The Brussels Post, 1894-10-19, Page 4^+wqm„wmwowaiuwwu�u,a,afa,sm•.�ry .,. ., . «..,: --,.;:u. n:aasr..,,�uy-.v,-n-,art^-��, ,.r ""��i
iVOW Advertisement.
Por Sale—G.
"Locals --Mise Roddfek,
Lootele—Dr. J. Q. Aye',
Strayed --John Publand,
A'Change--Win. Martin.
lkijliin0ry lYfiaa Itoddiult,
Wanted --Mee. T. Walker.
Graeeriee—Taylor sc Smillie,
School Books—G. A. Beechen,
Hunters' Usteuraioos—O P. B,
Overcoats—Sinith 11t 1lloreareu,
hunters' klamnrsioos—G. T. R,
Notipe—Jaeob Hanhofer, John Weiss,
Lizards in the Stomach --Dr. Williams.
1.'1J3, t .5{i.Nclo zst.
FRWAY OCT. 19, 189&
JArANooutinnotto win viotorios in
China and,deoliues proposals for ponce on
terms offered by John Chimaman.
Mortemart street railway talk of reduo
lag the fare with the intention of heading
off the onward march of the bioyole.
A 7,ivzia election is expected in London
in the near. future. The vacancy is o0-
easioned by W. R. Meredith becoming
Chief Justice.
Tlie unveiling ceremonies at Toronto
last Saturday was a fitting occasion for
excellent addresses, those of Sir Jahn
Thompson, Sir A. Caron and Hon. G. W.
Ross being specially noteworthy.
WoraN will the Dominion elections be
held ? Some say early in the Spring but
Hon. Mr, Daly says not for eighteen
months yeb. Then what excuse has the
Government to offer for the expenditure
of hundreds of thousands of dollars in
the preparation of a voters' list that will
be musty with age before the day of poll-
ing ? The general impression is that
after an early and short session in 1895
Parliament will be dissolved and the
writs issued. Mr. Daly is likely off his
Ownvo to the retirement of M. Mere-
dith from Provincial politics a meeting of
the Conservative M. P. P.s and others
will be held in Toronto next Tuesday to
select a leader and decide on the policy
of the Opposition. The names of Mr.
Mester and Mr. Howland have received
prominent mention. The vacant place of
Mr. Meredith, as far ae ability is concern-
ed, cannot be filled by any member now
in the Conservative M. P. P. ranks and
between the Liberals and Patrons they
will be overshadowed in Parliament. Mr.
Marler is, however, one of the ablest men
on the Opposition benches, and has had
considerable experience in politica.
GESEnw Boone, the originator and con-
troller of the Salvation Army movement,
is now visiting this Dominion. Re has
been very heartily welcomed, Not only
has the Army received him with open
arms but the ministers and members of
many churches have taken the opportun-
ity of giving him cordial greeting. On
more than one occasion the civic author-
ities have done themselves credit by pre-
senting the General with an address of
welcome. General Booth has been, and
is, well deserving of this kindly recogni-
tion for the magnificent work he has done
in leading an organization like the Army
in its world wide campaigns against sin.
All credit to him.,
WHEN Hon. Edward Blake differed
with his party on one plank of the then
Liberal platform the Conservative press
was very anxious to make all the capital
possible out of it. They should now pub-
lish the following note as an offset :—To
A. Younis, Secretary of the West Due -
hare Reform Association, Hon. Edward
Blake writes 1—„May I be permitted to
say how glad I am to think that the re-
ciprocity resolution of the late Reform
Convention has ended that difference
which led to the severance of my connec-
tion with the riding, and that, though no
longer to be associated with them as their
representative, I am no longer to be divid-
ed from them in opinion.”
TEurEnA.vcn men are not asleep in re-
gard to legislation toward Prohibition.
The Execubive Committee of the Domin-
ion Alliance met in Toronto to consider
the report do political action adopted by
the Dominion Prohibition Convention in
Montreal. It was decided to draw up
three questions to submit to candidates
when seeking election. These were : Are
you in favor of the immediate and total
prohibition of the liquor traffic ? Tf elect-
ed to the House of Commons, will you
support and vote for a prohibitory liquor
law;? Will you co-operate with other
members of Parliament who favor prohi-
bition, to secure the introduction and en-
actment of
nactmentof such legielation at the earliest
opportunity ? It is understood that the
call for the annual Provincial Convention
will be issued next week.
