HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-9-7, Page 8TUB
7, 1894
Deadman', 1Ionoy Vinegar.
White Wille Vinegar,
All, Rinds of Spioee, which we
guarantee Pure, tench as 1— Nue.
tard, Turmeric, Celery Seed, ll'lua•
Med Seed, Mare, Curry Powder,
&o„ &9•
School Books
We keep a fell stook of Public
and High Sdhee' Books, and a fine
Uue Of Soribblere, NOLO Books,
Pencils, Compaseee, and in fact
everything required in the Sobool
IRemember the Old
and Reliable Stand. I —"
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
Trains Woe Brueeele Station, North
nd South, as follows :
Mail (004 a.m. 11/fixed 9:45 a
Express' 11:09 a.n. Mail ............ 8:15 pan,
Mixed 9:00 pz7,Express ...,...9:46 Pan.
Komi. Yteivs ltcuts,
A. Chief's among ye taldn' notes,
An' faith he'll prone it.
Balms=Ls School Board will meet on
Friday evening of next week.
THoar.ts Grosos, M. P. P. has donated
$2.00 to the;East Huron Fall Sbow.
LAME social nu the Metbodiet church
lawn on Thursday evening of this week.
THE Co. Treasurer's sale of land for
taxes will take plate at Goderioh on Tues.
day, November -27th, at 2 o'clock.
W. Gnewao pitched for the Clinton
bese ball club against Galt's crack team
at Clinton on Wednesday of this week.
SEVERAL of OM townspeople attended
the marriage of Miss 0. Davis, and Ur.
Ferguson at Ethel on Wednesday even.
A. CoesLEY has seamed an assistant, a
young gentleman named Coueley. He
will not go to work in the Batik for a few
TILE Scottish games, held in Laoknow,
on Wednesday, didnot attract many
Brneselites as there have been too many
holidays of late.
J. McBiort, of this town, won the 100
yard foot raoe at Monet Forest games
last week in a lively contest with profes-
sionals. He also won in several jumps.
JAMES OLIVER has moved the smaller
of the two buildings on his lately ac-
quired property and is having a found.
ation put under it as well as other neces-
sary improvements.
To keep up with their flour orders
Stewart & Graham are running their
mills night mai day. They report liberal
sales of their flours for the Quebec
market. They shipped 2 cars this week.
LAST week W. Bright finished the
threshing of this season's orop of flax at
Brussels mill in advance of nearly all
the other Livingston mills. The next
operation will be lifting, stacking and
'switching. Mr. Bright is a rustler.
Tus weekly rows by intoxicated men
will continue in town until Iuspeotor
Milleroaecel, a hotel license. Every
man found drunk should be promptly
taken to the lock-up, allowed to sober off
and then fined for his misconduct.
The publishing of a list of these offenders
would have a wholesome effect.
A NUIIREs of business men have com-
plained of damage done to their premises
by boys and young men congregating on
Sabbath or fo the evenings along the
store fronts and while there defacing
wood or brick work by knives or other
instruments. Awnings have also been
interfered with. An example will be
made of a few if this dumanly practioe
is continued.
GRANn Tager Tooxs,—A double -decked
oar of sheep was chipped to Boston last
Monday, for export, by Messrs. Olegg &
Dames. The same gentlemen also board-
ed a car of cattle for Montreal.—"Saran•
Re,' the speedy trotter, belonging to J.
Dnlmage,of Wingham, was forwarded to
W' idsor on Tuesday to take part in the
Fall races.—Passenger traffic is livening
up for the Toronto Exhibition. The
fare next Tuesday will bo $2.60.—The
'Owen Sound branch of the G. T. R. is
now open for traffic,
SUDDEN DEATH,—Chas, Pelton, brother
of R. S. Pelto t, of the Atwood Bee,
died quite suddenly last Friday at his
home in Innorkip. Last year he was
kicked in the head by a horse, his skull
being crushed, and for menthe he hover-
ed between life and death. Strange to
say he reoovered and has enjoyed fairly
good health, occasionally complaining of
pains in his head. His death is
said to have resulted from a
clot of blood lodging on the brain.
