HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-8-17, Page 3n AUG, 17, 104 leolitecterseresewscemeteeeleasetetwaistreusestirowereseeteseeenteseerese Town Directory. l2i ornt Onunou,—Sabbath Services at li a m and 6:80 p. S,unday School at 2:20 p m, Rev, J'oltu 1f,osa, i3' A, Pastor, Ifmox Ouunan.--•Sabbath Serviette at 11 a m and 6:30 p m. Snnday School at 2180 p m. Bev. D. Millar, pastor, til:?e-.,1 See JOHN'S Onuuoll,.—Sabbath Services at 11 a to and 7 p m. Sunday Sobooi ab 2:30 p,' m. Rev. W. G. Reilly, ineum. bent. Meerronlar Cnunoxx.—Sabbath Services at 10:30 a m and 0;30 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 p m. Rev, G. H. Cobble. dick, M A, 33 D, pastor. Bon1AN - OATTIOLra Ouuaan,—Sabbath 0erviee third Sunday in every month, ab 10;30 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest, SALVATION ATOM—Service et 7 and 11 a m and 3 and B p m on Sunday and every evening, in the weak et 8 o'olook, at the ban:oks. Oen Femme's' Loo every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. MAsosxo LODGE Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A. 0 17 W Lamm on 1st and 8rd Friday evenings of eaoh month, in Blas. hill's block. .0 0 F Lome 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month, in Blaehill's block. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L U L 1st Monday in every month in Orange Hall. R T of T, 2nd and 4th Tuesday's of eaoh month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. Soso of SCOTLAND, let and 3rd Tues. clays of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. LODGE, 1st and Brd Thurs- days of each month, in Vanstone block. Hong Cxncm%, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in Blaehilt's Hall. Pose OrpxoE.—Office hours from 8 a, m. to 7 p. m. Mrsonesxcs' ImexxxuTE.—Library in Holmes' bleak, will be open from 0 to 8 o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 5 find 0. to 8 Saturdays, Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Tows Consox1,—W. H. Herr, Reeve ; W.31. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and S. Wilton, Conneillore ; F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, collector. Board meets the let Monday in each month. SCmmer, BOARD.—Rev. Ross, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid and J. N. Kendall ; Seo.-Treas., It. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. POBLIo SonooL TEAox:Elts.—J. H. Cam• eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Miss Downey and Miss Cooper. BoAlID IF HEAL'rn,—Reeve Kerr, clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNaughtou, Medical Health Officer, Nealtor ter.. The Sun is bolidaylugthis week. Our Curfew bell by-law is nob enforced. The ball is rang but the kids still orna- ment the streets. Rev. Nail Shaw, pastor of the Egmond- ville Presbyterian ohuroh, has recovered from his recent illness. The Seaforth Methodist church choir are running an exonreion to Niagara Falls on the 18th inst., at a very low fare. The Excelsiore, of Brampton, defeated the Beavers, of Seaforth, 4 goals to 2 on Friday afternoon, at Seaforth, before an immense crowd. The Mitchell lacrosse team played the Seaforth juniors the same day, resulting 3 to 1 in favor of Mitchell. Loyd Hodgine, son of Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins, who heads the list of those who wrote at the Entrance examination here, obtained high marks on every subjeob and a total of 507. Master Loyd is only 12 years of age and deserves credit for the excellent standing he took as this ex. amination, writing as he did, from a junior department in the public school, taught by Mies Watson. Exete r. Chas. Snell, has been appointed to the vacancy made by the death of Thomas Trivitt as Division Court Clerk. Frank Knight bas disposed of his fancy black team of ponies and rig to a man in Woodstock, for a handsome sum. Mrs. S. Gidley reoeived a telegraph message on Tuesday of last week from Montreal informing her of the death of her brother.in-law, Wm. Oarr. The anneal Fall Fair, under the aus. pioes of the Stephen and Usborne Agri- cultural Sooiety will be held on their grounds, Exeter, Sept. 24 and 26. ret a regular meeting of the Sons of England, it was decided to bold a union pic•nio at Grand Bend, consisting of all the societies and citizens generally of the town, on oivio holiday, Friday, August 17. The Voters' List for the Village of Exeter for 1804 has been oonspleted and acoording to the municipal law has been posted up by the town :lark. The total number of persons on the list is 504. Last year it was 543 so that there has been an increase of 51. There are 440 peraons qualified to vote at both munioi, pal and Legislative Assembly eleotions ; 135 at municipal elections only, and 13 as manhood franohise voters. 