HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-8-3, Page 8CAUTION I We understand that there aro car. Iain agents going through the conn - try toxin orders for a oU 1 d Albuxo, At WOO each. Now we would oautiop our customer's against be- ing duped by ' buying such mew° are prepared to take orders for ex. early the same matte of album at $1,50 EACH. Place your orders With us and we will guarantee the album as stated. 0, A, DEADMAN, Druggist, Booksellor, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTIIERN EXTENSION W. G. & D, Trains leave Brueaols Station, North nd South, as follows: GonrG Soamn, GOING NoiTa. 90aih. 0:51 a.w. N5 a.m. 1a p,m. iberoee 11:09 a.m. I Mixed 9Mail 8 Cftsed 9:00 pan. D' xprese 9:43 p.m, ural 1 'retro s 4tems, .A. ohiel'a atnang ye talon' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. AUGUST. FLAX is coining in with a rush. Tex Ronald foundry is now working full time. Co0Ncm meeting next Monday evening at 8 o'clock, BnnssELS School Board will meet on Friday evening of next week. A COURANT of gipsiee have been camp- ing in this locality during the past week. ANOTHER oar of flour was chipped to Quebec this week by Messrs. Stewart & Graham. GEORGE 'TeolusoN has had the brick wall fn the front of hie reeidenoe,William street, replaced by fresh brick this sea - 8011. SEVERAL very good views of Main street on July 2nd, when the Foresters' demon. titration was in progress, adorn H. R. Brewar's photo exhibit as his studio. TEE union choir met last Tuesday, ac• cording to announcement, and agreed to utilize the funds in hand in purchasing musics for a Fall and Winter musical so- ciety. It is a good idea. 009TPLAINT has been made of infractions of the Sunday olauses of theOrook's Act, and the probabilities are somebody, now nameless, will get into trouble. The Street exhibit last Sabbath wee simply disgraceful. A Bnossste young lady took her bicycle and wheeled to Henfryn one day this week, picked a pailfull of berries and re- turned in the evening with the results of her labor. This is putting the bike to a profitable service. A. O. U. W.—TEE A. 0. IT. W. will send out no more postal cards for assess- ments, but havesubsticuteda reoeipt book instead, and the notion will be given through the Canadian Workman. The Assessments must be paid by the mem• leers of Brussels Lodge to J. Shaw receiver. Tone Nomas,—Some lively time is be- ing made by the equines in trainiug nn Brussels tine k mile trach.—"Billy B.," a brown stallion from Walkerton, with a 2.19 record, is in trainer Roache's hands. .—"Florence G." was lamed and is off the turf for tuffs season.—Several horses training here are entered for races at Woodstock, Tileonburg and other places. Beast= LEG. --A week ago lost Satur- day, James Dunford, of the G. T. R., Clinton, was climbing over a fence and while upon it the board broke, oans- iug him to fall to the ground. The small bone in his left leg was broken and the ankle badly wrenched se that he is now taking enforced holidays and that on crutches. He, Mrs. Dunford, and ohild- ren, are visiting relatives in Brussels at the present. We hope he will soon be all right again. OBIT.—Last Mouday Margaret McLen- nan, relict of the late William Ferguson, of Glengarry, died at her home in Glam- mis, Brune County, aged 66 years. The cause of her death was canner of. the stomach. Two sons and four dough. tors survive her. Mr. Ferguson died as bout two years ego. The funeral of Mrs. ,Ferguson took place ou Wednesday, the remains being taken to Pinkerton, and from there by train, to Glengarry for in- termeut. Jno. MoBain and Dungen Stewart, of Brussels, attended the fun- eral, deceased being their aunt. TALL: ANoenen.—The five pupils from Brussels Pnblio School who wrote for 8rd ....class certificates, viz. :—W. Armetroog, James Duncan, Edith Eastman, Dora Smith and ,Dungan Stewart, were all successful and will be able to,wield the pedagogue's ruler after a term at the model, if old cuongh. We congratulate then- on their 5900955 and also must compliment Principal Cameron on the standing of pupils from Broseels. 