HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-10-5, Page 8Toilet Soaps. sx1ot Saps,. The Following aro It sew of the largeassortment of Toilet Soaps which we have received direot from the tdanufaots;rare :— Mostar Meobanio, Baby's Own, Transparent Glyoorine, • Palm Oil, Oat Meal, Ox Gall (for removing stains) Castile (make from Pure Olive Oil,) Dog Soap, Honey, Windsor, &c, As we have bought these soaps ab a large diecount we will sell them et Special Prioee, G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &c. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 800T0ERN. ESTEN9I03 w, 0. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North nd South, as follows; GoItrG 8o000, GOING NORTH, Mall 0104 mar. Mixed 0:45 a.m. Express 1109 a.m. I Mail 813 p.m, Mixed .,,..... 9:OOP4ra, Express .,2:48 D.M. cal gelus 0 .ants. A °biel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. OCTOBER. ATTEND the Fair. FALL moving is in fashion. TARE the children to the Fair, POULTRY is finding a front place on Brussels market. Ton Salvation Army intend serving dinner in the barracks on Friday of this week. DR. GRAIIAtt is having telephone con. nation made between his residence and the Drug store of Jas. Fox. JA.1noa WALRER, carriage maker, Ems - eels, took first prize at the Belgrave fair for buggies last Friday. He has had a big trade this Beason. TEBRE is talk of having a telephone ex- change introduced into Brussels again. Several persons have expressed their willingness to rent instrumento. The fee is considerably lower than it was a few years ago. Bnusseas was well represented at the Seaforth Fair last Friday. Among the number there were R. Hand arson and wife ; P. and W. F. Scott, R. Williams, S. Wilton, Jas. O'Leary, D. Stewart, J. Hewitt and R. Roach. SEVERAL of our eportemen were rabbit bunting last Tuesday and in ooming to too close quarters some were "tickled" by stray shot. If tbie process is followed hunters will require to don bullet proof suits or else increase their life insurance. STEwaRT & GEAHAM, Of the National Roller Mills, have shipped out, the past week, to looal points for export, 9 oars of grain. They are also shipping three care of floor to Quebec this week, and import- ing for use in their mill some No.1 Man- itoba hard. Bxo LoAD.—One day last week George Welsh, con. 6, Grey, broughtin 8 cords of wood with his team. There was some guesses made as to weight of load and the market scales was left to decide when it was found to be 6,500 pounds. Mr, Welsh lives 7 miles from Brussels, and bas hauled similar loads day after day this Fail. Orae.—Rev. Mr. Cobblediak was called to Exeter on Wednesday owing to the serious illness of his brother-in•law, An- drew Hicks. Before he reaobed that town, however, Mr. Hicks had passed away. He had a bad attack of la grippe last Winter which developed into quiok consumption. A wife and 4 children are left to mourn bis demise. The funeral takes place on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Cobblediok left for Exeter Thursday afternoon. AT TAE FAla GROIIND.—In addition to a general clearing up at the Agricultural Park a number of additional pens for sheep and swine have been put up, and Malls made for tying cattle in. The Secretary's office has been moved to the Soutb easterly corner of the park and just West of it will now be found the tioket-oMoe. A gate has been opened here so that pedestrianes will not have to obtain entrance to thegrounds at the game gateway as stook, conveyances, &o. as in former years• Ax TAE G. T. R.—John Denholm ship. ped a oar of apples to Chicago this week. —Messrs. Clegg & Dames forwarded two care of stook during the week for Eastern markets.—Thursday Jno. Roddick sent a double decked car of lambs to Buffalo. —Messrs. Bather ca Vanebone continue to boom the live hog business. They ship• ped a oar load from Brussels and ane from Belgrave this week.