HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-8-3, Page 6eatelesseeMmeseestateMarecteememessmetamtmeimeaameevolen iatootlo plot EVERY FRIDAY MO1 ING (1n time for the early mails)at $Tito Post" Meant Pttklisiting Renee, ToiNnunui ST., 13i oo ea, ONT. Timm or SUnsenirxloN•—One dollar and a half aear i11 adyan00. The date to which ovary subscription 1s paha is denoted by the date ou the address label AnvErerlsriaa IlATus.—Tbe followingrates will be charged to these who advertise by the year :-• -- m-- 6 srxcln I 1 xtt I"5 ma, a ma One Column....... `180000 086.00 825.00 Half 80.00 20.00 12.00 quarter " 20,00 10.00 8.00 3 8.R 5 60 x ,aa! kightU .�...-.._ •17ignt 005100 per line for first Insertion, and three oents per line for each subsequent 1u. sertton. All advertisements 020(30.02 611 as Nonpareil -12 lines to the inch. Business Cards, eight linos and un ler, 85 per annum. Advertisements without opaoiflo dims• tions,will be inserted untilforbid, µu0 ebarged accordingly. Instructions to eha(80 or disnontinue an advertisement must be left at the eouuting room of Tula Vast: not later than Tuesday of oaola week. This la Imperative, Miter and Proprietor. Max ekes o vv. A. now library ie to bo soured for the Methodist Sunday school, The ue;v drug store for oho Berry, in the Murray blush, is almost finished. James Murchison left last week for the North West Territories, to continue his studies for the Methodist ministry. A fair sized audience assembled in the Town Hall on Friday evening of last week, at the charity =out, in aid of F. C. MoGaw, a cripple. Dr. J. S. Tennant, of this village, re- ceived the sad news last week that hie mother, who is over eighty years of age, bad died in Scotland. The Sons of Sootland Games Com- mittee are issuing invitations with a hundred welcomes to Saxon, (Jell and a' that, in bonnet, kilt and a' that tae brithers be for a' that and to spend a social day together at the gathering on Sept. btb. Gomel. The Directors of the,Gorrie Mechanics Institute have added a lot of new books t0 the library. Sae. Lennox has fitted in for D. Sand- erson a bath, water closet and hot water connections, which is giving the best of satisfaction. A travelling photographer has been do- iog our town and secured a number of fine snapshots for a Detroit paper, but quite a number of the business plaoee were finished np and sold to the proprie- tors. While picking cherries Mr. Stephens met with rather a bad accident. He was standing on the top of a step ladder when it fell, bringing bis to the ground very heavily. He has not been able to be around since. Thursday of last week Judge Tome heard the case of the Qaeen vs. Williams, the young man accused of stealing money from the safe of McLaughlin Bros., in Gerrie. Only the evidence for the pros. ecution was gone into, and this was so inoonolusive that the prisoner was ac quitted. Exeter. The Zurich stow days are fixed for September 26th and 27th. Tbe Exeter Salt well was closed down last week for the Summer months. .A. project ie on foot to have the arti• ficial granite pavement sidewalk extend- ed from A. Q. Bobier'e establishment to the Commercial House. Several tramps were going the rounds of the town begging for money. At sev- eral places they are reported to have used very abusive and obscene language. An immense sturgeon, weighing eighty- two ightytwo pounds, and measuring nearly six feet, was captured by Will Dempsey and Robb. Esaery, of Stephen, at Grand Bend the other day. Workmen have been busily engaged setting in the electric appliances through out the different stores in town. They expect to have everything in running order about the let of September. Mies Selena Harvey, daughter of Rich. Harvey, of Thames Road, wbo under- went a eurgioal operation for the removal of an exceedingly large cancer a short time ago, is. we are pleased to note, pro- gressing favorably. Remarkable to say, she attended church three days after the operation was performed. 