HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-9-14, Page 8T H 13 13,1T$SET4S r.Qp rte? Pll, , 1894 FOR PIOKLING 1 Deadluan's Roney 'Vinegar. White Wince Vinegar. AA Tiiede of Spleee, wlilell we entered -4u Pure, swill as1- Mum. bard, Turmeric, Celery Seed, Niue• lard Seed, Mace, Curry Powder, School Books We keep a full stoop of Public and High Sdhool Bookie and a line line of Scribblers, Note Books, Penoile, Compaaeee, and in fact everything required in the School Boom, IRemember the Old and Reliable Stand, I G. A. DEADMAN, Druggiet, Bookeeller, &a. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOOTHERS ESTEEMS N. G. & n, Trains lease Brussels Station, North nd South, ae follows: GOING SOUTH. GOING Nonni. Mail 015C a m. Mixed 9:45 am, Express 1159 am. Mall 8:18 p.tn. Mixed ......... 9100p,ri. Expose 8:40 p.m, n .Ora.. XIttos gismo. A ohiel's amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. FROST. COOL nights, Feer lifting is on the program. A MERRT•GO-ROUND may visit Brussels for a week. R. G. WsLeoN's new residence baa been veneered with brick. QUITE a number of our sports talk of going to Muskoka for a deer hunt. J. McArrixE, received 70 baskets of peaches for sale on Thursday of thie week. THE name of Mrs. Williams in the Council minutes feat week should have read Mrs. Wallace. NEW subscriptions are coming in at a lively rate. Trial trip for 25 cents in ad- vance for balance of 1894. SEVERAL of our residents will take in the Guelph Fair on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. A TRAVELLING troupe exhibited some World's Fair views in a tent near the Town Hall, one evening lost week. Tan Brussels apple evaporator has com• meuced work. Messrs. Mahler are de. siroue of purchasing any quantity of apples. Saimaa, Allen Wilkes and Annie Rooney will take part in the rapes at the London Fair next week. The horses are now in the Forest city. nom eighty eyes planted 7. G, Skene has dug 70 pounds of fine large potatoes of the Pride of the Market variety. J. G. is quite a model farmer on a small scale. A soma arrested at Moorefield by Oon. stable F. S. Scott, for till tapping at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, was allowed his liberty on account of hie youth, previous Food eheraoter end promisee to do better an future. Tim probabilities are that Jas. Walker and J. E. Brydgee, carriage makers, will enter into partnership, in the mean- time Mr. Brydges will be found at Mr. Wniker's shop, where repairs for the Fleury plow will be kept. IN another column will be found an open letter from a prominent physician relating the facts of aura of consumption a or the patient had reached the last stages of this hitherto unconquered disease. The statements made are really remarkable, and mark another advanoe in the progress of medical science. Our readers will find the article well worth a careful perusal. CLAY Eioeove.-A shooting matoh for a silver cup took place in Brussels laet Friday. The score ie a9 fohowe 1-W. M. Sinclair, 22 ; J. T. Ross, 22 ; D. 0. Ross, 21; A. 0. Dames, 19 ; J. Ballon- tone, 18 ; J, Hewitt, 18 ; J- Jones, 16 ; Dr. McNaughton, 18 ; J. Irwin, 13. The tie for first place will be shot off between Messrs, Sinclair and Ross. Toots AT THE G. T. It -A new cinder sidewalk has been put down at the depot and the platforms renewed where flues. sary.-Conductor Quirk took a epeoial ehfcursion train into TorontolaatTneeday en which were 1100 passengers.-Mesere. Baeker & Vaestone shipped three cars of live hoge from Brueeele Site week. -Large consignments of Fall and Winter goods for our merchants are Doming in. -Grain, twat and lumber are the chief outgoing shipments during the past week. -G. T. 12. Detective Bradley was in town looking up the robbery at the tieket ofmce.