HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-10-26, Page 3Town Directory.
114nrvnlab Ol;Oaou,—Sabbath Services
at 11 a m and 8:50 p, m, Sunday gohocl
at 2;80 p m, Rev, darn Roes, B A,
KNoz Cl011oll,—Sabllath Servloes at 11
a m and 8:50 p M. Sunday School at
2:80 p m, Rev, P. Millar, pastor,
Fog. Joint's Onuaost.—Sabbath lServ'oos
at 11 a m and 7 p nz. Sunday School
at 2;80 p, m, Bev, W. G. Reilly, incum-
Muwuonere Cnunon,—Sabbath Servloee
at 10:90 a m and 6;30 yt in. Sunday
00hool at 2:80 p m. Roy, G. H. Cobble -
dick, Al A, B D, pastor,
Rodes OAT80L;a Cnuiem—Sabbath
Service third Santlay in every month, at
10:80 a no. Rev Joseph Kennedy,
Simv4wzox Anbn,—Service at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at
the barracks.
ODD FormowR' Lorton every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block,
MASONIC LODGE Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A 0 U W LODWE on the Ord
Friday evening:of eaoh month, in Blue
hill's block.
C O F Lenon 2nd end last Monday
evenings of emelt month, in Blashill's
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L lab Monday in every month
In Orange Hall.
Sous of SOo'mAN», let and Bed Tues-
days of each month, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. LODGE, let and 3rd Thum
days of nob month, in Vanstone block.
HOME CIaotE, 2nd and 4th Friday even-
ings in Blashill's Hall.
POST OFFroE.—Office hours from 8 a.
m. to 7 p. m.
Meonniroe' INeTrrob3.—Library in.
Holmes" block, will be open from 8 to 8
o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30'' to 5
and 8 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw,
Towz Coaxorn.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ;
W. H. MoOraeken, Robert Graham, R.
Williams and S. Wilton,. Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Rose, Oolleotor. Board meets the 1st
Monday in each month.
SaaooL BOARD.—Rev. Rosa, (ohairman,)
Dr. MoKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Sea.-Treas.,
R. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in eaoh month.
soaERs.—J. H. Cam-
eron, Principal, Mies Braden, MSS
D owney. andMiss Cooper.
BOARD OF HEALTH.—Reeve Herr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr. MaNanghton, Medical
Health Officer.
The Morning Dodo, published at Leaky
Dam, Wis., gave a tioket.out-of-town for
the beat poem, three out of dye, six paces,
shotguns. Thefollowing poem took the
prize and Palled out the fire department
How dear to my heart
Are the green things of Springtime ;
The grass -colored Springtime
That now draweth near.
The mild, balmy breezes,
The fast leaving treeses,.
The gay bumble basses
That hum in our ears.
The mellifluous Springtime,
The loose-jointed Springtime,
The boom-ta-ra Springtime ;
Its sweets we will sup.
We'll invade every bower
Andpluck every hour
The acrobatic flower.
"The editor of American .Notes and
Queries, (Philadelphia) asked 480 editors
all over the country which pronounoia
tion each preferred : ad•ver-tiee-meat
or ad-ver-tisement. Roughly speaking,
the canvas yielded for ad-ver.tisement
230 votes ; for ad-ver.tine-meat, 250 votes
or a majority for ad-ver-tine-ment of 20
votes,'--"Tit.Bite "
Strange that eaoh difference of opin-
Should reign within a word's domin-
What shall we do, 'twiti yon and me,
When even scholars disagree 7
'Tis said that some folk—what irrever-
ence I—
Will call a certain word "per -sever-
Leas learned ones, with firm ad-
Intriumph shout, '•It's perse-ver-
once ?"
Pedantic people plead that "p -re -face,"
Written or spoken, rhymes with de-
faoo :
Others a gain your fame will efface
If pronounce it not as "pr-ef-ace I"
Some apeakere in expressing "neither"
Accent and emphasize the "i" there ;
While not a few would have ue note
As surely as that wood will float,
That 'tie the useful vowel "e"
And that alone, should sounded be.
As here I pause to think of neither,
It seems to me that neither's either.
Ere closing 'twill be well to mention
Another word of mush contention
Which some, defying all the oodee,
Persist in phrasing "Antipodes"
While others, rhyming it with toadies,
Contend it's really "Antipodes."
Philologists with equal ease
Will prove it is "Antipodes."