—Among other outwards were 9 oars of grain by the local buyers, a oar of flour by Messrs. Stewart & Graham, a few oars of salt to Quebec, and 2 oars of nettle by Mr. Hamilton for Toronto markete.—Brun. -eels section of the G. T. R. is carefully looked after by section boas McKenzie and hie assistants. EDITorAL DAeHEa.Editor Clark, of the Kinoardine Review, was united in marriage last week to Miss Rate Roes, of Richard's Landing. TEE Pon extends aongratnlations.—Last Saturday's Globe eontained the portrait of Rev. A. 0. Courtin, the recently elected editor of the Christian Guardian. -W, A. Shepard, manager of The Mall Job Printing Com. pany, Toronto, and ex•President of the United American Typ0fl,etae, died last Friday night about 10:80 o'clock. De. ,oeased had been in poor Health for some time, but hie illnese was not boneidered likely to have a fatal termination. De. .ceased was about 55 years of age.—D, 13. Morrison has sold the Grana Valley Star le R. Taylor, village postmaster, and J. . . V, Preston, lawyer, of the same vis. Iage.-Wroxeter is to have a newspaper of its very own. It is said H, P. Chap man, of Ripley, is interested in the pro. tpeeed undertaking. That will only make 15 paperer in Huron Co. What's the matter. with Fordwiah, Brumfield, Bay- field, Orediton, Ztfeiab and a few other places coming to the front. Reerreeerxla9 ahead attend the Vale on Friday aftefuoou. Tau ;Soling Liberal 013k la Rruseele will shortly be re•orl;mewed for the corn. ing Winter. SOW 15 or 00 i3rueeelites attended the Conservative Convention In Gerrie last 111ondaay Qf lernpen. ri No oh o the (Friday) afternoon ae ae topermit tba toaohers and pupils to at• tend EMI( Huron Pall Fair, if that' so de. 3103, Muvn 7. STRONG wail over at Wroxeter One day last week pbotearapbing the new iron bridge just completed there, for the contractor. AT the Belgrave Fair W. H, MoOraok- en leas awarded 16 prises, Ad Seafortli on the same daye be captured 36 and at Wroxeter he got 35, A cue of no. l0, Smith's stook barn, Brandon, Man„ and a few samples of bie Clydesdale horses and thorn' bred cattle may be seen on page 6 of this latae of Tan PoeT, H, E. MAUDQOx & 00. intend dosing up their store in Beneath; next week and re- moving . the email balance of stook else- where., The Newmarket store will be continued but P. 0, Maddook will prob. ably bandio bankrupt stooks. It is said a young gentleman from London will open up a dry goods More in the Gar- field block as soon as ite present oma. pante veoate it. RONALD r ENGINE. AT Dpiw st.—The Dun hem Review says in speaking of their Fall Fair ;—Ronald kept faith. Hie engine came Tuesday. It is a superb affair, weighing 4040 lbs. A few school. boys bawled it around and when the ranee were over the waiting crowds on the hill- side saw the match applied. Steam was up in 61 minutes and in 7 minutes water was playingthrough 500 feet of hose. Competent judges spoke highly of the performance, and the opinion of many was that it should never leave Durham. EPwonru LEAGUE,—Lash Monday even- ing the following officers were elected in oonneotion with the Epworth League for the Doming term :—Hon. President, Rev. G. H. Cobblediak, B. D. ; President, S. B. Wilson ; 1st Viae -Pres., Mies E. E, Kerr ; 2nd Vice -Pres., Miss E. Braden ; 3rd Vice -Pres., Mise A. Easton ; Secre- tary, Mies Minnie MoNaughton ; Treas. neer,. A. Cousley ; Organist, Mies Code. Committees were drafted. A Junior League Department bas also been estab- lished. DEGREE TEAox.