The Brussels Post, 1894-10-19, Page 6CIle •,q,aTOS.elt4 Wg•nt Yintratign- KVB117 r BI D A Y Xcal,NING (In thne ter the early ma(l) at 44114 POW Stenall, PUb1i8IdII 1191180p Tinnalninn ST., Pinneettne, On, Tangs op SunsonuTrox,-One dollar and 4 half a Year, in advauee. The date towbieh very subscription is paid is tienoted by the ate 00 the address label. AnYnnTreilie Thial00.-The following rates Will be charged to those who adTer000 by the year 1- sos.m. One Column Nati " Quarter " S'ighth 1 1 Tn. 1 0 elo. 0010 1100,00 1 is80.00 828.00 05.00 I 28,00 12,00 20.00 I 12.00 8.00 12,00 I SOO 8.00 Night omits per lino for first insertion, and three mute per 11e for each subsequeut in. sertion, All advertisements measured as Nonpareil -12 linos to the inch, Business (JAWS, eight lines and uncle; 85 .080 011)8080. Advertisements without speckle 01000. ti0n0, Will he inserted until forbid, and Maned amordiugly. . Insirnetions to (Mango or alsciontinue all advertisement mud be left at the counting room of Tror Pews nob later than Tuesday ' of each week. Thle 1 impors.trve. w. xariE3B3111-1,. Editor mad Proprietor. Glorrie Convention. The Winghare A.dvance gave the fullest report of Conservative Convention, held at Gorrie reoently and as it contained items of interest not given elsewhere we reproduce it :- A convention of Conservative delegates from each sub -division in the East Biding of Huron WAS held at Gorrie on Monday. The meeting was waled to order shortly after two o'olook by the President, Jae. Irwin, who in a few brief sentences abated the object of the meeting, and then called on R. Birnaington, of Toronto, to address those present. Mr. Birmingham, went forward to the platform and first thanked those present for their invitation to him to be present. East Huron, he said, was one of the ridings that was lost and could be re- deemed, and why not send a man to Ot- tawa. who will work for his ouuntry's good instead of having a representative who blooks the wheels of progress and decries his country at every opportunity. He would advise the electors to meet in each polling sub.division and take the proper steps to have every name obtain. able placed on the lists. West Huron was won from M. C. Cameron, and East Baron oan be won from Dr. Macdonald. R. L. Taylor, secretary, gave a verbal statement of what had been done einoe the recent Executive meetings in the west portion of the riding in the matter of organizing and attending to the lists. He also read a telegram from Hon. J. 0. Patterson, who stated his inability to be present and expressing regrets. E. L. Dickinson told the meeting what bad been done in the east end, and what was being done, giving some interesting and reliable figures of the gains being made. T. Farrow, ex-M.P., being called to the platform, gave a rattling ten-minute address. W. G. Strong, of Howick, stated: that a large and enthusiastic meeting of the township association bad been held on Friday and that the work of revising the lists had been gone into in conjunction with the officials of the riding. Howiek, be said, would do better next time than ever before. The same encouraging reports were received from Grey, through 0. Cousins and E. Bryans ; Morris, through John niooney, and Wroxeter through W. Wil. son. After a thorough discussion of the voters' list question the President called for nominations, and received tbe follow- ing :- Ed. Bryan, by H. Perkins and T. Naeh. Dr. Chisholm, by G. Barton and T. X. Powell. Major Keine, by J. Jeoques and J. Foster. Thos. Farrow, by W. H. Clegg, and 3. Mooney. A. H. Moegrove, by W. Doig and E. Bryan. B. Gerry, by J. J. Denman and W. H. Oloakey. 3. Irwin, by E. L. Dickinson and R. 0. Sperling. E. L. Dickinson, by J. Perkins and J. Galbraith. W. Clegg, by W. F. Vanetone and R. Anderson. H. Perkins, by R. MoMurray and H. Dennis. J. J. Deninan, by W. H. Oloakey and W. Mines. B. S. Cook, by James Leech and J. Corbett. 0. 