HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-8-10, Page 5AUG. 10, 1894
V' AI hon.
Frunle nes) is away at Fergus and Bel-
wcod on a holiday vioib,
Rev, T. W. Cogent! end N,1'ollnrd at-
tended the Methodist Dtetrieb Meeting in
Brussels, on Wedaesday afternoon of this
Ilrau.—On, Wednesday Tag, Oroaier; of
3 olfillop township, died, aged 30 years,
0 months and 11 days. The funeral book
on Thursday, The cause of deoaaee was
d7 rot vas io(bat la.
A 0eao Recann.—The Atwood Bee
spooks of the Principal of Oranbrook'
Public-oohooi as follows 1= -Welland
Wynn,,beueher of the Oraubrook Bebop),
and son of A. H. Wynn, Newry, ,noosed.,
ed in passing fix out of eight pupils pont
up for enbranca. This is a very good
showing,and reflects much credit upon
the ability and painstalsing efforts of the
teuoher ; and espeoiuliy so since this is
Welland's first year in the teaching pro.
Farmers complain of the grasshoppers
damaging the grain and root crops.
Quite a number from this station tooir
in the exouraion to Port Stanley on Wed-
We are glad to learn that Jas. Proctor
has shown some improvement during the
past week.
Nearly every man in Belgrave owns a
bicycle, and some are fast becoming ex.
perte with the wheel.
A number of friends and relatives from
town attended the funeral of airs. Beg.
ley in Wingham on Sunday.
Raspberries have been plentiful this
year and a large number of our towns.
people have seonred a good supply.
Messrs. Wilson and Woods, of this
place, bare purobased a new threshing
outfit wbioh is doing splendid work.
Mrs. Stowe went to Harriatonon Sat-
Mrs.Rae, of Alma, was in town on
Tuesday. ,
Miss Kerr, of Brussels, was the guest
of Mrs. Bruce on Sunday,
Walter Patterson has purchased a
grand organ from the Doberty Co., Clin-
lviiee Balt, of Grey, was visiting her
old friends in Biuevale last Sunday and
Andrew Scott. of Seaforth, and James
Hogg, of Winthrop, were visiting at
Frank Scott's for a few days.
Mrs!. and'Mise McLaughlin, also Mies
Ritchie, all of Wingbam, spent Tuesday
afternoon and; evening at Robert Mo-
Joe McPherson Dame from Toronto,
where he is living at present, on hie
wheel, to visit his parents. He is look-
ing well and all ere glad to see him.
We are sorry to hear that Mr. Lewis
has been dismissed off the railroad. He
bas been boss for upwards of eighteen
yeare and through a very trifling thing
has been discharged. We hope be will
secure a better place,
Council meeting here Last Friday.
Last Sabbath thegnat-terly services in
the Methodist church were of a specially
nteresting character. Ahundred partook
of sacrament.
Ethel is making substantial progress in
the line of new and improved residences.
They will add materially to the appear-
ance of the village.
The Kincardine Reporter enye :—Harry
Harrison, of Ethel, spent Sunday with
friends here. Harry has a harness shop
in Ethel and reports bneinees good.
Gomm To BEtoRAVE.—J. M. Henderson,
merchant, has announced a clearing sale
of dry goods, d*o., to commence next Tues-
day at which great bargains will be offer-
ed. The reason for this sale is Mr. Hen-
derson has purchased a business in Bel -
grave and wishes to clear out his Ethel
stook before removing. Mr. H. will be
missed here as hehas been n No. 1 citizen
and interested himself in whatever was
for the good of the community.
HxarENnAi.—A very pleasant surprise
was given the people of Ethel last week
when Geo. Dobson, the highly esteemed
Principal of our Public School, quietly
took a trip East and retuned on Friday
with a winsome bride, Miss Mary A. Mc-
Kay, of Sunnidale. The marriage was
solemnized at the Methodist parsonage,
Stayner, on Wednesday, 1st inst., by Rev.