-0n Thursday evening of last week a Wingham Degree team in connection with the Odd Fellows came. over to Brussels and took charge of the initiation of five candidates in Western Star Lodge, No. 149. They did their work splendidly. During the evening lunch and fruit were served and a short time spent in speech making. The visit was an enjo,',ible one and it is to be hoped that it will often be repeated during the ooming mouths. Mr. Powley, of King- ston, was largely instrumental in this revival in Odd Fellowship in Brussels. AN EVENING WIPE LoNePELLow.—This was the topio at the Epworth League meeting last Monday evening, President Wilson presiding :—Opening hymn ; solo, Dr. Cavanagh ; reading, "The Mission. ary," Mies Ella Plum ; reading, "Killed at the Ford,' Mies Jennie Howe ; solo, "The Arnow," H. L. Jackson ; essay, "Life and Works of Longfellow," Rev. G. H. Cobhlediok • reading, "My lost Youth," Wm. Resell ; solo, Mies Bell Smith ; reading, "The belfry of Bruges," Mies Minnie Moore ; reading, "Paul Rivier's ride," Mies Minnie NlcNaughton. The program was entertaining and in- structive. EAST HURON 0onsEnvATIvEs.Eaeb Huron Conservatives mat at Gortie Mon- day afternoon, President, James Irwin, of the Brussels Herald, in the chair, and over two hundred delegates present. Speeches were made by E. L. Dickenson, B. Garry, R. L. Taylor, James Perkins, W. H. Olegg, J. J. Denman, C. W. Oaten, R. C. Sparling, Major Keine, Edward Bryan, Thomas Farrow, ex-M.P., Henry Perkins and Robert Birmingham, of To- ronto. An executive committee to bave voters' list thoroughly revised was ap- pointed ; ale° to name a candidate to con- test the riding in their interest. The choice of candidate is said to lie between Edward Bryan, of Grey township, Dr. Chisholm and A. H. Musgrove, of Wing - ham. Io2Revemens.The large addition to Jae. Oliver's house, now that the brick veneer is done, makes a very snug home. It will soon be finished.—John Walker is having his residence, Elizabeth street, veneered with white brick. D. Lowry hoe the job.—R. G. Wilson intends put. ting up a stable on the North aide of Mill street. The foundation is ready.— Messrs. eady.Messrs. Rose, of the Mune flouring mill, have made en addition to their stable.— George Edwards has lined the engine house of his factory with brick, in com- pliance with the fire limit by-law.—E. 0. Danford has improved the appearance of his fine brink residenoe, Turnberry street, by having ornamental iron cresting planed on roof and verandahs. Mr. Danford has one of the neatest pieces of property in Brueeele. A good coating of gravel has been put on Mill street leading to the flax mill so as to prepare the road for the heavy teaming of flax from the Livingston farm to the mill.—The foot• bridge ie now in Hlet•olaee shape, better than it ever was. DIED in MANxron&.—By notice eleo• where it will be observed that a brother of Prof. Hawkins' died on Friday of last week, of fever, at Glenboro,' Manitoba, aged 89 years. Mr. Hawkins leaves a wife and small family to mourn bis de. mise. He had been a resident of Mani. toba for several years. A Port Albert correspondent makes the following refer. once to the deceased :—It is my painful duty to chronicle the death of John T. Hawkins, eldest son of George Hawking, of Elise place. The sad event took place at his residents, Glenboro, Manitoba, On Friday, 28th ult., after a few days illnese from fever. The deceased was born in Australia in 1855 and his boyhood end school days were spent in this village. About the time of the "boom" be went bat to the prairie province and finally settled on a farm near Glenboro. In 1888 he returned to the place of hie boyhood and married a Miss Hattie Simpson, of Sheppardton, returning again with his' young bride to their prairie home where they were prosperous. Laet year he rented his farm and moved into Glenboro, Himself and family visited their .friends in these parte during the Summer of lastr year.. "Jack" Was a square -up fellow in hie dealings, hale and hearty and weigh. ed 200 lbs. when here last Summar. We deeply sympathise with his bereaved wife and family of three little girls, the young• eet being about six months old. Truly, "In the midst of life we ate ie death." " B B ESS A poanzz (Waked oar of lamps will bo shipped ell Friday by A,. 