The Brussels Post, 1894-10-19, Page 8TUSSZL,S OST "1 SURGOL CyoANTrey of trit%1med millinery at Goat, slew Boowen. TOM 05,000 stook of W. NightIONN A,ilistpn, Nag sold on Tu)eda at 11`0. formerly MOM b0 ,lamas Timmins, Yaof Bluevale, at 60 cense oil the dollar, TUB Efliter'e thanks are due to G. A, Deadman Per a Oleg supply of hie lest prize Jersey butter. It Wee splendid, 000mpenying the butter wee a generoue sample of extracted honey, Pnize Perme,—Treasurer 8tewat't wag ihney paying prizee 10 QOnn)Otion with East Huron Fall Fair last Saturday afternoon at the Conon ()limber. He will be found at the same phos on l3atur. da afternoon of we week from 1 to 0 eleiool[, AT a meeting of the Directors of the Beet Huron Formate' Insbitete held on Friday, 5th inat„ it was dPolded t0 hold the next public meeting in Brunets, The date le named by the Ontario Agrionitur- al College, who supply the outside speakers. It will probably be in January, A mamma et the Direobore of the ]'fast Riding and Grey Breech Agricultural Societies was in thegounoil ghamber on Saburday forenoon, The prize list of the recant fair Wae gone peer and or. regtions made where neoeeeary. Op mo- ton o£ W. 11. Barr and A. Gardiner, re wereepointed and andSecthreerey Stow. art appointed to award prizes- for the best sore pf _ turnips, Thos) entered for the eempetitlon are :-Alex. Gardiner, Jas. Simpson and Jas. 112o0a1- lune, MoIKillop ; R• McGowan, East Wawanosh ; N. Cumming, Jas. Sharp, Jae, Ireland and 0. Henderson & Son; Morris ; McEwen Bros„ Turnberry ; a. ogees J. Brown & Son, and Bird Bros,KNITTIreo,—Mary GNew Boors TO no Bouom.—.Monday afternoon a meeting of the Directors of Brussels Mechanics' Institute wee held in the Library, .President ROSS in the chair. Theother members of the BoardBrussels. present were nt r, Directorsie- ousley, Secretary Hunter, of Bios Smith Cameron and Kerr, and Mise Shaw, Librarian, A statement of the finances was given by the Treasurer, when it was decided to expend 965.00 in the purchase of new books. Aoommitbee oonsisting of Rev. G• U. Cobblediok, J. H. Cameron and J. MaBain was a amt• NP ed to prepare a list of the most desirable books for the Tnatitute.. 11Tembere are also asked to give the name of any g favorite book they would like to Mise Shaw and oat of these a list will be made nip. The Board adjourned to meet next Monday at 9 p, in, LIFE ON THE RAIL: Conductor Snider delivered his lecture in the Town Hall here last Friday evening on the above topic and considering the wet weather there was n very good audience, a 928.00 house and was been equalled it uss id Brussels. The locomotive and its origin- ator were sketched and an interesting g account of the various stages a passenger conductor passes through before he 0,5. sumes that office. A very amusing part of the lecture was the oorreotpicture of the people met with on the train and more than one hearty laugh was enjoyed g J Y over the adventures of some of them. The two hours occupied by the lecture sped by quickly and the humor, delinea- tion of charaoter, pathos, useful hints to travellers and the practical advice from a religions standpoint made it entertaining, inatruotive and profitable. Conductor Snider was well deserving of the hearty vote of thanks accorded him at the close. People laughed and oriel and were sorry when the leoturer concluded. He will he warmly welcomed on any future visit. Rev. Mr. Cobblediok performed the duties of chairman. GOOD FOR BRIIsoELs.