HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-8-10, Page 8We understand t nit there are cer-
tai11 agate going t trough the e01111•
try taking ordexe for a
At $8.00 each, Now we would
ululation our customers against be.
ing duped by buying Buell as we
are prepared to take orders for ex-
actly the sante make of album at
$1. 50 EACH,
Place your orders with us and we
will guarantee the album as stated.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
00000000 EXTENSION W. G. & R.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
nd South, as follows: SM
AlaAlan0:04 a.m. I kfixed 9:45 a.m.
Exp1088......11:55 a.m. Mail 8:18 p.m,
8I1xed 9:00 pan. Express ...... 9:43 P.10.
')fool stews tem,
A chief's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent ft.
Samoa Board this (Friday) evening,
Foomw Division Court will be held on
Aug. 29th.
WEDNESDAY—OiViC holiday—was a very
quiet day in Brussels.
THE drug store of Jas. Fax has been
brightened up by the painter's brash.
of the C.P. R. was in town on Thursday.
A CAR of cattle was shipped to Moot -
real last Mouday by Messrs. Clegg &Dames.
FALL moss will be held on Bross'le
Driving Park on Monday and Tuesday,
Snit. Ord and 4th.
E. W. MELeo1I naught a trout this wgok
that measured 13 inches and weighed 14
auncea. This is genuine.
Wal. MARTIN is away at Kingston thi8
week attending the Grand Lodge of the
Oddfellows, as the representative of Wee.
tern Star, Brussels.
A math, known as the spotted adder,
was killed in Brussels oemet.•ry last Son -
day. Lorne Hunter has preserved his
snakeship in alcohol.
WHAT about a few local bicycle races
among riders of the silent steed in Bras,
gels ? The half mile trod( is in good
Shape for that sort of sport.
Jxo. Dowxiio has made several Ma.provements in the interior of his shoe
store that will give him more room for
the display of his excellent stook.
DIED.—Last Sabbath morning the in-
fant son of Duncan and Tillie McMartin
died after a Short illness, aged 4 months.The funeral took place on Tuesday after-
Finn INgt:EST.—On Friday afternoon
of next week, oommenciog at 1 p. m., an
inquest will be held in the Town 'Hall,
B 1over the leant burning of the
]raw Bruasolitee visited•Elora, on the
newel= last Monday, ,acid report a
good time,
FIOT509 passoogere book advantage of
theexgursien to Toronto last Wednesday
aanong the number being Councillor Me.
Craoltsn and las, Walker.
SEVERAL of our citizens will take in the
FOreetC00' exoureiol to Detroit cm Satur•
day of this wok. Train etarts from
Windham and tiokete ore good to return
an Monday.
LADon Day will bo the next Public
Ilallday, This is under the enactment of
the last Mahan of Ilse Dominion Govern-
ment. Monday, Sept. 8rd, will be the
day. What about a celebration in Brae.
sole ?
Mo91,AY night a dog fight is saidto have
taken place in town. It was to be re.
petted on Tuesday night, bat the prinoi.
pals were quietly informed that they
would be made sweat for it if they en.
gaged in able unmanly sport (?). We
wonder if the persons present on Monday
night would like to see their names in
pant? Shame on the man who favor
such scenes.
PRI&E FOR Swaim TVRNIPs.—The Direc-
tors of East Huron Agricultural Society
offer th, ee prizes of $3.00, $9,00, and $1..
00, respectively, for the three best aoree
of Swede turnips, Entries must be made
before the 1'8,1l Fair, Oot. 4th and 5th,
and the prizes will be awarded not later
than Ootober 20113. There tbould be a
large number of competitors in this class.
TRADE IN BRveeELs,—The Fall trade
will be on shortly. Business men are
well prepared for it. There is no pleas
where farmers can buy to better advent.
age than they can here ; our business
men are eourteone, obliging and painstak-
ing, and will give the same attention to
small purchases as to large. Farmers or
others who do not deal with Brussels
tininess men will find it to their advent•
age to do so.