0, Ramos, 77. B. Balm au carried off the Monera with his tip.top display of plroboo, at the Wrozster Pair this week, SauauAo is in training yet on Bruseels brook and will take dart In the Windsor and Pert Huron raaae, Alien Wilkee went to the Walkerton Fair this week and book part In the epeedieg contests on Wednesday. P00 ENGLANn,—On Saturday of Ude week Hiram and Joseph Shelton earl from Montreal for Liverpool per Allan Lino ebeemer Parisian, Tliey wore tiokebed by W, 13, Herr, local agent, and left Rruesele Thnreday at noon. The brothers go on a visit) to their borne after a few years sojourn in Canada, BOUT. DURNION's betel borne,Binoar- dine, were destroyed by fire Wednesday night, with contents, Including eleven horses, some other animals, and a num- ber of oonvsyanoes.: Seven of the borees were the property of Wm. Handers, of Tiverton ; one belonged to Roll's livery, Blyth, and another the property of R. T. Walker. Mr. Handers' loss le great, his horses were fine, valuable animals, and bas just been brought to town to be ex. hibited at the fall show there Thursday. This is the third hotel stable that hoe been burnt in bile space of three months, and it is apparent) that an incendiary is at work. The lose on the building is 02,- 600 ; Insurance, 6500. MAREET Berme,-Bruseela oorporation expended about $200 for a fine new set of market scales last Winter to replace the old onus that had served their day, The new Reales were prononnoed A 1 by the Dominion. Inspector who tested them, A,rumonr ie afloat that the scales won't) weigh right and a case of wagon weigbiug in delivering hogs is instanced. Mr. Mo- Craoken, who bag weighed for years, says the diearepenoy was 000asioned that day by a wagon tongue ooming in contact with the box in which tbebeam is, jar- ring ono of the balls. It was reotified ail soon as notioed SO that to -day the scales weigh to the pound, The farmers who received the advantage are, we understand, allowing the buyers a rebate, If the animals were weighed on foot, there would, prob- ably, be more satisfaction to both buyer and seller. The town scales are all right end other buyera are perfectly satiefisd with the record. The buyer should stand by and see that the weighte are oorreet. People We $n.0W. Leslie Kerr ie ill. Albert Biaebill is laid up w ith a sprain- ed foot, Bichard Rivera was home from ,Lusk. now for Sunday. Mrs. S. B. Franck, of Wingham, ie visiting in town. Jno. Ament was in London and Chat. ham during the past week. Ray. S. Jones has been confined to hie room this week by illnese. Mise Zilliax, of Listowel, was visiting in Brussels for a few daye. Mies Aggie McAlpine basreturned from a visit with relatives in Guelph. Mrs. J. G. Skene and May were vis- iting in Olinton for a few days. Mrs. W. T. Hunter and daughter Mary left for Detroit on Thursday for a visit. Miss Clara Meadows arrived in Brus- sels from London fur a visit with rela- tives. Alex. Hunter and eon Fred. have gone to Toronto to oonenit an ooculist in refer. enae to the letters eyes. Mise Lillian Ainley and Willie Ainley are on the sick list this week but we hope they will soon be convalescent. Wm. Wilton is using crutches this week owing to a badly sprained knee, occasioned by having his leg naught in a wagon wheel. Coanaillor MoCraoken was a judge of roots and vegetables at Clinton and Luok- now this week. Mao. is quite an authori. ty on garden "sass." R. 0. Struthers, of London, was in town for a day. He leaves next week for his annual Fall purchasing trip to the Old Country. Mr. Struthers bas crossed the ocean 46 times. Jas. Hogg, of