17 successful Entrance pupils ; 5 Publio School Leaving, and 5 3rd class oertifi• oates .is a record any school should be pround of. In. this connection we wish to state that Sarah MsLauohl.in should have been oiedited with 762 iu the Leav- ing instead of 584. KIND WoRns.—Tan BncseELe POST be- gan its 22nd volume, and we congratulate it upon having attained its majority. THE POST imptovee with age and is a good exponent of Imovinoial Canadian journalism. — Godertoh Signal. — Tice • BELse is Pose has pas -ed its 22nd mile. stone, and under Bro. Kerr's able man- agement, ie giving the people of that town and vicinity good service.—Wing- ham Timee.-TaE BRUSSELS POST hate just entered On its 22nd volume. There are very few places the size of Brussels where go excellent a paper es Tns Pose is pnbliohed ; its tone is always elevating, it is • free from unpleasant personalities, and it keeps just behind the band wagon. -- Clinton Naw Era,—Tne BUUsasLe POST entered its 22nd publication lest weep, Tug Pose is a rattling good local news- paper, and can be depended upon every time to give the news of the diatribt. Suooesa, Bro. Kerr.—Atwood Bee. Ovolt $10,000 bare been paid oitt by ll7eeere 13aokor as Vanstone for live huge this year. a'Anoue LEruoli, of Palmerston, has tat• en a position in the Dry Goods store of Messrs, Smith & MQLttren, of this town, Biox0Lli touring le booming very common, Visiting whselmen are In Brussels nearly every day from some quarter. A Dounnu decked car of lambs was shipped from Brussels by Metiers., Clegg & Dames, Tile oar leas forwarded to Boston for export. Ten Summer meeting of bbe Woodbine Driving Park Association will be held in Toronbe on August 18, 14, 15 and 1081, $6,000 in Parsee. Tame are timid to be a few oases of ty- phoid fever in Brussels and the Board of Health are Ms the alert to prevent it be. coming epidemic as far es they can,' THE sidewalk ou Turnberry street, north of the bridge going to the station, is in bad condition and a portion of it, at least, will have to be renewed this season.. F. S. SCOTT an4 R, N. Barrett wear the belt for frog elaying in this locality, they having captured over 200 lest Mooday at AfoAtlistsr'e dam In Grey township, The supply will hardly equal the demand if many such visite are made. Bacs ime Voters' List for 1894 is out. There are 300 nafnes in Part 1 • 130 in Part II ; and 24 in Part IIL 911 portions are qualified to serve ae Jurors. There are 58 ladies on the list, 39 iu Division No. 1 and 19 in No. 2. LAST Friday Constable Scottunder a warrant from Liveryman Woods, of Lis- towel, went to Seaforth after a supposed horse thief. The man bad hired a horse and buggy and was on a "jamboree" rather than anything else. Mr, Scott re- covered horse and rig but the driver made himself scathe. 130 POUNDS of Doo.—Dr. Mo0ullough's St. Bernard dog was brought from Detroit this week by Robt, Wynn, jeweller. Al- though the animal is only about 6 months old he is nearly 3 feet tall and weighs 180 pounds. The dog is well bred and will be a monster when he attains his full growth. From 25 to 50 cents worth of fresh meat ie consumed by his dogehip daily. Ono'. -011 Friday of last week Earl, infant son of Robert Mattioe, of Port Huron, died after a short illness, Mrs. Mettles, who is a daughter of S. Craw- ford, Albert street, was here en a visit with the baby, who was 7 months old. The funeral took plaoe on Sabbath after• noon, Rev. R. Paul conduoting the ser- vice. The parents are sympathised with in their lose. Ban: Eons.—D. Ewan, W. Musgrove, and Mr. Ewan's mother, an old lady of 76 years, arrived in Brussels on Tuesday, from Glaser, v, Scotland. They had a fine pastime- on the Allan steamship "Mongolian" to Montreal and enjoyed their visit very mush. The gentlemen look the better of the voyage and their short stay in the British isles. Mrs. Ewan will probably make her home in Canada nose. This3eher first visit to America. FARR SALE.