DIED.—A. Koenig, was oalled away thie
week to Neustadt on account of hie
mother's death, which event occurred last
Saturday. The Mineral was on Tuesday.
A daughter, who had been ill for 4 years,
was buried five weeks ago oatof the same
house. At the funeral there were 232
conveyances in the procession. Mr.
Konig died in 1858, k the County of
bath afternoon Rev. Mr, MoGillivray, of
Toronto, High Chief Ranger, preached.
to the Independent Order of Foresters in
the Presbyterian church, Wingham.
There were 75 members of the Order in
the prooeeaiun, marshalled by Conductor
Parker, of the London, Huron & Bruce.
The following members of Brussels lodge
attended :—T. Fletcher, R. Laatherdale,
A. Conley, T. Curry, J, Botz, 0. Razed
and E• Dickson. It was au interesting
DaoNREo Ucrcoeea.—Oo Thursday of
last week n man, whose name is said to
be Molonis, while under the iufluenoe of
tangle•leg, thew a atone through one of
Jas. Ballantyne's groo0ry windows. He
was arrested and taken to the lock-up by
Constable Broadfoot, bat was allowed
his liberty on handing over 52.05 and
promising to get out of town. Olclnnis
was an employee on the big ditch and
along with a number of others was hav-
ing a holiday. Brussels will not be
pestered with these or any other men
who make a practice of apreeing, and if
they want to avoid a visit to the Co. jail
a steadier course will have to be steered
for the time to come. There is a clause
in the Crook's Lot that covers just such
cases as the above, in referenoe to giving
liquor to persons who are already intoxl•
Fo0'rnm.o.--A. closely contested football
Brussels, match was played at Listowel oo Wed -
barns on alae farm of the ]ate W. G. Han• g between the slob of that
own ta avenin„
na, Norris. The Howick Muteal Incur• wee
snce Company is acting in the matter. town std Brus sols team. The visitors
Coon B1:0 Leaman, Sons of Scotland, scored the only gya851l of the match vis the
was represented at Kincardine games on firerst half, w thereby c s composed
the victory.
p The teams were composed of the follow.
Wednesday by A. Reid, Jae, McAlpine, players layers :—
J. alcSalu, D. Hogg and W. A. Edgar-
Jamie knocked them all out with his nsus5ELs. Lrs00WEr,.
tartan and tnrkev feather. The latter fir• Armstrong...... G. Mitchell
L. so t 0.Tugban
was one of the judges on Highland done• TonJackv Samnpiu ... C { A. Poole
ing. R. Ferguson ( S.Latge
PROPERTY SOLD.—The V arooe property, G. Anderson I. l backs 4 . S. Hellington
consisting of a half acre of laud, a dwell. W, Dodd centre `.....T. Anderson
' ing, shop and stable, was sold last Fri- 0. Shaw .,.. l{ Bamford
day aEteruoon by public auction. James IV. athwartf R. wing McLeod
Oliver was the purchaser at $350. It is I. Moose t L. wing { G. Anderson
considered a cheap property as the loos, G. Bayotauu ...., f 0 .Ohmic
tion on Turnberry street is a very deA. I. McColl, Brussels, refereed the game
able one. F. 0. Saott was the auctioneer. satisfactorily. A return match will be
Mr• Veraoe intends removing to Toronto, played in town in the near future.
we understand. NEWSPAPERS AND Eorroie.—A1lsa Craig
COLLAR BONE Boo for,—About 4 a, M. has now a paper called the Banner. The
Thursday old Mrs, Williams got up to set Editor's name is Hey.—The Bidgotown
out some tubs to catch rain water. She Standard has been purchased by Messrs.
slipped in some way and in the fall broke Auld & Stan -Alien. The former gentle.
hos collar bone. A physician was (gulledman had an interest iu Tim DRONERS
and the old lady is getting along as well POST iu 1880 and 1801. We wish them
as could be expected. She is about 70 success.—The Ingersoll Sun has a new
years of age and is not in good shape to pressalvia.—E. L. ton Free Tott tes, s r eaired from Cummer the
stand a shakeup of this dud. of
Milton, having purchased the busioese.