-A closed mail on the noon train would prove a great accommodation to business men. -Three care of peas were shipped by Messrs. Stewart & Graham to Mont. real for export this week. They also shippeda car of mill feed to Quebeo. Ina Maritime Peovivaes and the Pres. 8yterian Aseembly at Saint Joltn, New 73runewiok, supplied Rev. Jno. Rose the eubjeot,for a moat entertaining and in. etruolive lecture in Melville oheroh last Monday evening, The reverend gentle. man epoke for about 1e hones and gave a large amount of information concerning the past and present of the Eastern Prov- inces, Halifax, Annapolis, Montreal, Oa taws, Bay of Fundy, &o., well spiced -with witticisms, During an intermits. sigh in the lecture Miss Joan Ross read exthaets from the Story of Evangeline, The chair was 000npied 1 v J, H. Cam. anon, President of the f Iristian Endea- vor ander whose auspices the leoture was given. An excellent musical pro. gram was presented ae follows :-"Awake Aeolian Lyre," and "Departure" by the choir• "Raise me, Jesus," by Miss Lit. • Han Ainley ; a quartette, "Incline Thine Ear," by Misses Annie Stewart and Mary Boss and W. A. MaLean and A. W. Bose; solo, "David singing before Saul," W. A. MoLean. A vote of thanks was present. ad to Rev. Mr. Roes on motion of Rev. G. H, 0obblediek, seconded by Rev. 5, Donee, The meeting closed with the Benediction by .Rev, R. Paul. Proceeds about $20,00. 7188 few 80308 of typhoid fever in hens ale aro on the avay to 001valeseeint8, A litter 00 Winnipeg 10 0r0wded out this week, 11 will appear in next issue, 25 098're, in advance eeonree TIDE ROST for the ballanoe of 7894, fOry this trial trip. . R. Suing leoeltendi g a big overcoat sale 11 Toronto it e week and the public ehoul2 be oon7ltale eneog, watchmilliner, for greathoe bargainsreturn- , Mono A1 ed from her Fell purollaeing trip and le DOW preparing for the coming 8800008 9 tradAee, way be seen 1!y nobles elsewhere in this 18909 of Tim VOSM, the election ex - perms of Wm, Milne in the sate Provin- cial genteel in Eeal ldltrot was $82.26, A teeede01W010'8 Court was to have been held last Tueeday over a charge laid by Pater Hrb, of Greytownehip, against' three young men of his locality for tak• inp a bee hive, bees and honey, It was adjourned until Thursday. "Lara on the Rail and the People we meet" is the taking title of a Ieeture to, be delivered in Bruseele Town Hall, on h'riday evening, Oot. 1201, by the well (mown 0outluotor Snider. The lecture le witty, interesting and instructive. Mark down the date, Oot. 12. FIRE. -011e of the heaviest electric and rain eterme of the eeasou visited Harris• ton about 1 o'olock Saturday morning. Thos. Grill's barn was etruok with light• ning nod burned to the ground, together with all the season's orop. Ile was part- ly insured, but hie lose will be heavy. Mr. Grills le a brother of Mre, R, Leath. sedate's, of Brussels. Do You READ THE INSIDE PAGES ?-In addition to the advertisements, you may tine on these pages this week selections of poetry ; A touching Story ; The seven Provinces ; Distrint news ; Bite of Infer. mation ; Fige and Thistles ; Canadian news •, The Dean and his Daughter ; An electric Inuoheon ; The first llfarines ; Extraordinary freezing ; Women die• guised ea Men ; The heat of the Sun ; The business outlook - Clasped in a corpse's arms ; A frightful spectacle ; Practical farming; What Unole Sam. is at; Ideas in cheese making ; British troops in India ; and Grains of Gold. THERE were upwards of 60 passengers ticketed at Brussels station for Toronto on Tuesday. Among those who went were Bev. John Rose,7, D. Ronald, Jas, Jones and daughter, Mies Thompson, II. L. Jackson, Mre, Walter Jackson, Mrs, McKelvey 1 7 and Mrs. Gilpin, Addie Varcoe, R. Watt, 0. Zilliax and wife, W. F. Vanstone, R. Leatherdale, J, Lan. deshero and wife, Geo. Thomson, A. 11. Smith, Geo. Halliday, Mrs. Walter Smith, W. Blashill and wife, Mise Stew. art, Mrs. Harry