HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-6-29, Page 8'OCi GQ �� G1;T Wilt reserved seatoor the worts ° o g 1 Taro Willgllatn Advanta' says t —T. B. Our guaranteed Pure Eng- lish Paris Green Will be found the best, 25e, per bottle. We on Supply as Follows :— Tauglefoot, Wilson's Fly Poison Felts, Davis' Poison Pads, Shoo Fly Paper, Insect Powder, Our Ingot Powder is guaranteed Pure and is Made from closed flowers whioh is found the best, G. A. DEADMAN:, Druggist, Bookseller, &o, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North nd South, as follows: eorsa SOUTH. GOING. NORTH, Mail 0:64 a.m, Mixed Express 11:60 a.m. Mail 8:19 p,m, 9.46 Allxed 9:00 p.n. Express 0:40 p.m, cryC.i' .1 (4' tvs aftelns. A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent•it. Tint weather has been very warm. Doa'T miss the convert next Monday evening. Acme your friends to Brussels for Monday next. Corm to Brussels next Monday and en. joy the sports. "SARANAc" won third money at the Hamilton races last week. SOME talk of organizing an Order of Chosen Friends iu Brussels. Hans Agnes Knox, Harry Rich and the orchestra, Town Hall next Monday even. ing. &. wznnixo is on the tapis in which a former Brusselite will return to town for his bride. A Xovxe daughter bas been added to the home of W. B. Dickson, of Langdon, Dakota, formerly of Brussels. Jona D. RoNALn's assessment on the foundry was reduced $3,000 at the Court of Revision last Monday evening. A BRIEF report of the General Assem- bly of the Presbyterian church may be read on page li of ibis iseue of THE Poop, Masses. TAILOR & S iLLIE have 1'e - moved their grocery to tbe Graham block, in the store where Good Bros. had their boots end shoes. The new hook and ladder truck for Prescott has received the finishing touch- es from the painters and looks quite gay. It was manufactured by J. D. Ronald. Ssecroi. Tjaros.—The freight trains will' be cancelled on Monday next end passes): ger trains substituted. The night train will not leave Brussels until 10:15 o'clock thereby enabling the visitors to take in the concert. Aaioxa the freight received at Brussels station this week was three cars of coal for B. Gerry ; a car of tile for Harry James and a tile machine for the Walton tile hard. A new coal house was erected this week in the station yard by B. Gerry. HARMONY CLI:D.—A Harmony Club has been organized in town. It starts with the following members :—'1',A. Hawkins, Conductor ; Alex. Ross, Piano ; T. A. Hawkins, Phone harp and mouth organ ; W. A. McLean and A. Elingeton,Guitare; Geo. Halliday, D. McDonald, N. Large and 13. Davies, Mouth organs. They make their first appearance' at W. F. Vanstons's garden party this (Friday) evening. TUESDAY was a very quiet day and everybody waited with more or less in- terest for the closing of the poll and the result of the voting. The Liberals had a special wire put into the Town Hall and in the minable hands of A. Conley full reports were received in good time. Wben it was ascertained that Mr. Gibson was safe a mighty cheer went up for East Huron, only surpassed by the news of Sir Oliver's 600 in Oxford. About 11 p. m. a number of the youth of Brussels indulged in a torobligbt procession and two or three bonfires. Sky rockets, fire- crackers, &a., added to this celebration of a great Provincial victory. EPwanTA LEAGUE.—Last Monday even• ing the program at the Epworth League was "What and why we read 0" It eon. slated of the following ;—Reading, "Flor- ence Nightingale's first patient," Miss Jennie Howe "What and why I read, Miss Mimi. Turnbull ; reading, "A. dia. mond in the rough," Miss Minnie Ma - Naughton ; duetts, Auto -harp and organ, Misses Florence Hunter and Mise Mina Turnbull ; address, Favorite authors, Rev. G. H. Cobblodiok, B.D., ; reading A boy's idea of Henry 8th, Chairman. The League meeting will be saitbdrawn next Monday eveuiug. CONGRATULATORY. — Last Wednesday evening a score or more of Young Liber- als of Brussels drove over to Wroxeter and joined in celebrating the grand vic- tory of Thos. Gibson, RI. P. P., at the residence of that gentleman. There was a large company present, Howiok, Turn• berry, Grey, Morris and Wroxeter being eepresented. Joseph Cowan was voted to the chair and after a short, pitlly speech introduced a