G. T. It,—A car of cedar posts was —H. 7. Pettypiece, of Forest Free Press,
]hipped a rs. Bae rbB. Gerry took has been appointed district deputy high
week.—Messrs. ar of o .Vto Mo took chief ranger for district No. 7, Canadian
ene Wedneeds.y.ed carn of bona .y Montreal Order of Foresters, whish includes the
sa le wasday forwarded
Monday r oar of Forest, Thedfcrd and Arkona courts.
Meas was Forwarded to Toronto by CRICKET.—On civic holiday Brussels
e. Clar&Dames.—Sed to Ea re nf cricketers drove to Seaforth and played a
flax kOte are being shipped to Eastern I y
markets.—Excursions have been plentiful friendly notch with the willow wielders
during the past week, taking in Elora, of that town and had a (comparatively
Toronto, Niagara Falls and Xineardiue, easy victory, winning by an innings and
Fall fair truffle will soon commence near. 00 rune. Oar team was two men short
(it.51 WATaREe.—'MR. P0s , I sae you and a couple of Seaforth gentlemen play -
Wm ed ae substitutes. The home eleven only
have something to say about watches. scored 80 rune in their first innings. D.
O. Rose was particularly destructive on
The f.,lloWIng may interest you: I have
a watch that I purchased in May, 1848, the wickets, being credited with 7. Brus-
and have kept and carried it ever since, eels met with better success and that in
It was guaranteed not to err a half min•
ate in it week. It has goo for eighteen
months and the hands were never moved
only by the spring; and another time
eleven months. You will see I have bad
it 46 years and 4 months. There is one
thing peculiar about it --it is always fast
en Sabbath and alae on week days.—
ays.R. PAUL, Brussels.
Clogs of SCOTLAND.—The Sons of Sad.
land of Kincardine held a celebration at
their town on Wednesday of this week
which attracted a large attendance. The
home team won the hos, reel race, defeat-
ing Wingham, the latter .nesting with a
tangle over their hose. The Highland
Pipers Band was the ot.erved of all ob-
servers. Among the athletes were notic-
ed, O. Currie, of Parkhill ; J. D. MaPher•
son ; P. 7. Griffin, of Philadelphia ; J.
Humphries, of Toronto ; W. F. Scott and
7. Otollain, of Brussels, and others. Our
boys captured a Dumber of prizes, Mr.
MoBain taking seven. and Mr. Scott some
five or six. A big concert wound up the
day's performance in which Mise Marti.
mer, II. Rich, Highland dormers and pip -
the face of good bowling and fielding too.
Andy Currie won glory by a well played
53 ; W. Grower came next with a nicely
put together 24 ; "Tot" Cochrane struck
a W. Grace attitude and scored 26 ; and
W. M. Sinclair had 11 and not out. The
innings totalled the very respectable fig•
are of 149. Seaforth pluckily set to work
to retain the winning gait they struck
earlier in the season, but 11. Dennis and
D. 0. Roes each found the road to their
stump§ and bowled out 5 men each, the
total for the innings being only 20. The
match was an enjoyable one and the
crease, on the Recreation Parlc, was in
exoellent shape, As the score book was
forgotten we are unable to give the ex-
tended record, but append the name of
Brussels team with the individual scores,
as follows :—B. Dennis, G runs ; D. C.
Ross, 0 ; Dr. MoNaughton, '7 ; A. Currie,
53 ; W, Grewar, 24 ; Rev. Mr. Hodgins,
4 ; W. M. Sinclair, 11 and not out ; B.
Cochrane, 26 ; Bethune, 4 ; Geo. Han.
day,1; J. Irwin, 4, For Seaforth Theo.
Coleman got 10 in the 1st innings and
Tom Coleman batted out 12 in the and.
ore tool] part. The local committee was Their bowling was in the bands of Mos -
sway behind in the management of the era, Coleman, MoLennan and Beattie.
program and as a result there were long A return match will be played here in the
tiresome delays at various stages. oourae of a weelt or so,
Business Locals,
FEItp ()tell hind0 at Stewart & GOOham's,
13oe'r Manilla Mader twine at 13,
4 00(0 0003061 sets left at Tara Pen
22 rovNPs granulated sugar for $1.00 at
J. Grewao's, 53rues010,
No. 1 hinder, twine for 7 cents a pound
at B. Gerry'e, I3ruaeele,
FOUND,—A panel of la.undried collars
&o. Apply at Tran Poe'r.
