The Brussels Post, 1894-8-10, Page 3VG. 10, 1894 Town :Directory. Mersa -mat Cluneem—Sabbath Services at 11 a m and 600 p, M. Seamy School at 2:80 p m. Rey. John lids, 13 A, pastor, IINax Ononen,—Sabbath Services at 11 8' m and 0;30 p m, Sunday Sobool at 21301 p m, Rev, 33, Millar, prober. ezi 54', Jean's. 011anwc,—Sabbath Services at 11 it m and 7 p .m, Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. ROY. W, G. Reilly, inonm. bent. MwriiooIST Cnuucu.--Sabbath Services at 10;80 a m and 0:80 f) m. Sunday School at 2;80 p M. Rev, G. II, Cobble - die's, el A, 13 D, patter. Remelt ()AVIDLY(' Oirplta8,—Sabbatl 508010e third Sunday in every month, at 10:80 a nt, Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. S aseterox ARur.—Servioo at 7 and 11 a nt and 3 andd p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 6 o'olook, at the barraolts, ODD Frmrowe' LODGE every Thursday evening, iu Graham's blook. Mathew Loner Tuesday at or before fall MOOD, in Garfield blook. A 0 U W LODGE on let and 8rd Friday evenings of each month, in Blas• hill's block. C 0 1' Donee 2nd and last Monday evenings of oath month, in Blaehill's block. I 0 le, 2nd and last Friday in Odcl Fellows' Ball. L 0 L 1st Monday in every month in Orange Hall. le T of T, 2ud and 4th Tuesday's of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. Soils or SCOTLAND, 1st and Std Tnes- aays of each mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. 1L. 0. T. M. LODGE, 1st and 3rd Thurs. days of each month, in Vanotons blook, Hoare CIRCLE, 2nd and 4th Friday even. inns' in Blaehille Hall. Pose Orrroo.—Office hours from 8 a. M. to 7 p. in. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 6 o'olock p. m. Wednesdays and 6:30 to 6 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Town Coaxon ,—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and 5. Wilton, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; Le Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the 1st Monday in each month. Salmon BoAIso. Rea. Roes, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid and J. N. Kendall ; Seo..Treae., 13. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaob month. PuDLIO SOnom. TEAsnone.—J. H. Cam. exon, Principal, Miss Braden, Miss Downey and Miss Cooper. BOARD Or EfEALTn.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Soolt, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNaughtou, Medical Health 0ffieer. The man Gad 15008 ie not the ono who spends moot 01 hie time looping ter an easy place, oberoh mlmbero who never smile will find oat dame day how muob harm they have done, 0183 It yon don't'beliewe there is a reality in the roligfen of Christ, try and babeve yourself without it. No matter what a man betiovoe with his head, there are times when bio heart bele the need of God. The eonxmiseion of Jeoue to his died - pies wan not to preaoh about thingo, but to preaoh the gospel. If some people knew that the sun had spots on it, they would almost worry thetneelves to death. Every man's life is a failure wbo dons not by to do something to leave the world ember than he found it. It is remarkable how many different kinds of fish the devil will oateh when he baits his stook with money. Some people never accomplish much heparin they step over a dozen little duties in trying to find a big one. `It is doubtful if there as a spot on earth where the devil feels more at ease than he does in a drunkerd's home. It is likely that the money changers whom Jesus drove out of the temple were among the fleet to cry "Crucify him," Egotism always looks table ',neighbor,' through the wrong end of the telescope, If you undertake to pick up the oroas with one hand you will find it very hea- vy. SHARP SHOOTING. No man ora kill the truth by killing the ono who preaches it. 1'•Vben a child of God dies a glorious birth is annouuaed in heaven. We die to live and never. die in a world where there are only births. Old age is the golden materna when nature puts her children to sleep. To see the real Christ, the seeker must fleet got away from his self life. The man who thinks every one is no good, has all the symptoms of