0. Prouty, Clerk of Stephen, received the sad intelligence by telegram from Gouverneur, N. Y., on Tuesday of last weak of the death of hie brother, Nelson 0. Proaby. Deceased was a printer by trade and was 78 years of age. Mr. Prouty was unable to attend the funeral owing to the length of time it would false to get to his brother's home. ann00tn0i1114 the temperature of the water by the flying of a flag trona the battling hew. When the "Blue Peter" doesn't fay the temperature ie low, but when the flag floats on the breeze there nod be no fear in descending the hill. i CJIi ti toxx. The Sbrset Committee has built a gravel walk otit towards Stapleton. Allan Turnbull, of Milverton, has bought out and tauten possession of the livery horsiness of D.B. Kenuedy. Frank MoDonagh, of Carlow, has Bold his hotel bueinese 20'0,'. Hogg, of Toren to, who baa already taken possession. Miss L. Holmes, eldest daughter of Rev. J. W. Holmes, has passed her fluid examination as a Iilndergarteu teaober, Dr, Horsey, who It(1as beim and elsewhee,olos trip throughcalls Egypt in Gown calling on his old friends brat week 1 he eaye that in all his jonrneyings he found no better place than Ontario. Town Clerk Coate and Contebl0 Wlieatly are becoming experts in the capture of frogs, 000001ng 501 in three nights. Farmers, toe, are beginning to appreciate the hindquarters of these hitherto despised oreatares, and are slaughtering them also. H. Freeman, of Mullett, delivered on Tuesday of last week, the first uew wheat of the season, which weighed over the standard. James Turner, of Brueefleld, delivered at Irwiu's elevator, on Wednes- day of lest week, some of this year's wheat, that went 08 lbs. to the baehel, and yielded 86 bushels to the sore, We mentioned a week or so ago That Rev. Mr. Newcombe had a watch which he carried for 40 years. There are, evi- dently, older watches than this in the country, James Baine having one that he has carried for about 45 years, while George Carter, of Lown, has a faithful and reliable friend that has been with him for 60 years, and looks to be good for 60 more. Got3oriele- Manager Hart baa the painters and decorators at work improving the Grand Opera House, preparing it for the Fall opening. Principal Park, of the Public Schools, has received the appointment of Inspec- tor for West Kent, his home before com- ing to Goderich. Jonathan Miller, the jolly host of the Albion, has sold out that popular hotel to J. W. Marsden, late of Ingersoll, who will take possession August let. Geo, Steven, the popular messenger of the Bank of Commerce, leaves the first week in August for Guelph, where he has been promoted to a better and more lu- eretive position. Charles Welle, accompanied by his eon John, ata visiting Gorderich after an ab- sence of 15 yorein New Zealand. Mr. Wells eenior, who ie father of our towns- man, C. A. Welle, will be remembered by many as an old time resident, having re- sided here for about 80 years before going away. He was a member of the frret lire brigade of (hie town. He likes the coun- try and elimabe of hie Southern home, and ie proepering there. He will remain here until the end of September. Capt. Babb has gone to considerable enemas in fixing up the beach and in en- larging the bathing house, and now au. permtends an institution wbieh le the finest of ire kind along the coast of Lake Linton, and a credit to`the town of Gode- rich He has made a 11now departure in !Senator Us. Seafortb is now a Port of Entry with F. G.Neelin,of the Sun, as officer. An owl flew in through a transom of the Dominion Bank the other evening. D. D. Wilson has sold the oatmeal mill to Waller Thompson, the former proprietor. G. Chesney has purchased the Sharp residence on Jarvis Street, paying there- for the sum of 5750. Alexander Stewart, of this town, has a dirk knife, soh as those used by the Indians long ago, which he made him- self from the original steel. George Turnbull returned home from a trip to the Old Country. Me. Turn- bull went over with a lot of horses. He Bays horses are very dull of sale there. George Ewing, of Toronto, son of George Ewing, of this town, was severe- ly injured while playing lacrosse at Mon. treat. He was struck by the ball direct- ly over the heart, causing a hemorrhage. Henry Monteith, of the 2nd 0o0oe0- sion L. R. S., Tuckeremitb has the honor of being the first to deliver wheat of this season's growth in the Seaforth market. Tbie wheat was delivered at Ogilvie's mill on Wednesday, July 25011. It was of en exoellent sample and weighed 84 lbs. standard, Fretuman.