HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-8-3, Page 3AVG. Be 1$994
Town D eotonr.
M»rerma l Onunun•---sabbath Seevieee
at 11 a m and 6;80 p,u'r, Sunday Soho)
at2,80p m, Rev, John Boas, B • A,
ICNpx CHOnelle-*Sabbath eervioes nb 111 He ran tc the tondo, an' euwneci it ower
• a m and 0:80 p m, Sunday Soho' at There's life In the man,' he cried ;
2:80) p Jn• Rev. D. Miller,'paeter,
ST, Joun'e Ullunona--Sabbath Services
ab 11 a rn and 7 li m. Sunday Bohol
at 2;80 p• m, They. W. G. Reilly, inuum.
Mtn'ru001ni damson,—Sabbath Services
at 10:80 a to and 8:30 :t1 In. Sunday
Sobool at 2;80 p m• Rev. G. II. Gobbl'e-
diolc, ei; A, 33 D, pastor,
PAWN 000oLIO .0111/11011.—Seebbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
10:80 a rli. ]Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SALVATION Annis,—Service at 7 and 11
a m and 8.and 8 p m on Sunday and
• every evening In the week of 8 o'clock, at
the barracks.
0»e FLLaowe' Lomas every Thursday
evening,'in Graham's block,
Merano Lome Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A 0 I7 W Lover on let and 8rd
Friday evenings' of each month, in Blas-
hill's block.
0 0 F Loma 2nd end last Monday
evenings of oaoh month, in Blaehill'e
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday hi Odd
Fellows' Elan.
L O ti lab Monday in every month
in Orange Hall.
R T o9 T, 2nd and 4th Tuesday's of
each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall.
Son oo' SCOTLAND, let and 88'd Tame•
days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. Donee, let and 88d Thurs-
days of eaoh month, in Vanstone block.
Hoene Cams, 2nd and 4811 Friday 0900-
ings inBla01111) 8 Ha11.
POST 0113I3E. —Office hours from i3 a.
m. to 7 p. m.
Holmes' block, will be open' from 6 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5
and`6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dully Shaw,
Tower Cooxora.—W. II, Herr, Reeve ;
W. H. IlioOracken, Robert Graham, R,
Williams and S. Wilton, Councillors ;
E. S. SooLt, Clerk; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer'; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the let
Monday in each month.
Souoom BoABD,—Rev. Roes, (chairman,)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid and
J. N. Kendall ; Seo.•Treas., It. Ross.
Meetings 2nd. Friday evening in each
PODLrC 800OOL TEA011E1131,-3'. H. Cam-
eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Miss
Downey and Mies Cooper.
BOARD oa IIEALT. —Reeve Herr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. THE MODEL FARM PIC -NIC.
Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical
Health Oilioer.
Fie I there's a hOnnie morning's work 1".
An' Ile nprangt to the ithet• aide.
I3y oaeno nno who geed to the wrong kh'k
Douce he trotted alang ;
Puhr body I he pried, an' Id' 0, isrk,
Air 0' hie cuddy be sprang,
Rad men always hate the law the
good men try to enforcer,
Every crown (het comes front the hared
; of man bee thorns in ft,
There are oditoaled pige but there are
none that do not like mud.
The feet that enemies are loved Is proof
that Obriet has been on earth,
It 10 when the devil leeks lease like a
devil (hat be ie most dangerous.
Tuition is high in the 0911001 of expert -
ranee, bet the inetruotion hs thorough.
When you go to :Meath to pray for a
revival, don't wear shoos that squeak.
The young man 19110 has no elnt ie life
will sooner or inter fell Into the ditob,
A dielutereetd act of kindnoes ie some-
thing the carnal mind oannob explain,
Nobody le ever awakened by the
preaohlog of a m ut who 18 lihneelf half
Ilunger anti thirst after righteousness
ie sure medium that the foes is toward
Sorne people are olwaye blaming God
for the troubles they bring upon them-
Ono reason why people make crooked
Paths le because they keep looking back.