—Jno. N. KDeehtel, an old and well known resident of Brussels, has disposed of his 136 acre farm, part of which is in the corporation, to James Shaw, formerly of Grey township and Brussels, The price was said to $5,200 which is low oonsideriug all the advent. ages of location, &c. Mr. Sha,v will take possession next Fall. We have no yet heard what Mr. Kneohtel purposes doing but hope he will continue to reside n Brussels. Loox al THE nonan.—There are a num- ber of our subscribers want THH POST and would feel aunoyed were this office to ease sending it to them, but they never hick of paving for the paper when pay - lent is due. The expense of runniuu a raper like TBE POST runs over $25 s week and the employees must be paid weekly and the plant and material con - meted with the running of the concern must be paid for when due. For this eason we expect every subscriber to pay p when due. We want every subsorib- r, who is inadvertently in arrear, to ex - mine the label on his paper and to pay 11 arrearages on or before the first Sep - ember. A DAT AT LARS HURON.—The first annual sottish GUMS under the auspices of amp Maopberson No. 48, S. 0. S., will e held in Kincardine on Wednesday, ugust Stb, when $1,500 in prizes will be ffered for competition. The far-famed ipers Band of the 48th Highlanders ill be present in full strength and High - and costume. The Kincardine Flute and in kiltewill also be in attendance on hat day. A prize of $75 is offered for he team winning the hose reel race. bis prize is sure to attract the fastest eams in Western Ontario. Prizes are loo offered for the largest Damp and amp coming longest distance. The S. . Cambria wilt run excursions on the ke during the day. John D. ltfoPher- un, the champion shot putter of the orld, will endeavor to break the world's eoord at Kincardine on the 8th. The rine list is made large enough to draw le beat athletes in Canada and the nited States. Cheap and efficient rail. ay transportation has been arranged. se bills and programmes for partieul- re. Write Kincardine, August 8th, on our notebook, and make no conflicting ppoiutmente. a a S A P w B s la w tl U S a y a Pos'rAa.—Under amendment to the Post. Office Act passed at the 9o55ian of Parliament just closed, postage will berm after be imposed at the rate of 1 Dant per pound on almanac's in sheets, ohromos, lithographs, prints or engravings, .issuer by any newspapers specially and not as part of its regular issue, and also on lith- ographs, prints or engravings issued by any known office of publication iu a reg- ular series at intervals not more than a month. This latter section refers speci- ally to the art engrlvings issued by dif- ferent Canadian newspapers. A000rding to the rules of the international poet, our Government has to carry free publico• tions of this kind coming from the Orli. ted States, and it has been represented to the Goverement that if the lowest rate of postage were imposed when mail- ed in Cauart,r, the several classes of pub- lication mentioned would probably be printed in the Dominion. Sir A. P. Car- on lane promptly aooeeded to the repro. septations of the publishers, and has fix. ed the lowest possible rate on their be. half. Another amendmenb of an import- ant obaraoter made in the Post Office Aot will allow newspaper poblishsre to morose 4511 their newspapers not only ae. °mints and receitte which is permitted at present, but also printed oiroulare iu- viting subscriptions and the printed en- velopes addressed to such publishers. Tae concession is, of oouree, eonflned strictly to the documents mentioned, T1- BRVSSEL POST Civic Hor,inare.