HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-10-12, Page 2orad It would be If popple would only lie ,SQ lig .GUMP R Jl. R$' AGi$
�y III M �FER ;Resent and tell the truth l I tools ep
�,�� HIS �4.11."�J.,1.
��� ! b
my lozenges, and further discharged my
O11hraGA°um by pare
hae tol� t ot
tie of Eau
the worst, land prepared myself to ,lane It: de COlegno, I need only add that his
CTiAI'TEk? N,LI'V, One thing wan evident, that he wae fn a advise lune entirely eerreet, The Pre*
Thataiterpocu Ptbelstarted far Par1a, highly excited and irritable mood, es, In dent
ntolf he notal CoilegeNava Ivaelenfc
She hide somollow or other managed to pea foot, 11i8 very First ry unrleaenn wade Mt'e. Gee. better, possibly
if her Akderntan, and, to faot,1°ft hfm on col ne,"a be said, "when uupleosant th,,uuge I did not broiible mpsoil with thinking,
y I aeeem ailed g y h pMy
s ibla Lerma. P hie this happen. 1 atippose tno must hap. mind was absolutely anode up. lotad
to the station, and hada her au ellen• pop sometimes, but far any own part 1 ]lob t Moiledthe
atluto aaI Late, noa4oubb,
harto get them. Over. I have no want to put to bogie g
tiouate farewell. , any question wbichmay be painfuk to y;our, I woo, but as the proverb rung, "better
1, We shall oeou meet n8°,1°1 darling' self,;OL wtioh 1 have not a perfect right to late than never, Gather your rosea
Were her loot words; "I hope to be back pot, But 1 believe you knew old Sir Henry
within ten days,,, Craven, .Ela is down here, apd tae been
I returned to The Uplands with a senor, saying a good deal about you. I cannot
u e fora moment that id ie telling
of opprooafan that 1 ootid neither We= downrigght lies, There moat be something
for, nor yet shake off, and a sort of vague in it. He may hove hie own view of the
foreboding of evil to come, I euppose, in mutter, nod he may be, or he may not be
reality, it was the effect of Prince Want- Butrong. what1 hedo hasnot saidthink oakvsry fmuoh of WM.,
For an answer.
kofi'e strange warning, In feet it mils 440 ananewer whiolt I can
Lord Aehwell took me down toso back apd give him. 1 am very sorry
dinner that evening, and m10101,10, ok For all title trouble, and I only hope to
Ho von that n ou nen help mo out of
course he was kind and courteous, llc f�You moa " 1 said, A't1, my right
Yet studiouely refrained from anything Like name is nob Gascoigne' You mean that I
demonstrative attention, knowing my ob. °nee was Lady Craven. Well, You know
lactate to our nameebeing coupled together me
o ive es many ther people
of ib, which
for the preeent, and mindful f his pro- r dD not a oppose y°u would believe for a
mire to rite ea the subject. moment, or allow to effect you in anyway.
I woo very glad indeed when the time You must take the tale as it has comato
arrived that it was possible for me to retire, you. If you knew the whole truth of it
fore, But even the
1 eltthoror hl. worn out with entreaty,
whole ou truthld ewou d�uoor %texpinlu away the
f thoroughly
doubt, and a °orb of dread of the unseen facts. I quits know that, You know the
evil with whioh I was apparently threat- facts, and you know the worst. The inter -
erred. But whet I got to bed no refreshing pretation of them is another matter. I am
ready to interpret them,. but cannot explain
sleep, nor, indeed, sleep of any kind, came them away."
to bring me relief, and I teemed about ail 1, Surely," he said, "the matter is easy
night a prey to vague misgivings and un- enough. Yon were introduced to me as
pleasant reflections. I lit my candle and Mrs. Gascoigne, and you cavae down here
read,but T found it impossible to 08 dire. Gascoigne. It now turns out that
triedtoP you are not Mrs. Gasooigneatall, but that
trate my attention for two minutes you are Lady Craven. The explanation of
together, aoa
ih that I was forced to give up that is for yourself, It is the kind of
thin which 1 do not understand, and to
the attempt as hopeless. I got up and which I am not aoeuetomed."
paced up and dawn the room and then went "I had intended to tell you everything,
to bed again, but the result was precisely biy life has had a history, and the history
the same. I could not sleep, do what I ono a life cannot sentenoea always
of apace, ora few
}would, and I was finally' compelled toditaken of ressed
time, Y did not menu to ileus
accept the inevitable, and to remain awake any secret from you, and there is nothing
the whole night, whatever which, at this minute, I wish to
"Stop awake all night," you will be told, keep or hide from you. That is all."
