HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-7-20, Page 3'Tutor 20, 1894 Ytnlrsa S Town DXXOOtQ y. 1lfxtr,vrzno Citlnncu.--Sabbath Services et 11 a m and 6:80 p. m. Sunday School at 2;8Q p nl, Boy, john 'Roes, le 'A, pastor;. Kelox Ootmon,--Sabbath teervices at 11 te m and 0:80 p m, Sunday eebool let 2:80) p Rev, D. Millar, Inner, Se. doiir's Oxulton,--Sabbabh Serviette at 11 a m and 7 p rn, Sunday School at 2:80 p, m. Rev. W. G. R°illy,, Mown. hent. Aliet'uontee (Muncie—Sabbath Serviees at 10:80 a an and 0;80 p en, Sunday School at 2:80 p m, Rev, G. H. Cobble• dick, M A, B D, pastor. Retail OATlboL/0 Cnonee.—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 30;80 a m, Rev Joseph Kennedy, prieet, SaeveOroN Antlr,—Service at 7 end11 a an and 8 melte p n1 on Sunday and every evening in the weep at 8 o'olook, at the barrack, Ono Feernws' Lone every Thursday evening, in'Geahaln's block. Menem Longe Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield blook. A 0 U W Lonale on let and 8rd Friday evenings of snob month, in Blas. hiU's blook, 0 0 le Lorton 2nd end' last Monday evenings of each month, fn Blashill's block. ' 1 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in oaa Fellows' hall, L 0 L let Monday in every menth in Orange Hall. le T oirT, 2edand 42b Tueeday'e of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall, SONS On SCOTLAND, let and 8rd Tnes- days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall.. K. 0. T. M,'Lonen, 1st and 8rd Thurs- days of each month, in Ve,netona bloom. Hoare Crean, 2nd and 4th Friday Mill- ings inBlasitih'e Hall. Pon Orenee—office hours from 8 e. m. to 7 p. m. Mumma INSTn'mmis,—Library in Holmes' block will be open from 6 to $ o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 6 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Tows Coonan:.—W. H. Beer, Reeve ; W.15. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and S. Wilton, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Belly, Treasurer ; D, Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Rose, Collector. Board meets the 1st Monday in each month, SonooL BoAnD.-1110. Rose, (chairman, Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid an J. N. Kendall ; Seo.-Treae., 1t. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. Ponape SOn0OL Teeonzne.—J. H. Cam- eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Mies Downey and Mies Ooopee. BoAnn or Hazen.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A.. Stewart, T. Farrow and J, N. Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. THE CHRISTIAN HIGHWAY. TM BCV. E. PAUL. The way is made on Truth Divine And glory all along it shine ; 'Tie high and holy, just and right And all who walk there, intik in light. It the only way to God, Secured by Christ's most precious blood, I am the Way, the Truth, the Life, Believe and enter into life. This is the way which leads to God, The way the holy propbets trod, And all who freely glue up sin May enter on and walk therein. This is the way to life above, Where all is peace and joy and love, And where the soul, of good possessed, Shall go, and find eternal rest. This is the way the martyrs trod And all who ever came to God, And still the gate ie open wide And none who come will be denied. This le the way to pardon free For guilty sinners snob as we, • While peace ie there the most profound And joy is ever to be found. This way is high and holy too And free to all—Gentile and Jew— Who in the name of Christ believe And to the Lord for mercy cleave. This is the way—the higher plane, Where love and peace forever reign, Where God invitee the holy Beed And all wiligo who feel their need. This ie the way that leads above And where is found eternal love, Where God ie worshipped by the throng And all the ransomed swell the song. And all along the age to come They'll sing His praise—the great three One, And higher still the notes will swell That Jesus hath done all things well, Odd Poets and Plgures2 The word "girl" occurs but once in the Bible. Over 3000 women are employed in the railway ofdoes of Austria, 8,000,000;000 lettere are estimated to go through the world's posbof see in a year, The Dost of a full•dreee uniform of an English Cabinet Minister ie about $760. An Italian who lately committed sui- cide et Santa Rosa, California, left a statement to the effeob that he had no education, and that a mme without one had no business to live. For the first time in the history of Bei- gium, it is said, the principle of a mo- mentary compensation for breach of promise of marriage has just been °stab• liehed, WW1 to he Let Atone. The Licensed Victuallers of Montreal have passed the following reeolutiene :-- 1. Wo blame the Dominion Alliance of the agitators, who create by their con- tinual unjust agitation a serious damage to our trade, which is a constitutional one. We further declare that then so. ciebiee (temperance) are a public moisten. se and we ask for their suppression. 