies' Puritan Underwear..
A Complete Range of Boots, Shoes
and Rubbers.
Readymade Suits and Overcoats.
Hats and Caps. Gents' Furnishings.
of Boots and Shoes is to hand and is
First-class in every particular. ,, ir---„
Can be suited to a
Nicety and at Prices to suit
the pocket of every pur-
Special 73argaiiss in Long Boots.
Our Custom Work never fails to give satisfac-
tion both for wear and fit.
Rips Sewed Free of Charge. Repairing Promptly Attended to.
THI ;Brussels Pliotoaplior
Is now prepared to take Photos. of
every Description from the Small
Sunbeams to the
We have just received. our
which is doing splendid work. Views of
Picnic Parties and Residences can be
taken on the shortest notice by applying
at the Photo. Gallery.
Step in and give us a Call. Always welcome at
the old Reliable Photo. Studio in Stretton Block,
over Standard Bank.
OGG, kg -
Is Showing in his New Premises,
,IiieLOploosite American hotel,
A Full Stook of ` n i'l j l
All Kinds' of ""' ll'l !r FOR
Parlor, l3iniaib Room, Bed liooni or .Kitchen.
Picture Frarning attended to on short notice.
Undertaking Department....0.0....,
A. Full Supply of Funeral
Requisites Always in Stock.
Special Attention given to Repairing.
'D. G. NOGG, Brussels.