Charlie was a bright, industrious young
man and was universally beloved. The
deceased was a enusin to Mrs. R. G.
Wilson, of Brussels_
BISALBSTATI3 Puncrren.—Messrs. Stew.r
rift eft Graham, of the National Rolle
Fleur Mills, have finally completed the
purchase of these mills, bailees, lots and
farrn in connection with the mill privilege
also the stores on Turnberry street now
ooeopfed by James i'rtcAlpine as a res.
taurant and the other by Jas. Jones,
jeweller and Wm, M. Sinclair, solicitor,
&c., from the British Canadian Loan and
Investment Om, Toren to. : he late ownere.
They have, we underst •,rd, scoured this
•iproperty on very favorale teems and we
take this opportunity of wishing them
beery success in their investment. Since
these milia came under their control last
•'itfl, they have done and are doing a
40 9 'let& inoteasing business in gristing
and shopping else merchant work,
shipping large quantities of their noted
brands to Quebeo, Halifax, &o., weekly.
Farmers can always depend upon getting
in exchange for their wheat first-class
patent flour also °hopping on the eborteet
notice. They also bay all kinds of stain
at the mills and at their storehouse, No.
1, et the station, paying the highest
market prices going,
Janes Baoi,AN'rxou hue traded his. •(Meam
pony to TSr_:dobnsten, of Goderiob, and
now Lae a likely etyoar-old driverioetoad.
I aunn Day was not generally observed
ae a holiday in Brueeele, although the
postoliice, hauls and a number of the
bueinsee plaoos were closed.
Doe'T forget the pubho meeting this
(Friday) evading to discuss ways and
means of purollaeing a new town bell,
Oounail Chamber at 8 o'clock,
W. F. SCOTT, w110 is gebbing;ioto his
old time form, Wan four 1st prizes, two
2nd, and one 3rd at the Sone of Soutland
games at Mount Forest last week.
UWATIODIST Sabbath school pia-nio will
be held in Mr. Davidson's grove on Tues-
day afternoon of next week, Wagons
Will leave the ehureh between 1 and 1:80
0, A, DEADtrati 10 attending the In-
dustrial Fair in Toronto with a large
exhibit of honey. hie takes a foremost.
rankae on apiarist tied ie well versed la
A ATEDIOINE man Was the chief attrao-
tion on the area last Monday evening,
As he dealt out his "wonderful" remedy
he amused the orowil by his more won,
derful experienoee.
THRs week we publishthe certified
statement of expenditure of Thos, Gib-
son, M. P. P., in oonuention with the
regent Provinoial eleotioe, the amount
being $119 in round figures.
EAST HURON Fall Show prize lists for
1894 have been iseued and a copy has
been mailed by the Secretary to every
exhibitor on last year's list. No merlon).
tnrel Show in Huron County touches
ours as far as awards aro oonoerned.
PIM/MM.—D. A. Lowry, Queen street,
brought to THE POST Publishing House,
last Monday, a small limb cut from a
plum tree in his garden on which were
scores of plums. They were of the Lom-
bard variety. It wan a wonderful prolific
A GAMBLING outfit was opened up on
Monday forenoon on the street and a trap
set for greenies but the managers of the'
table were promptly informed that fakirs
were not allowed to work their games
here and the performance was brought to
a close.
Two Firs Engines; a chemical fire ex-
tinguisher, hook and ladder wagon, and
hose reel from the Ronald Engine Works
were shipped last Saturday to Toronto,
where they are now on exhibition at the
great Fair. E. W. Melsom, engineer,
left Bruseela on Monday morning to take
charge of the exhibit.
Jon BALL,NTYNx, Jas. Ross and Joo.
Hewitt Looe a hand in the Gun Ulub
competition at Mitchell on Wednesday of
last week and in the sweepstakes were
well to the front. Seaforth won the
silver cup in the shoot and as they intend
putting it no for competition, we under-
stand, Brute els may ye; possess it.