"why, it's the beat fun in the world. `The whole tilting," hereplled, looking
at hie boots and not at 1118, , Ia very
Whenever there 16 anything good to be unfortunate, and 1 must also add -very
done in the morning, I always take the unsatisfactory. I cannot see any way out
most particular care not to go to bed. Once of it. You admit that you are not fire.
goto. bed and treat . you can never truyourself. Gascoigne. You admit that you are here,
Y to say the least, under a mieuaderetaoding
Yon may sleep on like the princess is the Mieunderetardings are unpleasant things.
wood," The difficulty in this case ie most certainly
I was in no hurry to figure early that not of my making."
The difficulty need not trouble you," I
morning. Being no longer a ohild or even cried. "In fact, it does not exist. I able -
a girt, I knew that in the fresh light of lately decline to be considered as upon my
dawn 1 dhculd appear to disadvantage. deefence.u Ybeou
ud areodms sa let d witit be ooh what
"Avoid two things," Ethel used to tell aro going from this place, and so am I.
Me, " sae of these is the lime -light ; never Lot ria part as if we had never met, and let
let It fall upon you unawares." us take very great mare never to meet
In this humor I went down to the again."
grounds.I am not defending my frame of "I am Emery," be replied ; "but I am
atter. There are always
call it what you please. It seemed to me troubles in thie world and we have to face
that I held all the cards in my own hand, them. You can never tell when your 1 urn
and I was stall cot in the prime of life, but may come, and when it does come, the only
only on the threshold of that delightful
beat you yetor i an."
on to do is to cake your attune
period. I consequently was restless, fm• "yon may be right," I said, "and I dare
patient, and in the very last temper calm' nay you are. The matter, however, is not
lated to provoke or to encourage reflection. one to be argued out between us. You bed
Iwandered about the grounds until the batter as aefar as the house, an,l when
I am n fie shade, we can part. We shall
bell in the turret of the tower to the ate,blea probably never meet again, and we ser-
rang out the signal for lunoh. tainly are not likely to break our hearts for
I entered the roost more or less heed. each other. The world has room in it for
lesaly. It had never occurred to me who the two of us, and our'orbits in all human
might be there, or who might not. I bed probability will never again cross."
in my own mind reckoned up theeompany, W e walked bac k to the house
and was not prepared for any addition to side by side wit hou t another
it. I was consequently fairly startled, word. 1 think if he bad said it
when, at the other end of the room, I saw was a fine clay or had asked me what were
-entirely himself, with all his self- the chances of skating in the comingwinte,
possession about him, looking almost and whether I liked skating, it would have
twenty years younger than his age, hold- driven rimmed. But he did nothing of the
ing forth with the loquacity of a gossip, sort. His silence was phlegmatic and
and the assurance of a professor, and English. We marched along so alowly
evidently considering himself the heart, and steadily that I could almost hear each
centre and Mous of the entire company -
no leas a person than the husband whom I
bad once most solemnly vowed to ave,
honor, and obey.
It was a distinctly difficult position.
I was looking steadily 01 Sir Henry
when he looked up, and our oyes met, 1
mad him a very formal bow, but it wae
with an expression in my face which
intimated : 'Try your worst. You and I
know perfectly well that the scabbard is
thrown away. 1 do not expect quarter,
and if you mean fighting, I can fight as
well as yourself."
Veiny %'eBB-30utl Vary 01118exarefglui, and
$04104 ll'real de uta.