Grey, fell while getting out of a wagon at the grain storehouse at the G. T. R., last Saturday, and injured his leg somewhat. The old gentleman is over 70 years of age but is remarkably smart. Business Locals. GRAPES at MaAlpine'a at 25 cents per basket. A VERY cheap hanging lamp, new geode, at B. Gerry's. Oooi atoves from $12.00 and upwards at B. Gerry's. Boa's Velocipede for gale. Pose Publishing Home. A amen shipment of etovea just ar rived at B. Gerry's. P0loane, finest Orawforde, at MoAf- pine's. Oysters in a few days. AT cost the remainder of one fly nets. I. C. Richards. STOVE ooal and blacksmith coal for sale now in stook at B. Gerry's. Fon sale °heap one set second hand single harness. I. C. Richards. WAooNa and carte st Tau PosT Book- store. Want to clear out stock. COLD in the head—Nasal Balm gives inetant relief ; speedily cures. Never fails. Comfortable House for gale in conven- ient location in Brussels, apply to R. G. Wrnsoo. BOARDnas.--A000mmodation for two boarders at a private home. Reasonable rates. Apply at THE Pon Publishing House. MILLINERY O0ENING,-000 grand mil- linery opening will be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oob. 4th, 5th and 503. Come and see our elegant display. Mise Hakim, Brueeele. KNITTING.—Mary H. Howe, of the firm of Bowe & Co., is prepared to take in knitting, or knit to order, soaks, atookinge, cardigan jackets, &o. Will exchange goods for wool. Store, one door South of the Woollen mill, Brnssele. Give lie 0. call, WELL-DloetnG AND DRILLING.—George Birt) has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepay. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper &have. Terms reasonable. Reeldenee esoond door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et„ Brussels. 84-51 BAROAIN0 IN WALL .PAPER.-2,000rolls of beautiful American Wall Papers just to hand, bought at lees than 80o on the dollar. Don't listen to olap-trap' but SPOST STt/. i7Vt2?42 W 134X11 OF 04,i7V'4,U. . HEAD OFFICE, e TORONTO. ASORTki, (Severs Million D011are) , 07,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) , 62,000,040 Apencieein all prirtoipal pointe in Ontario, Ouebee,7Zanito3a, United States t9 Enptattd, &94 A General Ranking Realness Traneaoted, Farmere' Notes Dleoonnted. Drafts Issued and Collections made en all points]. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SBEOoAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TIM CoLLEOTxori OP PARBIErls' SALE NOTES. Every faoility afforded Customers living ab a dietanoe. J, A. STEWART, MANAGER. QILIL=ES S XIII, BOL1'1C $ 13 ?+LTSS LS, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts .Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of Oobober and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposita. • 'We effect 80 write Insurance in old English er Canadian Companies, or In Mut. wit Companies as may be Modred. AGENTS P01t CANADA AND UNITED STATES : TEE CANADIAN BANE Os ()Mumma. oome'right along and choose at your own price. Elegant gilts at 100, 15a, 200 and 25e, formerly sold from 80c to 60o. All papers hung perfectly at 10o. Come all and come quick, for they won't last. W. Roddick. Fifteen years ago a gentleman keeping store on Front street, Brantford, had a quantity of staple articles taken. Noth- ing more of the stuff was heard of until a day or two ago, when a hint web drop- ped which led to the police paying a visit to the house of a former employee, since deoeaeed. Here nearly 100 of the missing articles were found and restored to the rightful owner. The members of the family are highly respectable and know nothing of bow the goods were obtained in the first place, ' cmOR1•7. DANDnooE.—In Elmo, on 26th Sept., the wife of Mr. Wm. Danbrook of a son, Canna—Rose.