HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-7-20, Page 8We aro Making a preparation which e,ffol'de great relief from this troublosomo poet. Rouse Flies, Kill these by using any of the following 1—Wilson's Fly Pelson Pads, Shoo -Fly, .Insect Powder, or Stinky Fly Beyer. ®tato Dago. Our Pure English Paris Green le giving the best of satisfaction. G6o, a 1b, G. A• MADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. ORMW TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN Ex'ra'NSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North sad South, as follows ; GOING SOUTH. G0IN0 N0R7H, Mail 0:54 a.m,Mixed 9:45 a.m. Express......11:59 a.m. I Mail 9:13 p.m, Mixed.,,.,,.,. 9:00 pd'1. Express 0:45 p,m, recta get% Juno, A ebiel's amang ye takin' notes, Au' faith he'll prem it. HOT. DUSTY. Tnz 1Maitlend river is very low. RAIN is badly needed in this eeotion. THE Pose begins its 22nd volume this 'week. It was established in 1878. A MOVABLE fence will be arranged at the market scales for convenience in weigh- ing cattle. JAMIES Srzie, lj- miles South of Brus- sels, commenced his Fall wheat harvest Met Saturday. Two funerals at Brussels cemetery lest Tuesday afternoon, viz., Mrs. Seel le's and Donald Duncauson's. OUR thanks are due to the Wingh"m Times for an advance proof of the 13th of July demonstration in their town. 100 TICKETS were sold to Sarnia ex'ur- sionista on Thursday. There were five coaches ou the special leaving here et 0 a. m. COUNCILLOR WILTON, F. S. SOOtt, J. T. Ross, A. Hunter, 13. Davies and other Brusselitea took in tbe horse races at Detroit this week.' TEE Orangemen arrived home from Wingham on the evening of the 12th be- fore 8 o'olock, which was a big improve- ment on train servioe over otter years. WEneme000 of this week R. Stark, M. 0. C. P., of Hamilton, was in town boom- ing his already celebrated headache pow. der and other preparations - placed on the market by him. Mr. Stark is a level headed gentleman and is sure to suc- ceed. FOOT BALL.—Brussels foot ball team went to Wroxeter on Wednesday after- noon and played a match with the club of that village on their recreation ground. The score was 3 to 1 in favor of Brussels. Il return match will likely be played in town next week. r• TaE gravel contractor is harvesting his Fall wheat and Constable Broadhoot is thistle and weed cutting and repairing sidewalks. It would be well for resi- dents Lo remember that they are respon- sible for weed slaying on their premises, whether the lots are vacant or not. Tan Clinton New Era is 39 years of age and ie better than it ever was in its history. As a gatherer of Local and dis- trict news it sits in the front pew. its Editor finds time to occupy the Mayor's chair tine year in addition to his many caber duties. We wish the New Era in• .creasing wealth. Wao re HE 7—A letter waS received bare last week from Chicago stating that one William Lever had died there from an attack of smallpox, and from papers el found among his effects it was supposed that persons in Brussels would know -something of his past history. As far as we have beard no one appears to be able to furnish the information desired by the letter. Onrr. —Last Saturday the messenger Death sailed Eddie, the second and dearly beloved daughter of Terance and Teresa O'Neil, of Montreal, formerly of Brussels, away. She died at the home of liar parents, 49 St. Henry street, of chronic pleurisy, aged 10 years and 28 days. The interment was made at Ar- thur, (Wellington Co.) cemetery. She is not dead—the child of our affection, But gone into that school "Where she no longer needs our kind protection, And Christ Himself dab rule. RECOMMEND FOR THE WHITE STAR.—Geo. Wilkinson„who is visiting in England, writes Tire Pose as follows :—"We had a very pleasant passage, would not wish it nicer. It was the beet trip I have had by far and also the best a000mmodation. The "Tentonie" wag just 7 days and 8 'home from New York to Liverpool. I would recommend this boat to anyone intending to groes the Atlantic.” W. H. ..err, of THE POSY, fe the local agent at Brussels. The steerage rate has been out by the White Star line to $10,00, giving the trip from Brussels to Glasgow or Liverpool for only 922.60. Peon MANreen0.