CN more then one occasion, both by
speech and editorial, it has been stated
that the defeat of M. C. Cameron in West
Enron was a euro 'harbinger of the over-
throw of Dr. McDonald, the able M. P.
for Bast Huron. We would like to in-
fers -xi the
n-fernithe aforesaid speech makers and
quill drivers that their hopes will not be
realized in this riding and they will, now
that the Govornnlent building and barber
improvements are finished at Goderieb,
have to hustle in West 1iu»ou to zetein
their hold on it, Mr, barrow stubbornly
ooutesbod East idluoil when the present
M. 1+. won his iirsb victory and with the
probability of All inexperienced men as
11je eppone0b in the next political fight
the doughty 1)r, will #wan obey winner.
East ITuron fahnert spoke Sub nuteeully
beet election for Pres Trade, and the leg.
i5labion Of filo past four pare blas not
oausod thein to ollaugs their opinion,'
rather convinced therel that the policy of
the Liberals is in the interests of the
tiller of the sell and the working elites in
general. AS to the wonderful gains'apok.
en of at the Gorris Convention the result
of next election day will show liow faulty
were these 9armie05. It's really too bad,
however, that Mr. Birmingltam, the paid
organizer, is not suited with Dr. MaDon-
aid but 185 Hope he willevsreome tine
aversion when he 5oos lijlu elected for the
third term,
Weal Con.
The abeeee faebory bee eonipleted,
its operations for this season.
At the various Fall Faire Bliss Sage
made a clean sweep with her fine exhibit
of horseflesh.
Neil Campbell has gone to Duluth on
a visit and frons there to`Mahtowa, Minn.
where his brother resides.
The partnership existing between the
tile yard men has been dissolved by
mutual eonsenb, Mr. Weiss drops out of
the partnership.
Will. Hess, carver, returned to Chicago
after spending a month or two among
his friends in town.
Annual sports of the Listowel High
Sohool on Friday, Oct. 19th, in the after-
noon in the Rink Park.
Rev, J. Livingeton, of Kincardine, will
preach the anniversary sermons of the
Sabbath Sohool in the Methodist Church
on Sunday 21st inet„ morning and even-
Some one who evidently has a par.
Denier liking for a good cup of tea, and
very little scruple as to how it is obtain-
ed, broke into A. Morrow's tea store and
carried off about 520 worth of tea.
Mise Hattie Terhune, who goes to To-
ronto to enter upon a course of study
as a trained nurse, was made the reoi-
pient by her companions of a valuable
watch, accompanied with an address' by
Knox Church.
Mrs. George Ziiliax, of the Queens,
was down to Glenalla0 on Wednesday of
last week at the oslebration of her
mother's eightieth birthday. Her mother
Mrs. Black, is an old resident of Glen -
ellen and in spite of her great age es bale
and hearty.
J. W. Scott, banker, and Mise Scott, of
this town, also J. S. Halstead and daugh•
ter, of Mount Forest, returned home on
Tuesday evening of last week after six
weeks' absence, during which time they
made a trip to the Pacific coast by the
C. P. R., and also visited the principal
points west of the Bookies, taking in
Tacoma, Seattle, San Francisco, and go
ingas far south as Loa Angeles and On-
tario in Southern California. The party
returned home via Salt Lake City; Den-
ver and Chioago.
Gx• a v.
Allan Lamonb has been laid up with a
felon on his right hand.
Mrs. Jobe Dark has been seriously ill
but we hope she will soon be convales-
Rev. W. J. Waddell and Rev. A. Mc-
Onlloeb, of Monkton, exchanged pulpits
last Sabbath.
A new horse shed is being erected at
the Bethel ehnrch, 16th non. There was
a bee on Monday.
It is said an unoocupied house on the
7th eon. will soon have a tenant. The
bride will come from Brussels.
Anew porch is being erected over the
door at Roe's ohuroh, which will be an
improvement. The buildingis very com-
fortable now.
Mice Anderson bas been engaged to
teach Union School Section 16 for 1895.
Mise 0. Smith, present teacher, leaves to
attend the Normal.
A box social will be held at the resi-
dence of Alex. Barron, 18th non. on the
evening of Thursday, October 25th. An
enjoyable time is expected as a good pro-
gram ie being prepared. All are in-
Robb. Harris and brother George, who
have been visiting at Alex. McKay's, sr.,
returned on Wednesday last to their home
in Port Carling, Muskoka. Mrs. Harris
and children intend remaining some time
with ber parents before returning home.