Tide le an era of very young 0r very old
hereditary rulers. About the only men of
middle age who are et the head of Govern,
meats ere the Presidents of republics. The
postponement of the festivitieswhieb usual•
y a000mpaoy the cclebrationof the Qepcn'a
birthdayiallolland andwbtohwere omitted
this year iuocusequeuceofthe defeat of the
while you oan, Or, ae I fate, remembet• Petah troops at Lembopk recalls this feet
Horace mead, "Carpe diem, qumin mini^ to mind, The (ween of Ifelfaud wan born
mum orodttia posters. " on Aug1, 1880, and is therefore only 14
Trots the erq du Nord, w..e^e Ethel g•
met me, bubbling over in her uauat,e Mien, years old, The hereditary monarch of Spin
but ite tender-hearted, sympathetic, and
is Btu younger, a boy bornon May 17,18 ,
true ea ever, we were driven hu , diy and therefore 8 years old. The Khedive of
the line Royale. By the time we had got Egypt ie 'tat 20 and the Emperor of Cltina,
OMIT Ethel knew all I could tell her, riot1i1
only with regard to what had taken pleas, wild has come prominently to natio° of late
afraid it must be so. 1 see no other way
inmi. yon may call it tie&ant, you may out of the m y
but also to my Vane for the future. In oaneequenee cf the hostilities in Corea,
"Anti you Cavo made up your mired,
my dear, to do as he mike?" was born in 1871. The king of Servia was
' Yee; T have thought it over, I won'o 1S yearn of ago in August. the King of
say. as the Dean would, that I luau- Portugal is 31 ; the Greed. Duke of Hesse is
prayed over the matter, but I have eon- 20 ; the Prince of Bulgaria is 33 ; and the
:grimed it thoroughly. In the first place. Em anon of German fa 35.
I like Balanikofi : to the eeeond place, he p y
ie u gentleman ; in the third place, On the other hand, Queen Victoria' was
1 mean to do so I Choose. Don't you born in May 1810, and is therefore 75 years
remember my old yachting story of the of ago having been Queenfifty.seven years,
the Lord tot make a remarkably long time for a modern mon-
this vessel, why, by
him know what for.' That's my frame of arch. The King of Denmark, Christian IX...
mind, my dear. ' I'm aboard this vessel, is a year older, having been born in April
bo's'un : 'lf any mon isn't happy aboard
and I'm perfectly happy," 1818. The Geaud Duke of Mecklenburg.
I remember George Sabine once telling
me how' he got the beat of a very abusive
Yankee harbormaster. The Yank talked
with every variety of oath, anoadote,
abuse, end blasphemy for about an hour.
"When," said George, "he had blown his
wind and stopped spouting,_I asked him
whether that was all. He replied that it
was. I then told him, not in these exact
terms, that I was devotedly grateful to
Providence." My look at Sir Henry was
of much the same tenor. It meant, and
it was intended to mean, ' if you have a
tongue so bevel. If you talk, I oan talk."
And with this expression stereotyped into
my features. I iooked at him and welted
for his look in return.
I have always said I considered him a
stupid man, but with a certain amount of
pomp and management of doteil when he
might be fully prepared with all the air-
oumetances. And in this world, stupidity
is. apt to, reek as wisdom purposely hidden
under a veil of cunning and caution, Not
knowing what to do, Sir Henry did noth.
fag, but he also looked hopeless, helpless,
and perfectly bewildered. Now a diploma-
tist ought to beno -oue of these things.
Luncheon over, I strolled away by my-
self down to the river. It worth' be idle to
pretend that I was not restlees end uneasy,
As I turned a corner among the infinite
windings of the shrubberies there, facie to
fano with me stood Lord Ashwell
"0f course you are, ate said; "and so
am L Good people always are." Strelitz and the Grand Duke of Saxe -Wei -
About two months after these events, I mar were born in 1S13. The Bey of Tunis
received a verylong and very ollaraoteristio is still older, laving been born in 1817, bull
letter from the Very Reverend the Dean this does not altogether complete the list li
of Southwiek, ' He was in tate most terrible of foreign moparohe past middle age. The
disoreea. Wishing to add to his stipend, King of Sweden is 65 ; the Emperor Franole 1,
he had been induced to hived largely in the 'Joseph of Austria was born in August,1830,
Consolidated British and Foreign General and is therefore 64. The King of Saxony
Financial Advance and Disoounb Company, is 66, the Grand Duke of Baden is 68, the
whioh wae to pay a minimum dividapd of Shah. of Persia is 63, and the King of Bel -
fifteen per cent. The Company had buret glum is in his 60th year.
up. In other worde, it was in liquidation, In past times, the tnonarehioal rulers
and was likely to remain so, kW long an have been represented during their minor -
there was a scrap of flesh left upon ity by regents, a fruitful cause of strife and
the grizzly bones for aocounte,nts,receivers, .intrigue,wheteaselderlyrulerahaveusual-
trustees, and other such unclean vultures ly fallen under the control of Prince Min-
to pick at. To avoid disgre oe and exposure, inters and have had therefore only the Bern.