—The following is an ^extract from a letter written by Ward Farrow, formerly of Brussels, on July 9th 1—Grope are loolting L. tter every day and are now beaded ou'. Good rain to- day as we were coming 1. , and just what -the farmers wanted. Wi 1 help to fill the grain. Rain is everything here now. They are counting on 25 bushels ae far 'West as Melita, and West of that up by 'oxbow in the N. W. T., they count as ,high as :80, 85 to 40 bushels per sore. This isthe prospect at present. In the latter pla0e, Oxbow, they lied no crop last year, and you can imagine how pleased they are at the bright prospects. They fairly smile. The poor fellows are lin need of it. Had this year proved such a failum as last year they would have.to leave. FI1ose—F, ..:Scott and yes 731tllantyne were opt on a frog flaking expendition.on Monday afternoon and secured 171 pairs of bind quarters. llx.os INATION PArsoo.—On page 0 of last week's issue of Tula 2907 we published the sot of papers used at the recent Tfigil School Entrants) Examination, This weep we give the Public Sohool Leaving papore, We publish them at the request of several teachers and ter the benefit of interested and forthcoming eaodidatee, THE 0. 0. F. Demonstration Commit- tee wish to state that the disarrengefnent of the obildren'e ohorne, "The Maple Leaf," on the day of the celebration, was due in the first place to the showers of fain, then the difficulty of getting the oompany and the conductor together, Therewere more than the children die. appointed, but it oould not be helped. W1Eti rum, IT BE 7—There is a propo. sibion 09 hand to have our 0ivio holiday on Monday, August Gbh so that Brussel. ites may take advantage of the excursion to Elora's big celebration. The fare will be 91.85. McDonnell, the tight rope Walker ; hose reel r1100, horse rages, la. mese, base ball, balloon aoeension, eon. siert, etc. are on the program. The scan. ery around Elora ie grand and the parka conveniently situated. Bills giving full particulars of day were distributed in town on Wednesday.. IlrurriD roe LIFE,—The Daily New Westminster B. 0.Oolumbian of July 8 says :—A quiet wedding took place at the Central Methodist Church parsonage Tuesday morning, 3rd inst., Bev. T. W. Hall officiating and uniting in the holy bonds of matrimony Wm. Rogers, son Capt. Wm, Rogers, and Mise Lydia Oat. hick, daughter of the late Wm. A. Cal. Wok. Herbert Gilley was best man, and Mise Calbiok, daughter of ex•Alcl. John Calbiok, stood up with the bride. After the ceremony the party drove to the res- idence of the bride's mother, Second street, where the wedding breakfaet was enjoyed, the happy couple leaving later on their honeymoon trip, SUDDEN DEATH. On July 12th, Eliza. beth, relict of the late James Leatherdale and mother to Richard Lestherdale, Brussels, died very suddenly at the real- dente of her sister, with whom eho was visiting from Galt, at Oshawa. She re. tired to bed about 11 p. m. and shortly after took a vomiting spell and died in a few minutes of heart failure. The de. ceased had enjoyed good health and her sudden demise was a sad surprise to all who knew her. Mrs. Leatherdale was 60 years of age. Her funeral tooth place a6 Galt on Friday. Mr, Leatherdale died in 1872. There is a rather peouliar history in connection with the Leatherdale family that ie worthy of note, viz. that four members of it have died on July 1285. Mrs. Thos. Broad, grandmother to R. Leatherdale, on July 12, 1859 ; James Leatherdale, father, on July 12, 1872 ; James Leatherdale, grandfather, 96 years of age, July 12, 1876, and now Mrs. Leatherdale on July 12, 1894. Mr, Leatherdale attended the funeral return. ing on ltfonday. G. T. R. NOTES.—A. car of binders and mowers and a car of binding twine were unloaded last week.—D. Lowry received a car of lime from Elora for building purposes.—On Saturday of this week Mesa's. Clegg & Dames ship 8 oars of export cattle and Geo. Parker 4 oars. They go on the steamship "Austrian" from Montreal for London, on Tuesday. Geo. White will aocompanythe shipment as foreman. -9 oars of dairy salt were sent out of Brussels yard einde last issue by the Enterprise Works,—Saturday ex• oarsions to Goderich and Kincardine are retaining their old time popalarity.— The calcimining gang have been along the line hand -painting the crossing fences.