J. T. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Dobson may
rest assured that theyhavethe bast wishes
of a wide oitole of friends for their future
happiness and prosperity, to all of which
Ton POST says, SO mote it be.
Very few patronized the exouraion to
Toronto as this is not a suitable time for
fanners to take a day.
Workmen are busy et M. MoKee's
house. It is a little different from tbo
style of most two-story houses and prom-
ises to surpass its neighbors in architec-
I. 0. G. T.—The officers of I. 0. G. T.
for the next quarter are :-0. T., Will-
iam Woods ; Y. T. Fannie Livingstone ;
Sup. Juor., Lizzie McKee ; F. S., Wen.
Elliot ; Treas., John Stewart ;
John Armstrong ; Chaplain, Mary Mit-
obeli ; Marshall, J. Dobson ; Guard, Ed.
Iblitohell ; Sentinel, P. McIntosh ; Or.
genial:, Fannie Belden.
MnnoNs. 'These hot days people are
clamoring for pooling drinks, eomath ing
cool bo eat and some shady place to rest
themselves. Every person has their own
particular way of refreshing themselves.
Lately there bas been many different
receipts given in the newspapore on how
to obtain the best satiefaotion out of a
watermelon. Some tell ue to slice it
thin, others to cut a couple of inobes
thick, oover with powdered ice and eat
immediately, while a third Bays to ob.
rain the best results and most satisfao-
tion out of a melon you must out off one
end, iaeert a wooden spoon then after
eatiugg.what you want you can have a
good 'drink from the juice which settles
. at, the bottom. Timed may do very well
for somo people, but if you want to glory
in a melon feed, out off the end get right
inside and eat outwards, and although
the juiot will trickle down your chin aud
shirt front why you San just sank it in
again without having any love. This of
course Man only be dont when you have
large en Clone.
Rev. Mr, Tlall, .of Ripley, is to oliioiate
in Trinity Ohurolt on Sunday next,
Owing to the farmers busy aeason all
branOlteS of business ie .duct in town at
Some of our citizens contemplate tele-
ing in the Foresters excursion to Sarnia
05 Saturday.
Tito farmersinthis Emotion are jubi.
taut over baying snob magnificent wea-
ther for gathering in their haryseb.
Lawyer Cook, of Alvinston, formerlyof
this town, has been spending a few daye
bore amongst friends and aoquaiutanees,
Wednesday of Toot week being one civic
holiday, business Wes entirely enppended,
tt largo number of our oitizeue spending
the day' et Port Stanley and'Bayfleld,
On Sunday Mr, MacNamara, astudent
of Hellmttth College, London, officiated
in Trinity Church both morning and
evening, preaobing expellent diecouroes,
On Monday the Puneral of the youngest
child of Philip Willows, pumpmaker,
book plaoe from It's father's residence,
on Mooris St., the remains being deposit,
ed in Union cemetery.
VU'a-oxat t.or..
Mre. John Molder "has been on the siok
Brent Hazlewood and Miss Elda spent
a abort holiday in Teeswater.
Miss Pentland, of Dungandon, is visit -
lug her cousin, Mee. Johnston.
Mips Tillie Sumner, of Oakville, is a
guest at the Methodist parsonage,
Hamilton en Sanderson shipped a ear
load of cattle to Toronto last week.
Jas, Fox, of Brussels, hassold his sons.
fprtablp residence to John Bray. Mr.
Bray will take possession Sept. 1st.
A big day is expected on Friday in
connection with the baseball contest be-
tween the "Crescents" and "Unions."
A game of football was played Friday
evening at Gorrie between our boys and
the Gerrie team. Wroxeter kickers
soared four goals to none,
Bev. W. E. Kerr was in Brussels Wed.
nesdny attending the Financial meetieg
of the Wingham District. W. 0. Haile.
wood, lay delegate, was unable to attend.