—Shortly after twelve o'. clook, on Wednesday morning of last week, the fire alarm whistle was blown and our citizens began scurrying dawn town in hastily thrown on garments to find out the cause of the alarm. It turn- ed out that some of tbe boarders at the Royal hotel had been awakened by emoke in their rooms, and had thought the hotel to be on fire. It transpired that no fire could be found in the building, and most of the citizens went home with the impression that it was a false alarm. this was not the case however. Mr. Weir, in looking pushed openthe around door of ot J. A. Olack he smoke, bake.ehop, and going in found the furn• ace alight and smoke pouring from the door. He also noticed a light showing tbrougb the cracks in the floor. Pulling up a board he found a lighted candle stuck on a board among a lob of refuse ou the top of an old brick bake -oven. He palled the attention of Mr. Clark and others to it. They look the candle out and, after talking a while, were about to go away, when fire broke out over the ice cream booths, whish -consist of a wooden shell built up within the ebop. On the top of this was a lot of old bask- ets, eto. Tbe fire bad bees very cleverly laid, a candle being pat in a box in such a way that after burning for a time it would catch a lot of paper. Had this not been noticed it would certainly have burned the building and the family liv- ing above would have bad a bard time to get out. The furnace had been start• ed so that it would appear that the fire had originated there. The incendiary however, did not seem to know how to arrange the drafts, so that the furnace smoked, and the smoke, penetrating the hotel, caused an alarm before the fire caught. It was n moat villainous scheme and it is fortunate that it miscarried, as not only the bakery but probably the hotel and seed.etore on the other aide, would have gone and many lives been endangered. Mr. Clark had no suspic- ion whatever of who theguilty party wee. Some time ago the bank door was buret in with a stick of wood and a lot of sponge taken out of the trough and spread over the floor, so that some one seems to bear a grudge against kir. Clark. At his instance, Coroner Smith held an inquest on the fire. THE BRUSSELS POST sbrzmtaneetnrltnstar— feeding, The sober 05200 netfosd the (land arils and owned iuu0ll perplexed. At length they took the interlopers to the edge of the moat surrounding the table and dropped each one into the water, Their gomradee, however, they 0arried hems and plaited in the neat, where they I slept off the allots of the liquor. Genera.* 1'41 tovI'se. Kamm crops are in danger of fetal an, nihiiatlon. Debe eaye he is not connoted with the new Alneneen Labor Union. An independentCabholio cbnroh is to bo formed in the UnitedStobee, Bicycles are now used In the armies of nearly all the civilized nations, The French Senate on Friday passed the anti -Anarchist bill 205 to 85, Senator Foley, of Nebraska, ;vas shot and killed on Friday by a widow. Fighting is in oder at Bletefields, A British warebip has been sent for, Orangemen In council in London have declared themselves against home rule, Projeots to build over forty paper mills in the Southern States ate under way. The University of Chloago is the rich- est institution of learning in the country, The Minister of Finance and Mrs. 1!'oster left Monday for Apapoquoi, N. B. The 202(1 anniversary of the establish - mob of the Banat of England was pole. heated Friday. Mexico has asked Chill to join in a monetary conferenoe to 000sidet the es- teblisllruout of a ratio between gold and silver. Killen started in to pitch for Pitt]. burg Thursday, lint had his pitching a'rm broken in the third inning by a liner from George Tebeau'e.bat. The Buffalo poormaeter reports that be has over 000 families on hie books es re- ceiving oily relief. The number is with- out precedent at this time of the year. Mrs. Debs in a recent interview says that she and her husband, the leader of the Chicago strike, are both infidels, She Bays 001. Bob Ingersoll is their ideal. Information bas been received at Lon. don wbioh leaves no woos for doubting that the Wellman Arctic exploring party is safe and well on its way to the North. The Tariff Bill has been sent to con- ference without instructions and without a division of the Senate, no vote being taken on the motion to send the bill bask to conference. The final splice of