The principal work of unbolier is to
melee a foundation of send look like solid
It le eetdom that a men with a big in.
come is ever persecuted for rigll10oaaness
Whenever the world uomoe lam to face
with uusel(ieh love ib has stop and
The only thing that g1v08 us standing,
from where angels look, he Weems.: to
No matter how dark things look, if
God hs leading we are on our way to
something bright,
What a delightful plane this would be
if it were full of people wloo would agree
with us.
When men fulfill the law of ()hetet
they do not need any other law to make
them do right. •
There is no outer thing that you eau
get so much of for nothing as advice.
Some very good people men never see
any harm in sin while it can wear good
clothes and ride in mach.
There is no sin so little, but that if i8
had the right of way and time enough, it
would wreck the universe.
When some ministers preach on the
judgment, they do it without any more
heart in them than a steel trap.
Wbon our risen Lord said to Peter,
"[reed my sheep;" he didn't mean that he
should do it with the world's busks.
The kind of giving upon which God
promisee a blessing, is the giving that is
willing to give some of its own blood.
The main reason why Moeee and Joeh.
na aocompliehed great things, was be-
cause they were willing for God to be'
Every Christian mother hos as much
of a call to proaoh to her children as
Peter had to preach to the multitude on
the day of Pentecost.
Many a gifted preacher can find tithe
to read a new book every week, who
couldn't find the parable of the prodigal
son without a concordance.
The drunkard is a drunkard because
the devil won't let him be anything else.
The sermons that do the most to save
the world are not preaohed in pulpits.
The man who has aontentment has
something that will do a great deal more
for him than money.
He was 1118 ono to scan' au' glower,
Nee hand to the Mier x)110;
Ile doctored hie wounds, and he Seised
him on
To the book o' the boaotie donee
And held him on till, a weary man,
13e lariat at tbe ball -way hoose.
He tend him a' niebt, au' at dawn o'
"Lan'lord, anise him leak
Here's auehteen pence. I au' oily main oot-
I'll settle as I come book,"
Sae nae male, et:bore—say nee sic word,
W1' hart aye Arguing an' ebill ;
"Who, is the niebor to ale, 0 Lord 7"
But ('\Via em I 0101198 till ?"
In a similar Vein is Gleetee following :.
The rioh man eat on his father's seat—
Purple an' titian an' a' thing fine 1
The pair man lay ab his gate in the 881008,
Stirs, an' tatters, au' weary pine 1
To the rich men's table, ilkdainty comes ;
Mone a morsel geed frees: or fell ;
Tim.puir man would fain have dined an
the orembe
But whether he got thein I canna. tell.
Servants prowl, saft fitted, an' etoot,
Stand by the rich man's curtained
doors ;
Masterless dogs 'at ria aboot,
Cam to the puir man an' liokib bis sores,
The rich man de'od, an' they buried him
gran' ;
In linen fine his body they wrap
But the angels bulk up the beggar mac,
And laid him door in Abraham's lap.
The guid upo' this aide, the ill upo' that—
Sio was the rich man's waeeome fa' ;
But hie hritbere, they eat, an' they drink,
an' they (hub,
An' carona a strew for their father's ha'.
Th8 trowth's tbe trowth, think what ye
will ;
An' some they kenna what they would
But the beggar man thought he did no
that ill,
Wi' the dogs o' Ibis side, the angels o'
Yee, wife, we're going tomoveonce more;
The last time, I declare,
Until the everlasting shore
Sends word it wants us there I
Some things this time with us we'll take,
Some leave here in disgust,
And some we'll lose, and some we'll break,
As movers always must.
The family Bible we will find
Devoutly carried through •
Bat also, wife, don't fail to mind
And save the hymn -book, too 1
Though Snger.lnarked and capboard•
Aud shabby in its looks,
I prize that volume, soiled and torn,
Next to the Book of books •,
When David trimmed his golden lyre
With song forget-me•nots,
He left a flame of sacred fire
For Wesley and for \Vatte.
