The Brussels Post, 1894-10-12, Page 3OJT. 12, 189 Town DL eoto32y. Macaque Cannon, --Sabbath Servioee ab 7.1 a m and 600 p.m. SuudayBellool lb 200 p m, UM/. John Bees, R d, gaster. lox Clivn°lr.-Sabbath Serviaee ab 11 a m and 6:30 p in, timidity School at 2:80 p m, Rev. D. Millar, pastor. Sar, JoRN'e Oiwnou,--Sabbath !Services at 11 a ns and 7 p ne. Sunday School at 2:30 p, m. Rev, W. G, Reilly, Mown, bent. Me'rnoeum Current. -Sabbath Servigee at 10:30 a In and 0730 0 in, Sunday School at 2:36 p, m. Rev. G. H, Cabbie. diol(, M A, B D, pastor. ROILAN Oiveneme Q:ivaci3.-Sabbath servioe third Sunday in every month, ab 10;30 a in. Rev Joseph Kennedy, Priest. SALVATION Alliin. -Service at 7 and 11 a in mud 8 and B p m on Sunday anti every evening in the welt at 8 o'ploak, at the barraolte, Olin Fallows' Longe every Thursday evening, in Graham's block, Maaogee Loewe Tuesday at or he£ore full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Longe on let and 13rd Friday evenings of each mental, in Blas. hill's block. O 0 I' Immo 2nd and last Monday evenings of aaoh month, in I3lashill's Meek. 0 b', 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L 0 L lab Monday in every month in Orange Hall. R T or T, 2nd and 4th Tueeday's of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. SONSorSOOTLANn, lab and Brd Tees - days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. LODGE, let and 8rd Thurs. days of each month, in Vanetone blook. Home Onume, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in Blashill's Hall. PosT 0rrxOn.-Office boars from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. MeonANSOe' INSTO,OTE.-Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 bo 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian. TOW'S Couxam. W. H. Herr, Reeve W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and S. Wilton, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Rose, Oolleotor. Board meets the let Monday in each month. SOnoor, Bono. -Rev. Rose, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid and J. N. Kendall ; Seo, -Trees:, Iii. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. Punta° S0so0L TEAOnnuS.-3. H. Cam- eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Mise D money andlfiss Cooper. BOARD OR IIvALTn.-Reeve Herr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and 3. N. Kendall. Dr, McNaughton, Medical Health Ofiloer. Clinton.. A meeting of Huron Medical Associa- tion was held here on Tuesday. Ab. Switzer has gone to Detroit, where he will pursue hie medical etadies. Clinton is evidently looking up this Fall, as houses and baeiness places are in active demand, and there are very few vacant properties. While ArbhnrTwitohell was at work on a barn in Hullett he had the miefer• tune to fall, breaking one leg and severely spraining one arm. James Young has"taken a position with Mr. Pollock, of Goderiob, and will go there to work, though he may not yet remove his family there. The friends of Mrs. Goo. Potts will be glad to know that she underwent a sac - 'useful surgical operation at Harper's Hospital, Detroit. She expects to be home in a oouple of weeks. , Gori iter. Alex. Laird returned from Manitoba where 3m has been spendiug the last six weeks. Wm. Andison has moved into his new residence. It is one of the finest building in the village. While 'Jas. Lucas was driving bome from .Gerrie one of hie horses dropped dead on the road. At a meeting of the Liberal Conserve,. tive Aeeooiation, of Howiok, held in the Y. L, C. Club room the following ofneers were eieoted :--President, Thos. Nash Vioe•President, Jae. Footer ; Secretary, W. G. Strong ; Treaearer, W. J. Greer. Orc.