Juni received one oar Manitoba Patent
Flour, Baelter & Vanstone,
WOOD Wanted at Brussels woollen mill.
Ilidheet price in cash or trade.
WAaoNs and carts 01 Wm Pon Book -
shore, Want to olear out stook.
Morten prion paid for any quantity of
good wool. Howe & Co. Drueaele
Tax our Pure Patent Manitoba flour.
Beat in the market. Stewart& Graham,
Munn R: VANSroxE have opened out a
flour and feed store at I3eeker'e old stand,
HAVE yon tried Oat"White Loaf" Mond
of family flour ? Choice quality. Stew-
art & Graham.
A raw first -plass wagons left. Cheap
at Jas. Walker's. Also a few buggies and
Carta at 0005.
WE are shipping live hogs next Tues.
day, Srd July, parties having any to Bell
see us. Banker & Tensions.
OAR flour is for sale at all gro0ery etoree
in Brussels and surrounding villages.
Give then a trial. Stewart & Graham,
National Boller Mills, Bt'uaee's.
Roes 151383 Go,—Potato Bug poison us.
ed dry. No water wanted. Perfect
onrefur fly on turnips and the best for.
tilizer in the market. For sale at B.
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Besidenoe
second door north of the bridge, west
aide of Turnborry et., Brussels, 34-tf
BAREAIce IN WALL PAPER. -2,000 tulle
of beautiful American Wall Papers jest
to band, bought at leve than 50e on the
dollar. Don't listen to olap•trap but
come right along and choose at your own
price. Elegant gilts at 10e, 15o, 20a and
25a, formerly sold from 500 to GOc. All
papers hong perfectly at 100. Come all
and comaquick, for they won't last.
W. Roddick.
Tim WAD,tsu Lrxe is positively the
baa route to the West and Southwest.
Passengers leaving from any point in Oo•
tario, by morning trains reach Chicago
same evening and St. Louis next morning
making direct connections for all points.
Finest sleeping cars and day aoaobes in
America. Ask your nearest railway
agent for tickets over this great railway.
Full particulars at northeast corner
King and Yonge-streets,Torooto. 3, A.
Richardson, Canadian Passenger Agent.
—Yes, South Dakota furnishes an ex.
°anent field for diversified farming.
Wheat,00rn' barley and flax are produced
in abundant gnantities and find a ready
market at good prides, while the nosh of
production is 11750h less than in tbeEast-
ern States. Stook raising and wool grow-
ing have becomesuccesefnl industries in
South Dakota, where thousands of nor es
of the finest land in the United States
can be secured at reasonable figures and
upon long time for deferred payments.
Further information will 00 cheerfully
furnished free of expense by addressing
A, 7. Taylor, Canadian Paseoager Agent,
87 York St., Toronto, Ontario.
dustrial Exhibition, whioh is to be bald
from the third to the fifteenth of Sep.
tenter, will no doubt be the greatest
fair of the present year, and from the
present indications it promises to exbel
all others, both in point of exhibits and
in attendance of visitors. The grounds
have been vastly improved since last year
and already most of the space in all the
buildings has been applied for. All en•
tries close on the eleventh of August. A
good program of special attractions, both
novel and interesting, will be provided
as usual. It is only a little over amonth
to the time of the fair, and our readers
cannot 01)0080 a better holiday trip than
this offers. Cheap excursions will as us-
ual will be run on all railways at rates
iu ktepiug with the times. This great
Fair has now become one of the beet and
most popalareducational and entertain•
ment enterprises on this continent, and
attracts visitors each year, not only from
all parts of the Dominion, but from the
United States as well, and those who
have never been there would be surpris.
ed at its magnitude and attractiveness,
being almost like a World's Fair, only on
a smaller Beale.