—Tho following in- teresting sketch is handed us for publics- tion :—Brussels Foot Ball Club has just closed a most successful season and dis- banded, through inability to get any practice owingto the short evenings and p g the fact that most of the members are in stores and shops. The chub was 0050062. el in the Spring and laced under the p g p Captancy of Lew. Jackson. Nearly. all the members of the team were juniors who had nob been in any previous team. The first match of the season was with Atwood in that village when the visitors, g though a much lighter team than their opponents, by swift play and skilful nom• bination proved themselves too much for the home team, winning the day by 3 goals to 0. The nest team played was Wingham at Ludmow on May 24th, Brussels was weakened by the absence of two defence men but in spite of that they were a goal ahead until within a few seconds of full time when, through over confidence, Wingham was allowed t0 score. After dinner when thsteamslined up the Brussels men, though a number of them were disabled, made a plucky fight and held Win bane down to one more Gdaughter goal, thus losing the prize by a score of 2 to 1. The return match with Atwood was a walk -over for the home team des- Cite t110 fact that the visitors had been strengthened by adding some outside men. Thegame was the home teams by4 pals g to 0. On July 2nd Bruesels was mot here by a teem from Ripley when the vieitors were defeated by a 00000 of 4 t0 O. Our boys next journeyed North to Wroxeter defeat d them 6 to 1. the teamxx0.—In Liatowel came annext and was the hardiest contested match of the season but swift play and faultless co)nbination again gave Brussels the victory by 1 goal to 0. The return match with Wroxeter was a perfect Waterloo for the Wroxeter foam, the score Using 8 to 0 iu favor of Brnsaels, The last match o£ the season was played with Wingham in and was not finished as the visit - in team would not submit to a Tulin of g g their referee giving the home team a goal. The result was that the gams •10(10 given to Bruseaelone tht t 0. The ]toe more though small WOG e D o e earn would have nO difficult • In increasin . Tho un- Y • g reasonable demands of the visitors would have load one to SU ppoeo shat they had made up their • minds that longer play would moan a bigger• score against them and that the present was a good opDor- Y qH nurnb°rt 0f bhp m Webers of tli ud b ata a team axe othefgst�will be lienal to fill thelia places and make the season of 1895 ovemore successful than that just closed• Follow- ing is result of the season's games : Won, Lost. Gemee 7 1 Goole 28 8 The members of the teem were;— Goal, W. Armstrong ; Backe, L. Jackson and R. Ross ; Half Backs, P. Ferguson, G. Anderson and A. Sample ; Centre, W. Dodds ; Right Wing, W. J. Stewart and d. Shove; Left Wing, R, Pexguson and J. mo sc.. g0ait'I4501 DEN'Ae.--We are always Veleta ed• to hear fI00 our pilretelpe[liiente x174 are the nittnereua trta;dere et Tido 1,'oeV. IR these who lie elleerfelly OOntribelte Moir Weekly quota of the newts knew how HOMY e»j y the eel el it they would be, We have >lo doubt, pletleautly euh'prised, An item of Pews front any quarter le Oh ways weloonee only we want the Waite of the eeuder eo' as to knew it is percept, Try your hand, � , .. 4 71'J �.rl." Ci d 4. 1 U'S'x•09•aaXP=uielea 14'720 HEAD 0FF 10 ]", T 0 R 0 N TO. ,ASSETS, (Spven1�lillioO Dollars) $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authprige1) . $2,000,000 A allciet in all rinot nil elate i,l Puha*, Q1foLeo,1I?anttobtc, Unite States d X rt lr&rtrl, i) .p Ia p Englana. • p o eupply sebool We are prepared t Woke and school su),lpliee of oil kinds. We Have reeeiyed part of war luipoctatiou of siat-ES, /� „� c ,p pp�� ylvIN$. cgo. We have en excellent eeleotion of Bibles, containing Dither the Pree- bytehlan Hymnal Qv the Meth°• diet Hymns. 