1Luel>,uo ay. Frank Greerof the boundary West was stricken with paralysis and now lies in a prooarioas condition. In dmining the Caledonian Park, n good job has been 'lone. The grounds nee per- feetly drl'. Wm. Johnston, who lives near Belfast, and whose mind has been deranged for some time past, was taken to the Loudon Asylum. Dr. J. 5, Tenant is attending the High Court of the Independent Order of For- eaters at Peterboro as a delegate from the Luolinow Courb. George Smith, who has been for the past two years, in the bunking estabHeh• meet of George Mair & Co., of Luoknow, left for London, where. he entero the Nelson's Bank. Workmen are busy emoting the new agricultural building in the Somerville park, and in a few weeks all will be mem- plated, and ready for the fall show. The building is to be 132 feat iu length, 84 feet wide and one story high. At the Village Counoil meeting a letter was read from Messrs. Gerrow is Proudfoot, solicitors, Goderioh, asking $200 damages from the corporation for injuries sustained by Mrs. Hunter falling upon the sidewalk, MOM few months ago and breaking bee arm. Alex. Rose and A. D. Oa. moron attend. ed hero meeting of the Grand Lodge of P1 oR att Add a l s K` son a volt .in IRO ?0,. ae deleKaGas from Luoknowlodge, Airs. Jets. Bryan attended the Grand Lodge of the Daughter++ of Rebekah at Kingston, no delegate from the Daughters of He. beltab in this village, C1i11.009i'a- Mies llenrietta T'lolmes has been en• gaged as teaehsr here during the model term, D, Cantelon has been eleoted a member of the Executive Committee of the Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario. It is rumored on the street that the latest npplioaet for the Clinton post- masterel:ip le John Beacom, of Goderieh township. Jarkeen Bros„ Clinton, made a big Purchase in London, hast week, buying tete stook nf,N. Wiliam, the largest tailor- ing establishment in the west, who failed a abort time ago. The other clay ft couple of ladies left here for Kincardine, via Goderioh ; when they saw how rough the water was, their nerve failed theta and they returned to Clinton and tools the Malt to Kincardine. Jas, Stevens, of the Moe line, met with painful accident. When riding one of horses from the baok field, something oaueed ft to bolt, throwing him into a wire fence. One of his fingers was torn open by the barbs, and a gash torn in his leg, whish necessitated the services of a doctor to sew it up. Some time ago, it mare belonging to Dr. Gunn, had it's foot broken at tbo fet- lock joint ; instead of ]tilling the mare, the foot was put up in splints with a plaster jacket ; last week they were re- moved and the mare is able to use iter foot, though not as freely es before, and it is expected that she will be fit to drive ere long. Ti.n1I'r:Ans,-At the last election of of. fivers in the Good Templars' lodge for the coming term, the following officers were eleoted —0. T., Mr. Rodgers ; V. T., Miss Millar ; 1t. Seo., J. W. Moore ; P. Seo., Miss M. Godwin ; Chap., Jas. Young ; Marshall, H. Israel ; Guard, Mise S. Barge ; Sentinel, Miss C. Cook. Clinton is not favored with any water privileges of any particular account, but it has been suggested that by a little out - ley and joint action the Bayfield river could be utilized for boating and bathing purposes much more than it is. What fs to prevent it being dredged out and dammed up, so as to create euffioient water for the above purposes 7 The out- lay would not require to be large, and much pleasure could be derived there. 