HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-8-3, Page 22
Gerla for a fortnight, end, as the Laying la,
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ohoaaiat0, a brief and very who reported for the Thtlnder r
Ing Ilouso Square, the tuneable little
between Sa e' and Heenan At
mOeEhng be yre
Farnborough Heath ?
Standing near hie lordship is a leading
Q. 0., certain, before long,' to be a judge,
and who, on the principle of 119118ly gotten
lightly gone, le throwing away guineas he
bee received for 05885 iu winch he nay or
may nob have oondesoeuded to appear,
A little farther off, is a favorite jockey,
who knows far too much of hie badman
to riek hie money on the Emilia) turf, . In
animated oonvereation with him, aid
covering big money with tbeir own, partly
from superstitious faith in hie sagacity,
and partly because they are too indolent
to watoh the game on their own account,
and prefer to book their eompanion's luck,
is a rising young Cabinet Minister, and
the gentleman who is best known in
Europe as the Pelee() of the moneylenders,
and who, having commenced life by ped.
dlin jewelry, and lending ten -pound notes
to Impecunious subalterns in marching
regiments, is now the Rothschild of hie
profession, dealing only with Princes and
heirs to entailed estates, and laugh-
ing at the ides of any transaotiou under o
eou'ple of thousand pomade.
Other typos are infinite. Among these
mulatta ».lutaudis the old saying of Lord
George Bentinck, that it is only on the turf
and under it that all men are equal, Domes
out in its fullest and most repulsive
throe. For " women," as Browning has it,
"models of their sex, society's chief ornae
mens," are to bo seen, coated side by side,
with the hardiest cocottes of every capital,
race, and tongue, actually rubbing shool-
dere with them, and discussing the unpre-
cedented run upon red, or the appalling
fregnen0y with which aero has turned up
since the last croupier has been spinning
the ball.
You must not allow anything to surprise
you at Monte Carlo. Woinen with lovely
faces and sweet expressions, who look like
angels, are simply demons in disguise. Men,
who stake five thousand francs on a simple
turn of the roulette -ball, are often risking
more than their annualinoome. hien, who
leak like Princes of the Blood Royal,
are sometimes oouriers out of place,
and Princes themselves oeoaeionally look
like oh1l8onniers, There is no law
of probability in the place where Queen
Fortune reigns supreme. You must at
once got rid of all preconceived ideas of
social distinction. Here there is nothing
of the kind. Luck is King at Monte Carlo,
and to him only is paid homage. As for
birth, position, titles, and beauty, they go
for nothing. The man who breaks the
bank, be he Jaw, Turk, Infidel, or eleretic,
is as worthy of respect as the greatest
sovereign in the world.
" Vive la Veins," is the national cry of
the naughty little principality, and those
who have none are altogether out of it.
Big slims change hands at Monte Carlo ;
and, while I was there, I taw a young Eng-
lish ofaoer lose three thousand pounds at
Trento et quarante in about twenty mina-
tee. And 8810 made but little stir in a
place where a Russian Princess or a Lon-
don usurer will leas or win twice as much
every day of the week, or when " a per-
son" will " dispose of" a pair of diamond
ear -rings in the morning for ten thousand
francs, and in the evening be compelled to
borrow a Louis from " a lady friend,' to
pay for her dinner.
I did not play on this occasion. I
contented myself with looking over Ethel's
shoulder. When my companion rose
to leave, she stood, so she told me, five
hundred francs to thebad,and added laugh-
ingly, that, if she did not pull it off with a
full revenge on the morrow, she should give
up gambling for ever, and taloa, to terrible
sober earnest, to Dorcas meetings, which
she had somewhere heard or reed were use-
ful for reproof, for example, for warning,
and for instruction in righteousness.
"Those may not perhaps be the exact
words, my dear Miriam," she said; "but,
anyhow, they convey the spirit of the thing,
and more than that is wbat nobody has any
right whatever to ask."
The nest evening we went into the rooms
again. I had made up my mind to risk a
trifle for that one occasion, and for that one
occasion only. I knew that this is what
gamblers alwaye tell you ; but I am certain
that on my part the intention was sincere,
and would have been carried ant, whatever
might have been the results of the night's
from Ethel, " Come over it noon as :you
can," ab> Wrote. "In foot, 00019 at 0n00,
I am tired of =flog here aloes, acid, need I
say, the eight of you would do mo good l
Wo eau amnia a few days here, just long
enough to enable you to gob what you want,
and can then be off et ono0 to bhe Riviera.