'There is eu inoreae• Mg demand for a small Bible with large print. This 1) aaeompliehed by beving very thin paper of extra quality. We have good values in ,t1hese, Tor 5, S. teaohere and for presentation we have them in Morocco Bindings, containing a oonoordanee and other valuable helps. DEADMAN, G. A. gist,r, &a Druggist, Booksel a g6 - "=�d&F, dh°JT � �exam A General Banking Bmeineee Transeoted. Farniere' Noe Disoonnted.. Drefte Issued slid Qollaotiong made en allorate. p SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest dermaon derps of 111,00 end upwards from date of depoeit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. -•S e01AL ATTENT%ON Pivao TO onip ggr,LEOT%0N'O]r FAIRRoe' S4rE NPree, EVery laaility afforded Ouetomors living at a distance. S, A. STEWART, Manna. ,•• �� E3usuiess ,LOo€f_LS, Guerre at AfQAlpine'e at 85 oente per basket. Quetaeree of trimmed millinery at poet, Mole RODDICR, HARNEas greatly rednoee inpxigoe at H. 'Dpnnla'v liusseie. Box's Velocipede for sale• Poev Publishing House, Sone second band coal stevee, $6 and on at B. Geary e, volas our single harnese takes the lead, lead, L O, RIoilAnas, WA0000 and Darts et THE Peel! Book. store, Want to clear out stock. ItoBEs and blankebs, large assortment and very low priaes. I. 0. RICHARDS. DeWitt stook of Horse Blankets and' Robes ab low priaes at H. Dennie', Bru)' eels, join opened out the largest and cheap: esti lot of hanging lamps i5 town at sur- prise prices at B. Gerry's. Bok00Ens: Ao0ommodation for two boarders at a private home. Reasonable ratite. Apply at THE . Pose Publishing House. H. Howe,. of the firm of Howe & Co., is prepared to take in knitting, or knit to order, socks, stockings, cardigan' jaolcets, &o. Will exchange goods for wool. Shore, one door South Give us a °en; DWDIelOula AND DnmLx No. -George Birt has all the necessary machined for y y digging and drilling wells and is prepay- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells 0leaned out and put in proper share. Terme reasonable. Residence so. opd door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberr st„ Brnaeela. 34.11 y B000AnXs xx W"T" PAPER. -2,400 rolls of beautiful American Wall Papers jusb to band, bought at lees than 500 on the dollar, . Don't listen to slap -trap but Dome •right along and choose at your own price. Elegant gilts at 100,.ldo, 20o and. 25n, formerly sold from 80o to Goo. All pa ars Luno erfeetl at 10e. Come all N p y and come quiets, for they won't last, W. Roddick. F, S. SOorT will ocuduot any sale of Farm stook as auctioneer during the months of Ootober and November for ' Knowing the standing of nearly everyone he is in .a position to sell to p good medics, and guarantees satiefaotion. He will also see that your notes are promptly drawn and signed. Dates can be arranged at Tae POST Publishing House, Brussels.1 THE PuaITANe.—Man changes and int. y g pxovemente mark the title of life of that little toilet necessary, yolept Pin. From the heavy pin of early days made of iron wire, badly pointed, with its clumsy ill. shorten head, and depending for its strength solely on its weight, until the introduction of the Puritan Pin, the change might be called an evolution, so steady and gradual was ft, but the Puritan being so immeasurably superior to any pin previously manufactured, formed the first noticeable gap, having, so to speak, distanced all oompetitore. Being made of the hardest braes wire tempered to give it stiffness with strength, pointed in oil, which gives it penetrating• powers heretofore possessed only by steel needles, the Puritan Pin wins its way wherever offered for sale. In the United States, where it is beet known, it controls thepin trade and though just introduced g J into Canada within the past six months, its success has been phenomenal, and no retailer who studies his customers in• termite now thinks bit stook complete without Puritan Pins. �y ILLIES qt �.�ppq�. + w t� ys ER (,� 1,V i 1-1 .1 ..i,V •�-,� C� • a R, V E3 M L e , Transact a General BankingBusiness. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. TiAR;A2EltS NOTES DISCOUNTED.' SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. ---- STRAND TRUNK RAILWAY . ---- SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & 0. -- Trains • leave Brunets Station, North nd South, as follows: Going Boum.