he had been compelled to set aside twelve blanch of political power. In the present
hundred a year out of his fifteen. What generation, however, the rule' of elderly
he was to do ho, did not know. It was the kings and queens or the rule, by proxy, of
dfvine will and he must bow . to it. At minora, has not been fruitful of any eorious
the same time, I surely would not refuse difficulty or complications.
out of my abundant income to aid him in One former ruler whose reign is at an end
this sore trial, and to enable him to have in Liliuokalani of Hawaii who is little mom
at his diapasel, not the luxuries of life, than ayear younger than Grover Cleveland,
for which he had never cared, but ite stern twenty-fourth President of ,.the United
and bare necessities. States. She was born in September 1838,
It was very wrong of me, but I laughed and he March 1837. He wae born in
over the letter, and profanely remarked New Jersey,
that Ally Sleper was au it again. Then I The present Emperor of Russia was born
Wrote my auswor. in 1843, King Humbert of ltaly in 1544,the
Emperor of Japan in 1852, the King of
"Paris, 2,0001 Bis, Champs Elysees. Greece in 1345, and the Sultan of Turkey
December 28th, 18-, in 1842. The new President of Franoe is a
"My Dear Father, young man. The Kingof Corea is 43.
.1 am deeply moved at your sad story. It may be stated as a general thing that
I owe you my life aid all the happiness claimants to European thrones live longer
that my life has brought mo. I -should be than those who actually attain to kingly
;worse than inhuman If I were not inost power. Don Carlos is 46, and Prince. Vic -
deeply grateful to you. for Bonaparte is 32. Pope Len XUUT., the
My hankers have instructions to place a oldest lkvine sovereign is 84, and Alphonso
hundred pounds at once to your credit al XIII. of Spain is, as already said S.
the Old Bank. Southwick, and to make a There are no known pre,enders to Asiat-
similar payment on each quarter -day. is or African throned, titles, or authority..
"At the same time, it is just as .for the very simple reason that in those
well that you should know where this continents til has been for long years moo
money comes from. It is a part of the winery to decapitate a pretender in testi
price for which I have sold myself soul many of the better title of his 'euoceesful
and body to Prince Balanikoff. It as now rival
two months since I wholly renounced the ^100 FAT TO KEEP AWAKE.
allowance I had been receiving from Sir
Henry Graven.
"Take the money, my dear lather, and Otte Product ar the British Workhouse
be careful over it, and make it go as far as That Does It Credit.
It eau. A -on ohl. I dare say that your The inhabitants of Poplar, who work
misfortunes hale not made yon forget your
Your Daughter, taxes honestly, must be highly gratified to
Minuet. learn that they have been wearing their
By return of nest I received the follow• fingers to the bone to Resist William Ed-
ing reply = wards, an inmate of their workhouse; to be -
The Deanery, Southwick, come so fat that it takes him half an -hour
December 28th, 1S-. to stoop to pick up a pin and another half
50 l4nt{ 1Plt°eo $11014 fe tiyar41ab1e WHI
#000(4000 ,11100114 l0 4ko 0luae or lN4fe.
'1'ltoavorsion to growing olll is a dakural
one in Nome roapeota. Many fool that it
100850 a time of unhappiness and misery,
Ilia this need nab npaoeearily be the ease.
A writer in an oxahahgo has well malted
what is the eoarab of happy aid age? Title
la an important quoabion. What eonduaea
to happiness at the last 15 equally good for
all the period of human experience. It io
sot good health, important 00 that is.
There ore happy old. people wltoao doerepi'
tilde metros thein the objeob of oonetaut
Oath, But man who keeps through life
the equable, unruilled disposition resulting
from ohtriiy with hie neighbors, le by
that fent preserved from muoli of the
Wearing out preemie whioh abeono° of
Oharity nausea and whiolt does most to
i ft 'QII1&it 12, 1
aYelglaherlY Interest in 000 etetape--Alit.
Cera of Moment nod Meth feathore*i
Maisie 14ta feal4Y Ileeer4.
Mr, JIurLno, the new minlater fr°In Ja-
pan to the ;United thetas, ie a Yale gratin.