I am dying for a gamble and 'a little sun
The weather here is vile. We need not
plunge at all, but I mean bo pay some of ney
bills, and we can enjoy ourselves delight -
filly fn our own way. I shouldlike to stay
at Moitte Carlo, unless you prefer Niue or
Mentone." d a
Then, after a little general gossip, en
few reeler thrusts at the expense of my
whilorn husband, and, the very reverend
author of my being, the epistle oonelnded ;
"Do not let the grass grow under your
feet (not that anything is likely to grow in.
London in the snow slush with whioh I heex
you are at present blessed). Hurry over 1
like Atlanta over the ears of corn. and
of the swallows of Henri Murger y
South. I have given you lots of advloe,
and very little news. Of news,indeed l
aam barren. I can tell you, however, shod
it in any way interest you to, as lawyers
say, 'be informed and verily believe, ' that
I have seen several times lately that most
excellent Prince Balanikoff. I need seethe
y tell you that he has always inquir-
ed after you with an anxiety that has
been fax from feigned, and is, I fear, let -
ng concealment like a worm in the bud
feed on the well -whiskered cheek with
whish Nature has eo liberally fevered him,
suppose you are still relentless. It is not
or me to advise ; but male patience, as I
found out early in my 0areer,has its limits,
and, sooner or later,weshall have him sing-
ing, 'If she be nut fair for me, what one I
how fair she be?' besides, what Eay0
Tennyson, the favorite of all good people ?
'Corns into the garden, Maud.' So say I.
Pack up your traps, Maud and Dome with
me into the garden of Europe."
Was there aver such a woman ?
It was out of the question to say no.
Even if it had been in the question,I should
inallhuman probability have said "yes." My
things were already packed. I had scarcely
disturbed them. That evening I was en
my way to Paris, and I think no guard's
whistle was ever more grateful to my ears
than that which started us off from Victor.
'lhe next few days were devoted to the
inevitable toilette, into the details of whioh
I have no intention of entering. Euripides,
so I once heard it observed by a most emin-
ent church dignitary at Salchester, has put.
upon record his conviction that women are
wretched creatures.
The two arts, in whioh they ought to ex-
cel, are 000kery and millinery, and in each
they are hopelessly beaten out of the field by
I employed the recognized Prince of
Parisian men milliners, who bowed to me,
begged me to walk across the room to sit
down and repose on a sofa. He then sum-
moned two assistants to measure me, and
bowed us out with the polite assurance
that the English formality of trying on
world be wholly unnecessary'.
That evening we held a council of war.
Our position was exactly the converse of
that of Milton's Adam when turned out of
Paradise. The world, it is true, was all be-
fore na , but eve had no intention whatever
of choosing a resting -place, and were about
to set off with the lightest of hearts and
withno regrets.
It ltd not take us long to decide ; for a
while, a short while, we hovered round and
round in circles as docs a. carrier pigeon
when it is tossed off. We could not decide
between the rival claims of Nice, Meotone,
Cannes, and Monte Carlo itself. Ultimate -
1,y, in desultory fashion, we decided on
?Monte Carlo.
"Nice, my child," said Ethel, " is full of
boarding schools, pensions, and valetudina.
rian0 ; it is a sort of leienoln Brighton
sunny, windy, glaring, and disreputable.
Mentons is about as lively as Ventnor ; it
le a city of the dying. Cannes is too far
from el onset). Let us make no hones about
the matter and go boldly to Monte Carlo."
"You know best," I answered " we will
go," And thus it carne to pass that within
four or five days we found ourselves aom-
fartably seated at the table d'hote at the
"Hotelde Paris."
The habitues, my dear," said Ethel,
"dine at the restaurant, whioh costs very
little more, is ten times more amusing, and
certainly gives you a tar better dinner. But
you. and I are young and innocent, dividing
our innocence and our guilt between us in
any proportion that you please ; so to -night
we dine et the table d'hote, and then ad.
joule) to the rooms and have a little flut-
"Tomorrow we will dine in the restaur•
ant. By the time we have finished, the
higb players, who, like the great Lewis
Samuels, always goes the maximum, are
beginning to show themselves, and you will
see play in Earnest. No mere tourists.
there, but players who mean business, and
have come on business, and to whom their
personal expenses ere a mere incident of
the day—little more than an extra bottle of
champagne, or a morning drive over to
Acting on her advice we looked in et the
room after dinner, and,
for gambling. fir t time
in my life, I saw pd
ducted at Monte Carlo it seems to me to he
decorous, dull, and strictly honest. The
disreputable element, whioh has made it
almost impossible for en English gentleman
to run his horses in his awn name, is on.
birely wanting, or, at any rate, isnot visible
upon the surface.
