HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-7-13, Page 44 BUSS New Advertisements.. ooeaie—Th. T. 0. AM. Sarsaparilla -0, I. Hoed. Binder Twine—MeKey t Oo. Farm for Sale—A. G. Welsh, 'Gor'n (flies—G. A. Deadman, x# h a Go g raph y --•I3. It. Brewer. )0xtencive Sale—David Milne, Dig Redcotione—A. Strachan. Moots & Shoes—John Downing. Wanted--Pos'e Publishing Hope. Dress Goods--Forgucotr a Halliday. Jersey Heifer for Sale--G.A,Deeduann, Ebe 1.6111$5CI, .est; FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1$94, J, T. GAunow's majority as M. I, P. in West Huron was increased from 80 to 70 by a recount last week. Ar last Winnipeg assizes Jake Holman, ono of the returning ofaaere at the last Dominion election, was fined 0500 for ad. matting bogus votes. He appealed to the full court, which bas suetained the eon• viotion. Ii ie reported that the relations between Secretary of State Coetigan and the Pre- mier are not the most harmonious, the question of curtailing the patronage of Secretary Coetigan, having, it is said, been the immediate cause. Aocoenxua to Mr. Mulook emelt gradu- ate from the Royal Military College at Kingston has cost the country over 00,- 000. The college should be abolished. It only serves to prepare rich men's sons for the Imperial army and those of poor men for the Dominion Divi! service. Canada has no money to spare for either purpose. Pe is now several years since the Pro. hibitiou Commission wan appointed, but the Dominion Government has not yet seen fit to lay its report before the re. presentatives of the people. When Par- liament .opened, the report was promised in a few days. The session bus lasted for menthe, and the House will adjourn :n a day or two, still the report is held back. But the cosb to the ratepayers goes on all the same. Sir John Thome,. son, on Tuesday, asked for another 038,. 000 to be paid over to the commiesioners and their assistants, and it was brought out in the disoussion that the total cost of the taxpayers would be at least 0120,000. For what ? For a statement of the opin- ions of a number of individuals in various parts of the country on the ques- tion of prohibition. The Royal Com- mission will settle nothing. Its reports will settle nothing. It never was intend- ed that anything should be settled, but it was intended that the whole question, so far as the Dominion Government was concerned, should be tied up during the present Parliament. And tied up it has been. ' Tree Pullman strike in Chicago bus ex. tended to almost all industries in that city, and business is nearly paralyzed. The strike has also extended to other cit- ies. On Tuesday President Debs, of the American Railway Union, and bis asso- ciates were arrested, and as an answer to that every union man in Chicago quit work. Grand Neater Sovereign, of the Knights of Labor, says that one million members of the society will join the strik- ers. During the week a good deal of lawlessness has been inulged in by a mob in Chicago, and the Federal troops were soon on the scene, when several of the lawless mob were killed and others wounded. A large number of freight cars and other property of some of the rail- way companies were destroyed. At this writing, order has been restored, and some of the railways are rnnniug. How the matter will end it is hard to say. The Pullman Company have from the first refused to arbitrate or discuss the question as to whether they were justi. Sed in reducing the wages of their em- ployees and looking them out. Sluevale. Pall wheat harvest will soon be ready, baying being general this week. Mrs. Pring and Mrs. Jennings spent a few days of last week in Palmerston. Mise Emma Jones, of Walkerton, is visiting her aunt, lure. Robert McPher- son. Mies Dresser was visiting Mende in Goderich on Saturday, Sunday and Mon. day. Quite a number of the village and coun- try people took advantage of the excursion to the Model Farm, Guelph, on Saturday. The highest point for June cheese in Canada was Dec. for Bluevale, sold on the Listowel Board. This is a good record for our factory. A lawn party was held at Mr. Jenkins' in behalf of the Methodist church on Thursday evening of last week. A vary pleasant time was epent. Acclnaer,--Last Friday James Mo. Hardy had the misfortune bo have his right band come in contact with the edg• ing saw in Duff & Stewart's saw mill and lost a portion of the thumb and three Angers in consequence. He is fortunate- ly left-handed no will not mien the ampu- tated digits as much as many people would A very enjoyable time was spent at the residence of Edward Rosman on Wed- nesday evening, it being ;the marriage of his daughter, Eliza, to Mr. Campbell, of Winnipeg, Man. The bride was beanti- fally dressed in cream and looked charm. ing. The wedding took place on the lawn. The many valuable pressnte show how well the bride is respected. We wish them every happiness. A. ° Rtemiu kable Case. A STItANtll OO VCIO.N .t;1 iVlWI A itAA RSSO(DID 01.11N POUND .11IN;31tl,F 3isyslcians t'uNii not Agree Ite to tate Nature or Trouble --Pell Away to 0 (lase Skeleton—Was Enable le Move Ayoub—Contiuneuely Sult'ered Ur - Aldo Maine, (Wrote the Branttore Expositor ) Soros months ago the Expeller gave the particulars of the, remarkable oro wroeghb upon Mrs. Avery, who lives at Pleasaut Ridge, a few miles 'out of the city, and the cues created muoli interest among the people of the oily and vicinity, we are now in a position to give the par. ti0ulare of another wonderful cure that has eoourred in the city since the let of January. The then unfortunate, but now healthy and happy man, is William G. Woodcock, who rseides at 180 'Murray Street. 