• Not 71. rail 0;04 &An. I Mixed 9:40 a.m, n,xuress DM a.m. Mail Bas p.m. dixed 0:00 per,. Eeprese ....,, 0:43 Po;', �+v�,, •1�"df/MVOsb' AftX4r DEP.2921VA.V7. Interest Allowed 00 One Dollar and Upwards ab Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Dep°site. We eldest to write Insurance In old English or Canadian Companies, or in Mute nal Companies as may be desired. Aentas Fon CANADA AND UNITED STATES :. THE 06216DIAN Bout of gontnwnoE. y0 T cy� ` rN,•Q•Cal. ,Q,I% t IT , 4.An faith he'll yeene kit' notes, EAST Cumene N. Y., Oct. 16.—Cattle —Thirty one oars through twelve on sale ; market slow and easier for cone- mon to fair grades ; heavy (tattle dull but firmly held. Sales -1,200 to 1,800 Ib. steer, 94 to $4,50 ; light to fair steers, $3.45 to $8.85 ; stockers, 99.40 to 2.75 ; $ old to good fat' cows, 81,50 to $2.76. .Hogs—Three oars through ; 50 oars on eels inolnding twelve Loads held over; market steady at yesterday's close Sales, Yorkers, 93.45 to $5,25, mostly •$5.25 ; good mediums, $5.25 to 95.50 ; no choice heavy here ; pigs, $5.25 to $5.40 ; roughs, 94.25 to 94.65. Sheep and Iambs —Four oars through ; 55 care on Rale, M. eluding 40 loads held over ; market steady for epeeshade lower for lambs ; sales p ; fair to god sheep; e9xports, ewest9s.25; choice, 92.40 to $2.G6 ; &sports, .and wetly ere, $3 to $3.50 ; fear to good lambs, 83.- 25 to 94 ; extra, 94.15 to $4.$5 ; Canada lambs, $4,15 to $4,40. TORoxro, Oat, 16.=Market quiet. Wheat—Red and white sold at 49go, and also North and West freights at 48o, and offered, middle freights West, at 490 ; ear of spot No. , hard sold on Ge T. P. R. West at 04}0, and the G. T. R. West at 64o, and it was quoted East at 66o. Sales reported of 10,000 bushels of No. 1 hard on P. T., Fort William ; of 24,000 bushels New York ab 65o Flour '—A car of 90 per cent. patents sold, middle freights West, at 92.50 ; straight roller offered West in barrels ab $2.25, and in buyers' bags at 1 f.o.b. West ; Manitoba flour quoted at $3.30 to 93.40 for patents and 98.15 to 93.20 for strong bakers'. Barley—Round lots of No. 1 quoted by buyers et 45o, and No. 2 East at 48o ; round lots that would grade No. 2 sold at 43o ; oars of feed • offering west at 80a, with 87o bid. Oahe—Buyers quot- ing white at 26o and mixed ab 25o West ; cars on the track here quoted at 30e. Peas—Seven cars of Na. 2 sold North and West. TORONTO, Oat. 16.—Reoei is at the Western Cattle Market to -day were not y heavy, only 63 carloads all told. These included 343 sheepand lambs 386 hog., g and the conal queof naives, Buhers were in only fair attendance. There. were six carloads of Manitoba oattle on the market. There was practically no p Y buying in export cattle, the season being over. Prices are no better, Sp per lb. being the top. Most of she cattle in - tended for exporters were taken as feed- ere. In butchers' cattle the market was quiet and stead Prices ran ed fromfree Dente to 9} Dente per pound, ranged ng gARMS to quality. Not many really Choice, bueohers' cattle reosived. Stockers and feeders was the line receiving most at. tention to.day. Buyers who have been dealing [n export cattle and man g p many cattle buyers are operating in this line now. There were not enough in to eup- ply�the demand. There are several buyers to fill, and the roper class of b p cattle are hard to get. Although some few really choice heavy cattle brought a fraction over Sa per pound, that was about he outside. Poor otookers sold away down, soma as low as 190 per lb. In hogs, although offerings were not quite so beavy as they have been for time, the market remains weak, best bacon )logs for the export trade fetching only 94.60, fel and watered about $4.70, weighed off the oars. In sheep and lambs the feeling continues weak ; export sheep were selling from only o8o to neo pox er two fanny lotsxgoing quality, to alig fraction over these figures. g ''C7(T INC1RESTER REPEATING , VV Roas 10 shooter, only used for a short time. Will