The Brussels Post, 1894-10-12, Page 8•
S ''OT
OaT. 12, 1894
Toilet Sort,
Toilet tballs.
'rho I'oll'owiug area few of the
$ar{;o aeeort2nent of Toilet Seeps
whlab we leave received diroot
from the lhlanufaeturers :-
Master Ilfeohaulo,
Baby's Own,
Transparent Glycerine,
Palm Oil,
Oat Meal,
Os Gall (for romoviug stciaa)
Ceelile (make from Pure
Olive Cil,)
Dog Soap,
Windsor,, &o,
1X0 we bane bought those'soape at
rt large dieoouut we will sell them
alt Specula' Prides,
Druggist, Bookseller, &o,.
50009990 EXTENSION w. e..&n.
'trains leave Brussels Station, North
nd South, as follo,vs
37ai1 0 64 a.m. I Mixed 9 45 a.m.
Mixed...,,11:00 a.m, 11 Mail 918 p.m.
hxed 9:00 pee. Express 0:49 o.m,
J1x4 Cetus 1 tern ,
A ohiel's amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
THE Fall Fairs are over.
DIVISION Court on the 24th.
DoN'T miss Conductor Snider's leotme.
HEAR Conductor Snider in the Town
Hall Friday evening.
A IMBIBER of Brusselites attended the
Myth Fair on Wednesday,
BRUSSELS Sohool Board will meet On
Friday evening of this week.
A. McGurno has moved into the Wil-
iiafns wagon shop, Mill street.
CanoRRH-Use Nasal Balm. Quick,
positive ours. Soothing, cleansing, heal-
INSPECTOR Bonn visited Brussels Public
oehool this week and found everything in
good shape.
J. D. RONALD has sold one of his tete.
braced firs engines to the town of Dur-
ham this week.
R. LEATHER/ALE was awarded lst prize
Mr his fine blaok carriage team at Wros.
eter Fall Fair last week.
FALL show prize lista have crowded out
'correspondence received on Thursday.
3t will appear next week.
RESERVED seats for. Conductor Snider's
lecture auly 25 cents. Plan of hall at
J. Fox's drag store. Everybody should
Ix another column may be found an
advertisement nnno0ncing a sale of the
property ou which the W. R. Wilson
ioondry stood, also the hoose and lot
D. McL000mo is putting up a new fence
at his property on the corner of Turn -
berry and Queen streets. A. platform
has also been built preparatory to the
.erection of a verandah next Spring.
BRUSSELS is grouped with Kincardine,
Lnoknow, Wingham and Walkerton
in the Ontario Curling Association.
Our knights of the atone should organize
early so Rs to be ready for business ae
noon as Jack Frost makes the ice.
Aocmi or-Tassday evening P. Scutt
ran a sewing needle into the bottom of
his right foot. Hs had hie shoes off and
the needle was on the carpet. It entered
eye first and broke off leaving about half
the needle in the foot. He still carries it
with him.
,STANLEY; AC1MSON Deep. --The residents
of Brussels were greatly surprised to hear
that Stanley Jackson, who clerked for J.
T. Pepper in this place, had diad on Sab-
bath, at his home in Woodstook. He
took typhoid fever about two months ago
and afterwards congestion of the lungs
which caused his death. Deceased was a
stout, hearty young man 28 years of age.
Tars week J. L. Richmond, assistant
special agent of the Bell Telephone Co.,
was in town, and with local agent Fox
was looking up the prospects for a local
exchange. If 12 subscribers are obtained
the work will go on. They secured the
names of six or seven, we understand,
while Mr. Richmond was here. He will
be back shortly to complete the canvas.
MteicALE. -On Thursday evening of
last week only a portion of the musical
program announced to be given at the
Agrioultural Hall was rendered owing to
the absence of several of the performers,
Prof. Hawkine gave as excellent organ
solo ; Dr. Cavanagh and H. L. Jaokeon a
well rendered clsriouet duett ; A N.
