HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-7-27, Page 88 TI.E on, Fetes. We aro malting a preparation which airside great relief from this troublesome post, oi. se Kill these by using any of the following :--1Vilson's Fly Poison. Pads, Shoo-kly, Insect Powder, or Sticky Fly Paper. Potato Bugo., Our Pure English Paris Green is giving the best of satisfaction: 25c, alb. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. 'DRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN Ex'TENSION W. G. & B. Trains tease Brussels Station, North 2=a South, as follo've: 0o/Nei Swarm GOING NORTH, . 0.04a.m, I Mixed 0:40 a.m. ExnrOss 11:ee a.m. Mail 3:16 p.m, l%ixed %OD g.rt, Express 943 p.m, A alliel's Omand ye taken' notes, Au' faith he'll Arent it. WHAT about civic holiday 7 FALL wheat will yield well in this sec- -Bon.: • GARDEN party at ,Marsden Smith's this (Friday). evening. GRASanoPPEBs are playing havoc with green crops, especially garden Sass. A weer, cricket match was played on Victoria Park on Thursday afternoon, Ir ie proposed to bold a day's program of games and sports in Brussels this Fall. .6. ILI1131OTH turtle was captured at the river hest Saturday evening by some boys. THE heavy showers of rain during ,his week have doue a "power" of good to the country, .A LACROSSE match will likely be played meat week in town between Brussels and Wingham. AiEasos. TAYLOR & &OLLIE have placed gilt lettered sign at their eroeery, Gra- ham block. BRUSSELS Foot Ball team had their. )photos. taken the other day. The group es an excellent one. A NIMBEn of our local horsemen ore training tbeir young trotters and pacers on the Driving Park track. B. G. WILSON and men are away this creek near Milverton anmplating a Luth- eran church upon which is to be built a tall spire. 0. ZnnLIAx has purchased a dandy •}nrn•out in the shape of horse, Mikado Styled buggy, harness &c., from the Lis- towel Piano Company. TEBBE aro a mmnber of uniforms and mastic bags belonging to the town Band not yet returned. Will the holders kind- ly see that they are sent in at once, A1rENT Buos. are improving their dry kiln and have built a shed over the out. Ade entrance. They are also gravelling ibe roadway in their yard past the foo- ory. Tors week we received an excellent photo. of Salem Armstrong, formerly of Brun -els, now living in Guthrie, Okla- Iiomia, aecowpauied by his sun on "a bicycle built for two." GEORoe Ilona has moved his stables from their former position to one more :Northerly and Westerly. Mr. Robb has made a great improvement on this plot since be became the owner and has a very comfortable and convenient Plane of it DOW. Tan next Harvest excursion to Mani. 'Dobe will run on Tuesday, August 14111, Tickets good until Oot. 14th. The return fare is $28, 530, 535 and $40, according to destination. Excursions are also an- nounced for Aug. 21st and Sept. 4th. 'Quite a number from this seotion will likely take a trip West asour harvest will be over early. STRATroRD Herald in speaking of the oboir competition says:—ilii. Freeland is also to be congratulated upon the hon• .osob!e place won in the contest under u npropitious cironmstances. Only a week before the excursion be, failing to make up a satisfactory chorus in Stmt. ford, tamed to Brussels. The time for practice was therefore too short to war - mint high expectations of the result. GARDEN PARTY.—On Friday evening of this week a garden party, will be held at Me commodious grounds of Marsden Smith, Grey. Conveyances will leave town from 7:30 to 8 o'olook. Interesting program of meeia by the orchestra and a number of vocalists. Readings and ad- drea•es. Refreshments will be provided in the way of coffee and bread and but •ter, ioe cream, oranges, bananas, candies and cake. Buttermilk will also be ou call for those desiring it. A pleasant evening assured, Flax.