Huron County.
I$Tr XD4R.D 13/1X 0.£r 04t1Y4...D11.
A05ETS, (Sown Million Dollars) 67,000,000
1 i02,000,000
OAPITAI, (Aubaoxsed)
A gencies in all, principal pointe in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States dr Zn.gland.
meeting of Patrons of Industry Associa-
tion, No. 885, held in the Patrons Hall,
on Monday evening, July 23rd, the fol-
lowing resolution Was passed :—"Moved
by John H. McPherson, seconded by
Oliaa, Thome, that we, the members of
Northern Light Lodge, P. of I., of whioh
our oounty president, James Gaunt, is an
honored member, teeing the efforts now
being made in certain quarters to aaet
reproach on our president for the stand
he was obliged to take in the recent pro.
vincial contest by withdrawing his sup-
port from the eo.aallod Patron candidate,
Mr. Connolly, and after hearing the
matter fully explained by Bro. Gaunt,
are desirous of taking this means of
publicly expressing our confidence in Bro.
James 0E41111 1, ELS a Patron, and our ap.
predation and endorsement of our es.
teemed brother's conduct at a most criti-
cal time whereby he, at the risk of great
pereonal oalmmny, stood loyally by the
principles of our order, as expressed by
oar grand and county aeaociatione, and
exposed the treachery and duplicity be-
ing practised in the name of Patronism.
And we hereby pledge onrselves to use
every effort to further hie candidature at
the Doming Dominion election, knowing
him to be ae good a Patron as ever, and
to bo worthy of the confidence of every
true Patron and independent elector in
the riding. And be it further resolved,
that if the effort being made to tranefortn
ourorder into a sectarian organization,
or to affiliate it with such, is auooeesful,
we will withdraw bodily from the Petrov
order." Mr. Gaunt had repudiated Oen.
nolly because he was pledged` to the P.
P. A.
RE °ab°.I s tate' DMIdt Cir
A General 33anking Business Trenoeoted; Farmers' Notes Diseounbed.
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all pointe.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
Withdrawal and compounded half yeerly,
Every faoility afforded Customers living at a,dietanoe.
BZ USS: ]I S,,,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
0.11 points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
Samar s Dams DEMEArtENT.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We erect to write Insurance In old English or Ciiiind1un Companles, Or In Met-
. not Companies 118 u,aY be desired. -
Toronto, Sept. 3.15.
London Western Fair, Sept. 13.22.
Kingston, Sept. 17.21.
Guelph, Sept. 18-20.
Goderich, Sept. 25-26,
Woodstock, Sept. 25.26.
Paisley, Sept. 25 26.
Brantford, Sept. 26-28.
Stratford, Sept. 27-28.
Brampton, Sept. 27-28.
Arthur, Oct. 2-3,
Paris, Oot. 2-3.
Chatham, Oct. 2-4.
Walkerton, Oet. 9.4.
Elora, Oot. 4-5.
Brussels, Oot. 4.5,
ELLAGOTT: In DIMS, on July 20tH, the
wife of Mr. J. Eltaeott of a son.
Ronan3sox.—In Wingham, on the 2711 of
July, the wife of Mr. M. Robertson
of a daughter.
SIUAIoos—Io Windham, on the 31st of
July, the wife of Mr. Arobie Sim•
loons of a son.
Moo0E0.—In Brussels, on August 6111,
the wife of Itt. Gordon Mooney of a
Donsox—Melf.Ao.—At the Methodist Par-
sonage, Staynor, on Wednesday, Aug.
1st, by Rev. J. T. Morris, Mr. George
Dobson, of Ethel, to Miss Mary A.
McKay, of Sunnidalo.
K ionr — BOLGEII. — At St. Thomas'
ChurchBectory, Seaforth, on Alugust
lst, by Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins,
Mr. Andrew Knight, to Miss Martha
Bolger, all of Morris.
HmaMa.—At Neustadt, on Aug. 4.11, Mar•
garette, relict of the late Lawrenoe
Konig, and another of A. Koenig,
Brussels, aged 70 years, 1 month and
12 days.
