HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-10-5, Page 3uT , .1894' Town. Directory., MRk,vzro: Cnvaon.—$obbatil fiorvioett at 11 a in and 3;80 p.m, Sunday School at 2;30 p m. Rev, John Ross, B A, pastor. gelex Chnntoree-Sailbath 8ervioee et 11 a m and 0:80 t' ea, Sunday School ab 2:30 p In, Bev, D, Mtllar, pastor, B. JOAN'S CnUnOu,—Sabbath BerviceS at it a m and 7 p m, Sunday School et 2:00 p. tn, Rev, W. G. Reilly, inoum, bent, Muxnmmlm'r Cudaalr,.—Sabbath Servtoes at 10;00 a m and 6;80 0 m, Sunday Sdbool ab 2:80 p m, Rev, G, 17. Cobble - Oh, Id obble.disk,'Id A, B D, pastor. Reetex 04111o140 OHoncn,,—Sabba'bh Servlee third Bentley in every moth, at 10;30 a M. Bev Joseph Kennedy, priest, SarweetoN ARatx.—Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and S p in on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'oloole, at the barpeoka. Onn Nitnnows'" Lone's every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. MASCNie Lpxas Tuesday at or before full moon, in tenioid block. A. 0 U W Loewe on let and 3rd Friday evenings of each month, in Bine. hill's block. O 0 P Lamm 2nd and larit Monday evenings of eaob month, in Blashill's blook. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L 0 L let Monday in every month in Orapge Hall. R T or T, 2nd and 4th Tuesday's of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. SONS of S0Q rdere, 1st and Bed Tiles. days of each 'mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0, T. M, Loom, 1st and 8rd Titers - days of each month, in Vanstons block. BONN Cziwocc, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in Blaehill's Hall. Poac Omar,— hours from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. . Moo/macs' IN50IxuTE.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'ofoolr p, m. Wednesdays and 3:30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian, Town Courson.,-W. R. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. MoOraoken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and S. Wilton, Counoillore ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Rosa, Collector. ' Board meets the lab Monday in each month. SonoOL BOARD.—Rev. Ross, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid and J. N. Kendall; Seo.-Treas., lt. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday eveningin eaoh month. Puma S01io02. TnAmt0ns.—J. H. Car• Bron, Principal, Miss Braden, Miss D owney and Mise Cooper. Bonn op HDALTn.—Reeve Kerr,- clerk' Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall, - Dr. MoNanghtou, Medical Health Officer. ]Exeter. Aboub 600 tickets were sold at the Ex. eter station for London Fair. Joseph Cabbledick will not remove from town but will push the seed busi- ness.' Mrs. D. MaEwsn, of Stanley, is the possessor of a magnificent sunflower plant. One flower is 12 inches in di- ameter and forty inches in ciroumferenoe. Jas. Bissett, Geo. 'Vesper and Abe. Bagshaw started out one day to partici- pate in a day's sport and before returning succeeded in bagging 20 black squirrels and 2 grey ones. On the evening of Sept. 24th a 'gather- ing took plane in the basement of the James street Methodist church, the ob- ject being to present Mrs. Isaac Bawden with a handsome Bible as a token of their respect and esteem of her services daring the past twenty.five years. Mrs. Bawden will be greatly miseed in church circles and tke good wishes of : all follow her and her husband to their new home in Strathroy. Lueianow. Brace Fall Assizes at Walkerton begin Monday, Oob. 8th. The new stalls at Cain's stable will ao. oommodate 58 horses and there is now room in the whole stable for over 300. For the first time in the history of Luoknow, the teaohere of West Brace and Notbh Huron will meet together here, ou Oct. 11th, to discuss the beet methode to advance the cause of education. Master John Lyons, ofLucknow, made a Olean sweep of the prizes in the abicken. department of the Northwestern exhibi- tion in Godericb last week, taking Some seven fireb prizes and three seconds, During the heavy gate on Saturday night, the large evergreen arches that. had been erected along the main street of the village for Caledonian Day, were