-On Sunday morning of last week the grim monster, death, visited our village and carried off another of our resi- dents in the pereoa of John J. Sharpin. Deceaeed bad been in poor health for a considerable time and for the past two or three weeks hie death was almost daily expected. The remains were in- terred in the Gerrie cemetery on Tuesday afternoon the funeral being a large one. Deceased was unmarried, he leaves an aged mother, a brother and two sisters to mourn his demise, who have the sym. pathy of all in their beteavement. G ode rials. Miss Jassie. Alexander at the Grand Opera House, Friday, Oct. 26th. • The tog Sea King, brought in 3,600 pounds of fish one day recently. Hee nate were set near Grand Bend. R. S. Chilton, jr., of the Department of State, Washington, is spending his holidays et the American Consulate, the home of bis parents. One of the leading features ab the fair was the track performance of a fifteen months' old filly of A. M. Polley's which paced the last quarterin the half mile in 42 seconds. An intoreetinb' and quaint bib of work shown ab the fair, was a sampler repre. senting a map 01 England, with names and boundaries of shires carefully work- ed in oroes.etioke. It bore the dabe of 1793, and name, Mary Mortimer Green'. A looal wheelman's aesooiabion, to be known as the Goderioh Bioyote Club, was organized with a merbership of 16 charter members. The following office. holders .were elected: -President, D. McGillicuddy Vico-president, A. Satin - dere ; secretary, F. W. Stokee, ; treasur- er, A. F. J. Naftal ; oaptain, 3, W. Lang. ford ; lieutenant, C. Chisholm ; bugler, W. Hillier, The colors of the club will be royal blue and old gold. The other evening as Win. McDonald, otherwise known we "Humpy Bill," was on his way home about 0 o'clock, be had the misfortune to lose his wey and walk. ed over the dock into the harbor. He was unable to swim but fortunately man. aged to grasp a log lying in the water, but the log kept turning on him every Knee'3mgrabbed;;fb until ho wan nearly Ochaasted. ,Almost in despair he oom- 138088d to yell and brought to his armlet. IMO the Maslen of the 86r. Petrel, svlio i w tha .t d lif h aid of Ar s e p es ry re and ropes managed to reaouo him, 0n SMART evening a terse, with bug. gy attached, belonging tO one of our livery sbablss, wee found wandering down East ab. ab an easy gait -the buggy minus the A00upants. On investigation it was found that a certain young man had engaged the horse for the evening /Or the purpose of shawhig a young lady around town. l rooveding t0 Vio6oria•st, ahtlroh, he went inside to await the ap- pearanoe of the young lady after service. Tho horse evidently believes iR Sunday driving, and in the meantime it book French leave and for a time made itself 000.500. Imagine the surprise of the Young men on finding no horse in eight. The drive was postponed till some future 000:tefn0. Ex€:+ter. R. Fergueon and Sohn W. Harr' n have left for Detroit Medioal College, where they will pursue their studies, Jas. Brintnell, Huron street, while en:: gaged ab a raising in Sodom, accidentally. fell from a beam and broke two ribs, Jas. Cresob, jr., who bas just started''a hennery bore, had a batchof between seventy and eighty chickens hatched by an incubator last week. This ishis first attempt. Wm. Baker, gardener, has a sunflower growing in his garden that measures 8 feet 9 inches in beighb and the large flower on top of it measures nearly 18 holies in diameter and 88} inohos in ciroumferenoe. All the be:w here of the Exeter Pnblio school have been re-ongaged.to teach in. their respective rooms for the ensuing year ab the same salary, except Principal Brown, who resigned some time ago. T. J. Lockhart, M. A., of Cannington, succeeds him. At a meeting of Court Exeter, No. 123, h 0. F., a very pleasant event took place in the form of a presentation and ad- dress to David Mill. The presentation was a beautiful gold headed oane and the address was read by Brother M. Eaoretb, Past 'Chief Ranger. Seaa:tortila. Mayor Wilson took 13 let; prizes and 6 2nd at the Clinton fair on oattle. Mre. W. N. Watson and Miss Belle Watson arrived: home from a pleasant vieit to relatives in Scotland. The bowling green was opened on Mon. day of last week. James McMichael pitched the first bowl and won the first game. T. V. Rutledge, formerly manager of Mr. Way's boot and shoe store here several years ago, has purchased the R. Kelly stook. Patrick Hynes, of MoKillop, expired suddenly at the Queen's Hotel on Friday morning. lie had no relatives around here and was aged about 80 years. George Good has decided to close 'up hie business here and iodate in Winghem. In Mr. Good's removal Seaforth loses one of its best and most ambitious