1I5 is an Englishman, and has been out from (Sent, England, about ele- ven years, A baker by trade, he accept, ed a position with 111. Donaldson, and same to this city about two .years ago. A reporter called on him a few days ego and interviewed him with reference to the cure whicbbus been spoken of, and the following story was ;told by him "I Dame to the oily two years ago and worked in Donaldson's bakery, For nearly a year previous to the lst of Jan- uary I had been troubled with some die. ease or skinless, bot was able to continue my work, but about the month of Sep. tember last I was completely used up and bad to quit work. Tho trouble seemed to be an excessive weakness ' at first from my knees to my feet, but afterwards . from my hips to my feet. I obtained advice and treatment from several medi- cal men, some of whom said the trouble was caused by a bodily strain, others that I was run down so that I was very weak and open to take almost any die. ease. Although they did not agree as to the cause, all advised nie to tightly band- age my limbs from the knees down. I did so but this was of no avail, and I be- came so weak that I was not able to move even around the house. The pains I suf. fared were terrible, and the only way I could relieve myself at all was to lift one foot off the floor and extend it straight out from me. In November I was in the hospital fourteen days, and was treated for typhoid fever, and although I cannot say for certain. yet I do not think that I had the fever at all. When I was taken from the hospital I could neither eat nor sleep, and was stili suffering the most in. tense pain. I continued in this way, more dead than alive, until the first of January, 1894, when I concluded to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. I sent to Mr.. Bachelor's drug store on New Year's Day and bought six boxes of pills. At this time I oould not stand at all, bub in about a week I threw away the bandages which I had been wearing on my limbo, and in two weeks I couldwalk first rate. By the time the six boxes wore finished I was fit for work and in the best of health. I did the hardest days work on Saturday last that I ever done in thin country and belt none the worse for it, When I was weighed a week aro'I tipped the amides at 108 poudds and when icame out of the hospital in November I did not weigh ov- er 100 pounds, so you can easily see what Pink Pills have done for mein that way." Every statement of Mr. Woodcock's was corroborated by his wife. who was pres- ent at the interview, and if appearances are correot, Mr. Woodcock is enjoying the best of health and can do many bard days' work yet. He is also vary positive that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and no- thing but them relieved him of this ter- rible disease and probably saved his life. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have a re- markable efficacy in curing diseases aris- ing from an impoverished condition of the blood, or animpairment of the ner- vous system, such as rheumatism, neu- ralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor atax- ia, St. Vitus dance, nervous headache, nervous prostration and the tired feeling therefrom, after effects of la gripe, in- fluenza and severe colds, diseases de- pending upon humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic eyreipelas, etp. Pink Pills give a healthy, glow to pale and sallow compleotions and are a speci- fic for the troubles peculiar to the female system, and in the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. These pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company,Brock- villa, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are eold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper, at 50 Dents a box, or six boxes for 02,50. They may be had from any dealer, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price. MAMWORTH AND CHESTER JL WHITE BOARS FOR SERVICE, The undersigned will keep for service on North Half Lot 25, Con, 7, Morris, a thorn' bred Tamworth boar, recently porohased from the well (mown breeder, Jnn, Bell, Am- ber. Also a Chester White Boar.