HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-10-19, Page 34u'T, 19, 1894 Town, D OQ or..-. 11fr1pylDDla OOvaeibmSabbath 8ervioee at 11 a 'ln and 0:80 Mtn, Suotday 8ohool at 200 p Al, Bev, I39ba Boss, B A, pastor, KNax Ouuaon,--Sabbath Services at 11 a m and 0:130 p m, Sunday School ab 2:30 p m. BOY. D,111i)lar, Pastor. ST. alohmm's Cnuhton,—Sabbath lServioas at 11 a In Bpd 7 9 m, Sunday Sehool ab 200 p,. u. Rev, W, G. Reilly, Mauna - bent. METttoplsw Onuncu,—Sabbabh Servioes at 10:30 a m and 6030 P m, Sunday School at 2;80 p m. Rev. G. II. Cobble. dick, 13 , A, B D, pastor. BotrAN CATHODIC CHDaaf.—Sabbath Sorvioo third Sunday in every month, ab 10:30 a hn. Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SALVATION An3IY: Servloe at 7 and 11 a in and 3 and B p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the harraolls. ODD FEImowa' LOpGA every Thursday evening, in Graham's bloolf.. MAeoem Lowe Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 IX W Lopq° on the 8rd Friday evening:of eaoh month, in Blas. hill's block. C O F Loewe 2nd and lash Monday evenings of oath montiY, in Blashill's blook. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L U L let Monday fn every month in. Orange Hall. SONS ON 800mitNo, tat and 8rd Thee - days of eaoh month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K, 0. T. M, Lonoz,'let and 3rd Thurs- days of each month, in Vanstone block.' Hoare Oman, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in Blashill's Hall. POST 012120E.—Offiae home from 8 to. m. to 7 p. m. MEOHAN108' INsTITOTE.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Tows, Couxom.—W. H. Herr, Reeve ;. W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and S. Wilton, Councillore ; F. S. Scott, -Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Aeseasor and J. T. Roes, Collector. Board meets the 1st Monday in eaoh month. Scam, BoAED.—Rev. Ross, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seo.-Treas., 81. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. Pusnro Soaoon TEAOUEn8.—J. R. Cam- eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Miss Downey andlitilss Cooper.' BoAnn or Ewalt —Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. MY WIFE'S BROTHER. Atlanta Constitution :— My wife's brother's been violin' ne, And he' eth' exoit'neet little cuss 'At ever drawed the breath of life Er, whittled my desk with a bigjacknife, Furst day be trim be tuk the oat An' hitched'er up to my of silk bat ; He bored a bole right thro' the brim To make a horse an' cart for him. When he gob out fust thing he did, He licked our next door neighbor's kid ; An' bled his nese, an' blacked his eyes, An' then I bad ter'poligize. Nes' day et rained. He elk his ball An' played a game in oar front hall ; He used the hat rook for first base An' smashed the hall clock in the face. Then yesterday, he went ter play, An' first we knowed, he ruoned away. A p'liceman found him after dark Up with the monkeys in the park. • For seven days, he's been aur gueet, An' each day's been the exoitin'est Tomorrow he's a-goin' hum, An' nex' time—we won'thev no room. Lucless w. A new skating and curling rink is like. ly to be built here. I. Groff on Show day sold his magni• fioent team of blank oarriaee horses to a Chicago buyer for 8600. They are to be used as a hearse team. The Ladies' Aid Sooiety intend giving anold•tiree Hallowe'en supper in the basement of the Methodist church on the evening of Wednesday, Oot. 31st. The members of the Ancient Order of United Workmen of the village will attend the Methodist church in a body on Sunday, Oot. 210, at eleven o'clock, when the pastor, Rev. John Mills, will preach the annual sermon to the Order., George Girvin, of this village, offers a. ,ohalleoge of $100 to any mac in the Do- minion on it running shot, at deer, fox, bear, wolf, rabbib or hare. Exeter. Sam'l. Baskerville had a potato stalk that measured nearly five feet in length. It was of the White Elephant variety. The Orangemen of Exeter and vicinity will attend divine service in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday, Nov. 