dbl.. zeta:), one who had the interest of the town at heart, and did all in his power to further its interests. Mr. Good, his aimable partner and family, have resided in Seaforth for about twelve years and during that time, have endeared them. selves to many of our citizens who aro naturally loathe to see them take their final leave of Seafortb. However what will be Seaforth's loss will assuredly be Wingham'e gain. Lactate° W. 3. Nichol, Bank of Hamilton, bee sold his fine span of blacks ba a gentleman. in Montreal Richard Rivers and A. 0. Dawson, two of Luoknow's liven young men, have gone to take it course in the College of Dentistry in Philadelphia. Some one set fire to a large stook of hay in a field of John Reid's, of the let con. of Earno township, and' between eight and nine tone of hay were destroy- ed.Thompson ik Smith threshed 1400 bushels of grain in one day on the Yarm of Thos. Joynt, 12th non. West Wawa noels. Tom bus altogether 1800 bushels, his oats turning out 48 bushels to the acre. Poexn, Sur Too LArg.-Tbe Sentinel says :-About twenty•five years ago, Stephen Howard was a married man in the State of Iowa. He bad two children, a boy and a girl. The latter was only three months;pld when her mother died, leaving Howard a widower with two young children. Theywere givenout for adoption. The girl went with a middle-aged couple named. Reedy, who had no children of their own. The where. abonte of the boy is unknown. Howard had a brother in Ashfield. He oame over here and appears to have given up all thought of his offspring. The girl lived with the Reedy's until elm grew up, doing work in the corn fields and nursing her foster- parents. About three years ago she left them and hired out. Some two months ago she accidentally found out bbat her name was not Reedy but Howard. This paused her to make in• quiriee, and she at lasb located bee lath. er, She wired to him and received the reply that he was very i11. She oame on here on Tuesday last and was driven out to where her father lay siok,but got there only in time to find him dead some three hours before bee arrival, but in time for the fuueral. i Ge08ertLt 1"7asvw. The Bank of Eugland's rate of discount remains at 8 per cent. The Japanese Government nae decided upon raising a foreign loan. At Ohillicote, Ohio, Thursday, Flying Jib paned n. mile in 1,58}. Senator John Sherman Saye be is nob a oaudidate for the Presidency or for any other oflo0. Ilx•Seorebary of State Fostsr is in Washington having jest returned from a trip around the world, One repot!) from St. Petersburg says. the Cent 11°5 0aneer'of.bhe kidneys'; an- other report says he' may live but a few weeks, Professor George .Sloan, 3410 Wabash avenue, Chicago,, has been living for 45 days on a diet of mineral water and drugs Ile is anxious to eat but cannot, Admiral Da Gama asserts that there bas been rioting in Rio Janeiro for five days, accompanied by ontrages on Por. tuguese merchants. It is said that 828 people have been killed and 218 wounded. The damage to the property of foreign residents will amount to $1,500,000., TB.3 )3itUSSJI4S POSTealemeetteminammitanoseessesivematmasentiessesitoetataestaxmasmileammeosteteasirameast. Mom eerieug forest Area aro reported in Minnesota. The wheat crop of Itansae Wife year 38 estimated at over 70,000,000 bushels. Printer Pall Of the Pa 1 Afall fdau0bte sat their matter trent rhodictation of a phos, egraph, d.lmoeb ono-sixtesntb of the population of the District of Co171mbia is matte up 0f widows. Denmark epends Oval',s, year 10,000,000 !crooner on army and navy. A Itrone is a little over 25 %into. During the last 2,000 years Britain bas been invaded by foes from over the sea no lase than 48 times. The largest gelleetion of printed. San. emit books in the world is in the Indian Office Library, London. The phoepboree0once near the Cape Verde Islands is at times So bright that One eau easily read the smallest; print. The Canarder Ltloanla.has cut another 50 ininutee off the ocean record, Her average speed was 21.77 knots an hour. 3). L. Soott, of Calgary, has been ap- pointed to the veto:may on the Bench of the Northwest Territories, 'caused by the death of the late 001. Me end, Chief