510m. FIGS AND THISTLES. Truth loves to be looked in the face. Meditation is the mother of spiritual lif e. Example is more oontagious than small- pox. When the church is idle the devil can sleep. The devil never bas to go far to find a loafer. Worry and the grave digger are good friends. Purity can be happier in a prison than sin in a palace. A hypocrite fools some, but none so badly as he does himself. Saying "Not to•night," has made many a man lose bis soul. A fact is something that will keep going straight ou forever. When we know God well Hie word is all we want for anything. The man who goes out to meet trouble will have a short walk. Every grateful heart is full of music that angels woald like to siug. None but the good can love the truth that looks them in the face. God will not let go of your band be- came° the world throws mud at you. Love to God is sure to express itself in ways that men can understand. To willingly go in bad oompany means the devil has gained a recruit. There is great power for good in a smile, when God puts it on the face. The cross is never found to be heavy when we take it up to please Christ. A sinner in the church weighs more for bhe devil than a dozen onteide of it. The devil can cause us trouble, but he can't keep us from taking it to God. The man who has an appetite for glory will never get enough of it to make him fat. When the devil tells you that it will be sate to take a pertain road, go the other way. Don't make the mistake ofthinking yen one become dolt by never giving away anything. A hypocrite feels better satisfied with himself every time he sees a good man baokslide. There is no place this aide of heaven where it will be safe for the Christian not to.watoh and pray. Going into polities has beeu the3erioho road on whiob many a man was robbed of his raiment and self-respect. Sinners will never be in a hurry about repenting, as long as the preacher's man- ner makes them think they have twenty yeara in which to do it. Had the Lord guarbered Elijah with the rieheat man in Zion, instead of feed. ing him on the widow's meths, his great camp meeting on Mt. Carmel might never have been heard of. Many are more ooneerned about what they will have for dinner than where they will spend eternity, Every sin becomes a tiger on our traolc. The man who teaches a Child to swear, is ono to whom the devil probably feels like tatting off his hat. Cit,nt.t,ciiata Ne vviN. A D'Alton McCarthy Assooiatiou has been formed at Vancouver, 13, C., and intends to tape an active part in the com- ing Dominion election. The heroic net of a young woman aver- ted a fatal accident at ltotdeau the other day. Alfred Norwood attempted to cross the harbor in a canoe, when the waves overbalanced the craft, throwing ' him into the water. One foot booame fastened beneath the seat, and he was sit. ting below the surface. Miss Georgie Stevenson, daughter of Rufus Stevenson, collector of customs, Chatham, saw the aocident from a cottage window, and in - gently plunged into the water to the imperriled man's reemao. Retarded by her heavy olothing her program was slow but the noble young woman reached the upturned canoe. She susoeeded in get- ting the drowning man in the canoe, af• ter righting it, and landed him in safety. TION BRUSSELS POST I Sir Casimir Ctoweki, of Toronto,15 re ported to be lying at bis lou home aerely ill' last week, , bhe result of a heavy acid oonbraeted Thore is a greater look of work and more destitution in Kingston than is n n al era ! It asvlt or r arab generally a e ad. Dm Y p p ! ars of iU r are bombe, 0 1R o a tbarded011 vivant bym I who say they have net worked for weeks Huge Dremssm BELIEVED IN 30 Mae arms.—All cease of organic or sympathetic heerb disease relieved in 30 miuutoe and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure far the Heart. One does oonviuoes. Sold by G, A. Deadman. The hair, when not properly oared for, loess Its lustre, boomer; mem, harsh, and dry, and falls out freely with every combing. To prevent this, the best Mee. sing in the market is Ayer's Hair Vigor. 72 imparts that silky gloss so essential to perfect beauty. Mr. Nathaniel Mortonson, a well• known oitlosn of Ishpeming, Mich., and editor Superior Beaten, who, fur a 1png time, suffered from the most exorusiat• !ng pains of rheumatism, was cured, eight years ago, by talliug Ayer's Sarea. parilla„ having never felt a twinge of it stnee. RtIEu)IATI0OI (Mane to A Dor.—Boubh American lRheumatic+ Cure for Memo, Nemand Naurulgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its notion upon the system is remarkable and myaterions. le re. moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by G. d. Deadalan. A sad aocident occurred ou the farm of Mae. 