What editors assert is meant
To welcome eaoh advertisement,'
But stay, although there's nought un-
wise meant,
Some vote the word is "advertisement"
That man's a sad affliction, very,
Who is a walking dictionary.
As words, like words of fiction vary,
'Tie p'rape pronounced ae diotionary,
Alt lexicographers agree.
To differ most materially,'
And glory in those giant ills,
Sesquipedalian syllables,
Professional etymologists
Are simplyverbal puguliets ;
And when they strike, each fresh
Deserves and gets my benediction
Thud floundering weary wotde among
And wondering whioh . is right Or
wrong ; . .
The /pert of apaoulative doubts,
And literary ins and cute ;
Confounded by aonfliating rules,
The ehuttlecool;s of all the eohoele ;
What wonder that in eaoh a juggle
Poor poets pariah in the struggle ?
To drive a student to dietraobiea
Can give but entity satiefaotien,
Ere fly my wits away like birds,
Oh, whe will quell tine war of worde
"Shall women ride the bioyolo?" 's the
problem of the hour,
For women must have problems --'tis a
part of women's dower.
"Shall women smoke?" hoe gone quite
out ; "Shall women Vote ?" also.
Bat "Shall she hike?" 's the the point 'bout
which just now she wants to know.
"She shall," 'e the^answee I would give
because I would not like
To see the women I admire, perched high
upon a bike ;
From what I know of woman's will, of
what she does and don't,
I'm certain if man says she "shall," obeli
tell him that she wont,
And, further, I would like to see the paint
vetoed or eigned,
For I would really like to know what next
will vox her mind.
Will it be, "Shall she drive a oab ?" or
haply, "Shall she ones 7"
What other of our follies shall she want
to share' with ue ?
Is it to be, "Shall women join the forooe
of the state 7"
"Shall women fight the Iodises 1" "Shall
women, carry freight 7"
"Oen women baggage emaeb 7" or else,
"Shall women gather fares
Upon the cable oars 7" perhaps, "Shall
women deal in shares 7"
So settle up the problem that doth wrinkle
up her brow
Just,buya wheel, and say, "Caine I ride,"
to your ambitious frau,
That we may meet these and other points
that must be settled up
If we would have less bitters and more
sweets within our Pap.
Get all the problems settled. Let as
know just where we stand,
So that we may all reach at last the
happy promised land.
But mark my words, howe'er 'tis solved,
on Dabs, or votes, or bikes,
I think that woman's sure to do exactly
as she liken.
Let us take time for the good-bye kiss.
We shall go to the day's work with e
sweeter spirit for it.
Let ue take time for the evening pray-
er. Our sleep will be more restful if we
have claimed the guardianship of God.
Let ue take time to speak sweet,foolish
worde to those we love. By and by,
when they can no longer hear ns, our
foolishness will seem more wise than the
best wisdom.
Let us take time to read our Bible. Its
treaeares will last when we shall have
oeased to oars for the war of political
parties, and the rise and the fall of
stooks, or the petty happenings of the
day. et ue take time to be pleasant. The
small ooartesies wbioh we often omit be.
cause they are email, will some day look
larger to us than the wealth which we
have coveted, or the fame for which we
have struggled.
Let us take time. to get acquainted with
our families. The wealth you are aocam-
ulating, burdened father, may be a doubt-
ful blessing to the son wko is a stranger
to you. Your beautifully kept house,
busy mother, oan never be a home to the
daughter whom you have not time to
Let ue take time to get acquainted with
Christ. The hour ie coming swiftly for
ue all, when one tough of hie hand in the
darkness will mean more than all that is
written in the day -book and ledger, or in
the records of oar little social world.
Since we all must take time to die, why
should we not take time to live—to live
in the large sense of a life begun here for
eternity 7
Envy is as deadly as the smallpox.
A kicking Pow often gives good milk.
There is no more foolish foolishness
than worry.
The bread God gives is always fresh
and sweet.
God San forgive sin, but he won't bless
Every lie is the' asoasein of somebody's
It doesn't make a sin any whiter to Pall
it a mistake.
There ie no use in talking any higher
than we live. .
The thing that really damns men is
their love for sin.
An hour spent in bad company is a
long step toward the pit.
The right kind of faith prefers God's
will to its own will.
You oan disappoint the devil in one
way by keeping out of debt.
True faith never hesitates about step-
ping where God directs.
A hypoorite only wears hie mask while
he thinks he is being watobed.