And many other singers, wife,
Have made God's glory known.
In hymns and tunes that drew their life
From echoes round ebb throne 1
I've ming them when on lofty traok,
My heart soe.r'd through the elty,
And every word and tone brought back
A telegraph reply
I've hummed them when my eoul with
Feared all it's prayers were vain,
Till they have braced up my belief,
And soothed my doubting pain ;
I've told them to the tvoode, and stirred
The trees op to rejoice ;
I've joined in meetiuge where God heard
Ten thoaeand in one voice 1
I've paused—those sacred words tohear—
Wben life was gay and bright,
And every sound that charmed the ear
Brought glory to the sight ;
I've heard them when the sexton's spade
Had out my life in two,
And my sad heart, by their sweet aid,
Has walked the valley through.
Ab, wife 1 when heaven's great music
Awakes my senses dila,
I humbly hope they'll give me first,
A good old-fashioned hymn 1
I trust, when our last moving day
Elea shown us God's good love,
And we have settled down to stay
In oolonies above,
We'll find a hundred earthly things
Onr hearts had twined about,
And which—so tight the memory clings—
Bemoan wouldn't be heaven without;
And somewhere in that blessed plvoe,
God grant I may behold,
Near by the precious Word of grace,
My hymn -book bound in gold.
We all lcnoty George Macdonald as a
charming writer of prose stories, but it
will be news to many that he is an ac-
complished poet in the Scottish verna-
cular. In the following he gives a nnely
version of an old parable—a new sermon
on an old text :
Trite Jerusalem a traveller tuik
The 19,igh road to Jericho ;
It bad an ill name aid many a ornik.
It was tang and once ]tow.
Oct can the robbers, an' fell' on the man,
Au' knooltit frim on tine Reid,;
Took a' wheaten they could lay their ban',
And left him nakit for cleid.
By cam a meenieter o' the kirk
"A sair mishanter f" he cried,
"Who kens where the villains may Inrk ?
I s' baud to the ether side."
By cam au elder o' the kirk :
Like a young horse lie shied ;
Down in Ontario county from Guelph so
far away,
Tbey've broke the bade of Summer and
finished up the bay,
The old mon says the girls and boys may
have a holiday.
They thinned the turnips, plzened eaters,
onitivabed corn,
Were up so 'bright and early in the peep•
ing of the morn,
They earned a great, big holiday as sure
as you are born.
The girls left off their churning and
starched thele pettiooate,
And little trille of pleasure ran from their
happy throats,
The farmer boy forgot about the wheat -
field and the oats.
And fame now are beautiful, yeetreen
were tired and plain,
They oare not if 'tie olondy or if to -day
'twill rain,
And off to Guelph sweethearting they're
rushing on the train.
And sweethearts walk beneath the trees
upon the famous Farm,
Close together for a day, united arm in
They shun the wise professore, and is it
any harm ?
Many a little whisper and many a hint I
That sweethearts in the shadows were
putting up a plot
To wed this Fall end settle on the fifty -
Rom lot.
The soientifio people showed them how to
bundle hay,
But an 1 above the wonders, the music
and the play,
They asked to see the Duchess before
they went away.
And Dryden proudly brought her out, the
waiting crowd bo please,
The breathless crowd, in wonder, expect.
ed her to wheeze,
Alae, the little lady—nae wouldn't even
The champion Liar in the orowd fell with
a sioltening thud-,
And ab his fall a royal shout ran o'er him
like a flood ;
The Dachese simply calmly stood and
quiet chewed her sad.
John Dryden, oh lobo Dryden, no guile
in thee is found ;
Thou and the Duchess were the ones the
people circled round ;
You're like the Duobees, Dryden—you're
pretby safe and sound.
Now when the Duchess has a 001f, let all
the world with glen
Fill up a bumper with her milk and
drink it merrilie,
That both the Duchess and our John,
their life times long may be,
Religious zeal too often has a stony
The devil probably levee a stingy man.