Justice. The eulkey in whioh Alix was driven her great mile ab Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday of last week, wee the lightest ever made, weighing only 21. pounds. Tho sulker le largely made of aluminum. Ida Small' Jaalcson, daughter of Evan. genet Bar f3mall, of Atlanta, has, sued her husband, Jamey Jaek,on, for 'divorce and the Ouetedy of her child, now one year 014, Upon the death of Ws father Jaokooa inherited 680,000, and at once prooeeded to squander it. Be spent the money in drinking and gambling, and left hie wife and went to Texas. Mrs. Jackson returned be her parents. She charges that Jackson threatened to shoot her. Louis Scharf and family, who had at- tended the Fair at Chaska, Minn:, on Sept. 80th, started home at 7 o'olook in the evening. Scharf was iotoxinatod and was driving fast. When within a bloolt of the river he was stopped by 3. Kunae, of Minneapolis, who told him to drive slower. Scharf promised to do go, but no sooner was he released than he whip- ped his horses furiously and dashed down the river bank over the ferry end into the river. .His wife, five children and Miss Mary Roekus, Mrs. Settees sister, were drowned. Solearf clung to the wagon box and was rescued. President. W. 3. Littlejohn, of the Underwriters' Aseooiation of the North- west, who, in an address before thab or. ganization, at Chicago, declared that the recent forest fires were ordered started' by lumber kings, in an interview stated that bis charges were based on investigations made under his direction. "These fires have omonreed every year," said Mr. Littlejohn, "and it was apparent that there must have been some motive for the inoendiarisni. Our company ac- cordingly sent men into. Michigan and Wisconsin this Summer to make invest gatione, and they secured sufficient evi- dence to satisfy me, in my own mind, that some of the big lumber dealers fired the forests in order to hide the evidences of their timber etealings. I am confident that the State authorities can secure all the nsceseary evidence; if they try, for the slight investigation I have already made oonvinoes me that there are wealthy lumbermen who should be made to suffer for the horror and destruction of this year's fires." Csinzuiinn New>i. H. P. Brown, Oxford's County Treasurer, is seriously ill. Lord and Lady Aberdeen visited the Barnard° Homo at Russell Thursday. Prof. Dawson, of the Dominion Geo - logjam] Survey Department, has returned from British Columbia. A large delegation from Belleville at- tended the funeral of the late John White ex -M. P., at Roslyn. W. R. Meredith, M. P. P., Q. C., has been appointed OhiefJustice of the Com- mon Pleas Division of the High Court. Confusion as to the choice of a blood - purifier is unnecessary. There is bat one best Sarsaparilla, and that is Ayer's. This important foot was recognized at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1898, being the only blood purifier admitted to be placed on exhibition. To remove the constipated habit, the only safe treatment is a course of Ayer's Pills, followed by a laxative diet. Most other cabhartios do more harm than good, therefore leading physicians recom• mend Ayer's Pills, especially as a family physio. ABooe ro IIonoEDIEN.--One bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely re- moved a ourb from my horse. I bake pleasure in reeommending the remedy, as it ants with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of bard, soft or calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, sweeny, stifles and sprains. GEO. Rene, farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by G. A. Deadman. RLE0MATISSI GORED IN A DAT. -South American Rhoumabio euro for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 bo 3' days. Its notion upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re. moves at once the pause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Joseph Dickie, Division Court Inspec- tor, has returned to Toronto from Dut- ton, Elgin County, where he bad been in. see:ting the bootie of A. N. 0. Bloch, Division Court Clerk and private banker, Black located in Dutton 16 years ago, coming from Strathroy, Middlesex Go. He at once became