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The Brussels Post, 1894-8-3, Page 5
VG. 3, 1804 woo aaaanrza asTonstwaxammxpr DISTRICT NEWS. i'rinolpel Wynn paid ue it visit last week, Mite Tiliie McRae l0 visiting Nona at Blyth, Basis and Beatrice McNair are hoii- dayiug at Newry. The flax mill has commenced work cn this teaeon'e crop. Mies Aggie M0Nair bas gong for a month's vis16 among friends at lilppen and Ilensall. Mrs, Wm, Hayman returned to her home in -London Wednesday, after an ex- tended visit among friends here, There will be no servioe in the Meths. diet ohnr0b here next Sunday owing to quarterly meeting hold ab Ethel. fl1v t;ta. Largo quantities of flax isbeing drawn into the mill these Boys. The bricklayers are making great head- way with 13e1i'e new livery ebable, R. Howard ie rushing hie house through ae several partite want to occupy it, At the request of a numerously eigneil petition the Reeve declared Weineoday oivio holiday: James MoGill has dialoged' of his brink reeiden0eand two lots on Dineley street, to Mr. Ingram. Mr. Macnamara, student of lIellmath College, is to officiate in Trinity ohuroh on Sunday next. Blyth was lighted by eleotrioity on Wedneedny evening, the two months vacation without it having expired. Rev. T. A Higley,inoumbent of Trinity aural:, is spending a month's well earn- ed vacation on the shores of Lake Erie. ,The Blyth flour mill was disposed of to Menne. Teirnay & McKellar one day last week for a good figure. The new proprietors will take possession on Aug- ust 20th. .Attwood• 8 pupils of our public school, all who wrote, paused the Entrance. In 1893 the Township of Elma produced and sold over 0100,000 worth of obeeee. Albert Ben, the seven-year-old eon of J. H. Tbompeon, Elma, had the misfor- tune to wal into kiohotashes and got one of his feet sorely burned. James Hammond has purohaeed a fine pneumatic"tyred ladies' bicycle, of Amer- ican manufacture, for hie daughters, who will learn to ride. Itis a beautiful 0100 wheel. J. R. Thompson, of the 5th oon.,Elma, has.probably the largest flock of sheep in North Perth. The total number being one hundred and twelve, this includes forty Jambe. Gillies & Martin's travelling salesman was tying his team to a telegraph pole near the cemetery on the 8th of Mime on Tuesday evening of last week, intending to take refuge from the storm, when oau of the horeee was struck by lightning and knocked down. The horse soon re- covered, however, and the team started off on a alto and n a mile and half before they were oaptared. Two of the telegraph poles were badly shattered. ' ' 7: W. Boyd, of the 8th con., Elma, mot with what at first appeared a serious accident. While driving a sow into the stable he slipped or tripped and fell full length on some fresh gravel in the yard. By the help of a couple of the family Mr, Boyd with some diffioulty was helped up and reached the house. Mr. Boyd thought hie thigh was broken or dislocat- ed at the hip. Upon examination, we aro glad to say, no bones were broken or disjointed. Wing haa.mi. Qivio holiday on Wednesday, August 8912. Some of our townsmen have been mak. ing good catches of blank bass in the river the past week or so. Our townsman, a. A. ,Morton, was honored by the Grand Lodge of A. F. &; A. M. in being elected to the office of Grand Registrar of Ontario. Mayor Hanna is busy building another brink house on the site of the old St.' Paul's thank. The Mayor Is one of the most extensive property owners in town. Thos. Gregory has out his large tene- ment house, known as the "terrace," on the east side of Franoie street, in two, moved them book from the street, planed them on stone foundations and will ve- neer them with brick. George Mooney is now engaged ae can - arming agent for the new paper to be started in Toronto by Thad. W. H. Lea- vitt, lateP. P. A. leoturer, who visited Wingham several times during the past few months. W. F, Brockenshire was at Chatham last week attending the annual meeting of the Grand Encampment of Ontario of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, as the