bo sold at a bargain. ` G. A., DEADMAN, Druggist, &o, QUANTITY of trimmed millinery at Dost. Mlse RUDDICH, THE Listowel Bannnr has put in a type eating machine. Seneca, Board did not meet on Friday as there was nota quorum. q POSTPONED xaess on Brussels Driving Park Saturday of this week. EAST Huron adjourned Conservative Convection will be held in Gorrie next Friday to select a candidate. WRaxETER has a new base ball player. His name Sanderson. We hope the genial J. W. will not be compelled to go ont on the fly as the nights grow old, and run bases with the youngster. A Ramon, Clerk of 4tb Division Genet, intends removing his office from the Graham block, where it has been for years, to the rear of his hardware afore,$5,00, two doors North of the postnffioe, where a comfortable room has been fitted nip. To RE•OROANIZE.—Thin (Fridey) even- ing at 8 o'olock the Yonng Liberals of Brussels and surrounding country are asked to attend a meeting in the Odd Fellows' Hall for the election of oflioe bearers for the ensuing year in mimeo. tion with the Young Men's Liberal Club, A large attendance asked for. A Now enclosed desk and an upholster. ed arm obair have been placed in the Town full, Braseele, for the comfort and convenience of Sadge Doyle while in et. tendanee at Division Courts. These were placed there at the Judge's request but ab the expense of the corporation. The latter receives au animal fee from Grey and Morris townships to assist in defray. ing expenses of holding the Court here. nt=AUcHNeenme.—Donald Lamont, of Grey, who is visiting relations in Ar- gyleabire, sent a bunoh of heather, a genuine Scotoh thistle and a sample of broom corn to A. Reid, Brussels, this week. The much prized heather was distributed among the members of Ben Lomond Camp, S. 0. S., Tuesday even- ing. The editor of THE Peer was also remembered by Mr. Reid. HY'IobbAL,—A most interestingevent took place at Rat Portage, when Anson J. Pybus, son of John Pybus, of Brussels, and Mies Margarie Carr were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, on the 10th of October. They started on their bridal y tour the following day. Mr. Pybus has been an employee to the 0. P. R. freight sheds in Winnipeg for the last G years and the Company furnished them tickets of charge. May happiness, health and prosperity be their portion. POSTPONED RAOEs.—The speeding eon- teats which did not take phos on Fall Fair day, owing to the rain will come off on Saturday afternoon of this week. There are 8 entries in the farmers' xa0e and G in the 3 minute trot. The events will be the best 2 in 3, mile heats, Association rules to govern. Weather clause to prevail. The p track is in eerst•class condition, Ladies admitted free to the Park. Races called at 1 o'clock, MFDICAT. ASSOCIATION.—The regular quarterly meeting of the Huron Medical Association, was held in the Town Hall, Clinton, on the Oth Inst, This was an exceptionally interesting meeting, when some valuable papers were presented by the members, especially those of Dr. oGf Wing, of Brussels, and Dr. Kennedy, of Wingham, As Huron boasts of ons of Lthebs Westebest rn peninsula,sicians snd the meetings haldtby the association are of great value to the profession. g P Toon PRO'[ THE G. T. R. New time table on the Grand Trunk but no change 0n the W. G. & B. division: Hunters' excursion at single fare retard tickets isj'jl'a8aelg announced, good from Oot. 10th to Deo. 10t,—Two care of gravel have been pat in the cattle pane in the station yard bods ctinders ders ibe ln asd short time.ople Thisof is aals of good move.