identified with the public affairs of the village and was twice elected' reeve. Eight years ago he was appointed treasurer of the High Sohool Board, and five yeare ago the Ontario Government appointed him clerk of the Division Court. For six months past Blank has been in financial difeab. ties, and the School Board disoovered a deficit of 62282,06 in his accounts, They asked him for a settlement, which he promised to make, but failing to do so,hewas removed frons office, and J. R, Onawford appoiuted his sueoessor. Sham then Bleak bas been endeavoring to se - cute fends to make ep the difference, but apparently without success. On the am - noel of Mr. Dickie in Dutton .Black die. appeared and lass not since been looated. Mr. Diokie declined' to state the amount of defloitR any in the Diviefon Court accounts. It is not known how mach the depositors in bis bank will lose, as Mr, Blaok owns property both' in Dutton' and the adjoining toWnehip of. Dunwich. It is understood, however, that the Merchants' Bank at St. Thomas has a mortgage on an real estate. Sir Oliver Mowat attended the Bnabro Full fair in the Qounty of Oxford on :Thursday. B.14. ilfoody, will Aondue6 a series of eervie88 at the Alaosey Music Hall, OWN, menoing Nov. 4t1), The sealer Triumph bee arrived at Vic- toria, 33. C., from Behring sea Wlth 3,200 akhie, making 4,500 for the season, the greatest °atoll ever made by a pelagic sealer. lirinnr DrsoAan ReLleven 1N 80 HIS. urns, -All eases of organic) or ern nabbed ci heart dlsoaee relieved in 30 minutes and quickly oared, by Dr. Agusw's Cure for 3310Ideal t. One dose ocnviooes, Sold by G. A. Deadman, Alanson 3305538, founder of the imple. now works n w mar's into d iab the Masae. Barrisestablishment died in Brantford on Weclnesday night, aged 78. He was the father of RRv. SIMOre Morris, of Po. ronbo. ids stole a Million Dollars. -Tho debee. tires pursued hien agroes a continent.' He assnmed many disguises ; was an old man to -day, a young girl bp-nlorrosvi 011 1 what a relief when one .is almost mad with head:mho or neuralgia to find Stark's Powders at band for they never fail to drive away the pain instantly end if used regularly will effect a permanent ogre. 26 obs. a box at all druggists., Keller iN Sox Hoene. -Distr'ess'ing kid. nay and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney pure;" This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on amount of fat exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidueys, book and every part of the twittery passages M male or fona,t'e. It relieves retention of water and pini in massing it aMmnet im. modiately. If you want :adult valid and cure this is your remedy. Seal by G. A., Deadman, druggist. -�----^- 0. IAIBnW� d.txJ HPJt8p :12 o IL OpS..e,i`mm p� �yA „ggNblrJ ii 7c1°��p1W 00 �c1P2 gpp�b�` woan 0 2�4i Fm.'FPD FwIo n qb da^M Lj. Y`.g s`�o She ti3.ea. e�a,-y k.aP. R"aw:'f..Fn. d'ao • Sold in Brussels by G A, DEADMAF, Druggist. LIME / LIME To those who Intend Building. Having beilt a Lime House at the Sta. tion I will keep a supply of the Best Fresh Lime for Sale suitable for all Building purpesea. Also WHITE BRICK And Plastering Ilair for Sale. D. A. Lowry. BRUSSELS. ALLAN N tB11mmor" l lizl 'S, 1894. MONTREAL AND LIVii;RPOOL SERVICE. Prow From Prom Liverpo'1 STRAI[eama. Itfontronl. Quebec. Daylight. O a. m. 001.18 +Numidiao Nov.o 5 20 Yarisia"...-' 10 Nov.11 Nov. 1 Moo gollau....:, " 17 " 18 'twill not oall at Rimonski or Hovius. Passengers embark et Montreal after S p. m. on Fridays. For further information as to, rates, gat., apply to W. H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. "For Years," Says CARRIE E. Semen SELL, of Chester- field, N, H., "S was afflicted with an extremely severe pain in the lower part of the chest. The feeling was as 1f a ton weight was laid on a spot the size of my hand. Dur- ing the attacks, the perspiration would stand 1n drops on tnyface,and it was agony for ]no to make sufficient effort even to wigs - per. They came suddenly, at any hour of the day or night, lasting from thirty minutes 'to haif a day, leaving as suddenly; but, for several days after, I was quite pros- trated and sore, Sometimes tho attacks were almost daily, then lues frequent. After about tour years of this suffering, I was taken down with bilious. typhoid fever, and when I began to recover, I had the worst attack of my old trouble I ever experienced. At the first of the fever, lay mother gave me Ayor'S Pllis, my doctor recommending thein as being better than anything 11e Gould prepare. I continued taking tltoso Pills, and'so great was the benefit derived Met , during nearly thirty years I have had but ono attaok'of my former trouble, which yielded readily to the same remedy," AYER'S PILLS Prepared by tar. J. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Masai Every Dose Effective 8 Mite to Star Lino. ot, ROYllf, Bait STCADISIIIPS. I3ptweon New 17ork and Liverpool, vi sn Ru p eEown,evpry 1Yednasday, st iotlty liwi oa ni u14np 131 tko 50 53 su.d 000083 OA1(N a000tnmoslatlgoe, Intending passengers aro reminded drat an early ap- plication for berths le nseeesary at this soa- soo, Vox plane, rates, etc., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent; Brussels. oy1 7HE COOKS BEST FRIEND ' ?i'GEt97 SALI3 IN CANADA. T1 D'S u s . TESTED REMEDIES REMEDII' S SPECIFIC IND ANTIDOTE Ploy Impure, 'Weak and Impoveriehod Blood, Dyspepsia,Sleeplesenoss, Palpate,. tion of the heart, Liver Complaint, Neur. algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con. sumppt__i 0 n Sten o e, Jauu ioe Kidney y and #naryDiseases, Sb. Vitus' Dance, Femaleirregularities' and General De. biliby, LABORATORY RODERIC 4, ONT. f, M. McLEOD, Prop. and Mannfaoturer, Sold by JA.91ES FOS. Druggist, B rnseele.; Upon having Featherbone Corsets. Refuse all substitutes. See they aro stamped thus: , PATENTED SEPT. 3rd, 1884. No. 20110. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS SO Taylor illie Are now in their New Store, Dr. G-raham's Block, - Brussels. A Full Stock of Groceries, Flour, Feed, > read, Crockery and Glassware, CHEAP AS EVER FOR CASH. .411 Saleable Produce taken at Highest Market Prises, but no Credit ,oven. Commissions of all kinds 'Promptly Executed. Remember the BREAD and other Prices in Proportion. Goods Delivered in any part of the town. No Loafing or Spitting but bus- iness on Business Principles, Which we are aided in carrying out with 17 years exper- ience on both sides of the world. TAYLOR & SMILLIE. CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. E'stcabZished 1871. W. C. 1LACDONAL(D, .Actuary, Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 New Insurance, 3,670,000 r 1 2 Gain for 89 , 2,000,OOJ I Gain over 1891, 750,000 THE -ACCVMULATIVB POLICY Is Issued Only by the Confederation Life Association. ra-It is absolutely free from all restrictions as to residence, travel and o0oupation from the date of issue. LL'It is entirely void of all conditions. t 'I; is absolutely and automatically non -forfeitable, after two years. The inured being entitled to : (a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the further period of time, definitely set forth in the polioy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid Up Policy, the amount of which is written in the polioy, or after five years, to a (o) Cash value, ea guaranteed in the volley. President, Managing Director, Hon. Sir W. P. Howland, O.B., 111.0.11.G, J. K. Maodonald. W. IT. ICERit, Agent itt I3riissels. "Footprints . On the Sands Of Time.97 . . Looking at them closely it is not hard t0 be- lieve thatsome of them might have been made by ants, so very small their step and so crooked their way ; excitable little creatures that with all their flurry never seem to get anywhere in particular, and whose whole interest seems to be that of turn- ing aside front obstacles. Others again, in the great length of their stride, remind one of the mighty jump of the kangaroo. They are evidently getting somewhere, and on reflection it occurs to the observer that these must be the tracks of those shrewd merchants who 'got there' by jumping from one advertisement in Tun 13zaussits Pos'r to anoth- er, and as we ponder their prodigious strides, these beautiful lines of tho pont condo to mind : Footprints that perhaps another Sailing o'er life's troubled main, Some forlorn and shipwrecked brother Seeing may take heart again.