blown down by the heavy winds and about hal&past four o'oloak on Sunday morning, some one set fire to the sue be- tween Lawrence's hardware store and the posto2ioe.:In an instant, the flames shot high up above the buildings, light- ing the whole place, and had it not been for the prompt response of the firemen and oibieeits to the alarm, a serious oon- flagration might • have resulted. There. was a strong wind blowing et the time. 0 Clinton. Fall wheat is looking well, and there has been considerable of it sown, Hugh Bose bas second growth rasp. berries in hie garden, growing on wood of this year's growth. J. E. Hodgson, inepeotor of high schools, wee in town on Thursday and Friday inspecting our Collegiate Iota tuts. A little child belonging to M. Beckwith was run over on the street, its face being eomswhab injured, seemingly by the huh of the vehicle, Geo. Levis has been awarded the son. tract for digging audcurbing the well on the Hauee of Refuge property there were five tenders put in for it. A son of R. Heywood ntet with a bed sooident while at school. In company. with another youth he was playing in a tree, and aeoidentelly fell down, breaking the bone of his leg near the hip, A oar load of fine Shropshire sheep left hare laeb week for Wisconsin. They. were from the floolte of euoh first-olase breeders as Jas. McFarlane, G. Baird, M. MoEwon and others in Stanley. Geo. 21ofiidh entered station againet the 13e11 Telephone Co. for injuries enetained by beteg pulled off the bus by a . wire which a tree had knocked damn. The company hail made an amicable. settlement and the stilt is withdrawn. meseemair The advantagse of oroanlery over or• din ery butter are eilowu in the fast that Jamo3 Steep is receiving 260 per lh, wheleeale, for all the bettor bo can maks, The rssldenoe of Mee, A. M. Manning, Clinton, was the 03005 of a pretty wed- ding pu Wednesday evening ok last week, Wien her aisbsr, Mise Helm; Coate, (see. and daughter of the late Wm. Ooate,) was married to (hes. G. Middlebpn, .of Gest/Melt townehip, eldest son or. George Middlobou. Hy, 0, Cook, of the Heron road, West, Shipped two or )pads of apples last week 30 CUisago. lie expects to ship over three thousand barrels before the eseson to over. From the orchards of 0. Stew- art, W, Townsend, R, Jennings and S. liaplesox, in Godarioh township, be eesures no lose than 600 barrels. ra.-oxerit',. The work on the new Orange hall is now being pushed :forward as rapidly es possible, W. Dole last week placed in the Albion boleti a 350 get of silverware for the din- ing room table, J. Hooey and II, Day shipped or car of bosses from Luoknow to Liverpool on Saturday, They, went in charge of Geo. Eley. Sao. Walker is getting the material on Steepened for hie new blaokemith shop; ile will push the heath as rapidly espos. Bible. The other day Sas. Leech oounted the pods and grains on one bean stalk and found on the ono single stalk 107 pods which contained 640 beano. On Friday last Thos. Henry, of the 4th bon., who had his barn destroyed by lightning or short time ago,reieed : the frame ofa fine new sbruabure of mam- moth proportions at which tome 300 or 400 men assisted. John Young and Robb. McLaughlin were chosen captains and about five o'ulook, after a hard fight, the work of raising was completed, the rase beiug a tie. Groderiche. The roof of the Big Mill has been re - shingled, 0. Seager has been duly commissioned and installed as polios magistrate in and for the town of Godarioh.: The French choir, of Drysdale, oon- sieting of fifteen members, sang High Mass at the catholic ohuroh last Sunday. S. J. Reid Left town Monday for Ham- ilton, where he has secured a. lucrative 'situation as cutter in a large tailoring establishment. From the London Advertiser we learn that the prize for the beet collection of fanny work of one person, independent of other entries, was awarded to Mrs. Coling Campbell, of Godarioh. The girl Winnie Graves, whose action he the charge of rape against Thos. Smitb at the Assizes last week, caused such a surprise, was arrested by Con. stable Gundry atSeaforth, and after a hearing before a magistrate committed to stand trial for perjury. The girl's