HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-7-20, Page 4' TI
New Advertisements,
Locals—B, Gerry.
Looala—'-J, 0. Ayer.
Lona -4n% Grewar.
Local—Jas Walker,
Sencid° Exoursion-0 P R.
After Doctors Tailed --••D1, Williams.
Ho I £or,LIttrope.=-•Till. Post Publishing
F'1 JDy4Y, JULY 20, 1894.
DownloN Parliament is expeobed to
prorogue in a few days. It is said the
customary supply of oampaign literature
is being prepared, indicating that the
general elections will come of at no very
distant date.
Tom Montreal witness suggests that
Parliament should inquire into.the 00D.
tract system, so as to ascertain just how
much each contractor for Dominion Gov-
ernment work is expected to pay to the
eleotion funds• of the men now in power.
LAW week the thirteenth annual Chris.
Man Endeavor Convention was hold at
Cleveland, Ohio, when about 40,000 dele-
gates assembled. It was a magnificent
gathering and -will produce grand results
among the young people of Canada and
our Yankee neighbors.
THE Sunday car advocates in Toronto
undertook to set the wheels in motion
last Sabbath between the city and High
Park. Policemen were placed in charge
of the cars and they didn't run, City
Solicitor Meredith says the cars can't go
until the Council say so, and the Mayor
talks as if that august body was not in
humour to grant the request.
Mn. MoCAnynr's Northwest separate
schools amendment in the House last
Monday was badly sat upon, only 21 vot.
ing for it, against 114. The names of
those supporting Mr. McCarthy were
Messrs. McCarthy, Sproule, McNeil, Den.
ison, Madill, Tyrwhitt, Smith, (Ontario),
Carscallen, Charlton, Mulook, McDonald,
(Huron), Davin, Bain, (Wentworth), In-
nes, Rowand, Somerville, McMillan,
(Huron), Allen, Beith, Boston and Mar.
Janes GAUNT, Patron candidate in West
Huron for Dominion election, is in the
black books of some of the Conservatives
in that locality because he "went back on
Connolly" who measured swords with J.
T. Garrow, M. P. P., in the last contest.
We have come to the conclusion, now
that the Provincial elections are over,
dant the Conservative press and stunipers
have suddenly cooled off on the Patron
movement preparatory to getting on their
war paint for a straight political fight for
honors at Ottawa. We persume Mr.
Gaunt will suit himself as to whether
he fades away and dies or not since he
hes been flayed for his "disloyality."
Any sect or organization that attempt to
place a muzzle or any man's freedom is
not in keeping with the 19th century ad-
THE PosT begins its 22nd Volume this
week. The years roll by quickly and as
theygo we aim to make our journal a rec.
cord of the principal events, local, die-
triot, Canadian and general. Our best
thanks are returned to our correspondents
who have willingly aided us in our effort
to make THE Posy a newsy paper. The
business amen of Brussels and locality
have been generous advertisers as a rule,
and while assisting in maintaining a
weekly paper in their midst have profit-
ed, we believe, in an increased patron-
age. THE Posy never had a larger cir-
culation and we purpose doing our part to
make it a welcome weekly visitor to
every home in East Huron. We ask the
aid of our friends in this endeavor.
Perth Oounty.
W. K. MacLeod, of the St. Mary's
Argus, was called to Almonte, Ont., scud.
denly on Thursday by the death of his
Walter Thompson, of Mitchell, has
purchased the Seaforth oatmeal mill, and
will run it in connection with his London
and Mitchell mills.
James Laing has billed St. Marys town
fathers for 018, the value of an old bog.
gy taken from his shop to make a bonfire
on election night.
St. Marys town council has deoided
upon 18 mills as the rate of taxation this
year, which it is estimated will bring the
total receipts for 1894 up to 26,800 70.
Mies Clench, the elder sister of Miss
Nora Clench, the St. Marys violinist, was
married at London, Eng., on June 28th
to Findlay Muirhead,111. A., son of J. J.