Lrrnesze:s—The following are the
selections for literature frmn Fourth
Reader, for Entrance to High Schools,
1805 :—Tom Brown, Plantes of Memory,
Vision of Mirza (both readings), On Hie
Own Blindness, Deserted Village, Flow
Gently Sweet Afton, The Bell of Atri,
Lady Claire, The Heroine of Veroheree,
Landing of the Pilgrims, After Death in
Arabia, Robert Burns, The Ride from
Ghent to Aix, Canada and U. S., Nation-
al Morality and Scene from King John.
NEweraroRuAL —F. Bradwin, of Satur-
day Night, Toronto, has purchased the
Blyth Standard from W. H. Irwin. The
new proprietor took possession this week.
—Geo. Robinson, the tramp printer, who
was arrested at Kincardine for stealing,
has been sentenced to six months in the
Central Prison.—The Plaindealer, the P.
P. A. paper started -in Owen Sound about
six months ago, has ceased to exist. It
did not find a field for its operations, and
hence it died for want of patronage.—
The Beaverton Express had the misfor-
tune to be oonenmed by firs. Its plucky
publisher, J. J. Cave, promisee to once
more have the Express in running order
in a new offioe in a week or so.—The
Palmerston Telegraph has been sold to
G. H. Mooney, of Wingham, who will
remove it to Ripley and start an Inde.
pendent newspaper in that thriving little
village. How Ripley will support two
papers is an unsolved problem.—Bou.
Green, a Chatsworth character, insulted
Editor Blythe, of the News, and was re-
warded for his chin music by getting a
rap on the jaw from Beer Blytbe's cane.
The knock cost the editor 88 and costs—
more than Bob's jaw was worth, accord-
ing to our totem's estimate of bis repu-
LECTURE, MELVILLE Gnsootl Y. P. 8. 0.
E.—A lecture on "A. Trip through the
Maritime Provinces and the Land of
Evangeline" will be given in Melville
aburoh, Brussels, on Monday, Sept. 10bh,
1894, by Rev. John Roes, B. A. Synop•
sis of lecture :—Travel .and talk ; new
places and faces ; the monk, and this
world and the next ; from Brussels to
Saint John, N. S.; l o for the Assembly ;
private care ; Montreal ; scarcity in a
land of plenty; some big things ; Presby.
terial "vaoanoiee" ; "That last piens of
pie" ; between Montreal and Saint John
on the Short Line ; Maine ; Avenging
Flodden and avenging the Ashburton
Treaty ; in the city by the sea ; a pleas-
ant home ; the Assembly; its Moderator;
Commissioners and typical commission.
ere ; discussions ; inoidente ; enjoying a
battle ; "Only a boy" ; Homer's "'dim
ay" • beauty of the city ; buildings ; "the
great fire ; noble river ; unique falls ;
tides of the Bay of Fundy ; two notable
monuments ; fog and dry eermone ; on
board "City of Monticello" to Digby and
Annapolis ; Old Acadian capital ; far-
famed Annapolis Valley ; in Paradieo ;
Grand Pre ; history of the Acadiane ;
story of Evangeline ; (sxtraota from
"Evangeline" by Mise Ross] ; old church;
Gaspereau Valley ; Thomson's "Castle of
Indolence" ; a contented life ; on to Hal.
ifax ; Brutaday ; harbor, citadel, gar-
dens ; military contort ; book to Saint
John ; a Sabbath in Montreal; prooee-
sion of Saint Jean Baptists ; two oily
services ; to Ottawa ; the bridal car and
the journey of life ; who should marry ;
a wife a good thing ; at the oapital ;
Ohaadiere]alle; Houses of Parliament;
au hour in the gallery of the House of
Commons; the speakers we heard, in-
cluding both leaders ; the game of poli-
tics ; serious work ; homeward bound ;
grandeur of Oanada ; the gem of the Do.
minion ; "Wish yon all at home" The
following pieoes of movie will be rendered
during the evening "Awake, Aeolian
Lyre," by the choir ; "Raise me, Jesus,"
by Mise Ainley ; "Incline Thine ear," by
quartette ; "David singing before Saul,"
by W. A, McLean ; "I would Fly," by
male quartette ; "Departure" by ahefr.