James, J. A, Creighton, Mies Hoare. E. Armstrong. $156.00 was not a tied haul for the G. T. R. for one morning. MORE DOMIERIEe. Following up the burglary a' the residence of Geo. Cardiff on Wednesday night of last week and re- ported in the last ieeue of THE POST, the cash drawer at the G. T. R. depot was rifled on Friday night and about 012,00 taken. Ingress was made, it is supposed, by a skeleton key. The homes of T. Rally and Thos. Maxwell were also visit- ed but the sneak thieves frightened away. It is supposed by some that the burglars are not strangers to this locality and it ie to be hoped the arm of the law will reach them. Our residents should give every tramp and doubtful character the run. The night Mr. Kelly's residence was call• ed on the unwelcome visitor lighted a match by Miss Eastman's window. EDITORS AND NEwsPATE11a.-The Mild- may Gazette has changed hands, J. W. Green having sold out to Allan M. Book. -The Hensall Observer is the name of a revived journal in Huron County by Messrs. Schmnus & Oampbell. The first number is well filled with looal and dis- trict news. Fifteen newspapers in Huron County should 811 the "long felt want." Assizes, -The Fall Assizes open in Goderioh on Monday, 17th inst., Justice Falconbridge presiding. The (nimble1 calender contains the following eases :-Queen ve. Hugh McLeod, per. jury and false pretences, traversed from last Assizes. Queen vs. Thomas Smith, of Hallett, charge of rape on Winnie Graves. Queen vs. Joseph Stenzel, charge of rape on hie own daughter. Queen vs. John Jardine, jr„ attempt at rape on a child. NieuoIt1GALE INSURANCE. -The long delayed appeal in the insurance case of W. Nightingale, now of Alliston, former. ly of Brussels, came tip for hearing on Wednesday of last week before Judge Rose at Toronto. The following was the report of his lordship :-Nightingale v. Western Assurance Co. -Judgment on appeal by the defendants and arose.ap. peal by the plaintiff from the report of Mr. Toms, county judge of Huron, mot. ing as referee. Action upon a policy of fire insurance. The referee found that $3,930 was due to the plaintiff. The learned judge is of opinion that there is no evidence upon which $13,000 may safely be adopted ae the value in Jane, 1892 of the stock of goods insured, but that all the evidence upon analysis sup- ports a finding of $11,000, and the award should be reduced to 02,130, f, e., by $1,• 200, or 60 per cent of 02,000. In this reaped the defendants' appeal is allowed, and in all other respects dismissed. The plaintiff's appeal ie diemieeed. No poets to either party. W. R. Meredith, Q. C„ and Gerrow, Q. C., for the plaintiff. McCarthy, Q. 0., and W. M. Douglas for the defendants. GAME LAws.-No renege, elk, reindeer or Cariboo are to be killed before Oct. 25811 1895. No turkey8 are to be killed before Oot. 25th 1897, No beaver or otter shall be killed before Nov. let, 1897. The opets season for doer is from Oot 20th to Nov, 15611. No one person shall kill more that two deer in one year. The open Henson for quail is from Ootober 15th to Deo. 15th. For geese from Sept. 15th to May let. For duke from Sept. let to Deo. 16th, and no one person shall kill more than 400 in one season. No water fowl are to be bunted from Bail boats or steam yachts, or by mune of batteries, ewivel guns or sunken punts. No parson shall shoot any bird t11at is under the protection of thie Act between half an hour after sunset and half an hour be. fore satirise. The open eeaeon for the eable and marten is from Nov. let to April tat. Non.residente of the province shall not hunt any animal or bird with- out a license. The open season for grouse, pheaante. partridge, woodocok, snipe and plover is from Sept. 15th to Deo. 15th, and no person shall give away snipe, wooecook or partridge, no matter where killed, before Oet, 16tH, 1897. Thin aot does not apply to residents