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The Brussels Post, 1894-7-13, Page 3
Jvr.r 13, 1894 TUN BRUSSELS POST Town. Dxxootory. Mann= auuaon,-.•Sabbath Sorvioee at 11 a m and 6;20 p, m, Sunday Sohool at 2:80 p n1, Rov, John Bose, B . A, pastor: HNOx 016801.— Sabbath Services at 11 a m and 6180 p m. Sunday School at 2;801 p m. Bev. D. Millar, pastor. ST, Jo1i3'$ Onunou,—Sabbath Services et 11 a m and 9 p m., Sunday School at 2:30 p. m, Rev. W. G: Reilly, Mourn. bent. Marstonzs'.r Ontosen,—Sabbath Services at 10:00 a, m and 6;80 11 m, Sunday School at 2:00 p m. Rev. G, 22, Cobble- diok, M A, B D, pastor. ROMAN OATnOLra .Clzonan.---Sabbath Servioe third Sunday in every month, at 10:80 a m, Rev Jopeph Kennedy, priest. SALVATION r . Service at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday and. every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the learraolte, ODD PHLEGMS' Lonov every Thareday evening, in Graham's blook. 111AsoNIo DODOS Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Lotion on let and 8rd Friday evenings of each month, in Blas. hill's block. 0 0 F' LODGE and and last llfonclay eveninge of each month, in Blaehill'e bleak. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in 088 Fellows' Hall. L 0 L 1st Monday in every month In Orange Hall. R' T on T, and and 4th Tuesday's of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall, Sous OD SCOTLAND, 1st and Ord Tues- days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T.M. Lotion, let and 3rd Thurs days of cath mouth, in Vanstone block. Hoon OiuoLe, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in Blashih'e Hall. POST OPPxoie.—Office hours from 8 a. m. to 7 p. M. MECHANICS, INSTITorn.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 3:30 to 5 and 6 to'8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Tows 0ouxolz.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; W M rnekon Robert G raharo R. .H. McCracken, Williams and. S. Wilton, Councillors ; F. S. Soott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Roes, Colleotor, Board meete the let Monday in each month. SonomL Bosun.—Rev,Rose, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr: Grabam, A. Reid and J. N. Kendall ;,, Seo.•Treae., ll, Rose. Meetings and Friday evening in each month. PueLIa SanooL TEACHER. -2. H. Cam. eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Mies Downey and Miss Cooper. BOARD OP REALM—Beers Kerr, Olerk Stott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and 2. N. Kendall. Dr. MaNaughton, Medical Health Offioer. HINTS AND HELPS FOR THE HOME. Clean willow with Balt water. Use ohlorinated soda for ink stains. Wash -colored matting with salt water. Rub out grease on a carpet with earn meal. Whiting and benzine mixed together will Olean marble. Use weak lye, or saleratus w iter, for cleaning paint. Darn thin places in blankets as you would stookinle. Shut a boiler of boiling waterin a room from which the paper is to be removed. A drop of oil and a feather will do away with the creaking in a door or a creaking ohair. Ripe tomatoes will remove ink and other stains from a white cloth ; also from the bands. Take egg stains from silver by rubbing with a wet rag wbiob has been dipped in common table salt. When anything is spilled or boils over on the stove the bad odor may be counter. acted by sprinkling a little salt upon it. In purchasing tanned goods, observe whether the bead of the can is oonaave. A bulging appearance shows deoomposi. tion. Clean braes with hot water, rubbing then ;with a soft oloth and lemon juice, rinse in hot water and polish with a °hameie. A good grease eradicator : Two ounces of ammonia, one ounce of soap shavings, one quart of one water, and one teaspoon- ful of saltpeter. To beat eggs suooeesfully they shonld first be thoroughly chilled. In the Sum- mer time they should be immersed in ice water or plated in the refrigerator a few moments before using. If one wishes to cool a hot dish in a hurry, it will be found that if the dish be placed in a vessel full of sold salt water it will tool more rapidly than if it stood in water free from salt. To make pies or biscuits a-nioe Dolor, moisten the top