- Terms, 81.00 to be Haid at time of service with priv- ilege Of returning if ueassear-y. 00-tf S. WALKER, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned will keep for service on Lot 20 Con, 0, Morris, the thorn' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Canada's Prance," purchased from the well-known breeder J. E. Brethour, Oak Lodge Farm, Burford. Torras, ;1.00 to bo paid at the time of service with privilege of returning if neceeeary. Pedigree may be seen on ap- plication, 10013T, NICHOL. Itoiae Seekers Excursion 1894 From all stabipne on the lice of the Grand Trunk Tennou're 172.0 010 SOLI) ON Juno 12, Good to Return until Aug. 11, June 10, Good to Return until Aug. 18, Time 20, Good to Return until Aug. 25. July 17, Good to Return until Sept, 15, To the following points at rates named DFLORAINE 1 RSTON EETEVAN IIOOSOAl1Nf YOTtli'1'UN CALtGA LALBIIBT 1. e 3 5 RFD. DEER - } 4 PY, 88100 ETON - - 49D `i ►TlusIpeg Agricultural and ludnslrlal 1:alilbicio,t will be held from duly 21x4 to 800h, inclusive. and July 17th has been fixed Upon for Exclusion to enable passengers to.. attend the Exhibition. J. N.IKLNI)A..LL, G, T. R. Agent, Brussels. A CAR OFF RED OAP —ND— BLUE RIBBON Biutler True 1 At Prices Unequalled by any other Twines for Sale in Canada, A Special Discount on ton and half ton Tots. Save money by securing our T wine at once. IVIcKay & Co. Cardiff & Kirkby Brussels, Jura. I.3, i. to oveColo [nffl JjJ jf rjJfl 1)ilp X11 SHORT HORN 4i v,a.r eJ CAT T I iia Hmsr DAVID MILNE, breeder of there' bred cattle, I3srkeleire hoge, tlo., has decided to dispose of his stook and anuounoss an Unreserved AUCTION SALE —FOR— WEDNESDAY, JULY 25,7894; Commenoiug at 1 p. m., at Maitland Bank Farre, Ethel. John Smith, Brampton, Auctioneer. 45 Head of Shorthorns will be offered and several Berkshires. A great olfance for braetlore or farmel'e to seem% first -chute tunimais. TERMS. --Seven months' credit on ap- proved notes. A discount at the rate of 0 per cont. per annum allowed for Cash. Write at once for Catalogue. D. MILNE, Proprietor, ETHEL, ONT. - 60 DAYS – Home `eekers' Excursions 1'8 9 4 From all nations on toe fee of the TIOEETS WILL BE SOLD ON June 12, Good to Return until Aug. 11 June 19, Good to Return until Aug. 1.0 June 214 Good to Return until Aug. 25 July 17, Good to Return until Sept. 10 To the following points at rates named DELORAINE $ 2 8 RESTON BSTEVAN BINSCAINSOARTH M0o50MIN REGINA MOOSEJAW YORRTON PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY RED DEER - - EDMONTON - - $30. e35 $40 Winnipeg Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition will be held from July 200d to 50011, inclusive, and July Pith Has beau iixed upon for Excursion to enable passengers to attend the Exhibition. J. T. PEPPER, AGENT, BRUSSELS. esestessese ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. Every Time in Tour Favor. Special Lines to be Cleared Out This Month. Colored Dress Goods. 20 pieces Henrietta Cloth, 46 inches wide, worth any- where 50c., Clearing Price, 33c., all Pure Wool. 15 pieces Pure Wool Serge, 88 inches wide, at 25e. This is the finest and widest Serge shown for the looney. 5 pieces Wool Debeige at 22c., worth 35e. Black Cashmeres and Henriettas All to be Cleared at the following Reductions :-50o. for 38c. ; 60c. for 48e. ; 75c. for 63c. ; $1.00 for 83c. Now is the Limo to Secure Dsirgains in Dress Goods, FLANNELETTES. 15 pieces Extra Heavy Twilled English .Flannelette, worth anywhere 12ac., Clearing at 10c. 10 pieces, only, Flannelette, regular price 10c., Clearing at 8c. 7 pieces Flannelette at 5c., worth 7c. 25 yards Heavy Factory Cotton, 36 in. wide, for ,$1.00. COTTONADES. 5 pieces Extra Heavy Cottonaclo, worth anywhere 20e., Clearing at 15c. 3 pieces heavy Cottonacle, regular price l8e., clearing 18e. Come, we will never disappoint you, the goods are here or we would not Advertise them. Ha11iay BUTTER TAKEN AS CASH. A Flush Had is what, we Mold in t rs�s ` 4 � iytYt E .0f SVA,: UITS And our prices mean a deal of good luck to you. Think of being fitted out with a Stylish Blue Serge Suit, men's size, for $33,25. All Wool Tweed Suits for $5,00. • All Wool best Custom Made Suits for $7.50 worth $12.00, 32 pairs of Boys' Short Pants bought last week at 60o. on the Dollar. While they last you Biay have your- choice for $1.00. They are worth from $1.251to $1.75. Warm Weather Coats. We are showing a big line of light weight Coats and Vests, Call in and see them. You can make yourself comfortable and save money. liiih & McLaren, BRUSSELS. I-1 it R e EW R, PHOTOGRAPHER, BRUSSELS, - ONT., Having purchased the Photographic outfit formerly owned. by H. J. Strong, I will endeavor to satisfy the Public as heretofore. Business will be carried on the same as usual with Mr. Strong:as manager. Photos. 'Taken A11 Sizes 4e; From Smallest to the Largest and ,,,Finished in the Leading Styles.,, GALLERY IN STRETTON BLOCK, OVER THE STANDARD BANK. 3i` H. Qat RE ER. Our Summer Stock of Boots & Shoes Comprises all the Latest Styles in, Men's Footwear, Women's Footwear, Boys' Footwear, Youths' Footwear, Misses Footwear, Children's Footwear, The best there is to be Bought in the Market. __.►PR/OE RiGHTAtos.,_ LADIES OXFORD TIES.- . J. Dawning. I SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ORDERED WORK,