4th, when Reit. E. W. Hunt will preaoh an appropriate sermon. The Advocate says :—Some time be- tween Sunday night and, Tuesday some fiendish person or persons gained admit Canoe.into the basement of the Main street Methodist church through the back window and made a moat dastardly at- tempt to fire the building. They pro- cured two lampswhioh were in the church and after emptying their con- tente over the floor, immediately under the choir place, set fire to it, but strange to say it went out in some myeterioue. way before much damage was done. Gliituten. Tbe Evaporator ie using about 300 bushels of apples every 24 hours. W. Tedford will return to bis situation in Mimeo ,,as soon as hie health will warrant it. The Doherty Organ Factory ie now lighted by the iucandeseent electric light, and runs itsown plant. Mrs, McIntyre has a fine sample of raepbertioe which she pioked on Wednes- day morning of last week. At a meeting of the Collegiate Board of Trustees, it was decided that some member of the board perform the dutles of Secretary until the end of the ourrent year ,wnd the full year's salary be allow. ed Mr. Hine'sestate. Mee. W. MOW, jr„ waa Called away last week by the death of her father at Detlutny, near Port Hope. Bev, jr,W, ffolmes attends a meeting of the Bdnoetiopal Committee of the Methedieb chapels, at Sler4, on Out. 28rd, The Liberate have entered about ,0 appeals against the town 'voter's Diets, and the Ooueervativee make about 70 ap. peals. A couple of sheep whioh had been im. pounded here, were sold by auotion, and brotI ht the munilioent auto o3 22,45, or at the rate of $1.22,} eagh, not enough to pay exponaes, !,"3eaforill. Johp A. Jackson passed eeaoeeefully the examination of the fleet year at To. ronto University. 0. H. Olarkeon, who is at present teaching in the county of Dieex, will' have charge of the Edon school, Usborne, for 1805. Dr. Campbell, of this town, who has been absent about three weeks, ie home again. He went with his son, Charles, who has entered Jefferson Medical 001. lege in Philadelphian A committee from Beitannia lodge, A. E. A. M., waited en Dr, Srnibh before leaving town, and presented himwith a well written and moefy worded 'address, expressing the sorrow of his brethren 08 bit departure, and at the same time asking his a000pbanee of a beautiful Past Master's apron as a reminder of the many pleasant hours spent together on the Maeonio floor. The following officers were elooted for work in the W. 0. T. U.—Mrs. M. B. Smith, supt. of Literature; Mrs. Ma• Oulloah, associated with her, Mrs. Nee. lin heredity and hygiene; Mrs. Logan, Band of Hope Mrs, G. Duman, relief ; Mrs. Elliott and Mies M. E. ?dolman, press work ; Mrs. Kemp, lumbermen. The general otlfoers for the year are Pres. Mre. Willie; Vice.President, Mre. M. B. Smith ; Cor. -Sem. and Treasurer, Mrs. McLean ; Rem - Sett., Mrs. Kemp. About three months ago the residence. of Michael Hurley was entered by some unknown person during his absence at church, and the sum of $47 taken from,a puree in a drawer. On Sunday evening of last week his house was again entered in a similar manner, and the sum of $67 received the previous evening as payment on a note, and a note worth a consider- able sum, extracted from the same drawer in the bureau, whioh had been looked but was evidently pried open with a stove lifter. The note was found on Tuesday evening lying inside Mr. Hurley'e gate. Goc%e rich. Chas. Garrow left last•week to .reeume his studies at Toronto University. Gardener Wells, of the Bayfieldroad, reports seeing wild strawberry plants in full bloom in the woods. Large flocks of wild dunk are daily seen on the lake and the boys are thinking of borrowing the oaanon on the bank to go shooting. Chas. Wells and his eon John, who have been visiting in Goderioh and vicin- ity for the past three months, left for their home in the Antipodes. Two lads in Saltford, Robert Ellis and Geo. Greer, were brought before the new P. M., ahrrged with steeling grapes from James Stewart. The boys admitted tak- ing the fruit. As Oolin Campbell was paddling around