You con distinguish, of oourse, between
the punters who are terribly in earnest and
those of the same category who aro only
amusing themselves. If you are familiar
with faoes, the rooms are a study. You
will seen most respectable peer, perfectly
well-known at Exeter Hall and other such
Please, and a subscriber to every philan-
thropio movement, To your groat autphse
he plunges rather heavily ; you forget
riuggloves, typieel.oI laapposonof 1110 In.
noeenee, purity,, and general gurlelessu0se
of the little priuoipellty.
Wo had bardiy Werth a hundred yards
before We sow Prince i;a1awkeff ap roaoli-
ing ua with a younger ansa, wino might lave
boon of any matte/Alley, upon his arta.
To turn harm woe hnpoeslble, It would
lave am0uuterl to a direct insult, Sol wait,
ad until we met the Prince and shoolehalide
with hire most greolously.
8o introduced hie friend, Pelage Molyam-
is, who immediately began to talk most
intently to Ethel, ao that, willing or 00 -
Willing, I was et the Morey of the ltusslau,
0f coarse he 0otnplimented ,no on my luck
of the night before, and of which he had
heard a most exaggerated account. Tide
led hint to discuss the theory of luck in
general, upon which he made several pro-
found remarks. He weal on to observe
that Americans aid. Russians were the
ouiy successful gamblers in the world,
that America and Reseia were the only two
countries in which large fortunes were to
be found amongst actually indigenous
natives, and that, as the historioe of the
Bleak Sea Treaty and of the Alabama
nogotiatione ought to have shown us, they
are the only two nations in the world with
the lent clam to diplomacy. n " is
"This,' he added caudadly enough ,
because they have net from the Brit the
0lighto0t intention of tolling the truth.
The English amen the Germans aro more
straightforward ; but yet; in all the ordin-
ary transactions of life, the average
Englishman lies like a Greek, and your
English merchants and man,rtanturer8 have
a worse name than any others iu the mar•
kets of the world."
I replied somewhat brusquely that the
English were, I believed, as a rule, sincere,
and that they were certainly chivalrous
wherever women erne concerned.
At this little outbreak he smiled grimly.
"Your English aristocracy," he remark.
ed, "19 strangely mixed. Not a few of
your baronets and country gontlemea 0811
show an older end far less questionable
lineage than the bulk of your poer0. The
present representative of the great
hero of Chevy these ought really
to rejoice in the plebeian name of
Smithson, or something of the sorb,
and is, I am told, the direct lineal descend-
ant of a very respectable druggist and
apothecary of that name, We have in our
Bureaux to study your English peerage. I
believe I am correct in venturing on the
assertion that the Dukedom of Norfolk is
one of the few peerages in England that
can stand anything like historical fnvesti-
•gation. II need cot go through the roll, for
any man in England 0818 become a peer if
he will only make up hos mind to the colon.
One of your peers advertises iu yolr penny
papers that to avoid commission and to
simplify business he will supply his own
coals direct from bis own collieries iu his
own carts for cash on delivery. Another,
if I remember aright, recently figured as
eoniethiug much worse than 8 money -lender
—as, what is termed in the cant of the
trade, a tout and ' bonnet,' for money-
lenders. One or two have nndorgone very
recently travaux forces for disgranelui
offences against ordinary honesty and
morality. One" -- here he burst out
laughing—"lived in Spain on an an-
nual stipend allowed hot by a vender
of quack pills and ointment. He
wassuffiaiently a gentleman so appreciate
the irony of his situation and to seek re-
tirement in the orange groves of Andalusia.
I hope if he is dead that bis suoco0sor in
the title continues the pills and ointment
with equal faith."
Ileighberle Interest in 0nt9 Deluge—tot-
Sore or ellement and ,Unroll Gathered
75011111 Itis DIEM' Iiloeord.
A new metal nanocl poviellibo has been
dlscieve'ed in lathe.
In the United Wane forty persona' in
every 1,000 aro ooloi' blind.
There are 1,780 separate reih'oad nom-
panicle is, the Uuited States,
The Ohio Supremo Court ;leolared the
cigarette tax law oonebitutionel,
Miss Cora Dow ie the owner of three sue.
easeful drug stone in Cincinnati.