The meetiug will begin et 8 o'clock, Sin.
gle tickets, 1.0 cents ; family tiokets, 80
cents. J. H. Cameron, President Min- `
nie Cooper, Secretary.
A OAP of bi•islt was eoelvs4 by D. A.
Lowry thio week. '-
25 05515, In advance, se02res Tum 17051
fee the balance 0018V4. Don't borrow
any longer.
.Qu Titursdey of last week the sewore
on Turnberry street were fbuebed by the
town fire ongfne,
Snore) Gnowleri.—On Thursday of this
week a sample ofeeoond orop straw.
berries was left at Tun Pon. They were
grown in D, I'Iaiete's garden cud were
well ripened,
IBvto'onarori,—Mahler Bros., who 05'11
We . apple evaporator in Brussels, are
here now putting the factory in shape
and are prepared to pmobase any Tiara.
thy of apples. They hondlecl a large
amount of fruit in 1892 and are anxious
to ant- do their record this esa5on.
Lase friday the Elope° of Refuge Dom-
minae appointed by the 0o. Council met
at Clinton and decided to ask for tenders
for the ereotion of the proposed building.
Said tender, will be received by the
Cotnmitbee and they will report at the
December session of the County Oounoil
when it is expected the contract will be
Mt. lb is said that the 60 acre lob
chosen a5 the site can be sold' to=day at
en advance of 910.00 per yore over the
prim ,paid for it by the County lush June.
This is satisfactory evidence of the value
of the purchase,
73uaoLAnv.—Wednesday night the reel.
dance of George Cardiff, John street, wan
burglarized, and two gold brooches and
50 Dente taken from a bedroom bureau
drawer and a silver watch with gold
chain and loclteb, belonging to Mies Addie
Best, appropriated trona a' watch wall
mase. INntrauoe was effected by the re-
moval of a mosquito net from one of the
parlor windows, the tacks being carefully
planed to one side. Whoever the intruder
was he was minus a light exoepting what
some matches afforded, the burnt re.
mains being found on the floor. The
burglary was not discovered until Thurs•
day morning. It was a brazen pieoe of
ODIT.—Tho Kincardine Review says :
Mrs. S. H. Laird was visiting her sister,
Mrs. George W.,Lodge, of St. Thomas, a
few weeks ago. Mrs. Lodge was in ill
health and Mrs. Laird perenaded her to
come up to Kincardine, believing that the
cool air off the lake would benefit her.
They arrived here Saturday night, the
18th'inst. On Sunday and Monday Mrs.
Lodge was in especially good spirits but
at 4 o'clock on Monday she fell into oon.
vulsious and although everything human
sympathy and medical skill could devise
ems dune she never recovered. She died
Tuesday uioruie4 at 1 o'alook. Mr.
Lodge oame up on Wednesday and the
body of the deceased lady was taken to
St. Thomas for interment. She was 28
years of age.
Fool BALL.—Monday a game of fo6t
ball was played on Vioboria Park, Brue-
eele, between the town beam and the
Wingham olub. The visitors were con-
siderably heavier than our boys but this
did not prevent the home eleven from
charging on the Wingham goal which
was valiantly defended by goal keeper
Buggin and backs Stuart and Coulees.
Half time went past without either team
snoring but shortly after Brussels won a
goal which the Winghamites disputed in
the face of the deoieion of Referee (who
was from Wingham) and umpire. The
result was a jangle and a desire on the
part of several for a free fight and then
the game ended with little satisfaction to
anybody. Our boys can out play their
opponents, however, but these unseem-
ingly squabbles sicken onlookers who go
to see foot ball and no scrapping bees.