—D. Morias: Assistant Superin• tendent, made a brief visit to Brusrels thie _The oars is Laxed to its limit stliese daupply of ys lata,—Hay shipping be tun neatmwee Ig —Amonggthe oa going gfreights daring the past week were 6 oars of lumber by L. McDonald & Oo., Wal m ; a car of salt to Boston, to me w,• h their beans,1ttopuso we suppose ; 3 care of oa,.e by Backer & Vanatone, and a oar of hogs by the same firm ; 5 oars of peas a0d a car of flour by Stewart & Grebam ; 2 °are 01 pobatoee by W, H. 111aCraokon ; 8 oars of lambs by Clegg &Dames ; 1 car lambs by Jno, ltoddink ; 1 oar of hogs by Scott& Jones, -More than one train' has had to . slow xp North 01 Brttaeola to save the 1110 of lohn Connolly, a well known 'obaraotee, .who often takes the tie dense to his- carding plane. The G. T. R. authorities, will send him to Godorioh jail if he does nob keep off their premises.—Harry James reosived A oar 01 tile this week, ANTED TO PURCHASE A' house containing about seven or eJgbt rooms and kitchen, and about 3 sore lot, -near business part of village. State pride wanted. address MRS. J. WALIIBB, Roseville. Q't TRAY ED ON THE PREM— 1�7 nine of the,undersigned, on Sunday Lith Met., one rig. The owner is roqueeted is to prove property; pa expenses and take it away. tJOHN PIITLAND, Brussels, Cote 14th, 18x4, THREE HUNDRED 3 OO. bDya i to sasa eR dap- ins the nestle days, buy that valuable prop - 5500 further as the Brussels n ppS toting Rink. G. to BLrueo Da rrietor, Bxcaecle; STRAYED. FROM LOT 1, CON. t-7 14, Grey, an or about Sept. lab, a large leaiinato her xocove if wtAne Information re- warded. TEOB, GOVIlNL00R, 11-4 eaaforth P. 0. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. Mai asepiosninggu On Lob 14, s00s ppsi 11 d 4r ° 15 and le, Greyeither }ri£h or without doge, will be dealt with acoorcting to law. JAS, DOUGLAS, lt•1 Proprietor, STOLEN FROM THE PREM— lens of theunde,•signed, Lob 10, Oen. 10, Grey, on Tuesday night, Sept. 18th, a road cart, est of .single harness and horse binn- cover) wiVllbo sumitub y reward gto their re- JAILS HOUSTON 10-4 Walton 1'. 0. NOTICE 1 The Partnership heretofore existing be- the name of as or & makers, twrth fir undersigned, as briokemakers, has thin day been dissolved by mutual consent, this All moubys One the said o :I aro to bps paid d tea n liabilities who will .also payall debts and liabilities of the said Co. partner - ship. Dated at Brussels this 17th day of October, 1834. A. HUNTER, JAOOB E ISS. 17R, 14-g Wiboseo. JOHN WEIS8. eorrz- ,S-ANDERSON.—In Wroxeter, on the 7611 inst., the wife of Mr. J. W. Sander: son of a eon. Mormon.—In Grey,. on Cot.10th, the wife of Mr. John McLeod of a daughter. FEnaueoN.—In Belgrave, on Oot. 8th, the wife of Mr. Andrew Ferguson of a son. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE.—THE UN - .JC DERsxaxnD has eavnral good Name for sale smite rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. 11' 5, SOOTT.Bruesele, M.ax;;rxfan, ADRoANDER—.GRAY,—At the residence of 0 the bride's parents, Ehna, on the 10bh inst., by 1Aev, Mr. Cameron, of Garth lernington,112r. William John Alexander, to Miss Sarah Gray,, of Mr. Robert Gray, all of Elmo. Gmson-MlLnna.—In Morrie, on the 16th lass. at the residence of the bride's areata, byRev. A. Y. Hartle Mr. Thos A. Gibson, of Wrosetor, to Miss A•nee, daughter of Inspector Jno, R.Amer.some FARM TO RENT FOR ANUM— nER of years. Said farm Loin Lo ' i 27 andN.10. pt 26, o°n• e, Mor,•i,,00nt seining 150 acres, For further particulars apply to JOHN MOONEY, Enmesh% P. O. or to W. 0. STRIBTTON Landeastor, Ohio. _ 1 1ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN— LSF DERsiaxED oWers bis splendid Teo ore farm, being Lots 17 and 18, e, Grey, r sago, About 180 acres cleared, halftime ,wood• &e, Good brick h0090, bank barn orchard, &e. Well watered and folioed, For prion, terms, &c„ apply to A, G. WELSH, Proprietors 52•t0 Ethel 1. Q. =MMD- I{ome Grey, On Oat. 14th, Selina Smart, beloved wife of William King, aged 66 years and 6 months. QDrnP,-In RIMEL, on Oot. Gth, the infant shill of Albert Qilipp. S'HTrr.—In Elma, On pat. 8rd, Harvey Clarence, youngesb eon of Thomas Smith, aged 2 years and 10 months. Wlvreox.—In Wingham; 0n ;Oct. 1211, Crowell Willson, ex•M.P., East Middlesex, in his 80111 year. • , r �AM DENT.