of them with a little sweet milk just before they are put into the oven. A tablespoon of powdered borax dis- solved in the bath will prove very invig- orating and will soften the water so that it will feel like velvet. e FIGS AND THISTLES. All love asks is the privilege of doing Ile best. If the heart ie wrong, how can the life be right? Sorrow is sometimes God's cure for selfish nese. The Bible does not command anybody to love a hypocrite. If a man ie eelfah, getting married will not cure him of it. To into temptation is to run a will- ing ram ill•ingram with the devil. It is human to err, and human nature to say, 01 told you so." The hands that were nailed to the. erns had no money in them. The devil is the only one helped when a hypoorite joins the church. If a man is a fool to begin with, educe. tion will not help him much. The man who works for God never oomplains that he don't get pay enough. There ie as little mercy in stabbing with a word as there is indoing it with a knife. The devil fights with both hands to keep mea from getting to God with their money. The worst robbers are not those who carry olube. The only reason why a lie looks white in the face is beeatiee it weare•a meek. Tile devil never wastes any time Jo try. Ing to make a di'unilard out of a stingy Mem, The devil don't care much for our pro- genies). Mann 10 afraid of le our praotfde, If we could gain, the whole eat•ble .b would begin to shrink es soon ao we get possession: If the devil is ever proud of lits work it lutist be when he loolce at a bad woman, One reason why Sb, Pout aceompliebed so moth was that he never tried to do anything in his own strsugth. It is hard to understand why love for God in some folks never gets down Jeep enough' to strike the pocket. The man who sits down to wail for gomebody'e old shoes will need a cushion on Iiia olaair before he gets them. Many a man prays the Lord's Prayer everyday who never thinks it worth. wails to try to hurt the devil with his vote. Tho man who rejoices in bas Lord will generally be, found living so that diose who come near him tan also rejoice. If you ars a church member, you aro not helping the Lord any while on a street oar platform with a cigar in your month. IeA'1'l13lalf ole QI010A1 SHIN, Tho father of Samuel Pepys was a tailor, The father of James Mill was a cob. bier. The father of Verne was a day laborer. Oliver Oromwell's father was a brewer. Epiotebus was the eon of a day laborer. Soaratee was the son of a day laborer. Giotto, the artist, was a peasant's eon. Talmo, the actor, was a dentist's son. The father of Plus V. was a shepherd. Sohumann's father was a bookseller. The father of Cowley was a grocer. Charles Lamb was a servant's son. Mozart's father was a book binder. Milton was the son of a copyist. Pope's father was a merchant. Neander's father was a carter. Laoianwas a sculptor's sou. Luci.no^vv. Civic holiday on the 12th. A number of young people spent the Second at the lake. Constable ShoeUotto m of thio village, , has been appointed a County Constable by Judge Barret. The Orangemen of this village and surrounding country celebrate the lath of July at Wingham. James McLean, cattle commission merchant, of Buffalo, spent a day or two in the village last week. Deputy District Grand Master, W. H. Smith, accompanied by the Degree Team and others, of this village, paid an official visit to the Rebekah Degree Lodge at Wingham on Tuesday evening of last week and installed the officers of that lodge for the ensuing term. IDxeter. A. G. Dyer and Hugh Spackman oaught nearly 150 fish with hook and line, in the short space of four hours on Monday. N. D. Burden, who for many years has been connected with the Molsone Bank bare, received word from headquarters of his appointment to the Ridgetown branch as manager. 0. W. Sanders, well known to Exeter people, and who has travelled for John Green & Co., London for eight years, has been presented by bis fellow employees with a handsome locket and monogram and a silver mounted cane. Will. Sutton, who has charge of the engine room at Dyer & Howard's plain - hog mill was laid up last week from ex- oessive heat. Last week, he; with sever. al others of the employes put new shin- gles on Levett's elevator at the depot, and Mr. Sutton went hank to the building Tuesday, witu the horse and orogen to get the unused material, when he sud- denly weakened and fell over. Ile was taken home and medical aid summoned. Wrozaeter. Brien BALL.