Mra, Robert Kinzie, with ono exeepticn
00 oldest oottlox of Chicago, died in
Mrs, John Jacob Astor to ambitious to
excel in all oho undertakoe, and tailing is
her craze,
Gov, MOKinloy and ex,Speakor Beed
have been invited to make camp speeches
shorten life. Accidents and oontagiouo
discaao excepted, the man whose mind is
charitable in the largest sena° of that word
will not only livelong, but will peep good
health to the elm of life, Tide is especi-
ally true as regards olearneas and vigor of
charity yns mainlyafleating n ora. We ere used to hcharaoter,
It has its bearing quiteao important on
intellectual faculties as well. Thin a1410
holds true as regarda the intelicotual
fa(uitieo, We ought always to be learn-
ing of others. Thin is the natural habit
of mind in the young. 10 is 'larder as
lien and women grow older. The grit of
prejudice, hatred and the corroding affects
of passion check the flow of oytnpathies,
Those who have learned to grow old right -
retain the childlike habit of learning
something from everybody ao long ae they
live. No matter how old the body may
become, in spirit and heart they are aa
young as ever, There comae, too, in soma
old kpeople the mellowed ripeness of
wfadom that makes them better compan-
ions than they could have been when
blessed in other days with that exuberance
of spitita that belongs only to youth.
A Cornmlesloner, Appointed to Tttke
donee rimer onus.
During the last session of Parliament the
question of the high rates charged by the
Canadian steamship oompanieo for the ear-
riago of cattle to the old country was dis-
cussed in the House, and it was openly
tated that a combination exists among the
steamship lines running from the St. Law
ranee to maintain these heavy rates. Mr:
Mulook, it will be remembered, introduced
a bill to fix a maximum rate for the carriage
of wattle, but it was held to be impoliti
or Parliament to interfere, to this extent
Sir Charles H. Tupper promised, however,
that during the recess an official enquiry
sliould be made into the allegations made
on the floor of the House,and in conformity
with that promise an order lo council has
been passed appointing Mr.' W. L. Magee,
Latin hard and live frugally in order to pay their.
"afy Dearest Child, hour to raise himself to the perpendicular,
" Firer, let me thank you with all my and after the herculean exertion he becomes
so exhausted that he requires to spend the
next hour in slumber to recruit his abetter
ed terse. Iia tried to induce the authori-
ties to accept a theory be bad worked out,
which proved that the trouble of getting
out of bed in the morning was so enfeebling
Cita in his case it should be omitted from
the day's arrangements and his food be sent
up to hie bedside.
When the workhouse master declined to
aoknowtedge the correctness of this deduce
Non, Edwards endeavored to carry hie pet
idea into effect surreptitiously by crawling
into a corner to enjoy a nap, Never once
was the question wetted, W
keca's Ed-
wards 0"
d -wards?"
without receiving the response,
not from the person immediately concerned,
nod always correct,"Asleep, air."
This prodigy, who pita all other fat boys
in the shade, is only 20 and weighs about
21 stone, and his cheeks are so fat that he
has not for years Been his nose. And yea
come people say that tbepoor-law system is
a failure. The other day, whonit wae rather
hot, It special staff attempted to keep EEd
wards awake, and failed, so the sleeper 8ra9
brought before the Thames magistrate
charged with negleotiug hie work. He
than admitted that he feltdroway atter trio
good dinner with which the ratepayers
kindly supplied bin, and if ho di3 over
sleep himself a little he " axed parding."
Mr. Dickinson said the youth was apperent-
ly too well nourished, and sent him to jail
for seven clays as a tonic for an overfed and
overslept spurn,
Mexico's Unlucky day.
single atone n the greed °ranch under his heart far your most generous and welcome
feet. Then we reached the porch and 1 aid. My days are numbered, and, in all
said good-bye, and, without waiting or human probability, I shall not tax your
even looking at him, hurried into thehouse. bounty long. Bat I am bapyy to know
Inquiries soon satiefiell me that the i that I still retain your affection. The more
the years roll by the more closely do you
remind me of your sainted mother.
"-fudge not, that ye be not judged. I
have always seen the full force and singular
beauty of that divine command, and hare
humbly endeavored to mould my life in
unison with it
"Morganatic marriages, such as yours,
are, in its wisdom recognized by the Greek
with which
Church, a communion
always been in the closest sympathy,looking
forward as I do with earnest faith to the
ultimate reconciliation of Christendom.
The more closely wefollew perti5od dogma
the further we wander from the light, and
the life, and truth,
"I am, always, my dearest Daughter,
"Your most devoted and atlectionate
I really feel that this delightful epistle
'Teske sufficiently for iteelf and ite writer,
aodneeds no ormmentof my own.