Happiness le never fouud by running
after it.
The man who is not a friend will never
have one.
Big words often make a poor cloak for
a small idea.
Every geed woman ie a constant re-
minder that God lives.
Truth always lime in a house that is
built on a soak.
The world is full of religion that didn't
come from Christ.
Trials may frighten, but they cannot
hurt a child of God.
God's ISMS are never kept until they
are written in the heart.
Cis tilt aclimax Ne NV
Big forest fires are raging in British
Brookville will not permit Sunday
boats to run.
An Englishman named Batley is mis-
sing fromTavistook.
B- E. Walker was elected president of
the Canadian Bankers' Association at
James Richardson, of the wholesale
leather firm of Elea, Rioherdson cos Co.,
was run over and killed by a train at
Patrick Paroell's body, stolen from
the grave on May 14th 1801, vee found
in the St. Lawrence river Friday.
"Monte, was that et sugarplum you
just gave me 7" asked little Mabel. "No
dear, it was one of Dr. Ayer's Pills."
"Please, may I have another ?" "Not
now, dear ; one of bhose,nice pills is all
you need at ereseut, because every dose
is effective."
The Keewatin Water Power Company
expect to furnish power for Winnipeg
establishments over electric wires from
their new dam. The current will have
to be transmitted over 140 miles of wire.
urEs.—All oases of organic or sympathetic
heart disease relieved in 80 mlantes and
quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Hoare. One dose convinces. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
Winnipeg Industrial Exhibition oloeed
Friday night and the exhibits were all
removed Saturday. It has been a great
emcees both financially and as an exhi-
bition of stook end products. Thurs.
day's attendance totalled 18,000.
WHAT causes bad dreams is a question
that has never been satisfactorily ans.
worse ; but, in nine oases out of tern,
frightful dreams are the result of imper-
fect digestion, which a few doses oeAyer's
Sarsaparilla writ eeetuaily comedy.
Don't delay try it tog7idayp.
The berryseasominaa_o7oeing bas been
the greatest in the history of Lemming-
tn. From the time strawberries first
turned red unbil now, there tae been a
constant shipment of the various small
fruit to different parts of Canada and the
United States. Sixty- two tone of ber•
ries have beep shipped from Leaming-
ton up to July 27th. This amounts to
eighty thousand baskets, for which 07,-
500 were paid into the halide of the fruit
RnEcalATnsar Canon IN A DAT.—South
A.mtrioan Rheumatic Oure for Rheum, -
them and Neuralgia radically aures in 1
to 3 days. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and myeeerioue. It re-
moves at once the pause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefits. 75 conte. Warranted
by G. A. Deadman.
A GnoAd SHIMMER son Twelve Yeuts,
—Geo. 88. Willieens, the extensive menu'
faobnrer, ex -Reeve of Thorold, writes :--
—"I suffered very severely from sink, ner-
vous headaobe and biliousness for over
twelve years, add had tried nearly all the
advertised pills, powders and other modi-
eines, but obtained very little relief until
about two years ago, when I began to use
Stark's Powders. Since thea I hove been
like a different man, and now seldom
have a headache. If I have any tondemoy
that weer Stark's Powders give inrmodiate,
relief.. Pride 25 Dente a box. Sold by
alimedicine dentate.
Itis said that the resilient; in Lapland
bav0 not obanged In 1,000 years.
bix•tenthe of the pop.eletion of Japan
do not earn more then 010pot' month.
While repairing a Imo at Oa8tleford,
Renfrew County, It. Ferguson, 0wealthy
farmer, was etreek by lightning and th-
e tantlyy lulled,
1Vbile pleying en a raft at Brookville
311181,13. afternoon Leo Slainntok, 'aged
seven years wee drowned. Ills body has
not yet been dimmed,
In the Northwestern Regatta at De.
emit the 'Toronto Bowing Olut1 wolf tine
junior double melte, and. A, 0. Goldnias
of the Argonauts won the 0ano0 r'aas,
A Dom To HOnemHEN—One bottle of
English Spavin Liniment oompletoly re.
moved a curb from my born. I trice
pleasure in recommending the remedy, as
it nate with mysterious promptness in
the removal front 1101908 of hard, soft or
calloused lumps, blood 8povin, spliMs,
curbs, Sweeny, stiles and sprains, Goo.