varied program of moeia and impromptu addresses. Those taking part were Meesre. Irwin, Gorrie ; 'Gibson, Fordwiah ; Monroe and Miller, Wroxeter; Kendall, MaCraoken, Cam- aro, Blair, Sinclair awe Kerr, Brussels, 'and the honored M. P. 1'. Solos were 'well sung by W. M. Sinclair, and W. A. McLean and the Liberal Glee Club, of Brassele. Mrs. Gibson and Miss Miller presided et the piano. An abundant supply of provisions was dispene. ed after which a hearty vote of thanks was given the genial hoot and hoetees and the company separated after singing "Auld Lang Syne." It was a very en• joyable evening and quite a fitting mese to the campaign and big majority gored. Mr. Gibson was in his happieet mood and made a very euitable address expressing his thanks for the good work -dine and gave two solos. Swarta will start hie little pager "Brie Girl" at )3rneeele on duly 2nd. Dssaztu,-.•-The Saivabiott Artily le lien. iug a Dinner in the Barracks onJifonday, July2nd, Tickets 26 vents, All will be welcome, Holm MM.—Single faro bpckets will be issued on the G. T, 12, to.alipointo in. Canada, good to go on Saturday, 90th inst., and return on July 3rd, DINNEm will be served in Maitland Rink, adjoining the Park, by the ladies of the Methodiet ohnl'olt, on July and, Tables will be arranged to seat 400 at a time, MESSRS, COCHRANE eQ' Wei:LI CON have m'e'ted a substantial platform along the front of their lot for the purpose of die - playing their stook of monuments, head stones, &c, EVERY buei'ness man should Make all effort to decorate his plane of business next Monday. Haug out Minting, flags and the like and give the town a holiday appearance. GARDEN PARTY,—T110 Christian I7ndea^ vor Society of St. John's church, Brus- sels, intend giving a garden party 'tbie evening (Friday) on thelawn of F, Van. stone, Excellent program. A DANpl,—The illuebrated Trade Edition of the Guelph Mercury did credit to both oily and publishers. The engray. ings were excellent and true to life and the matter was well written. Toronto has not turned out anything better. LAST Sunday's wind storm was a severe one. It blew out the whole front of D. Ewan's blacksmith shop, took off about 30 feet of roof from the fax mill and damaged several other buildings. Shade trees also Buffered, probably a dozen be- , fog broken. MEMBERS of the Ancient Order of Un- ited Workmen will be interested in learn- ing that the decision of the Grand Lodge of Ontario to issue certificates for $1,000 as well as for 92,000, bas been disapprov ed of by the Supreme Lodge in cession in San Franoieoo. Dram—Wednesday of last week Mrs. Jno. Gillbard, sister to Samuel Smale, Brussels, passed away at the home of her daughter, at Peterboro', aged 59 years. She was visiting Mr. Smale last Fall and contracted la grippe on the home trip resulting as above indioated. EvEirTaINo points to a very sucoessful demonetratioa at Brussels next Monday under the auspices of the Canadian Order of Foresters. Football, lacrosse, athletic sports, water fight, epeeobee, brass bands and big concert should present variety and attraction to suit the large crowd expected. Come and enjoy the day. Amino Couar.—The usual sittings of the 4th Divi -ion Court, Huron, was held in the To" n Hall, Brussels, on June 27%, 1894. Judge Doyle presiding. The following cases were on the list :—Barr ve, Wilson.—Adjourned. Randall & Roos vs. Hamer, a garnishee case after judg- ment.—Also adjourned. Adams & 00. et al vs. Hamer, an interpleader issne on order for new trial.—Adjourned. Jack- son vs. Yuill, action for wages alleged to be due.—The plaintiff, a youth, and one of Dr. Baruardo'e portegeee, pleaded his own case, the defendant also arguing his aide of the matter, finally resulting in a judgment by tbe Judge against defendant for some $40.00 and coats. Several Judgment summonses were adjourned till next Court. EDuoA'rroxAL.—Bruesele Public school closed on Wednesday for the Sommer vacation.—Last Spring Principal Camer- on offered a book to the pupil in the Primary Department making the highest average in the term in connection with the monthly examinations. Violet Coop- er was the winner. Mr. Cameron will repeat the offer for the Fall term.