The United States army ie said to have
over 200 cases of eourvy every year.
The minas tributary to Butte City, Mont.,
have an enema of $28,000,000 a year.
One out of every 180 inirabitante of the
United Steles owns or rides a bicycle.
The largoet railroad sloops in the world
are those of oho Big Four at Bellefontaine,
Mrs. Ignatius Donnelly, wife of the author
of the Shakespearean cryptogram, died in
St. Paul.
Five hundred thousand men aro estimated
to ride in the elevetore of New York city
every day.
The Pennsylvania plateglass works in
resin, Pa., wore sold by the sheriff for
Mrs, Barbara Hlazeook, 90 yearg of age,
hanged herself while in afitof despondency
at Chicago.
The production of crude petroleum in
the United States last year was valued at
over 912,000,000.
Evident:es are plentiful at the treasury
department that New York bankers are
hoarding gold.
ee Iiohokou, N. .7,, saw the body of hie
nf5thor placed in the ooflin and Wet 84 over
Me with grief that lie died in oenvuloioae,
Ax.Unitod Statue Sonetier Juno W.
Bradbury, who its 09 yoara old delivered
the oration 8t the laying of the corner Btode
of the Litbgow library building in Auguste,
It Is KeVering OVer abet Wale 1'cninenitl
L'xIOnalan Culled Koren,
There ie another ominous wan =end
upon the entern horizon. Tide ohne it
does not hangover the porpetteelly shadow.
ed Balkans nor yet that les gloom over fair
Fraise or any of the members of the triple.
ailianoe. Neither has it to do with Spain,
Mor0000,, or any of the Afriosn empires
which I7ueopeo.ne are 0reatleg.frot the raw
maternal. The war cloud upon which the
attention of military and naval experts and
diplomats fa now fastened has rieen in the
far east—in the very orient- and the storm
cep tre is hovering over that littlepeninsular
extenision from Ohineee territory called
Korea. Tho storm may burst at any time,
end when it docs the,weebern barbarians
will enjoy the spectacle not recently afford-
ed them of two Mongolian nations fighting
Wording to their own peouliar mebhods
and such,othdre as they have managed to
borow from the scientific professional
slaughterers of the occident.
Tho Hing of Rorea is tine unhappy 0
The results were eertatnly such as to
astonish even myself. My little capital
seemed to grow in a manner simply marvel-
Ab first I had played on what I suppose
I imagined to be a method ;.but I became
bewildered with my success and very soon
found myself playing as recklessly as any
young ehopman out fora hank -holiday, and
throwing at cocoa nuts.
And yet the more reckless my play, the
more fortune favored me. I became exalted.
Any human being would have been as much
under the circumstances. I increased my
stakes and kept on winning. I became
dimly aware that other persons were watch-
ing my lead and following it.
At last, out of mere weariness, I stopped
and rose. There was an immediate fight
for my chair, and I eeasped with my
pockets crammed. I found afterwards at
the hotel that I had yon, as a matter of
fact, nearly twenty thousand francs, so
that the difiereenin not worth detail.
-lief* this little treasure with the proprie.
tor of the hotel, where th0SOWS of my good
fortune had spread before nte. He was most
gracious ; insisted on counting the plunder
before me, then there might be no mwtake,
turd then locked it securely in his safe. This
f0rmalityconcluded, Btheland I ordered up
to our sitting -room, at her euggcsbion,prawn
sandwiches and a bottle of champagne.
"I like to enjoy the good things of thin
life, along with you," she said very frankly.
" It is so amusing to think how furious the
Dean would be if ito could gee ns,,and it
makeo me wonder whether 1$o credit is what
it ought to be in the Cathedral Oloea, or
whether they have by this tiro, n 1 very
much suspect, begun to find ihim out, The
gaiters that cast the most imposing ehadow
do nob, by ally means, always carry the
lightest heart ; and wore the Dean t0 bet
'me his gaiters on that assertion, I would
willingly stake my boat boots against them
and throw my bottom dollar into the bar-
gain. And now, my excellent Miriam, it's
time to sleep on our luck, and to -morrow
morning we will have a lovely little drive
aver to Nice."
Next morning the weather was uncertain,
or we ehouid, without any doubt, have
carried out Stilel;s suggestion. Ae it was,
we were =clod by the barometer, and
Haw could I answer him when it was all
true ?