—A member of the Engineer's staff was here this week surveying the yard and premises,-1,bont 4,000 passen- gers were carried by the Grand Trunk to Wingham on the 12th, and 2,000 toPalm- erston. No accidents of any kind.—The new road from Park Head to Owen Sound is completed and regular trains will run after August 1st. The line is 16 miles long.—Summer tourist traffic is booming. Muskoka appears to be the magnetic point this season. CONCERT.—One of the best programs of its oharacter presented in Bruseele for many years was rendered last Tuesday evening in the Town Hall under the aus- pices of the union choir. There were about 60 voices in the choruses and they were sung in a manner that is seldom equalled. The soloists were in good voice, acquitting ,themselves admirably and were heartily applauded. Prof. Hawkins supplied the fun for the owe,• don, Prof. I'reeland, of Stratford, ae conductor, rendered excellent service and has awakened a fresh interest in sacred song. The program was as follows Chorus, "Praise ye the Father" ; solo, "The slave ship," A. N. Large ; Sootah song, Miss Maggie Taylor ; chortle, "An• nie Laurie,' male voices ; comic Bong, "Brigadier Brannagan," T. A. Hawkins, encore, "Kelly have you no shame at all" ; chortle, "0 I rose so sweet," female voices ; "Nightingale" chorus ; solo, "The water•mill," Mies Kate Wilson ; (Mores, "Awake Eolian lyre" ; solo, "0 I restless sea," Mies Bella Smith ; duett, "Bitter sweet," Mise Lottie Hill and A, N. Large ; chorus, "Damaeeus" ; Na- tional Anthem. Hire. H. L. Jackson and Prof. Hawkins rendered good service as accompanists. The audience was not very large, even some whoatteaded every rehearsal failed to be present on pay night. It is to be hoped this musical combination can be kept together and undertake some good oratorio for the Fall. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. J. Lamer has gonetManitoba. Mies May Kelly is vieiting in•'betroit. Barrister Blair Sundayed in Goderich. Miss Sara Carter is home from Gode. riob. -Miss Hazel Johnston is holidaying at Paisley. Mies Rena Bawtinhoimer spent a week at Goderich. M198 Annie Rivers was in Walkerton last Sunday. Bert. Vim Egmond, of Seaforth, is holidaying in Brussels, Mre. Snarling, of Grey, is vieiting her daughter, Mrs. Watson Ainley. The Amos brothers, of Hamilton, are visiting their grandfather, A. Mulhol. land, Duncan Stewart, of Stratford, has been holidaying with relatives in Brussels and vicinity. James Young, of Hallett, brother to Mrs, W. R. Wilson, of Brussels, has been dangerously ill with an attack of inflam- mation of the bowele. T1 -1E 1,1 SSE 1'rinoipal 0alnoroll ;wee 111 town for a few -days. WWJotnmi013owes, of Elora, is holidaying with Willie Leatherdale. Alex, 1010K0179y is enjoying a portion of hie vaoation at .Palmerston. J. Moran and wife, of Toronto, are the gueste of D. C. Ross and family, i Ino, Shaw is attending Grand Ledge, A. T. & A, 1108, at Hamilton this weep. Duo Elton Wilton has gone to Gado• rich where she has taken a situation, E. Guthrie, of Anton, was visiting in Bruseele this week. 110 owe en hit) wheel, Lawyer Slnolair will holiday fora week or so in Detroit, Denton and othorAlneri. nap oitfes. M180 Bella Ballantyne has gone on a holiday trip to her sister, Mrs, John Bain, in Manitoba. Freddie Gilpin was vieiting at the Methodist parsonage, Wroxeter, for a few days this week. Reeve Clark, of Elora, was in town on Wednesday advertising their big cele• bratiou an August 6th. a. 7. Strong and R, MoAlpine wheeled to Toronto this week, They Jolt Brus- sels Tbursdny. morning. Edina Dennis and Frank are vieiting ab Harrieton. 'Herb, Dennis went to To. Tonto with hie cousin, for a holiday trip, Wesley Walker is taking a vaoation from harness making and is aseiating in harvesting on his father's term, in Wa. wanoeb. Samuel Fear and wife, formerly of Bruseele, have moved from Goderich to l EIolmeeville, where their ton, Rev. E. A. Fear, resides. Mise Smith, formerly milliner in W. Nightingale & Oo'e. store, Brussels, was visiting Misses Maggie Smith and Lizzie Wilson this week. Mrs, James Blasbill arrived borne from Ypsilanti, Mirth., en Monday. Her sis- ter and brother, Mies Lottie and Norman Johnston, accompanied her. J. Ferguson, of Ferguson & Halliday, will leave Goderich on Friday with a company of friends for a trip to Mackin. aw. They go by steamer "Cambria." Rev, Byron Pelton, Baptist minister at Columbiavillo, Midi., was vieiting hie sisters, Ml's. Robb. G. Wilson and Mies Frank Pelton, Brussels, during the past week. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Beatrice, tbira daughter of Wm. Blasbill, of this plane, but hope a change for the better will soon set in. Mrs. 731aehill 18 also poorly. R. Leatherdale and S. 10180011 started from P.russels Thursday morning on thele b":yelee tie route to Oriilia and other Northern points. They will be away two weeks. S. Y. Taylor, wife and children, of Paris, are visiting with the fain fly of George Crook's, Queen street. Mr. Tay. for was a delegate to the International Christian Endeavor Convention at Cleve- land last week. Alex. Stewart, Queen street, left on Monday for Binsoarth, Marie on the 60 days' excursion. Mrs. James Menzies, Brussels, and Mrs. Orerar, of Stratford, sisters to Mr. Stewart, also went on the same trip. Mr, Stewart has been West several times. Business Locals. Boer Manilla hinder twine at B. G erry's. 22 POBNDs granulated sugar for 91.00 at J. Grewar's, Brussels. No. 1 binder twine for 7 cents a pound at B. Gerry's, Brussels. FOUND.—A parcel of launclried collars &e. Apply at Tim Pose. Tuve received one oar Manitoba Patent Flour. Baeker & Vanstone. WOOL wanted at Brussels woollen mill. Highest prick in cash or trade. Fon Bingle harness oheap and durable come to us, I. C. Riohards. Maltese price paid for any quantity of good wool. HOWE & Co. Brussels Alms pane, milk pails and strainers of the bast quality atBallantyne & Wilton's. EAEIIER & VANeTONE have opened out a flour and feed store at Backer's old stand, Brussels. A rem first -plass wagons left. Cheap at Jae, Walker's. Also a few buggies and carts at Dost. WE are shipping live bogs next Tues. day, 8r3 July, parties having any to sell see us. Baeker & Vanstone. A FULL stock of creamery cans and milk taus of the very best material and workmanship at Ballantyne & Wilton's. 10 QUART galvanized pails, japanned, 3 for 250., regular price 300 each, Only a few dozen on hand, and aan't be re• planed for double the money. Ballantyne & Wilton. Boas minx Go.—Potato Bug poison us- ed dry. No water wanted. Perfect cure for fly on turnips and the best fer- tilizer in the market. For Bale at B. Rerry's. WELL -DIGGING AND DRILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepay. el to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terme reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west aide of Tnrnberry at., Brussels. 84.08 0. 0. F.—For the next three months special inducements will be offered by Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, 0. 0. I'',, Brussels, to any person desiring to become a member of that Order, the in- itiation fee being reduced during that time. As this is one of the leading In- surance and Beneficiary Societies in the country people should take advantage of this offer. For full information ap- ply to A. REID, 0. R. ; A. Komori, F. S. ; W. BLA8HILL, Treas. BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER. -2,000 rolls of beautiful American Wall Papers just to hand, bought at lees than 50o on the dollar. Don't listen to olap•trap but Dome right along and ohoose at your own price. •Elegant gilts at 105, 15e, 200 and 25o, formerly sold from 800 to 300. All papers hung perfeobly at 10a. Come all and some quick, for they won't last. W. Roddick. There are more summer visitors in Goderieh just now than at any time the past twelve years. While carrying brink on a eeeffold for R. Heywood at Harlook, I3th, non. Hul lett, Martin O'Donnell was precipitated some twelve or fifteen feet to the ground, breaking a small bone at the elbow of the right arm, Owing to the swelling the in. jnred member could not be set until five days and was very painful all last week. S POST 08 8T4X1MBD .13.4,7VW W 0r ct4X4.1)r4, =- 0,xSA'+4,12.i2Z;ILlh 1.tn75. HEAP OFFICE. -• TORONTO. ASS7ITki, (Seven Million Dollars) • 01,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) ••. - • 02,000,000 4icnsiec )m ell f11-leiotvai pinta 194 Ontario, Quebao, 7111ctlaito'ba, United 33610104 503ft91,0114, 4 General Banking Businese Traneaoted, ' Farmer& Notes Drafts Issued and Collocations made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPROUT. ATTENTION OIVEN TO THE OommoTIwo or Z'AllplEne'. SALE NOTR.H, Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe. J. A. STEWART, Menne. Discounted. CILLI & -}p��i SMcIT ^7,, BA RS, ��S Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Gre!ot Britain. FARMEtRS NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGISS A SPECIALTY, Semmes Dame Ospaerzawr. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current. Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months, of Ootober and April. •Special Arrangementsmade for Time Deposits. `ye cheat to write insurance in ollt English or Olurndilul (loinennieq, or in Mut. 11111 0enllnllliCe 115 AMY be desired. AGENTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANADIAN BANE of COMMEECE. CIIOMNI 01111131;3. Rev, S. Jones Ilreaohed at W roxeler last Sabbath. , St. John's Church Young Peoples' Ae• sociation pio,nicked on Thursday, Rev. G. II. Oobblediok, B. D., arrived in Glasgow on Monday of this week. About $88.00 Was cleared from the dinner given by the ladies of the Methodist church on July 2u3. Rev. John Ross, 13. A., Rev. D. Millar end Rev. S. Jones attended Maitland Pres• bytery last Tuesday. Homer Martin, • a New Church mis- sionary, was in town for a few days last week visiting Jno. D. Ronald. Rev. E. A. Shaw, of Belgrave, will preach in the Methodist church here next Sabbath, morning and evening. At Maitland Presbytery on Tuesday Rev. Mr. Malcolm, of Toeswater, was chosen Moderator for the next term of six menthe. Last Sabbath morning Rev. R. Paul, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church and gave al excellent discourse, Rev. E. V. Smith preached in the even- ing taking as his topic, ,The influence we exert over one another." He did well. There way a large congregation. Rev. W. G. Reilly is preaching a short course of sermons in St, John's church at the morning services. Last Sabbath his topio was "Why am I a Christian ?" Next Sabbath it will be "Why am I a Protestant ?" and the third, "Why am I a Churchman 7" Bishop Walter Hawkins, the venerable snperiutendent of the British Methodist Episcopal church, who was stricken with paralysis Sunday night, died Monday evening, at Chatham, aged 80 years. Walter Hawkins was born at Georgetown, Maryland, a slave, the eon of negro clave parents. He raised himself from the condition of southern bondman to the exalted position of bishop of the British Methodist Episcopal church in Canada. He first filled various subordinate posi- tions in the eonneotion. J. B. Rumball, of Clinton, who under- went a third severe operation and had a portion of another right rib removed about two weeps ago, is able to be out again. On Thursday morning, 12th inst., about two o'olocic, the Wingham fire bell rang and roused the people in town. The cause of the alarm was a fire in tbe shop formerly occupied by Cornyn Bros. as a furniture store. The firemen were promptly on hand and soon had the fire out. The barns and outbuildings belonging to Chas. Stewart; Ashfield, were destroy- ed by fire, together with a binder and about 15 tons of pressed hay, Wednesday afternoon. The loss will be about 1500. The fire was caused by children playing with matches. No insurance. SOMME. MoDomen. In Cranbrook, on July 2nd, the wife of Mr. Peter McDonald of a daughter. MARR2DD. RGGERS—CALBicx,— On Tuesday morn- ing, July 3rd, at half past seven o'-. clock, by Rev. T. W. Hall, pastor of Central Methodist ohnrch in New Westminster 13, C., Mr. William Rogers, marine engineer, son of Capt. William Rogers, to Mise Lydia Ann Calbiok, daughter of the late William Arthur, and Dire. Mary Calbiok, of New Westminster, form- erly of Brussels. 2t2f777- SEAnLE,—In Morris, on July 16th, Jane Ellen Searle, aged 47. Sweex.—In Grey, (formerly of Morning. ton) July 7bh, David Swann, aged 88 years. McDoNAnn•—In Henfryn, en July 7th; Wm. McDonald, aged 81 years and 11 months. MILLEx.-'-In Elmo, on July 8th, Willie, son of Wm. Millen, aged 11 yeare and 7 menthe. LEATlEaDALE.—Io Oshawa, on Jelly 12611, Elizabeth, relict of the late James Leatherdale, of Galt, aged 66 years. DuowoNeox.—In Grey, on July 15th, Don• all, emend son of Neil Duncanson, aged 29 years, 2 months and 6 days. O'Nent.