a bad man. The moo who makes Christ the Alpha of his life, will also have Him for the Omega. When we measure God's love with our own rule we find it 00 larger than our own. Our laved ones ale, but in our memory live. We coffin their bodies, but not their love. A selfrightoous man has so much of his own goodness that he oan't Bee his own badness. Some people's religion is like themum- pbs, all on the outside. Everybody sees' It, bob no one wants ht. We can enjoy very much of heaven on earth if we will keep our hearts open to let heaven into our daily life. The young man who imagines it is sev- en o'olook at nigh; when it is only coven in the morning is not going to succeed in life. "When other lips and other tongues HE KEPT IT NATURALLY The tale of love shall tell—" ENOUGH. I have no doubt, Evangeline, You it like it just as well. THE CRUCIAL MOMENT. Within the hammock's net she swung, So graceful and so fair 1 Her arms above her head were flung, Lovely beyond compare. He sat beside her for a while, Enchanted by her grace, Till finally a blush and smile He saw upon leer faoe. And then he heard her softly say, First looking all about, "Now, please Tom, turn your head away, I'm going to get nut," WREN BABY PUT ON PANTS. It's a day we all remember, and it's scene of sdlemn state Still casts a gleam of sadness, when at home we congregate. For a baby form is missing, and no child- ish prattle grants It's music sweet, refreshing, sinoe the baby put on pants. • 'Tema a transformation truly, and it marked an epoch grave, It took away dear babyhood, and boyhood to Re gave ; The change could be discovered wilt the alighted kind of glance At the pride.fiushed race of baby—that day he put on pants. It closed the doors of lullaby, and open- ed wide the gate. That leads from arms of mother, to the hill of man's estate ; The light of dawning future, 'cross the fragrant pathway slants, Of baby, and enthralls him—on the day he put on pants. FIGS AND THISTLES. When the church is asleep the devil can rest. Working without a plan is a waste of strength. A good mother is the best helper Obeid bas on earth. The start towards the devil always be - glee in short steps. Robbing God is the surest way you Pan steal from yourself. Only the winked are trying to prove that the devil is a myth. There are 1301330 very good people who Ion to tell bad news. A be is the meanest thing the devil ev- er turned loose among men. Give the devil your, eyes and he will soon have your hands and feet. It is much easier to be contented with- out wealth than it is with it, In the work of saving the world God wanbe the help of every Christian. Thee is uo better foundation upon which to build than Jeans Christ. It is better to ran the shoes down in the creel than to be too lazy to walk. No man is good who has Dome to the conclusion that be is good enough. The man who is not willing to do God's will has no right to expect his help., The surest way to gob a man to pay right is to first get him to pray right. There are too many people who don't know what giving means by expereinee. A counterfeit is always proclaiming at the top of its voice that there is a genu- ine. Every Christian should try to do some. thing every day that will make his Ohne softer. The only ting that gives us standing, from where the angels look, i0 likeness to Chribt. After Mr. Soadde left the station be ex. perienoed a severe shook upon dieoover- ing that a packet of bank -notes which he was taking to the city was nowhere, about his person. He mast have left it in the Pullman oar. "I'll go to the superintendent's office and make my less known," be thought ; and be did. 