relatives and friends are anxious that she be planed somewhere for proper pare, and her mental capacity and past history indioate such treatment as' a necessity. Hon. Mr. Patterson, Minister of Militia, took,a run up to Goderioh during the Fair, arriving here on Monday evening, and visiting the Fair grounds on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. Un. der the escort of Mayor Butler be visited the harbor on Tuesday and inspected the progress of the new, work there,' also visiting the breakwater to see the damage wrought by last Winter's flood. He will lay this letter matter before hie collea- gues of ibe cabinet. While returning at noon from school, a lad of about 13 years of age, named Charlie Roberts, was run over by a load of hay. The boy bed been playing with some sobool-P lland e owe was aooidentally pushed nnder the wagon, a wheel of which passed over hie thighs. He was carried into a house olose by and under medical care is getting along nicely. Ib is thought no bones are broken but it is a wonder that he did not sustain serious injury. tetteaturth. The fall apple crop is a prebty good one in this section, and buyers are pinking them up rapidly. Fred. Bethune, son of Dr. Bethune, leaves this week for Trinity Mediotrl soi- lage, Toronto, to enter ou his studies, F. A. Clarkson, of this town, has been chosen principal of the pubiio school in the village of Princeton, for next year et a salary of 3500. The Berlin Rangers and the Hurons played a W. F. A. match here Friday morning. The game resulted 2 to 0 in favor of tbo Ramo. A. young son of 3obn Murphy jumped on one of Coleman's drays, and falling off oue of the wheels passed over his leg in. juring him pretty severely. At a regular meeting of the Collegiate Institute Board T. O. Ramp was unani- mously elected chairmen in plaoe of Dr. Smith, who on a000unt of his removal from Seaforth, wee compelled to.reeign. The Crokinole social given by the R. T's of. T. in their hall was au exceedingly pleasant affair and was largely patrouized. The game of orokinole which has become quite popular in Soaforth was the princi• pal temusement of the eveuing and was tboroughly enjoyed by the many taking part in it. Diebriob master, Sohn Oumseibb, sea eeesfully organized L. 0. L. No, 1450 at Egmondvillo in the district of Stratford end aancity of South Perth with the fol, lowing officers for the coming year :— Worshipful master, Capt. E. Dawson; Deputy master, John Pinkney ;.Chap,, 0. Walker ; Reoordiug•Seoretary, Wm, Hunter ; Fite -Sweatily, John Brenner ; Treasurer, Alexander Davidson ; Direc- tor of Ceremoniee, le. Smith ; Leotursr, S, Smith ; Committee, John Briubnell, Joseph Noble, Wm. Smith, Thos. Pink. ney,Isaao Millar. Tzn ABE:MINN ;0LOn.—The club has re -organized for the season with the fol. lowleg einem :—Hon. President, John Smith ; President, E. F. Stoat ; Vice. President, Ed.' Cherry ; Trots„ W. G. McOlellen ; Secretary, Thos. 'Wilson. The members are now oomforbably local. ed in Scott's Block, Theintend holding debates on political and scientific topics and will also give severalaseemblies dur- ing the oohing winter months, the. fleet of which will be held ea Friday evening Oct. 5th. The ceremony of induobiug the Rev. Mr. Gutheis, into the pastorate of Knox ohuroh, Walkerton, took place on Wed, neaday afternoon' of last week. There was a ,large oongregabion present, and among the miniebere present were the Rev.. Dr, James, the Rev. Mr. Duff, Mal- • TB 1S oolfrl, and the Rev. Mr, Rlppin, of Tara, PbThe pUlpite and eurreendiuge were hand. oornely decorated with flowers, ills. Kippin preaolted an appropriate sermon of some length, Mr Jobneton addroeeed the oougregation and oenduoted the.oe, divation oeremonY, while the Rey, Dr. James addressed the rninlster, CRUELLY 3'Ott't'URl;l). John Brady, Hugh Brady, Toegorrle Brady, and John Murphy, of Ifemptvllle, were brought up for preliminary exam. lnabian before the polios magistrate on Friday Seine 7th, These men are charg- ed by an MO hermit named Swords with breaking into his house on the night of August 17th, end torbnring and robbing him, leaving him bound fast to the bare bed cords, The men charged were