0110 ESD.
Lady Aletheia wae in the house end able to
receive me. I found her, or rather was
taken to her, in a little room which I can
best desoribe as half boudoir, half writing
In a very few minutes Lady Aletheia
entered. Her bearing was not perhaps
aggressive, but was nuquestionably chilly,
and was evidently intended to produce a
corresponding impression.
toI said "Lady Aletheia
v 0
•'I have
afore I went to
bid on cod
I laked b y
and w g
-by and to thankyan for yonrhoapitality.°'
"Oh, indeed," she answered "You are
going, Lady Craven? Well! People cone
and people go. Perhaps it is beet that,
leave-takings should be brief,"
I had risen when she came in, and shehad.
not herself taken a seat, so that we were
both standing.
"It is perhaps beet they should be
brief," I replied, "especially when they
are final as ours is likely to ho.'
"I , quite agree with you, `answered Lade
Aletheia, and elle turned ori her heel, and 1
heard the rustle of her skirts as she swept
along the corridor.
We have, so far as I know, no exact
English equivalent for shaking the dust off
your feet. My fly came, my boxes were put
on to it t my gratuities to the servantswere
duly made; and 5 very soon found myself
in the train for London, divided between a
novel from the bookshelf and a view from the
Arrived at the Langham, I telegraphed to
"I shall start for Paris by the 9.40 train
tomorrow morning. Meet me, as I am
And this missive despatched, Iproved its
sincerity by falling asleep in a chair until
the chambermaid reused ane between eleven
and waive o'olook, and took my final
orders for early departure.
All things have an end -even the journey
In one reepeat, and la ono only, I had to Paris. Before starting, I went Into a
the advantage of him. 1 knew the very chemist's shop and asked for a sleeping
worst whioh ho could certainly know, nosh- draught, and by way of lotting tiro man
ing beyond 'What he might have picked up see shot 1 knew what 1 was about, I told
and added to by conjecture. I, in other him that 1 was sutl'ering from insomnia.
words, have batteries in reserve; but ns Ho wae ("stout, good-natured man with an
against this must be put the feat that I impenetrably stolid countenance. He
was now an old stre,tegist, and that it le the asked pormisoion to feel my pulse, and
old strategistowho are always beaten,forthe then inquired whether I had 8080' tasted'
very pimple roonon that they follow stere- rum. 1'repiied. truthfully that I was only.
°typed rules of the genie, and are dense- familiar with ib by the smell.
(meetly unequal to a sudden emergency. "Then, madam," said he, "try a little
The meeting wae a little awkward, Of internally, and as hot as you can take it,
course there was misohiof in the air, and 5 It is a powerful ooporitio, and will send
could not possibly tell what cards he might yotrto Bleep at once. And as the at °ma
be holding in hie hand.. But I ;mold lingers iu the breath, yeti hod bettor let me
see that 6 his manner was embarrassed put you up some musk lozenges
and uneasy. Therefore 1 oonjeatured 1 burst out laughing. What an exoeile/it
Making a Rough Guess.
The policeman had arrested avery digni-
fied Bort of man for not being able to walk.
steadily along the atreee when there were
no earthquatkee disturbing the earth's sur-
face. Like sumo men in that oondition he
retained his faculty ofapeeeh.
"SR," he said pompously, "le there any-
thing in my language to warrant you in ar-
resting me?'
`No," said the policeman briefly,
"Nor in my general appoaranee :'"
"Wall, lir, is there anything in me
as a gentleman to warrant this arrest?"
"There is."
"Be kind enongli to state it, rloaae,'and
the gentleman braced against tho wall
and etuek his sheet out like a turkey gob.
I should say," replied the officer rare.
fully, "that it was about six or eight large
drinks of liquor."
Thomas Osborn and Marano Murphy
gitarrled over hogs at Polkville, Icy, The
men are dead.
A child maned Eugene Dickson, at St,
Louse, swallowed a fly on Tuesday and
died therefrom,
Don Pio Pico, the last Mexican governor
of California, died ab Los Angeles. Ile was
64 pare old.
It is said that a nugget of gold worth ,$15
was picked up the other dilly in the diggings
at Byron, Me,
The daughter of a respectable citizen of
Nebraska elopedwith a quarter -breed lid-
iaa and married; him.
A 'typewriting firm in New York sage
that qn an average thirty plays a week aro
sent to their office to be copied.