0ousine, by W. Mines and W. Bey. ant. 50. Birmington, by W. Weir and R. Wal ker. H. Mooney, by J. Bulger and J. l0loore. J. Perkins, by B. Gerry and W. G. Strong. Tbe President then declared the nom• inations olosed, and instructed those nominated to adjourn to another room to talk the matter over. Owing, however, to the absence of several of the nominees, no decision was arrived at, and this re. port was oonveyed to the meeting. The matter was then left in the hands or the Executive committee'and after giving three °been for the Queen the convention adjourned for e month, when a choice will be made. SIX INTERESTING FACTS. The earth's lowest body of water is the Caspian sea, which has been sinking for cen buries. Robbing the ostrich of its feathers is a oruel operation. The feathers are im- bedded so tighltly in the flesh that each quill is covered with blood when it is wrenched out. The codfish le the most prolifi0 fish of the sea, yielding 45,000,000 eggs each season. As many to 8,900,000, 0,000,000 and even 9,500,000 eggs have been found in a roe of a single cod. Monet Hercules, 'eland of PaPna, is the higheet in the world, ite altitude be. ing 82,786 feet. Mount Everest, in India was until recently pet down as the tarp est, but it ie only 29,002 feet high. Ice one to two inches thick will beer men, two inebee thick will bear infantry, Tiffi 13B, $ 14$ POST litONINT TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6 Per cent,, Yearly. font inches Wok well bear %miry and light guns, six MOW will hear teams with moderato loads or heavy *old geos, and eight inehos teanni With heavy leads, Most pere9MI would be surprised to learn that a needle in the Purse a Its manufacture and before placed en tho morlret for sole passes through the bands of from eight to one hundred and Wen. ty people, (even complete prooeseee, Mal involving several minor operatione, are necessary before o sewing noodle is At for sale. ST4Writifi TilIl FESPER. We never lead a coal stove around the haus° until last Saturday. Have woye used pine Oahe and peons ef our neighbor's fence, They barb well, too, but the fence got all burned up, and the neighbor said be wouldn't buy a new one, 00 wo went down to Shannon's and got a aottl etove. You see we didn't know anything about coal stoves, We filled the stove about half full of pine fenoe, and when the stuff got well to going we tiled the artisean well on the top with coal. 16 simmered and sputtered about five or ten minutes And all went out, and we put on an overooat and a pair of buckskin mit. 611S and "went out too" -to eupper. We remarked in the oourse of the frugal meal that Shannon was a "frond" for recommending such a (=founded re. frigerator to a mon to got warm by, After supper we took a piece of km and rubbed our Mode warni, and went in where that stove wag, resolved to make her draw and burn, if it took all the pine femme in tbe blook. Our better half threw a quilt over her, and ebiveringly remarked that she never knew what real solid comfort was until she got a coal stove. Stung by the saroasin in her remark, We turned every dingus on the stove that was moveable or looked like it had any. thing to do with the draft, and pretty soon the stove began to heave up heat. It was not long before she sputtered like the new Ronald engine. Talk about your heat 1 In ten minutes that room was as ninth worse than a Turkish bath as Hades is hotter than Frank Darke's ice house. The prespinition fairly fried out of a tin water cooler in the next room, but we couldn't stop the confound- ed thing. We forgot what Shannon told ne about the dampers, and she kept a'biling. The only thing we could do was go to bed and leave the thing to burn the house up 12 80 wanted to. We stood off with a pole and turned the damper every way, and at every turn she just sent oat heat enough to roast an ox. We went to bed, supposing that the coal would eventually burn out, but about 12 o'clock the whole family had to get up and sit on the batik fence. Finally a man came along who had been brought up among coal stoves, and he put a wet blanket over him and crept np to tbe stove and turned the proper dingue and she cooled off, and since that time has been just as comfortable as pos- sible. If you buy a coal stove, you want to learn bow to engineer it, or you may get roasted. -Regina Reoord. FIGS AND THISTL.ES. God le oloee tone when we trust him. The devil hates daylight. Short prayers reach heaven first. The man who wrongs his brother de- fies hie God. The religion that costs nothing does nothing. A step toward God will put the devil behind ne. When we know how a man lives we know how he praye. i Religion that sn't used every day .won't keep sweet a week. The lower down a Christian gets the higher up