—In Montreal, on July 14th, Eulalia, second daughter of Terance and Teresa O'Neil, formerly of Brea - eels, aged 10 years and 28 days. TORONTO, July 17,—Thetotal offerings were 80 car loads. The demand was slow, owing to weaker cables, and only a few loads of shipping cattle were sold up to one o'olnok. Three Made of exporters, averaging 1,325 pounds, sold at 4c. But. lOwmaccomosommoosocamoll oher's oattle dull and easier ; choice sold at 8}o, and nine grass.fed animals at $3.20 to $8. 25 per hundred ; inferior lots sold at 290 to 29o. Fair demand for eheep, with offeringe of 925 bead ; ex. porters sold ab 93.20 to 93.50 for good, off care, and at $8.75 for ohoice. Lambs are dull, with little demand. Iiames0LL, Ont„ July 17.—Cheese of- ferings to -day, 1,350 and 480 white ; no sales ; 990 to 9 9.130 bid ; market quiet, BimemeLLE, Ont., July 17.—At the cheese market today, 25 factories offered 1,395 boxes white and 300 boxes colored. Sales wero ae follows :—White, 100 boxee, at 93'o ; 500 boxee at 9 5.16 ; 465 boxes, at 990 ; colored, 215 boxee, at 9.5-180 ; 9 boxes balance sold after the board closed, EAST 1331131310100,14,13., July 17.—Cattle— Twentyfive cars ; steady; unchanged. Sheep and lambs—Six oars ; weak ; al- most nominal ; not quotably lower ; no very good stook on sale. Hogs—Eigbb oars ; Yorkers advanced 10o, selling most. ly at $6.60, and.down to $6.50 for light weights ; good heavies, 95.35, and med. lame, 95.60 ; pigs, $5.25 to 95.40. • 30 WC.78m3x.m M.A.RSOSITea. Fall Wheat 55 57 Spring Wheat 53 66 Barley 35 38 Peas 52 53 Oats - 34 35 Batter, tube and rolls.,.. 13 14 Eggs per dozen 7 00 Flour per barrel 3 00 3 50 Potatoes 40 60 Hay per ton 5 00 6 00 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 00 Hides trimmed 3 Hides rough. 1; 2 Sheep skins,eaoh60 00 Lamb skins eaoh..... 15 00 Apples per bbl..... 1 60 1 70" Wool 10 17 Pork, Live 4 00 4 26 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. IOOD YOUNG COW FOR Sale. Newly calved. Enquire at Tae Po0T. ' X/TANTED.—GOOD GENERAL I V Servant for small family. Apply at this Oftloe. JERSEY HEIFER FOR SALE. I have a nice registered Jersey Heifer, soon duo to calve, which 1 will sell reason- ably. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist & Bookseller. FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN– DEnaIGNED offers hie splendid 200 acre farm, being Late 17 and 18, Con. 0, Grey, for halo. About 180 nares cleared, balance .vood- ed. Good brick house, bank barn, oroba•d, &c. Well watered and fenced. For price, terms, &0„ amply to A. G, WELSH, Proprietor, 52.01 Ethel P. O. STRAYED FROM THE PEEM- ISEa of the undersigned, hot 25, Con. 2, Morris, about June 25811, a light rod heifer aged 2 years, with small white star on fore- head, Horne turning down. Small wart close to left nye. Any information loading to her recovery will bo thankfully received. JOHN JOHNSTON, 01.4 Jamestown P. 0 • MEDICAL CARDS. J• A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. • 0. M., L. B. O.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P. 6. Ont. lteeldenoe and Woe m Wileon'e Bloch, 0other of Mill and Turnberry Sta. T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. cr • Physician, Surgeon Aeooualier, etc. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. OFFiom—Next door to McDonald & 00., Walton Ont. Notice to Creditors. Pursuant to Revised Statntoe of Ontario 1887. Chap, 110, notioe is hereby given that all persons having any claim or demand agaiuet the estate of John bitable, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, who died on the 2nd day of May, 1894, are required to thud or deliver to tho under- signed, the .Executors of the estate of said deceased on or before the Iat0 .'lay of July, 1894. full paoiteoilrre of their claims, with their names and addressee, and take notice that atter the said lett day of July, 1899, the said Exeeutore will proceed to distribute the estate 81 the said deceased among the per- sons entitled thereto, having regard only to the elaime of which notice shall have been given and said Executors will not bo liable for the assets or any Dart thereof to dietri- butel, to any porion of w11080 claim notion scall not have been received at the time of euoh d etrlbution, DAVID OAMPRELL, l IDxcautore. THOS. MOPADZ HAN, ! 