Muirhead, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Earnest McAllister, while coupling oars
in the G. T. R. yard at Stratford on Sat.
urclay, had one of bis hands caught and
crushed so badly that it was found neat.
essary to amputate the two middle
At a turf club meeting held last Mon.
day evening at Milverton, it was deoided
to bold the annual met on 21st August
when 0800 will be offered in pares. H.
M. Schaefer was chosen president and
J. Frank Little sec..ureas.
A Damp meeting under the auspices of
the Mennonites is in progress at a grove
on the farm of Robt. Struthers, near
Poole. A large number of delegates from
different parts of the county are in atten.
dance, including a contingent from this
section. The meetings are lively and in.
teresting, drawing crowds of people of
every sent.
Jacob Hoffman 00 Shakespeare, IMO
001d his valuable )rooting sta111on J,
Goldduet, by Phomas Golddnst, 10 Isrsol
Eby, • of SbalseapFlare, for a handsome
A. E, Mohamed, an old Bltna boy, and
son of George Biohmoud, of the 12th eon.'
oossion, bas been promoted to the poli•
tion of crib, editor of the l3offelo Com.
menial. He wee formerly assistant in
that department,
Bev, Father Gnam, who has been cur.
ate at St, Joseph's church, Stratford, for
sono time past has been transferrd bo
Heason palish of which he will take
charge, and for which place he loaves this
week.This will be Father Gnam's first
parish charge.
The five.year.old daughter of Proprie-
tor 1sfoLeau, of the National Hotel, Sb,
Mary's, fell from the baloony at the rear
of the hotel on Thursday morning. The
fall was 10 feet, and the unfortunateohild
alighted on its head, Though her iujur.
les are severe, there beinga slight 00n -
505e1011 of the brain, 11 10 believed she
will fully recover.
By the death of James Kievan, which
took plasm on Saturday morning at the
rssidenoe of bis eon-in.law, John McMil-
lan, Stratford, the township of North
Iaethope loses another of its first stktlers,,
Mr. Kippan, who was born in Perthshire,
Sootland, name to Canada with his fath-
er, the late John Kippan, and two broth-
ers, Duncan and Alexander, (now deoeas.
ed) fn 1888, and settled on the 3rd con-
cession of North Easthope, where he con.
tinned to live until about two years ago,
when he went to reside with 111'r. MaMil•
lan in Stratford.
A sad and fatal aocident occurred the
other evening on the farm of Thos. Salter
in the 4th eon. of %llaoe, by which Ea.
gene Salter, of Drayton, formerly of Lis-
towel, lost his life. The boy, who lived
with his grandfather, was engaged in
watering the horses, when the cult kick.
ed him with both hind feet, one of the
blows striking him on the hip and the
other foot directly on the ear. The poor
lad was knocked insensible, but came too
sufficiently to tell what happened him.
He lived about five hours after the acci-
dent. Hemmorhage of the brain caused
by the rupturing of a blood vessel was
the immediate cause of death.
As the early express from the West
was nearing Stratford Monday a lady
passenger en route to Listowel commenced
to make preparations, for transferring.
The woman had a small child with her
and had placed her pooket-book, contain.
ing her ticket, money, rings, oto., into
her valise, when a kindly.looking young
man near by offered to strap it for her.
The woman unthinkingly aooepted the
profered kindness, and turned her atten-
tiento the obild, the young men meantime
working with the grip. On arrivalat the
waiting -room the purse was found to be
missing, and no tree° could be found of
the young man.
The St. Thomas School Board has de-
oided to dispense with the services of the
teaoher of music.
Frank J. Curran, the clever young son
of the Solicitor.General, has been admit.
ted to the bar of Quebec province.
Chatham is face to boos with a water
famine. The wells in Raleigh township
are drying up owing to the prolonged
drought. Unless rain comes the situ.
ation will be serious.
George W. Kelley, one of the wealthiest
citizens of Toronto, and who, with Sir
Frank Smith, was a principal owner of
the old Toronto Street Railway Com -
n bed at his resi-
dence, Jarvis ea et, ats0 o'clock Tuesday
morning. He was down town Monday
night and in his usual health. He had
been ailing the last ample of years, but
Watt not considered seriously i11. He was
about 66 years of age. Heart disease was
the cause of death.
313 v•tl..