representative of Minerva Encamp- ment, No. 47, this town. Alex. Coutts, formerly engaged on the 0.1'. R, here, is very ill, and bis recovery be not looked for. Last Fall be had a severe attack of pleurisy and inflamma. tion, and it has developed into consump- tion. He has a family of nine ohildren and none of them old enough to assist in providing for their wants. Court Mait. land, Canudian Order of Foresters, and the 0. P. R. Company have been assist. ing him. It is a really sad case. Morriss. Spring grain harvest has commenced. John McCaughey raised his fine new barn last week. TED. Posedidnot show up at Sunshine P. 0. last week. A new floor has been placed on the bridge at Bluevale. ,John Smith, 8th line, is erecting a large brink dwelling house this summer. Thomas Laidlaw, 8th line, has put an addition to his barn with stonework ub detnoath. Fall wheat threshing ie on the list and tbie important cereal is yielding fairly well and of very good quality. We learn that .8dain Stott,, 4th line, has sold his farm to hie neighbor, Won. Sbeddan. This gives the Messrs. Shed- den 800 aoree of land in a block. The 1lowiok Eire Insurance Company intend holding an inquest over the resent burning of the barn and stables on the W. G. Hanna farm, The date 18 hot yet fixed.' We aro pleased to hear from Mre. S. Walker, who arrived home last week from Michigan, that her mother, Mre. H. Olvar, is improving splendidly and eX- peola to boon be quite welt. Frank Hau10y, of SO, Marys, is atoll Baying in thia looal]ty, ale is a toneoria flatlet in the etnne town, George Parker lute gone to the Old 0oentry with a shipment of tattle. IIe will be away fora few wooko, Henry Martel!, John Clerk and' John 17fol1farray, who went to Algoma in June, have allroturiled, They say that the Chioaga strike effected the wages and they sbruoli for Morrie. The outside work of Wm. Uloble's new dwelling, with the exoeption of the ver- endab, ie completed, The improved ap- pearanoo it gives to his eplendld farm is Wryly immense, THE 13 iUSSEtS POST 111159,1'14-., s --_- ' ,lames Zldgar, a well known Ilowiok 0014 996. Mr, and Mrs, Smith and farmer, left this week for a pleasure trip family are well deserving of the thanks of to S00tland, iron voyage, the Brussels Methodist olinrab for their 0. A. Doty, of Bradebaw,Lemltttua Oo„ hospitality in weleom►ng the mealy , spent several days at the Methodist par- who visited them last Friday evening. sonage, IIs is the eldest brother of the Peon Fon Sonar, lienees, ---,Mr, feclit• 1 pitmen's' wife.. or, -1179910534 land the spm of 01,00, for The brie brisk rosidenoe lately winated whip)) please pond mo nil, 310x'• 71 Is by our former tem -imam Jae. Ireland, now twelve menthe sinoe I left yom' lo' will make it very ronifortable and non. 0101167 and my friends apparently have R venient home for , Bluets, who has per- fglg0btee me, 50 I knew not of a hasher YS phased it.. substitute than Tun Posr, As for news nth el. Reeve Milne is away at Mnakoka. Schoolwill open on the 20th boot, Principal Dolasou was away this week on a holiday gating. Quarterly sacramental aerobes will be held in the Methodist' church here next Sabbath morning, Tho Ilan fly trap wee exhibited at D. Milne's last week. It appears to be tate proper thing and should meet with ready sale, Tbe hum of the threshing machine is beard in the land as the farmers are making room for Spring grain by thresh• ing out their Fall wheat. At David Milne's sale of tboro' bred tattle last week 20 animate were sold at an average price of 967.00. Mr. Milne has 30 head yet left so will continue hie stook farm, 'W ra:l test . Next Sabbath morning the regular quarterly communion servioe will be held in the Methodist ohnrch. Serviette have been held of late in the Amerioan Presbyterian chnroh. Mr. Smith, a student from the U. S., will preuoli next Sabbath. Complaint is made of the bad odour from the piggery at the cheese factory on certain days. It may be a good breeding place for typhoid fever. We are pleased to know that Mrs. Jas. Smillie is improving in health and is able to get about. It is ten months since: she met with an accident by a fall. Doan.