HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-9-14, Page 66
On limo for the early mails) at
"Tile Post" Stolon R11b118Ifing Ifouso,
'l,'VAI\hit03AX ST.,.Bitu00218, Door.'
Tim= or Sonscmrsxox,-One dollar and
a half a yeariu advauee, The date to which
very subscription is paid ie tlenetsd by the
ate on the address label.
ApynnTie0nO BATlle.-The following retail
will bo eh:ur'ged to twee who advertise by
areon 1 -1 Ylt, i 0 000, 3 mo
One Column 800.00 800.00 020.00
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Quarter � .�,,... 20.00 18.00 8.00
T]en _en
Dight cents per Due for Arat inoortion, and
three cents per line lar °sob subsequent in.
portion, All advortieements mcaaurod ail
Nonpareil -12 lines to the tush.
Business Cards, 0100 Enos and under, 05
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Advortisemouts without spooitio dire°.
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charged accordingly.
Instructions to change or dieoontinua au
advertisement must be left at the 0nuutiug
room of Tau PORT not later than Tuesday
of each week. This Is imperative.
NV. 50.1. EU.I0,
Editor and Proprietor.
I was sitting at my breakfast table one
Sabbath morning.when I was called to
my door by the rng of the bell. There
stood a boy about 14 years of age, poorly
clad, bet tidied up as best he could.
He was lettning upon arutobes, one leg
off at the knee. In a voice trembling
with emotion, and tears coursing down
his obeeke, he said :--"Mr. Hoagland, I
am Freddy Brown. I 130.08 come to see
if you will go to the jail and talk and pray
with my father. He is to be hung to-
morrow for the murder of my mother.
My father was a good man, but whiskey
did it. I have three little sisters younger
than myself. We are very, very poor
and have no friends. We live in a back
alley in a dark and dingy room. I do the
best I can to support my sisters by sel-
ling papers, blacking boots and odd jobs ;
but, Mr. Hoagland, we are awfully poor.
Will you Dome and be with us when
father's body is brought home ? The
governor says we may have his body
after he is hung."
I was deeply moved to pity. I prom-
ised and made haste to the jail, where I
found this father.
He acknowledged that he must have
murdered his wife, for the circumstances
pointed that way, but he bad not the
slightest remembrance of the deed. He
Mid be was crazed with drink or be never
would have committed the crime. He
said :—"My wife was a good woman and
faithful mother to my little children.
Neither did I dream that my hand could
be guilty of such a crime." The man
could face the penalty of the law bravely
for bis deed, but he broke down and cried
as if his heart would break when he
thought of leaving his children in a
destitute and friendless condition. I
read and prayed with him and left him
to his fate.
The next morning I made my way to
the miserable quarters of these children.
I found three little girls upon a bed of
straw in one corner of the room. They
were clad in rags. They were beautiful
girls had they had the proper care. They
were expecting the body of their dead
father, and between their °ries and their
sobs they would say, "Papa was good,
but whiskey did it."
In a little time two strong officers
came, bearing the body of the dead fa-
ther in a rude pine box. They sat it
down on two rickety old stools. The
cries of the two children were so heart.
rending that they could not endure it
and made haste out of the room, leaving
me alone with this terrible Beene.
In a moment the manly boy nerved
himself and said "Dome, sisters ; kiss
papa's face before it is cold." They gath-
ered about his face, smoothed is down
with kisses, and between their sobs oried
out : "Papa was good, but whiskey did
it." "Papa was good, but whiskey did
I raised my beart to God and said :
"0 God, did I fight to save a country
that would derive a revenue from a traf-
fic that would make one Beene like this
possible?" In my heart I said : "In the
whole history of this accursed traffic
there has not been enough revenve de-
rived to pay for ono snap scene as this.
The wife and mother murdered, the
father hung, the obildren outraged, a
home destroyed." 1 there promised my
God that I would vote to save my coun-
try from the rule of the rum oligarchy.
I there promised that a political party
should never again have my vote that
was too cowardly to declare for absolute,
uncompromising prohibition. Tiers is
but one such party, and I vote that I may
finish the work at the ballot box. A sys-
tem of government that derived its rev-
enue from results each a2 are seen in this
touohing pioture must either ohange its
course or die, unless God's law is a lie.
'Che Seven Provinces.