504 Walton P. O. Y 20, 1894 Flies and Insects i Stielfy Fly Paper, Fly tads and Pure Dalmatian 'meat T'ol'd e> Best White Hellebore •._-8..2+9930 Paris Green .ar-- Pepper's Drug stereo ` LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ' L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, s Solicitor and Conveyancer. Oolleo- tioue made. Offioo—Yanst0ne'o Block, lirue. eels, 21-8m. M SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub - Ifo, &o, 011loe—Yanetone'e Block , -door north of Central Hotel, Private 39 unde to Loan, CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, - Barristers, Solicitors, Notariee Public, •Godexloh, Out. ln. O OA1IE1ON, Q. 0., PHILIP HOLT, DUDLEY HOLMES, (1 F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Vr Solio1ory &o. (late of Garrow Prondfoot'o. Oilloe Goderich.) 0111th over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels.. Money to Loan. 47 DENTAL. 11)T1J.NTI.6,0 M. CA'VANAGH, L. R 6., D, D. S., Graduate of the lloyal College of Dental. Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Un1- veroity. OP8IOH—over .4.11. Smith's Store, Brunets. Will visit Wroxeter the 1st and 9rd Mondays and Blyth the end and 4th Wednesdays of each month.. DR, DAVIDSON Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College. Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder- ate Fees. Satisfaction Aeeured. (Aloe over Barrett's barber shop, Turaberry 81., Brus- sels. VETERINARY. T D. WARWIOK, e1 • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary college, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticatod animals in a com- petent manner, Particular attention paid to veterivary doe tietry. Calle promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge '1'urnberry et., Brusseas. H. 11f00RE V. S., • H. al., V. M. 8. Graduate of the Ontario veterinary College. Diseases of all domesticated animals treated on seiontifto principles. Horse dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a specialty. Calle promptly attended to. Otlloe, over Johnston & Oooh- rane'e marble works. Infirmary at Beattie'e livery barn, Brussels, Ont. 20. BUSINESS CARD . H, aCRAOKEN, VV M • 'Bearer ofMarriage Licenses. Office at his Grocery, luruberry street, Brussels. R• N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door south. of A. M. McKay & Oo's hardware Store. Ladies' andehildreae hair gutting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSUBANOE, FIRE" AND MARINE. GUELPH. A HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Fonda invested and to loan. Collections made. Oflloe in Graham's Bleak, Brussels. ISS O'CONNOR, R. T., �•V-� Teacher of instrumental mucic ou Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingham Tues- day and Wednesday of oath wook. Reel - chino on Plinoess Street, Brussels. 91 A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M. • Organiet in 8t. John's Church, Brus- sels, and pupil, in the Art of :Teaching of A. W.Thayor,nine .xloc.,Now York, will give lessons to pupils either on piano or organ, at his parlor over A. R. Smith's store, Brun- eels. VooallesoonSalim given. Terme mod- erate. AUCTIONEERS. A• RAYMANN, Auctioneer, '9 always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, &0, Terms cheerfully given. Oranhrook P. 0. Sales , may bo arranged at THE Poem Publishing House, Brussels, (IEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. - Farms and farm stook a specialty. Orders ler6 at THE Poam Publishing House,Breosele, or mutt() Walton P. 0,, w111 reooive prompt attention, HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- en as en Auctioneer, I am prepared to coudnot galea of farm stook atroaobnable prions. 'Snowing the standing of nearly every person I am In n DO sitfon to sell to good marks and got good oeourity when sold on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed, Give mea pall, 82- F S. SCOTT. REAL ESTATE. -FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. DEn0IONED has several good Farms for gale and to rent, easy tonna, in Townships of Morrie and Grey. F 8, 80OTT, Brusaele. FARM TO RENT—LOT N0. 21. 00n..0, Grey, About 00 acres share d Immediate possession, Apply by mall to J. O.Hit 8`210R NAN'Trout Creek, or io WM. 2903,518, Ebliel, TIARA' FOR SALE. - 1.. For sale, Lot 21, Con. 15, TownebtpP. of Grey, containing 100 throe,' 50 of which le cleared and seeded down. Well fenced and bpeoially adapted for dairy pm -pearls. The. balanooisheavily wooded, It is near to huroh and school. A 8 5,100108, ane apply to40.4 Cranbreok P, 0. e