—Wm. Denbow and John Mee, d ews pulled a plump acre of flax on the Knight farm, Trey, the other day in 7 hours. W. Bright and T. A..MaLauohlin measured it. This is a shame for record breakers,—Upwards of 150 kande are on .lbs pay roll of Brunets flax mill just mow. --Pulling will be about finished this week and the mill is expected to Start on 'Tuesday of next week.—Aianager Bright expects to have about 700 tons of flax to handle. It is a splendid Drop and will yield well. AT THE DnroT,—A thresher's outfit ar• hived this week from Ham Ibon for Masers, .'Atwood & Meinhan. It iensisted of en- gine, separator, &o,—Sa a continues to ,move out rapidly, two trams being en. ,gaged hauling from the blook to the sta• :tion.-. One of the celebrated hook and ',ladder trucks, Inanufaotured by J. D. 2itooatd, was forwarded to Chatham Ellie w eek. lb looked fine.—A, C. Dames shipped a oar load of stock to Montreal hut Monday. Mr. Dames accompanied it•-MMleson. Baeker de Vanstone forward- ed three cars of live bogs to Hamilton :this week, one oar going from Belgrave.— Harvest excursion to Manitoba and :3.Morthweeb points will be run on August .;filth. Renal, ,sobools will reopen on 0301 2011), town and village a wook later, Rum Srontaso, of Wingham, Shipped a car of tub butter from Brugeels this week. A wonnsgo is on the tapir for nail month. Bruesele euppliee the bride. groom, As will bo'seen by uotioe in another column the "long vacation" Itae slit the law offices in Bruasele, Mus, 1i, PAUL hash clematis inbloom on which upwards of 130 beautiful pur• pie fiowere may be counted. Ds. OAvarnto z bee placed a new Case chair, with all the modern improvements, in his dental room and the same aatiefao• tion with greater comfort will be accord- ed. his patrons. The obalr formerly used was taken to bis Blyth office, Cnoin,—All the members of the union choir are asked to meet nest Tuesday evening fora short sing and shot over the past and future of bhe choir. Each Member is asked to bring the music used at Sarnia with them; BOST:USn1ul FARROW has been appointed C. P, R, ticket agent at Brussels as . sue. oeesor to J. 'R. Pepper removed to 'Wood- stock, There were a large number of ap. plioants, we understand. The transfer was made on Monday of this week. SHEEP WosimING.—Several village dogs have had to bite the duet for their sheep worrying habits. Some of the canines regeived their quietus in Grey township and others were slain on their arrival home, The gooks of H. Ball, 0. Bozell, T, Pepper and others were the victims of the nocturnal visitants. BDSINEse CHANGE.—This week James Fox, the well known Wroxeter druggist, perchaeed the drug business of J. T. Pepper, Graham block, Brussels, and has taken possession. Mr. Fox ie a gentle- man well posted in all the deparbmenbs of bis work and we trust his brightest anti- oipatione will be realized. Mrs. Fox and son will move t0 town shortly. ACCIDENT.—On Monday of last week while G. A. Hood was working a jointer in Watson & Maloolm'e furniture fa°. tory, Kincardine, the third finger of his right hand oame in contact with the knives, and in a twinkling the digit was mangled to the first joint, A Dr. ampu- tated the shreds of flesh and bone, and Mr. Hood will be obliged for a few weeks to carefully aurae his band. Pusoxo Somcer. LEAVING.—Tho offloial list of candidates will he ready for next week we expect, in the meantime we are pleased to state that Ave of the Brussels candidates who wrote have passed. The following are the names Dan. Strachan, 833 ; Leon Jackson, 772 ; Dore Nott, 723 ; Frank Smith, 644; Sarah aleLaoohlin, 634. 612 was the „eoessary pave mark. OBIT.