Wingham was short one player and
drafted in J. Bollinger who did his part
well. Following are the members of the
respective clubs and position played :-
00000150.0. w 1GILAAI.
W. Armstrom' Goal . F. Buggtn
L, Jaalreeo I O. Stewart
1t Roee f Backe 1 E, ooultee
1. Forgusou (... J. McDonagh
G, Anclereon t Backs .....W.Vanstone
A. Sample J. Hollinger
W. Dodds Centre 0 • Rendereon
W.S tewart LG• S tewart
0. Shaw fR. wing Lockridgo
J. McRae W. Allenby
R, F erguson L.Wing 1 .,,•.••,,,J. Allenby
E , H. Dover, Referee,
Maitland Presbytery will meet iu
Wingham on Tuesday, 18th inst.
Rev. R. Paul will preach Edueatiooal
eermone at Londesboro' next Sabbath.
Rev. D. Millar preached at Walton last
Sabbath. Rev. Mr. Forrest occupied
Knox church pulpit in this town.
Rev. Mr. Wood, of Wingham and Rev.
W. G. Reilly, of Sb. John's church,
Brussels, exchanged work last Sabbath.
The General Conferenoe of the Metho-
dist church of Canada convened in Lon.
don on Thursday of this week. The
sessions will 000tinue for two or three
Rev. G. H. Oobblediok and family ar-
rived back to Brueeele on Tuesday of
this week. The reverend gentleman will
ocoupy his pulpit next Sabbath as both
Dr. Moray, returned missionary from
Formosa, leaves in a day or two on a trip
to Scotland. He will return again to
Woodstock before leaving for the mission.
ary field.
drew MaoNabb, M, A., was ordained to
the office of the holy ministry and induct.
el into the pastoral charge of White-
church and Langside by the Presbytery
of Maitland, Thursday, August 30th.
Rev. J. Malcolm, Moderator of Presby•
tery, presided, Rev. G. Ballantyne
preached ; Rev. F. A. MacLennan de-
livered the charge to the minister, and
Rev. D. Perrie addreaeed the congre-
gation. Mr. MaoNabb received a cordial
welcome from the congregations. A lawn
social was held at the manse in the even-
ing. Rev. Mr. MaoNabb oomes from the
Vale of Leven, near Glasgow. The
Whitechuroh Peeebyteriaus purpose erect-
ing a new oburch next 'year, the preteen t
one having served its day.
Business Locals,
FEED of all kinde at Stewart & Gra-
A Few croquet sate left at THE Pose
SEE our single harness, white mounted,
only 911. I. 0. Richards.
WAGONS and carts St THE POST Book.
store. Want to clear out stook,
Tnw our Pure Patent Manitoba flour.
Beat in the market. Stewart& Graham,
Brume e.
Bus's you tried our"White Loaf" brand
of family Sons ? Ohoice quality. Stew-
art & Graham.
8Tr/ 5N°l41W,D .%34XIt OF 04X4.4,
i[I- fa.17,6,'J3r.,ZO'Gz.. ,231"-0 o.e7P, ,.
ASSETS, . (Seven Alilliou Dollare) _ 97,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) $2,000,090
4geneles its all f70100ilrai pinta he OOtivrie, Quebec, Muoitoba, United $ta(se (.0 Btitllattd.
A General Eanleing By5ineee Traneagted, Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Drafte Issued and Collections made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards Prom date of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living ata distance,
B R, U s,' 7C S,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts J3ought and Sold on
i11 points in Canada, United States and Great Britain,
waves , iti'Pag °d3,, °,W7.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April. Speoial Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We eisect to write Insurance In old English or Canadian Companies, or in Alut-
uat Companies us may be desired.
A FEW first-class wagons left. Cheap ;
at Jas, Walker's. Also a few buggies and
parte at cost.