the Anglo.Ameri• can Telegraph Company's new sable was made at 11 a• m., Greenwich time, on Friday, and the laying of the largest cable noose the Atlantic was then suc- cessfully completed. A French member of Parliament and a newspaper editor are fighting a duel at the suggestion of the Chamber of Deputies. Foolish fellows I They should have their heads bumped together put to bed without their suppers. and be p A Maine dog ran into the bicyole of a Lewiston man who was going at full speed. The dog waB pinked np and car- ried twine around by the spokes. The rider was not thrown, and the maohine was not injured. The wheelman tells the story. The dog is dumb. An electric weedkiller is used on the Illinois Central road. The electricity is discharged from brushes covering tbe width of the track. The apparatus le mounted on a flat car, which is moved at the rate of five miles an hoar, and is said to kill every weed on the track. By the caving in of a wall of a cistern Tuesday, at a young ladies' Catholic seminary at Winona, Minn., tbree brink - layers and a boy nine years old were buried eighteen feet under the earth and brick. A force of men were at once set to digging, but all the victims were dead when found. J. D. M00, Ruth and W. D. Cornwall, of Philadelphia, were in Niagara Falls, N. Y., on Friday, having come the entire distance from the City of Brotherly Love to Niagara Falls on foot. They made the trip in 17 days, travelling at the rate of 24 miles per day. They are making the trip for pleasure. It has been learned that Michael Wel. eb, who has served 0 months of a year's sentence in the House of Correction in South Boston for Jarcney, has fallen heir to 575,000 by the death of his father, Chief of Police Welsh, of Quebec. Mich- ael ran away from his home in Quebec some fifteen yore ago. The London Lancet says the pupil of Mr. Gladstone's eye, whiub was recently operated upon, has become so obstructed that a new operation is necessary. His other eye is troubled with an immature cataract, but he can still be aided, by an application of a isolation of attrophine, o see ordinary print. His general health ie good and his vigor remarkable. Passengers arriving at Denver, Col., report widespread destruction of crops in Kansas and Nebraska by hot winds. Two weeks ago experts estimated that Nebraska would have a big corn crop. I0 will now probably bo necessary to ship corn into many counties of that State, so that farmers may live until another sea• eon. Hundreds of square miles of corn are hanging dry and lifeless. Reports from along the linea of theUnion Pacific, Reels Island, Missouri Pacific and Santa Ye roads are all of the same tenor. EXCLUSIVE CO1LMMUI1'1'l ES. The number of ants dwelling together in a community, according to Sir Jelin Lubbock, is sometimes as great as five hundred thousand. They are always friendly towards each other no quarrels ever having been observed between two ants, members of the same community. They are however, very exclusive, and regard an immigrant} with horeer. When an ant of the same species belonging to another neat appears among them, he is promptly taken by the leg or antenna and put out. It would naturally bo sur- mised that Male distinction was made by some communieatimr. To test whether they could recognize each other without signs, attempts were made to render them insensible, first by chloroform and afterward by whiekey. "None 0f the ants would voluntarily degrade them- selves by getting drunk." Finally fifty ante were taken, twenty.five from one community and twenty.flvs from another, and dipped into whiskey until intoxicat- ed. They were then appropriately Welt- ed with a epee of pellet and pieced on a table where the ante Prem one nest were KE@lDALL'S ,SPAV14 CURE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY 'FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never blisters. Road proofs below: KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE Bnusromr, L. L, N.Y., Jan. 10, 1804, Dr. D. J. I8xanem 00. Oenttini en—I hougbt10 splendid bay horse some time ago with i3 ,avi n. I gothlrn for 000. I used Itendall's Bpavlu Cure. The S ,uvin Is gone now and I loom boon offered 5100 for the same horse. I only had him nine weeks, so I got $120 for using $2 worth of Ko0,1811 0 Bpavlu Coro. Yours