—E,rly last Friday morning the spirit of demes A. Young, a well known resident of Holletb took its flight. De. ceased was only ill for a week and the news of his death was hardly credited. Mr. Young was a brother of Mrs. W. R. Wilson's, Brussels, and resided with his brother John, in Hullett. He was un• married and had attained the age of 63 years. The funeral took place on Gator. day, Rev. A. efoLean, of Blyth, of whose church the subject of this notice was a faitbful member, conducting the service. A long procession followed the remains of the deceased to its last resting plaoe. Mr. Young was universally respected. HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE.—Brueeels.pn• pile did nobly at the recant Entrance ex- amination, seventeen out of nineteen be- ing oredited with passing, and the remain- ing two may be alt right when the official list comes to hand. We congratulate the teachers and the pupils on the good work done. The list is as follows, in order of merit :— Elsie Jackson 574 Emma, Webster 550 Lizzie McLennan 557 Edith McLaucblln 664 May Shaw 547 Fred. Pybus 547 Georgie Howe 631 Maggie McNeil 527 Lorne Lanford 510 George Watt 603 Kennedy Coueley 501. Willie Brydges 457 Dan. Stewart 454 Ira Gerry 4455 Freddie Gilpin 437 Willie &inlay 436 Reaben Hindes 422 marks was the limit set by the ex- aminers. People We Know. Harry Crowe is visiting at Paisley. Miss Minnie Hoare is visiting at Clin- ton. Alies Lizzie Leatherdale is visiting at E lora, Willie Leatherdale is visiting at Her. rietun. Miss Elsie Wilton was visiting at Kin- cardine. Mrs. R. Burns was visiting her daugh- ter at Blyth. Miss Mary Sample is visiting at Wing. ham and Bayfield. Mies Tillie Knechtel was visiting in London this week. Harold Creighton, of Guelph, is home for a holiday week. Miss Myrtle Nott was visiting in Wing - hum for a few weeks. The Miss es Millar, of Wroxeter were in town Iaet Saturday. Freddie Gilpin was visiting at Dr. Fer- guson's, Blyth, this week. Miss Mary Beattie is visiting her grandmother near 'Coburn. L. Stark, of Seaforth was visiting at Watson Ainley's for a week, D. A. McKay, of Wingham, was visit. ing his sister, Mrs. i, a. Smith. Jno. F. Marken, of Montreal, is holi- daying under the pat ental roof. Mrs, John Scott and ohidren were vis- iting; in Grey township last week. Mies Mulholland, of ifolmeeville, wue visiting relatives in this locality. Jno, Rankin, of Seaforth, was visiting in Brussels a portion of this week. Miss Edith Inman is home from Guel- ph for a holiday visit of two weeks. Miss Clara Thompson, of Toronto, is visiting her sinter, Mrs, Jas. Jones. Charlie and Dalby Rendall were visit. ing their sister in Detroit last week. W. Mose and wile, of Gerrie, were visiting at Thos. Pierce's this week. Alfred Newton, of Luoltnow, is holt. Baying at bis grandparents, Brussels, Mise Clara Jewitt is visiting at her brother's, Rev. W. Jewitt's, Warwick. Mr, and Airs. McGuire, of Wingham, were visiting at Geo. Rogers' this week. Willie Beaker, who has been working in Listowel, came home owing to sickness. Josey Ranter Is on the sick list bol we hope ho will soon be o, Is, Mrs. Tuna is filling a position in the dry geode atom of le, Iii: Maadook Sr Co, Miss Nellie Wilson, of St. Ilfary'e, was visiting Mrs, W. Ballantyge ter a NW flayys, Miss Dora Nott le enjoying a holiday visit with relatives in Joliet, Illtnais and Ohio, Miss Beabrioe Olialie, of Listowel, is visiting her cousin, Georgie Rose, Alen. ander street, ' D. MoNaughton was slightly injured at Amant Bros, factory ibis week by a falling scaffold. Miss Jennie Wilson fe benne from her millinery situation at Port Elgin for her Summer vermilion. Mise Fannie Smith, sister to Mrs. L. Taylor, lirueeele, has returned from her trip to the Continent, Joseph: Pugh, wife and children, of Bluevale, were visiting at