-.E 1usspls elide holiday Will be held o9I Wednesday of next week, 6111 rust„ a largely signed rpllillsition be- ing presented to the Reeve asking for it, It will bs observed tie a general holiday, DDITOIt'a DELret1T,—Tho sun ehines oo- oasionally evert on the thorny pathway of an editor, This week we received a letter f1'otn Jacob Schnook, Washington Territory, U. S„ containing the eaelt to pay his subsoiption to TIM Poe' until January, 1808. Just think of it, 871 years in advance, ' Mr, Schnook is a Grey township boy and ie prospering in the West. He deserves to. Will some of our subsoribers who are behind se far as Mr. Sehnocbc is ahead kindly figure out where they would be ifpsople paid them es they pay the Editor. Howras MUTUAL,—TJie monthly meet- ing of the IIowiolt Mutual Insurance Go, was held at Gerrie on Saturday last. Directors all present, Jas.. Edgar, Presi• dent, in the chair, 11(1 applioationa for insurance:wore- passed, -Robb. Blair's °lain for contents of barn burned in Morris was paid, amounting to 6200. David Milne's claim for barn and eon - tents, burned: in' Howiok, was also settled. He received $910. A number of small Maims for stoolc !tilled by lightning were paid. An inquest will be held by the Go. on the barn burned on the Hanna farm, Morrie. Directors Miller and Bryan will attend. Cronoen.—Mies Annie Young, daugh- ter of J, H.Yoeng, of Moosonin, N. W. T., formerly of Brussels, in writing from her school in Rooanville, N. W. T., bo a friend in Ontario says :—"Ou Monday, July 9th, a cyclone swept over this part, taking a very narrow strip of country but doing its work very effectually where it did operate. :The clouds were gathering all day but about four o'clock it became very dark and threatening in the North and we thought we were going bo have hail, but by 6 o'clock the shy woe in a perfect fury. Suddenly the wind ceased and it seemed as if something dreadful were about to happen. After a moment's lull a terrific gust strnok the house in which I board, blew in the front door and raising the upper floor carried off the whole upstairs. The rain was falling in torrents and the thunder and lightning was very severe. We took refuge in the oellar and remained there until the storm had spent its fury. The house was a complete wreck and we are at present living in a tent." Miss Young occupied a room upstairs and lost nearly all her belongings, and those recovered are most- ly peat redemption. Some of her posses. ai„U9 wm•e found two miles away, hang- ing in trees and t00n almost into shreds, while others lay in the fields covered with mad and soaked with rain. Among the most valuable articles missing are a watch and chain anda set of furs. The school Mimeo was also damaged and Miss Yonng and her pupils had, per force, to take a week's vacation. Business Locals. Flinn of all kinds at Stewart & Gra. bam's. Bose Manilla binder twine at B. Gerry's. A yew croquet sets left at Thu Pose Bookstore. 22 POUNDS granulated sugar for $1.00 at J. Grewar's, Brussels. No. 1 binder twine for 7 ciente a pound at B. Gerry's, Brussels. FOOND.—A parcel of launclried collars &c. Apply at Ten POST. Jinx received one car Manitoba Patent Flour. Backer &Vanstone. Wool, wanted at Brussels woollen mill. Highest price in cash or trade. WAGONS and carts at THE POST Book- store. Want to clear out stook. Maltese price paid for any quantity of good wool. HowE & Co. Brussels Tom our Pure Patent Manitoba flour. Best in the market. Stewart& Graham, Brussels. BARBER & VANSTONs have opened ont a flour and feed Store at Backer's old stand, Brussels. HAVE you tried our"White Loaf" brand of family flour 7 Choice quality. Stew- art & Graham. A FBW first.olass wagons left. Cheap at Jas. Walker's. Also a few buggies and Darts at cost. Wn are shipping live hogs next Tues. day, 8rd July, parties having any to sell see us. Backer & Vanstone. Oun flour is for sale at all grocery stores in Brussels and surrounding villages. Give them a trial. Stewart & Graham, National Roller Mills, Brussels. Brae emu Go.