ar. reigned previously before the polios meg, Wrote, but on acoounb of Sword's inabili. ty to leave his house, the saes was ad - Ponied till Sabttrday, the men being al• lowed out on bail, Friday Chief Rosa went out to Ketne:4YMa and brought Swords into town, Swords, in his eve, denim told of being aroused about mid. night by the men breaking into his bowie, of his feet being burned, a gag thrust in. to bis mouth, and being left bound to the cords of the bed, atter being 'robbed of 3160 in a big pooketboolr, and 348.88 10 a small 'puree.His foot that was burned is not well yet, and be was only able to put on a boot on Tumidity last. He told that one. of :tbe men demanded 350 more, His etory was a touching one and the poor old man had the sympathy of: all. He swore poeibively that it was the Brady boys and Murphy who oom- mitted the deed. He said that John was the man at his head, who pub the gag in hie mouth, and that Hugh was the one that burned his feet. he said the other two hung back. Sohn, be said, showed him the empty purse, and said that if he would give them 350 they would nob kill him. They left him tied bo the cords and be was released next day by a man named Biggins'. Swords was subject to a severe cross. examination by Mr. Hutcheson, counsel for the prisoners, but he didnot succeed. in shaking the old man's evidence to any extent. No other evidence was taken. The Magistrate oommitted all four for trial' ab the next assizes, and acoepbed bail for their appearance, the prisoners in 31,000 each, and two sureties' of 3500 for each. The aooused have a lot of aynapathy, and math interest is being taken in the case. Canadian Ne w,0. Pickpockets made quite a haul at the Ottawa Fair Ibis week. Ottawa's new French daily, Le Tempe, is bo be issued on Oob. 15th. Dr. Montague, M. P., has bean ordered abroad on account 01 ill-healbh. He still suffers from fever and weakness.. Mr. McLean, postmaster, Wbeatly, ie circulating a petition asking permission to move the poetoffioe from the present poaition.to the Eaet part of the town. Collector Kenning, of Windsor, has been obtaining statistioe relating to the grape crop for the inland revenue depart- menb. There are 1,000 aoresunder oniti- vatioo in Essex county. Hens DISEAsn BOLIDVED IN 80 Dina nTEs; All oases of organic or syrgathetio heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Aznew's Cure for the Hort. One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Beecham]. A camp of the Sons of Scotland was, the other night, formed in the village of Beapeler by Grand Orgauizsr• R. Nimmo of Toronto, assisted by brethren from Palinereton and Galt. The clamp will be known by the name of Gala Walter Camp, N 158. , No. "For several months I was troubled with a persistent humor which gave me considerable annoyance, until it occurred to me to try Ayer's Hair Vigor. Before using one bottle the humor was healed." T. T. Adams, General marabout, Tuber. ville, Va. Some mischievous boys gathered in front of the Baptist mission, Quebec, about nine o'olonk one night Iast week, and fired stones intothe hall windows, breaking several panes of glass. A large (crowd gathered in front of the hall, at - treated by the noise. A couple of polios. men soon dispersed the crowd. RtlnilnraTiesr COREn. IN A Dar.—South American Rheumatic Ours for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radioally cures in 1 to 8 days. Its notion upon the system is remarkable and mysterious, 11 re- moves at once the amuse and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 Dents. Warranted by G. te. Dsadman. The Petrone of North Bruce will meet in convention at Tern on Oct. 12th to nominate a oendidate for the house of commons. The names most prominent. ly mentioned in connection with the association are H. T. Potts, of Arran ; Jas. Sbonidioe, of Eiderelio; Thos, Askin, of Ambrell, and F. W. Stuart, el Lion's Head, A Winnipeg despatoh says Enormous shipments of cattle, stools, end grain over the Canadian Paoifie Railway Eastward continues without the least break. Since the demand started, ib is estimated that 10,000 bead of cattle, 8,000 bags, and 1,200 bead of sheep have left the Province and