—Five candidates are writing on the Oommercial course hare this week and will complete their work at Wingham on Tuesday of next week. -18 pupils of Brussels Public school are writing for the Entrance ; 11 for Leaving and 5 for 3rd 'lass certifi• catee. 88 candidates in all are toning the music at Brussels. Mr. Sbillinglaw, of Hallett, and Principal Cameron are in charge. Tam Exeter Advocate says :—A very peculiar iastence in whish Rev. E. W. Hunt is the unfortunate loser of 980 took plane on Friday last. It seems the good gentleman went to Wm. Soutbcotb's tailoring establishment for the purpose of ordering a suit of clothes and while Mr. Sonthcott was taking his measure for the pants he (ietc. Hunt) took his wallet con- taining 980 from his hip pocket and laid it on the desk, and in some way when leaving forgot to take it. On his return to the store abont three o'clock in the af- ternoon, he inquired of Mr. Sonthcott concerning the lost treasure, bat strange to say he knew nothing of it or how it bad disappeared. It is very -peculiar in- deed ae it was half -past eleven when Mr. Haut was there and Mr. Sonthcott says he was writing on the desk before twelve, However it is hoped it will turn up and be restored to the loser. Loom vs. Cray TRADE.—Many merchan• to in towns and villages . feel very much chagrined and disappointed when they see their fellow townsmen sending daily to "the oity" for drygoode, books, instead of pabrouiziug the men who are the mainstay of their town. It is ex. ceedingly lamentable to see a consaienti- oue, upright merchant in a email town doing his best to give the people in bis vicinity a chance to inspect a foal range of the season's novelties, and then when they had fully inspected his stook, gob a general idea of what they ought to buy, they send for samples from "the city," and finally order from there. We do nob proclaim that "to the local victor belongs the spoils," but we do maintain that the people of a town are fallowing their own best interests when they patronize their home trade. Every store in a town pays a certain amount of rent, taxes, gas bills, etc,, and the wages of employer and em- ployee will amount to a snug sum every year. Another store occupied increases the prioe of real estate. Another store and one or two houses oeenpied means less taxes on other property. Another store occupied and competing for trade means' an increased number of visitors rural and civic, and an inoreasod 'iron• Whin of money in this and a dozen dif- ferent ways. The merchants of a town aro its baokbons. Take them out of any town and in three months it will be as dead ae the proverbial "door nail." They are the eap of the town, and give it actiy. ity and life. One live merchant is worth ninety.nine retired farmers. Merchants talk up the town ; they draw manufa°. torero into itthey draw residents ; they invest money in it ; they help it in a thousand ways.—From the May Dns Goons REv1Ew (Toronto and Montreal.) ' .IiE BRUSSELS 13i10e981r,e BAens,---Rxoiytlling is ready for Monday. A, roof IMO been put on the grand stand, and a plated fano built along the home stretoh, The entrance to Park on Monday will be at the "Os'ysbsl Palace." There ore 7 entries for the three Minato trot, And a number of liorees booked for the two 'tiler eyenta, All will 0 b l3nussune,—T11e following card to Metiers, Taylor & Smillie, of this town, goes to show how muole some people are inclined to Interfere with bite business of utbers. The monocular gentleman refer- red to le probably of Lietowel, a brother baker, who..direobed interfered ;— Guelph, Jeune 28rd,'04, Gentlemen.—We received your lebterof the 18th and draft all right, thanks for same, when you write agaip,let us know flow many loaves to semi you on the 30th of June as there will not be any made en Monday the and of J uly, We had your One eyed baker here ou Thursday lot. He came in to give us a setting out about ehippfng bread to Brussels, but we gave Mtn such a bluff, he was soon looking for the door, no doubt wishing that he had not ooms in. Yours truly, Hmr. Boa, City Bakery. People We Know, Mrs. Watson Ainley is ill. • Mrs. W. M, Sinclair is visiting at Windsor, Rev. J. Law, of Belgrave, was in town on. Monday. H, J. Strong ie visiting relatives in the Queen city. Mise Downey will visit at Listowel, Fergus and Guelph, Thos. Bradwell, of Clifford, was in Bruseels last