OBrTOAne. Early last Sabbath Morn-
ing the spiritof Mrs. William King, 9th
con., took its flight. Deceased's maiden
name was Selina Smart, and ber native
plane Wiltshire, England, where the was
born April lith, 1828, She was united
in marriage to her now bereft partner on
March 24th, 1852, Doming to this country
immediately after. They located at
Markham, where they lived for a few
years and afterward resided in White.
cburob, Pickering, and moved bo Turn -
berry township in 3.868. Ten years ago
Mr. and Mrs. Ring and family came to
this township and settled on the 9th
con. The subject of this notice had not
been in robust health for the paeb 20
years but had been much worse during
the pasb,Summer. She was confined to
bed for 8 weeks, Pleurisy and etomaoh
trouble was said bo be the cause of her
death. Mrs. King united with the Prim-
itive Methodist oburoh45 years ago and
was a faithful Christian. A husband
and four children survive, who have the
sympathy of the oommuuity, The funer-
al took plane on Tuesday afternoon, Rev.
R. Paul, of Brussels, an old friend of the
family, conducting the eervioe assisted'
by Rev. Mr. Bollington.
Affliction sore, long time she bore,
Pbysiolane were in vain ;
But God gave ease when Is did please
And freed ber from her pain.
A precious soul from us has gone,
A vof00 we loved is stilled,
A plaos is recant in our home
Which beret can be died:
She is gong—the one we loved,
And laid beneath the sod';
0 l 'bis bard, but we must known,
'Twas by she band of God.
She has gone, that faithful moths»,
To ber happy home above,
Where there ie no pain nor sorrow,
But all is joy and lode,,
1 U..J B .R U $.6
a r C,
Ibeviva.5erv±05±, which hays been in
progrese for Several weslis 6t the Metllq-
diet nhureh,18th son., were brought to is
slosa tyle week. The meetings have been
productive of good,
A Sorious accident happened lluggh
Cuntil ngllam on Monday of tide week,
Be and J. Brown were going to put a ring
in a hull's nose, Brown weut for the
ring and while away the boil prod Iingh
and threw him over into another stall,
We bops he may soon be out again.
Silver Corners sold out the three
mouth's cheese, Aug„ Sept. and
Oct, some tine ago for 11, cents, Ae
come one or two factories got a fra01±011
moos at the time, Mr. Libbio was thought
to be foolish, but some of those who
thought 130, wish they could get within
eight of Iiia pries now.
qoirilA Lose. --One, day the week be.,
fore last as Neil MsLauoblin wee making
up a large q.nantity of milk into cheese
bubo packing in the head of oho boiler blew
out 1201 before steam was down so that
the damage could be repaired and abeam
started again the milk was rendered use.
lees for inanufaotnre. The loss to Mr.
bfuLauoblin will be about 580.00, which
ie considerable in a season like the Pres-
The new brick school bones mooted in
S. to No, 9 is completed. 11 is a .neat,
comfortable structure 25x85 feet. S.
Pugh, el Brussels, did the brink work
and Jio. ()ober,of Ethel, the carpenter.
ing, The old log building replaeed by
the brick was built 22 years ago and the
hemlock logs are in a sound condition
yet. The trustees want to sell the old
building. The new school house oosb
5650. It stands on the same site as the
log one.
1131j -ch.
Mr. Nesbitt of Morris, has moved in-
to his new and handsome brink residence
Some of the members of the I. 0. G,
T. lodge of this town attended the die•
trieb lodge meeting in Londesboro' on
Rouses are very eoaroe at present,
many enquiring to rent and oaunot be
accommodated. There's a good spoon-
lation for our monied men.
On Monday evening the entertainment
and lecture under the auspices of the I,
0. G. T., held in the Temperance Hall,
was well attended and was financially a
A oonfirmation class is being formed
in. St. Paul's Roman Catholio ahurab,
Blyth, to be presented to His Lordship
Bisbop O'Connor, of London, who is to
be here shortly.
On Sunday evening next the anniver-
sary eervioe of Trinity oburoh is to be
held at 7 o'clock, when His. Lordship,
the Bishop of Huron, will preach. The
rite of 000firmabion will be administered
to a number of candidates. The offer-
tory will go towards paying for the re.
pairs lately done bo the church. On the
following Monday at 2:80 His Lordship
the Bishop of Huron is to hold eervioe
in St. Mark's church, Auburn, and at
the same time consecrate the building,
it being entirely free from debt.