—The Unions went to the County Town on July 2nd and played a game with the ball tossers of that place. The boys say that the players were as fine a lob of gentlemen as,they ever met on the diamond, but that some of the apeotatore were rather "ratty". The fol- lowing is the score :— UNIONS. RUNS OUTS. Sanderson, 0 4 1 McLaughlin, p. &s.e.... 0 4 A. Paulin, 1st b 1 .......... 8 MoHaady, p. & s. s 1 .......... 3 J. Paulin, 3rd b 2 8 W. Kaake, 2nd b 1 3 J. Hooper, 1. f 1 2 2. J. Sanders, r. f 1 8 A. Kaake, a. f 2 2 30 24 5ODER10E. HUNS OUTS. Maloolmeon, c 0 8 Holmes, Ind b & p 1 3 Creasman, 8rd b 1 2 Koyle, r. f 0 3 Tilt, s.s 0 " 8 Doyle, o.f 0 ...... .. 8 Robertson, 1.-f 1 3 Dalm, let b 1 2 H. Robertson, p & 2nd b 0 2 4 24 Innings -12845678. UNIONS, —10885010.-13. Gonnm's,-00004000.-4. Dr. Ranter, Goderiob, Umpire. Goa•riot. Mee. Oliphant has cold her property here to Wm. Massey. Some thief stole $50.00 out of the safe in the Glasgow House. Geo. Perkins has opened out a watch and jewelry repairing deparbment in this village, Albert and William, sons of Rev. Dr. Oathoart, of Oinoinnatti are at present in town visiting friende. The carpenter's are putting the roof on Mr. Andison'e new brook residence. It will be a handsome place when completed. Ed. Wright, who las been behind the counter in McLaughlin's drug store for the past two yeare, has gone to his home in Woodstock. The Lakelet correspondent saye :—We believe the result of the enterprise takiug the cattle across the Atlantic, proved any. thing but satisfactory to than who par- ticipated. They got the returne this week and are now howling over their toe. SM. They say ib would have been much better to have disposed of them to the buyers. Ono of the boys told tie they got bub very little more por pound than they paid last Autumn. Debt, Baird, au old Howlek' boy, but who bas been living in Qallfornia for the !last ten years, le at present renewing ae- rluamtanoos of his youth here, Min Fanny Shell, wbe hag had obargo of the Gordo poab olliae for over a year, left for her hems in Harriston. The of- fice will in the Ware be under the charge of M1ss Ella Perkins, t.l,istEwa. l2tason's new hotel is lighted by oleo. trioity, Oantelon Broe, Moot bo make the ex. port fruit trade larger than ever this year. The purchase of Mr. Picket's farm, on the hoodoo road, for the County House of llefoge, has been completed, The other day Maxtor Harold Rana. ford shot a maguilicent hawk, which measured over four feet from Gip to tip, Joseph W. Ohidley will continue the fm'nibure end undertaking basinose form, may carried on by his father and himself.. The following teachers from tole, town have just passed bbeir examinations at the Toronto Normal Sohool :—Mieseo Leelie, Riobardson, H. J, and Holmes. '1'he members of the T, 0. G. T. order attended the Rattenbury St. Methodist ahnroh in a body on Sunday evening, when a special temperance sermon was proaohed by the pastor of the ohuroh, Rev. J. W. Holmee. On the morning of the 1st a most un- fortunate accident happened to a fine mare owned by Dr. Gunn. While being ridden around it stumbled and fell, breaking its leg just above the fetlock joint. It woe one of his metaled sorrel team, and it is useless now so far sue driving is oonosrned. The other clay an aged lady named Boles, who resided with Wm. Steep, slip- ped on the floor and dislocated her hip joink The shook was evidently more than she ovoid stand, for although quite healthy and rugged in other respects, she died on Saturday evening, aged 90 yarns. The remains were taken East for Inter. went. She was formerly a Miss Mo. Gee, of Goderioh township. G -ode rich. A flight of steps has been erected from the end of Wellington street down to the Bler, opposite Capt. 4• Baxter's boat house. The baso season has .opened again. The public are warned against having fish lees thou 10 inches long in their pos- session. A large number of