Friday. J. A. Stewart, of the Standard Bank, spent Sunday in Toronto. James Walker was on the slot list last weep, his heart troubling him. Dr. Gibson, Ohapleau, was visiting in Brussels for a few days this ween, R. Leatherdale and wife, and H. Den- nis and wife spent Sunday with friends at Seaforth. Mies A Wynn and Mies Maggie Stew- art, of Blaevale, were visiting in Brus- sels last week. Miss 3511a Tindall, of Manchester, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs, Hoare, in Brussels, Mrs. James Blashill has gone on a vis- it to her former home in Ypsilanti, Mich. where she expecte to spend a month. fell.e 13raden will take a trip down the Fr. )saw,. ace during her holidays. Miss Minnie Moore will likely accompany her. Frank Stretton, of Sohriber, is visit- ing hie parents and other relatives in this locality. The West evidently agrees with biro. Mrs. Frank LeBon, of Chatham, is visiting in town. She says Mr. LeBon has been very poorly since removing from Brussels. Rev. W. Baugh, of Auburn, formerly of Walton, called on a few of his old friends in Brussels last Tuesday, while en ronte to Trowbridge. Mrs. I. C. Richards, Master Percy, and Mies Lnoy Hoare attended the marriage of Mies Ida Winmill and S. Lentensoh- layer, both of Manchester, on Wednesday. On Wednesday of last week J. W. Har- vey, formerly in Stroller's store, Bras. eels, was united in msrriage to Miss Har- riet M. Hopkins, of Grand Haven, Mich - ;gat). Rev. W. E. Herr, wife and son, spent a few days in town while on their way to their new charge at Wroxeter. They drove from Thamesford where Mr.. Kerr has been stationed for the pastthree years. Mrs. Leppard, of Toronto, who is visit- ing her parents and who is well-known to the people of Brussels, has kindly con. seated to take Prof. Hawkins' plane at the piano at the Grand concert next Monday evening. He has other fish to fry. We are pleased to notice that Miss Kate Ricbardson, formerly of Brussels, has passed a successful examination at the Sobool of Pedagogy, Toronto, and may now teach as assistant in High School work holding a 1st 'lass certificate. We congratulate Miss Richardson on her success. CitUl1UH CHf11G':. St. John's Sabbath Scoot picnic next Tuesday. Regular services in Melville church next Sabbath, as the pastor is home from St. John. Next Sabbath evening a Praise service will be given in the Methodist obnroh. The pastor's subject in the morning will be "The vision of Joshua." Capt. Rowe, of Wharton, has been an. pointed to Brussels in connection with the Salvation Army. Mrs. Rowe and son have nob come yet. Capt. Malyon has gone to Wingham and Lieut. Parker will boom the natio at Wiarton. A special meeting of Maitland Presby- tery resbytery will be held at Wingham on Saar - day to consider the Bslgravecongregation difficulty. Mrs, Lima Ross' missionary addreee in Knox church on Thursday evening of last week was an excellent one and was very attentively listened to. She dealt large- ly with the Indore Miseion, India, and presented many interesting facts. Rev. Mr. Cobblediok also gave a short address on the missionary enterprise. The past. or, Rev. D. Millar, ocacpied the chair. Good music was supplied by the ohoir, A. Strontium leader. Business Locals. ONLY 3 more days. See Good Bros. ad t. of page 4, Wool wanted at Brussels woollen mill. Highest price in cash or trade. Fon single harness cheap and durable come to us. I. 0. Richards. Minx pane, milk pails and strainers of the beet quality at Ballantyne& Wilton's. Amami & VexsxoNE have opened out a flour and feed store at Baeker'g old stand, Bowels. WOOL WANTEoi.—Highest price paid for all kinds of wool delivered at our flour and feed store. Baeker & Vanetone. A rur,L stock of oreamery Dane and milk cane of the very best material and workmanship at Ballantyne & Wilton's. 10 puma galvanized pails, japanned, 8 for 25o,, regular price 30o each, Only a few dozen on band, and can't be re. placed for double the money. Ballantyne & Wilton. Bog asueT Go.—Potato liug poison us. ed dry. No water wanted. Perfect ore for fly on turnips and the best far• tilizer in the market. For sale at 13, Ger'ry's. OST: S '4tN"D4.R.D 194Anir OF C4,NI4Z1r41, Oars T.e.Z3'M SS ,T.Z= 1-07P. , HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSTITS, (Seven Million Dollars) $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) $2,000,009 Agan; c ice in ail principal points in Ontario, Qusbco, Elided l e6a, UJoritc<l Statos d' Eta ff iayt d, A General Banking Business' Transacted, Farmers' Notes ,Discounted.' Drafts Issued'and Collections made on all points,. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of inn and upwards from date of deposit tb date of withdrawal and compounded ;ball yearly. SPEOUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO 1.11E Oo nnou;ON oy FARMERS' SALE, NOTES, Avery faoiliby afforded Castomere living at a distanos. J, A. STEWART, Mamma. GTILLIES & X"1' y BANICERS, B1)USS.ELS, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United Status and Great Britain. FARMAt2S NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPEOIALTY S.2 PLY i° HAM DEIVEMEAT. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Prinoipal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We effect to write insurance in old English or Canadian 'ConIpaniee, ey In Mut. mil Companies as nosy be desired. AGENTS FOR CANADA AND 'UNITED STATES : .TIIE CANADIAN BANE OF OOMM$aoE. Joer received one oar Manitoba Patent Flour. Backer & Vanetone. Hloaesn price paid for any quantity of good wool. Hovis & Co. Brussels WE are sbipping live bogs next Tilos- any, 3rd July, parties baying any to sell see us. poker & Vanstone. CABBAGE plants, early and late, cauli- flower and tomatoe plants now ready. Celery in season. A fine collection of house and bedding plants, new varieties at T. Helly'e,Brussels. 44.4 WELL•DIeente AND Dmrrme.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed bo attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et„ Brussels, 34-tf C. O. F.—For the next three months speoial inducements will be offered by Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, C. 0. F., Brussels, to any person desiring to become a member of that Order,'the in- itiation fee being reduced during that time. As this is one of the leading In- surance and Beneficiary Societies in the country people should take advantage of this offer. For full information ap- ply to A. BEID, 0. R. ; A. Homi,Io, F. 5. ; W. BLASHILL, Treas. BAsoAme IN WALL PATER. -2,000 rolls of beautiful American Wall Papere just to hand, bought at lees than 60o on the dollar. Don't listen to clap -trap but come right along and choose at your own pride. Elegant gilts at 10c, 15e, 20c and 26a, formerly sold from 30c to 60c. All papers hung perfectly at 10o. Come all and come quick, for they won't last. W. Roddick. C;a,sastali,tn News - Saturday eveiiing's storm did consider able damage to Drops and fences in the neighborhood of Whitby. A large water main has lately been laid into the Court House grounds, Goderich, and connections made with the buildings and fountains, The Hurons of Seaforth defeated Galt by 1 goal to 0 in a final game of the home series of the Western Football Amato. - tion at Seaforth on Saturday. Waterloo Chronicle:—A farmer was up before our local magistrate tbo other day for weighing himself with a load of bay and lined 91 and costs. The difference in weight an the load was 250 pounds. Maj. Wagstaff, of Gosfleld, one of the most widely known men in Essex, died on Saturday afternoon after a long ill- ness. The deceased had bald a number of municipal positions and at one time was a very prominent politician. Rev.. J. A. Morrison, of Listowel, who has accepted a Call to Toronto, will con - clot communion servioe and preach his farewell on July lst, and Rev. A. Hen- derson, M. A., of Atwood, has again been appointed Moderator of the T,ietowel congregation until it succeeds in getting another minister. The Town of St. Mary's offers a reward of $500 for the arrest and conviction of the party or parties, who, on the evening of the 19th June last, eet fire to the store of J. Ready on Queen street Sib Mary's. The Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany have promised an additionalreward of $200 for the same purpose. Geo: Fidler had twelve sheep strayed away, and some unprincipled scoundrel put them in Rolit. Hawke's mill office, Elms, where they were penned np with• out food or water for eight days, When Mr. Fisher got word of them tba poor animals were nearly dead with starvation. Two of the twelve bad in the meantime been let loose, but were subsequently found near by. HORN CoTmlmRTeoN.