T wonder," he asked himself, meditee
tively "what Fraacia Joseph would say if
one of hie Princes were to sell gingerbeer
upon commission, or to tura oab proprietor
and advertise as such, or to accept a yearly
pension for a testimonial stating that he is
convinced of the virtues of a new soap, or
of apatent liver pill, prof a specific against
premature baldness. I really believe his
Imperial Majesty would banishhim for
life. You are funny people, you English.
You are, the ladies of course excepted, the
best hated and the most heartily despised
nation m the world; and, on my honor,
you deserve it. Your only strength is
among your canaille, who make splendid
soldiers,sailors, and prize-fighters, and
yet even their morals lose the true Spartan
simplicity of type ander the influence of
the first breath of fresh air that blows over
a racecourse. But the English ladies are
sufficient atonement for all the sins and
greenness of their husbands, brothers, and
sons. They are perfection itself."
I murmured a few deprecatory sentences
in answer to this flood of invective; but
they were fashioned feebly, and finished
lamely. It was for this very chance that
he had been waiting. _
" You will not answer me seriously," he
said, "because you are still angry. No
doubt I deserve your anger. Iapoke as one
who is full of new wiue, and I can only
claim to be forgiven on a pure appeal to
moray. You may impose on me ally con-
dition, or bind ,no by any pledge. But out
of your charity you can surely find room
for pardon."
"Lor us think no more of anybhing that
may have happened, Prince," I replied.
"Mine is not a long memory."
" So be it. So be it," he laughed, not at
all lightly, hub with all the air, at any rate,
of genuine relief, "Life is too short that
we should waste it, and lose possible friend-
ships over spall misunderstandings whioh
a word can put right. Lot ue," earl here
he raised hie voice, "ask Mrs. Forteseuo
and Prince Melyanis whet they think."
"Think of what?" asked Prince Melyan-
is, swinging round at once upon his heel.
"0f the weather," was the imperturbable
answer. "Lady Craven thinks there is
rein about. I, for my part, deolare that I
never yet new in ail my experience promise
fn skies so fair of fairor weather to follow.
It is positively ludicrous with what per-
sistency I find myself haunted with the
sante idea. Here is a 111011 who has never
been selected even as an attache. And my
late huaband is at this moment making
dudes and drakes, as the Bette boys Day,
of all England's vast interests ab the Court
of the largest Empire in the world.
Iburet out laughing and forgot every.
thing. And in a few seconds we were re•
trading our steps four abreast, abetting on
every cooesivable subject, and, so far ae any
listener could have gathered, deeply in-
terested in our conversation.
(to nos COyTINCEn.)
Frank Schroeder, aged 2, accidentally set
himself on fire at Lyons, Iowa, and was
burned to death.
James McCloud, of South Dakota, has
raised a horse which has eight perfect hoofs,
two on each leg.
The District of Columbia has the largest
death rate from consumption of any part of
the United States.
The total number of electors in the Unit-
ed States, including women entitled to vote,
is 13,0000,000.
Receivers of the Northern Peaifio will ask
permission of the court to borrow 81,000,-
000 to meet interest coupons.
Directors of the World's Columbian Ex-
position hope to Bettie with the French ex-
hibitors by arbitration.
The Suprotne Court of Minnesota declared
valid the law compelling streetcar compete•
in to vestibule ears in winter.
Captain Nathan Peters, the oldest Free-
mason in the United States, died at Atnes•
bury, Mass., aged 81 years.
Senator John Sherman has scrap -books
covering the history of the United States
for the past thirty-eigbt years.
Nora Keivel and Mary Glynn were so
badly burned by the explosion of a gasoline
stove at Kenaas City that they will die.
The Fleming family will hold a reunion at
Muncie, Ind., on August 22. At the last
reunion 10,000 people were present.
A contrivanne for turning sheets :of music
has been perfected by a San Franciscan. It
is operated by the foot of the pianist.
A case of black smallpox has been discov
ered in the Milwaukee House of Correction,
where 247 00nviot5 are confined.
A spaniel owned • by Dr. Frederick A.
Lyons of New York city has adopted a
chicken which it cares for incessantly.
There are 29.1 academies of music in the
in ited Metes lnaviangover 4,s, and 363 000 poprand uousos
Captain Abrams flied on the steamer Pike
at Alton, Ill., aged 70 years. He carried
supplies to Grant during the siege of Tithe -
During the quarter ending February 1
the State of South Carolina made a net
profit of 941,000 on gross sales of $250,000
worth of whiskey.