—Dungan Hewitt, who has` been in Dakota for 6 or 8Y sere was killed li a kick from a horse. The accident hap pened on July 12th. The deoeaeed was highly esteemed and was a former reefd- mit of this locality being a eon of John Hewitt. Mrs. Hewitt and ohildren are deeply sympathized with. Molesworth. George Menzies is home from Blue - vale. We dont believe all the reports farmers give of their wheat crop. W. Florence is progressing rapidly from injuries received at a barn raising. J. N. Belden, who has been with S. Leslie, Wingham, for some time, is home for holidays. He has seemed a situation in Seaforth. W. R. Belden has gone to Wingham. If Will. follows up hie determination to make perfect everything he undertakes then we have no doubts abont his success. Both in Wroxeter and here he baa been a live Temperance worker. OurLedge will lose one of its most interested members. He was alwaye ready to do whatever he possibly ooald to further the interests of Temperance. Not only in this was he foremost but as a singer and a debater he occupied au enviable position. We wish him ana0e55 in hie naw venture. No wonder matrimony is on the decline. A neighboring young man's best girl con- sumed in one day nine dishes of ice- cream, four glasses of lemonade, three bottles of lemon sour, four bottles of pop, three glans of soda water, quarter of a water -melon, ten Dente worth of pea. nuts, twenty Dents worth of candies, half a dozen bananas, two oranges, one dinner and two suppers. Has not that young man reason for postponing mar- riage indeflnately ? The above is a warn- ing to young ladies. A young man almost met with a fatal accident this week. After driving a friend home and partaking of lunoh he found on going to the barn that bis horse had become impatient because he had tarried and breaking its fastenings fled home- ward. Had the horee been hitohed and the young man in the carriage he would undoubtedly have been seriously injured. Asi t was they both arrived safe home one some time after the other. "Will." he not be missed after holidays 7 Wroxeter. Flax pulling is about over. Robt. Blank is suffering from an attaok of erysipelas in the face. Mies Brady, of Mount Forest, is visit-' ing Miss Ida Hazlewood. The MoLennan boys, of London,' are visiting their uncle and aunt, R. Blank and wife. Sabbath morning next the regularquar- terly meeting will be held in the Meths. dist ohuroh. Mrs. Ireland and family and Miss Jen- nie Miller took the morning train for Owen Sound, Tuesday. A very pleasant time was enjoyed at the Congregational pio-nio in Mr. Gam- ble's grove one clay last week. Tho men employed in our bridge build. ing have been off work for want of stone. The latter is now on hand again. Next Tuesday will be oivio holiday. An exoursion will be ran to the Forte of the Credit, The various Sabbath schools are expected to take it in. At the close of the time limit in the football match between Blaevaie and Wroxeter the game stood two to sue in favor of the former. Practice boys. W. A. Rutherford bae had his house moved baok from the street and a stone foundation put under it. He contem. platee.putting on an iron roof and mak- ing other improvements. Rev. T. J. Sabine and wife, of Rock- wood, were the guests of John Bray seva oral days tbie week. The rev. gentle- man's sermon in the Methodist church Sunday evening was greatly appreoiated. G. Davideonand Aroh. MaMioli el sail on Saturday of bbie week for the 01d Country for a visit. They left here on Thursday to take the Allan Line steamer 'Mongolian" ab Montreal. We wish them a safe voyage and a pleasant visit. On Wednesday, July 25t11, Mrs. Will- its rel' actf o the late Croaket WillfEs, pas• sed to her rub after a long, painful ill- ness, in her 51st year. Rev, Mr. Brown• lee, of Gorrie, conducted religious service at the home and burial servioe at the grape in the Morrie &amatory, Basle Bcnr,..