in unorganized districts who kill only to Meet their own necessities, D. Lowitlett Immo ran away last Mon- day upeettingg a 150luller of boys out ,et the rig. Sidney Ward ra teived a had blow aver his left eye in the fail, P41,1. Slrow,-In the SIlaot Miran pall Wm price list brood mare in the heavy draught cl008 he inadvertently omitted, also a herd of Jerseys, Pripet instead of diploma will be awarded for 118960, A mite full of goods unsold represents eo much money lying idle. The 0081 of selling goods by adveraieing them would, iu 80018 08808, be lees than the Interest which would olherwiee agorae On the un. eotd stook, DIEL. -Leet Friday Ralph Lund, an. aged pioneer of Weodetoelt and locality, peeped away to hie reward, He was an unole to Tilos. Corry, of Bruseele, aud bad reaohed the age of 82 ysare. The funeral took plane on Sunday. SARANAC won 2nd money in the 2.80 trot at Windsor on Saturday. He took the let and 3rd heats but Autrain beat him in the 2od, 4th and 5b1,. Serana0 did the mile. in 2.251. He ie a good horse and well h801618d by Dick Beech. roue Brussels youths moukeyed with the steamer of Jno. Browne thrsehing. machine one night last week, while it was in a Bald year the railway station and it coat them $2.00 to cobble the damage. There's bottling like minding your own business. Towlt B2Lb.-In re550n88 to the gall for a public meeting to discuss the question of purchasing a new town bell quite a number of our oitizene assembled In the Oounoh Chamber on Friday evening of last weals, The Reeve took the ohair and Jas. Irwin was chosen Secretary. Short speeches were made by Messrs. Creighton, Farrow, Leatherdale, Gerry, Scott, Van - stone, Irwin, Fletcher, Blair, Smith and others after which resolutions were pass- ed :-That the Celebration Oommlbtee and the Fire Brigade be asked to contrib- ute half the amount in their reapeotive treasuries ($108.00 and $80.00, respeotive- ly) toward the purchase of a bell, the Council being expected to provide for the balance. Mr, Farrow suggested a private subscription list if the above plan failed. Both of these motions were very indiffer- ently supported. A resolution that a new town bell is thought to'be a necessity was very generally upheld. A new bell will cost 20 gents per pound, plus duty and freight. 500 Or 000 pounds is thought to be about the necessary weight. Belle- ville is said to have a couple of bells for sale and oorrespondeuoe has been opened up as to prices, &o. At the next regular meeting of the Council the bell question wi,i be considered, Business Locals. FEED of all kiude at Stewart & Gro. bam'e. A sew croquet seta left at THE Poor Bookstore. Soo our single harness, white mounted, only $11. I. 0. Richards. Wanes and parte et Tim POST Book- store. Want to clear out stook. MILLINERY business for sale, excellent bargain. Apply at once Miss M. Home, Brussels, Tax our Pure Patent Manitoba flour. Best in the market. Stewart& Graham, Brussels. HAVE you tried our"White Loaf" brand of family flour ? Ohoioe quality. Stew- art & Graham. WE offer all our stook of obildren'e wagons at actual cost. Get one for your boy. I. 0. Richards. Totieross.-The undersigned is now able to supply the public with ripe Or green tomatoes of a superior quality by the bushel. TNos. KELLY Bruseele. . Om flour is for sale at all grocery stores in Brussels and surrounding villages. Give them a trial. Stewart & Graham, National Roller Mills, Brunetti. A rum assortment of B. F, Brook & Son's (Listowel) yarn always on hand, in all colors, two Or three ply. Also heavy mit yarn in fanny oolnes. Farm• er's yarn knit plain or ribbed. A full stook of hosiery on band ; extra sizes made to order. 7. Y.13, Kirk, Agent for Oreelman Bros'. knitting machines and British American Dyeing Coy. Wpm -Drum AND Donm ww.