British Columbia is the largest of the
Provinces and embraces an area of 382,.
000 square miles.
Prince Edward Island ie the smallest -
The smallest of the seven is the most
densely populated, having e. little over 54
people to the square mile, while the
largest is the most sparsely peopled, with
a little over three square miles to each
There ie coal in four out of the seven
Provinces, Nova Scotia, being the great.
est, produces an output of about two and
Et quarter million tone per, annum.
British Columbia ie the greatest gold
producer, the prodnet of her minae for
thirty years having been veined at forty-
six and a half million dollars.
Nova Scotia has the most valueblefish.
arias, her annual catch averaging about
seven million dollars in value.
Quebec takes the lead in the supply of
timber, her output of saw logs amounting
to 5,000,000,000 feet board measure, and
of square timber to three and a quarter
million oubic feet.
Ontario is the banner oheeee Province
the production running up to about eight
million dollars a year.
Combined, the whole coven have re-
sources unequalled by those of any other
country in the world.
a,i cl,tlaow.
The Sentinel is holidaying this week,
Angus herr, who hae been on a trip
through England, Ireland and Sootldnd,
h o errivoa home,
George A0iddloton, of this village, hoe
purchased the dairy 'minims of Prank
Greer, of I1)nloss, and will Carry it en as
J. W, Armstrong left for Fleshsrton'on
Thursday- of last week to sea his father
who isdangerouslys
ill withiaart trauble
e result of bush fires in the vioiuity
the barn of Alex, Seymon, Reeve of the
township of Greenock, was burned with
all its contents.
Wm. IMurdook met with a painful mi.
dont at the apple evaporator near the
station, He was turning the Crank that
le used for elevating the trays to the dif-
ferent departments when the handle slip.
ped out of hie band and Amok him a
terrific blew on the left eye, iniliating an
ugly wound and blackening the whole
side of his face.
Tho ineandesoent lights throughout the
town are dying excellent eer0i00.
The dredge which hae been working
through Hay swamp, 10 now working in
Stephen township.
The team of elk offered for solo by
Alex, Dow was purchased by Wm. Bats,
den and A. L. Tenant for a good atm.
A. Q. Bobier shipped a carload of eggs
(15,000 dozen) to Vanoeuver, B. C., last
week. They were alt gathered in about
12 days.
A. A. Ward, of the Moleone Bank here,
has a unique chick, hatched late last
Spring that commenced laying about
three weeks ago.
Joseph Cobblediok, wbo for nearly two
years has successfully (meditated a hard-
ware business in town, disposed of the
same to H. Bishop, of Parkhill.
Orchard robbing ie a matter of general
complaint about town, and some of the
owners have adopted measures that give
a severe and lasting lesson to the depre-
The Exeter Creamery which was
closed down a few weeks ago was put up
at auction on the premises and after con-
siderable time was sold to A. Q. Bobier,
for the sum of 01,300. The building and
appliances when put Were a little over a
year cost 55,400.
T. A. Brown, who for nearly three
years has been Principal of the Exeter
Public School, tendered his resignation
and will cease teaching at the expiration
of the present term, Mr. Brown has
aooepted the position as editor of the
Oobourg World at a salary of 51200 per
Dakota has a 80,000 acre farm.
New York hae a woman cobbler.
West India people eat alligator eggs.
The thirty-two teeth in the mouth of
John MoDarby, of Salmon Fella, Mass.,
are all double.
A woman's tombstone is the only one
in England upon which the epitaph is
written in shorthand.
A yew tree, said to be three thousand
years old, is still flourishing in a ceme-
tery at Darley Dale, England.
A planter in Apalachioula, Fla., has
grown e.n immense cabbage ; a single
stalk with four well-developed heads.
A freak of nature, a large tree which
pessess8° the characteristics of a pine and
an oak, may be seen near Ashburuham,
Mass. In the Fall of the year pine burs
all n one side and acorns on the other.
f o o
The smalleet bible in existence hae re-
cently been issued by the Oxford univer-
sity press. It is three and three-quarter
inches long, two and one.eigbth inches
wide and eeven.eightbr of an inch thick.
A New York hatter hae just made a hat
eight and three-eighths in size. The
length and width are nine and a quarter
by seven and a half. This, be says, ie the
size necessary to the oomfort of the man
with the biggest head iu town.