If there were no fools in the world the
lawyers would all be out of work.
Live at peace with all men and you
will have the devil's war all your life.
The only thing about some ohurohes
that points to heaven ie the steeple.
If some of us would praise God more
we would blame our neighbors lees.
The real duty is neglected when we
step over one duty to perform another.
The devil wins many a battle by get-
ting God's troops to fire into each other.
To have to hoe the sumo row over every
day, soon takes the poetry out of life,
Heaven is to be given to those who are
trying to make a heaven of this earth.
Don't think about the storm being
blaek. Remember that God gave the
Trying 10 obtain happiness simply to
have it, is nothing more than selfishness.
The mon who breaks the gblden rule
does not keep any of God's command-
The devil has both hands, on the man
who will not follow his honest" conVio-
If you say "Good morning" to the
devil he will offer you hie arm to take a
It the devil can persuade you to take
one step, he will make it an nnaiiewer-
able argument as to why you should take
Whenever 004 enters upon a work of
ereat'on, the first thing le makes is light,
The man who swore has eomething in
hie heart that the devil wants to stay
As iOng as we leek at men to Sind out
what God is doing, we shall be dieap•
The poorest people in the world are
those who are trying the hardest to keep
all they get,
There is no work So humble that faith.
fulness in It will not be noticed and re.
The people who weigh the most in the
church for Gocl do not always sit' in the
"amen corner." •
The right kind of a prayer for the con-
version of sinners, does all it can to get
to them with the gospel.
The devil 'aye down hie gun whenever
he hears a preacher begin to apologize for
preaching the truth. .,
The devil never geto a dhanoe to relit
in the neighborhood of the man whom
God pronounces perfect.
If you claim to love 005 with all your
heart, don't you believe the angels expeot
you to do something for him with your
emuttdiaxi Ncsvva.
Walkerton complains of numerous
There are 23 cases of typhoid fever in
Brantford. hospital.
Real estate agents in London, Ont.,
report a brisk businees,
Nearly 5140,000 was spent in building
at Guelph the post Beason.
Winnipeg hotel men were fined $25 for
having mokel•in.the-elot maohinee in
their bars.
It has been'deoided that Canadian
codfish may enter Cuba and Porto 'Rico
free of duty.
The Norfolk Union fair celebrates its
jubilee this year at Simooe, having been
establiehod 60 years 050-
Hon. J. 0, Patterson, Minister of Mil.
itia, bas decided that hazing at the Royal
Military College mast cease.
Two young men named Hulett and
Webb, killed a 200.pound bear in Rawdon
on Friday last with an axe and a six -tined
Dr. J. A. Meldrum, late .of IWingham,
has ionated in Belmont and rented part
of the premises recently occupied by Geo.
The Manitoba Legislature at the next
session will probably be asked to pass au
act abolishing the City Oounoil of Win-
nipeg and subeituting therefor it muniai-
pal'commission of three.
Arohibald Campbell, of Belmont, who
had been ailing for some time, passed
away last week at the age of 88 yeere.
The funeral took place on Friday to the
Stewart cemetery.
D. W. Bole, an old Watford boy, ,is a
candidate forthe mayoralty in Winnipeg.
Mr. Bole is one of the leading business
men of the Prairie City, and his many
friends in Ontario would be pleased to
see him elected. '
uTEe.—All oases of organic or sympathetic
heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and
quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
At Prescott last week Mies Maggie
Laporte, while sweeping the house, re-
moved a loaded gun. Tbe trigger caught
in her dress, and the result was to shoot
her 5.year-old brother in the face killing
him almost instantly.
We know whereof we affirm when we
state that Ayer's Pills, taken promptly
at the first symptoms of colds and fevers,
arrest further progress of these disorders,.
and speedily restore the stomach, liver,
and bowels, to their normal and regular
Dr. Rvely, V. S., St. Thomas, wee
called Friday morning to stitch several
wounds in a horse belonging to Daniel
Parish, Yarmouth, which had been at.
tanked by a boar. The horse was nearly
killed. A long wound was made in the
side, and one of the legs was torn open
from the knee to the ehoulder.
American Rhenmatio Cure for Rheuma-
tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1
to 3 days. Its aotion upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious.. 11 re-
moves at once the Pause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted
by G. A. Deadman.
