HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-7-27, Page 6gip Nnusits 11,35t
.--•--10 MMUSnl7D-^^
(1 i 14me for the early mails) at
47110 P081" Month PIlieljsilipg halides
TAU 17021•0 ST„ BAu18Uee, 08X,
Timing osStYnsc800 102 -'One dollar and
a half a yyear, in aavanee, The date to which
every subscription is void is denoted by rho
date on the address label.
AnVEnla8050 22A2hna,-T110 following rates-
will be obargod 10 those who adver 180 by
the Year;-
srAan.. 1 i] 'u mo. 8 MO
One Column 90080 $05.00 820,00..
half " 20.00 :2080 80
Quarter 20,00 8.0000 G8Q
Math 0.
029!00 cants per lino for first insertion, and
three Denteer line ler cash subsequent In.
earldom All 'advertisements Measured as
Nonpare11-121ines to the inch,
Business Carus, sight lines and under, 90
per annutn,
Advertisements without speel0o dime.
tions, will be itmerted until forbid, and
°barged aeoordiogly.
Instructions to change or discontinue an
advertleele Cod must leftnting
8000 01 20112 Pen nota laterrtthan Tthe 000day
of each week. This is imperative.
W. 71:3. 1i1D7EEI ,
Editor and Proprietor.
Tbe crop of fall wheat in this seotlon is
exoeptioually good.
Lucknow will likely have the Orange
demonstration next yeitr.
A number of the sidewalks about the
village are in a very bad oonditiou, and
should be repaired at onoo.
John Murchison has jest received
notice of his appointment as District
Deputy Grand Chief of the Sons of Scot-
land Order over a diatriot comprising the
counties of, Bruce, Huron and Perth.
One of the largest andfinest droves of
fat cattle ever brought into Luoknow were
delivered here to Isaac Groff, the well-
known cattle buyer of Elmira, There
were 154 head ; and a better looking lot of
cattle we have never seen together.
What 1 what 1 what has become of our
laorosee boys, who were going to accom-
plish euoh wonderful feats this season ?
Has anyone seen them since their last
battle for supremacy at Brussels? Come,
wake up boys, do not be discouraged, you
will win yet ; providing you practice. -
Gor rite.
There is sone talk of a P. of I. lodge
being started in town.
' Judge Jamieson, of Guelph, was the
guest of Postmaster Perkins last week.
Alex. Laird left Tuesday of last week to
visit friends in Manitoba and to see the
Isaac, Sanderson has had the briok Laid
down for his new residence and the
foundation is completed.
The deal between Messrs. Orr and Mc-
Intosh, for the Albion hotel, has fallen
through, and Mr. Orr, will retain tbe
management of the house.
The death of Alex. Findlay, one of the
oldest eettle88 in Howlett, occurred at the
Home of his son -law, Jaoob Gathers, about
five miles north of Gerrie, oe Tuesday
morning of last week. Tho remains were
interred at Molntoeh, Thursday. De-
ceased bought laird in Howiok at the
original Government sale and bas lived
in the neighborhood ever since. He
leaves five sons, Charles, William and
Alex., who have farms in the neighbor-
hood, John and James, who are working
at Pelee Island, and one daughter, Mrs.
Gathers. He was about 88 years old and
always held a high place in the estimo.
tion of his friends.
The town council have purchased a new
Goderioh champion sprinkler, manufac-
tured by Mr. Strachan.
At Seaforth Fiday the Beavers won
four straight games of lacrosse from the
Athletics of St. Catharines.
Rev. Hodgins was elected Grand Chap-
lain of Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada
at its meeting in Hamilton.
Mr. Beattie has consented to the Sal-
vation Army ming his grove for the pur-
pose of holding meetings on Sunday after-
noons during the summer months.
A petition was circulated asking
the Mayor to proclaim Friday, August,
10112 civic holiday, and to have a com-
mittee of council appointed to arrange
with the railway authorities for excursion
rates on that day The Mayor has grant-
ed the request.