he oan look. The Christian who neglects his Bible will soon forget his God. God rewarde no according to the amount of heart we put into our work. The real cross of Christ for no is the one upon which we may die for him. An opportunity to do an unselfish mot is a chance to take a step with Christ. The thing that made Job rich WAS his faith in God ; not hie camels and sheep. The spider probably thinks the bee is fooling away its time in making honey. On the day the Sons of God came to- gether first, the devil made his first hypocrite. The man who don't give God any of his money hasn't given him much of his heart. The man who loves his neighbor as himself ie living that way every day in the week. Ohrist was born in a stable to show bis willingness to enter the vilest sinner's heart. Cover the earth with flowers all the year round, and the bees will soon quit work. If the devil hal to travel in his baro feet, we oould always tell him by hie tracks. The more "sounding brasses" there are in a church, the lees good it does to ring the bell. The devil hates the preaching, but he is generally pretty well satisfied with the colleotion. The devil will keep on making hypo. orites as long as there is a good men in the oh uroh. The devil has never been able to find out how to make hie mud stick to a Chris - Lien's back. Will our names upon our gravestones be nothing more than names to those who read them 0 The Bible as a center table ornament will not do any more for the soul than a bloat( of wood. When an opportunity ItneOlta at your door, don't stop to ask why 10 10 there, or it will be gone. There is nothing Christiana pray more for than purity of heart, and nothing they so much resist. The devil never knows just what to do with the man who keeps hie religion when he loses his money. Thepreecher who would have the coin. mon people hear him gladly, must talk 80 ae to be understood. If you become unequally yoked with an unbeliever, you will soon have to pull the whole load yourself. Stop looking toward the wrong plate, and it will be easier to fatty in the right place. There are still plenty of people whose religion consists in inuking broad their phyl a ote ri ee. There are some people who think that going to .311=01 and looking solemn on Sunday le religious. Oenerull Ne-vvo. V. or L. be invaded japan. 01. Tiouis has a Spaniel; olub, Germany runs textile schools. Detroit violtore belie OrglPlizod; Chinese soldiers gete month. Detroit oil pediarel have a union. ChJe81g0 garpentOre won a strike. Rollmop° hoothiaohs organized. England hole 1,287,007 union men. Maine Milts of abolishing coroners. DO meThavilear Pays r0618.va5i0v ef roor lavituoQorgoaf Miolz,„ hasn't 0. vacant house. Cleviond, 0., bee a newsboy's home, Detroit Central Union has a library. Providence hackmen have organized, 1:10010 Bain has 60,000 union printers. St. Paul has en Afro.Amerioan league. Cincinnati has a Russian night 0011001, Baltimore has a Sooialist-Labor party. Philadelphia has a Single Tax weekly, Waunaca, Wis., liquor Beene.) ie 0500. Chicago be eg women's Federal Union. Mieh., Saloons close at 9, p, Ohiaago olaims 150,000.trades.union- 1001labama is to have a Single Tax col. • ony, Marphysboro, Ill., miners held o.re. un ion, Iffiohigon druggists have a State Moon, Ido., has a negro anti -liquor league. Ching° Werke are agitating Sunday closing. Battle Creek, Mien., has a co-operative colony. A. New York bakers' union runs labor blirean. Caboal, Mo,, charges 050 for a cigar. ette license. Waehington railroad laborers get 01.50 a day and board. Boston garment workers will run co- operative shops. William Waldorf Astor's income is 08,000,000 a year, Brotherhood oarpenters turned down the Sooialist faction. Oldham, Eng., oo•operative sooieties have 11,000 members. Oinoinnati Barbers' Union will try to exterminate niokel Milwaukee saloon keepers kids against the oompetition of grocers. Calumet, Mich,'candy stores may be forced to close ort Sunday. A clergyman addressed the Socialist - Labor party of New Haven. Chief Arthur is opposed to Govern- ment ownership of railroads. It is said that 8000 women in Buffalo receive lead than 02.50 a week. A Cincinnati man is to sell pnre milk in the parks at one cent a glass. Prohibitionistare charged with set. ting on fire saloons at Strait!, Ill. Denver retail butchers are protesting