Roan, farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by
G. A. Deedman.
88President Mille, of the Guelph Agri.
cultural Oollege, was in StrathMMy the
other day looking up a site for the new
dairy eohool. His Worsbip the Mayor,
Dr. Whitehead and other gentlemen had
groat pleasure in showing him over the
town. Several sites were looked at, a-
mong others the Collegiate I0elilnle
banding, which it 1s thought might ans-
wer the purpose fairly well if the town
would be wilting to dispose of it,
RELIEF IN SIN 1Iouns.—Distressing kid.
ney,and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Greet South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight 00 ,10001101 of
its exceeding promptuees iu relieving
pain 10 the bledder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water end pain iu passing it almost im-
mediately. If yen want quick relief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
About 4:30 o'clock Thursday night a
shook of earthquake was felt in Lindsay,
There was a tremor in the earth, wleieh
lasted for two or three seconds, and was
followed by a report or explosion, which
sounded like a cannon, wbioh bad been
fired a long distance off. Houses were
shaken and windows rattled. Quite a
number of residents of the South Ward
rushed out of their bouses, thinking a
mill boiler had exploded. No damage
appears to have been done, nor have we
heard of any. There is no doubt it was
a shook of earth:peke.
The undersigned 7111 keep her service on
North Ralf Lot 20, Oon, 7, Morrie, a thoro'
bred Tamworth Boar, recently purchased
from the well known breeder, Jno. Boll, Am-
ber. Also a Chester White Boar. Terms,
$1.00 to be paid at time of eervioe with priv-
rixilege of returning if neeessarq.
08.84 6. WALKER, Proprietor.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 2I, Con. 0, Morrie, the tboro' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Canada's
Prince," purchased from the wall -known
breeder J. 'E. Brethour, Oak Lodge Farm,
Burford. Terme, $1.00 to be paid at the
time of service with privilege of returning
if necessary, Pedigree may be 5e011 en. ap-
11OBT. 1I01307,
To those 1110 Intend Building.
Having built a Lime House at the Sta.
tion I will keep a supply of the Tient
Fresh Lime for Sale suitable for all
Building purposes. Also
And Plastering hair for Sale.
D. A. Lowry.
I1liss McPherson, the City Millin-
er, desires to clear out her
whole stock of
Summer Iillinory
And for that Reason has Com-
menced a
Cost Price O tie
to which every Lady is Invited.
Big Bai'geins in all Lines.
Save money by purchasing your
Millinery from
Miss McPherson
F1InGDS011 111 HALLIDAY'S Store.
"For Years3�y
Says CAnaflt 31. 8Too7910018, of Obeeter-
held, N. II., "1 was 051110184 1'1111 an
extremely severe peel 111 the lower pari of
the 011000, Vie feeling 1vas tie if a ton
weigj*8 was 10.14
011 a sent the s190
of my hand, Dur-
ing the attacks, the
perspiration would
stand la drops on
my face, sad it was
agony 3,01 me to
make eu111'ient
effort oven t0 Wee-
per. alley came
suddenly, at any
hour of the day or
night, Mating from
thirty minutes to.
half a day, leaving as suddenly; bat, for
several days after, I was quite pros-
trated and sore. Sometimes the attacks
were almost daily, then less frequent, After
about four years of this suffering, 1 was
taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and
when I began to recover, I bad the worst
attack of my old trouble I ever experienced.
.At the first of the fever, Bay mother gave
The Ayer'e P1110, my doctor recommending
them as being better than anything he
could prepare. T continued taking these
Pills, and so great was the lton00t derived
that during nearly thirty years I have had
bat one attack of my former trouble, which
yielded readily to the same remedy."