Fred. Foster, who owns Dr. Rice, and
who won over 9100,000 on the Lrooklyn
handicap race, made another big haul
from the bookmakers ab Washington
Park, Chicago, the other day. He hod
two horses entered, Eleroy in the fourth,
and Dr. Rioe in the fifth. They both
came home in front and the old Seater%
boy cashed in about 530,000 worth of
The band, whioh bee been dormant
fpr epmo 00000, bee revived again,
7110 . A. 13, Debeon, ameompapied by Ar.
Shur, Peroy and Mabel, were visiting
friends in Dlaokwater, Opt.
Jaen Scott is areen4 agate. 110 has;
Ilam 002202009 from a sere knee eaueed
by a kink from a Ilene feet fall.
The trueteeshave decided to build a
new porale over the s00ipr department of
Our wheal and 50 give the outside of the
sohooi a new omit of palet.
Mrs. Strome and family acoonl1auied
by her brother Ilpbraim left for Prin0o
Albert, N. W, T., en Tuesday of laet
week to spend two month's 202ation with.
Needs there.
The trustees of Newbridge school have
decided to pull the old school down and
to erect a substantial brick one, The
°entreat has been let to 10. Jamieson,
who luta let the brlokwork to Pae. Catton-
Some improvements will be made in
the village during the summer. J, Boo.
nett lute made a beautiful lawn in front
of hie 0peoiou8 brink residence and built
a substantial 00ment walk from the gate
to the house, J. Moore has 010000d a
neat driving shod. le. G, Oole is erect-
ing a stable. A. Strome has made an ad-
dition to bio rain. R. Maimed and G.
Williamson intend veneering their hous-
es during holidays.
)Xx cede r•.
Olive, daughter of John T. Weetoott,
while playing on the railway track, ac-
cidentally fell into ono of the culverts on
Huron street, and brokeber arm near the
John Spackman, manager of the Grand
Bend park, is having a very busy 0828011
this year. All hie cottages are filled and
there are numerous applicants for more.
No less than sixty took dinner at the
Grand Bend hotel on Tuesday.
A valuable cow belonging to Sidney
Snell, London Road, was killed by lightn-
ing while pasturing in the field. When
discovered evety particle of hair was
burned off Iter. She was insured to half
her value.
N. Dyer Marlon attended the S. 0.. 11
B. society's Lodge here for the last time
previous to his departure to Ridgetown.
Before the brethren adjourned Bro. Har-
den wes made the recipient of a hand-
some gold headed cane, as a mark of
esteem in which he was held by the mem-
bers of the Lodge, in which he has been
an active, working member.
The death of Thomas Trivitt, at the
age of 85 years, occurred about seven
o'olook on Wednesday of last week, at the
family residence, Exeter. The deceased
was one of the best known residents of
that neighborhood, and. wee one of the
founders of the Trivitt Memorial churoh.
J. P. Tiedall now has his house lighted
throughout by electricity.
The Park Committee are considering
a proposition for the erection of a grand
Miss Bamford, who has been visiting
relatives here, returns to England by the
Parisian, on the 28101.
Mr. Remington, of the Molson Bank,
has been transferred to Aylmee • his
plane is filled by Mr. Barnhardt, of Owen
Doan & Son, of the Clinton Tannery,
are having a new boiler put in and a new
smoke stack erected, the old ones, after
lone service, being found defective.
The other evening, while playing base-
ball, and during! a souffle at first base,
Phil, Crews fell on hie right hand, disk -
eating the thumb and wrist joint.
D. Cantelon states that the apple crop
prospects are much better in Southern
counties than they are here ; in fact 11e
does not consider there will be more than
a quarter crop here excepting in early
A few days since the wife of Adam
Foster and baby had a narrow escape
from serious injury. are. Foster was
crossing the track on Victoria street with
a baby in a carriage. A box car stood
olose to the crossing, and Mre. Foster did
not observe that an engine was attached
to it, for just as she got behind the oar
the engine backed, knocking over the car -
rises. Quick as possible Mrs. Footer
snatched the baby out of death's jaws,
while the car destroyed the buggy.