2. We protest against these agitabore intervening in oottnection with the rights of citizens who Flee fit to sign cerbifecetee of licenses, and who are subjeet to an ap- parent blaektnail by having their natnes published in the local prose and suffer a sort of byoott therefor, 8. We also protest against the bateau. encs by those agitateve in the admini- abretionofjnatioe by the Linen Cohn. miaaionera when a judgment is given Whist their viowe, 4, We appeove of the general oondgot of the eerntniesionsre, who render bbeir judge Mettle, despite these directs, witheut fear or favor". 5. Wo wish to have repealed that alaaae In virtue of which a noun may be revolt. ed when an absolube majority m an 0100. boral disbriob fs against 11.' We Agree t0, keep up this agibelion until we gain oar desired ends, Itlusts f'r'om Nie "tram's deka," Adie in the boast is no whiter than it is in the horse trade. The unrest way to make a bad lean is to toll him the truth about himself; 'When yon shake hands with a new convert don't do it with the tips of year fingers. There are tneu who have a creed a rod long who do businose with a ehorb yard. ati'Ulf, Ibis doubtful if one roan in a hundred goes to oburelr praying for preaching DIEM will hit him. The ninon some people treat God worse than they do their neighbors is because they think it safer. Give eons people the power to move mountains and bow soon they would ru• in the farms of tbetr neighbors. The man who looke at his wife as though the moon were about to turn bo blood whenever she asks him for a couple of dollars is not likely to become very eloquent in prayer at his famiiy altar. Fuit for Dog Days. Buff—How is your rheumatism get- ting along 1' Gruff --On crutches. He—Now, when we are married I on amuse you. She—You do that now. eI like our doobor," said Willie. "He lets me stick out my tongue at him." Tbey do not burn heretics in these days, hut they give them an awful roast. ing. Young Author—Don't you like bosee yourself in print ; ? Debutante—No ' I prefer silk. First tot --My pa ie the crosmser an in thie pity. Second tot—Maybeso. My pa is in Chicago. faith Herdso—Do you believe in the afire ? Saideo—Yes • one treatment oured all the faith I had. "That young Munobduet has lot of horse sense." 'How's that ?" " er bets a dollar on 'em." No matter how much of a brick a n may be, lie can't go out on many is without being broken. With dudes as plentiful as they are eo average oiety girl ought to know a ft thing when she sees it. baa Belle—Would you call Blanche a u- ty 7 Jaok—Not unless I thought e was likely to overhear me. 'Uncle --Well, Fritz, do you like you r new teacher ? Fritz -0h, very w he is ill one day out of three. In the Dime Museum.—Visitor— d In is the bearded lady your mother ? . font phenomenon-ddeNixy ; she me fa r. Some swam recently decorated in th e night the great door of a prison with e legend, "Hair out while you wait." A paper has an arbiole on ""Ho o help people to help themselves." A d way is to leave your front door open. e Nev ma ba e to so ah elf An th w t Kao t you or— ger Mr eve fab sons of them. Treetop—A dollar for pulling 0115 too? Dentist—Yes •, you took gas. Treetop— How mucb a thousand do you charge r thsister)—Emma,Pepi (to bis sister)—Emma, if you give me a bit of your cake I'll spoil the Pi ano so that you won't be able to tak lesson for twn weeks. Mre. Gaydress—Lverything she has lected for the last year has been so sober I—"You haven't met her last husband, T guess." There are lots of people who mix their religion with business, but don't for to stir it up well. As a result the buei ness invariably riese to the top. Wool—I've thought of a sentence t would stagger those missing word luna- tics. Van Pelb—What is it ? Woo Ten years at hard labor. 0 fairest of damsels, the graduate girl, Around you what mysteries bant; ; In your essays you give us five e lable words, And when you're at home you t slang, No matter bow finely the display win. dots' of a store may be fitted up, the min- a young lady clerk will always prove counter -attraction. Sunday•echool teacher—Now, w ltd Lot do when hie wife was turned in- to a pillar dealt ? Bobby—Iknow ; to her to the Dime Museum. a p a if 0 siP er 0 eo fr ea ab go u ki 00 Pr pr to is fait It will never be fqunll it words, High.. emending words without thoegbte dor• responding are efforts witheat effect, Alillwrighbere are busily engaged in ttr• ranglog the iaborioe of the eleetrio light building Fe yon Would have an abundance .et daft, glossy hair, if you would have a clean scalp, tree from dandruff andirriti. ting humors, or it your hair is filled and gray, and yott would, have lie enteral eel. or restored, nee Apnea flair Vigor, It is unquestionably the best dressing, A Boma To jlousee nte.