—At the residence of the bride's father, on Sept. 24th by the Rev. J. McGillivray, Mr. Hugh Clark, editor of the Kincardine Review, to Mies Rate, daughter of H. M. Roes, M. D., Richard's Land- ing, Ont: Beooxs—Lvrmo.—At the residence of Mr. John Little, can. 12, Elms, on Sept.26b13, by Rev. J. F. Parke, reotor of Listowel, Miss Addis N. Little, of Elma, to Mr. Thomas Brooks, of Downie. Stern—Fieniz. At the manse, Atwood, on Sept. 26th, by Rev. A. Henderson, M. A. Mr. Robert F., eon of Mr. Featherstone Smith, Listowel, to Miss Sarah, daughter of Mr. Charles Fisher, of the same town. Knun—Monnxson.—Un Wednesday, Sept. 26th, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Wm. Morrison, by .Rev. T. Wesley Cosens, Mr. Alexander Kerr, jr., to Miss Amelia Jane Mor- rison, all of the township of Mo - Killen. CRONYN—KELLY.—Ab St. Michaele. church, Blytli, on Sept. 26th, by the Rev. Father Quigley, Mr. Arthur Oronyn, of Hallett, to Mies Mary Kelly, daughter of Mr. Michael Kelly of Morrie. asfca. Bownot.In Elms., on Sept. 2lst, 1894, Jane, beloved wife of Chas. Bowen, aged 50 years, 3 months and 28 days. HAwnnae.--At Glenboro', Manitoba, on Sept. 28th, John T. Hawkine, aged 89 years. Hioxs.—In Exeter, on Oat. 3rd, Andrew Hicks, brother-in-law to Rev. G. H. Cobblediak, of Bruesale. Canes. In Drayton, on Sept. 17th, James Cross, cousin to Mrs. A. Bruce, Blnevale, aged 71 years, 8 months and 11 days. A.770=011 seA.S,f7s- WEDi.`EsDAY, O0T. 17.—Farm stook' L of 32, Con. 6, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Francis and Jno. F. Beirnee, Prop'ts. Geo. Kirkby,Auo. EMMY, Om. 19th: Clearing out gale of farm stook, implements, &c., lot 1, Oon. 6, Grey. Sale unreserved, oom- menoes at 12 noon. Thos. MoLaaohlin, Prop., Geo. Kirkby Auo. • WEDNosDAy .O0T. 24.—Thorobred cat- tle and well bred Leicester sheep. Lot 17, Con. 10 Morrie. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Neil McDonald, Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Auo. Fall Wheat 47 49 Spring Wheat...,........ 47 49 Barley 85 38 Peas 48 .50 Oath 24 20 Butter, tube and rolls16 00 Eggs per dozen 12 00 Flour per barrel 3 00 8 60 Potatoes ... 40 00 Hay per ton .. 6 00 6 00 Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 00 00 Hides trimmed a Hides rough 2 2a Sheep skins, eaoh . . .. . . 20 40 Lamb skins each 16 40. Apples per 13131 1-50 1 75 Wool 16 17 Pork, Live 5 00 5 10 mea. e. Elora, Oot.4.5. Brussel8, Oct. 4.5. Blyth, cob. 0.10. Clifford, Oot. 10.11. Dungannon, Oct. 11.12. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 'XTINOEIESTER REPEATING - Rifle, 13 shooter, only used for a short time. WiI1 18 bargain, G'. A, DEADMANbe50at,a Druggist, &c. LOST. —BETWEEN B R U eELe and Wroxeter droll of mimic, the Piano parts of Braude Orobestra, II'he finder will confer a great favor by leaving. it at Tun Poem Publiebing House, STRAYED FROM LOT 1, CON. 14, Grey, on or about Sept, 1st, a large light' red 2.year old heifer. Any information leading to her recovery will be suitably re- warded, THOS. GOVENLOOK, 11.4 Seaforth P. 0. TWO MILOH COWS STRAYED from Brussels on Oot. let. Bothredin color, one has a little white on side and belly. Owner will be thankful for informs- tion leading totheirrecovmy, 12-tf H. BEAM,Bruesels. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. NOTICE is hereby given that any person or persons found trespassing on Lot 14, Cone.. 15 and 16, Grey either with or without doge, will be dealt with according to.law, JAS. DOUGLAS, 11.4 Proprietor, STOLEN FROM THE PREM— reE5.of the undersigned, Lot 10, Oon. 18, Grey, on Tuesday night, Sepb. 18013, a road cart, set of single harness madhouse blan- ket. Any information leading to their re- covery will be suitably rewarded, JAMES HOUSTON, 10-4 Walton P. 0. 