Territories forEng- land and the Eastern markets. A BOON To Hon0Enlse. Ona bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my horse, I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it gate with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of bard, soft or calloused lumps, blood epevin, splints, curbs, many, stifles and sprains. Goo. Ron farmer, Itlerkham, Ont. Sold by G. A. Deadman. There on now be nodonbt as to the magnificent wheat crop jest harvested by the Manitoba and the Norbla-weeberu farm. ere, and the quality also loaves nothing to be desired. The receipts at the differ. ant elevators along the line of the Cana- dian Paoifio lBailway West of Winnipeg aro always an indication of the general yields, and ib looks as if the receipts of the present eeason would be far in mesa of those of 1808. A good reputation is a' good thing,— Them is a reputation gained at tiro ciao. non's mouth, That is speedily made and speedily -lost. There le a reputation of worthy and faithful service that endures'. That is the reputation ofStark's Powders. They 0,ave boon' a good friend to thong. ands. Stork's Powders Irave ,cured thousands of side and nervoes bead/mhos, neuralgia and bilioasneee-that sinter gnmrtette 011118. Starke Powders are a sovereign remedy. 25 eento a box. Patch has dsoided to grant no more tae exemptions to reanufaottlrero, The Stevena cre Berns; canary le again in operation, Afrr Burns late reared, and ict fnbere the Arm twUb be kneven ao the Steven° Mfg. Oompany, The Ayliner Canning Oampany is 001, Meg applse et the rate of 255 bushels a day, The apples have been earning in each quantities bbat the proprisaors have gnib buying fora few Jaye. If your ohlld is puny, !rebinl, troubled with glandular grvellinge, intlanled oyes, or soros on the bead, Nee or body, a =tree of Ayer's Sarsaparilla is needed to expel the sarafulous hue/ore freta the blood. Tbo sooner you begin to give this medicine tae better. filieta Jane Fleboher, aged 22 years, only daughter of David A. illeboher, of Saltfleeb, died last week of b codp Bison• ing. Tan days ago Mies Pletcher scratch- ed from bar lip a large pimpl0 whish had made its appearanoe thereon: 'Erysi- pelse and blood poisonipg set in, which finally remitted in death. Romer IN Six Uooue.--Dietro+eing hill. nay and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Groat South American' Sidney Ours'," This new remedy le a great surpt•iee and delighton aopount of ilia exceeding promptnese • in relieving pain In the bladder, kiditeys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female, Ib relieves retention of water and pain to eeesing it almost im- mediately.. If yen want tallith relief and Dore thls is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. nearentormamettelleann White ite t Lilo ROYAL AtAjJ STRAIRSUif'9, Between Now iTerk end Liverpool, via Queemetawo, evory Wednesday, As bbe steamers of this line ()arty 0014 a 580D9*n MattedAnanumber ut3 tIone, sink ading paessngerears reminao3 fMet an corky 3p plioatl0n for bertha is ns'05aaary at this gee" eon, }Tex plane, ratan, eta„ apply 10 VV, H, Kerr, Agent, ,druseels AKI t 1 ;)"HE COQK'S BEST FRIEND ' encs a'r SALE 1P1 CANADA. • MoLE0 ID'S System R va tMy 088iaR— TESTED R iilKEDIB.. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE . E For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Slseplesenese, Palpate, tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nour- algia, Loss: of Memory, Broaohitio, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundioe, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. b , t p !�, LABQRATORY oODEr1Cm!i, ONT. J. M, MoLBOD, Prop, and Mannfaotorer; Sold by JAMES FOX, Druggist, Brussels, LIME 1 LIME To those who Intend Building. Haying built a Lime ]:louse at the Ste, tion I will keep a supply of the Beet Fresh Lime for Sale suitable for ell Building purposes. Also WHITE BRICK Auc1 Plll'+tering Hair for `;ale. D. A. Lowry. BRUSSELS. I K 7' � glfi� rr I 11 r 10ENDALR: ' $loAYJUC!RE : G f E MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY THE FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its e0eots and never blisters. Readproore below: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURED) Dosis Carman Henderson Co., IR.,Feb.2a.14. Dr. D. J. ±tensa be. Dear St -s—Plane send mo one of your. Bono Books end oblige. I haveueed a groat dour of your Kendall's 5paybl Cure withood 0000050 • 15 As a. wonderful medicine. I once � d a mere that had an Occult Spnvin end nye bottles cured her. ; keep a bottle ou band all thctime. Yours truly, ones. POwsza. KEIIDALL'S SPAVIN GUREI Oe-aro8, Ho., Apr• 1,'ea. Or. B. J. Bonn= CO, "Besddls Spnvi Corea with. severe) bottler meccas. 