Because City Attorney Hamilton, of Mil
waukeo, refused Reporter Kerr a piece of
news which he gave another, ha was sound-
At Defiance, Ia., there is a "living skele-
ton" in the person of a Mau who ie five feet
eight inches tall, and who weighs but 65
The Massachusetts Senate has passed to
be engrossed the Bell telephone hill, alloy,_
ioho mpany to increase its capital
tonn$ 850,000,coma.
of the present imbroglio in which China
and Japan have become involved. He very
foolishly had a too prominent and overly
ambitious courtier of hie realm aseaseinated
in Shanghai. The courtier, it seems, had
been a former minister to Japan, and while
serving his eov$oign in that capacity load
interested the Mikado in a very ingenious
eolith= to overthrow the Korean govern-
menband make him the minieter dictator.
The King of Korea doubtless repents his
preoipitancyin having hie unfaithful repro•
sentative pub out of the way, for the Mika.
do, when he heard oftheinoldent, at once
occupied Korea with some 19,000 Japanese
troops, which he refuses to withdraw, des.
pito the protest] of the Emperor of China,
who, wanting a slice of Korean territory
himself, has assumed the character of pro-
tector of that country. The situation is
further complicated by the attitude of the
Czar of Russia, whose Siberian territory
adjoins that of the Icing of Korea 011 the
north. The Czar could make convenient
see of the splendid Korean port of Turan,
whioh is open the year around and poss-
esses other advantages over Alexander's
own port of Vladivoetock, whioh is of con-
siderably higher latitude. The Czar will
not scruple to foment strife between Japan
and China, and ones he has them well by
the oars and their attentiondistracted from;
the real source of the quarrel in the hot
lust of actual combat, the paternalraler of
the Russian church and state will probably
step in and act the part of a praobioal
peacemaker by appropriating the die.
puted territory to his owu uses, thus re-
moving the oaths Belli. The fling of Korea
would seem in a fair way to pay dearly for
iujndicioue• action in having his ex.
Minister to Japan removed from this mun-
dane sphere, for whatever the outcome of
the impending conflict he is morally certain
to lose ifs kingdom, if not his other pos•
essions, including his royal life.
Ixoun 9, .:894
Ifo Iaumediate Improvement in Bunt -
floss Cion be Looked for
No material imprnvineitb in bho t98tle:
situation ie distinguisliable, nor Oder ex.
feting conditions can immediate iinpr0V8.'
relent be reasonably looked for, The ueleal
midsummer cluketeis both inbonsified apd
prelopgod by the general lethargy ansa
dleterleteces Nadler to periods of depree
Weare now dietinetlybetwoenseateme,
and all lines aro always effected, In dry
goods attention le now being given to fall
geode, with only limited results to show,
and the seine dlflioulty experienced a0
before in seating largo and prate/to
orders," The margin of profits ooatinttee as
narrow art ever. As a result of restricted
orders and some cancellations, the St.
CroiX Cotton Mills, of the Dominion Cobben
Syndicate,are olosod down, and 1 t 10 rumored
that the Ontario Cotton Mills at Hamilton,
employing 350 hands, will soon shut down
for the same reason. The indusbrlal situs,
then, therefore, continues' unsatisfactory,
as a natural sequence of the resbrtated out,
let for manufactures ; and the idioness of
some mill and factory operatives is
serious feature of the existing business
deposition, but
in England he dare not be seen on a race% in the ardens of -
or to histown olub�o S�o hae nines over te ack of ensveti Monte the llowo sin took isouf Which g re perfect Con
not by any means with cur banks, but in
the hands of - traders and the oonsuming
public, together with the finanoial distrust
which have been the principal reasons for
the temporary suspension of operations,
are likely soon to be, in a large measure,
eliminated from the situation, and a fuller
resumption of business may reasonably be
expected, as stocks are not excessive, after
the completion of repairs of machinery, for
which the period of suspension will in many
eases be employed. The curtailment of mill
and feetary output, as well as general mer-
chandise, and the chock to speculation
through the constant tendency to deprecia-
tion in values sufficiently explain the present
hesitancy about enlarging business opera-
tions or starting new business:. ventures
snail as was the general rule in recent
years. The wool trade has been char-
acterized by extreme dainties, as manu-
facturers have been buying only suffi-
cient to Dover requirements for orders
in: process at 17 to 18§o. Dulness per-
vades the hide, skin and leather market
in about the same way, green hides being
moving slowly at it c. The iron trade is
very quiet in all branches, and the move-
ment in hardware is scarcely as free ae a
week ago, but values are steady. There
have been no marked chaugee in grooeriee,
the movement continues restricted. Retail
merchants are carrying amall stocks, and
are ordering very conservatively, and like
wholesalers are nob evidently looking for
any immediate advance in values. The
produce market, as is usual at this season
of the year, displays no activity. Butter
is now more easily obtained in almost any
quantity, with prices wakening The
cause of the recentscarcity is attributed to.