'I left a package containing $6000 in bank -notes in a Pullman car not half an hour ago," said Mr. Seaside to the official. Which train 2" "The one that arrived at 0:15." "Have you your Pullman check 7" Fortunotely be had, and this enabled the superintendent to send for the eon. doctor. He soon arrived for he had not yob fin- ished the report of the trip, and was still in the building. "Concluder, said the superintendent, "did you see anything of a package left in your ear." "No sir.' "Porter didn't turn anything over to you 7" "No aft." He was brought. Aid you see anything of a small pack. et after the passengers left your ear 7" "Yes, eat," "Yon haven't turned it in 0" "Why, no, cab. It was a lot of money, eat." "Precisely. Where is it now 7" "Here sah." It was produced from au inside pooket. Mr. Soadde' eyes brightened when be saw the roll. "That's it," he exclaimed. He counted the money, and it was all there, the entire $5000. "Look here, porter," said the superin- tendent, severely,' 3 want to know why you did not bring that package to me the moment yon pat your fingers on it," "Why, eah," replied the man, with an injured air, "I e'posed de gemman had left it for a tip, eat. That's why, salt," It is about time a stringent cow bylaw was put in operation in Exeter. Robb, Leathore left on Monday of last week with forty head of cattle and three horses for the old country. Rennie Kinsman had a 'Davy fall from bis wheel during the third bicycle raoe. The fall resulted in a sprained elbow. Andy Stewart, of the Bobier Produce Co., handed the Advocate a duck egg whiolt measured 7}x0 Mabee 'in oiranm• ferenoe. A. Hastings, barber, received the sad startling intelligence of the death of hie mother, who resides at Crosehill, Water- loo oounty. Jonathan Kydd, who has been suffer- ing for some limo with a very painful abscess on the foot, underwent an aper. ation and is now rapidly improving. The report of'the Joint Board of Ex- aminers on the result of the primary ex- aminations for July only shows the name of one out or eleven who wrote at Exeter, that one is R. Creech. On Monday evening et last week, a hot and Weedy contested game of base. ball was played on the old grounds by the guests of the Central and Continent. al Hotels, which resulted in a viotory for the former by a eoore of 13 to 10. "Caner bbou tninlstee to a mind de- seased ?" asked Macbeth, Certainly, my lord ; the condition of the mind depends largely, if not solely, on the condition of the etomaob, liver and bowels, for all of which complaint": Ayers Pills aro "the eovorignestthing on earth." TEE BRUSSELS ?COST Ilowlek Fall Show will be hold in Nord - WW1 on Saturday, Oet, Otr. Austin Hutton had the misfartene to have one of his fingers badly jammed by letting it be drawn through the pelloy of the ltay fork. The ladies of the W. 11'. M. S., of the Gerrie Presbyterian alruroh, shlppocl a large hoe Of goods to the Northwest for the Indians of the missions of that hold. The been of Thee, Henry, of the 4tlt eon. of Howlett, was steeds by lightning and burned to the ground, together with 40 loads of hay and about Dight aorto of fail wheat, The 0. P. R. train Irom the .East ran onto a stone weighing 0001 300 lbs„ which had been planed between the rails about a tails and a half East of this vil- lage, The pilot of the engine tenoolced in off the track without doing any damage, D, D. G. M, Herat, of the I. 0. 0. F., Of Teeswater, paid the Gerrie lodge an Aided visit and installed the following Mitoses :—N. G., R. Ross ; V. G., W. J. Perllino; See., 11. 'Poung ; Treas., W. Ardell. Ail the eche/fare who wrote at the repent Public School Leaving and Entrance ex- aminations from Gorrie school, were sue. easeful, as usual, Miss Alvino Heibien, quite a young girl, and laboring under vet'y adverse tii'ountetaltees, heads the list for East Huron. General INT 0eete o. Berlin ie the healthiest European of Sir Donald A. Smith's ,Buffalo herd Winnipeg has got loose, A Chinese laundry trustbae been for ed in the United States. A now coal line to bring Penusylvan coal to Canada is to be built. A grand jury found that gambling parried on openly in Chicago. Winnipeg Liberals are preparing tender a banquet to Mr. Laurier on t ocoaeion of his visit to Manitoba and t west. 