Rev. R, Paul's,' Prinoess street, this week. Morden is relieving at the Stan. dard Bank, i'ioton, for, a few weeks. He was sent there from Toronto. D. 0. Rose, Mrs. floss and children,' Mise Irizete Ross and 111150 Earle ie Hay. croft Sundayed at Kincardine, Afre. J, "Jerrie and oliildren, of MI toll - ell, are visiting at 311. W. Melsotu's. Mr. Harris was in town on Sunday. Wrn. Taylor, General Agent for the Confederation Life Association, was in. Brussels for a couple of days this week. J. Londesboro'andwife, Ssafortb,and Miss Grille and brother, of 'Etarrieton, were visiting at It. Leatherdale'e during the pant wesk. Elmer, eldest eon of D. Ewan, fell last week and inflioted an ugly gash on his. forehead that required the attendance of a physician to bind up. Miss Ilene Scott, who has been visit- ing at Seaforth and Clinton arrived home this week. Brine and Stewart Scott are holidaying at Seaforth. G, A. Deadman, chemist, is enjoying a holiday outing in Muskoka, at the oottage of hie brother-in-law. Mrs. Deadman and children are also there, John Ferguson arrived home from his trip up the lakee on Wednesday evening. He says there were 126 passengers on the "Cambria" and a jollier crowd would be bard to meet. D. Ewan and hie mother sailed from Glasgow for Montreal on Thursday of last week and are expected home on Sat- urday of this week. They came per Al- lan line steamer. Jack Hargreaves, of Torouto, is in to -1. Tie is an the road now in connec- tion w•t , a lint of proprietory remedies manufaetured by a leading drug manu- factory: Mr. Hargreaves has a large circle of friends in Brussels. J. T. Pepper, of Woodstock, was in town this week arranging the disposal of his drug business here. Air. Pepper was the Secretary of the Trustee Board of the Methodist church and an active worker in the Masonic and Forester's Orders. He will be missed. Principal Cameron left Brussels on Wednesday for a bicycle tour having Guelph, Toronto and Oven Sound on his program. IIe will visit Parry Sound before he returns in all probability, as. companying G. F. Blair next week to that picturesque portion of Ontario. The Ripley Enquirer says of a former Brusselite :—We are pleased to welcome the return home of our energetic and popular physician, Dr. R. W. .Kneohtel, Who with Mrs, Knecbte' arrived on Wed- nesday after an extended visit to the Eastern States. The Dr. has just nom• pleted a speoial :neves of study in the hoepitale of New York and no doubt re- turns with mind overflowing with up•to- date medical ideas for employment in his extensive practice. Both Dr. and Mrs. Kneohtel are looking exceedingly well after their month's change of scene. We have best wishes for their future suooess. J. 0-. Lemont, of Trinity Medical College has looked after the Dr's. business during his absence. Business Locals. BEST Manilla binder twine at B, Gerry's. A raw croquet sets left at THE Posier Bookstore. 22 SOUNDS granulated sugar for 51.00 Cyt J. Grewar's,Bruesela. No. 1 binder twine for 7 cents a poen/d at B. Gerry's, Brussels. FOUND. --A parcel of laundried collars &o. Apply at Toe POST. JUaT reostved one oar Manitoba Patent Flour. Baeker & Vanstone. Woor, wanted at Brussels woollen mill. Highest pride in cash or trade. Wearing and carts et Tus POST Boot:- store. Want to cleanout stock. HloaesT price paid for any quantity of good wool, I3oww & Co. Brussels MILE pans, milk pails and strainers, of the best quality at Ballantyne & Wigan's. B.isxrn & VaNszoNB have opened out a flour and feed store ab Backer's old stand, Brussels. A NEW flrst-class wagons left. Cheep at Jas. "Walker's. Also a few buggies said Darts at cost. WE are shipping live bogs next Tates. day, 3rd July, part{*: having any to sell see us. Baeker & Vanstone. A rune stook of creamery Gana an 1 milk cans of the very beat material and workmanship at Ballantyne de Wilton'e.. 10 QUART galvanized pails, japanned, 3 for 250., regular price 30o each. On17 a few dozen oh hand, and -can't be re. placed for double the money. Ballantyne & Wilton. Bras =ST Go.