against paying $50 for a license. A St. Louie firm will test the could. tutionality of the boiler inspection law. The Wisconsin Patriot, the' organ of the A. P. A., has suspended publication. The lose bo the State of Arkansas by the cyclone is definitely estimated at 075, 000. After a desperate fight near Bloom- field, Ind., Thursday night, in which one of the Bloomfield bank robbers was shot, the three men who got away with $5,000 of the bat:1112e money were run down. The wounded robber had $1,109 on his person. He will die. David Morrison, of Al'eulas,ny City, died several years ago, leaving a lob of money secreted in his house, but it could not be found. Last week while the furni- ture was being pecked up for removal an old bookcase was found, and, on taking 10 00 pieces, an old box fell to the floor, which contained gold and certificates worth $75,000. The members of the Ontario Cabinet went to Niagara Falls, Thursday of last week on a tour of inspection of the work done at the Park during the sum. mer. The question of granting eleotrio power privileges and to erect power Mu. Males on the Canadian side similar to those on the American aide will also be considered. A number of applioetione have been received from parties who are anxious to have the matter settled at once. In the German eettlement in Mercer county, eight miles North-East of Fort Recovery, Ohip, Friday night, the farm employees of Nathan Greer were engaged in threshing wheat and Ellsworth Mo. Afee, aged 27 years, end William Greer, aged 20 years, were in the hay tnow stacking away the straw. A. spark from the engine set fire to the dry straw, which flashed up like powder. MeAlee and Greer were cornered like rats in a trap, and although they tried bard to escape where a board had been knocked off, they met a horrible death by suffooa- tion. Nathan Greer zusited into the burning barn in a fruitless effort to save his son and wae dragged out of 'danger, but again went in. The seoond time the flames struck him and he wee so severely burned that he died. Twenty thousand people saw Robert J. beat Joe Patohen in a magnificent race at Sioux City, la., on Thursday of last week, in three straight heats, in 2.06, 2.06 and 2.03i. Considering that the weather was ohilly, and that the track was new and little wavy in places, the time was remarkable. In the first heat Patchen got the pole. They went away together, and on the first turn Patchett drew a length ahead, holding it at the quarter. Down the back stretch Robert J. roduoed the lead to hall his length, and in these positions they went around the turn and out into the stretch, Patoh- en still held the pole and hie leer]. .A.1 - most under the wire Robert 3. pulled himself a little near the ground, and drew np till they were MEG and nose. Curry need his whip on Patchen, but there was no help for it. The king of pacers Was too fast, and wedt under the wire first by a bead. It was a magnifi• cent race from start to finish. The time was 2.06. The second heat started wilh Robert 3. at the pole and w half a length in the lead, and the home went around just es they started, Robert J. at one time on the hack stretch had hie lead re. dined to half a length, but drew it out again to a length. They burned into Ole stretch together, and came down so elm that it could bardly be told which led till they were close to the stand. Curry again used the whip, but failed to gain anything. Patchen's nose wag just on Robert J.'s flank ae they went under Ole' wite. The time was again 2.06. Robert J. won rho third heat easily, leading at the wire by 50 yards, although he was pushed close till they entered "the home streteh. The time W0.0 2.081, By quarte0:1, 82, 1,08, 1.38, 2.02. Straight Loans with privilege of xePaYing when required, Apply to A. Hunter, Diviaion 0ourt'Clerh, Brusuls. ° 04,44Pli' 04,4,144410 ,otak on, ARE YOU GOING TO Paint Tour I -louse OR DO ANY Papering this Spring ? If so, now is the time to consult us. The LARGEST, CHEAPEST and BEST as- sorted stock in the County, to hand comprising the following :- E3IRGE a SONS CELEBRATED PROCESS, GILTS BONZES, SINTILARE, AND IN- GRAINS, with gorgeous freizes and ceil- ings to matoh. Also the Handsomest stock of window shades ever shown in the County. Nothing but the purest Leade and Oils that can be found in the market used in all our