On Monday the flax pullers mads a
raid on this season's lies crop.
Rev, Mr, Clarke, of Wingham, officiat-
ed in Trinity oburah on Snnday.
Miss Annie Drummond has returned
from a month's visit amongst friends in
Miss Fitzsimmins, of •Clinton, is the
guest of her cousin, Mies Lizzie Watson,
at present.
The bricklayers are expected this week
to commence operating on W. .Bell's
big livery barn.
On Wednesday evening next a social
is to be held at the Methodist parsonage,
A good time is expected.
Miss Annie Hamilton has returned
from Toronto where she has been study-
ing in the academy for some time past.
On Thursday of last week Rev. T. E.
Higley, was suddenly called away to St.
Thomas to see his aged father, who is
not expected to live.
On Friday evening our band serenaded
our new young couple, Mr. and Mrs.
Tierney, at their residence on Mill street,
after whish the boys were taken into the
house and well treated.
On Monday auctioneer C. Hamilton
disposed with the mallet at his auction
mart a portion of estate of the late Robert
Brownlee. The farm situated in Hul.
lett was knooked down to John Lasham,
of Londesboro ; the private residence on
West Moreland street in this village was
disposed of to Councillor T. W. Scott
for 0480.
After Doctors Failed.
Attacked by Malarial Fever, Followed by
nceline—Two l'ltysiolans Failed to
Mein hint—'rbc yieana or core Ills-
ovcrcd by Taking the Advice or a
(From the Smith's Falls Record.)
Frank A. Ferguson, partner of Rioh•
and Smith 10 the marble business ab
Merriokville, is well known to most resi-
dents of that vicinity. He went through
an illness that nearly brought him to
death's door, and in an interesting chat
with a reporter of the Record told of the
means by which his remarkable reoovsry
was brought about.
"While engaged in my business as mar.
ble gutter at Kingston," said Mr. Far.
guson, "I was taken ill is May, 1893,
with malarial fever. After the fever wag
broken I continued to have a bold cough,
followed by vomiting and excruciating
pains in the stomach. I was under the
treatment of two different physioians bat
their madioine did me Do good, and 1
continued to grow weaker and weaker,
and it seemed as if I had gone into a de.
aline. About the middle of September I
waa'strongly urged hie friend to give Dr.
Williams' Pinta Pills a trial. I had nob
moat loops that they would help nae,
but from the time I commenced taking
the Pink'Pille I found myself beginning
10 improve, the vomiting ceased and final-
ly left me altogether. X grew stronger
enols day, until now I weigh 180 pounds.
At the time I was taken ill I weighed 197
pomade, and when I began using Dr. Wil.
Banta' Ponk Pills illness had reduced me
to 123 pounds, so that you will see hose
much the fink Pills have done for me,
I never felt better in my life than I do
now, although I ocoasionally take a pill
vet, and am never without a part of a box
in my pocket, I believe that had I not
been induced to bake Pink Pills I would
be in my :grave to -day, and I am equally
aonvinoed that there Is no other madioine
oan equal them as a blood builder and re-
storer of shattered systems. I ive boxes
cured me when the skill of two of the
ablest doctors in Ontario failed, and
when I look heels to the middle of last
September and remember that I was not
able to stand on my feet, I consider the
ohange.brought about by Pink Pills situ,
ply miraculous,"
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike at the
root of the disease, driving it from the
vet= and restoring the patient to heal.
tb and strength. Ih oases of paralysis,
spinal troubles, l000motor ataxia, sciati-
ca, rheumatism, erysipelas, scrofulous
troubles, eta., these pills are superior to
all other treatment. They are also a
specific for the troubles which make the
life of so many women a burden, and
speedily restore the rich glow of health
to pale and sallow (Meeks, Men broken
down by overwork, worry or 050eee5,
will find Pink Pills a certain cure. Sold
by all dealers or sent by mail postpaid,
at 60 cents a box' or six boxes for 02.60,
by addressing, The Dr, Williams Medi-
cine Oompany, Brookville, Ont., or Sohen•
eotady, N. Y. Beware of imitations and
subebitutes alleged to be "Just as good."