—Potato Bug poison ne- ed dry. No water wanted. Perfect care for fly on turnips and the best fer- tilizer in the market. For sale at B. Gerry's. WELL-DIeerxe ten DnmLoeo.—George Birt has ]Ill the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed attend to all work entrusted to flim in a way that will insure satisfaotion. Wells cleaned out and put in proper' shape. Terme reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brasesio. 84-tf BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER. -2,000 rolls of beautiful American Wall Papers jest to hand, bought at lees than 50o on the dollar. Don't listen to claptrap but come right along and choose at your own price. Elegant gilts at 100, 15o, 200 and 26c, formerly sold from 30o to 600. All papers bung perfectly at 10o. Come all and come quick, for they won't last. W. Roddick. The Beavers, of Woodstock, defaulted to the Alerts, of St. Mary's, in the ache • doled lacrosse match, to have been play- ed on Wednesday. This virtually leaves the championship of this league betw eon St. Marys and Paris, who at present stand a tie in the race. Death hon entered the home of M. May. er, of the Milverton station hotel, and taken hie partner in life. The end event took plaoe on Sunday morning last. De- ceased leaves a husband and two infant children to mourn her demise. Mies Preston, sister of W. Preston, of Stratford, visited her relatives on Mon- dayon her way back to Japan. where she has been engaged for some years in the work of evangelization. She has been in Canada on furlough for a year. Sbe re. turns to the, at present, muph-disturbed Japanese Empire by way of San 'handle. 00. A young man named Hyslop, of South ttlasthope, came to Stratford the other day, got toe fall to walk home comfort• ably and instead tools a horse and rig which he foond in the oity and drove home, He was allowed off on suspended sontenae by Pollee Magistrate O'Loane on his agreeing to pay damages and posts, ST,4, ".D4.R,D BIgdAri' OF C%g7V'4.b4, =•s'W.,e, •W3S,Ss=3xiS+' 1;.072. HEAP QFFJCE, TORONTO. ASSETS, . (Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorised) . 62,000,000 dpenaiee in all prinefyitl prints iss Ontario, Qflebeo, liranitalla, United 'Statue 10.iafapla7td, ; 4 efi fia"IU,UaS Igeamarr. A General Ranking Bheiness `yransaoted, Farmers' Nobs Discounted, Drafts Issued and. Collections made on all points, ' SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwarde from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly; 599055 L AirEeNTioN GIVEN TO THE OOLLnsTION oP Fhablal s' BALs NOTita, Every facility afforded Oustomors living at a distanoe,' J. A. STD -WART, MANA0En, mamonaatamonaaamaosmanonsatianamaxamarianamaranumanamanaaanannansaanammaszoonasersomancaloaa GILLIES Eto rhi VSa � 1-15 . tirfvt�cr,��r&�c,8 RP, BJE V S' S ,JCi Z.1 tS a. Transact a General.Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Interest. Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of. October and April Speoial Arrangements made for Time Deposits, We effect to 'rile I1t5uranee In old English or Canadian Conrpnrlles, or In Mut. nail. Comlmnlos as may be desired. , AGENTS Fon CANADA AND UNITED STATICS : THE 0ANAnLnN Rime or Ootasnoo. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Swift, of North Eaethope, oelebrated their golden wedding. Upwards of sixty friends and neighbors diad full justice to the ample cheer provided. During the fifty years of their married life they have been the parents of ten children—seven boys and three girls—the eldest of whom, Matthew Swift, is now nearly fifty and the young- est thirty. During that long period of fifty years not a single death has occurred in all that large family, all being still alive and in excellent health. The old gentleman is 77 and Mrs. Swift 72. , mom= . HAwsoos.—At 182, Sydenham street, London, on July 24th,ths wife of Mr. J. B. Hawkins, of a son. MBLENNAN. At 392, Maitland street, London, on July 21st, the wife of Mr. Murdy McLennan, of a daugh- ter. MARRI}7D, Atiss—PnrasT.