-,.00 /Friday of next week a base hall maboh i$ expsabed to take p1a00 here between the "Unions" and the "Crssoenbs," of Toronto. This is the olub .our boys met at Dfildmay on the Queen's Birthday, The game will be a closely eont5910d one ea each olub gained a violory at the lastoohbest, A foot ball match 'may also be played on Friday if the neeeseary arrahgemente Dau be made. We eapaot the "Unions" will given good amount of themselves. Eluiev¢ele. Mr. fathead has perohased a.grand new organ. Bev. A, T. Hartley Is able to be about again all right. William and Robert Stewart are home for their vacation, We aro glad to see wlra, Taylor Gray sub again after her long illnese. Mies Bertha Farrow; of Goderiob, was visiting at her uncle John's last week, Mrs. Roberts, of ,Bram:els, Sundayed in Bl eevale. She teas the guest of Mae. McPherson. Mrs. P. Stott, frena and Cline, of 13ruesels, were visiting at John Robert. son's on Tuesday. Our Football team went over to Wrox: star on Saturday evening and eoored 2 to 1 in favor of Bluevale. Miss Wilson, of Gerrie, and Mies Pearl Leabherdale, of Brussels, were visiting at Frank Scott's on Saturday and Son. day. Hugh Johnebon, Mies Lizzie Johnston, also Mr. and Miss Stowe, all of Goderiob were the guests of Mre. Stowe for a few days. Bluevale factory Bold' the first half of July make of cheese Met week to Mr. Oook, 300 boxes at 9} Dente. Atwood and Monkt'on sold at the same price. Mies Lottie Hill, of Brussels, was vis.' icing here for a few days. She assisted the Methodist ohuroh choir on Sabbath. Mies Hill has a soprano splendid p p ono voice.. • Lia tovv el. The Banner ie holidaying this week. John Livingston, of J. & J. Livingston, returned to town from a trip to Europe, having visited England, Ireland, Scot- land, France and Belgium. A cricket match between Harrisbon and Listowel was played in Listowel on Tuesday. Score :—Harrieton, 39 and 67 ; Listowel, 29 and 38. Ib. Clair Willson, with some othere, during a resent thunder etorm ran into a barn to get out of the rain, when the building was ebruok ,and a young ma n standing not five feet from him was struck and instantly killed. On Monday afternoon Alfie Perrin, of Listowel, fell from a feriae and broke hie right arm at t T he elbow. The little fel- low is unlucky, for it is only four years sham be fold and broke his other arm. About 5 p, m. Monday fire broke out in A. Moyer's grain elevator, Listowel, which was totally destroyed, together with a large amount of wheat and oats. building insured in the Gore Mutat,' for 01,100, and the contents in the Alliance and some other companies not known at present, for 99,000. fire caused by lade with matches and cigars. Insurance will•probably cover the loss. Bev. Mr. Stephens, who is holding special services in the U. B. March, Wil- liam st., in the course of an address on the importance of familiarity with the Scriptures, asked those of his audience who had read the second chapter of Jude t o raise their hands. There were so many who, having read the Bible from lid to lid, must therefore have read the specified chapter, that hands went op all over the ohuroh, when a good old lady, whose knowledge of the good book was proof against all assault, spoke out that there were not two chapters in the book of Jude. As the preacher replied "You're r ight, mother," the hands Dame down quicker than they went up. Mise Oook, of Clinton, is vieiting at Truman Smith's. Township Oonncil will be held on Fri- day, 17th inst. The law against Canada thistles is a dead letter in Grey. Sore roads are fairly over run with them. We are pleased to bear that Mre. Wil - Bean King, 9111 oon., is improving in health. She has been ill for some time, bat we hope she will soon be oonvales- cent. The 0th con. base ball olub are proper. ed to arrange a date to play the 16th con. club, and not a ploked team from all over but the 18th con. boys, and hope to have an interesting match. Set the date as early as possible. E. A, Hill, teacher in S. 0. No. 6, is making a good record for himself. Last year bis pupils did well and this Summer the three writing passed, one securing a Leaving certificate and the others Ent - ranee passes. Mr. Hill