0 think it the best Liniment l ever used, Rare ra nunedone Curb, ono Blood Spal•1„ and bided two Bono Spnvle . Have recommended it to several of my friends who are much pleased with and keep it, Respeotf,lly, 5,15, bur, P. 0. Boseld. For Selo by all Druggists, or address Dr. J). J. XD2TJ)A.LL 0021CJ'd-271; ENO5ae0G,1 FALLS, VT. 7rf. Hammerly, a well-known business n nn of Iilllsboro, era., bendsthle testimony to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla: 'iSovemt years age I hurt my leg, the iniurytray ng s sore which led to erysipelas. My sullerin s were extreme, to leg, from the idiom to the anile, beteg a solid sore, which began to ex- tend to otbar parts of the body. Aftortrying various remedies, I began takingAyer's Sarsaparilla, and, before I had finshed the firstbottle.1 experleaoed great relief• the soothed bottle effected a complete (sure:, Ayer's Sarsaparilla h•oparod by Dr. 3' 0..4yor& Co., Lowell,Mesal tare$ ottherSowill cure yoga NAM Featberbone Corsets must not be confounded with those which were made five or six years ago. The Featherbone Corset of' to -day is as far removed from the old style, as black is from white. BUY A PAIR AND YOU WILL BE PLEASED. Taylor illie Are now in their New Store, Dr. Grahar.'s Block, - Brussels. A Full Stock of Groceries, F.loior, Feed, Bread, (;rockery and Glassware, CHEAP AS EVER FOR CASH. 411 Saleable Produce taken at Highest Market .Prices, but no Credit haven. Commissions of all kinds Promptly Executed. Remember the BREAD and other Prices in Proportion. Goods Delivered in any part of the town. No Loafing or Spitting but bus- iness on Business Principles, Which we are aided in carrying out with 17 years exper- ience on both sides of the world. TAYLOR & SMILLIB. CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. Established 1871, Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 Gain for 1892, 2,000,003 W. 0. MACDONALD. Actuary. Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 New Insurance, 8,670,000 Gain over 1891, - 750,000 TIM NEW WOORITSONAL-AOOUmATiv POLICY Is Issued Only by the Confederation Life 3ssoeiation. f"'It is absolutely free from all restrictions es to residence, travel ani occupation from the date of issue. is ft is entirely void of all condition% 1 To is absolutely and automatically non -forfeitable, after two years. The insured being entitled to : (a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the further period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid Up Policy, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to se (c) Cash value, as guaranteed in the policy. President, Hon. Sir W.P. Howland, O.B., 1I.0.M.G, Managing Director, J. K. Macdonald. W. II. KERB, Agent at, Brussels. "Footprints Ori the Sands Of Time.91 . . . Looking at them closely it is not hard to be- lieve that some of them might have been made by ants, so very shall their step and so crooked their way ; excitable little creatures that with all their flurry never seem to get anywhere in particular, and whose whole interest seems to be that of turn- ing aside from obstacles. Others again, in the great length of their stride, remind 0130 of the mighty junap of the kangaroo, They are evidently getting somewhere, and on reflection it occurs to the observer that these must be the tracks of those shrewd merchants who 'got there' by jumping from one advertisement in THE BBussELs POST to anoth- er, and as we ponder their prodigious strides, these beautiful lines of the pont come to mind Footprints that porhaps another Sailing o'er fife's troubled main, Some forlorn and shipwrecked brother Seeing may take heart again