the, back part of the harbor, his vessel -a poorly.00nstrnated raft—went •to pieces and the young sailor was pre. oipitated into the water. A young man who was near by went to the rescue and a000 had the youngster ashore. Complaints are being made about the waves between the piers caused by the shape of the extended piers. The Sephie came in with a strong South wind and all went well until elle got abreast of the North pier when the back waves from that pier swept ber decks. The swell in the harbor with a Southwest wind'is very large. The canvaes made amongst the bad- ness men of town by the committee,. for stook and subscriptions towards the erec- tion of a Summer hotel and sanitarium in Goderioh, has not been as successful as was expected, and certainly gives little hope that the project will be accomplish- ed. Lean than $1600 has been subsorib- ed. John Oox, the popular Reeve of Gods - doh townehip, met with a bad aooident the other day. Going to feed hie horses, he was carrying a sheaf of oats, whioh frightened otie of them while he 'waa in its stall, and it kicked him on the thigh,. inflicting a wound that is exceedingly painful and has einoe confined him to hisroom. (3nnadteirlt No NV to. London is to have a spiritualists so. oiety. The T., H. & B. bylaw was (tarried in Hamilton.' Galt's population is 7,420, an increase of 202 last year. The first survey of the St. Olair Canal bee been oompleted. The Canadian Pacific exhibition oar will leave for New York State. George Nixon died at London from the effect of the shooting aooident. Gideon Degnire was killed at Montreal by grasping a live electric wire. Lord and Lady Aberdeen were pleas. antly entertained et Prince Albert. A. Semple, M. P.; was re -nominated by the Liberais of Centre Wellington. John Longhlan, of Gleneig township, was thrown from his wagon and killed, Rev. S. Dew, rector of Christ Ohuroh, Belleville, has resigned from the min- istry. The annual eoenty convention of tho Wellington W. T. U. was held at Mount Forest, Charles Green was acquitted of the charge of having tnurdered Patrick Oos. grove, at the Oornwall Aeeizee. The Grand Trunk elevators at Sarnia are brooked with grain, and there are no oare available to relieve the glut. Janes Finlay, East avant e, St. Thomas, has received word of a fortune of £300,. 000 sterling, left by his father's eider. The Sarnia Post wants the town to. fix up a room for the policemen to sit down and warm themselves after the saloons are closed. RlsuoATletr Ounce IN A Dir.—South American Rhenmatie Cure for Rheumy, dem and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the eyetem is remarkable and Mysterious. 11 re. moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The fret dose greatly benefits. 76 cents. Warranted by G. A. ;Deadman. TRE BRIU$SE $ POST 8 Ntenetwiettetteeteatircerinnelette Wm,Bobinson, ex•0ity Pingineer of London, Ont„ died Friday, aged 82. 13, .f3uanee, of Delhi, raised a cabbage in hie garden this year whioh weighed 25 pounds. Diphtheria 28 so bad in Deltic/nide Ward, Ottawa, that it bee been found ueeeaeary t0 olpee the 8olmele. M. T. Berne, of Tilsonburg, oaptur $460 in prizes on hie poultry at the fa at Syrasuoe and Newberg, N. Y. Turnkey Bruce, of Whitby jail, beaten almost to death Friday by it 09 viot named Arnold, who escaped. At Brantford the stock of the BrigAmerican Starch Company was sold f $5,000. The purchasers were D. Lowe and Geo. Footer. The Eastern Ontario Press Asaooiat' met at Carleton Place Friday, 5. MacDonald, of The Arnprior Chronic was doted president. The Council of the Toronto Board Trade have pnoeed a' resolution urgi the immediate oonsbraotion of the Nipi sing and James Bay railway. x At Fredericton, N. B., George Brow andJefferson Mount were sentenced twelve yeare eaoh in the penitentiary setting'fire bo the Salvation Army ba ed Ars wash u. a or ry ton A, le, of ng s - n to for r• At a recent wedding' In Clinton the bride wore a pair of stockings worn by her grandmother at her wedding, They are now 62 years old and have been worn on four bridal occasions. Michael Montague, who was formerly a resident of Ilingeton, was blown from the top of a car of lumber at Buffalo, falling on his head, Elie skull was fraobured and he died in a few minutes, The Patrons of North Bruoe have chosen P. L. Potts, ex•reevo of Arran township, as their oandidate for the next Dominion election. He ie said to be a member of the P. P. A. HEART DIeiAen RnaioVED no 80 MIN. uTEe.