visitors took advan- tage of the fine bathing surf and the ex- cellent a000mmodation of the bathing house on Dominion Day. The Royal will henceforth be the name of the old time International Hotel, Kingston street, which is now under the management of D. Carry. Geo. Guest and Miss Annie Ferguson were out on the lake canoeing on the and, and in some manner the Draft upset. George swam to the canoe and then push. ed ft towards Mise Ferguson, and both held on until a row boat near by oame to their rescue. Some five weeks ago W. Haacke, of Goderioh township, noticed that his driv- ing horse had a oat below the bindles, and supposed bloat it was where the ani• mal bad been kieked by one of the other animals when running in the pasture, but as the horse did not go lame a lotion was applied and the animal was worked right along. Latterly the ;vound had healed up all but a slight aperture from which matter continued to exude, and last week Haacke drove to town with the injured animal to get the professional opinion of the veterinary. On examin- ation it was found that a piece of wood, apparently off a rail, about 9 lathes long, had been driven some fourteen inches in- to the muscles of the hip, and after an incision of five inches had been made the doctor succeeded iu extracting the wood in three pieoes. Canadian Newts. The recount in ;Kingston gives Dr. Smythe the seat by one vote.. %Harry Corby was the only candidate for the Commons nominated for West Hastings at Belleville. FrankVesquesney tried to hang himself with his suspenders in the Chatham jail Saturday, but the suspenders broke. A Duluth hotel man has wired to Port Arthur for fresh meat for hie guests, sup- plies having been out off by the railroad strike. The Dominion tendered a reoeption to the Imperial and colonial delegates on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, which was a brilliant affair. George Boyoe, a young man, son of the night webohmanof the House of Com- mons, was drowned while bathing in the Ottawa river. The Government, on the request of the O. P. R. 00., has dedided to have an offi- cial enquiry as to freight rates in Mani- toba and the North-west territories. W. Hyslop, of Toronto, the well-known bioyolist, was married last week in Wood- stock to Mise Madge, daughter of the mil- lionaire, W. 0. McLeod, of that town. The Newfoundland Methodist Confer. ence has passed a resolution depreciating the political diabnrbanoes and advising the people to fear God, honor the Queen, and respect constituted authority. Few medicines have held their ground so successfully as Ayer's Cherry Pector- al. During the past fifty years, it has been the moat popular of all enngh tures and the demand for it to -day is greater than ever before. Prompt to aot and sure to cure. The cable steamer Faraday anchored off Oape Oanso, N. S., last week, having completed the third Atlantio cable for the Oommeroial Cable Company. The Faraday was engaged only 20 days in lay- ing the entire cable. REEu.IIATIsn Qrltnp IN A DAL—South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically three in 1 to 8 days. Its aotiml upon the system ie remarkable and mysterious. 12 re- moves at once the pause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 oenbs, Warranted by G. A. Deadman. There is a friend for you :—In the struggle of life, when you ate buffeted by the waves of adversity, with what thank - (ulnas you grasp the band held out to save. The stok headaohe wears the lifers. way. It paralyzes energy. It unfits for effort or conquest. A dull melancholy possesses mind ant. heart. Ambition flags. The world has no longer a single joy. Stark's powders are the friend in need. The headache vanishes like the mast before the Min. For neuralgia and biliousness they are an equally positive and marvellous aura. 25 cents a box, Mies Jessie K, Mauro left Peterboro' last week for To uo, Japan, to reenme bar mission work, frbtn wblob she had been. reabing for year, Dy an explosion of dynamite last emelt on the steamer genii at NorthThomeon, fifteen tnilee north of •Kamloops, D. 0., Ave persons were killed, Sir John and Lady Thompson and Wil- ily will spend the summer at "Sans Sou. di," Lbs summer liouse of Senator San ford on Lain Rousseau. The two lade O'Reilly and Richard. son, mentioned as Missing were killed by lightning in the Exhibition Park,Toronbo, On Monday, during the school games, Their bodies were found in the park. MEANT DISEASE R1ooIcVEn IN 80 MIN. oTES.