John Boyd Thaoher, of Albany, N. Y.,
lute presented that city with the original
bill signed by Queen Anne and Earl Go-
dolphin to compensate Albany's first
mayor, Peter Sehnyler, for taking four
Indian chiefs to England ie 1710.
A dwarf residing at Shigaken, Japan, is
30 years old and bat 17 inches high.
The officials of the Chinese empire are
divided into nine different grades or clue.
ser, distinguishable from one another by
the button worn on the cap.
Mount Ararat, the resting place of the
Scriptural ark, is in reality, two moun-
tains separated by a valley. The highest
peak is 17,210 feet and the lesser 13,000
feet above sea level.
Four men in ever six use tobacco.
The 23,000 newspapers in America em-
ploy 200,000 men.
There are nearly 3,000 stitches in a
pair of hand -sewed boots.
One-third of the deaths among Ameri-
can Indiana are due to consumption.
The Johnsons out number the Smiths
by 700, in the Motto directory.
The men employed in a Michigan bas•
kilt factory make a grape.basket apiece
each minute.
The largest euro ever ached or offered
for single diamond was 52,150,000,
which the prince of Hyderabad, in India,
agreed to give the jeweler who then own.
ed the Imperial, which is considered the
finest stone in the world.
Thimbles made of lava are used in Re-
Parrots 00801)00 ten sante eaalr to the
dealers in Central America.
The best oorke come from Algeria.
There are 2,580,000 acres of cork forests
in that country.
It is estimated that nta'dy 20,000
pounds of broad are daily eaten in the
Sultan of Turkey's household.
The native countries of the tallest and
shortest people in Europe, the Norwegi.
ahs and the Laps, adjoin each other.
Although Costa Rica is only about half
the else Of the Provinoe of Ontario, its
list of birds number 730 species. It is a
country of foreotr and of all sorts of oli-
matee, from the torrid see coast to that
found at an elevation of 11,500 feet, the
top of the volcano Irazu, where ion forms.
111. Deibler, the veteran executioner of
Parie,'bae beheaded 220 persona. Be is
always balm end never loses his head.
Ouida le said to bo eo proud of her
smell and beautifully shaped hands and
feet that in Summer and Winter, out -of.
doors and in the house, she wears sleeves
that fall just below the elbow, and thin,
lbw -cut ellppore.
The order., and decorations of Prince
Bismarck, if worn three deep, would
Dover the breast of a man six feet morose
the shoulders, The ex•chanoellor is said
to wastage more of those honors than any
other man in E0rol.e.
Pekin boa0ts of 80,000 beggars,
The Indian population of Arioona is
given, out as being 00,0777.
In Saxony about 70 poo vent. of bila
warkingwon earn less than 415Q a year.
A. laborer in Washington had kis voice
destroyed by being overooino with the
Only native or naturalised citizens are
permitted to work on .the streets of Nev
Dedfel( , 101 ass.
The neat inhabitants of the far North
did notdrew their wet.,
rue -rib sleds themselves,
A typewriting Arm in New 'York says
that on an average thirty plays a week
are sent 00 their office to be copied.
The 470 -citral diamond froth the South,
Afrioan mines, of which 270 carate are
being taken off by the diamond ()utters of
Antwerp , is almost ready for sale.
A family at Marinette, Miele, has rtte
out of muse, so their latest arrival bite
been ohrietened "Thirteenth."
8 Among the uneducated whiter at Ala-
bama there le a popular superstition that
10 a colored person kisses a baby twice on
the month, the teething period will be
easy to the child,
A couple of Pittsburg, (Pa.) boyo pink'
ed up a physician's small medicine sheet
that had fallen out of his buggy on the
road and ate so many of the sugar coated
pine that they nearly died.
"Well, I'll be gosh darned if I ever
seen a oar shoved along with a fishing
pole before," said an old farmer 60 Toron-
to the other day, as he witnessed for the
first time the operations of the trolley.
A new ebbe has a ventilated toe.
A patent hae been issued for a look
which can be operated only by a magne-
tized key.
A man in Paris has iuvouted a new
kind of snuff mode of tan and pounded
baked apples.
John Jacob Astor, is the inventor of an
automatic road sweeper, on which he has
taken out It patent, and which, 11 is
claimed, will be of great service in °leer-
ing roads of duet and other obstructions.