The Registrars of Ontario have formed
an Association and elected the following
oflioers :—President, Oolonel Colea,
Brookville ; let Vice -Pres., G. R. Pat-
tnllo, Woodstock ; 2nd Viae-Pree., Col-
onel IIiginbotham, Guelph ; Seo..Treas.,
a. Coyne, St. Thomas Executive
Committee, S. Lount, Barrie ; Dr. Gil-
mour, Toronto ; Colonel Morin, Welland ;
J. W. Askin, WindsorP. Thompson,
Kingston ; J. Coffey, Ottawa • T. S.
Shenetone, Brantford ; Dr. 11'Iaoleen,,
Sarnia ; Dr. Mallory, Colborne.
How about the town's morals 7-4
delicate but pressing question. Are we
deteriorating ? Are things eaid and done
to -day which would have made our
grandmothers blush 7—How about
Stark's Powders ? A far more import.
ant question. "Oh, that stab in the
head and face by that treaoheroue foe,
neuralgia r" And the. sink headache,
the nauseous biliousness. Keep a supply
of Stark's Powders. They oure when
all fails. They give beauty for the ashes
of suffering. 25 omits a box at all drug.
Recently Martin, Mitchell & Co., grain
merohnnta ab Winnipeg, sent their buyer,
John Story, at Wawaneea, 52,000 by ex-
press. Story visited Wawanssa express
office, eigned agent's book for parcel, but,
itbeing late at night, says he did not
take it with him. The agent Saye he laid
the mousy beside Story, and thought that
when he left he oarried the parcel with
hint, Two suspicious looking'men, who
are re1embered to have been loitering at
the depot, may have extracted the money
puokage, but they, litre the Dash, have.
disappeared, and ouly the mystery re.
A very interesting incident is related
by G. Corbett, who lives a few miles out
of Lion's Head. When hie eon William,
now sixteen years old, was but three years
of age he swallowed a cent and all
medioal shill at the time failed to obtain
itfrom his. body. 'Since then the boy
could never eat his viotuala ae rapidly
as the rest of the family, and frequently
would choke and vomit during a meal.
The other day, during one of these
experiences of vomiting, the cent was
ejected from the throat or esophagus
where it had been lodged for the past,,
thirteen years. The coin ie somewhat
Worn on the opposite edges, rather than
disfigured in other ways.
The Hamilton, Grimsby and 13oama.
villa Eloutrio Railway Company, will, it
is eaid, run Pare On Sunday.
At the session of the blortb America. n
13oekeepors' Aeseelatlon, held in St,
a'osoph, Mo., et, S, Holterman, of Brant.
ford, woe elected preeident.
George Gould, the New York million.
aire, bad a hunt for quail at Stony
Point, Ont„ lastweek, Job came in his
private oar, and was fully eduipped with
doge and gnus,
Willtutu i'ranklin has been committed
to Sarnia jail from Petrolea to stand
trial on the charge of stealing a vest with
watob and drain from Farmer Hoyle, of
the London road,
Jamee, M. Morrison, a stevedore, of
Victoria, B, 0., and three brothers, have
lately become heir to $15,000,000 through
the death of a bachelor uncle, who aurae.
sed his wealth in Australia.
In many oases, the first work of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla is bo expel the effects of the
other medicines that have been tried in
vain. .It would be a saving of time and
money if experimenters toqk Ayer's
Sarsaparilla ab first instead of at Iaet.
Friday. 'evening John McGregor, a
farmer living on the town line of the
Township of Bentiok, near Chesley, slip-
ped, and fell while entering his dwelling
and broke his neok, Death was instan-
taneous, He leaves a wife and six child-
A Boox To Honanunr,=One bottle of
English, Spavin Liniment completely re-
moved a ourb from my horse. I bake
pleasure in recommending the remedy, as
it ants with mysterious promptness in
the removal from horses of bard, soft or
calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints,
curbs, Sweeny, etiflee and sprains. Guo.
Ronn, farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by
G. A. Deadman.
Berlin News :—Few people are aware
of the foot that we have in this town a
man who is 100 years old, Levi Carroll,
of Greenbueh, declares he ie 102 years
old, and lose lived. 53 years in Canada.
He was born in slavery, and on making
his escape carne to this locality,- where
he has ever shoe been a quiet and re-
spected citizen. He' has lived for many
years in an old building whioh has the
honor of being the first school house in
Waterloo County.