—FOR 118 undersigned AEoffers his to ac,„ farm, Doing Lots 12 and ly 813, Con. e, Gray, for sale. On the premises is 0, 0001, ei s,f house. °ro is brit* 150 sores °leered balance bush. A will •bbargarent Do given, I of years, the iarrn wiler jartit rented for price 01 300 &o,, apply to ItOBT. MoIO t> , Proprietor, 11.8 Gerrie, P. 0. or to JAMES A, FRAIN,Braseols, exx,vssrnz.�s xxaMECMITsi Fall Wheat, 47 48 .Spring Wheat 46 48 Barley ...... ... ... 85 88 Peas 48 40 Oats 24 2G Eggs pereer dozentubs delle,... 18 00 Flour per' barrel....,..... 3 00 8 50 Potatoes 85 00 Hay per ton 5 00 6 00 Salt pet bbl., retail...... 1 00 00 Hides trimmed 8 Hides rough 2 2l Sheep.sklne each20 40 AAppbee pbbl.. 1 50 1 75 Wool per16 17 Pork, Live ... . , ..... • 4 50 00 �_— ..9.17mTso .r sax,Ea- Notice to Creditors. Erma, Cov, 19th.—Clearingout sale of farm stook, implements, a, lot 1, Con.. 6, Groy, Salo unroaeived, oom- menses et 12 noon, Thos: MoLauchlin, Pr�opp., Geo. Kirkby Aua, �VEDNusnAV OOT. 24.—Thorobred cat- tle and well bred Leicester sheep, . Lot 17, Con. 10 Morris. Sole unreserved, at 1 o'clock • :;Neil McDonald, Prop, Geo; Kirkby, Ana.Lomb Fns, & Oot. 28th.—Farm stook, imple• menta, &o. Lot 20, eon, 0, Morrie. Sale, ' at 1 p. Am. Wm. 01 an' Prop., P. P Tvasnes Oottt80th.—Farm stook and implements. Lot 10, .eon. 10, Grey, Sale unreserved at 1 p. m.' Jno, Brown, Pro F. S. Scott, amt. - p' Pursuant 00, to t ho provisionaof Chapter 110 tarje°n1088of theRevised Statutes b051010, notice is hereby y Bion; that all arsons havin� Smalee, sof t the the Village of Sousa iSamuel in the County of Buren, Merchant, who died on or about the Eighteenth day of September; A. pre -paid, 8'r00 ereb t 10 W. M, 6inolalrtyp the village of Brussels,in the County of Huron l Executrix of the estate of Solicitorfor Bma18, deceased, on or be - tore the Twentieth day of October, October, A. D. ane' adotr'esseeo statementwriting 1 vartioulare of their elaime and of the a full (if any held by them and that after the said Ttven tieth da of October, the mid Executrix will y prooeed to distribute the assets of the Raid Samuel lineal ,e amongst the partlee entitled thereto, baying regard only to claims ce which notice shall leave boob given a above reg aired and the said Iixoeutrix will nob be thereof, to anon xhs said as , Or any oars , i pore Or persons, f wit06 Maim or claims notice shall not 1000 Mon 0eoelveil, ab the time of Shah distribution. Datnd at Brueosls, tih0 e.lventy Sixth dee of Septoebber, A, D„ 1804. 10y. M. 815011.41$, 90501ter for lbxtputriz. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. MU RB SHIN G OUTFIT ' FOR ' Sale,-2•bo nndereipg004 o0erefot tai& hie Abel engine and a win eltor, both in . good 100011100 order, He will also dispose of his Ohtnglo min. Reason for selling, ilt 1lealtb. A bargain will be given. lar further paltiaulars es to pgrice, berms, &o„ apply to RICHARD M10015ELL, 041 Lob 16,Con, O,Seey,Or OranbreebP 0, PETEnDOaO', Ont., Oct.. 10.—At the regular meeting of the Pebeeboro' Cheese Board to -day the salsa 10800 very small, sellers holding off for higher priaes, Nine thousand fear hundred and ninety-seven boxes were boarded • 775 boxes sold at + loge ; 778 boxes at 10}o. OPT. 19, ;189 DOOMED TO B'' Within the Next 4 Weeks, The Balance of .our Beaubi. Rul Stook of Wall Papers. MoWherrgls' sentence has been com- muted le imprisonment for life but the 1i'noister o£ 4 nstioe can have no 507 Omit 17videuoe le se unmistakeable t hat our. lirices are right that the sentence must bo enforced and all must be sold, Give us a oall before purabasing else- where. All papers bought from us will be hung by a first,olags paper -banger at loweet prioe. JAS. FOX. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING: R. Solicitor and donveyaneer. Ooileo- Il. TAYLOR, BARRISTER time made. O1goe—Vanstonees Cloak, Bras. eels, 21 -em 'TXT M. SINCLAIR, . •NAT • Solicitor Oonveyancer,Notai•yyub• Ho, &o, Omoe—'Vanetono's Block, i door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan, fAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, VV Banisters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Goderdob, Ont. Al. 0 OAn0EDON, 0. 0„ PHILIP Norm, moDLET nemesis. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. pate of Garrow & Proudfoot'a Oifloe, Goderioh.) Oiiioe oyer Gillian & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 DENTAL. 1) E N'xX' T 1 M. CAVANAGH, L. D• S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College or Dental Surgeons, Ontario and of Toronto Uni- versity, Oow ore -Over A.R. Smith's Store. Brussels, Will vieit Wroxeter the 1st and Srd Mondays and Blyth the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. DR. DAVIDSON Honor Graduate Toronto Univereity,. Liesatiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Grown and Bridge work a speoialt Moder- ate Foes, Satisfaction Assured. Osco over Barrett's barbershop, Turnberry St„ Brus- sels. VETERINARY. T D. .WARWICK, el • Honor ,Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. is prepared to treat alt diseases of domesticated animals In a com- petent manner, Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Oildoe and Infirmary—Nom doors north of bridge: 'l'nrnborry et.; Brussels. . H. MOORE, V. S., H. M„V, M. S. Graduate 0f the Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all domesticated animals treated ou scientific prinaiples. Horse dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a specialty. Calle promptly attended to, Oflioe, over Johnston & Ooch- rane's marble works. Infirmary at Beattie'& livery barn,Bxussels, Ont. 26. MEDICAL CARDS. ir • U • A. McNAUGHTON, M. D. 0,M.,L.R.C.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P. S. Ont. Residence and of20e In Wilson's Block, corner of 11111. and Turnberry Ste. JM. ARMSTRONG,.M. D. Physician, Surgeon A000ncher, eta.- Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Orman—Next door to McDonald & 00„ Walton Out, AUCTIONEERS. RAYMANN A.• Auctioneer, Is always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terms cheerfully given. Oranhrook P.O.' Sales may be arranged at Tao POST Publishing House, Brussels. ' GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Aoobiouoer. Sales conduct orlon reasonable terms. Farms and farm stook a specialty. Orders loft at Tan Pon PubliebingHouse, BruSnots, or sent to Walton P. 0., willreoeive prompt attention. HAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN en as an Auotioneer, I am prepared to conduct sales of farm stock at reasonable prices. 'Knowing the -standingof nearly every person I am in a position to sell to good marks midget good' security when sold on credit. Satisfaction: guneantoorl, Give Mea ova. ' 82- 1 S. SCOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. 17 H. MoCRAOKEN, V 7 • IesurerafMarriageLieensoe. Office at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. N. BARRETT, • Toneorlal Artist' Shop—Next door south of A. M. MoKay & 0o's hardware store, Ladies' and eltildrens hair outting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM ensue NOE,. FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A P1UNTIOR, Olesk of the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Funds invested and to loan. Oollootione made. Oifloe in Graham's Block, Brussels. ISS O'CONNOR, R. T., Teacher Of instrumental music, oh Piano or organ:' Will visit Wingham Taos - day and Wedueeday of °noh week. Rosi., demo on Princess Street, Brussels. TA. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M. • Organist in St. John's Church, Brae - male, and 0,111111, in the Art of :Teaching, of A. W. Thayer, Mud, Doo., NOW York, wilt give lumina to pupils either on piano or organ, at hie parlor ever A. R, Smith's store,Brue. sets. Vooal lessons oleo given. Terms mod. orate.