—In Atwood, on Juno 1518, the wife of Mr. Geo. Cuthbertson of a daughter. Tmxba. CABNoouAN.—In Grey, on June 24th,1804, John Carnoohan,aged 60 years and 29 days. INGnera.—In Grey, on June 2618, Mar- garet, wife of G. 0. Ingram, aged 44 years, LoORnART.—In Lietewel,'on the 16th inet, Jas. Richard, son of Joseph Lookhart, aged 33 yeare and 4 months. Gramala .—At the residence of herdaugh• ter, Mrs. Salisbury, Peterboro', on June 21st, Amelia, beloved wife of John Gillbard, aged 69 years. LONDON ENo., CARL&;—"Supplies have been excessive the past week, The wee,. flier is 'hot and the cattle trade very bad. At Liverpool and London the extreme top price has been 5d ; mined shipments, 40. Clearance is impossible,. Toon, JUNE 20th,—Flour—Straight roller, 92.70 to 92.90 ; extra, 92.40 to 92; 60.—Wheat—White, 590to 60c ; spring, 60c ; red winter, 590 to 60a ; goose, 570 ; No. 1 Manitoba bead, 74o No. 2. 70o • winter whnat on the northern, 59c to 60e. Peas —540 to 65o. Barley, xo. 1, 54o to 46o ; feed 890 to 41o. Oats, 87o to 38s ; Corn -62o. EAiT BUFFALO, Jnue 26, Cattle—No fresh arrivals ; market steady for good, handy Cattle ; slow for the poorer grades. Sheep and lambs—Not enough here to make a market ; bot little demand pre. wailed ; prices are quotably eteady. Hogs—eceipts, light ; 6 oars on sale • market strong for good, medium and heavy weigbte, ar yesterday's prisms ; Yorkers, $5.30 to 95.3 ; medians $6.30 to $5.35 ; heavy ends, good. 94.75 to $5 ; pigs 96.25 to $5.40. as m mm9I m sax..eawamcaaers, Fall Wheat 55 57 Spring Wheat 58 56 Barley 35 88 Peas 62 53 Oats 84 35 Butter, tubs and rolls13 14 Eggs per dozen7 00 Flour per barrel 3 00 3 50 Potatoes 40 50 Hay per ton 5 00 6 00 Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 00 00 Hides trimmed 3 Hides rough .. 1l5 2 Sheep skins, each 60 00 Lamb skins each 15 00 Apples per bbl., 1 60 1 75 Wool, 16 17 Pork, Live 4 00 4 25 THE PEOPLE'S COI,IJI1 . !.LOUD YOUNG COW FOR l7l Sale. Newly calved. Enquire at TUE year. CLOVER HAY.—WILL PAY cash, when cut and delivered for about Inv, aoree of clover ll, or olovor and timothy.' Apply at once to G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist .& Bookseller. HAY CUTTING.—THE SUB– sows= has 8 or 4 acres of beaver meadow bay that he yenta cut, either on shares or for cash. Apply at osoe. Ray can be stacked on farm if desired. 1 have also a 4 yedr old filly for Bale. ADAM SCOTT, 00- 4th line, Morris. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that ally -law was passed by the Mun- icipal Council or the Corporation of the Vil- lage of Brassele on the Met day of Olay, A. D.1804, providing for the lime of Deben- tures to the amount of 95,000 for the purpose of raising by way of loan the sum of 56,000 to redeem Debentures of the Corporation falling due on the 1st day of June, A. D. 1804, and that such 19 y -law was passed by author- ity of 51 Victoria Chapter 45, Revised Sta- tutes- of Ontario, and that such By-law was registered in the Registry °Moe of the Coun- ty of Huron on the !twenty-third day of May A.D. 1804. Any motion to quash or set aside the same, many part thereof,must be made within three months from the date of Regis- tration and cannot he made thereafter. Dated the 1211i day of June 1094. 48.3 P. S. f300TT, Cleric. MEDICAL CARDS. JA. MoNAUGIiTON, M. D. •. U.M., L.R,U.P., Edinburgh, M.0, P. S. Ont. liesidoueo and office in Wilson's Bleak, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste. JM. ARMSTRONG, M. D • Physician, Surgeon, Accouch , oto. Graduate of Toronto IImveroity A edioal 1'aaulty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont, 087181011—Noxi door to McDonald & 00„ Walton Ont. Notice to Creditors. Pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario, 3887. Chap. 115, notice is hereby given that all persona having any claim or demand against the estate of John Rlbohie, late of the Toweehip of. Grey, in the County of Huron, who died on the 205 day of May, 1894, are required to send or deliver tothe under- signed, the Executors of the estate of 0545 deceased on or before the Lille Bay of July, 3894„ full parti0ulare of their Malmo, with their names and addressee, and take notice that after the