—All oases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew'e Oure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. Near Blenheim, Ont., Friday, Joseph Laird, an old resident, who lived alone, hanged himself in his barn. He made a rope of binding twine, formed a noose at one end, fastened the other end above, stood upon a chair, placed hie head through the noose and jumped off. He is said to have been a heavy drinker. Human life is held too cheaply' when the individual who needs a tonic for bis Lasing seeks to oover his wants by pur• chasing every new mixture that is recom- mended to him. Remember that Ayer's Sarsaparilla has a well earned repute, Son of fifty years standing. Prof. Saunders, Director of the Experi- mental farms at Brandon, Indian Head and Agaseiz, reports the fauna all doing well. At Indian Head there are over 120,- 000 fruit trees growing and at Agaseiz over 10,000, and about 5,000 trees a year are being put out at the latter place, so that in a few years it is expected there will be a valuable plantation of trees, comprising all the best hard wood of Eastern Canada. Tho "Soo" is booming just now. The town has sold the power canal to an American syndicate for 2260,000, just about the sum paid for its construction - and the new owners are bound to spend half a million developing the property and building pimp mills, etc. The whole North S.hore,from the Sault to Miseiesau. gua, is full of the finest timber, which eon. stitutee the raw material. Heretofore large quantities of this timber have been exported to the States, but hereafter it will be manufactured in our own country. Dunlop vs. Strome, mounted the court ab Stratford, Friday. Plaintiff, James Dunlop, a farmer living in Howlett, and defendant rune a saw mill and steam' threshing machine in Fordwioh. On the 12th September, 1893. defendant was threshing at Dunlop's farm and owing, as plaintiff alleges, to a defective smoke stank in the thresher the plaintiff's stacks and buildings took fire and were destroy- ed, for whioh he olaime $1,08225. A targe number, of witnesses were called and the contradictions were numerous. The jury gave a verdiot for the defendant. Mr. Osler, Q. C., for plaintiff; Mr. Mabee for defendant. A wife chastises, her husband.—Why ehonld Jones forget them ? His wife gave him implicit directions, told him just how they are put up and where be would find them, but poor Jones is absent minded and sometimes drops in at the wrong place and comes out with a wonderful change of .breath. The oaee was importanb however for his wife had a terrible sick headaohe, and was nerv- ous and fretful. She knew Stark's Powders would cure her instantly, but they didn't come and the row was inevit- ble. Twenty-five cents a box at all ruggiste. J. Hall and wife, of Brampton, were bribing at Innerkip last week, and on riday morning started to drive to the talion there to take the early train on he 0. P. R. for home. Just before enter - g the station yard Mrs. Hall started to Alt to her husband, saying "I have mething to tell you," and immediately expiring. She was at once taken to the sidenoe of Robt. McNichol, but medical d was of mo avail. Mrs. Hall was about years of age. Tbe body was taken to rnmpton on Saturday. The new system of telephoning whioh e Boll Telephone Company is putting the different buildings of Hiram Wal - ✓ do Sone, at Walkerville, will be most mplete in Canada: By the new arrange - ants the firm will have thirty-four tole- oaee, all connected with the Central Moe. La eight of these principal offices 11 be located small switch boards, so et' any of'the eight can hold oommuni• tion with eaoh other without calling up e 'mail. office As it is now, some of e offices only have private