-George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and ie prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure eatisfaotion. Wells cleaned out and put in proper ebeee. Terme reasonable. Residence emend door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 84.tf BARGAINS IN WALL PATER. -2,000 rolls of beautiful American Wall Papers just to hand, bought at less than 50o on the dollar. Don't listen to clap -trap but come right along and choose at your own price. Elegant gilts at loo, 15e, 20e and 25c, formerly sold from 30o to 600. All papers hang perfectly at 10o, Come all and come quick, for they won't last. W. Roddick. WEOTEEN BxouneloN.-On September 11th and 25th and Ude 9th the Wabash Railway will Bell round trip tickets at about Bingle fare to all points in the Northwest, South and Southwest. All tiokete good 20 days from date of sale. Full particulars at Northeast Corner King & Tonga Sta. Toronto, J. A. Rich- ardson, Canadian Passenger Agent. The tin plate manufacturers and work- ers at Pittsburg have failed to agree on a scale of wages. The manufacturers say that under the new tariff a reduction of from 12imiss. to 80 per Dent will be nary, and the workers refuse this. Wm. Murray, 28, a clerk of the North British Mercantile Insurance Company, was held in $10,000 bail at the Tombs Polios Court Friday morning. He was charged with embezzling from the com- pany. It is said hie atealiogs will amount to $16,000. Kann, --In Morris, on September 6th, the wife of Mr. George Kerr of a eon. SCOTT, -In Blyth, on the 10th inst., the wife of Councillor T. W. Scott, of a eon. Hoattoe.-In Clinton, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr. Ed. T. Holmes of a SOD. Annruu»,-In Howick, on Tuesday, Aug, 28tH, the wife of Mr. Wm. Arden, of a eon. MoLetteui,IN.-In Gorrie, on Sunday, Aug. 20th the wife of Mr. N. Mo- Laughlin of te daughter. MAmexaxen73. LONG-Geonn511,-At the R. C. church, Logan, on Sept, 12th, Mr. Joseph Long, of Grey township, to Mise Maly Grubber, of Elute, Perth Co. .ST4ND%RD B4X.1C or $/4✓1'r4,L/4, HEAP QFFIQE, '- TORQNTO, Att5H7l9, . (Seven Million Dollars) T 0700,000 pARTTAL (411til0rieed) s e $2,000,000 tigenCies fit all prfncSpa1 patrht8 to _Ontario, Qutleo, JI2''Patteba, Vhlted $5Ptee 10lfvh95084. MAMAS Mrremota'• A General Ranking B 000 7a7e td N ee Diseoanted, Drafts denied and Collections made on all points, SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and npwa1de from date of deposit bo date;09 withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE COMMOTION Or FARMEne' SALE NOTES, Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance; J. A. STEWART, MA9Aoss, GILLII S & 010111-1:, BAITEERS, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts 13ougllil and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARM/1118 NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY, gar,rags Deafer ,DJj 97JJ.400. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates, Intereet 00121 - pounded Twice a rear, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of Ootober and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. 'We effect to -write- lnsuranee 150 old English or Canndlun Contrite -Wee, 09 In Mitt* nal COmpautes ne may bo desired. AGENTS Fon CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANADIAN ',EASE Or COMM4a04. RosenTeor-Donne.-At Rosehill, Blyth, 60 ; bulls, $2.25 to $8 ; extra export, $3.• the residence of the brides father, on 25 to $3,50. Hogs -83 care through ; 36 September 5th, by Rev. A. McLean, sale, inolnding 30 oars held over ; market assisted by Rev. R, Henderson, of Blyth. Mr. William Robertson, to Miss Mary K., daughter of Mr. James Dodds, all of Blyth. LIEeEMElt-HALLt1AN.--In Wallace, at the eteady and fair for. oorn fed hogs, slow and weak for others sales, good fed Yorkers, $0.15 to $6.25 ; grassy and Mich- igan, $5,86 to 11,6,10; good mediums, $6.- 55 to $8.45 to $0.50 ; choice heavy, $0.