G ode richt .
An excursion will be run to Toronto on
Saturday, July 28111.
Owing to the many accidents that have
happened to bicycle riders while racing
on the Square, all 0. 0. 0. 0. races will
be hereafter run on the Agricultural Park
On Sunday morning the members of
the Canadian Order ofForesters attended
Victoria street ahurob 10 a body, to hear
a special sermon by the pastor, Rev. H.
Some thief appropriated Joseph Iiidd's
bicycle, whioh had been left standing in
the porch of his residence. The wheel
marks were traced along the street for
quite a distance, but so far diligentsearch
and enquiry at various pointe has failed
to remover it.
The government dredge and tug, which
have done such good service here for the
past two seasons clearing up the harbor,
bas gone to Port Huron for repairs on
the dry dock there, and when these are
complete the outfit will go to Fort William
for work in that harbor. Copts. Smith
and Gilbertson are good officers who have
won credit here for their conscientious
work and '10nr10010 manner.
Horace Horton, J. E'., heard a charge
by J. W. Smith against James Mullen,
the Luoknow stage driver, for damage to
one of Smith's bakery wagons at Dunlop.
The trouble arose in Mullen'° upsetting
the wagon while turning away from the
postomoe at Dunlop. The magistrate
imposed a fine of $2 and wets, and $9 for
damage to the wagon. Mullen says he
will appeal the ease.
He does not subscribe for your paper
because :
He has more papers now than he can
He has no time to read except nights
and his eyes are so poor that he can't
see then.
He oan't afford to take all of them, so
he takes none.
He doesn't think much of your paper,
anyhow. It never hes any news, nor
nothing else much.
He can get a city weekly font time0 as
big as yours for the same price, and it's
got lots of reading in it too,
He doesn't like the politics of the pe -
His neighbor takes it, and he takes the
other one, 8o they !tinder change off, you
lie got mad at tbe editor seven or
eight years ago, and wouldn't take the
paper if it was the last one on earth.
Ile likes to see a paper that has sand
enough to be on one side or the other,
and not on the fence all the time. "Ef I
wuz running a paper, my Hookey, I'd,
net peer -hasty to bake offence at i
the doings of groat oorporntione for they
generally own, the Legislature,
De not judge n man by the olathee he
MMar0, nor 90vera your oboiea of asepoi.
ate° thereby. It le well to avoid the sea -
eV of a Men in ruga,
De net lieve eonvlptionain public, It
ie a bed form, Bather be toferaut of
willopintbetter eof nable you m in for 01=1111.0100
them in praotioe;
Do not intrude to help a poor brother
out of hie (looulties, Hie diOtoulty fs
his own business. Intertneddle not with
the grief of the poor l the grief of the
poor 10 peonliarly snored from intrusion.
Time and beauty will never wed,
Don't bol le the only etreigbttip.
Beauty is apt to love only its mirror,
No man is ivies enough to answer n
It takes a fortune to feed one rape horse.
It le a bad tiring to have`oredit at 0 faro
Many a men rides to EL rem track who
melte home,
Hope's anchor 0e made of hsavier met.
al Hien gold.
You have probably noticed that Bober
men seldom fight -
The turkey dose not show the fox
where she lays her eggs.
A borrower ie often b.ut the moment
kind of a beggar in good clothes.
2lliP8ilTEIl 015 TIf1'. DICTUM.
A bicycle had collided Nith a coal ped-
dler's Dart and lay a tangled m208 of
rains upon the pavement. The various
parts of the machine soon began au ani.
mated dieouseion as to what particular
part was to blame for the disaster.
"You lost your bearings," grumbled
the handle bar to the wheel.
"And you are not fit to be pedaled, ' re-
torted the wheel.
"I'm sorry that I spoke," was the emir -
teens reply.