200 tickets were sold on Tuesday for
the excursion to the Forks of the Credit.
It was a onion Sabbath school excursion
and an enjoyable time was spent, the ex-
cursionists arriving home about 10 p. m.
•The sacramental service in the Metho-
dist ohurah Sunday last was more largely
attended than any for some time in the
history of the Society. A very amicable
Quarterly Board meeting was held' in the
Salem Methodist church. W. 0. Heale-
wnod was appointed lay delegate to the
Financial District meeting.
John Sommerville is dangerously ill.
Dropsy is said to be the trouble
The township Oounoil will hold its
next meeting on Monday, 27th inst.
George Brewer arrived home from an
enjoyable visit to the 11. S. this week.
The residence of Jas. Sharp, 5th line,
will be veneered with brick this Fall.
Mr. Sharp is hauling the material.
Bre Nose.—Samuel Walker cut 6
acres of heavy grain last Friday in S
hours, with a Frost cC Wood binder.
The Direotors of the Howick Mutual
have named Friday afternoon of next
week as the time for taking evidenoe in
the barn burning on the Hanna farm.
One day this week Wm. Jackson, 8th
line, pulled a stalk of Egyptian oats and
on one bead there were found to be 800
grains- The sample was sent to Tea
David Pipe, 5th line, has been ailing
for some time past with neuralgia of the
heart aud is often unable to get about.
We hope a change for the better will
soon set in,
Morris Township voters, list was post-
ed this week. There are 879 names on
the list, 779 in Part 1 ; 94 in Part 2 ; and
24 in Part 3, 424 persons are qualified
to serve as jurors.
Your correepoudent would like to know
wbo the 2nd line resident is who permits
his hired help to abuse aged people with
profane and impudent language on their
own premises ?
MATunrosnnn.—As will be seen by notice
elsewhere Andrew Knight and Miss Mar.
tha Bolger, of this township, were united
in the holy estate of matrimony on Wed-
nesday of last week, at the rectory, Sea -
forth, by Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins.
May happiness and prosperity be their
portion as they journey through life.
Mrs. E. Oivar, who has been at Orion,
Michigan, at a Canner Institute, arrived
at her daughter's, Mrs. S. Walker, last
Friday, very much improved in health.
She was treated for two cancers, one on
her breast and the other under her arm,
and is well satisfied with the result. The
Dr. assures Mrs. Olvar that the cancers
are dead, and that the cure will be per.
moment. The treatment is said to he
simple, and not severe. The above men.
tioned lady will be glad to give informa-
tion to any person afflicted by a cancer.
Pnonrorroa.—T. A. Reid, son of Adam
Reid, of Lower Wingham, a former tea.
cher in Morrie, but who hoe for a couple
of years occupied the position of Priori.
pal of the Forest Itodel School, has been
appointed principal of the Owen Sound
Model and Public Schools at a salary of
$1000. This is one of the most desirable
positions in Ontario aud a deserved pro-
motion, Mr. Reirl'a many friends in
this vicinity will be glad to learn that he
has been promoted to such a desirable
position iu the soon•to-be northern city.
Louie Engler le home from California
on a visit.
Grasshoppers are doing a groat amount
of damage this season.
The township tax oolleotors will be ap.
pointed at next meeting of the Counoil.
Work is progressing at a fair pane on
the big ditch. It is stated that a dredge
may be pub in to aid in the prosecution
of the job.
We regret to bear of the serious illnese
of Mr. Harris, 16th eon. His friends are
very anxious about him in his preoarious
state of health.
Three ladies went driving last Sabbath
afternoon bet couldn't turn the horse on
the road and bad to wait until a good
Samaritan Dame their way before they
could return home,
A great many improvements ars being
made on the 18th con. in the way of new
and enlarged barns, improved residennee,
better fancies and roads. Ina South por•
tion of Gosy is not to be sneezed at,
O $'
It will Pay you well
to Buy from: us.