1TIMBER FOR SALE. — THE 'Undersigned has about 20 or Ot acres of timber for sale, including Pine, Hemlock, Black Ash and Cedar, on North East half Lot 28, Con, 8, Morris. Easy terms will be given. For price and other particulars ap- ply to 4-tf JOHN A SHTON, Lot27, Con, 7, Morrie, or Brussels, P. 0. THRESHING OUTFIT FOB Sale. -The undersigned offers for sale' his Abel Engine and Separator, both in good working order. He will also 'dispose of hieshingle mill. Reason for selling, ill health. A bargain will be given. For further particulars as to pprice, Lerms, &o., apply to - 5I0HARD 11iITOHt'.LL, b•tl Lot 15; Con, 0, Grey, or Oranbroolr.P.O. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- DEneIGN$D has several good Farina for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships- of Morrie and Grey. F S. SO OTT. Brussels ARM TO RENT FOR A NUM— DER of .years. Said farm being Lot N 1 27 end N. W. pt 28, Con. 0, Morrie, con- taining 100 acres. For further partioubars apply to JOHN MOONEY, Brussels P. 0. or to W. C. STRETTON Landcaster.Olxio. FARM FOR SALE. -THE UN- DERgICINED offers his splendid 200 sore farm, being Leta 17 and 18, Oon. 6, Grey, for mule, About 180 acres cleared, balance .vood- ed. Good-briok house, bunk barn orchard, &o. Well watered and Yenned. For .price, terms, 80., apply to A,. G. WELSH, Proprietor, Ethel P. O. FARM FOR, SALE OR TO nENT,—The undersigned offers. his 180 none farm, -being Lots nand W 118, Con. G, Grey, for Bale. On tbepremises isaoom- fortable brick house, new hank barn, good orobard, walla,fenoes, 8e. 100 aeroe cleared, balance bush,-. A bargain will be given. If. not soldthe farm will be rented for a term of years, For furtherpartioulars as toprioe, terms, &c.,apply to BOBT. MoliEE, Proprietor Corrie, P. 0., or to JAMES A. FRAIN, Brussels. Notice to Creditors. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 170, section 80, of the Revisers' Statutes of On- tario,.1887 and amendments thereto, notice is hereby Oran that all persons having th claims against e estate of the late Samuel Swale, of the Village of Brussels, in the County 0f Huron,. Merchant, who died on or about the Eighteenth day of September, A. D., 1894 are hereby required to send by poet. pro.pard, or deliver to. W. M. Sinclair. of the Village of Brueeele in the County of Huron Solicitor for the bllxecutrix of the estate of the said Samuel Smola, deceased, on or be- fore the Twentieth day of October, A. D.,. 1804, a statement in writing of their Dames and addresses and the full particulars of their claims and of the securities (1f any) hold by them and that after the said Twen- tieth day of October, the said Executrix will proceed to distribute the aesete of the said Samuel Smola, amongst the parties entitled thereto, havingregard only to olatme of which notice shall have been given as above required and the Bald Dxeoutrix will not be responsible for the said assets, or any part' bheroef, to any perm 1 orpereona, of w0Ose claim or Online notion shall not have beou received, at the time of auoh distribution, Dated at Bruesols, the Twenty Sixth day of Soptomber, A. D., 1804. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor. for Exeoubrix. Preparations x We now carry a complete stook of the above elegant Proper. atione, comprising o-•••- /Waltine Plain, Maltino Wine, Mal, tine with Pepsin and Pancreatin, ?Saltine with Cod Liver Oil, 111x1- tine wibh liypophospliiboe and Malto-Xerbine, also Liquid Poptonoide, Liguid Poptoil. oils with Cocoa, Liquid Pepbonoids with Creosote, Elixir Laotopepbins and Elixir Laobopeptiue wibh Phos- phates of Iron Quinine and Stryeb. nine. l These Goods are ail froth and of bile Very Beet Quality. JAWS, WON. DRUGGIST Ann STATIONER. Opposite Queen's Hotel, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAXLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Conveyancer. Ooilen. tione made. Office-.Vap8tono'e Block, Brae, sole. 21 -am M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor -Conveyancer, NobaryPub-. lie, &a. Oiise—'Vanetone'e Block, 1 door north of Central Rotel, Private Funds to Loan. CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Goclerieh, Ont. 00 0 0131010010, Q. 0., - PHILIP BOLT, DIIDL101 BOLtme. �F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &a. (late of Garrow.