—Potato Bug poison us. ed dry. No water wanted. Perfect. ours for fly on turnips and the beet fee. bilizer in the market. For sale at 33; Gerry's. WELL-Dloorxe AND DNzonINs.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillingwells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put inroper shape. 'Terms reasonable. Residenoe second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 84-tf BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER. -2,000 rolls of beautiful American Wall Papers Piet to hand, bought at lee: than 50o on the dollar. Don't listen to slap -trap but come right along and choose at your own price. Elegant gilts at 10o, 150, 20o and 25o, formerly sold from 30c to 1300, All papers hung perfectly at 10o. Oome all and come gawk, for they won't last. W. Roddick. 2747Y. X410 ,,f yI NN OF i4.X4. tea , HEAD OFFICE, '• TORONTO, ASSETS, _ (Sown Million Pollan) - $7',000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) . . 52,000,000 4Iponelos 4n alt priftatpat points do Ontario, Qnabce, Dfianil t'a, Unitoit Stater <C' Rngtiun5, A General Bantling Business Transacted, Partners' Notes Disoounted, Drafts 'aimed and Oolleotions made On all points. SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT,. ' Interest allowed on doposite of $1.00 and upwards from date of depoeit to date of withdrawal and oompouuded half yearly. SPgorm A!rTngr;or GIpEN TO THE COLLEOTIOIi QF FARMIERS'. SALE NOTES. Every faoilityafforded Ouatomers living at distance, 0. A. STEWART, MANAGER, aILLdiar S 14 BtBX&adtt Id't , BAIT113 BRUSH )LS Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts 13ought and Sold on. all points in Canada, UJnitod States and Great Britain. FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A. SPECIALTY, Interest Allowed on One Dollar and 17pwarde at Current hates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Prinoipal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposita. 'Na effect to write Insurance In old English or Cnnadlan CompmLLas, or to mut. rut Companies 05 may be desired. AGENTS FOR OANADA AND UNITEDSTATES; Tno CANADIAN BANK on CotrtimltoE. CHURCH ClliMLS. Rev. E. A. Shaw's sermons in the Methodist church last Sabbath were good,eepecially the evening one. The Exeter Advocate remarks :—Bev. 33. W. Hunt delivered a sermon on Sun. day morning last that would have heart oonsidered a masterpiece in any of the largest city churches. Rev. R. Paul preaches in Melville church next Sabbath morning and in Knox church in the evening, Rev. Mr. Bose will conduct the morning service in Knox church. Rev. Mr. Millar, pastor, will be absent from'town. Next Sabbath the quarterly meeting will be held in the Mebhodiet church. Rev. T. W. Cosecs, of Walton, will non• duet the services. Fellowship meeting after the morning sermon and sacrament at the close of the evening service. Seaforth has been made an oubport of entry, as lion. Clarke Wallace promised during the late election in South Huron. I'. G. Neelan, editor of the Seaforth Son, has been sworn in as collector, While workmen were engaged in hoist- ing a grain -elevator in Clausen & Price's brewery, New York, Tuesday afternoon, the cable of the elevator broke, causing it to fall to the cellar. Forte men were in. stantly killed and another received fatal injuries. Robert Park, principal of the Goderieb public and model schools, bas been tem. porarily appointed inspector of public schools for West Kent. The appoint- ment will hold good until the meeting of the county council, the power