Ceosurni.—In McKillop, on August 811,
James Crozier, aged 30 years, 6
months and 11 days.
MoDenaiorr.—In Goderiah, on Tuesday,
Aug. 7th, Catherine McDermott,
relict of the late Kenneth McDer-
mott, aged 75 years.
and inferior quality, selling at from $1.-
75 to $4 eaoh. Mr. Bouraeea bought 11
'superior advise, paying from $6 to $10 per
head. Sheep and lambs continue to bring
pretty low prices, the sheep Belling at
from 62 to $3 75 each. Fat hogs aro
rather plentiful and lower in price ; Bolos
ranged from 00 15 to 55 85 per cwt.
8x3 tJS.Sm=8 ucc s-r-camt ggeas,
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls....
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton. . . .....
Salt per bbl„ retail......
Hides trimmed.....
Hides rough
Sheep skins, eaoh
Lamb skins each
Apples per bbl.•
Pork, Live
BELLEVILLE, Aug. 7.—At the cheese
board today 31 factories boarded 1,415
boxes white and 440 boxes colored. Sales'
—415 boxes at 93;c, 190 boxes at 9 5-10o.
INGEnsoLL, Aug. 6.—At the cheese mar-
ket hold hero today 2,586 boxes were off-
ered, principally fust half of July make.
Sales -446 boxes at 94c, 50 boxes at ego,
9 3-100 to 9dc freely bid.
PeTEA1301Eo', dug. 7.—Ab the Poterboro'
cheese board to-dtty about 5,800 boxes
were offered—colored cheese the last half
of July make. Sales—One lot, 400 boxes,
Die; 2,000 boxes at the same price ; two
or three factories at 9 8.150 ; G00 boxes
at 0 5-161. At the close three or four
faotories were unsold, bids being refused.
TORONTO, Aug. 7.—Flour—Straight rol-
ler, $2 65 to $2 80 ; extra, $2 60 to 59 60.
Wheat—White, 55c to 550 ; Spying, No.
2, 68e ; red winter, 55c ; goose, 54o ;
Manitoba hard, No. 1, 70o ; Manitoba
hard, No. 2, 680 ; Winter wheat on the
Northern, 573o. Peas—No, 2, 561 to 580.
Barley—No. 1, 430 to 4.5c. Feed -40c to
43o. Cate -821 old ; 30o to 810 new.
Corn -52o. Market' very dull, Sales—
No. 1 Man. hard wheat outside at 70c to
72c ; old wheat white and red outside at
65e ; oar straight roller flotu, Toronto
freights, at 52 70 ; oats outside at 81c.
EAST BUFFALO, N. Y„ Aug. 7.—Cattle—
Receipts, 4 cars; market dull and abort
steady ; bulla of offerings unsold. Sheep
and lambs—Receipts moderate and near-
ly all of the common to fair order ; mar-
ket ruled about steady ; everything sold
by noon ; 320 good lambs on sale, but
some could have been sold had there been
any here ; those here were taken at yes-
terday's figures, but prime, fat Iota would
have brought more ; extra good wethsrs
brought $8,65 to $8.85, and good to extra
choice lambs, 54 to $4.25. Hogs—Re-
ceipts, 8 car's ; priceshigher and stronger;
offerings closed out early ; general out-
look considered good for corn fed ]togs ;
Yorkers, $5.50 to 65.80 ; pigs, $5.45 to
MONTIIEAL, Aug. 7.—There were about
450 head of butchers' cattle, 25 calves and
750 sheep offered at the East End abat-
toir yesterday. The butchers were out in
large numbers, but seemed in no hurry to
buy, and prices continue as low as on
Thursday's market, A few of the best
beeves were sold at about 1350 per lb. with
pretty good docket from a little over 3a
to Bio ; do. common dry cows, rough half
fatted steers and thrifty young stock gold
at from 2]o to nearly 8c per lb„ and some
of the leaner beasts would not bring 20
per lb. Calves were more plentiful than
usual, but they were mostly of common
55 57
58 55
35 38
52 53
34 35
11 15
7 (a0
3 00 8 50
40 50
5 00 6 00
1 00 00
1i 2
50 60
15 00
1 50 1 75
16 17
4 00 4 25
I have ni00 rogietored Jersey Heifer,
coca due to calve, which L will Ball reason--
Druggist & Bookseller.