The schooner Home, of East Tawas,
Michigan, Capt. Wm. Trueds, arrived in
Kincardine Saturday morning, under
stress of weather. She was bound for
Bay Oiby, from Saginaw. The store
struok her on Thursday night, taking
away her foresail, ono jib, mizzen top and
centre board. She viae decried by -'.the
force of the wind and waves to this side
of the lake in five hours, although having
two anchors out.
Lizards in the Stomach
Excruciating Agony Suffered by Sirs.
Westfall-Nerves Shattered and Death
Looked for as the only Beller.
From the Trenton Courier.
The editor of the Courier having heard
of this strange case of Mrs. Simon West -
fall made inquiry and learned the follow-
ing facts.—Mrs. Westfall said that one
evening about three years ago she went
to the well and pumping some water
drank a portion. As she did so she felt
something go down her throat kicking
and told her mother so at the time.
Little she thought of the agony in store
for her through drinking water from a
pump in the dark, for a female lizard
bad found its way into her stomach and
brought forth a brood. Mter awhile the
eight of milk would make her tremble
and she had to give it np. The disorder
increased so that the very eight of milk
would produce effects bordering on eon-
velsions. She lost her appetite, but would
feel so completely gone at the stomach
that she bad to eat a cracker and take
some barley soap frequently to quiet the
disturbance within. She took medicine
for dyepepeia and every known stomach
disease, but gob no relief. She changed
doctors and the new doctor, having had
en experience of this nature before, gave
her medicine to kill and expel the lizards.
For three years the poor woman suffered'
all kinds of physical and mental agony.
Her whole system, kidneys, liver and
stomach were all out of order. Her
heart wonld flutter and palpitate sofaint-
ly an to be imperceptible, and a smother-
ing feeling would some over her, that it
was often thought she had given her last
gasp. Her memory was almost gone,
her nerves shattered so that any sudden
movement would bring on collapse'
through extreme weakness. Sitting or
standing she would be dizzy and experii.
aimed depressed feelings and lowness of
spirits. After the removal of the reptiles
the doctor sanctioned the use of Dr. Wilt
Hams' Pink Pills and she took three
boxes without any apparent relief. She
then gave up their use, believing she was
pasttbe aid of medicine. Ab this time
a Mrs. Haight, who had suffered twelve
weeke with la grippe, and who was com-
pletely restored by taking Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People,' urged Mrs,
Westfall to begin the use of Pink Pills
again, She did sound soon she perceiv-
ed their bsnefioial ef±eeta. Her appetite
began to improve and for two months
she has steadily gained strength, health
"and steadineee of nerveand memory,.
Sbe can now do her household work and
feels as well as ever, She says she can=
nob speak as strongly of Pink Pills a5'
she would like to, and feels very grate.
ful for the great good resulting from the
use of this wonderful medioine.
Ars. Haight, before referred to, is
entbnsiastio over her own perfect re.
oovery from the after effects of la grippe
feeling as well as ever she did in her life,
She itlso oorroboratos the ahoy° state.
meet, regarding Mrs. Wesbfall'S cure.
These pills area positive ours for all
troubles arising from it vitiated condition.
Of the blood Or shattered nervous systems,.
Sold by all dealers, or by mail from ,Dr,
Williams' It±odioine Co., Brookville, .Ont.
or Schenectady, N. Y„ at 50 seats m boa,
or six boxes for 52,50. There are namer.
quo imitations and sllbstibubleits against
which the public is oautionod,
uudergiguedwill keep ler sorvloo, 1141
Lot 10, Oon,10, Groy, a there' bred yonutl
Berkshire boar, Pedigree may he soon on
application, Terme '11.05 bo be paid at rime
or service with pendiecto of retrmnhag if nee-
essary, J10, BROWN,
14 Pm Proprietor.
Und'orslb'nsd will keep for service an
Lot 5, Con. 7, Grey, thebhoro-brad Yorkshire
boar, - lvTollington Model,” bred from
1n1i3�orted stools. tic was purchased from J. 8±,
Hniford,'010. Warm �S} 0Q stook man,
paid ab
time of service with privilege of returning
if necessary, •
1 4 Proprietor.
The undersigned willkeep Mr servlet on.