& Proudfoot's Office, Goderioh.) Office over Gi11les & Smith's Bank, Bruesele. Money to Loma. 47 DENTAL. DEINIV OP T.tST,f M. CAVANAGH, L. O. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. OPoraZ—Over A.R. Smith's Store. Brussels, Will visit Wroxeter the 1st and erd Mondays and Blyth the end and 4th Wednesdays of each month. DB. D'X.VIDSON Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder- ate Pees. Satisfaction Assured. Office over Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St., Brae - eels. VETERINARY. - • D. WARWICK, Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, if; prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals 10 0 cow. petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Galla promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Pour doors north of bridge Turnberry at., Brussels. M• H..MOORE, V. S., • H. IL, V. M. S. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all domesticated animals treated on ecientiflo principles. Horse dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a specialty. Calle promptly'. attended to. Office, over Johnetou & Coch- rane'• marble works. Infirmary at Beattie'• livery barn, Brands, Ont. 20. MEDICAL CARDS. JA. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. • 0.M., L. R. O.P., Edinburgh,M. O. P. S. Ont. Iteeldence and office in Wilson's Bleak, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste, TM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Physician, .Surgeon Acoouober, eta. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of 'Physicians .and Burgeons, Ont. Orman -Next door to McDonald & 00,, Walton Ont. AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, is always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, &e. - Terme cheerfully given. Oranbrook P. 0. Sales may be arranged at Tun POST Publishing House, Brussels. - - GEORGE KIRKBY, Lieeneed Auctioneer, Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm etooka specialty. Orders left at TUE Poem ' PnblishingHouse,Bruosele, or sentto Walton P. 0.,: will receive prompt attention, EJAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- 9E as an Auctioneer, I am prepared to conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable prices, Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a position to sell to good marks and gat good security when sold on oredit, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give ma a 5511. $2• F f3. 80033. BUSINESS CARDS., AXT V V • H. MOCRAOKEN, IseurerofMarniage Licenses. Office at his Grocery, Turnberry street. Bruoseels. T N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. M. Mc'lfay & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and ohildrens hair cutting a spesialby ROBERT CUNNINGHAM IN5010AN05, FIRE AND MARINE. ' GUELPH. .ALEX. HUNTER, .Clark of the Fourth Division Court dor Huron. Conveyancer,Notary Public, Land, Loan and.. Ineuranoe Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Collections made. Office in Graham's Blook,Bruesols, MISS O'CONNOR, R T., Teacher of instrumental ramie on Piano or Organ: Will visit Wingham Tuoo- day and Wednesday of sash week. Resi- dence on Prleeass Street, Sruesola. T A. HAWKINS, M. O. S. M. 1 • Organist in St. John's Church, Brus- sels, and pupil, in the Art of ;Teaching, of A. W.Thayer, Mus ,Deo „New York, will give lessons to pupile either on plana Or Organ, at hie parlor over A.R. Smith's store, Brum- sole. Vooal lessons also given, Terme mod. orate,