of making a permanent appointment being vested in that body. While working alongside the track at Windsor, last week a man named Sbipa- oaiese was killed. A logging train oame along on the bank above and some of the logs rolled off, and, striking him, instant- ly killed him. He resided isDetroit, and leaves a wife and three children. On Alumett Island, jest opposite the town of Pembroke, a young girl was bath• ing on Monday in the lake, and getting beyond her depth, the father, Sam. Shan- non, jumped in to rescue her, but sank immediately, and never arose again till the corpses of father and child were re- covered, about one'hour afterwards. BOTnaS7,_ Hum —In Grey, on July 16111, the wife of Mr. Alex. Hied of a daughber. Sut:ontns.—In Brussels, on July 21st, the wife of Mr. Adam Summers of a sun. Srnnt.-In Morrie, on July 20th, the wife of Mr. Allan Speir, of a daogh. ter. Gnrazonnns.—In Brussels, on July 23rd, the wife of Mr. Edward Grimoldby of a daughter. M.LiRR2ED• BISnoo—Seevnen.—At Melville manes, Brussels, on July 25117, by Rev. John Boss, 33. A., Mr. Williem Bis- hop, second son of Mr. James Bis• bop, of Grey, to Mise Annie Stevens, of Toronto. Young.—In Hullett, on' July 20th, Jas. A. Young, aged 68 years. INtsotsoere July 24.—Offerings of cheese today, 2,421, fleet belt July make ; no Bales; 1 lot, 800 boxes, at 9}o ; large at. tendance, but market quiet. BELLEVILLE, 01,1r., July 24.—Thirty fao- tories offered 1,370 white and 270 colored cheats here to -day. Sales were, white, 35 boxes at 9 1.16o ; 155 boxes at 91a ; 165 boxes at 9 3.16o ; colored, 120 boxes at 9 5.195. EAST BUrrno, N. Y., July 24—Oattle— Pour oars , firm coarse fat steers sold at 54.36, and light thin at 58.50 to 58.75. Sheep and lambs—Ten oars on Bale ; dull, and with values fully 26o to 360 lower for the poorer grades of lambs ; dull and weaker for very best, and sheep scarce and firm; fair to good mixed sheep, 53. 26 to 58.75 ; ohoioe totam native lambs, 54.26 to 54.60 ; fair to ohoioe, 58.26 to Hogs—Twenty oars; Tight grades, active and steady ; others, 10o lower ; best Yorkers, 55,60 ; best mediums, 55,45 ; heavies, choice, 55.85 to 56.40 ; good, 55 to $5,26 ; pigs $5.50 to 55.55. BRITISH CATTLE MAl7EETs.—John Swan & Sons (Ltd.), Edinburgh, in their week- ly report of July 18, says :—Ab all the principal markets throughout the week i supplies of home cattle have been smaller and trade was generally better, Both States and Canadian cattle hays made M. Campbell has been elected reeve o f i ooneiderably more money, with an easy. Howard by acolamation, to fill the vac, clearance. Fat sheep and lambs have ancy 0aueed by the resignation of Cor. been shorn in fewer numbers. A good neltus Darling. demand was experienosd for these at slightly higher prices. Calves—a largo and good show, but no improvement in prices San be quoted. Pigs sold at fair prides. Owing to the exceedingly favor- able weather for turnips and grass, all classes of store sheep and cattle have met an active demand at deoidedly high- er prices. TonoNeo, July 24.-1'ho receipts were smaller today, whioh with some space of- fering, at Montreal, offset to some extent the lower cables from Liverpool. Prides were steady, with a fair demand. Total offerings were 44 loads. A few of the best loads for export sold at 4o to 4*a and others at 35s to $5o. Choice butohers cattle sold at 35o to Bea ; medium at 3o, and inferior at 24c to 25s. Calvee sold at $3 to $G each, the latter for oboloe. knob cows sold at $26 to $40 each. Sheep un. changed, with sales of the best exporters at 35o to Baa, and rams at 25o. Spring lambs brought 52.75 to 53.25 saob, Hoge Arm and unchanged, with reoeipte of only 250 bead. The best bacon lots, long and lean, sold at 55.65 to $5.75 per 100 lbs. ; mixed at 55.25 ; stores at 54.75 to 54.855 thick fate at 55, and common lots at 54 to 54.25. HRTT,3�reSrS MBR92c3ErTe3, Fall Wheat 55 57 Spring Wheat 53 56 Barley 35 se Peas .... 