- home of the bride, on Wednesday, 60 to $6.75 ; roughs, $5.25 to $5.70. Sept. ' 51h, 1894, by the Rev. 0. S. Sheep and lambs -Six oars through ; 62 Finkbeiner, Mr. John E. Leisemer, sales, including 50 care held over ; mar billet agent at Listowel, to Mine Melinda Hallman, of Wallaoe. BATSMAN -LEADER. -In Grey, on Sept. 10th, at the residence of Mr. John Hill, by. Rev. G. H. Oobbledick, B. D., Mr. Henry Bateman to Mies Emily Franoie Leader, both of Grey township. azaa. LUND.-Pc Woodstock, on Sept. 7811, 1894, Ralph Lund, aged 82 years. LAweo8 -At Pilot Mound, Manitoba, on August 26th, Robert Lawson, sr., aged 45 years and 2.montbs. WALLAOE,--In Grey township, on Sept. 981, Rebecca, beloved wife of Robert Wallace, aged 63 years and 9monihe, TEA9nALE.-In rime, on -Sept. 8rd,Han, nah Teasdale, aged 80 years, 5 months and 7 days. 1010I.43 ASS.F.S-7TS- Fall Wheat 50 53 Spring Wheat .., 50 58 Barley 85 88 Peas 52 58 Oats .... ..., 25 26 Butter, tube and rolls.... 14 15 Eggs per dozen 8 00 Flour per barrel 3 00 3 50 Potatoes .,. 40 50 Hay per ton. .. 5 00 6 00 Salt per bbl., retail..,.., 1 00 00 Hides trimmed 3 Hideo tough le 2 Sheep ekine, each 50 60 Lamb skins eaoh..... 15 00 Apples per bbl.. 1 50 1 75 Wool 16 17 Pork, Live 4 00 4 25 INOEnaoLL, Sept.1lth.-Cheese offerings to -day :-2,400 boxes of August make. No sales ; buyere and sellers apart. Tono1mo, Sept: 11th. -Market dull and inaotive.-Wheat-Oar lots of new white wheat offered, G. T. R. west. at 52o, and on the Northern at 540 ; No. 1 Manitoba hard quoted at 670 west, and 85o Mon- treal freights. -Flour -Straight rollers, Toronto freights quoted at $2.50 to $2.70. -Peas-Choice lots of new peas sold at 550 north and west, and 56o middle freights west. -Oats -New white sold west at 27o, and mixed at 280 and 26,50. -Barley-Old feed selling moderately, but nothing of any amount has been done in new atop malting barley. Burre10, N. Y., Sept. 11.-Barley- Reoeipte 30,000 bushele from Chicago. Shipments none. Tim bulk of the west. ern barley here is held at 60e, but bal- eters ae a rule are bidding at from 55o to 58c. Nothing done in Canada. No. 1 west ern quoted et 62o to 690 ; No. 2, 590 to GU ; sample 54 to 580. At New York -The market opened to -day with a sale of 6,000 bushels No. 2 Milwaukee, to arrive at 60eo. Only a few small lots of spot borley available, quoted at 60o to 65o. At Milwaukee -Receipts, 14.000 bushels ; shipments 7,000 bushels ; mar- ket firmer ; ,5o to eo higher for mall lots ; No. 2 58eo to 540 ; extra No. 8, 584° ; No. 8 barley 52eo. At Ohioa o-Reoeipte 188,000 bushels ; shipments 31,000 bush- els ; market steady ; No. 2 quotable at 54 and 54ec. Tononeo, Sept, 11.-Tbe Western oat. tie market today was wall attended, and buying was very active, everything offer- ed being sold ; 74 ear loads were on tale besides 800 hogs ; 1,457 sheep and Jambe, prioee remaining at last Priday'e range ; in export cattle there was no change from prices last quoted, 0,5u to 4$o per Ib. being the range. Meagre, Scott, of Galt, James Eakine, of Port Rope, and Rogers and Halligan were the principal buyers. In butcher's cattle the trade was pretty good and prioee firm. 'Half a dozen ear loads went to Montreal. Most of the tales were from 8o to 8ea per lb. for good cattle, but a few sold for 8550 per lb. In lambs ehoioe beought $3 per head, and occasionally a litple over. By the pound lambs sold at 30 to 810 ; rams brought 34; export sheep from 30 to ; butchers' sheep went elowly at from $2.. 