Large contributed a solo which met with
well merited applause; and last but not
least Donald Stewart played a number of
Scoteisb selections on the bagpipes. The
spectators amused themselves during the
evening in admiring or criticising the
Fair exhibits, as the case might be, until
near 10 p. m., when the Hall was left to
the Dare of the night watchmen.
Advocate says :-"The death of a loving
father,kind husband, and valued friend
whose presence has always helped to al-
leviate the many adversities of life, is
•indeed a sad blow to a household. Such
was the case with the demise of Andrew
lHioks who passed from tbis sublunary
abode on Wedneeday at about 8, p. m.
Deceased had been ailing for about a
year with that dreaded disease oonsump•
'tion, during which time,' he consulted
some of the ablest physioiane and al-
though at times apparently better, hie
dieease, which was of a pulmonary nature
evas making fatal progre•., and he wag
steadily wasting in streukrh until finally
death claimed him. He was 58 years,
3 months and 8 days of age. He number-
ed his friends ail many, while his up-
'rightness of Life and conduct, won for
'flim the good will of hnndrede of ea-
,0uaintances and those with whom he
had dealings. His funeral took place
en Friday at 2:80 to the Exeter cemetery.
He leevee to mourn his demiee a loving
:wife, two daughters and two sons, who
shave the sympathy of the entire com-
Dox't' for get Ceednetor Eleider'e leetere
}fl.,i a on the 1011i11" dile (Friday) earthing,
W. M. Sogoua ri and .G. F,131101r were in
Goder'ich tlxie week athsneling to legal
The brick Veneering of D. Iiwan's
blacksmith shop ha99milroved It greatly
beotb in appearanee and value. A large
sign is being painted on the front.
leeie friday was a greet day for .selling
rubbers, waterproof orate cad nmbeellus
to the. many vialtore to the Fair, Ile an
01 wind that blows nobody good.
MIes E, RonDiga 111.0 puro119885 Miss
Hoare's Willhiory stook and will continue
the business in the same stand. Mrs.
Ohapman and haeband will )cave fel
British Columbia next week,
'1'nxe week the balance of the Paddook
stook of dry goods was peok5d and ship.
ped Eaetwar'd and the story closed. • We
are eetey to lose Mr, Maddock and family
from town bat wish them prosperity
wherever their lot may be cast,
Onox.-Last Monday James Ross died
at Winfield, 1RESRO, after a somewhat
lengthened illness of Bright's dleea9e
coupled with heart trouble. The deceased
was a younger brother of our townsman,
David Bose, and father of Mrs. Do, Mg.
Naughton, et Brussels. A,Ir, floss has
resided ]n Kan589 for a number of years
and was very highly esteemed by all who
knew him,
NEwe0A0lns.-The Owsa Sound Myer,
tiler has issued a very handsome Trade
edition inwhioh a large number of excel.
lent views of publio buildings and blocks
are given, also numerous photos. of lead-
ing oitlzene and a well written account of
the town. The Advertiser deserves and.
ie for the boom it will give Owen Sound.
H. P. Obapman has disposed of the
Ripley Enquirer plant to a man named
Saupders who will endeavor to win glory,
with or without the necessary oomple•
merit of gold, at Wroxeter. Mr. Chap-
man says 111 his valedictory :-"Life ie
too short to spend on an entsrpriee for
the mere idea of glory, the proprietor,
recognizing that a newspaper must have
all the time and energy a man is poseeea-
ed of, besides plenty of cash to make it a
Too FLIrrANT.-In tho wind up of a
local with the abovebeading dealing with
a comparison of the prices of obeeee the
Editor of the Atwood93ee remarks to the
Brussels Herald :-Friend Irwin ie just a
little too "fresh" and flippant in his ut-
terances of late, and for man so very
green in jom•nalistio work, we would ad-
vise him to moderate hie oriticism a little,
and above alI to furnish himself with the
faote before shooting off his fly -trap.