—Ona bottle of pee, ('Nerd; 0t Leaders, will flit the rnglish Spavin Lfnimsnt oompletely re. ninon of manager of the Molecule lianit �BrO. A. small swar]n of honey bees belong. ing to John Troblo pitched in te. tree in front of Mre. Thorne' residence, Tbey wore efborivards hived by the owuer. At the Royal Templers' pio.nio, held et Grand ]loud, Miss' Clara Oudmore, while descending a steep embttnkmenb, unfor- tun holyydislocated her knee joint. Building oporations are very quiet in Exeter One Surnmer, but there seems to be enough odd jobs around to hop all of our oarpsntsre and brioltlayers out of idleness. ""Dentist Anderson, with,hia wife from Exeter, were in town visiting friends, and when out for n drive in the afternoon their horse became frightened and start- ed to Mole The brute finally ran away, and horse and buggy tumbled clown the embankment in front et Mr. Kyle's roei- dence,West Ward, but not until the oo- oupants jumped from the rig. Nobody was hurt."—Mitoheil Advocate. L,tieCik no Iv. Walter Trealeaven is having the cedar grove at the East end of hie mill, out down. W. 0, Johnson, has purchased from James Williamson, the undertaking and cabinet business. D. C. Taylor is having the cellar dug for a large adddtion to hie workshop at the rear of his hardware store. He has also had the main building raised about e foot above the sidewalk, whiob is an improvement. James Lane, of Ashfield, brought to the Sentinel office a sample of the largest goose berries we have ererween. They are an old English variety called the"bot- tle gooseberry" and are nearly as large as medium sized potatoes. It is said that the ohoioe of the Weet Bruce Patron Convention Iles among' John Tolmie, Peter McKenzie, Wm. Va. lens, Dr. Bradley, Peter. Corrigan, Neil MaDongall, Geo. Leeds or Jamas McEw- ing. In the Provincial elections in British Oolumbia Adolphus Williams, a promi- nent lawyer, and brother to Mre. Dr. Tennant, of Luoknow, was elected to one of the seats in Vancouver city. Of the seven oaodidabes is the field, Mr. Williams headed the polls with a total vote of 1912, or over three to one over hie opponent. Ed. Odium, an old Lucknow boy, and eon of John Odium, was also a candidate for the city but was defeated. moved a euro from 'nay hared. I tate' pleasure he reaommsnding he remedy, as it elite with mysterious promptness in the removal ion borne of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood spavin, Willis, curbs, eweeny, ebifies and sprains. GHQ, ROAD, farmer, eiter'libatrr, Ont, Sold by G. A, Deadman, 3. C. Sipe, of Galt, writes to the press as follows In the interest of the County of Wonbworth, T repeat lay oft•told story of a great lake of oil (petroleum) that lies hidden beneath the ground at the West ern end of the great Deveriy swamp, that is only waiting for someone with capital and enterprise enough to develop it, It willbe found of.superior quality and in inexhaestibls quantity. I know what I am talking about. It is there, and I am earthen of it ; but I suppose, as usual, I shall not be believed, The "riot gun" with whist] United States Marshal Arnold bas armed bis posse of 200 deputies in Chicago, is really a cross between tips Galling gun and the French mlbrailleuse. It may be defined as a repeating shotgun, but is the most powerful hand arm ever loaded with powder and shot, The weapon is of larger bore than the average army rifle, but weighs lees. Its magazine has room for six twelve.oalibre cartridges. Each cartridge contains 184 drachms of powder and twelve bneksliot. Between the shot and the powder are two one-eighth inch compressed paper wads. The shell of the cartridge is of paper, backed by e rim of brass, tis outward appearance is very :numb litre that of the ordinary shotgun shell, but its surface is thicker and much stronger. The six cartridges may be fired in half as many seoonds, tins throwing seventy-two scattering bul- lets, any of wbioh would inflict a serious wound ab eighty yards distance. The magazine may be reloaded easily within a hall minute. It is calculated tbat with the shot of each oartridge scattering as it i5 discharged, the gun, in the hands of fairly accurate shot, is capable of dis- abling 150 men to the minute. Marshal Arnold says that five men armed with. these weapons and fairly protected could easily dispose of a mob of 160,000 riobers. Canadian lei ewet. Clinton ahippedlarge quantitive of oher- ries. R. G. Dun dr Co. report 84 failures in Canada during the past week, against 28 in the oorresponding week last year. There are several dozen mea in Lon don who earn their living by eatohin rats. They are mostly employed at ho - tele, clubs and restaurants. HaAnm Drmmaes Baran VED IN 30 MrN- oTss.