r isfl3ER FOR SALE. — THE
11 'Undersigned has ab out 20 or 80 aoros of
timber for sale, iuclu ding Pine, Hemlock,
Black Ash and Cedar, ou North East half
Lot 28, Con. 8, Morris. Easy terms will bo
given. For price and other particulars ap-
ply to
Lot27, Con. 7, Morris, or Brussels, 1'. 0.
U nE11500 0D offers his splendid 00n acre
farm, being Lots 17 and 18, 0ov. 0, Grey, for
sale. About 130 aures cleared, balance ,wood-
ed. Good brick 130080, bank burn, orchard,
&c, Well watered and fenced. For price,.
terms, &0., apply to
A, G. WELSH, Proprietor,
02.10 Ethel 1'. 0.
There was impounded on the 20111 day of
July, on Lot 0. Ooseession 10, Tnwuehip of
Grey, Ono two 3801' old 1,01000,1-0,1, with
white agar on forehead and w1.iteunder-
neath flank. The 011030 wi!1 be sold by
Public Auction, at the Pound On tho 20th
day of August, at 2 o'clock, p. m„ if not
sooner redo omed end expenses paid.
JOHN HARRIS, Poundkeopor.
It is agreed between the undersigned that
their respective oilieo8 will bo closed for the
tranaactlon of legal bneioose from the 28rd
day of July until the 18th of August.
G. 5'.13LAXtt,
B3ussels„luly 17, '94. R. L. TAYLOR.
nnner8000 haesovaralgood Farmef or
cafe and to ro nt, easy torme, in Townshipps
of Morrie and Grey, 1 S. BOUTT.Brossole,
• O.M., L, B, 0, P., Edinburgh, 0.ht. 0.
S. Ont. Residence and chime in Wilson's
Block, corner of Dull and Turnborry Ste.
e/Pkvsieiav, Surgeon Acooher, eta.
Graduate of Toronto Uninuversityy Medical
Faculty, Member of College of Phyeiokno
and Surgeons, Ont. O0010E—Next door to
McDonald & Oa„ Walton Out.
VOTERS' LIST. --1894.
Municipality of the Township of Morris,
County of limon.
Notice in hereby given that I have trans.
mltted or delivered to the p0rs0vamoution-
ed iu s cation 0 and 0 of the Ontario Voters'
List Aot, 1890, the copies required by Bald
Sections to bo so transmitted or delivered,
of the list made pursuant to said AOt, of all
persons appearing by the last ltevieot AA -
8088111 ant Roll of said Municipality to hear.
tided 10 Volo in said Mitnkipal,ty at oleo.
Mons far members of the Legislative 40'
001110113- aed at Mu niclpal Bleat ono, and that
said list was Drat )'oeted up at my ogee i1,
Myth on the 8th day of August, 1004, and re-
mains' there for inspection, lilactoe aro
nailed uuon to a 011111 a the said list, and, 1f
any omissions or any other errors aro bound
therms',to take immediate prooeodhlgs to
have tte said errors corrected aoeoltting to
Wm. CLARK, Clark,
Dated the 0th day of August, 1004.
A70. 10, 1894
ta0,4aRigo t> 1,
"PTA.'SUNG purchased the Drug,
business of Mr, X, 7.7, pep-
per, 1 hope by fair dealing and
right Flees, to 111e1'it the contin-
ued r'1 is old ells-
1 patronage of a 171.
� �l
tL111C1',9 and as many new ones as
We will be pleasod
^-..w I to see y00l..
Opposite Queen's Hotel,
e Solicitor and Conveyancer. pollee.
tions made. OtBoo-Vanatone'o 510011, Bruer
sole. 21.3m ,.