'English in Thurlow, about five miles from Belleville. An emigrant boy named John Thomas Herrington, etnploy- ed by Mr. English, was driving a horse. rake, when he was thrown off, striking on his head. He was pinked up unoonsoious, and died shot tly after of concussion of the brain. He came to this country in April. • John Forester, a promising and popu- lar young farmer, was drowned while bathing in Miller's pond, Stouffville, Wednesday night. There were some half a dozen young men with him, but, as it was quite dark, none of his companions saw him sink. It is supposed however, he took a cramp, act he was a good swim- mer. The body was recovered Thursday morning. A young man Murdoolc McLean, was working in the field hal ing, near Ripley, and oomplainee of the heat. On arriv- ing home the back of bis neck was found to be swollen, and he was in great pain near the chest. In spite of the best med- ical attendance he died on Sunday mor- ning, He was very highly respected by all who knew him. His brother, John McLean, died suddenly last summer from injuries received from falling out of a baggy. A Boos To Honsnnim.—One bottle of English Spavin Liniment oompletsly re. moved a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lamps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, sweeny, stifles and sprains. Geo. Ronn, farmer, Markham, Out. Sold by G. A. Deadman. Tire Galt Reporter urges upon the dif• ferent gun and game olubs of Ontario to join together and petition the Manitoba Government to inane a permit to allow the exportation of a number of pairs of prairie ohialcens for the purpose of intro- ducing them into Ontario, where, it is claimed, they would thrive and supply the plaoe of the quail, now fast disap- pearing. A law snit of a peculiar nature is soon to be tried in London, the difference be- tween two London township farmers. It appears a man named McRoberts was sadly pestered with grasshoppers, and with the aid of several neighbors, with tin pans, wires and brush, drove the whole horde on his neighbor's grain to complete the demolition of the latter's crop. This neighbor now brings an au. tion against McRoberts for damages oaus• ed by the grasbopper raid. A GREAT SUFFERER Fon TwELvcc YEARS. —Geo. H. Williams, the extensive manu- facturer, ex -Reeve of Thorold, writes :— "I suffered very severely from sick, nee - vans headache and biliousness for over twelve years, and bad tried nearly all the advertised pills, powders and other medi- cines, but obtained very little relief until Meant two years ago, when I began to use Starke Powders. Slime then Ihave been like a different man, and now seldom have a headache. If I haveany tendency that way Stark's Powders give immediate relief. Price 25 cents a box. Sold by all medicine dealers. .8. terrible accident happened on a new factory building at Berlin last week. GuebaJe Popplaw, a mason tender, and another laborer were working overtime on third story, drawing up stone sills for the windows with a pulley, when Popplaw missed hie footing and fell the eubire height to the ground below. He alighted on his head. His nook was broken, and his head was fractured. He leaves te widow and four small children. There is an incident in oouneotion with Pop - plow's death that to say the least is strange. Tuesday night Mr. Pinks, the contraotor, had a bad deem, in whioh the work and workmen on the new build- ing were strangely oonfuaed ; so much so that his rest was disturbed and he be- came so impressed with a fear of some. thing to happen himself or men that be- fore commencing work Wednesday he spoke of the feet and cautioned the men to be very careful, so as to avoid accident. The clay passed without mishap and the dream was forgotten, but what a signi- fioonao is given it now. The Caledonian games under the ems - Mem of Clamp MacPherson Sons of Scot- land; of Kinoardins, was one of the most successful meetings ever held in Western Canada. The great attraction outside of the athletic eyelets and Highland dano• ing was the playing of the 18th Highland Pipers, of Toronto, under command of Pipe Major 'Ireland. , There was keen oompetibion In svery event. Groab in- terest was manifested in the hose reel racing contest between Winglant and Kincardine hose reel teams. The rate was 800 yards in all -200 yards to the hydrant, lay 800 feet of hose, take out the third length of hose and replace with tbo sixth length. Wingham ran first and did the work in 63 seconds. Kinoardins followed, and won in oil seconds. The rage was considered to have been a per - foot one, as the couplings and connect- ions were made to the entire satisfaot• ion of the judges. In' the western sect. ion this is oonsidersd to give Kiueardine championship honors, as Wingham has during the present season been defeating every team against which they were pit. g Y tock The prize was 575. Maar IN Srx Hovne.