—All cases of organie or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cared, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. To make your business pay, good heal- th is a prime factor. To secure good health, the blood should be kept pure and vigorous by the use of Ayer's Sarsa- parills. When the vital fluid is impure and sluggish, there can be neither bealtb, strength, or ambition. RnsouATrsar Guess IN A DAY.—South American Rheumatic Oure for Rheuma. Liam and Neuralgia radically mires in 1 to 8 days. Its action - upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. 11 re- moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 Dents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. A young Hindoo girl, named Nogin Dees(, aged about eighteen years, nom. mined suicide in Calcutta ander very distressing circumstances. It appears that her husband, on the occasion of his brother's wedding, not having the means of making the customary presents, gave to the bride his wife's jewelry, promis. ing to replace the same at the earliest op- portunity. ,Hie failure to do so fed to constant quarrels between him and his wife, who destroyed herself by swallow. ing opium. A number of changes are impending among the officials of the Local Govern- ment at Toronto. D. E. Cameron, depu- ty provincial Treasurer, is about to re- sign, having accepted a position with a New York corporation. Peter Ryan, a Toronto registrar, is also about to resign, and will probably be succeeded by W. T. R. Preston, the present Proviuoial Li- brarian, while S. T. Bastedo, private secretary to the Premier, will, it ie said, be made Librarian. Mr. Cameron's nee minor has not yet been deoided upon. Report came to Orillia of a flimflam game operated by a couple of gentry who followed the Cook and Whitby drone. They oalled on a gentleman named Skinner, in North Orillia, telling him they bad been referred to him by The dale & Wade, bankers of Orillie, and pro. oeeded to show where a man of good char- acter with a oapltal of $600 could double hie money in a few months. He let them have the $500 in Dash lie notal, and—well, the same old story. The geatlemau has $500 worth of experience. Rexene rer Son Houets.—Distressing kid. aey and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kirluey Care." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on aocoant of iia exceeding promptneee in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and inure this i5 your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. • g They clear the brain They ellen the heart. They brighten the eye, they make the step elastic, the mind vigorous, they die- pol gloom, and bring back joy and laugh- ter, they banish pain like magic and take tbo sting out of the. little. 1115 of life. Stark's Powders do all this when used by the bilious, neuralgic or sufferere from sick or nervous headache. Pain cannot exist where Stark's Powders are used. Mr. Willis, Ohief of pollee, Wood - nook, Ont„ says "They ere a sere cure every time." Only a quarter a box. TAMWORTH AND CHESTER 11 WHITE BOARS FOR SERVICE. ThNorth Ball Lot pone 7,i for Ya thorn bred Tamworth Soar, reoentiy purchased from the well known breeder, Jno, Bel], Ant- her. Also a Chester White Boar. Terme, 81.00 to be paid at time of service with priv- ilege of returning if necessary, se-tf S. WALI.ER,Proprietor. (OAR FOR SERV10E.—THE Undersigned will keep for service on Lot 20, Con, ediforris, the Moro' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Canada's breeder Jp 12. Brethour,noak eLodge Farm Burford. Terme, 81.00 to be paid at the time of service with privilege of returning if heoeesary. Pedigree may be seen on ap- plication. ROBT. NICHOI, HE COOK'S REST FREND ;.r-r0cxST SALE IN CANADA. LIME ! L111,4E ! To those who Intend Building. Having built a Lime House at the Sta. tion I will keep a supply of the Best Fresh Lime for Sale suitable for all Building pnrposea. Also WHITE BRICK And Plastering Hair for Sale. D. A. Lowry. BRUSSELS. GOOD NEWS — FOR THE— ]Hiss McPherson, the City Millin- er, desires to clear out her whole stock of Summer Millinery And for that Reason has Com- menced n Cot Price ale to which every Lady is Invited. Big Bargains in ail Lines. Save