"You tire 1ne to death," put In the
oh min.
"Well, the handle bar was trying to
saddle the affair onto me," remarked the
wheel, with a trifle of resentment in its
Be quiet, you rubberneck," ohirped in
the handle bar.
"Was your headlight ?" responded the
wheel viciously.
"It may have been but there are no
wheels in it."
"May I axle a little question ?" meekly
inquired the chain.
"I'll cog -irate upon the matter," replied
the handle bar and the stillness of the
night was broken only by the wind es it
whistled through the pneumatic tube.
At Romau marriages the wedding ring
was placed on the thumb.
In Spain water in which a wedding
ring has been dipped is good for sore eyes.
In Java, as a part of the marriape cere-
mony, the bride washes the feet of the
In Servin and Bulgaria the groom gives
the bride a tap with the heel of her own
The Greek Church: employs two rings
in the marriage oeremony-cue of gold,
the other of silver.
The wedding ring has at one time or
another been wore on the thumb end
every finger.
Four rings were used in the marriage
ceremony of Mary Stuart to the unfor-
The use of the wedding ring is first
noted in Egypt, wbeu the ring was the
emblem of eternity.
Among the New Zealand natives the
most important part of the oeremony is a
terrific mock scuffle.
In Samoa the bride wears a wreath of
flowers, a dress of cocoa matting, and has
her fade colored with turmatic.
Among the Tarten8 a marriage is al-
ways attended by a sham fight between
friends of the groom and bride.
Freru !lids Richard's Almanac.
Have many acquaintances and few
Pity promptly ; you will save intermit
thereby -
Never oppress the poor; even thejpoor
have votes.
Never orftieise your neighbor ; he may
be a fighter ho disguise.
Lend your friend money at a fair rata
of intereet, but indorse for no man.
Aseooiate with the rich ; a man ie mi0.
taken for the company he keeps.
Look after the dollar and save time,
for every dollar contains ten dimes.
A haughty marriage oonoealeth an emp-
ty pocket, often from impertinent 00rio0-
ity. Do not pay dear for your whistle, you
May never have a ohanoo to make it dear-
er to some one else.
If you must he oharitable, be charitable
in public. It seta a good example and
you get awns return.
Do not form habits of extravagance.
If you aro not extravagant yourself you
will be better able to profit by the extrav-
agance of others,
A private in the Garrison Artillery,
Montreal, was fined $10 or 20 day's im-
prisonment for selling his uniform by
Judge Dugas.
Rod Davidson, Mrs. A. J.Davideon and
daughter, and Mise Lily Woods, a young
girl from Rothsay, were driving at Galt
the other day, when the horse suddenly
aommenoed to kick. Tbe first kick de-
molished the dashboard, which mused
Miss Woods to look around. As she
turned the animal made another kick,
one of his hoofs striking her a fearful
blow in the fade, breaking in the bone of
her nose and cutting bee badly. Rod
Davidson was also kicked on the hand
but be pluckily held on to the horse and
managed to pull him up and quiet him.
The injured girl was taken to the Galt
hospital. Her Injuries though severe,
will not prove fatal. Mr. Davidson had
ono or two fingers knocked out of joint
and some of the bones in his left hand in-
jured. Mrs. Davidson though not kinked
by the borne, received quite a severe
shook to her nervous system, from which
she has not fully recovered.
't41 r.sfat
001i0.111111 Its effects and never blisters.
Read proofs below :
DL9Rr0n,T, L. I., N.Y., Jan. 15, 1814.
Dr. D. J. unamet>. Co.
dentlemea-I bought a splendid bay horse some
time ago with a Spavin. I 10001,001007010. Iused
an I'havelbeen offered $100 for the sagone
I only had him nine weeks, so I got 8120 for using
$2 worth of 8tndall's spavin Cure
Yours truly, 5tr. s.12898908.
SHRLMT, 0500., Dee - 10,1819.