work. Farmers andothers hav- ing old rigs to paint come and see us at once. Satisfaction guaranteed. RODDICK rt WAKE, House, Sign, Carriage and Decorative Painters. P. S, -Thanking all old customers for their favors during the past twenty years I have been in business I solicit a con- tinuance of the same and the patrons& of the people generally for the new firm. W. RODDICK. r THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in Rs effects and never blisters. Read proofs WOW: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, Borne.Carman, Henderson Co., Feb.21, 14. Dr. R. J. KMMALL CO. Dear Sfrs-Flease send Inc one of your Horse 110000and oblige. I Imre used agree.) deal of your Ifendell's 13painn Ours with good success •, I0le wonderful medicine. I once had a roare that had OOlOe.o,ItOirnvI,, end five bottles cured her. keep a bottle on hand all the time. truly. MAIL Powmr. KENDALk'S slitymppRitf. 11r. 10.3. iOseo00aOo. • Dear Strs-I have used several bottles of your "Randall% Spavin Cure" with mu.% success. I think it the best Liniment I ever used. Rave re• nosed°. Curb, one Blood Epavio and killed two Bone Spavins. Have recommended Otto nevem) of my friend's who are much pleased with and keep it. Reepectfully, S. 0.0. 1300 000, For Sale by all Druggists, or address Dr. 00.. J. Kermazz 0.1111.41rY, Emns Una PI 001.1.0, VT. A Centleman, Who formerly resided in Connecticut, but Who now resides in Honolulu, writes: "For 20 years past, my wife a.ndlbaYe usedAyer's Hair Vigor, and we attribute to it the dark hair which she and I now have, while hun- dreds of our acquaint- ances, ten or a dozen years younger than we, aro either gray-headect, white or bald. When 101411.4 asked how our hair has Ittot,...-' fullness, Ivo reply, 'By retained its 'color and themse of Ayer's Hair Pi . Vigor -nothing else:" t'In1808, my affianced was nearly htahled, lei:1dr ili° .7.11k.' kill: ofani1; • ":1,..,etaurri*r ., every 11111'4.0mi' nerto use llyerte Hair 'Vigor, and very soon, it not only checked any further lose Of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which bee remained Inurlant and glossy to fide day. / can recommend this preparation to all In need of a genuine hainxestorer. It is all that it is claimed to be."-Antonto Bastrop, TeX. AVER'S HAIR VICORI OCT. 19 1891 4IU Here is an Alphabetical Arrange- ment of School Supplies kept in Stook at THE POST Bookstore. Big Values in Lead Pencils. Buy our 300 Page Scribblers. Free Blotter with Every 5 Cent Purchase, Arithrneties, Algebras, AlphabeVards and Blooks. Blotting Papers Book.keepiudlanks, Chalk, Crayons, Compasses, Copy Books, Composition Booke. Dietionariaa, Drawing Boake, Exercise Books, Euolid. Foolsoap, First Books, Fourth Books, Fifth 'Books, Geographies, Grammars. Histories, Inke, Inkstands. Just try Tno Posx Bookstore. Keep up with the Times. Look -out for Bargains. Multiplioation Cards, Notepapers, New, Neat, Nobby, Our supplies bound to please. Pencil Sharpeners, Pens, Pen Holders, Penolls, lead and slate, Pencil Boxes, Pen Knives. Queer how we sell so Cheep. Readers, Rulers, Rubber Erasers. Soribblere, Second Books, Slates, School Bags, Sponges. Third Books. Values are Right at T118 Pon Bookstore, Writing Pads. Xoellent Paper and Envelopes. You Save money by Buying from us. Zealously guard your pocket book, & Buy your supplies at TED Poor. Faucy Goods Albums At Cost. Away Down. BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS, GREAT VALUES, 1I'm Pliologroliof Is now prepared to take Photos, of every Description from the Small -'--- Sunbeams to to the LIFE SIZE PHOTO. We have just received•our NEW VIEW CAMERA.. which is doing splendid work. Views of Pic-nic Parties and Residences can be taken on the shortest notice by applying at the Photo. Gallery. Step in and give us a Call. Always welcome at the old Reliable Photo. Studio in Stretton Block, over Standard Bank. PROF. STRONG, H. R0 BREWAR, Manager. Photographer . a G. HOGG, FURNITURE DEALER, Is Showing in his New Premises, ,Oppoeite American Hotel, A Full Stock rgantTuna FOB Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room or Kitchen. Picture Framing attended to on short notice. Undertaking Department, A Full Supply of Funeral Requisites Al ways in Stock. Special Attention given to Repairing. CALL SOLICITED..„_ D. G. HOGG, Brussels. i I i.; a a a a,