money by purchasing your Millinery from Miss lloPherson. EileRoU80N & HALLIDAYtS Store. fn's:' �l fifko 1, MENTAL ENERGY 1' STROH NERVES -. AYER'S SARSAPAFHLIA 113.Iiernmerlyy, ,, well-known business man Of Millsboro, •r., s0000 thls testiuootty to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla: Several years ago, 7 bort my leg, the ht11dry leering a sore whtohledto erysipelas. Iffy sufferings were extreme, my leg, from the twee to the ankle, being a solid sore, which began to ex- tend to other parts of the body. After trying various remedies, 1 began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, before I had finished the first hOltle i experienced great relief; 1110 second bottle effected a complete owe.il Ayer's Sarsaparilla revered by Dr. S.O. Ayer Si Co., Lowell, Mead, ,r..e1 others,vviit efare yot1 aireexerassenna.r.....arategreen"....ersamr.ramacx Taylor Smillie "White Star Lines ROYAL 3ITATL STXr''A1 SIAI<8'."'i. 73etw0queeestowil,00511 Woditvttedaer•, via 9 "le Olio ttoam0rs of tlils line carry only a strictly bruited ermine lu the mem aria 6 oo n, anewwaeeolnmo,latlona, inteOtUng liaseeugers are ransomed that en early ap• plleatiou ter berths le neoossnsy at tele sea. 0011. Poo plane, ratom, ata., apply to W. I. Kerr, Agent, Drum's. M'CLEO 'S System eaevate —ANA 0annn------ TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For. Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate. Mon of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neer - algia, Loss of Memory, Bronobitis, Cote- aumption, Gall Stopes, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dioceses, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY GCCERICU, ®NT J. M. ltIcLECD, Prop. and Mannfactnrer... Sold by J, T. PEPPER, Druggist, Brussels. Are now in their New Store, Dr. Graham's Block, - Brussels. A. Full Stock of Groceries, Flour, Feed, Bread, Crockery and Glassware, . CHEAP AS EVER FOR CASH. �lll Saleable Produce taken at Highest Market Prices, but Tao Credit aive?a. Commissions of all hands Promptly Executed. Remember the BREAD and other Prices in Proportion. Goods Delivered in any part of the town. No Loafing or Spitting but bus- Bless on Business Principles, Which we are aided in carrying out with 17 years exper- ience on both sides of the world. • TAYLOR & SMILLIE. CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. Established Isil. Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 Gain for 1892, - 2,000,000 W. C. ea LCnir AY.11. Actuary. Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 New Insurance, 3,670,000 Gain over 1891, - 750,000 ;x NEW IINCORITICNAL-ACCIELATIVE POLICY Is:Issued Only by the Confederation Life Association, l 'Ib ie absolutely free from all restrictions as to residence, travel and occupation from the date of issue. taeIt is entirely void of all conditions. Melt is absolutely and automatically non•forfeitabie, after two years. The insured being entitled to : (a) Extended insurance without application, for hill amount of the policy, for the further period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid -Up Policy, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to'a (c) Cash value, as guaranteed in the policy. President, 'Managing Director, Hon. Sir W. P. Howland, 0.13., tlt.O.M.G. J. K, Macdonald. i'i'• E. KE R, Agent at Brussels. wo At the LISTOWEL Pac tory B. F. BROOK & SON Pay the Highest Market Price, Cash or Trade. In exchanging goods for wool, we will pay It Few Cents Above The Market Price, guerauteeiug to sell our geode at rook bottom cash prices. Come with your friende and see our tremendous stook in ell lines of J:,' ' Cot, Our stook is open for inspeobion, and is the host selected stook ever shown by guy Woollen Factory in Canada. Do nob fail to call and an for yourselves our Fine Grey Flannels at 25e, per yard that will not ehriuk in washing. We have made up e special line of all Wool Tweeds at 40e. per yard. Something never before eleowu, for the money. Roll Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing, Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, &c. Done on short notice and hest of work guaranteed. Parties from a distance can rely on getting their rope home the sante day. Would advise to hand pink all wont for roll carding, and you will be nee to get good rolls. All we ask is for you to give us a trial, We deal honestly with everybody and you will find us always ready to give the moat prompt and eareful attention to all B. P'. B!?OOK c o SON. t P. S.—Beware of peddlers. We undorttand 4taey are -using our name to make sales, Put them clown as frauds of the worst kind. We allow no peddlers to sell our goods.