the action of Montreal epeaulators,whohad.
been storing butter for export; but it is
difficult to do soand maintain itsquality
so to to realize paying prion in the British
markets. At present Canadian butter
would have to be bought at 12o. in order to
be sold at a profit in Britain. Ib is evident
that butter does not go"
from makers as cheese, and until it does we
must be content with mediocre demand
and prices. The restoration of normal cou-
ditions.in the pro vision market is likely to
be followed by a slight revival of legitimate
business so long impeded by speculation.
There has been a further net decline fn the
price of wheat of 2e. and 3o, in oats during.
the week, and atpresenc the indications are
bearish. While Toledo No. red winter`
wheat can be Nought for 53, and shipped by
water to Montreal for 4l,,o.. including
charges, it is difficult to see how Ontario
farmers can expect much over 50c. when it'
costs 1Oc. or 11c. to float it in Montreal, 1. e.
Sea. for rail and lee, for terminal charges.
While navigation is open Toledo and Detroit
wheat, when they have a ee-t us as
at present, must influence prices here. The
situation seems to be in the hands of the
Canadian millers as they canmake andslnip
flour eo as to undersell Europeansat pre
sent values. With 17,000,000 to20,000,000
bushels stored in Chicago alone, and a large
winter crop expected, it is scarcely atoll -
jelling that no advance in the price of
wheat is expected by the best informed.
The mouey market is uuohanged, and rates
are no higher than last reported, nor with
the prezone limited demand for money is
there any likelihood of dear money when
the security is good.
t'ecnllarttles or Some or the Favorite heel
=tints of the Czar.
The Russian army is full of funny things.
Thus, the biggest fellows are detailed for
duty in the bodyguard regiment, "Preobra-
heneki," founded by Peter the Great, and
originally composed of that monarch's per.
sonal friends, all giants in their way. The
Czar's family takeagreat pride in this regi-
ment, and on the named day of ata patron
saint attends the festivities in abody,usual-
ly re -enforced by foreign ambassadors and
ministers. Then there is the Ismailowsk
regiment, where only blondes are tolerated,
and the well-known Pawlow guards all of
whom mast have retrousse noses. The
regulations of the. Guard Chasseurs, on the
other hand, admit only dark-haired men
The guard olEoers,being privileged by birth
as well as rank in their chosen professions,
treab their colleagues in the line almost as
badly as the latter treat their subalterns.
Up to a few years ago the distinction
between them was melt that a guard
lieutenant had precedence over the captain
of the line. The preaent Czar has ohanged
this state of things aomewhat,but not much.
A major of the guards would even to -day
rank higher than a line colonel, if there
was such a person. But the advanoament
of the regulon army officer seldom sue.
passes the rank of battalion chief. Mon hav-
ing attained that distinction are generally
made "commanders" of is small precinct,
while disgraced guard of ieors or general
staff =floors obtain the colonelehip or
lientenant.00lonelahip of the regiment to
which they devoted their lives. Only very
rarely done line officer succeed in obtain-
ing a commission in the war academy, and
eventually in the general staff. It should
be mentioned, however, that the majority
are unfitted for snob advancement. The
requirements of the =Boer's examination
Frank James, the surviving brother of
the notorious outlaw family of that name.
fainted the other day while being vac-
Promoters of the Harrlaon Internationa
Telephone Company expect to establish an
exchange in Chicago and greatly reduce
existing rates.
The exodus of Scandinavians this spring
from New York to their homes across the
sea has been nearly twice as large as in any
preceding year.
Ex-0overnor Roman M. Prise, of New
Jersey, died at Hazlewood-on•Ramapo aged
78 years. He raised the stare and stripes
on California soil.
They Disagree,
May --I don't think much of a man who
proposes to a girl by letter.
Oath= --Idy date, you should feel grateful
to a man who propene to you in any way,
Not Reading Matter.