—A11 one of organic orsympatbetio heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and quioirly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. Ous dose oonvinoee, Sold by G. A. Deadman. Ed. Owens, of Parker, is a happier man to -day than the suooeseful podia. mentary oandidates, the cause being that his wife has presented him with triplets, 8 boys—just think of it 1 Mr. Owens is over 00 years old and his wife is over 44. To prevent pale and delicate children from lapsing into chronic invalids later in life, they should babe Ayer's Sarsapar- illa together with plenty of wholesome fooa and outdoor exercise. What they need to build up the system is good red blood. Arrangements are now about complet- ed for the special revival services to be beld in Parry Sound by Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, oommanoiog Jely 16th. While these meetings are being held, all the boat lines running into Parry Sound have agreed to carry passengers at single rate. A Boos To Honsrtarix.—One bottle of Bnglieh Spavin Liniment completely re- moved a ourb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it acts with mysterious prompbneas in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, eweeny, stifles and sprains, GEo. Roan, farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by G. A. Deadman. Fred. Kier, aged 14 years, son of Geo. Kier, Oampbellford, was killed about 8 o'clock Thursday afternoon in bis unole's custom larding woollen mill, by being caught in the belting while oiling g and whirled round and round the shaft. He was horribly mangled, every bone in his body being broken and his skull torn off. Young Kier was a quiet, well-bshaved boy and was highly esteemed by all. A Preston man named Smith, was rob- bed of $35 at Cook & Whitby's circus at Berlin Thursday afternoon of last week. Two men approached him and asked for the change of a $10 bill. He took out a roll of 235 and was about to extract the change when one of the men grabbed the money and made off. Tbe other fellow professed deep sympathy with the viotim and told him to sit down while he went for the polite. He went away and never came back. Smith informed the polios and the detectives are on the case. RELIEF is Six Horne.—Distressing kid- ney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South Amerioan Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages' in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain iu passing it almost im. mediately. If you want quick relief and Dura this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. I'HE COOK'S E3EST FRIEND I.AIGEOT SALE IN CANADA. LAME ! LIME To those who Intend Building. Having built a Lime House at the Sta- tion I will keep a supply of the Best Fresh Lime for Sale suitable for all Building purposes. Also WHITE BRICK And Plastering Hair for Sale. D. A. Lowry. BRUSSELS. GOOD NEWS V S — FOR THE— Miss McPherson, the City 1\Ii11iu- er, desires to clear out her whole stock of Summer 1Yi11inery And for that Reason has Com- menced a Cost P ice Sale to which every Lady is Invited. Big Bargains 117 all Lines. Save money by purchasing your Millinery from Miss ]/Icrhersont PEBaysoo HALLIDs:'S Store. Saved Her Life. Mrs. 0..7. Woor,Drmou, of Worthen.), Texas, saved the life of leer ohild by the use of Ayer% Cherry Pectoral. '!One of my children load Croup. The ease was attended by our physician, and was supposed to be well under control. Ono night I was startled by the child's hard ba11eaRRthinIggC, and on going to it found it Strati. IRealizi • that the nearly l ld'O alarming condition laid become possible in spite of the medicines bIvan, I reltsonsrl that Ruth remedies would eef no avail. Ravin part of a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pect0ra010 the house, I gave the oltlid three doses, at short Intervals, and anxiously waited results. From themoment the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing grew ggquietly'and breathing naturally. The cid is allvo and well tomboy, and I dvo not hesitate to say that Ayer's Cherry Pee. torsi saved her life." APER' Cheirk Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 0Co., Lowell, lOote. R ompttoact,Sd!retocure White a' +' 144o. ItQY',ti. HI1114 $1160XSIIIPS. !Between New York and Liverpool, vie queonstawn, every wed:weeny. As the steamore of Chia lino Dairy only a etriotly limited snooker Ito the bluer and MONO OA0IN aaeemnlodatlgna, fabending passeugora aro rootrido4 that an early al,. plication for berths is neaeasary ab this Sea' SOIL 1'Or 0000, rates, eta, apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. McLEOD'w System Renav tev 10000 01111:01 -- TESTED Ii,E'IEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and. Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate, - tiros of the Heart, Liver Otmplaant, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Broochitie, Oon. sumption, Gall Stonee, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility, LABORATORY GODERICH,' ONT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Sold by J. T. PEPPER, Druggist, Brussels. Bhh1le1s! Pliotograiilier, Has just received from Toronto, a Life Size Portrait Camera, lar- gest ever been in these parts, so will supply the public with some- thing extra nice in Photos. There is nothing nicer than a picture of this kind to decorate your homes. Groups of Every Description Taken on shortest notice, also views of Private Residences, Public Buildings, Pic-nic Parties, Etc. We are second to none and in- tend to keep right up to date in the Photo. line. Every size pos- sible taken, from the small Sunbeams to Life Size. Pictures Copied and Enlarged to any Size • 7,72 Crayon. Give us a Call—Always Welcome at the old Reliable Studio over the Standard Bank, CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. Established 1871. Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 Gain for 1892, - 2,000,000 W. C. IOACOONALit. .001uaR•)'. Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 New Insurance, 3,670,000 Gain over 1891, - 750,000 THE NEIL VNOONDITIONA-ACCVMVLATIVE POLICY Is11isned Only by the Confederation Life Association. rIt is absolutely free from all restrictions as to residence, travel and occupation from the date of issue. is entirely void of all conditions. k 'It is absolutely and automatically non.forfeitabie, after two years. The insured being entitled to (a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the further period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid Up Polity, the amount of which is written fn the policy, or after five years, toga (e) Oath value, as guaranteed in the polity. President, Hon. Sir W.P. Howland, 0.B., M.0.111.0. W. 11. KERR, Agent at Brussels. Managing Director, • J. K. Macdonald. At the LI TOW L i Woollen. Facto y Ba F. BROOK OOK & SON Pay the Highest Market Price, Cash or Trade, In exchanging goods for wool, we will pay a Few Cents Above The Market Price, guaranteeing to sell our goods at rook bottom oath prices. Come with your friends and see our tremendous stock in all tines of Our stook is open for inspection, and is the beat selected stook ever shown by any Woollen Faotory in Canada. 11110 not fail to tall and see for yourselves our Fine Grey Flannels at 25o, per yard that will not shrink in washing. We have made lop a special lino of all Wool Tweeds at 40a. per yard. Something never before shown for the money. Roll Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing, Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, &c, Done on short notice and beat of work guaranteed. Parties from a distance San rely on getting their rolls home the same day. Would advise to hand pick all woof for roll carding, and you will be sure to gel good rolls. All we ask is for you to diva tis a trial. We deal honestly with everybody and you will find us always ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all, B. F. BROOK ck S©iN t P, S.—Beware of peddlare. We understand they are using our name to make sales. Put them down as frauds of the 'worst laud. We allow no peddlare t0 sell our goods.