lige oonnee- on. . The firm else have leased one of e oable wires to Detroit from the com. ny At the Orangeville. Division. Court. last. ek before Judge McCarthy, A. Currie, Hilleburs undertaker, sued Robb. Dan- deon, of Deet Garelena a, for a balance $20 due on an Recount for funeral ex. Hees. • Currie's bill was $50, on which 0 had been paid, Donaldson consider• g the balance an over charge. The ao• ant was contracted for .the burial of onaldeon's brother, a wealthy miser. he evidence went to show that caskets pplisd by the undertakers for $40 Dost m $16 to $18 originally,' without the mminga, and that $0 ie the amount urged for dressing a corpse. Donald - n disputed the account becanee the neral expenses of another brother who been buried in Toronto had east only 6, while the gilleberg undertaker nted $50 for this job. Judgment was ven for the $20. a d F bl in to so re 55 t 13 th in ke 00 ph 0 wi th a o th tb doth pa we al of pe $8 in 00 D T en fro tri oh ee fu had $2 i we giv 13, Westwood, a lad of .eighteen, living in Parkdale, watt shot and danger• ouoly wounded Saturday night ab the door of his residence by an unknown and myeterlone aseallant, Ayer'e Bair `Vigor, whioh has outlived e u it and suparBed d hundreds rade of slm ar pre- paratione, is undoubtedly the Moab fashionable as well as esonomleel hair, dressing in the market. 13y iba we, the poorest head of hair becomes laxuriaut and boa utifol. A BOON TO Honsnnitiu,—One bottle of English Spavin Liniment enmplebely re- moved a curb from my Verso. I .take pleasure in reootpmepding the remedy, as it sots with mysterious premptnsea in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused temps, bleed spavin, ep3ints, ourbs, aweeny, etiflae and sprains. Guo. Bonn, farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by G. A, Deadman. During the competition for Indy drivers at the Lions Head Fair,R. A, ltioore'e rig, driven by Miss Wallace, came Into col- lision with that of another lady, resulting in an upset and Miss Wallace being nncere. menieeety landed in the ring, The horse continued its course round, and on its eapbure at the starting point, Miss Wal lave pluckily reassumed the ribbons and entered upon the contest es if nothing bad occurred. The incident was rather sensational while it lasted, and Miss Wal- lace is to be congratulated upon her escape £rot injury. RELI= IN SIX Houns.—Distressing ney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great Soubh American Kidney Oure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on aoeounb of its exeeedii,a promptness in relieving pain iu the bladder, kidueye, back and every part of the urinary paesages in male or female, It relievesretentionof water and pain in peeing it aimed 'im- mediately. .If yen want gnick by G. cure this is your remedy. • Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. LIME i LIME i To those who Intend Building. Having boils a Lime House at the Sta- tion I will keep if supply of the Best Fresh Lime for Sale suitable for all Building purposes. Also WHJTE BRICK And Plastering Hair for Sale. D. A. Lowry. BRUSSELS. ALLAN LQ N Er Summerafa.I��a s, 1594. MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL 8E EI VICE. Front Pram Prom Ltberpo'l STEAatsun,s. Montta,d. Quebec. Daylight. 8 a.m. 058.18 fNn mules Nov.3 25 Parisian " 10 Nov,11 Nov. 1 Mong'Olia, " 17 18 'Will not call at Rimonski or Moville. Passengere embark at Monte -al after 8 p. m, on Fridays. For further information ns to rates, &a., apply to W. H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. Only the Scars Remain, "Among the many testimonials whioh I see in regard to certain -medielnes perform- ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes Emmy litrusoN, of the James Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., "none impress me more than my own oaee., Twenty years ago, at the age 0218 years, I had swellings come on my legs, whioh broke and became running. soros. Our family physician could do me no good, and it was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old mother urged