WE offer all our stook of ohildren'e
wagons at actual oust. Get ono for your
boy. I. 0. Richards. •
WANTED, at once, a young gentleman
or lady to learn Photography. Apply at
H. R. Brewar's, Photo' Studio, Brussels.
TOMATOES.-Tbe undersigned is now
able to supply the public with ripe or
green tomatoes of a superior quality by
the bushel.
Tons. KELLx Brussels.
Oun flour is for Bale at all grocery stores
in Brussels and surrounding villages.
Give them a trial. Stewart & Graham,
National Roller Mills, Brussels.
A rum. assortment of B. F. Brook &
Bon's (Listowel) yarn always on band,
in all colors, two or three ply. Also
heavy mit yarn in fancy colors. Farm•
er's yarn knit plain or ribbed. A full
stools of hosiery on hand ; extra sizes
made to order. J. Y. S. Kirk, Agent for
Oreelman Bros'. knitting machines and
British American Dyeing Coy.
WESTERN Exounsiosu.—On September
llth and 25th and Cot. 9th the Wabash
Railway will sell round trip tickets at
about single fare to all points in the
Northwest, South and Southwest. All
tickets good 20 days from date of sale.
Full particulars at Northeast Corner
King & Yonge SM. Toronto, J. A. Rioh-
ardson, Oanadien Passenger Agent.
The steamer Miranda, which left St.
Johne, Nfld., with the Cook Arotio ex-
pedition July 27th, has not been heard of
einoe, and fears ars felt for her safety.
She had 90 souls on board.
Cousnox.—In Brussels, on Sept. Stb, the
wife of Mr. Andrew Oonsley of a eon.
CAVANAGIL.—In Brussels, on Sept. 5th,
the wife of Dr. DI. Cavanagh of a
FEROUSON—DAVins.—In Ethel, on Sept.
5th, et the residence of the bride's
parents, by Rev. D. B. McRae, Dr.
Ferguson to Mies Charlotte, daugh-
ter of Mr. J. M. Davies, both of
AR'rTSSFJT,S esecsiaareeitwx.m.
Fall Wheat 50 53
Spring Wheat 50 58
Barley ... 35 88
Peas 62 58
Oats 26 26
Butter, tabs and rolls14 15
Eggs per dozen 8 00
Flour per barrel 3 00 3 50
Potatoes .. 40 60
Hay per ton 5 00 6 00
Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 00 00
Hides trimmed 3
Hides rough 1} 2
Sheep skins, each 60 60
Lamb skins each 16 00
Apples per bbl.. ..... 1 60 1 75
Wool 16 17
Pork, Live 4 00 4 25
Bnarst ILLm, Ont., .Sept. 4th. --At the
oheeee board to -day only 125 boxes of
white August were boarded most of the
cheese in this seotion having been con -
traded. No sales were made.
INGERSOLL, Ont. Sept. 4th. -Cheese offer-
ings to -day were 1,000 boxes, August
make : sales 376 boxes at 10,}0 ; 10io re-
fused for some lots, although 109 was the
general bid: Market quiet, but firm.
EAST BUFFALO, N. Y., Sept. 4th.—Cab-
tie—Ten oars ; easy ; only a peddling
trade.—Sheep and lambs—Twelve oars ;
a few Canada lambs ; good to fanoy
wetbers, $3.25 to 4 ; good to extra iambs,
including Oanadae, 94,16 to 94.76.—Hoge
—Twelve cars : beet hogs sold up to 56.-
25 ; generally $6 to 96.10.
Tonozoo Sept. 4t1a.—Market quiet.—
Wheat—Car lots in slow demand by mil•
tors, at 51io for red winter, and 52o for
white west ; Manitobas in poor demand ;
holders offer No. 1 hard at 680 west, and
70o east.—Flour--Straight rollers in wood
Toronto freights quoted at 92.66 to 92.70.