60 to $3, according to weight. Bogs sold well at 5ie per lb., prices being unchanged from last week; 60 calves were offered and sold at unchanged prices. :EAST BUrr'Lo, N. Y„ Sept. 11, -cattle -25 tare through ; 8 on sale ; matket, steady and strong for good, ripe, fat eat. tie, slow for othere ; good to choice steer8, $4,60 to 65.15 ;'light steers, $8.25 40 03: ket dull and lower for all kinds of Iambs; good mixed sheep barely steady ; sales, good to choice lambs, $4 to $4.25 ; fair to good, $8 to $3.74 ; culls, $1.75 to $2.25 ; mixed sheep, good, $2 to $2.50 ; choice, $2.75 to $3 ; Dulls, $1 to $1.50. Sheep and lambs -Later reoeipte put 12,800 bend on sale, Market oloeed dull end weak, with a number on hand. A few loads of good Canada lambs were sold at $4.35, the top price of the day. Toronto, Sept. 3.15. London Western Fair, Sept. 18.22, Kingston, Sept. 17-21. Teeewater, Sept. 18-19. Guelph, Sept. 18-20. Palmerston, Sept. 24-25. Goderioh, Sept. 25-26. Woodetook, Sept. 25.26. Paisley, Sept. 25 26. Wing:,am, Sept. 26.26. Harriaton, Sept. 25-26. Zurich, Sept. 20.27. Brantford, Sept. 26-28. Stratford, Sept. 27.28, Brampton, Sept. 27-28. Seaforth, Sept. 27-28. Belgrave, Sept. 27-28. Arthur, Oct. 2.8. Paris, Oot. 2-8. Mitchell, Oct. 2 8. Clinton, Oot. 2.3. Wroxeter, Oct. 2.8. Chatham, Oct. 2-4. Walkerton, Oot, 2.4. Luoknow, Oct. 8,4. Elora, Oct. 4-5. Brussels, 00t. 4 5, Clifford, Oot. 10.11. Dungy. •..on, Oot. 11.12. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. LOST. -BETWEEN BRIJ5- BELB and Wroxeter a roll o2 music, the Piano parts of Brussels Orchestra. The finder will confer a groat favor by leasing it at Tan ROST Publishing House, BICYCLE FOR SALE. -WE Have in stock a fine English Bicycle with pheumatia tires. It has been used about a month and although prnntioally-as good as new we will sell ata 2nd hand pride. Call and Bee it. G. A, DEADaf480, Druggist, &o, TIMBER FOR SALE. - THE 1 Undersigned has about 20 or 90 acres of timber for sale, including Pino,Hemlook, Black Ash and cedar, on North Dust half Lot 28, Con. 8, Morris, Sate, terms will be given. For pride and other particulars ap- ply to 4-60 -100138 ASHTON, Lot27. Con. 7, Morrie, or Brussels, P. 0, frELBE SHING OUTFIT FOR Rale. -Tho undersigned offers for sale his Abel Engloe and Separator, both in good walking order. He will also dispose of hie shingle mill. Beason for selling, ill health. A bargain will be given, For further partlonlare es to price, terms, &o., apply to RICHARD MITCHELL; 0.tt Lot 15, o n.%Grey, or OranbroDkP,O. ►TENDERS FOR THE PUR- CHASE of that valuable mroper'ty known of Brewed's,lwi lbeareoelvvedRink by the under. signed up to the 10th of September next. 'She owner is determined to Bell the above property if he receives a reasonable offer, as he Duda it too much trouble to look after it, living as he does at a distance. For further particulars, apply to the underelgu- 0d atBBrrussels, G. Ir. BLAIR, Sotto tor, REAL ESTATE. "RAMS FOR SALE,—THE UN- J- DERE/GEED. has several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms in Townships of Kerrie and Grey, F 8. soOTT,Bruseels, ABM RENT FORA. NUM- nun of years. Bald farm beteg Lot N i' 27 slid 11. W. pt 28, Con. 0, Morrie, °en- taiuing 100 acres. For further particulars apply to JOHN 8100N705, Brussels P. 0. or to W. 0.8TRETTON 1,audoaster, Ohfo,_ .(ARM FOR .SALE,—TIB UN- - DEn610NEn olPere hie splendid 200 acro farm, being Dote 17 and 18, Oon.0, Grey, for sale, About 180 acres cleared, bathed flood- ed. Good.briek horse, bank barn, orchard, &a, Will watered - nun feuoed. For price, terms, &0,,.01,1417, W11L5Ht9 - - A, tl, Proprietor, 52.0 Ethel P.O. SCJ300L SUPPLIES 1%1, ,. Wo carry a complete stools of all the jatest Books fop Public and 7iigil SAliool Purposes, Also Scribblers, Exercise Boobs, • Colored ,Crltyons, Slates, Pons and Facileto BAP - ply the World. One 15e, Writing' PAde -'I are 6018185. Try them. I 4B' ode„ moi' g, DRUGGIST Attu STATIONER. Opposite Queen's Hotel, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -p L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, er, Mons made. Oftioe-Vauetone's BJ. . Rolicito,•end oonveyanolock, Brue. eels. - 21.8mOolleo. T T M. SINCLAIR, Y 1 Loan.