is a good teacher and should be retained for another year, One day last week John Hill met with a very peculiar accident. His son, Nor- , man, was kicking a football and Mr. Hill, who was ,aarrying a tin pail, attempted to etrike the hall with the pail. Re missed it and the force of the blow swung the pail up to his face, giving him quite a kuook over the eye, pausing it to swell and turn blank. On Tuesday of last week a barn rale• ing was in progress at Stephen Covens' place, Grey. The roof was partly on when the storm came up and the men took refuge in the proteotod part of the building. The wind drove the rain in on them and raised part of the roof, upon which the men Dame bo the conclusion that their quarters were not sole and made their way as best they might through the pelting rain bo Charles 'Om- ens' for protection. G.innnci Paarr.—A very eucoessful gar. den party was held at the home of Mare. den Smith on Friday evening of last week. There was a large atalendan0e and a good time enjoyed by all. !The Brussels orchestra contributed a number of exoel- lent seteotioue ; the Misses Moore sang a pretty duott - Rev. W. J. Waddell, of Ethel, gave a short, spiny address on the three paints : Aim high, Fight shy, Keep nigh 1 reading by W. A. Smith. Refreshment tables and oountere wore well patronized. Total not proceeds • I meet say that prospects In the South, least part of Kansas are good, • The liar - 'vest ie cauda and grain is turning out a good average and the yowl prop promisee good. The etrilre afleeted' the notion slightly for a few days, but the men have gone boob to work and the trains are all moving again on time, The weather is beautiful, the meroury ranging in the shade daring the day from .85? to 95©, The nights are tool, Yours Truly, Ft. Scott, Kamm, July 21, 94Wiaxrrninn, 0 00 1-3 r A CAR OF RED CAP BLUE RIBBON RIBBON Binder Tille I At Prices Unequalled by any other Twines for Sale in Canada. A Special Discount on ton and half ton lots. Save money by securing our T wine at once. McKay & Ca. Cardiff & Airkby 8""' ETHEL Carriage Silop! Having moved to a more con- venient stand, put in heavier power and some new machinery, I am now prepared to manufac- ture, on the shortest notice, V1/ agtons, Carriages, Buggies, Carte, &c Bodies and all kinds of wood work Supplied. The OOMMON SENSE Clothes Dryer and the COBER CART, Panel Dors. We beep constantly for Sale a stock of Panel Doors of all sizes and grades, manufactured by C. Lloyd II,: Son, of Wingham. I also do Custom Planing, Match- ing and Moulding. JOHN COBER CARRIAGE MAKEB. 6 THE CHEAPEST • Every Tme in Your FaVOT. Special Lees to be aleare r . Out This lio'ryJ1 j U1Lr Colored, Drees Goods. 20 pieces Henrietta Cloth, 46 inches wide, worth any. where 500„ Clearing Price, 83e,, all Pure Wool. 15 pieces Pure Wool ,Sorge, 38 inches wide, at 25e. This. is the finest and widest Serge shown for the money, 5 pieces Wool Debeige at 22c., worth 35e. Black Cashmeres and Henriettas All to be Cleared at 3311e following Reductions ;--50e. for 83e. ; 60c, for 48c. ; 75e. for 630. ; $1.00 for 83c. Naw is the time to loonro Bargains in Dross Goods, FLANNELETTES. 15 pieces Extra Heavy Twilled English Flannelette, worth anywhere 12ic., Clearing at 10c. 10 pieces, only, Flannelette, regular price 10c., Clearing at Se. 7 pieces Flannelette at 5c., worth 7c. 25 yards Heavy Factory Cotton, 86 in. wide, for $1.00. COTTONADES. 5 pieces Extra Heavy Cottonade, worth anywhere 20c., Clearing at 15c. 3 pieces heavy Cottonade, regular price 18e., clearing 13,1e. Come, we will never disappoint you, the goods are here or we would not Advertise them. Fugooll HalllJay, BUTTER TAKEN AS CASH. NO! BIC EEDU Allau Lie, GTIOS ! Tariff Wer STEERAGE RATE From Montreal to Liverpool or Glasgow has been reduced. from $20.00 to $15.00. This, plus $9.85, $24.85, in all, will take you from .Brussels, New York to Glasgow, per White Star Steamers For $10, or 825 for Round Ocean Trip, Steerage, Rail- way fare from Brussels to New York, S12,60. For Further Information apply to IL Xorr - Agent, Brussels,