—Peas—Ten cars bought north and west
freights and middle freights west, at 56o
for export.—Oats—Mixed quoted west at
25o and white at 26n.—Barley—•Feed
selling at 38o west, and 89e to 40o east
choice to fancy malting barley quoted at
40o to 45o at inferior points according to
John Swan & Sons, limited, Edinburgh
in their weekly report of August, 14th
say ;—There have been fairly large sup-
plies of borne and Irieh fat gabble. Trade
generally has been quieter, at a reduc-
tion of 20s a bead from last week. Fat
cows meta lately good trade at about
previous' prices. At Yorkbill there have
been larger numbers of Canadian oattle,
bub fewer from the Status, and though
prioee for this class of stook would be
about 20s a head cheaper a total olear-
anoe was effected. Fat sheep and lambs
have been offered in larger numbers.
For the beat descriptions a good demand
was experienced, and prioee well main•
tained, but secondary qualities and ewes
made less money. Fat calvesare a large
show, and they made rather more money.
Pies were shown in fair numbers and
made about lest week's prioes. Milk
COWS were shown in small numbers, and
met an active trade at advanced prides.
Best home beef 7s 9d to 8e ; States 6s 9d
to 7s ; Canadian, 6e 9d to 7s and down
to 65 per stone; according to quality.
Beet mutton, 8d to 81d ; secondary, 7*d
per lb.
Toronto, Sept. 3-15.
London Western Fair, Sept. 13.22.
Kingston, Sept. 17.21.
Teeswater, Sept. 18.19.
Guelph, Sept. 18.20.
Palmerston, Sept. 24.25.
Goderiob, Sept. 26.26.
Woodstock, Sept. 25.26.
Paisley, Sept. 25 26.
Wingham, Sept. 25.26.
Harriston, Sept. 26.26.
Zurioh, Sept. 26.27.
Brantford, Sept. 26.28.
Stratford, Sept. 27-28.
Brampton, Sept. 27.28.
Seaford], Sept. 27-28.
Belgrave, Sept. 27.28.
Arthur, Oot. 2-3.
Paris, Oot. 2-8.
Mitobell, Oat. 2 3.
Clinton, Oct. 2.3.
Wroxeter, Oot. 2.3.
Chatham, Oct. 2.4.
Walkerton, Oat. 2-4.
Lucknow, Oct. 3 4.
Elora, Oct. 4-5.
Brussels, Oot. 4 5.
Clifford, Oct. 10:11.
Dungannon, Oot. 11.19.
sEx,e and *rotator a Sdll of must., the
Piano parte 61 Brussels Orchestra. The
finder will confer- 4. great favor by leaving
it at TnE PorT Pabllshfag House.
Have in stook a fine English Bicycle
with phoumatio tires. It has been used
about a month and although practtoally as
good as new we will sell at a end hand pries.
Call and see it.
G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, &e.
11 tindceigned has about 2pp or 80 mores of
timber for sale, including PIue,Henilook,
Black Ash and Cedar, on North East half
Lot 28, Con, 8, Morrie, Easy terms will be
given. Fur price and other particulars ap-
Lot27, Con. 7, Morris, or Brussels, P. 0.
Sale.—The undersigned offers for sale
his Abel Engine and Separator, both in
good working order. He will also dispose of
his shingle mill. Reason for selling, ill
health. A bargain will be given.. For
further partioularo ea to price, terms, &o.,
5 tt Lot 15, Con, 9, Grey, or Oraubrook P.O.
ocean of that valuable property irnown
as the Maitland Skating Rink in the Village
of Brueeele, will be received by the under.
signed up to the 16th of September next,
The owner is determined to sell the above
property if lie rooslves a reasonable offer,
as he finds it too meet trouble to look after
it, living as be does at a distanoe. For
further particulars, apply to the undersign-
ed at Brussels, O. F. BLAIR,
Bin Solicitor,.
DnneIoxmn bac several good Forme f or
sale and -to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morrie and Grey. F 8, SCOTT, Brussels,
BER of yeare. Said farm being Lot
N 4 27 and N. W. pt 28, Con. 5, Morris,con-
taining 100 aoree, For further particulars
apply to JOBE M00NE'Y, Brussels P. 0.
or to W. 0, BTRETTON
Laudoeetor, Ohio.