A Dollar Saved is
a Dollar Gained.
Some farmers are cutting their oats
and other Spring grain green to prevent
the grasshoppers from destroying them
Henry Oox had a flax bee on July 31et
and had over 4 acres pulled. A pleasant
time was spent in the evening "tripping
the light fantastic.'
Grey Township Council met last Fri-
day instead of the 17th as stated last
week. The next meeting will be held on
the 80tb,at Oranbrook.
evening of the Bed of August a large
number of members of the church and
congregation from BOO'S appointment,
on the Ethel circuit, assembled at the
residence of Riohard Roe in order to
give him and family a small token of
their appreoiatioa. The following ad-
dress was read by the pastor, Bev. W. J.
Waddell, and the articles named therein
were presented by Francis and Mrs.
Miller and airs. Joseph Baynard:
To Richard Roc and family :
We, the members and adherents of the
Methodist ohurah at this appointment,
have long desired to express, in some
tangible form, our appreciation of the
faithful, unselfish and painstaking man-
ner in which, for many years, you have
gratuitously performed the work of a
sexton. This work, whlob is among the
moat unpleasant duties of church life,
has necessarily to be freely performed by
same person or persons who would exe-
cute these services out of love for the
Lord's cause ; and you have oheerfutly
borne this burden during the period of
our greatest need. Kindly accept this
chair, silver sugar bowl, set of silver
spoons and lamp, not because that their
mtrinsio value is a sufficient remunera.
Mon for your untiring services, but simply
as a token of our love, appreoiatioa and
earnest desire that you may long be
spared to labor among us. Signed on
behalf of the church and congregation,
JOBETn BETNAnn, Steward,
FsANOIs Mmtep, Chairman of Com.
Mr. Roe was completely taken by sur-
prise, but, notwithstanding thishe made
a very appropriate reply, in which he en-
sured those present that be esteemed it
an honor to help forward the cause of
Obeid in any way. His services bad
been freely giveu for the work sake and
without expectation of reward. He
would prize the gifts as a token of ap.
pteolation and goodwill, and hoped to be
long spared to further serve the ohuroh,
in any way that be could make himself
useful. The young folk then engaged in
a number of innocent games, after which
tea was served by the ladiee of the ohuroh
and 000gregation. A very pleasant en.
tertaiument followed, presided over by
James Jnokson. Tho program was
brought to a close by singing "God be
with you till we meet again."
John Mooney, it blacksmith, reoeived
injuries daring a scuffle in Buffalo with
Chris Weiuheltz from which the died in a
few hours.
Ohas. Evans, a farmer living neer
Bull's Gap, Teen., gum:relod with hie 17.
your -old son, Bud, Wednesday night, af-
ter returning home in an intoxicated
state and inflicted a slight wound with a
Winchester. He was in the act of shoot-
ing again when the son fired and killed
bis father. ea - a aej ,M ss1
Carriae Sllop!
Having moved to a more con-
venient stand, put in heavier
power and some new machinery,
I am now prepared to manufac-
ture, on the shortest notice,
Carts, &ov
Bodies and all kinds of wood
work Supplied.
The COMM)N SENSE Clothes
Dryer and the
Panel Doors.
We keep constantly for Salo a
stock of Panel Doors of all sizes
and grades, manufactured by C.
Lloyd th Son, of Wingham.1
I also do Custom Planing, Match-
ing and Moulding.
Allall Linz.
Tari War
From Montreal to Liverpool
or Glasgow has been reduced
from $20.00 to $15.00. This,
plus $9.85, $24.85, in all, will
take you from Brussels,
New York to Glasgow, per
White Star Steamers
For $15, or $30 for Round
Ocean Trip, Steerage. Rail-
way fare from Brussels to New
York, $12.60.
For Further Inforlratior. apply to
Agent, Brussels.