" You have plenty of reading here," said
a visitor to the literary editor, pointing to
a pile of books on the editorial leek.
These are not for reading," replied the
editor, "They are for reeiovring,
Receivers were appointed for the Winters
Lithographing Compsuy, of Springfield,
Ohio. Liabilities aro staled at 9151,413 end
ants cit 975,000.
Dr. A. A. Kondriok, president Shurtleff
College, at Alton, 111., has accepted o, call to
the pastorate of the Lmmauuel Baptist
church, of St, Louie.
Tho Rev. Father Stephen Boggs, who
proaohed the firs» Protestant sermon in old
Fort Dearborn, now known as the city of
Chicago, is still living.
A man la Bethlehem, Pa., was too poor
to bay a grave for his dead child ; so he
stole into a oemetery, dug the grave, buried
the infant, cud was arrested.
Through rates on flour and grain from
MianeapoliO via Chicago have been oanooll-
od by north-west lines because of the
" hoggishness " of eastern ofliolals.
In 1850 there were 0,7$7 pereon8 in the
prisons of the United States, or 202 per
1,000,000 of the population ; now there aro
50,258, or 1,180 per 1,000,000.
Sir Donald Stewart, who. has arrived: in
this country on a visit, is ono of the five
British field marshals, and the Bret officer
of that rank to set fent au Amorioau soil.
A throat capable of oxpreeoing three die -
tint voices sunultaneouely ie possessed by
William Yancey, a Chicago janitor. He
sings soprano, tenor anal alto all at the sane
A five.year•old child, Edwin T. McGinnis,
in the line are considerably less stringent
than those upon which the admission to the, stairs, than the green water hitherto Ino.
guards' officers' corps are based, bhe aspic- I tionless and apparently lifeless, becomes
ant's social Bonding is nob at all considered peopled with largo brown fish' rising from
&Place Hn ono Irish Channel Where They
Com,, to be neg.
At Logan, neer the Mull of fialway,thero
is a most interesting tidal fish pond. A.
rent in the cliffs fading the Irish channel
admit] the salt water through a narrow
fissure protected by a grating, into a 010 -
cuter rock basin, some 30 feet in diameter
and 20 feet deep.
The cliffs rise high all round; stone steps
descend on one side to a ledge leveled into
a footpath at the water's edge, No sooner
does the visitor's footfall reaomd on the
and to complete the wrntehedness of oho
line officer his pay is ridiculously small and
iaedeeuato, especially that of the infaatry
I Meer, the lieutenant receiving not more
than 4200 per year all told, The captain
has a little over 531,0, tho major 9450. The
most abject poverty prevails among them,
and only a few of the younger officers own
more than one uniform, which must do ser.
vino tb ordinary and on parade alike. The
Infantry private of the line receives In
money; 93.70 per year, including tho Czar's
and others' presents.
Philanthropists Searee.
Little Sister—" What is a philanthro'
Little Brother—'^A man who loves
everybody." „
"Are there many philanthropists Y
" No. Most men is tau poor to have
such big yards that neighbors don't bother
Luring Him One
Old Boarder—"How does it happen tllab
you gathatman the tenderloin and one
the toughve end ?"
Walter Girl—"He an't decided to stay
the depths, gliding and dashing about in
It great settee( excitement. These are cod,
iythe and saithe, which, ought: on lines in
the sea, have been transferred to thie pond
td be fattened for the table. They aro fed
daily by the keeper and experience has
taught them to connect the sound of foot-
steps with their' meal time.
llormerly a chopper need to be rung t0
summon thein, but this was no more then
a trick of the stage ; the footfall on the
atone 10 quite enough •
to awaken them to
activity. Moat of the ood,beingiiBop- water
fish, become totally blind ill captivity from
ex80s0 of light ; but they become so tame
and aconstoned to their keeper as nob
only to teal out of hie hand, but, tome of
them allow themselves to bo lifted out of
the water. Ono may wltnees the strange
eight of a huge cod, more than an ell Iong,
dandled on file knee like a baby, hie mouth
stuffed with muscles and limpet], after
whioh he is returned, to the water with er
mighty eplalh. On oho table these fish,
thee tended and fed, Provo mach better
than fish brought straight from the open
]ea,—[National Magasii he.
He—"Funny, 1ln'b it, how wo men get '
baldheaded and you women don't?" Sha --"I
don't think it's strange, You know we never
get to be old enough for that."