Prepared by 118. J. 0. Ayer Es Co., Lowell, Mass.
rrrivery Dose Effective
'W'hite ata Liazil.
Between Now (York 01,1 Liverpool, vie
Qll000stewo, every W ednseday,
As the eoamere of tale 1100 Dalry nine Aa
earfee1y ' limited needier to the 981412 0144
0700ND CABIN accommodations, irtten8.180
pas00050r0 are reminded that an early up.
plleatlon for berths le 1100080041' „t 11135 se a -
sou, 210T1411.236, raise, eta, apply 10.
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Dr'useelm.
'_"a era n011Ovator
--Min 071089 --
For Impure, Weals 0r:d Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, fileoplel'snees, latl(ata.
then of the heart, Liter Complaint, Near.
eight, Loss of Memory, Bret:Otitis, Con.
sum Inion, Gall Stones, Jaundice, legatee
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dauacl,
Female lrregolarities and General De-
l.A$QL MORY GO Eill:lt8 O T
M. 11IcLE OD,
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. T. PEPPER,
Druplat , Brussels.
ifi,v..,.u,..•.ma.-.Exet-.¢••-,•,•.•-,•aasae� sesta +mart
for & rail .ie
Are now in their Now Store,
Dr. G-raham's Bloch, - Brussels.
A Full Stock of Groceries, Flour, Feed, Bread,
Crockery and Glassware,
,All Saleable Pr'oclstee taper, at Highest 31arhet
Prices, but 720 Creditf.fLve72,
Commissions of all kinds
Promptly Executed. Goods Delivered iu any
part of the town.
Remember the ]3REA.D and
other Prices in Proportion. No Loafing or Spitting but bus-
iness on Business Principles,
Which we are aided in carrying out with 17 years exper-
ience on both sides of the world. •
Estab lishecl 1871.
Capital and Assets, w 5,000,000
Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000
Gain for 1892, - 2,000,000
♦P 8'. M 05'EDON.LLII,
Annual Insurance, $ 900,000
New Insurance, 3,670,000
Gain over 1891, - 750,000
118 NES 111100111101111 -ACLU ULA?YVE SOU?
Is Issued Only by tine Confederation Life Association.
Melt is absolutely free from all tostrictione as to residence, travel and occupation
from bbe date of issue. t It is entirely void of all conditions. r.eI1 is absolutely
and automatically non -forfeitable, after two Sears. The insured being entitled to:
(a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the
further period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid
Up Polley, the amonut of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to a (r)
Casio value, as guaranteed in the policy.
Hon. Sir W. P. Rowland, C.B., iI.0.81.G.
'lleneging Director,
J. K. Macdonald.
W. H. KERB, Agent at Brussels.
Vv'oollen, Factory
Pay the Highest Market Price, Cash or Trade.
In exchanging goods for wool, we will pay 0 -Few Cents Above The Market Price.
guaranteeing to sell our goods at rook bottom Dash prices. Come with your friends
and see our tremendous stook in all lines of
f l .C}:AIdSS.Fg' rJ td J 4 03,aDSmc.
Onr stoop is open for inspection, and is the beet selected stools ever shown by
any Woollen Factory hu Canada. Do not fail to call and see for eamrse1150 Dur F015
Grey ,flannels at 211o. per yard that will not ebrink in wbshieg, We have minds up
a special line of all Wool Tweeds at 40c, per yard. Something never before 811ctvn
for the money.
Roll Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing,
Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, &c,
Done on short notate and best of work guaranteed, Parties from at distance eau
rely on getting their mile hone the same day. Would envies to hand pick all wool
for roll carding, and you will be sure to geb good rolls. All we ask is for yon to gives
us a trial. We deal honestly with everybody and you will find us &twee% reedy be
give the most prompt and careful attention to all.
Ips 1'. S,—Beware of peddlers. We understand they are using our nam0)10
make sales, rut them down as frauds o1 the worst kind. We allow bo peddle= to
sell our goods,