A French novelty in the way of a time-
piece is a floral block, the long hands of
which sweep above twelve flower bode,
each being different from all the others in
the colors and variety of flower. The
hands are moved by subterranean me-
The tallest policeman in the United
Kingdom ie Constable Daly, one of the
members of the Royal Irish constabulary.
I.1 is 6 feet 8} inches in height. Among
members of We same force, Sergeant
Moffatt, of Ballyehannon, stands 6 feet
5} inches.
An Motel 1{ an's Story.
Storeyed Intensely From ItItoanudisnr-
Six Doctors end Mineral Springs 1,111.
echo 11r,11, hien-Row IIC E t a
care -Ills Wire Also ttesturwl to
liealt4-AdvIce 10 Others.
Prone the Toronto World.
One of the most popular officers at the
reoent meeting of the Masonic Grand
Lodge of Canada was Rev. L. A. Betts,
of Brookville, Greed Chaplain for 1803-
04. While on his way to grand lodge
Rev. Mr. Betts spent some time in Tor.
onto, and among other points of interest
visited the World office. It seems natural
to talk Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to any
one hailing from the home of that world-
famous medicine and incidental) Ube
conversation with Y
Mr. Bette turned in
that direction, when he told the World
that he had that day met an old friend
whose experience was a most remarkable
one. The friend alluded to is Mr. John
Soby, for many years proprietor of one
of the leading hotels of Napanee, bat now
a resident of Toronto, and proprietor of
one of the Queen City's newest and finest
hostelries, the Grand Union Hotel, op-
posite the Union depot. The World was
impressed with the story Mr. Betts told,
and determined to interview Mr. Soby
and secure the particulars otitis case for
publication. Mr. Soby freely gives his
testimony to the good done him by Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. A fete years ago
rheumatism with its attendant legion of
aches and pains fastened upon him, and
he was forced to retire from business.
"For months," said Mr. Soby, "I suffer-
ed and could find no relief from doctors
or medicines. The disease was always
worse in the Spring and Fall, and last
year I wee almost crippled with pain.
From my knee to my shoulder shot pains
which felt like red hot needles. Then all
my limbs would be affected at once.
Half-a•dozen doctors, one after the other,
tried to Dore me, but did no good. The
rheumatism seemed to be getting worse.
As I had tried almost everything the
doctors could suggest, I thought I would
try a little prescribing on my own ace
count and purchased a supply of Pink
Pella. The good effects were soon per-
ceptible, and I procured a second supply,
and before these were gond I was cured
of a ,malady six doctors could not pat an
end to. I have recovered my appetite,
never felt better in my life, and I give
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills credit for thie
transformation. My wife, too, is just as
warm an advocate as I am. A sufferer
for years she has experienced to the full
the good of Dr. Williams' invaluable
remedy, and reoommende it to all women.
"From what trouble was your wife suffer-
?" asked the reporter. "Well, I can't
just tell you that," said Mr. Soby. "I
do not know, and I don't think she did.
It's just the same with half the women.
They are sick, weak and dispirited, have
no appetite and seam to be fading away.
There ie no active disease at work, but
something is wrong, That wee just the
way with my wife. She was it martyr to
dyspepsie, never in perfect health, and
when she saw the ohange the Pink Pills
made in me she tried them, The mar-
velous improvement was just as marked
in her case as in my own, and she Saye
that her whole system is built up, and
that the dyspepsia and sick headaches
have vanished. She, as well as myself,
seems to have regained youth, and I have
not the slightest hesitation in pronounc-
ing the remedy one of tile most valuable
discoveries of the century. Let the
doubters oall and tee me and they will be
These pills are a positive cure for all
troubles arising from a vitiated condition
of the blood or a shattered nervous sys-
tem. Sold by all dealers or by mail,
from Dr. Willtama' Medicine Company,
Brockville, Oct„ or Soheneotady, N. Y.,
at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 52.50.
There are numerous imitations and sub-
stitutions against which the pablio is
S]0Px, 14,1894
Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi-
demic, is always more or loss prevalent,
The best remedy for this complaint
Is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
"Last Spring, I WWI taken down with
IA GOMM. At times I was completely pros.
trate, and so 1ilit0ult was my breathing'
that my Urease seemed as if confined in an
iron. nage. I eorocured a bottle of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began
taking It than relief followed, I WoiOd not be-
lieve that the effect wouldbe so rapid and the
cure so complete. Itis truly awonderfulmed.
iclne."-W. 01. W1nnrA'us, Crook City, 8. D.