'Phe name of Rev. Canon Matheson, Winnipeg, is favorably spoken of in co motion with the pastorate of Trinity Co lege. The Manitoba Advisory Board of Ed elation has adopted the regulations favo ng the teaching of agriculture in t schools of Manitoba. Rev. J. D. Freeman, pastor of Trial Baptist Ohurch, Guelph, has received unanimous pall to the pastorate of t 'meth in Fredericton, N. B. The Women's Christian Temperan Union, of Chatham, has been preseute y the corporation of that Pity with ublia drinking fountain which will nveiled with appropriate ceremonies o he 14th, Obaaes G. Aldridge, employed a ohernist at the Pure Gold Baking Pow er Works, Toronto, has fallen heir to arge fortune in Eugland. It ie state hat the sum inherited will be in th neighborhood of $60,000. HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN 30 MIN TEs.—All oases of'organio oreympatbet earl disease relieved in 30 minutes an uiokly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Oure fo he Heart. One dose convinces. Sol y G. A. Deadman. John Ormsby, a middle-aged English as, committed suicide with a revolve n a small Dandy store. near the Moult ain View Hotel, Hamilton, Friday even ng. He was out of work and despond n t. Nervous debility is a oommo omplaint, especially among women e best medical treatment for this di rdsr ie a president course of Ayer' arsaparilla to cleanse and invigorate titload. This being acoomplti2bed, nater i11 do the rest. Hon. Wilfrid Laurier is annonnoed t peak on Monday, Aug. 20th, atMattaw n Tuesday, Ang. 21st, at 2, p. en., a udbury ; on Wednesday, Ang. 22nd, 8 . m„ at Sault Ste. Marie ; on Friday ug. 24tb, at Port Arthur ; on Monday ug. 27th, at Rat Portage ; and on Wed esday, August 201h, at Winnipeg. A Boon To HORSE,}IEN,—One bottle o English Spavin Liniment completely re oved a curb from my horse. I telesecure in recommending the remedy, a ante with mysterious promptness f 1e removal from horses of hard, soft o ]loused lamps, blood spavin, splints rbc, Sweeny, stifles and sprains. GEo OBD, farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold b A. Deadman. The steamer Majestic ran down the Bing schooner Antelope last Monday online off the Newfoundland banks. I as during a dense fog at 3:30 o'clock in e morning. The lifeboatewere instant - lowered by the Majestic, and seven out the eight men on board wore quickly uled into the bode. The eighth man, rind Gabriel Mitchell, a native of Bur- , N. F., was below when the steamer ruck- the schooner, and was drowned. 1 of the men were more or less .bruised flying splinters, and one of them, m. Moundy,died on the Majesiie front e injuries he received. The other six e0 Dame into port not much injured. e Antelope wee owned by Cantata ,Ino. no. and his brothers. They have tle else in the world. A GREAT Sorruneu FOR TWELVE YEARS, Geo. H. Williams, the extensive menu• barer, ex -Reeve of Thorold, writes :— suffered very severely from wick, ner- dheadache and biliousness for over elve years, and had tried nearly all theverbised pills, powders and other medi- ae, but obtained very little relief until ant two yeare ago, when I began to use rk's Powders, Siuoethen Ihave been e a different man, and now seldom ve a headache. If I haveany tendency t way Stark's Powders give inhmediete ef. Price 26 cents a box. Sold by medicine adders.wenty acres of lumber piles, contain - about 25,000,000 feat of lumber, be. ging to the Shovlin Carpenter LumberMinneapolis, situated on the west k of the river, within a guilder of a s of the oeutre of the oit•y, were de. yea by fire on Monday afternoon, 11 a loss of fully $300,000. The Chi. o., St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Omaha road round -house together with 21 ght oars and the valuable Pintsob plant were also burned. Care. nese on the part of the engineer fireman of an Omaha switch ne, who neglected to close the dam. of their engines while passing the ds, is supposed to have been the Pause le fire. Long before the firemen ar. d the fire was beyond control, A gen. alarm was soanded, but even then fire could nob bo subdued. St. Paul two anginas and Prows and Stillwat- nrted au equal number, but had to all them owing to the brooking out of e at that place, b p t d 1 U h b m Th 0 S b w 0 S A n m pl it tl ca ou R G fie w th Iy of ha no. in et Al by ill Th Br ]ft fac vo tw ad sin ab Sta lilt ha tba reli all '., ing Ian Co, ban mil stro wit tag rail fret gas less and eggs per; yak of 31 rive e•ai the sent er et rep wlir The Montreal Ilaokman's. Utlion