52 63 Oats .... 34 35 Butter, tubs and rolls— .• 13 14 Eggs per dozen 7 00 Flour per barrel.. 3 00 3 50 Potatoes 40 50 Hay per ton ............. 5 00 G 00 Salt per bbl., retail,.. 1 00 00 Hides trimmed 8 Hideo rough 14 2 Sheep skins, each....., 50 60 Lamb skins eaoh 15 00 Apples per bbl.. 1 50 1 75 Wool 16 17 Pork, Live 4 00 4 25 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. WANTED.—GOOD GENERAL Bsrvant !or small family. Apply at tate Offloo. JERSEY HEIFER FOB,SALE. i have a nice registered Jersey Heifer, soon due to :calve, which I will sell reason- ably, G. A, DE ADMAN, Druggist & Bookseller. -LIARM FOR SALE.—THE UN— DEReIONEn Offers his splendid 201* acre farm, being Lots 17 and 78, Con. 0, Groy, for sale, About 130 acres cleared, balance wood- ed. Good brick house, batik barn, .orchard, &a. Well watered and Mimed. For prise, terms, &c., imply to .0. (i. WIilL£n2, r: cirri ebor, 52.tf Ethel P. 0. STRAYED :FROM THE PREM. ISM; of the. undersigned, Lot 20, Con. 2, Morris, about June 251b a light rod heifer aged 2 years, with small white star on fore head, -Horns turning down.. Small wart Mose to lett eye, Any information leading to her r000very will he thankfully received. JOHN JOHNSTON, 01.4 Jamestown P. 0. NOT/CE 1 It 10 agreed between the undersigned that their respective oidces will be elan*4 tsr the transaction of legal busiuese frac the 213rd day of July until the 13th of August. W.M.SINCLAIR, G. rr. BLAIa 73 russets, July 17, '94. R. L. TAYLOR„ REAL ESTATE. 1-41ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. .1- DERBIGNBD has several good Farms for Salo and to rent, easy tonna, in ')'ownebippe of Morrie and Grey. F S. 80GTT,Btuseels, AR10I FOR SALE.— Por sale, Lot 21, Oon.10, Township of Grey, containing 100 .cores. 00 of whieh 15 cleared andeeoded ,down. Welt fenced and, bpeoially ,ulapted for dairy purposes. The oalaneelsheavily wooded, Itis near to 'burgh and School, FForppaarticRulate apply 40-4 Oranbrook P. 0. MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MtiNAUGRTON, M. D. el • C. M„ L. B.O.P., Edinburgh, M, (1, P , 8, cot. Residence and ofilao in Wilson's Block, corner of Milt and TurnberrySts. GrM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. '] - a Su n Asa her eto. . 1 trof o rgoo tya Graduate of Termite, University Medical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeuno Ont, OrrroB—Next deer io McDonald &iso., Walton Out, • Juiar 27, 1894 Y1ie and Insects Sticky Ply Paper, Orly Pads and Pure Dalmatian 'fused Powder, • -- .ALSO• - Bost White Hellebore Paris ,Green AT aeeyn PO1313 mrDrug Store i pyre , LEOAL AND CONVEYANCING. -p Il; TAYLOB, BARRISTER, J5.5,•SolicitorandConveyancer. Pollee - time made, Oiiloo—Vanstono's Blocs, BTeS- sGls, 21-3m M. SINOLAII•t, , 5o11ettor Oonveyanaer,Notary$nb.• 115, &a, Onloo. — Vanstoro's moo, 7 door north. of °entre' Hotel, Private gouda to Loan. CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Oodoriah, Ont,. an, 0 043217110N, 0. 0., rnrOII ROLT, DUDL70Y il0LBIEs. X71. P. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &o, (late of Garraw & Prosrlfoot'e Cosec Godorieb.) 0lfioe over Gillies & Smith's Rause, Brussels, Money to Loan, '47 DENTAL. 11.1 NT P1 M. CAVANAGH, L. D 6., D. D. S.. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto UM - varsity. 0701oE-0yon 4,10, Smith's Store, Brueee,s, Will visit Wroxeter the let and 3,•d Mondays and :Blyth tbe5nd and. 4111 We dnendaye of eaoh month.. T.R. DAVIDSON, JJ Honor Graduate Toronto" University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Grown and Brldgs work a specialtyy, Moder- ate -fees. Sutisfectlon Assured. OBioe over Barrett's barber shop, Turulierry St„ -Bras, eels, VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, 5 Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared elma bI treat com- petent of banner. Purtss animatenbc a nom - patent inarsser. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. ad Callspromptly at- tended f b ddge and berry easy—four floors north of bridge 1`umberry at., L'ruesole, .H.MOORE,V.S. I#, bt., V, M. 8. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Dinneen of all domeetleated animals treated on eglantine itrmoiples. Horse dentistry and diseases of homed (rattle a specialty. Calle promptly attended. to. Omoe, over Jelin Ston & Ooch- rano's marble works. Infirmary at Boattio'o livery barn, Brussels,0 at. 20• BUSINESS CARDS. e VV . H. MoORACKEN, Ieauror otlsrarriageLicenses. Office at his Grocery, 9luxnberry street, Brussels. N. BARRETT, -Life Tonsorial Artist• Shop—Next door south of A. IT, itleB,ty & Co's hardware store. Ladle s'and children: hair nutting a speelalty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• ALEX. HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co. HnrOn. Conveyancer, Notary Pnblie Land, Loan and Insure nee Agent, Funds invested and to loan. Collections made. Office in Graham's Block, Brussels. MISS O'CONNOR, R. T., Teacher of instrumental music on Piano or Organ.. will visit Wingbam Tues- day and Wednesday of each wook, Resi- dence en Princess Street, Brussels. rA. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M. Organist in 8t. John's Church, 'Brus- sels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaelimg, of A. W. The, yer,Mus.Doo., Now York, will give lessons to pupile dither on piano or organ, at his parlor ever A.R. Smith's store, Brae - eels. Vocal lessons also given. Terms mod- erate. AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, Auctioneer, •s always ready to at- tend sales. of farms, farm stook, &s. Terms cheerfully given. Orauhrook P, 0. Salon n:ay be arranged at Tan Poem Publishing House, Brussels, ( BORGE )IIR1tBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms, Farms and farts stocks specialty. Orders left. at TILE POST' Publielllrlg House ,Bruesels, or sent toWalton P.O., will receive prompptattention, 'AVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN EE. as en Auctioneer, I am prepared to oonduot sales of farm stook atreasouable prices. 'Knowing the standing of nearly every portion I am in a position to sell to good marks and get good security. when Bold. • on oredit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give ore aeall. 82- L' S. SCOTT. Notice to Creditors. Pursuant to ltovieed Statutes of Ontario 1887. Chap. 110, notice is hereby given that. all peranns having shy °lain or demand against the estate of John Ilitehle, late, of the ToWesblp of Grey, 10 the County of Huron, who died OD the 211 day of May, 1894, aro required to Scud or deliver to the under- signed, the 1pxoautors of the oetate of said deceased on or before the 13td. Do 00 1804, full particulars of their alaime, wltb their naives and addressee, and take notice that after the said 13th day of July, 1894, the Said liXecutore will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased among the per - Sons entitled thereto. having regard only to the glaima of whfeh uotioedials have beer' feven and said Executors will not be liable,. or the assets or any part thereof so dletrl• bated, to any parson of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the tlmo of such distribution, MAVIll OAMPSDLL,tt blxnoutore. 3)1108. MOFAD'yilt`AN, f- .504 Walton p, 0,, B K Bl 0 01 St 13, ,_T. St F 0 B 10 B R E 0 C, G G H O 1 10 11, 33 1, G R 13 B 33 Ill 0 r, U n 10 R 13 h L 117 111 111 0 'N 1 117 B F G >3 L I+7 351 B B 1