Richard Piero°, the colored wife mur-
derer, was hanged at Cape lblay, N. J.,
on Monday at 12:48, p. m.
On Friday Untied States Marshal
Harris arrested E. A Mathews, of Fort
Oonventry, N. Y., at Bennington, Vt., on
a charge of smuggling wool. Saturday
before United States Commissioner
Johnson he was arraigned and held in
02,600 bail. Mathews is a wealthy far-
mer and has been in the wool business
for years. Mathews says that his arrest
is a scheme of those employed by him
to buy wool in Canada ; that one of these
wool buyers was naught this side of the
line recently and was made to settle a
disputed maim, and in revenge this act-
ion and arrest was taken.
a.sannol fib'
Grand Trunk
Seaside Excursion !
Good till 8th August.
Halifax, - $19 00
St. John or Moncton, 17 50
St. John via Portland 16 50
1 and steamer
St. Andrews vianad Psteortlamerand 16 50
Portland, - 15 00
STOP -OVER allowed at all points
East of Levis.
Goderich or Kincardine
And Return for 01.00. Saturday to
Elora and Return, 01.35. Aug. 0th, good
till Aug. 7th.
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels.
B111r011 T!llo I
At Prices Unequalledby
any other Twines for
Sale in Canada,
A Special Discount on
ton and half ton. Tots.
Save money by securing our
T twine at once.
McKay 86 Co.,
Cardiff 8; Kirkby) s sl
Extensive >ade
DAVID MILNE, breeder of thoro' bred
cattle, Berkshire hogs, etc., has decided to
dispose of his stack and announces
an Unreserved
Commencing at 1 p. m., at
Maitland Bank Farm, Ethel,
John Smith, Brampton, Auctioneer.
45 Head of Shorthorns will be offered and
several Berkshires. A great chance for
breeders or farmers to secure
first-class animals.
TERMS.—Seven months' credit on ap-
proved notes. A discount at the rate of
b per cont. per a0mnn allowed for Cash.
Write at once for Catalogue.
D. MILNE, Proprietor,
— 60 DAYS -
Home `eekers' Excfu'siorls
From all stations on the ire of the
Jute 12, Good to Return until Aug. 51
June 09, Gond to Return until Aug. 18
Jute 25, Good to Return until Aug. 25
July 17, Good to Return until Sept. 15.
To the following points at rates named
$ 3 5
$3 0
Winnipeg Agricultural and industrial
Exltibltlonwillbe held from July 28rd to
30th, inelusive, and July 17111 has been fixed
upon for Excursion to enable passengers eo
Having purchased the Photographic outfit formerly owned
by 11. J. Strong, I will endeavor to satisfy the Public
as heretofore. Business will be carried on the
salve as usual with Mr. Strong as manager.
Photos. Taken All Sizes
�; From Smallest to the Largest and (rsj
.$Finished in the Leading Styles.,
JuLI 20,1391
A Flush Hard is what we hold it
And our prices mean a
deal of good luck- to you.
Think of being fitted out with a Stylish Blue Serge Suit,
men's size, for $3.25.
All Wool Tweed Sults for $5,00.
All Wool best Custom Made Suits for $7.50 worth $12.00,
32 pairs of Boys' Short Pants bought last week at 60o. on
the Dollar. While they last you may have your
choice for $1.00. They are worth from $1.25ato
Warne. Weather Coats.
We are showing a big line of light weight Coats
and Vests. Call in and see them. You can make
yourself comfortable and save money.
Smith &NdareA,
Readyuade Clo(Viu�
For 1VIen, Youths, Boys and Children.
We will not take up space quoting Prices but
would ask you to call and see for yourself what we
are prepared to do in the way of giving yon a good
Suit of Clothes away clown in price.
-- '-""--mochaemsatacartsecce .z......-., v1.6101090.®.nnto
coots-� lE .l t, t
Our Suramer Stock of Boots &
Shoes Comprises all the
Latest Styles in
Men's Footwear,
Women's Footwear,
Boys' Footwear,
Youths' Footwear,
Misses Footwear,
Children's Footwear,
The best there is to be Bought in the Market.
J. Downing.