me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the seam remain, and the memory of the poet, to remind me. of the good Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me. I now weigh two hundred andtwenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed dyer's Sarsaparilla advertised tit all parts of the 'United States, and 'always take pleas, urs In telling what good it did for Pte." For the euro of all diseases originating in. impure blood, the best remedy is AYEtt'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowell, ]thee. Cures others, will cure you Z e falx Line. ROTAP NAIL STEdfdS1111'S. between New i'loria and Llyerp901, via l,iupenstewn, ovary wedueeaay, As the 8toamers of WS line carry only a strictly limited number in the man. and :car oo:RIN 48,0 intending pilpatipp 130* beertbe is neeeasary at ethis see. son. For plane, rates, stc„applYtp W. H, .Kerr, Agent, Brussels. 7I1iE COOK'S BEST FRIEND lARGCbrr S,ILS 111 CANADA. M,r.l<. cL O D' S System Zeztovator '—«— —•A.N9 01110 TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Iron Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleseness, Palpata. tion of the Heart, .',Giver Oemplainb, Neur.. algia, Loss of Memory, Br000hitie, Oen. sureption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseaeee, St. Vitus' Donee, Female Irregularities and General De. bility, LABORATORY OODERiDII, ONT. J. NI. MoLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Sold by JAMES FOX, Druggist, Brussels. Corsets are now recognized to be the Standard Corset of Canada. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. ASIC YOUR DRY GOODS DEALER FOR THEM. Taylor & j lie Are now in their New Store, Dr. Graham's Block, Brussels. A Full Stock of Groceries, Flour, Feed, Bread, Crockery and Glassware, CHEAP AS EVER FOR CASH. ,fill Saleable Produce taken at Highest ,Market Prices, but no Credit ,haven, Commissions of all kinds Promptly Executed. Remember the BREAD and other Prices in Proportion. Goods Delivered in any part of the town - No Loafing or Spitting but bus - mess on Business Principles, Which we are aided in carrying out with 17 years exper- ience on both sides of the world. TAYLOR & SMILLIE. CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. Established 1871. Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 Gain for 1892, - 2,000,000 W. C. MA.CDON,LID,. Actuary. Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 New Insurance, 3,670,000 Gain over 1891, - 750,000 THE NEW UNCONDITIONAL -ACCUMULATIVE POLICY Is Issued Only by the Confederation Life Association. 1=s It is absolutely free from all restrictions se to residence, travel and occupation from the date of issue. t it is entirely void of all conditions. r.-Ic is absolutely and automatically non•forfeitable, after two years. The insured being entitled to r (a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the further period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid Up Policy, the amount of whioh is written in the policy, or after five years, to a (c) Cash value, as guaranteed in the policy. President, Managing Director, Hon. Sir W. P. Howland, O.B., M.0.Iif.G. J. K. Macdonald. W. II. KER,It, Agent at Brussels. "Footprints On the Sands Of Time.” . Looking at them closely it is not hart. to be- lieve that some of them might have been made by ants, so very small their step and so crooked their way ; excitable little creatures that with all their flurry never seem to got anywhere in particular, and whose whole interest seems to be that of turn- ing aside from obstacles. Others again, it the great length of their stride, remind ono of the mighty jump of the kangaroo. They are evidently getting somewhere, and on reflection it occurs to the observer that these must be the tracks of those shrewd merchants who 'got there' by jumping from one advertisement in This Biwss>;Ls Poet to anoth- er, and as we ponder their prodigious strides, these beautiful lines of the poet come to .Lind i Footprints that perhaps another Sailing o'er life's troubled main, Some forlorn and shipwrecked brother Seeing may take heart again,