Just now this Mr. Irwin is attempting to
reform the ways of the editor of T10E
Pose and finding fault with the whole
economic management and moral condi-
tion of Broe-ele and vicinity as did his
lamented predecessor, the Budget man;
and we presume that after he gets
through the people of the town will see
the error of their ways so plainly that
they will sit in sank-oloth and ashes for
some weeks until they have sufficiently
'atoned for their transgressions.
Tam Deems. -A, correspondent writing
from Stratford to the Toronto News
says :-The Rev. G. F. Salton, of the
Central Methodist Church preaobed on
dancing Sunday night. He said it was
the most baneful influence the ohuroh
had to contend with and is not counts.
nanced by any prominent denomination
of Christians. He did not object to the
the mere motion, but to the emotions
whiob are aroused. The ball room, he
said, permits breathes of conventionality
that would not be tolerated elsewbere.
I0 is against the law to hug a girl on the
street, the transference to the scene of
the dance room should not legalize the
cot. All "Jack -the -huggers" should be
served alike. One of the reverend gentle.
man's strong points was based on the
foot that a company or old bachelors
never engage in the dance as a source of
amusement. To make dancing popular
among adults there must be a co -mingling
of the sexes. Ioeidentally he also de-
nounced card playing and theatre going
as acts pregnant with immoral tenden-
cies. The sermon has aroused unfavor-
able comment and some severe criticism.
Feet Mereaxpax.-Last week the vari-
ous millinery establishments in Brus-
sels presented their Fall display to the
public, and never were the ladies treated
to a nicer range of hats, bonnets and
millinery goods, Mise Green, at Mrs.
Rogers' store, had a very neatly arranged
and fashionable array of everything like-
ly to oapture the feminine fancy, and
5001 hands had evidently been hard at
work for this event. The goods were
duly admired. The number of orders
taken was a satisfactory conclusion of
the exhibit. -Ab Mies MoPherson's show
room all the latest novelties in connec-
tion with ladies' headgear was bo be assn.
The arrangement of goods was pretty
and many compliments were bestowed on
Miss McPherson onthe stylish display
whose handiwork was rewarded by a
number of sales. -Miss Hoare bad an up-
to-date display, inoluding millinery and
millinery goods and many other etceteras
that constitute a millinery opening. The
proprietress was well pleased with the
soothes attending their bard work. As
to giving a description of the new styles
we forbear and advise all who want to
know the correct style for hat or bonnet
to call on the ladies managing the above
mentioned departments who will be glad
to supply their wants at low prices.
A CHARGE OF Bnm9u0.-The Toronto
Daily Globe on Monday contained the
allowing :-"A disasbrons fire oeeurree
at Tweed, July last, and on a000unt of
not having proper fire apparatus a heavy
late was incurred. Since that time fire
proteoelon has been under consideration.
The Village Oounoil have for Boma time
been negotiating with the Wateroue En-
gine Co„ of Brantford, and the Ronald
Engine Co., of Brussels, and on.Thurs.
day a contract was signed by the Reeve
and Council for the purchase of a Water,
the engine. On the same date Mr. Ron-
ald arrived in town, and, learning of tbo
action of the Couhoil, advertisod for a
public meeting in the Tbwn Hall the game
evening, which was largely attended by
the ratepayers. Mr. Ronald's object was
to get permission from the meeting to
bring his engine down and test the same
in ;the presence of the oitizene free of coat,
but he did not succeed. At the close of
the meeting Mr. Ronald was planed under
arrest for the night, on a warrant issued
at the instigation of two members of the
Council, who claim they bad been of-
feted a. bribe by Mr: Ronald to purchase
hie engine. The ogee came up for bear.
ng at 10 a. m., Friday before Magietratee
Newton and MoOann. After bearing the
videnoe, Mr. Ronald was oomenittod to
etand hie trial on both obargee. Mr..
Ronald gave bail in $400, which Was ab'
munity in this their irretrievable lose.'