RELIEF IN Six Houns: Distressing kid.
ney and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy ie a
great Surprise and delight on account of
its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, ,back and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water nd pain in passingit almost im-
a p
mediately. If yon want quick relief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
Summer Sailng%y
t'rom Tom room
Livorpo'7 Swnetrenirs. Montreal. Quebec,
Daylight, 0 a.m.,
001,10 " +Numidlan....., Nov, 8
" 20 Parisian 0 10 NQy,11
Nov, 1 Mongolian—" 17 " 18
Mill not oall at Rimoneki or Moville.
Passengers embark at Montreal ;after 8
p. rn. on Fridays.
For further information as to rates,
&o., apply to
IByystom Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate -
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con.
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundioe, Hidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. vitas' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by JAMES FOX,
Druggist, Brussels.
To those who Intend Building,
Having built a Lime House at the Sta.
tion I will keep a supply of the Best
Brasil Lime for Sale suitable for all
Building purposes, Also
And Plastering T -Iain for Sale.
D. A. Lowry.
Grand Trunk Ty;
Hunters' Excursions
Return Tickets will be issued froth
and allpointe in the following ..Districts :
SEVERN to NORTH BAY inclusive.
ARGYLE to 0013000N 5 inclueive.
O9.MERON to.HALI13URTON inclusive.
and inclusive:
MVSK015A DARES (via Muskoka Nay. Co.
Goon ).00TOBER 19, 20, 26 and 27,
Gonvo j NOY. 2 and 3.
Valid for Return leaving destination
not later than Dec. let, 1894.
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels.
•. r. LE 1Al CANADA,
'White Star Lame.
Between New !Yorlc and Liverpool, via
Queenstown, every Wednesday..
As the cb,'aul ars of this line carry only a
strictly limited number in the EMT and
e5OOND DAMN accommodations, intending
passengers' are reminded that an early ap-
plicabien for berths is necessary at this Sea-
son. For plans, rates, etc., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Braseals.
C � �
EIbm mp Pdo
t �,a n
Akrmn�'� Aa W
q, ,n, e S mac, 'i," 4 o n H tin d :
1111 5a.mb.7.oailu mgst it
R n'g5p Sop. 109 Wei IiiW
o rpJ {p Bio P, 1 y d_
a P' � 11 n p C.� q it' p btA
aw gc,ey Eq...Ea'
7,p-mgti,e FFr.rot�k'aS
Sold in 1lrustele by
G. A., DF.ADMAN, Druggist.
M. Hammerly, a well-known business man
of Hillsboro, Va., sends this testimony to
the merits of Ayer'9 Sarsaparilla: "Several
years ago, I hurt my leg, the m ury leaving
a sore which led toeryslpelna. 111.3,sufferings.
wore extreme, m leg, from the knee to the
ankle, being a send sore, which bean to ex-
tend to other parts of the body. After trying
various remedies, I began taking Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, and, before I had finished the
first bottle I experienced great relief- the
second bottle effected a complete ,lures
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Oo., Lowell,Mau.
r" ;sros others,W Il I cure you;
ure Quills
Make a better filling for Corsets
than any other known material.
"Featherbone" Corsets are tough-
er and more elastic than any
other make, as they are entirely
filled with quills (Featherbone).
To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores.
9pposits the Queen's Hotel, - Brussels.
A. Full Stock of Fresh Groceries, Floitr, Bread,
Crockery and Glassware always on hand
411 Saleable Produce taper, at Highest Market
Prices, but720 Credit ivem.
Commissions of all kinds
Promptly Executed. Goods Delivered in any
part of the town.
Remember the BREAD and
other Prices in Proportion.
Potatoes Wanted.
Any quantity of Poultry wanted, must be dry picked
and not drawn.
"Footprints .
On the Sands
Of Time." .
Looking at them closely it is not hard to be-
lieve that some of thele might have been made by
ants, so very small their step and so crooked their
way ; excitable little creatures that with all their
flurry never seem to get anywhere in particular,
and whose whole interest seems to be that of turn-
ing aside from obstacles. Others again, in the
great length of their stride, remind one of the
mighty jump of the kangaroo. They are evidently
getting somewhere, and on reflection it occurs to
the observer that these must be the tracks of those
shrewd merchants who `got there' by jumping from
one advertisement in Tun BIGHIS17L8 POST to anoth-
er, and as we ponder their prodigious strides, these
beautiful lines of the poet come to mind :
Footprints that perhaps another
Sailing o'er life's troubled main,
Some forlorn and shipwrecked brothel.
Seeing may take heart again.