—In Glenboro', Man., on May 801th, by the Rev. Mr. Haig - in, Annie, daughter of Mr. Joseph Priest, formerly of Atwood, Ont., to Mr. Samoel Ames, of Glenboro, Man. 07IfnD. MATTIOE.—In Brussels, on July 27tb, Earl, infant son of Robb. Mettles, of Port Huron, Mich„ aged 7 months. INOEBSOLL, Ont., July ill.—Offerings of cheese today, 2,920 boxes July make ; sales, 160 boxes white at 9 c ; 90 bid for balance ; market dull. TORONTO, July 31.—Flour—Straight roller, $2 65 to $2 80 ; extra, 62 50 to $2.- 60. Wheat—White, 56c ; spring, 650 ; red winter, 5Go ; goose, 56o ; No. 1 Mani. toba hard, 704o ; No. 2, 69n ; winter wheat on the northern, 880. Peas, 56o to 580. Barley—No. 1, 435 to 450 ; feed, 400 to 420. Oats -34e ; Corn -52c. Toaonmo, July 31.—Receipts of cattle at Western yards to -day were fair, and the feeling unsettled. Ceebles continue weak, and there is no incentive to buy. Some heavy losses to shippers have been reported. The best export cattle are sell- ing at 3o to 4o per ]b., andgood qualities at 3}o to no. Butchers' cattle are also weals, with the beet quoted at 36o to 3$c per lb. ; medium cattle sold at 80, and inferior at no to 245o. Calves are dull, at $4 to $6 per bead for good veals, and milcb Bowe unchanged at $28 to $42. Sheep and lambs about steady ; shippiog sheep, 31,o to 8$o per Ib., and butchers' at 3o to no. Lambs, $2.75 to $3 25 each. Hogs are steady, with choice bacon, long and lean, at 85 65 to $5 70, and mixed at $5 25 ; thiok fate, $4 90 to $5 ; stores, $4 75 ; sows, $1 25 to $4 60, and stags $2 50. EAST BUFFALO, N. Y., July 3L—Cattle —Receipts, 6 cars ; quiet ; 10o sower than yesterday and about 35o below open- ing prioes of last week. Best steers here, averaging 1,315 lbs., sold at $3 90 ; light and good bandy, $3 25 to $3 75 ; latter fine and fat. Sheep and lambs—There was a liberal supply on sate about 45 oars held over, and 5 care of fresh sale stook. The market was very doll and prices the loweet that have as yet pre- vailed on this market. Good lambs sold down to 45b 25 to $3 50, and fairly good ones only brought $2 75 to $3 10 ; export ewes, $3 25 to $8 40. There were no very choice ebeep on sale, but $8 00 to $4 would take the very best wethere, and they would have to be very fancy at the top figure. Hogs—Twenty care ; light Yorkers and pigs loo lower ; heavy York- ers, medium and packers weights, 50 off best pigs, $4 45 ; other oboioe qualities sold at $5 85 to $5 40. BRITISH CATTLE MARIt/Ts.—John Swan & Son, of Edinburgh, in their weekly re. port of July 200b says ;—Supplies of fat cattle at all the principal centres continue fairly large. Trade on the whole has been about the same us last week. The first grass-fed Irish cattle of the season were on offer this week, and they met a good trade. Fat cows °beeper, while bulls have been dearer. Canadian and States cattle made about 50s a head less money, The supply of fat sheep and lambs bas been about an average, for which an salve demand was experienced at quite es high prises as last week. Calves—Not quite NO numerous, and mode higher prioes. Pigs in fair num. bare and cheaper. Store cattle, if good, continue to sell well, but secondary are dielcult to dispose of. The lamb season opened at F, W Boswell's this weep. The general quality of the tote, with a few exceptions, was quite up to last year. A good demand was experienced, and while one or two lobe made rather less others met an advance of from es to 8e, or an average of 8s 6d of lest year's prices, Mitch cows fewer and made less motley. Beet beef, Se to 8e 8d per stone; best mutton, 84 to 8}d per Ib. mRT.TFJ1mI.r3 aa'.n. .rar'rs, Fall Wheat 55 57 Spring Wheat 53 55 Barley 35 38 Peas 52 63 Oats 34 35 Butter, tube and rolls.... 13 14 Eggs per dozen 7 00 Flour per barrel 8 00 3 50 Potatoes 40 50 Hay per ton 5 CO 6 00 Salt per bbl, retail1 00 00 Hides trimmed 3 Hides rough 14 2 Sheep skins, each 50 60 Lamb skins each 15 00 Apples per bbl.. 1 50 1 75 Wool 16 17 Pork, Live 4 00 4 25 213E PEOPLE'S' COLUMN. TERSEY HEIFER FOR SALE. el I have a nine registered .jersey Heifer, soon due to calve, which I will sell reason- ably. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist & Bookseller. tARM FOR SALE,—THE UN– nxneroNBD offers his splendid 200 acre farm, being Lots 17 and 18, Con. 0, Grey, for sale. Abtut180 acres cleared, balance wood- ed. Good brick house, bank barn, orchard, &c. Well 'watered and fenced. For price, terms, &e., apply to A. G. WELSH, Proprietor, 52.tf Ethel P. 0. QTRAYED FROM THE PREM - nos of the undersigned, Lot25, Con. 5, Morris, about Jane 250, a light red heifer aged 2 years, with small white star on fore- head, Horns turning down, Small wart close to left eye. Any information leading to her recovery will be thankful] received. JOHN JOHNSON, 51.4. Jamestown P. 0. POUNDKEEPER'S NOTICE. There was impounded on the 28411 day of July, on Lot 9. Concession 10, Township cf Grey, one two year old heifer, red, with white star on forehead and wl:iteunder- neath flare. The same will be sold by Public Auction, at the Pound on the 20411 day of August, at 5 o'clock, p.m„if not sooner redeemed and expenses pail. JOHN 1141tBI8, Ponndl,ceper. NOTICE ! It ie agreed between the undersigned that their reepeotive ollices will be closed for the transaction of legal business from the 28rd dal of July until the 18011 of August, W. M. SINCLAIR, G. F'. BLAIIt, Brussels, July 17, '94. R. L. TAYLOR,. REAL ESTATE. �- VARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- � n1iteroxnn has several good Farms Dor sale and to reit, easy terms, In Townships 01 Morris and Grey. F S. BC OTT, Bruasele. FARM sale FORSALE.- 21,, Con 10 'Township of Grey. col:taining 100 nem. 501 of Whish Is Winfred and seeded down. Well fenced and bpecially adaptedfor dairy purposes. The Galena° is heavily wooded. It Is near to thuruh and school. For portiorllars apply to A. MO1AIR, 45-4 Oranbrook P. 0. MEDICAL CARDS. TA. MaNAUGEITON, M. D. 0•10.,L,11.U.P., 17dinburgll, DI. C. P. B. Ont. Residence and ethos In Wilson's Block, corner of kith and Turnberry Ste, T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. 5) . Physician, Surgeon Aoeonob er, oto. Graduate of Torooto University Medical Faculty. Member of Collage of ]'hysfelans and Surgeons, Out, OFFIos—Next door to McDonald & 0o” Walton Ont, VOTERS' L/ST.--1894. Municipality of the Totonslifp of Greg,/, County of Duron. Notion is hereby given that I have trona. milted or delivered to the persons mention - e d in 8 rations 5 and 5 Of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1904 the copies required by Raid Sections to be ao transmitted or delivered, of the list made pursuant to Bahl Act, of all D5Y5on5 uppcarine by the last Revised As- Reseal ant Boll of said Municipality to be en- titled to vote in acid Municipality at 51eo- tisnefor members Of the -Legislative As. senility and atMunioipal Elections, and that said Illat wasfirst punted up at my Ogloe 10 1Gtbel on lila glob clay of July,1804, and re. malue. tbero icr inspeotisn, praetors are palled noon to examine the goodlist, and, if any °miest0ae or any other errors.. aro tonne therein, to take immediate proceedings to have lbe said errors oorreobod according to laws WM. SPENCE, clerk, Dated the 31st clay of July, 1801• 4.1, FOX, CHE LS2; Has purchased the Drug business of J, T. Pepper and will always be Pleased to welcome the Public, Graham's B'lo'ck, BRUSSELS. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -p L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solieltor and Conveyauaor: Collec- tions made, OOloo—Vanetone's Block, Brim,sols. 21.3m YW• M. SINCLAIR, • S011 ober Conveyancer, Notary Pub - 110, noth of central Rotel. Pr BteclFuuds to Loan, C.4.MEBON, HOLT & HOLMES Barri5t,ro, 8olloitoi's, Not/trim! Public, Godorioh, Ont. AT, a 011mRGN, 5. O:, 91109I9 HOLT, DUDLEY Ho9NE5, G •F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &a (late of Garrow & Proedfoot's 0111oe Godorioh.) °Moe oyer Gillies &�mit11's Bank, CCreosols, Mone to Loan. 47 DENTAL. 