12 DEnerGNEO offers his splendid 200 acre
farm, being Lots 17 and 18, Oon, 6, Grey, for
sale. Abcnt 180 acres cleared, balance wood-
ed. Good brink liouae, bank barn orchard,
&e. Well watered and tented. barn,
terms, &c., imply to
A. G. WELSH, Proprietor, Ethel P.O.
We carry a complete stook
of all the latest Books for
Public and High School
Purposes, Also
Scribblers, Exercise Books,
Colored Crayons, Slates,
Pens and Pencils to sup-
ply the World.
IOno' 15n. Writing Pads
aro daisies. Try them,
Opposite Queen's Hotel.
e Solleitor and Conveyancer, Oolleo.
tions made. Ofneo—Vanetono'sBlook, Brae.
0518. 21.8m
lr 1I..• Solicitor Conveyancer Notary Pub.
Ho, &e, Oeioo-'Vanstone's Block t door
north of Central Hotel, " Private Funds to
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public:,
Goderiob, Out,
DUDLEY immune..
Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow &
Proudfoot'e 0111oe, Goderich.) Office oyer
Gillies & Smith's Sauk, Brussels.
Money to Loan, 47
Y)1t7PS' TXke'Tf
M. CAVANAGH, L. D S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeous, Ontario, and of Toronto
varsity. Oregon—Over A.R. Smith's Btore,
Bruseela, Will visit Wroxeter the 1st an d
8rd Mondays and Blyth the Sud and 4th
Wednesdays of each month.
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal Oollege Dental Surgeoae.
Crown and Bridge work a epeofaityy, Moder-
ate Fees. Satisfaction Assured. Office over
Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry Ste, Brus-
0.1 • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentlatry. Galls promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary Four doors
north of bridge •rurnberryste Bruseeis.
lit H. MOORE, V. S
H. M., V. M. S. Graduate of the
Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all
domesticated animals treated on scientific
11irinehp les. Horse dentistry and diseases of
horned cattle a specialty. Calls promptly
attended bo. Office, over Johnston & Oooh-
rene's marble works. Infirmary at Beattie's
livery bern,Brussels, Ont. 20.
• C. AI., L. R.O.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P.
S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson's
Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Sta.
Physician, Surgeon, Accoucher, etc.
Graduate of Toronto 'University Medical
Faculty, Member of College of Physioiane
and Surgeons,Ont. O2FIOE—Next door to
McDonald & o„ Walton Out,
.1-R-• Auctioneer, to always ready to at.
tend sales of farms, farm stock, &o, Terme
cheerfully given. Oraobrook P. O. Sales
may be arranged at Paz Pon Publishing
House, Brussels.
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
,don reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stooks specialty. Orders left at Tan POST
PubliehingHouse,Brueaela, or sent to Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention,
eE as an Auctioneer, I am prepared
to conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable
prices. linowingthe ebacding of nearly
every person I ani in a position to -sell to
good marks and get good seourlty when sold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed, Give
me aeon. 82- F' S. 300TT,
• IsaurerofMarriage Licenses. Moe
at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussole,
• Tonsorial Artist• shop—Next door
south of A. M, Mo2ay & Oo'e hardware store.
Ladies' and ablldrona hair ousting a Apeolaity
Clerk of the Fourth Division. Wert
Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Lund Loan and Insurance Agent, Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made,
Office in GrahameBlock, Brussels.
Teacher of instrumental mueio on
Piano or Organ: Will visit Wingham Tues-
day and Wednesday of each week, Reel -
donee on Prinoses Street, Brussels..
m A. HAWKINS,, M. C. S. M.
-L • Organbet in 8t, Jobn'o Church, Bruer
sets, and pupil, in the Art of 'Teaching of A.
W. Thayer,Mue.noo., New York, will give
homes to pupils either ort piano 01' organ.
at hie parlor over A, R. Smith's etore,Brun-
gale. Vocal leesonsalso glycol. Terms mod-