Cholera Victims Cremated by In-
Sixty houses in the city of 131eseki,inthe
district of Kalish, Russian Poland,. where
tho cholera is making fearful ravages, were
set on lire the other night' and completely
destroyed: A number of the instates of.
these houses, who were auiforing from the
d' d wee tco weak to make coy
The Knights of Pythias will erect 0monu-
ment in Utica to tho memory of Justine II,
Rathbone, the founder of the order.
Governor-General of Cuba has been order.
ed by the Spanish authorities to restore the
import duties on American products,
Though General Longstreet has grown
somewhat feeble during the last few months
he le still working hard on hie memoirs.
A horse -oar in New York was held up on
Thursday night by gang of roughs and
some of the passengers were robbed.
A horse -oar in New York was held up
on Thursday night by a gang of roughs,
and some of the psanengers were robbed.-
A proposed scheme is now being advocat-
ed on the American side to run an electric
road along the bottom of Niagara gorge.
Mrs. Lucy Carnegie, the sieter•io-law of
Mr. Andrew Carnegie, is a skilled yaohte-
woman and a member of the New York
A jury at Oquawka, I11.,, awarded Mary
A. Henderson 510,000 damages in her suit
against J, Schenck for defamation of char-
It is asserted that all of the 81,200,004
royalty on Moody and Sankey's Gospel
Hymns has been devoted to charitable
chief clerk in the 'Marine Department, a
commissioner to take evidence on this flub.
1ect under oath. Mr. Magee has been 25
years in the Government service and is re-
garded as a very efficient officer. He has
had considerable to do in conjunction with
the officers of the Department of Justine in
framing most of the shipping iegielation of
the past low years. In reference to the
forthcoming any uiry Mr. Magee will invite
the authorities of the Dominion Live Stock
4000Ciatio11, the steamship owners and
others interested in the cattle trade to agree
on a certain day when they can attend at
Ottawa to give evidence. In the event of
the interested parties failing to agree on 0
day, Mr. Magee will himself seleot one. The
evidence token will be submitted to Parlia-
ment next session, together with a report
on the subject.
The Seven Wonders of Corea
Corea, like the world of the ancients,
has its "seven wonders." Briefly stated,
they are as follows: -First, a hot mineral
spring near Kin -Shantou.; the healing pro.
perties of whioh are believed by the people
to be miraculous. No matter what disease
may aflliot the patient, a dip in the water
proves efficacious. The second wonder fs
two springs, situated at a considerable dist
Race from each other; in fact, they have
the breadth of the en. ire peninsula between
t em. They have two peculiarities -when
one is full the other la always empty; and,
g the foot that theye are
connected by o subterranean passage, one
is bitter and the other pure and sweet. The
third wonder is a cold wave cave -0 cavern
from which a wintry wind perpetually
blows. The force of the wind from the
cavo is meth theta strong man cannot
stand before it. A forest that cannot be
eradicated is the fourth wonder. No matter
what injury is dote to the roots of the
trees, which are large pines, they will
eprontup again directly, like the phoenix
from her ashes. The fifth is the most wou-
derful of all,. 10 is the famous "floating
stone."- It stands,' or seams to stand, in
front of the palace erected in its honor.
It is an irregular cube of great bulk. It
appears to be resting on the ground, free
from supporta on all sides; but, strange to
say, two men at opposite ends of a rope
may pass it underthe stone without en-
countering any obstacle whatever. The
sixth wonder is the "hot stone," whioh,
from remote ages, has lain glowing with
heat on the top of a large hill. The seventh
and 'net Colman wonder is a drop of the
sweat of Buddha. For thirty paces around
the temple in whioh it is enshrined not a
blade of grass will grow. There aro no
trees or Ilowera inside the sacred square.
Even the animals declino to profane a spot
so holy,
Harassed City Folks.
Tuesday is the unlucky day in Moxioo
If you were born on Tuesday never admit
it. You probably have been a disaster all
your life, but people will firmly. believe
that you are an uuluoky dog and have the
evil eye into the bargain if they find that
a Tuesday was honored with your birth. S
know a man who atarted on a Tuesday
with money to pay off the hands in a fan.
tory near the oily and went instead to
Acapulco, where he took the Panama
steamer. The board of direetore of the
menufneturing company passed areaohatioo
affirming their undying faith in: his hones.
ty and ,,ttributod his error to having
started for the mill on Townley.