A post mortem proved that consumption e
did not esiee but aa absaege in tbo left
Deng. •
espted, any bo left by t110 0. P,It, ter the
want. The maiµ 189030 that.11lr, R00 0111'8
engiu0 was not pnrobased was that it wee
MO thigh in page." Mr, Waterous bee per.
eietantlY 1108)10011 to put hie engine in.
oompstitiou with the Ronald knowing
full well what the result would be. The
.publio should demand each a aomparleen
In thele own 1110800019,
1.11R;SQN4ff P.1.1W4Ri.PI0S.
Miele Ida Frain is 01511 11 in Detroit,
Gee. Geebol, of Mitoholl, was visiting
is bown,
W. Mase and wife, of (.4forrie, were la
town We week,
1'70. Danford and wife, spent last
Sunday in Clinton.
Mrs. (1)r,) Graham was a judge of
Ladies' work at Blyth Pair,
Mr9.,F, C. Maddock was vislting under
the parental roof at Acton.
Argo and Bertha, twin daughters of
Rev, John Rose, are ill this week.
Walter Burgess and Mies Thorn, of
Mitchell, were in town last Sabbath.
Mr. and Mre, Ritchie, o8 Mount Forest,
were visiting et D. Stewart's last week,
Miss Nellie Roes was a judge of ladies'
work at the Belgrave and Wroxeter Fairs,
Miss Nesaie 11ay, of Winnipeg, ie on
the siok list and ender the ears of a play:_
Mrs, W. W. Croaks, Robbie and Ethel
Stevenson, of Minneapolis, are visiting at
Geo. Crooks' this weak.
H. E. Maddock, of Newmarket, was in
town for a few days this week. He's an
energetio business man.
Mrs. Hughan and Miss Addie Currie,
of Walkerton, are visiting the Misses
Roddick, William street,
D. A2aGilliouddy, of the Goderich
Signal, was in town on Monday. He
wheeled on his bicycle from Seaforth.
Riohard Rivers, of Luaknow, son of
Samuel Rivers, Bruesele, has gone to the
Dental College, Philadelphia. We .wish
him success as he is a worthy young
Robert Armstrong, millwright, left for
Ayr on Monday, where he will be en-
gaged for the balance of, this month, by
the Goldie & MoCullooh Company, in
making improvements in the Greenfield
Mrs, R. Leatberdale has been and is
still quite poorly being troubled with
asthma and bronobitie. She has been
unusually well daring the past Summer
and we hope ehe will soon regain this
Ile.'Villiam. Grabam, of Brussels, was
Tuenlav elected be acclamation as re-
presentative from district No. 4 (.Huron
and Perth) to the Ontario Council of
Physicians and Surgeons, The Dr. will
do credit' to the position.
Mrs. (Dr.) MoCullough, of Detroit,
made a brief visit with her parents in
Brussels this week, while en route to the
Philadelphia Dental College. She ex-
pects to graduate next March, we expect
with honors. Mrs. McCullough left here.
on Thursday.
We are pleased to notice that E. W.
Bruce, of Toronto, has obtained hie. B. A.
degree at the University in that city.
He bas never ceased teaching while tak-
ing up the course and certainly deserves
credit. He is a son of A. Bruce, of Blue -
vale. Postmaster Farrow, of this plane,
taught Mr. Bruce his A B C's ab Blue -
vale, and will no doubt be proud of his
old pupil.
•David Dobson, a former well known"
resident of this locality, VMS renewing
old friendships during the •past week.
He is a resident of Kansas, where ha has
lived and prospered for a number of
years. U. S. air appears to agree with
him as little change is noticeable in his
appearance. Owing to the ;allure of the
corn crop he says a great many people
will be badly pinched next Winter.
The Buffalo Evening News, of October
est, sage :-"At an executive meeting of
the Fire Board tbis morning, the resig.
nation of George J. Pfeifer, chief of the
second battalion, was rend and accepted.
Mr. Pfeifer bas creditably performed the
arduous duties of his position for the past
18 years. He bas suffered considerably
of Tate from the effects of an accident
which he met with some six years ago, in
which his right knee was seriously hurt.