1)3i;IV OCIbllT f M. CAVANAGH, L• D S..,,, D. D. S., GraduaSurgeonte of s, Ontario, Royal College SOOonto Coil varsity. OFFIaE—Over A. R. Smith's Store, Brussels, Will visit Wroaoter the 1st and tied Moudaye and. Blyth -bbe 2545 aid 4th Wednesdays of each month. DR. DAVIDSON Honor Graduate Toronto Cniversity, Licentiate Royal college Denbal.. Surgeons. Grown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder- ato Pees. Barrett's barber shop1lTurabei'ry f5L., Bous- sele, VETERINARY. T D. WARWIOK, CI • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, le prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals In a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary1''.. dentistryy. Calle promptly at- tended to. O81ce and Indrmaly--Pour doors north of bridge :euruberry at., Brusseie. H. MOORE, V. S., • H. M,0V. M. �S. Graduate of. the Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all domesticated animate treated on soientifle pprmcipLiee. Horse dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a specialty. 05115 promptly attended to. Odioe, over Johnston & Oooh- rane's marble works, infirmary at BeattIe's livery barn,8russele, Ont. 2g. BUSINESS CARDS. 'T• H. MoORAOKEN, lavaGrocery lurnberrvgstraeb, 81ugs0ols. R N. BARRETT, south ofd Tonsorial ET McKay Co's hardware sxt tore Ladtes'and abildlens hair cutting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. 'HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron, conveyancer, Notary public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds Invested and to loan. collections made. Office in Graham's Bloolc, Bruesois, �J:SS O'CONNOR, R. T., Teacher of instrumental music on Piano or Organ. Will visit Wiughaln Tues- day nod Wednesday of each week. Resp- dance on Princess Street, Brussels. m A, HAWI{INS, 11I. C. S. M. JL • Organist in St. john's Church, Brus- sels, and pupil, in the Art of 'Teachings of A. W. Thayer, -this. Doo., New York, will give lessons to pupils either ou pian or organ, at his parlor over A.B. Smith's store, Brea - eels. Vocal lessons also given. Terms mod- erate. AUCTIONEERS. RAYMANN, Auctioneer, 'e. always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, &o. Tanis ebsceuily given, Oranbrook P.O. Sales may be arranged at THIO Poem Publishing House. I3ruseello, ('1 EORGE KIRKBY, ".Ji Licensed Auctioneer. Sales. uouduot 045 on reasonable terms. Farms and fawn stook a specialty. Orders loft at T'HE PooT PebliehMallon se,Brnesele,or esntto Walton P. 0„ will receive prompt attention. AVING TAKEN OUT,LICEN- BB are an Auctioneer, I ata prepared to conduct sales of farm stock atreaeonable prices. 'Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a poaltion tosell to good masks and got good security when gold 05 oredlt, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mea °all: 82- L' 8, SCOTT. VOTERS' LIST. --1894. Municipality of the Y'ilfaoo of Braude, County of Huron. Notice Is hereby given that Lhave trans- mitted or dsliyorod to the persons mention- ed in Sections 5. and 0 o the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1890, the eopios requfr545 by said Seasons to be so transmitted or delivered, 01 the list made pursuant to tail .bat, of all persona appearing by the last Revised 8e' sessmontno 1 of said Muuleipatityy, to be en- titled to vote in said Municipality at elec. tione for members of the Legislative As- aembl and at Muniolpal diens, and that said 11yst was first posted up at my office in Brussels, eu the 8rd day of August,1801, and rem eine there for inspection. : B loo tors 1,115 called upon, to examhl0 the tatd list,and, if any omissions or any, Other errors are found therein, to .take immediate oro°oedinge to. have the Bald orrofa oorrooted according to law. Ti, 8, SOOT 5, Clerk. Dated the 8rd day of August, 1804,