YE 95
Cherry Pectfti°al
Proalnptto act, sure to cure
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village l'ro-
lterty at
6 &6,'a Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repltyiug when rognire:l.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division ('newt Clerk. l3rugsels.
Paint Tow? Ecuse
Papering this Spring?
If so, now is the time to consult us. The
sorted stock in the County, to hand
comprising the following :—
GRAINS, with gorgeous freizes and ceil-
ings to motels.
Also the Handsomest stock of window
shades ever shown in the County.
Nothing but the purest Leeds and Oils
that can be fotmd in the market used in
all our work. Farmers mud others hav-
ing old rigs to paint come and see us at
once. Satisfaction guaranteed.
House, Sign, Carriage and Decorative
P. S.—Thanking all old customers for
their favors duringthe past twenty years
I have been in business I solicit a con.
000001nc0 of the same and the patronage
of the people generally for thonowfirm.
W. RODD lair.
Certain in rte offsets and never blisters.
Reed proofs below,
0380.01 Darman Henderson Co.,
Dr, R.S. $nonan . Co.
Dear Sira-Please send me ono' of your Horse
Honks and oblige. nave used a groat deal of your
Kendall's Spavin Duro with geed success 1t is a
wonderful medicine. I untie had it mere that had
an Deo 11t 0,",vin and aPe bottles eared her. 1
keep a bottle on band all Octane.
Yodr0trllly, Upas. POwsLL.
Dr, D. 3, Klemm CO.
Correa, Me.,Apr. t,'96.
Dear Sire -I AAVs used several bottles of your
Spavin Ouro" with much auaemss. I
think It tbo beat Liniment I ever. need. D'aee re-
meuertone Onrbr one plead Spittle end Med
two Ilene Spaying. Have recommended' 1t to
several Of my felonde who aro much pleased with
end keep it, fteepsetf"ltyy,
S. IL. ItlY, P. 0410,318.
For Bate by all Druggists, or address
Or. D. J`. YCEND4I.L CO2f.7'.NY,
00088310034 FALLC, VY.
Here is an Alphabetical Arrange-
ment of School Supplies kept
in Stock at THE POST
Big Values in Buy our 300
Lead Pencils, Page Scribblers.
Free Blotter with Every
6 Cent Purchase,
Alphabet Cards and Bloolts.
Blotting Papers,
Book-keeping Blanks.
Copy Books,
Composition Books.
Drawing Books.
Exerniee Books,
First Books.
Fourth Hooke,
Fifth Books,
Just try TUE Poex Bookstore.
Keep up with the Times.
Look -out for Bargains.
Multiplication Dards.
Natepapere, New, Neat, Nobby.
Our supplies bound to please.
Pencil Sharpeners,
Pen Holdere,
Pencils, lead and slate,
'Pencil Boxes,
Pen Knives.
Queer how we sell so Cheap.
Rabbet Erasers.
Seoond Books,
Bohol Bags,
Third Books.
Values are Right at THs Pose Bookstore.
Writing Pads.
Soelient Paper and Envelopes.
You Save money by Buying from us.
Zealously guard your pocket book,
tit Buy your supplies at Tnn POST.
Fancy Goods Albums
At Cost. Away Down.
��� =Br�issels Phmo�aplier
Is now prepared to take. Photos. of
every Description from the Small
Sunbeams to the
We have just received our
which is doing splendid work. Views or
Pic-nic Parties and Residences can be
taken on the shortest notice by applying
at the Photo. Gallery.
Step in and give us a Call. Always welcome at
the old Reliable Photo. Studio in Strett on Block,
over Standard Bank.
9 il
Is Showing in his New Premises,
Opposite American e °tel,
A b'n11 iSntcoclofof lGNSEtFOR •
Parlor, IDinillg Rl,oOln, Bed Boom or Kitchen.
Picture Fr"ainz.iaj attended to o72 short notice.
Undertaking Department)
A Full Supply of Funeral
Requisites Always in Stock.
Special Attention given to Repairing.
D. G. HOGG, Brussels.