Dr. 11.2.12000Ara, Co.
ffirs-I have used your ICon,a11'9 spavin Ciro
With good suc1e110 for Garbs on two horses and
1t is the best Liniment I have over used.
Yours Hely, An008TFRODeRiea.
Trico 51 per Kettle.
For sale by all Druggistd, or address
[80801)0011 FALLS, VT.
right Lad,
Ten years of ego, but who declines to give hie
name to the pubilp, makes this authorized,
confidential statement to us:
"Wolin I was one year old,my mamma died
of consumption. 'Phe (10010r said that. 1,
too, would soon d10 and all our neighbors
thought that even of I did not die I would
170001 be able to walls, because'1 was so
weak and puny. A gathering turned and
braise under my arm. I hurt my Anger and
it gathered and throw out pieces of bone.
If 11 hurt myself so as to break the 0kh1, 01
wa0 sore to become a running sore. I had
to take lite of medicine, but nothing has
done me op much good as Ayer's Sarsapa-
rAlla, It bee made me well and strong."-
T. D. M., Noreatur•, liana.
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. & Co., .Lowell, Maes.
Cures others, will cure you
,�..� er ati1i gs9
From Prem From
Liverpo'l STRAorsan'e, Montreal. Quebec.
Daylight. J a m
April 10
May 10
• 17
,' el
June 7
• 14
• 21
n 28
Sardinian May :0 May 0
}Laurentian... ' 12 Not milling
Pa•lsiau , " 19 May 20
Mongolian 00 May 27
}Numidian June 8 Not caking'
Sardinian " 0 June 10
traParisian tureutima"a0 s Not June 249
Mongolian " 90 July 1
}Numidian July 7 Not walling
Sardinian " 14 July 10
tWill not mall et Rimouski or London-
Passengers embark at Montreal after 8
p. m. on Fridays.
For further information as to rates,
etc., apply to
Agent, Brussels.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 61- Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Cleric, Br1448e4.
Paint Your souse
Papering this Spring ?
If so, now is the time to consult us. The
sorted stock in the County, to gland
comprising the following
GRAINS, with gorgeous frei1es and ceil-
ings to matoh. •
Also the Handsomest stock of window
shades ever shown in the County.
Nothing but the purest Leads and Oils
that can be found in the market used in
all our work. Farmers and others hav-
ing ole rigs to point come and see tis at
once. Satiefaotion guaranteed.
House, Sign, Carriage and Decorative
P. S. -Thanking all ala customore for
their favors during the past twenty years
I have been in business I Solicit a con-
tinuance of the same and the patronage
of the people generally for the new firm.
..._gym,,._ - eeeewee•
With the opening of Spring this
popular game is once more com-
ing into favor.
If so order a Croquet set and
'have a good time.
Wood and wire wheels and wood
or iron axle!§, for children,
Also Toy Carts, &c. -
For boys—the- very thing—bat,
ball, wickets and bales.
____,.a„yrr SEE THEM -
Post Iookitoro5
And All.
They read the Locals, the Stories, the
Advertisements—every line in the paper.
Then they send it to distant relatives
interested in the town, as numerous post-
masters will certify.
The Local Weekly is the best -read
publication in existence. It has the home
news which no other paper gives.
Advertisers take notice -THE POST is
read by several thousands of people every week.
An Advertisement in this paper is,
therefore, of some account.
Subscribe for THE POST.
��rp,'''9y, ��/►i1J����clVV}07'77 i!q�s�y&,l�i�in THE POST.
C�M1 �1.�_/!_..emJ!rHII1L 9
5 00
Is Showing in his New Premises,
kOp?os to American 3ote1,
A Full Stock of j lT J
All Z�.inds of lJ
Parlor, Dinthg Rooi , Bed itoom or _Kitchen.
Picture FraMilki attended to. on short notice.
Undertaking De artrnent.
A Full Supply of Funeral
Requisites Always in Stock.
Special Attention given to Repairing.
D. G. HOGG, Erussels.