This, coupled with the fact that lie is
advancing in years, led him to tender his
resignation. Re, will probably be assign.
ed to a position ae captain in outs of the
companies. John B. Armstrong, who
bas been captain of Hook and Ladder
Company No. 1 since Jan. 1st, guaoeeds
Mr. Pfeifer as battalion thief. He will
sesame his new position on Wednesday."
Mr, Armstrong referred to in the above
item was en old Bruseelite, a son of Wm.
Armstrong. Tae Posx congratulates him
on his promotion.-
GRAPES at MoAlpine'a at 26 ciente per
A veer obeep hanging lamp, new goods,
at 33. Gerry's.
Coon etovee from $12.00 and upwards
at B. Gerry's.
HAnumse greatly reduced inprioes at H.
Dennis', Brussels.
Sole second band coal stoves, $5 and
up at B..Gerry's.
Box's Velocipede for sale.
Pose Publishing House.
A Lane shipment of stoves just ar
rived at B. Gerry's.
Fon value our single harness takes the
lead. I. C. RICHARDS.
PEACHES, finest Crawfords, at McAl-
pine's. Oysters an a few days.
Sxovi coal and blacksmith coal for sale.
now in stook at B. Gerry's.
WAGONS and carte et THE POST Book.
stare. Want to cecina out stook.
Bonne and blankets, large assortment.
and very low prices. L 0. R menus,
Lemon stook of Horse Blankets and
Robes at low prices at H. Dennis', Brae.
30OT opened out the largest and cheap..
est lot of banging lamps in town at sur-
prise prices at B. Gerry'e.
Comfortable House for sale in oonven.
ientlocation in Brussels, apply to
R. G. Wu sox.
Caen paid for all kinds of dressed fowl
at the restaurant. Meat be dry, pinked
and undrawn. Jag. McAlpine.
Bo450nns.-Accommodation for two
boarders at a private home. Reasonable
rates. Apply at Toe Poor Publishing
Hwrrrow0.-Mary H. Howe, of the firm
of Howe & Co., is prepared to take in
knitting; or knit to order, soeke, stockings,,
oerdigan jackets, &o. Will exchange
goods for wool. Store, 010 door South
oil the Woollen mill, Brussels. Give 00 a
$714,7 rD411? 134XE OF C4J11e4.Dr .,
T455M45.3ET-4311EX3PIEP 5497P.
MISFITS, (,Seven Afiliiop Dollars) . 07,000,000
CAPXPAL (Aathorixed) , •• 82,000,000
Agenoiea in dttlartnafyral points SA Ontorfa, Qgobac,PTanftaba, ,mired Sto,tea d'T11918114,,
elWY1 °kS"l'e°, iS , 1 /t2d4"Wps.
A General Banking Buainees Traneaoted, Partners' Notes Disooltnted.
Drafts Issued and Collocations made on all pointe.
Interest/ allewod on deposits of 111,00 and upwards from date of deposit Sp eats of
wlthdrawttl and compounded half yearly, -
Specter, Aethuolon 010.119 TO T910 000 LEOTOQN Or FARMERS' SALE NOTES. . .
Every'faoility afforded Cuotomere living at a dieeanoe.
cILLds.S 't7 T ltd ltceYlr udlkq d-G ••r a dlaY di,Z aa,I> R6vdy
Transact 4t General Banking Business. Drafts J3ought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States andGreat Britain.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwarde at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Prinoipel at the end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We cireet to write Insurance lin old 1i1.1g0011 or Canadian Corupaesics, or In Miert.
ual Conrpnuiee no may be desired.
Birt/ has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terme reasonable. Residence
mond door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry'st., Brussels. 84-tf
of beautiful American Wall Papers just
to hand, bought ab less, than 500 onthe
dollar. Don't listen to slap -trap but
acme right along and choose at your own
price. Elegant gilts at 100, 15e, 20o and
250, formerly sold from 800 to 60e. All
papers bung perfectly at 10o. Come all
and come gmok, for they won't last.