—Disbressing lied• icy and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Qcroat Souter Amerioau Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise a td delight eceount of its exoeedtn promptness in relieving in the bladder, kidneys, book an every part of the urinary passages in reale or female. 313 relieves rebootlon of water and pain in passing ib ahnost fm- mediately. If you want quick relief and mire this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. Dr. L. D. Alirault, physioian,'lobel DIeu, Montreal, eerbifies to the mipaou. lows mire of Sister Marie Chaplean at the shrine of Ste. Anne de Bnaupre, The sister had been suffering for a long time from the malady whish deprived her of the use of her bolt leg and obliged her to use a wooden leg and a orntoh. Dr, Mir• ault states that pbyslolans' efforts were of no avail, :Finally he visited the Shrine of Ste. Anne, and was immediately cured. The dootor considers the Budden onre at- tributable to no natural agoney. At the Grand Lodge of Oddfellows, held at Megaton, last week, the report of the committee on elections showed the following result :—G. M., W. H. Hoyle, Harrington ; D, G, M., T. Woodyatt, Brantford ; Grand Secretary, J. B. Bing, Toronto ; Grand Treasurer, W. Baden. leek, Toronto ; Grand Warden, H. White, Port Hope. The report of the committee was adopted, and the Grand Lodge pro. oseded to ballot for the grand represent. atives, the subordinate lodge vote being ineffective. The vote was by ballot, and consumed a considerable time, John Douogh. of Toronto, was the first to re- ceive tete necessary 'ember of votes, and was declared duly elected amid applanee. Importers of tea say that so far the pries of the fragrant leaf has not been afieoted by the hostilities between China and Japan, 17uless the ports of the two countries are blockaded, the war will have little effeot upon the tea market. The thing most to be feared is that the Japanese will blockade the Straits of Formosa, as the Prsnob once did. At 1 that time the supply of tea was almost out off. It is not likely, I think that this will occur. With the great Chinese tea depots of Shanghai, Fou Ohow and Amoy hemmed in by the Japanese and Yokohama and Hfogo, in Japan, block- aded by the Chinese, the tett market would be demoralized. The season for the importation of tea is now at its height. TAMWORTH AND CHESTER L WHITE BOARS FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on North Half Lot 20, Con, 7, Morris, a thorn' bred Tamworth Boar, recently purchased from the well known breeder, Sim. Bell, Am- ber. Also a Chester White Boar. Terms, 01.80 to be paid at time of service with priv- ilege of returning if necessary. 09-tf 8. WALIib1B, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned will keep for service ou Lot 26, Con. 0, aforris, the Moro' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Canada's Prtnee," purchased from the wall -known breeder J. 3..Brethour, Oak Lodge Parni, Burford. Terms, 51.00 to be paid at the time ox service with privilege of returning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on ap- plication. BOBT. NICHOL. llE DOOK'S BEST FRIEND :)RGEST SALE IN CANADA. LIME ! LIME To those who Intend Building. Having built a Lime House at the Sta. Mon I will keep a supply of the Best Fresh Lime for Sale suitable for all Building purposes. Also WHiTE BRICK And Plastering Hair for Sale. D. A. Lowry. BRUSSELS. GOOD NEWS — FOR TIIE-- Miss 1ioPhersou, the City Millin- er, desires to clear out her whole stock of Slimmer Millinery Ancl for that Reason has Com- menced a Coot 1311ice tale to which every Lady is Invited. Big Bargains in all Lines, Save money by purchasing your Millinery from Miss McPherson. FERGUSON & HALLIDAY'S Stere. Speaks through the Boothbay (Ms,) Replacer, of the beneficial results he has received from a regular use of Ayers. Pills. Ile