• Solietter Oouveyaneer,NotaryPub- lie, &o. 011105-'Vauetoeee Bleak i door north of central Hotel, Private Wands to r•IAMERON HOLT & HOLMES, Barristers, Soli0ltore, Notaries Public), Ooderieb, Ont. M, 0 CAMERON, Q. 0., S 13mI1 HOLT, F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, solicitor, &a. pate of Garrow & Proudfoota Oifoe,Goderioh.) Ofllae oyer. . Gilllee & Smith's Bank, Brussels, Money to Loan. 47 DENTAL. 1D 32 INT 'X 1 %Pr M. OAVANAGH, L• D 6., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and 0f Taranto Uni- versity. Onion -Over A.R. Smith's Store. Brueseie, Will visit Wroxoter the 1st and . 8rd Mondays and Blyth the 2nd tied 4th Wedneedayeofoaohmonth. , DR, DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal 0ollege Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridgework a speofalty. Moder- ate 6ffioueBabrohopuihBr bele. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, f/ • Honor Graduate of the outwit. Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domeetinated animals in a o0m- potent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry, Calle promptly at- tended to, Whoa and Indrmaly-Four doors uorth of bridge TurnberrY 58., Bruse019. H. 38100RE, V. 8., . H.M.,V, M. S. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Diseasesofall domesticated animals treated on eoieutifio p7rinoipples. Horse dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a speoialty, Calle promptly attended to. 011lee, over Johnston & Coch- rane'e marble works, Infirmary at Beattie's livery barn,eruseele, Ont. 20. MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. V 0, 711., L.A. 0.P., Edinbu gb M. 0. P. S. Ont, Residence and olhoe in Wilson's Block, corner of Aldi and Turnberry Ste. J-• 14I. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Physician, Burgeon Aaooucher, etch Graduate of Toronto University Medloal Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. OrrIOE-Next door to McDonald & Oo., Walton Ont. AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMAN11, • Auctioneer, is alwaya ready to at- tend Bales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terme eltenrfully given. 0ranbrook P.0. Sale. may be arranged at Tan Posm Publishing House, Brussels. ( FORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auotionoor. Sales conduct on on reasonable terms. Farms and farm ntocka specialty.. Green left at Tan Poem PubitehingHoueo,13ruseele, or sentto Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, . HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- 6E ae an Auctioneer I am prepared to conduct ealee oilmen stook at reasonable every person I am in a position to f 0811 rto good marks and got good merits, wbeu sold on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mea coil. 82- )I' S. 50077. BUSINESS CARDS. WH. MOORAOKEN, • Isenrer of MarriageLieenses, Oflge at hie Orooery, Turnberry street, 8rueeele.. N. BARRETT, • Tonsoriai Artist. Shop -Next door south of A. M. Mo:tiay & 0o'% hardware store. Ladles'and obildrone hair (eating a speofalty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 110011111804, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A HUNTER, Clerk or the. Fourth Diviefon Court Oo. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan and Insurance Agent, Funds invested and to loan. Collections made.. OAlce in Graham's Block, Brustels, MISS O'CONNOR, R. T., • MISS of instrumental music on Piano or. Organ, Will visit Wingbam Tues- day and Wednesday of eeoh week. ROM, donee on,Prlueeas Btreee, Brunets. TA. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M. • Organist in St. John's Oburah, Bros. eels, and pupil, in the Art of :Teachhi of A. W. Thayer, afue,lloc.,Now York, will give loseone to pepiis either on piano or organ, at }ire parlor over A.R. Smith's store; Brue- sele, Vocal lessons also given, TOrMS mod - orate.