W. Roddick.
F. S. SCOTT will conduct any sale of,
Farm doter as auctioneer during the
months of October' and •November for
$6.00. Knowing the standing of nearly
every one he is in a position to sell to
good marks, and guarantees satisfaction.
He will also see that your notes are
promptly drawn and signed. Dates can
be arranged at TEE Pose Publishing
House, Brussels.
General New R.
It is said that the gross takings at each
of Dr. Talmage's lectures in Australia
amount to 5200.
Mrs. J. E. Butler, the widow of a Con-
federate general, bas killed herself at
Mount Kisco, N. Y., on account of the
waywardness of her son.
Rain bas been falling heavily for the
past two days throughout the island of
Cuba, and the rivers have overflowed
their banks. Railway travel is suspend-
It is reported that an anarchist at-
tempt to aeeassinate President Iglesias,
of Costa Rica, bas been foiled, and the
leading conspirators arrested.
There is considerable fun amongst the
residents on the Canadian side of the St.
Clair Flats over thearioll that was played
upon two special customs officers from
Detroit a few days ago. They were Bent
up to capture Thomas Lagree, an old
man who has been for years engaged in
supplying Americans and American boats
passing up the St. Clair with Oanadinn
goods. The two detectives laid for. La.
gree, captured him and an assistant
named Kelly, with a lot of whiskey,
groceries, clothing and other articles.
The four were standing on a dock when
Lagree spied an old woman pulling by in
a skiff. He made a bolt, got into the
boat and pulled away, getting safely into
Canada. The officers' determined to
make sure of Kelly and marobed him
over to the olab hones to look him up.
Before putting the irons on the officers
decided to take some refreebmente and
'unlocked the door. Kelly saw they bad
left the key in the door, and while the
officers had their basks turned be slipeed
out, turned the key and locked them in.
Hie then jumped into the boat and leisure-
ly rowed back to Canada, taking with
him the goods seized.
AL.EASON.-In Grey, on Oob. 2nd, the
wife of Mr. William Alderson of a
WATT. -In Brussels on Oat. 7th, the wife
of Mr. Robt. Watt, of a son.
BIELEY.--In. Grey, on Oat. 8, the wife of
Mr. John Ridley of a daughetr.
Bnoweene-OAxLEr.-In Grey, on Oct.
8rd, by Rev. D. Forrest, Mr. Robt.
Brownlee, Carleton Co., to Miss Bella
Oakley, of Grey township.
JAOK9oN,-Ab Woodstook, on Oct. 7th,
Stanley Jackson, aged 23 years.
Boss. -In Winfield, Kansas, on Oot. 8th,
James D. Rose, father to. Mrs, (Dr.)
McNaughton and brother of David
Rose,'Brussels, aged 65 years,
.3'LTC'SI 10 pAZ.ne01-
WEDNESDAY, OOT. 17. -Farm stook,
Lot 82, 0013. 6, Grey. Sale unreserved,
at 1 o'alook. Prancis and Jno. F.
Beirnes, Prop'ts,Geo. Kirkby,Aua.
FIGDAY, Oce. 10th. -Clearing out male
of farm stock, implements, &a., lot 1,
Con. 6, Grey. Sale unreserved, em-
inences at 12 noon. Thee, MoLaaohlin,
Prop., Geo. Kirkby Ano.
WEnoosney OCT. 24.-Thorobred cat -
Ole and well bred Leioester sheep, Lot
17, Con. 10 Morrie., Sale unreserved,' at
1 O'olook, Neil McDonald, Prop. Geo.
Kirkby, Aura
1)840410, Ott. 20th. -Farm stook, imple•
mems, &o. Lot 20, con, 9, Morrie. Sale,
unreserved, at 1 p, m, Wm. Clennan,
Prop, F. S. Scott. Auc.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tube and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Salt per bbl., retail..•
Hides trimmed'
Hides rough
Sheep skins, each.......,
Lamb Skins eaoh
Apples per bbl
Pork, Live
S.2AR >:rTF3.,
47 ee - Solicitor, &o, (late of Garrow &
' 46 48 . Proudfoot's Office, Goderleh.) (Moe over
85 88 . Gilliesn& SmLith's Bank, Brussels.