truly, W. S. Mesons. (ENDALL'S SPAY N CURE Bna0Or, Blom" Dam 16,1000. Dr. Il. J, IOSODAnn CO. Srra—I have mod your Kendall'e Spavin n h sCauOrde 0tlithnd511000fort Onreeeoruo.os Yourstruly, Amain Ps000a101c. mass 91 per Bottle. For Salo by an Dragelet,, or address De', .73. J'. i1:TORvd7,L OompA2vrZ 1 ONOSBUnaH FALLS. VT. Saved Her Life. Mrs, 0..7, Woaoonrnah, of Worthnm, Tome, saved tbe life of her child by the dee. of Ayer's Cherry Peotoral. "Ono of my el1Bdren had Croup, The. wase 0(11e attended by out' physklan, and was supposed to be well under coutrel. Ono night I was startled by the child's hard breathing, and .011 going to 11 found ft Strati,Ong. It had nearly ceased t0 breathe. Itemizing 11106 the cldld's alarming 8011d1tion had become possible in spite of the medicines iven, I reasoned that such remedies would De of no avail. Playing part of a bottle et Ayer's Cbery Pectoral in t110 house; I save the childthree doses, at ellen Intervals, aid anxiously wafted results. From the =meat the Pectoral was gluon, the chikes breathing grew easier,. and, 111 0 short time, she wee sleeping quietly and breathing naturally. The child is alive and well bo -5s , and I do not hesitate to say that Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral sawed her life," ERT Cherry Pectoral Prepared icy Dr. J• 0. Ayer 1L Co., Lowell,11ase. ,PrOmpttOact,SUretOCUre ALLAN LINE. Simmer Sailings, 1894. MONTREAL AND LIVJi;RPOOL SERVICE, From Fr0n1 From Liverpo7 ST1tetlsniPs. Montreal. Queboo. Daylight. 0 a.m. April 10 6 May `0 • 10 • 17 • 24 • 81 June 174 • 21 " 2a Sardinian May '5 May 6 +Laurentian12 Not calling Parisian ........ " 10 May 20 Mongolian " 20 .May 27 iNumidiau June 2 Not calling Sardinian 0 June 10 iDaurentiun" 10 Nob calling Paxteien " 22 June 24 Vonaoliau " 80 July 1 iNumidian July 7 Not calling Sardinian " 14 July 15 }Will not call at Rimouski or London- derry. Passengers embark at Montreal after 8 p. m. on Fridays. For further information as to rates, etc., apply to W. H. KERR, Agent, Brussels. 1'IIONEY TO LOA1.N. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Cleric, Brussels. ARE YOU GOING TO Paint Tour IIGuse OR DO ANY Papering this Spring ? If so, now ie the time to consult us. The LARGEST, CHEAPEST and BEST as- sorted stock in the County, to hand comprising the following B! LGE cP SONS CELEBRATED PROCESS, GILTS, BRONZES, SINTILARE, AND IN- GRAINS, with gorgeous freizes and ceil- ings to match. Also the Handsomest etoclt of window shades over shown in bhe County. Nothing but the purest Leads; and Oils that 0011 be found In the market used in all our work. Farmers and others hav- ing old rigs to paint come and see us at 01100. Setlefaoti0n guaranteed. RODDICK cl WAKE, Ilotiso, Sign, Carriage and Decorative Paintere. P. S. --Thanking all old ouetolnore for their favors during rho past twenty years I have been in business I solicit u eon• tinuance of the same and the patronage of the people generally for the now firm. W.RODDIO.TC. AUG, 8, 1.8911 With the opening of Spring this popular game is once more C0113- ing into favor. IA.V E YOU A LAWN ;? h 80 order a Croquet set and have a good time. WAG- ►SNS. Wood and wire wheels and wood or iron axles, for children. Also Torr Carts; &c. CRU3KET SETS For boys—the very thing—bat, ball, wickets and bales. .„, SEE THEM. o:t ooitoroo THE WHOLE FAMILY �2m-� Father Mother Grandfather Grandmother Children And A11. READS THE POST. They read the Locals, the Stories, the Advertisements—every line in the paper. Then they send it to distant relatives interested in the town, as numerous post- masters will certify, The Local Weekly is the best -read publication in existence. It has the home news which no other paper gives. Advertisers take notice—THE POST is react by several thousands of people every week. An Advertisement in this paper is, therefore, of some account. Subscribe far;THE POST. Advertise in THE POST. FURNITURE DEALER, Is Showing in his New Premises, �.Oi i osi a American Zotei, A cull stock of°�9M'�l �} �t �� FOR All Kinds of I� �2J'' �J 1 Parlor, Dining Room, fled Room or Kitchen. Picture FI"C6772,i124 attended to 072 Short notice. Undertaking Departmenti A Full Supply of Funeral Requisites Always in Stock. Special Attention given to Repairing. A CALL SOLICITED....--- D. OLICITED. _D. G. NOGG, Brussels. �;g;