• Solloitor,Conveyanoor,NotaryPub.
ilc, &o, Oilice—Vaustono's Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private ramie to
Barristers, CAMERON,
Notarise Public,
tiotlerloh, Ont. •
M, 0 04 1(41100, Q. 0., I'0TLIP n0LT,
3:301'LEY 3101,31E8.
17r• Solicitor, &o. (lata of Garrow &
1'roe0foofe 010oe, Goclerioh,) 011ie° over
Gillies & Snlitb's lank, Brussels,
Money to Loan. 47
1)31 IN T 31 tai OD
M. CAVANAGH, L. D S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of 'the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni-
versity. OFFraE—over A.R. Smith's Store,
Brussels, Will visit Wroxeter the 1st .and
Srd Mondays and Blyth the 300 abd 4101
Wednesdays of each month,
T\R. DAVIDSON,JIJ Hgnor Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal College Dental - Surgeons.
Crown and Bridge work a epeoialty. Moder-
ate Pees. Satisfaction Assured. OAloe over
Barrett's barber shop, Turuberry Bt., Brus-
el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in a 00111•
006128 1005550. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Odroe and infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge Purnberry at„ Brussel,
H. MOORE, V. S.,
• H. M„ V. hi. B. Graduate of the
Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all
dgmestioated animals treated on scientific
prmetpleg. Horse dentistry and diseases of
horned cattle a specialty, Calls promptly
attended to. Office, over Johnston & Cools -
MUG'S marble worlte. Infirmary at Beattie'e
livery burn,Bruessle, Ont. 20 -
. Insurer ofMarriage Lieeneee, Offloe
at his Grocery, Turnberoy street. Brussels.
'. Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A. M. McKay& Co'a hardware state,
Ladiee'aud childrens Bair cutting a specialty
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Ineurauoo Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made.
O01oe 111 Graham's Block, Brussels.
'Leacher of instrumental music on
Piano or Orgau. Will visit Wingham Tues-
day and Wednesday of each week. Reel -
donee on Princess Street, Brussels.
TI A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M.
• organist in St, John's Church, Brus-
sels, dna pupil, in the Art of 'Teaching, of A.
W. Thayer, Mus. Doo., Now York, will glye
lessons to pupils Dither on piano or organ,
at hie parlor over A.R. Smith's store, Bros -
eels. Vocallessons also given. Terms mod-
t3. Auctioneer, ,s always ready to at-
tend eal0e of farms, farm stook, &a. Terme
cheerfully given. OranIrook P.O. Balee
may be arranged at Tun Posrz' Publladtng
House, Bruseele.
Licensed Auctioneer.' Sales.00nduot
orlon reasonable terms. Farms and farm
dock auoolalty. Orders loft at Tut PooT
Publishing Iioose,Bru esele, or sentto Walton
P. O., will receive prompt attention,
80 as an Auotioaoer, I am prepared
to conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable
prices. Knowing the standing of nearly
every Corson I am in a position to 0011 to
good marks and got good security when Bold
en credit. Satisfaction 88um•antood. Give
mea call. 82- F 8. 600151.
VOTERS' LIST. --1894.
illaniaipality of the Viliaye of Brussels,
County of introit.
Nntieo 10 hereby given that I Live traria-
In Itted or doEvora d to the pet Bon EI mention.
ed iu Sections 5 and 0 or the Ontario Vetere'
List Aot, 1890, the (melee required bysaid
Seetious to be so trance ittod or delivered,
Of the list made pursuant to said Act, Of all
portions appearing by the Met Revised As -
eminent Boll of said Mmriaijmlity,to be en..
titled t0 vote in said Municipality at elec.
Hong for nlembore of the Legislative As-
sembly and at Municipal Eloctlone,andthat
eald list was tint posted' up at my 011100 113
Brueeeis, on the Bra day of August, 1804, and
remains there for inspection. Electors are
ealfod uoo0 8.0 examine the. said list, and, if
any 0113 186101)8 or tiny other 000000 are fount]
therein, 10 tate innned.iato oreceodinge 10
have the said er,ora oorrooted according to
0. 8.800511' Work,
Dated the 8rd day of August, 1804,.