48 49
24 26
Within the Next 4 Weeks,
The Balance of our Beauti-
ful Stook of Wall Papers,
MoWherrals' sentence has been cam•'
muted to imprisonment far life but the
Minister of Justioe own have leo say about
llvidenee is so unmistakeable that our
prices ere Agile that the sentence must be
°Pierced end all must be sold.
wl ere us a call before purchasing alae.
All papors bought from us will be hung
by a dret•olass paper -hanger at lowest
• Soliaitorand Oon0oyauaer, Collec-
tions made. Unite.-Vanstone's Bleak, Brus-
sels. 21.9m
• Solicitor Conveyancer,NetaryPab-
lio, &p, Oftto-''Vaustoae's Bleak l door •
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds 'to
Barristers, Solicitors, Nobariee Pubffe,
• Godexioh, Ont,
D0DLEY $000170•
'15 16
13 00
3 00 8 50
5 00 6 00
1 00 00
2 2i
20 40
15 40
1 60 1 75
16 17
4 50 00
Rifle, 18 shooter, only used for a
short time. Will be sold at a bargain,
G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, &e,
Li 14, Grey,on or about. Sept. 1st, alttrg0
light red 2 -year-old heifer. Any information
leading to her recovery will be suitably re-
114 Seaforth P. 0,
Notice is hereby given that any personor
persons found trespassing - on Lot 14, (Ions.
16 and 10, Grey, either with or without - dogs,
will be dealt with according to law.
11-4 Proprietor.
A.J isms of the,undel•signed, Lot 10, Con.10,
Grey, on Tuesday night, Sept. 1810, a road
cart, set of single 0arnese and horse blan-
ket. Any information loading to their re-
covery will be suitably rewarded.
10-4 Walton: P. O.
Sale. -Tho uader$igqned offers for sale
his Abel Engine and Separator, ,both in
good working order. He. will also.'diepeae of
his shingle mill. Reason for se)ling, ill
health. A bargain will be given. Por
further particulars as to price ,terms, &0.,
6.01 Lot 16, Con, O, Grey, or Craubrook P.O.
LnnsIGNED has several good Parma :for
Sale and to rent, easy farms,. in Townships
of Morris and Grey, F S. SOOTT,Brasseis,
DEn of years. Said farm being Lot"
N i 27 and N. W. pt 28, Con. 0, con-
taining 160 acres. Fel-further particulate
apply to JOHN MOONEY, Brussels P. 0.
or to W. 0. STBETTON,
Landeaeber, Ohio.
DERe0GNED. oilers his splendid 200 core.
farm, being Lots 17 and 38, Con. 0, Grey, for
Salo, About 180 Gores cleared, balance wood-
ed. Good brick house, bank -barn, orchard,
&c, Well watered. and -fenced. For pries.,
terms, So„ apply to
A. G. WELSH, Proprietor,
62•tf Ethel Y,0,
11RENT,-The undersigned offers hie ISO
acre farm, being Lots Rand W t18,.Con, 5,
Grey, for sale. On the premises is a tom•
forbabie brisk house, new bunk barn, good
orchard, wells,fences, &e. 160 aures cleared,.
balance bush. A bargain will be given. If
not sold the farm will be rented fora term
of years. For further particulars as to price,
terms, &e„ apply to
BORT. MOXEE, Proprietor,
11.8 Gerrie, P. 0.,
or to JAMES A. FRAIN,Brussels.
Notice to Creditors.
Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 110,
section 80, of the Revised Statutes of On-
tario , 1887 and amendments theroto,'notoe
is hereby given, that all persons having
claims against the estate of too late Samuel
Swale, of the village of Brussels, in the
County of Huron, Merchant, who died on or
about the 'Eighteenth day of September, A.