bee deckled 00 go into liquidation,,. The that strike claim against Ohieage by the railways ie nearly $40,000. A. now car company Ilam made an Pifer to Pullnnsu'o men to leave ilia iu a body, A. 54. Molloy, of Moncton, N. 13., bas been appointed General seoretnry of the I2umiltatt Y, lki, C. A. 112x$. Ella Wellington, of Denver, Col., oa0rnitted suicide Friday night. Silo soparatedfrom her husband three years ago, and opened a costly resort on Nor - het 0trc03, Site possessed $30,000 worth 0f jewels. Japan will probably have to pay for the oinking of the trenoport Kew Stung. It was a British ship and there was no de. ...Aeration of war at the time of the attack. RIIEDAIATI0tI CURED INA DAY.—South American Rheumatic Cure for Meares. tism and Neuralgia radically mares in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious, 13 re. moves at once the Pause and the diseae° immediately disappears, The first dodo greatly benefits. 76 (lents, Warranted by G, d, Deadman, Reeser en Six Rouge.—Diotrossing kid. nay and bladder dinned relieved In six boure by the "Great 5051 t American Kidney Cure." Tbie new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male oe female. It relieves retention of water and pain iu passing it almost im- mediately. If you waub gaiter relief and ours this is your remedy. Sold by 0, A, Deadman, druggist. The double drowning et Sturgeon Point, London, on Tuesday, of James Carlin and his wife has resulted in bile sudden death of the nnfortunabe young man's mother, Mrs, Mary Ann Carlin, an old and este- emed resident of London. Mrs. Carlin, sen., ou hearing of the terrible tragedy, was °vernoms by the shook and experi. enced a series of fainting spells, wbioh had a fatal termination about midnight Wednesday. Deceased, who was 67 years old, leaves a grownup family, lnolndieg Edward J. Carlin, of Dundee • Mrs. Crane, of Stanton, Mioh, ; Mrs. R. White and Mrs. Coleman, both of Lon- don. Mrs. Carlin was a devoted member of the Roman Catholic obureb. She had lived in London for a number of years, and was esteemed by all who knew her. The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. James Oar. lin were brought to London for burial. irAMWORTH AND CHESTER WHITE BOARS FOR SERVICE. The undersigned 2111 keep for service on. North Half Lot 29, Oee, 7, Morris, a thoro' bred Tamworth Boar, recently purchased from the wall known breeder,.Ino, Bell, Am- ber, Also a Chester White Boar. Terms, 81,00 to be paid at time of service with priv- ilege of returning if necessary. 30-tf 6, W3LleBB,Proprie tor, 'ROAR FOR SERV1OE.—THE Undersigned will keep for service ou Lot 20, Oon. 5, Morrie, the thorn' bred lin- proved White Yorkshire Boar " danada's Prince," purchased from the well-kuown breeder J. B. Brethour, Oak Lodge Farm, Burford. Torres, 31.00 to be paid at the time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen On ap- plication. 00OBT. NICHOL. THE GOOK'S BEST FRIEND .. ORGEST SALE ire CANADA. LiME ! LIME ! To those who intend Building. Having built a Lime House at the Sta. tion I will keep a supply of the Best Fresh Lime for Sale suitable for all Building purposes. Also WHITE BRICK And Plastering Hair for Sale. D. A. Lowry. BRUSSELS. GOOD NEWS — FOR THE— :Miss :McPherson, the City Millin- er, desires to clear out her whole stock of Summer Killilery And :for that Reason has Com- menced a Cost Price $ale to which every Lady is Invited. Big Bargains in all L/nes, Save looney by purchasing your Millinery from JCiss 1VlcPhorson, FLoRGU80N & HALLIDAY'S Stole• A Cent er n Who formerly resided in Coneeotlout, but who now reeled In i3anolulu, writes; "Per 20 pars past, my wife Mut lltave used Ayor's Rah. Vigor, and we attribute to It the dark halt width she and I 110w lbws, while hun- dreds of our acquaint - aims, ten or a dozen years younger than von are either MY -headed, whits, or bald. Whenasked howourhair has retained its color and fullness, we roll', `33Y the use et Ayer's Hair Vigor—nothing elso.'t' "111 $864, my afaanced was nearly bald, and the halt, '�kopt fail-. tv ing 0Ut every day, I indc oect her to est Ayer o Hair Vlgor, and very soon, it not only clinked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and glossy to tills day. I can recommend this preparation to all in need of a genuine hair -restorer. It is all that It is claimed to bo."