United States Senator Eliggiao fn an nil•
dress on Friday ao ,Lho4ilem eburg, N. Y ,
fair on the relations of Canada and the
United Stator, said that the Canadian
farmer ' is underbidding the Amerioail
farmer,' the Uritieh Columbian poaobero are
5nb15110g alp the Seale, the Canadian Pacific)
iskaukropting the Amorirati lines, and
there in no knowing but that some fine
;Horning Canada, hacked by British bayou.
(fort t alt e
silent to save themselves, were burned to eta, will sorry war and dovaetation through
death, the United States.
A Bostonianbas electric lan,pa concealed
about his windows so as to produce a Simi•
lar affect to sunlight shining through the
A bill making 2 cents a mile the maximum
rate will be urged at the coming session of
the Indiana legislature by Indianapolis
Editor Whitelaw Reid is still a victim of
asthma and he will presently sail for Egypt
in order to ovoid the rigors of an. American
Colonel Casey is called the corn king of
Henry ,County, Kentucky, He owns 1,560
acres in corn, and has been figuring on
62,400 bushels.
Rev. Benjamin Smith, who has been a
member of the north Indiana Methodist
confarcnee for over forty years, died at
lira Jefereon Davis lives in the north,
it is said, because she. has been .literally
driven from her home in Mieeisaippi by
visitors and eightseere.
Business men of New York City, who
gmploy 20,000 boys, have determined to
sive the preference to boys . who do not
make cigarettes.:
At Ceder Repids, Iowa, Judge Shires
decided contracts, exempting railroad
corporations from liability for fires, are not
against public policy.
Mabel H. Barrows and other educated'
young women will open it "college Battle-
ment" in one of the most repulsive slum
sections of Boston.
Professor Morris, at tbo :head of the
chemical department of Cornell University,
commenced work as a 'fireman on the New
York Central Railroad.
Mrs. Brick, a widow, has purchased a
a plantation of 1,126 aures near Enfield,
N C where she will cause to be opened
au industrial school for negro youths.
By a large majority the New York
conatltutional convention atruek out the
of the amountt which :rev be
recovered in case of death by accident.
A. reward of $2,000 has been °foxed for
the finding, , dead or alive, of Dr. W. A.
Conklin, who is 'missing from Caseopolis,
Mich. Itis believed- he was killed to pre-
vent hia testimony against a fellow prac-
Ex -Senator Ingalls dropped this epigram
in a recent Kansas apeeoht-"It would be
better for the country if women entered
polities, but not so good for the women."
The manager of one of tho big racing
memo, organized to exploit the virtues of a
partioular wheel, says that it costa' about
83,000 to establish a new mile record.
William and John McKinley elatnt to
have boon defrauded in the forming of the
Lake Superior Consolidated Iron Mines,
and have brought suit for 8800,000 damagos.
Au old beaver trap, which, it is tamper'.
od, was used by the Hudson Bay Company
over fifty years ago, was found in the bad
of the Yotlowhawtr Creek, Washington,
John D. Rockefeller is said to have given
his daughtere to understand tbat they are
not to bo great heiresses. The bulk of his
property will go to a number of public in.
War between the cattle and sheep men
has again broken out in Colorado. Three
thousmtd sheep were driven over a oiii
near Brand Juuotten and a harder Was
fatally injured.
At the Firemen's Convention, held on
Thursday at Harrisburg, l'a,, a aeries of
re,olutions were adopted denouncing the
notion of the members who atruek through
sympathy with the Pullman strikers.
'United States Senator Higpiao, in an ad.
these on Friday at the Ogdensburg, N. Y.,
fair oft Do relations of Canada and the.
United States, said that the Comedian
farmer is underbidding the American far-
mer, the British Columbian poachers are
gobbling up the scale, the Canadian Pacific
10 bankrupting the Amerleen lines,and
there le no knowing but that some fine
morning Canada, backed by British bay-
onets, will carry war and devastation
trough the tJuitod States,
Farmer Way book -"I'rn glad Pen not in
butinose in the city. I've had 'bout twee
y summer boarders thin miasom, and every
one ofant had to rush bank th enextmani-
ere for fear stocks would fall or eorothibg_
Not one of 'om came back, either. Geese
they must be in the poor -house by this
time, By the way, do you know where T
kin git a man 1'
Neighbor -"What amt o' work 1
Farmer WaY bath--' Lmt't' much of a
job. I want.a mat to help ma.mve othe
pigpen out a little, so as to mal ro room for
a side porch off the parlor,"
In the Market.
New clerk -"What shall I wrap those
ohiolten wimp in .
Boss -.1'xly paper, of course,"