North Half Lot 50, Con, 7, Morrie, a thorn'
bred Tamworth Boar, reeenbly pn rebelled
from the well known breeder, Jim. Bell, Am.
her, Also a Chester White Bear, worms,
s100 to be paid at time of eervioe with priv-
ilege of returning if necessary.
00.50 S. WAL3'i;Elt,Proprietor.
-undersigned will keep for sorvioo on
Lot 25, Con. 0, Morrie, the thorn' bred im-
proved White Yorkehirs Boar "Canada's
Prince," purchased from the well-known
breeder J. E. Brethour, Oak. Lodge Farm,
Burford. Terms,. 81,00 bo be paid at the
time of service with privilege of returning
if necessary. Pedigree may be seen On ap-
5013T. NICHOL.
IIndereigned will keep for service .on
lot 18. eon, 10. - Grey, the there' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire boar, eoranbrook
Duke," purchased from John COUSINS &
Bone, me of bon, Terms -61.80 to be paid at
the time of eervloe with privilege of return-
ng if neoessarv. Pedigree and stock may.
be soenon application.,
10sm Proprietor,
Real Estate for Sale.
BEING PAST OF THE 0500110 OF Jelin A.
For Bale the property in the Village of
Brussels; on which was. formerly erected the
building owned and occupied by the late W.
R. Wilson as a foundry. It epeeists 00 I1 t
51± together with parte of Lot 818 and of
Park Lot V. Weathereld's : Survey,and is
situated 08 Mill street within a few yards. of
Main street, is a splendid:chane for anyone
desiring to obtain a buildingsite s000n-
yanisut to the business part Ortho. village.
Also Village Lot 815 Weatherald's Survey,
Mill street. on which there is Greeted acom-
fortable dwelling house with stone cellar
underneath. This property is immediately
East of and adjoining the property above
mentioned, and they will he sold separately
or in bleak to suit purchasers. For further
information as to pries, terms of payment,
&o , apply to
5'. 5. SCOTT, Brussels,
or to A. 5 AI0115015,
Solicitor for Administrator,
Blyth, Ont.
In House and Business.
I now live three houses West of
S. T. Plum's Blacksmith Shop.
All repairs wanted for machines and
implements sold by me, can now be had
at S. T. Plum's shop. I still sell the im-
plements but not the repairs.
For sale, 1 good .horse 5 years old ; 1
buggy ; 1 light wagon ; 1 nutter ; 1 set
light bob -sleighs ; 2 sats light harness.
Several Teeswater good Plows and
Pulpsrs on hand for sole cheaper than^
ever, If you want a good article pall on
me before yon buy.
A11 notes and accounts past due must
be settled at once.
AGENT, mruss LS..
To Muskoka Lakes
Mattawa, Nepigon,
Spanish River
OCT. 19 and 20.
OCT. 26 and 27.
NOV. 2 and 8.
When round Trip Tickets will bo sold for
Good for Return until Dec. 1st, I5O±,
For business passing through Toronto, rates
to above points will not be loss than 20
cents added to ordinary Bound
Frit, Bates to Toronto.
bog, Gnns,Porsonal Baggage, Clamp Equip..
tient to the amount of 200 We. will be our-
Pie d non...
Ove-rceals for en.
Overooalts gor Youths.
Overcoats for Boys.
One of the Largest'Stooks
of Ready to- Wear Cloth-
ing in the County, from
the Cheapest to the
best Qualities.
Full Assortment of the Cele-
brated. Granby Rubbers.
They wear like Iron•
mith & M'Larcn1
�lwa�s �e ClleapeL
Dress Goods, Mantles and Furs.
Nowhere in Brussels can you find such, an endless
assortment of Dress Goods and Trimmings as we
are showing this Fall. We would ask Ladies,
when shopping, to look through and see
Who aro the Dress Goods Pooplo of Brasselst
Prices Right and Styles Oar -
rest is our Leading Motto,
Mantles !_ Mantles !
This season, as in former years, we are bound to sustain
our reputation as being the Largest Dealers in Mantles in
Brussels. We aro showing the correct styles and special-
ly invite the Ladies to come and see them, and you will
find our Prides to be the Lowest and Styles the Newest,
"which comparison hag proven."
Our Furs have just arrived and now is the time to select
them before the assortment is broken. In Furs you will
find it to your advantage to take a look over our large
assortment and got familiar with our prices' as you will
find them all this season's goods. We would specially
call your attention to our large variety of Wool Seal Capes.
No Trouble to Show Goods at
Porguson & 11a11iday` s.