—Autonfo Alarrun, Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S d ;HAIR ICOR ..mcsc 0311.. .7.a.n: xm,- White ire t Lino. ROYAL 4LtI t Sri AitiStilPS. Between New Bark and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday. As lbs steamers of this line (airy only a ebriotly limited number in the rrnea and SECOND OADm accommodations, intending passengers are reminded that an early ap= plioatiun For barths is neeessary a1 this sea. 5011. For plans, rates, etc., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Bryasols, OLEO D'S System ---AND 0751E4 --- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Nor Impure, Weak and Impoverisited Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate, tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, deur. algia, Loos of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, .Genial° Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY SOl3ERlCl`9, OBIT .7. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufeetnrer. Sold by J. T. PEPPER, Druggist, Brussels. aylor Smillie Are now in their New Store, Dr. Graham's Block, - Brussels. A Full Stuck of Groceries, Flour, Feed, Bread, Crockery and Glassware, CHEAP AS EVER FOR CASH. 411 Saleable Produce taken. at Highest Jlilarket Prices, but 720 Credit liven, Commissions of all kinds Promptly Executed. Remember the BREAD and other Prices in Proportion. Goods Delivered in any part of the town. No Loafing or Spitting but bus- iness on Business Priuciples, Which we are aided in carrying out with 17 years exper- ience on both' sides of the world, TAYLOR & SMILLIE. onnennuoicrAcrrniecteriacoroxilmocr CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. Established 1871. Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 Gain for 1892, - 2,000,000 W. t'. !Q.►eDDIVILI. Actuary. Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 New Insurance, 8,670,000 Gain over 1891, - 750,000 111/ NV UNCONDITIONAL-ACCUTUDA. ivE ? 1 T Is Issued Only by the Confederation Life dssoclatian. ta-It is absolutely free from all restrictions ae to residence, travel and occupation from the date of issue. ta'1l is entirely void of all oonditione. is absolutely and automatically nou•forfeitable, after two years. The insured being entitled to (a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the further period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid Up Policy, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to a (c) Cash value, as guaranteed in the policy. President, Managing Direotnr, Hon. Sir W. P. Rowland, 0.B., M.0.M.0. J. S. Macdonald. %'. H. KKER,R, Agent at Brussels. c® At the LI TOW:iL Woollen Factory B. Fa BROOK & SON Pay the Highest Market Price, Cash or Trade.. Te exchanging goods for wool, we will pay a Few Cants Above The Market Price, guaranteeing to soli our goods at rook bottom oaeb prices. Come with your friends and see our tremendous stook in all lines of r tr?ueiltArresteMZT CiOctrarAtast Oer stock ie 01e13 for inepeetion, and is the best selected stock ever sheen by any Woollen Factory in Canada, Do not fail to call and see for yourselves our Fine Grey Flannels ab 25e. per yard that will not shrink in washing. We hallo made up a special Hue of all Wool Tweeds at 40e, per yard. Something never before shown for the money. Roll Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing, Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, &c. Done on abort notice and best of work guaranteed. Parties from a' distance can rely on getting their rolls home the same day. Would advise to hand pick all wool for roll carding, and you will be sure to get good rolls, All we ask is for you to give us a trial. We deal boneetly with everybody and you will find us always ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all. stetreeEst B. F, BROOK et SON. Seddrs. We understand t name! make sawn.. Put3them down as # frauds of the worst k nd.be We allow e usinno peddIabo to sell our goods.