says: "I was feeling 01010 and tired and my stomach seemed all out of eider. I tried a number of remedies, but none seemed to give me relief until Iwas induced to trythe old relic Me Ayer's Pills. I have taken only one box, but I feel like a new man. I think they aro the most pleasant and crit' to take of anything I ever used, being so finely sugar. coated that even a child will take them. I urge upon all who are in need of a laxative to try Ayer's Pills. They will do good." /For all diseases of the Stomach, liver, and Bowels, take AYE PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer a: Co., Lowell, Mass. Every Dose Effective 'White Star Line. ROYAL 00A1170 STEAMS1i11M. iietwesu New IYork and Liverpool, via Qaeonebown every Weibessday, Aa tee 'Mainers oftele line :mere only a ateiotly limited pumper in the hese and fiRect n 021110 acoonmodatiens, Intending 75050030re are reminded teat Tun early ep• plication for bertha isneoesaary ab this sea• eon, For plans, rates, eta„ apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Bresseis, 111 cLEO D'S System Renovator AND ovum— TESTED REMEDIES SPEDWFW AND ANTIDOTE Por Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate; tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female leregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY OO®El€ICIH, O T J. Af. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer, Sold by J. T. PEPPER. Druggist, Brussels. Yi 1.13.1=2¢92N/Ir:OMEMP .10•11111911. r Smillie Aro now in their New Store, Dr. Graham's Block, Brussels, A. Full Stock of Groceries, Flour, Feed, Bread, Crockery and Glassware, CHEAP AS EVER FOR CASH. ✓Ill Saleable Produce taken at Highest <Market Prises, but no Credit ,z.ve2, Commissions of all kinds Promptly Executed. Remember the BREAD and other Prices in Proportion. Goods Delivered in any part of the town. No Loafing or Spitting but bus- iness on Business Principles, Which we are aided in carrying out with 17 years exper- ience ou both sides of' the world. TAYLOR & SMILLIE. CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. Established 1871 IE. V. a f.ACIDONAst,i.nrry. Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000. Gain for 1892, - 2,000,003 Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 New Insurance, 3,670,000 Gain over 1891, - 750,000 THE NEW IINOONDITIONAL-ACCVMVLATIVE POLICY Is Issued Only by the Confederation Life Association. t"It is absolutely free from all restrictions as to residence, travel and occupation from the date of issue. tilt is entirely void of all conditions. r 'Ii is absolutely and automatically non -forfeitable, after two Sears. The insured being entitled to : (a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the further period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid Up Policy, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to'a (e) Cash value, as guaranteed in the policy. ,. President, Hot. Sir W. P. Howland, C.B., Managing Director, J. E. Itdaodonald, wr.IL KERR, agent, at Brussels, vv At the LISTOW L Woolley. Factory m Fm R ifoc & SON Pay the Highest Market Price, Cash or Trade. In exchanging goods for wool, we will pay a Few Cents Above The Market Price, gonranteeing to sell our goods at rock bottom cash pricee. Come with your friends and see our tremendous stook in all lines of Yd Q L Au O . I !mss' Our stook is open for inspection, and is the best seleoted stook ever shown by any Woollen Factory in Canada. Do not fail to call and see for yourselves our Fine Grey Planoels at 20o, per yard that will not shrink in waehiug. We have made up a special line of all Wool Tweeds at 100, per yard. Something never before shown for the money, Roll Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing, Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, &c. Dote on. short uotioe aud beet of work guaranteed. Parties trona a; distance can rely on getting their tulle home the same day. Would advise to hand pick all wool for roll carding, and you will be sum to get good rolls. All we ask is for you to give ua e trial. We deal honestly with everybody and you will and us alwsys,ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all. B. F, BROOK a SON, ► ' P, S,—Beware of peddlars. We understand they are 'using our name make sales. Put them down as frauds of the worst kind. We allot uo peddlers to sell our geode.