The Brussels Post, 1894-10-12, Page 66
NnViSt151, (11
On time for the early made) at
39310 POMP Stamp 1.'Inbliahing ITMMW,
TonNnanny. 11T,, 131309861o, ONT,
0.1nnbt6 0 Sntison01 1ON: Qne dollar and
F Vie a halt 3011
' ! va ao, lkl Ate li
a Hay a Yost i i ad n
vary sucsorirtion is Aand 10 denoted qy the
ate on the address label.
ADVEMMerne Bs/mt.—The followi0E rates
will he oliarged tothose who lalVertlse by
the year
01,ari, 1 1 n8. 0 mo, mo
One .Oolutiiia...... , 500,00 202.00 520,00
Etalf ' "" I 03.00 20.00 12.00
3110! it '' 3.2A6 13.000 0.00
'Bight cents per line for firs. insertion, and
three cents nor lino for each aubeequont in.
semina. All advertisements measured as
Noun aro11-12lines to teirlell.
Aueinoe0 Cards, eight lines and 011800, 20
per dve•
rtisements without 00008010 droo•
tions, will be Moiled until forbid, and
charged a000rdingly.,
Instructionsto'obange or discontinue an
advertisement must be lett at the oouutln3
room of Tan Tonto not later than Tuesday
of each week. '1118 le imperative.
'l dit0r aud Proprietor..
East Huron Fail Fair_
Following is the Prize List :—
Henna—Heavy Draught—Brood mare,
G Dale, J Dale, Jno Shortreed ; stallion
over 3 years, Jno Shortreed ; horse Dolt,
G Dale, J Dale, T MaLauablin • mare
molt, Jno Shortreed 1 2 year old filly, G
Dale, J'' Shortreed, Jae Harrison ; 2 year
old gelding, J Dale, T Ross, T MoLauoh-
lin ; yearling filly, J Dale, J Shortreed
yearling gelding, Cx Dale, D Milne ;
heavy draught team, J Dale 1 & 2 ; etab
lion over 8 years with four of his progeny
for 1894, J P Fisher.
General Purpose.-Brool mare, having
raised a foal in 1894, Geo Christopher, J
McKinnon, G Johueton ; horse colt, Jno
McKinnon ; mare oolt, Geo Christopher ;
2 year old filly, Jao Simpson, Jno Brown,
Jae McCallum ; 2 year old gelding, T
Ross ; 1 year old filly, J Dale,
Hugh Ross, G Dale ; 1 year old gelding,
Jas McCallum, Jae Sharp ; span of gen-
eral purpose horses, J W att,F H Soholes,
D B Moore.
Roadsters. --Stallion over 3 years, P
Scott ; stallion under 3 years, P Scott ;
brood mare, having raised a foal in 1894,
Mre. Sage; Spring foal, colt or filly, 11
irkby, Mrs Sage ; 2 year oldfilly, D B
Moore, A Carrie ; 2 year old gelding, P
Scott, A Stewart, M H Harrison ; 1 year
old filly, Geo Thomson, R Leatherdale ;
1 year old gelding, Mre Sage ; buggy
horse, A Forbes, R Frost ; roadser team,
H Grieve, R Leatherdale.
Carriage.—Stallioo over 3 years, R
Adams, J P Fisher; 2 year old gelding,
R Pollard, Bird Bros ; yearling filly, W
Knox, R Pollard. Spring foal, colt or
filly, Hugh Ross, Bird Bros ; carriers
span, M Jobnetoo ; brood mare, R Poll-
(UTILE.-Dorham—Ball, over two
years, D Milne, 0 Eckmier, Jae Spier;
bull, ander two years, D Milne, A Smith ;
miloh cow, having calved ein00 last show,
D Milne, A Smith, R Corley ; two year
old heifer, D Milne, A Smith, 7 Armour ;
one year old heifer, A Smith, D Milne, 2
& 3 ; bull calf, A Smith, Jas Spier, D
Milne ; heifer calf, A Smith, R Corley,
D Milne ; herd of Durhame, one male
and four females, D Milne, Amos Smith.
Jerseys.—Bull over two years, G A
Deadman ; bull under two years, Jno
Brown ; miloh cow, having calved since
Iaet show, Geo Thomson, 1 & 2, G A
Deadman ; two year old heifer, G A
Deadman ; yearling heifer, Geo Tbom-
son, 1 & 2,G A Deadman ; heifer calf, G
ADeadman, GThomson ,G ADeadman ;
bull calf, Gen Thomson, G A Deadman ;
bard, Geo Thomson, G A Deadman. .
Native or grade.—Cow, baying calved
since last show, T Wilkinson & Sons, Jae
Wilkinson ; 2 year old heifer, M H Ear.
risen, T Wilkinson & Sons ; 1 year old
heifer, T Ross, R Corley ; 2 year old
steer, T Ross, 1 & 2 ; 1 year old steer,
T Ross, 1& 2; steer oalf, R Adams, W
Armstrong ; heifer calf, 11.1 H Harrison,
J Armour ; fat cow or heifer, 143 Harri-
eon, 1 & 2 ; Pat ox or steer, T Ross 1 & 2.
,SHEEP.—Leioesters—Aged ram, W
Grieve, S Walker ; shearling ram, N
Coming, D Milne ; ram lamb, W Grieve,
1 & 2 ; pair of ewes, having raised lambs
in 1894, N Cawing, W Grieve ; pair of
shearling ewes, N Coming, D Milne ;
pair of ewe lambs, W Grieve, N Coming.
Downs.—Aged ram, McEwen Bros, J
Burgess ; shearling ram, J Smith ; ram
lamb, W Grieve, A Rose ; pair of ewee,
having raised lambs in 1894, McEwen
Bros, W Grieve ; pair of shearling ewes,
McEwen Bros, A Roes ; pair of ewe
lambs, McEwen Bros, W Grieve.
Pres,--Berkshire.—Boar, over 1 year,
F I3 Scholes, Jno Shortreed ; boar under
1 year, H Edwards, le H Scholes ; sow,
having littered in 1894, H Edwards, S
,ell ; e n
S ow, under 3. year, E Garvin, H
Yorkshire. --Boar, over 1 year, R Niob
01; boar, under 1 year, R Nichol, S
Snell ; sow, having littered in 1894, R
Nichol 1 & 2 ; sow, under 1 year, R
Nichol. 1 & 2.
Chester Whites.—Boar, under 1 year,
H Edwards, S Walker ; sow, having lit-
tered in 1894, 5 Snell ; mow, under 1 year,
H Edwards, S Walker.
Aay other b reed •—Tamworth hoar, over
1 year, S Walker, F H Soholes ; boar,
under 1 year, F H Soholes.
Povnrnv.—pair of guinea fowl, Jas
Harrison, Geo Irwin ; pair " of dark.
brahmas, Geo Irwin, 0 Henderson &
Sons pair of light brahmas, Jas Bar -
ion, Geo Irwin ; Pair of black epanioh,
o Henderson & Son, Jas Harrison ;