D., 1804 are hereby required to. send by poet
pro -paid, or deliver to W. M. Sinclair, of the
Village or Brueeels in the County of Huron,
Solicitor for the Executrix of the estate of
the said Samuel Smote, deceased, on or be-
fore the Twentieth day of Ootober,A. D.,
1804, a statement in writing of their names
and addresses and the full particulars of
their olefins and of the securities (11 any)
hold by thorn and that after the said Twee -
Hebb day of October, the said Executrix will
proceed to distribute the aeset5, of the said
Samuel Smalo, amongst the parties entitled
thereto, baying regard only to olaime of
wbloh notes elrail have boon given we above
required and the told Executrix will not be
responsible for the said aseebs, or any part
thereof, 00 any perm or p010005 of whose
olaim or Waling notice shall not have been
received, at the time of such distribution.
Dated at Brunets, the Twenty Sixthday
of September, A. D., 1804,
W. M. SINOLAilt,
Solicitor for Executrix.
M. CAVANAGH, L. 0.6., D. D. S.,
GSurgeons, O Ontario, and of Toronto of Dental
verelty.. UM -
Orme -Over A. R, Smith's Store,
Brussels, Will visit Wroxeter the 1st and
3rd Mondays and Blyth the 2nd and 4th
Wednesdays of each month.
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
LCrown end Bridge wl rCollege epeoialty. Moder-
ate Foes. Satisfaction Assured. Office over
Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry 8t„ Brus-
!1 .. Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, 1e preparedto treat all
diseases of domesticated animals In a nom -
patent manner. Parttoular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. flails promptly at-
tended to. Office and infirmary -Four doors
north of bridge •'urnberry et., Brussels.
H. MOORE, V. S.,
8, M„V. M. S. Graduate of the
Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all
domesticated animals treated on scientific
principles. Horse dentistry and diseases of
attend d tole V.
C3 over• Johnston & OochY
raue'a marble works. Infirmary at Boatbie'o
livery barn,Brueoels, Ont. 20 -
ey 0.M., L. R.O.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P.
8. Ont. Residence in Wilson's
Block,. corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste..
V • Pbyelolan, Surgeon, Aecouohee', etc.
Graduate of Toronto University Medical,
Faculty. Member of College of. Physioians
and Surgeons, Out. OCE-Nextdoor to
McDonald 40 FI
Co.,o., Walton Ont.
Auctioneer, is always ready to at-.
to nd sales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terms
cheerfully given. Cranbrook P. 0. Sales
may be arranged at Tam Poso, Publishing
House,: Brussels,
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Forma and farm
stock a specialty. Orders left at Tan POST
PubliebingEouSe,Brussels, or sent to Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention,
en as. an Anotioneer, I are prepared
to oondoot sales of farm stook at reasonable
prices. ti.nowing the standing of nearly
every person lam- in a position to sell to
good marks and get good seourlty when sold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed, ' Give
mea call. 82- F S. SCOTT,
t • Istarer of MarrlageLioenses. 0IIloe
at his Grocery,. Turnberry street, Brussels.•
Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door
south of A. M, Moliay ec Co's hardware store,
Ladies' and ahildreus hair cutting a opeoialty
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court
Co. Huron. Convoyaueer,Notary Public
Land, Loan and Ineuranoe Agent. Panda
Invested and to loan, Collections. mad..
Clfloe In Graham's Block, Bruseels.
Teacher of instrumental music ou
Piano et Organ. Will visit Wiagham Tries.
clay and Wednesday of coati week Reid -
donee on Priuoose Street, Brussole..-
A. HAWJ INS, M. 0: S. M.
tlpupil,iin a Johne Sachin Brna•
5010, and pupil, the Art of :Teaching, of A.
W. Thayer, Mus. Doe„ New York, will dive
beano to pupils either on plane or organ,
at bi S parlor 0,00 A, R. Smith's atom, Brno.
sole. Vooal Remote also given. Terms Mod -