said 18th day of JulyY, 1894, the Amid Monitore will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deemed among the per - eons untitled thereto, having regard only to the Malmo of which notice shall have been Rfyon and said Executors will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof eo distri- buted, to any person of whose claim notion shall not have been received at the time of sash distribution. DAVID dAMPBELL, 'PHOS, McFAD19AN, f Iixeenbore,, 50.8 Walton P. O. Jtr,_E 29, 1894 alisacamiesionammaysosainains Flies and bunts ! Sticky Fly Paper, Fly Pads and Pure Dalmatian Lased Rowdel•, , Best White 'Hellebore Paris' Green Pepper's Drug Store, LEGAL AND cONVEYAI1CM. JL, TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solleitorand Conveyancer, (lollop. Mons made, Uhf's—Vanstona'sBloog, Stro- mlo. 21-3m. ' T NI, SINOLATR, • SoAoitor Ooliyeyaneor NoteryPub- Ilo, &o, ' efts- 'tel,one's piook 1 door north 4f Central Hotel, 'Private Ffunds to Loan, OAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Puglia, Godoxioh, Ont. It, O^ OADtEn0N, Q. 0., PIIILIP HOLT, OTJDLEY SEMLMES. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER„ • Solloitor, &o, (late- of Garrow & Proudfoot's Office, Godorlch.) Moo oyer Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. - 47 DENTAL.. 1) E IN 701 .faa M. CAVANAGH, L. R. 5d D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. OFrior—Over A. R. Smith's - Store, Brussels, Will visit Wroxeter the 1st and 8rd Mondays. and Blyth the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. DR. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto- UniyersIty, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a epeoialty, Moder- ate over Barrett's arberrshop, Turnbeaction rry St.t.OeBoas- sole. ' VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, ey • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College,ie prepared to treatall diseases of domesticatedanimals in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Omoe and InSrmary—Four doors north of bridge 'Turnberry et., Breese/B. MH. MOORE, V. S, • H. M., V, M. S. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all domesticated animals treated on scientific principles. Hove° dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a specialty. Calls promptly attended to. Omoe, over Johnston &Oooh- raue's marble works. Infirmary at Beattie's livery barn, Brussels, Ont, a. 20 - BUSINESS CARDS. WH. MoORACKEN, • atlas Gr000ry Furnbe rygstreet,'Hrnseee1 .oe N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist- Shop—Next door south of A. M. McKay & Co's hardware store. Ladies'and Ohildrens hair cutting a epecialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSUI1ANOE, FIRES AND MARINE. • GUELPH. ALEX, HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan and Insurance Agsnt, Funds invested and to loan. 0onleetione made. °aloe hl Gralram'sBiook,Bruesole• MISS O'CONNOR, R. T. Teacher of instrumental music on Plano or Organ, Will visit Wingbam Tues- day and Wednesday of each week. Resi- dence on Princess Street, Brussels. TA. HAWKINS, M. C. S. M. • Organist in St. Join's Ohuroh, Brus- sels, and pupil, iu the Art of :Teaching, of A. W. Thayer, Aias, Doo„ Now York, will give lessons to pupils Dither on pians or organ, at hie pallor over A. R. Smith's store, Brun - Bele. Vocal lessons also given. Terms mod- erato, AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, ,s always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terms cheerfully given. Orarhrook P.C. Sales may be arranged at TUE ?on Publishing Roues, Brussels. EORGE KIRKBY, Liobneed Auctioneer. Salve conduct od on reasonable terms, Farms and .1arm stock a specialty. Orders left at TUE POST P ublishing Hou BO Brneaela, or aeutto Walton P. 0., w111 receive lironipt attention. HAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- SE as an Auctioneer, I am prepared to ooncioot Bales of farm stook at reasonable ' prices. Knowing the standing of nearly every person.I am In a position to Sell to good marks and got good eoourity when old on credit. Satlefaotion guaranteed, Give meaoath 82- F S. SCOTT. REAL ESTATE.. I'1ARMS FOR SALE.—'THE UN• DnnBOGNUD has 0890051 good Farre for sale: and to rent, easy terms 1n Townships of Morris and Grey. F 8. S6OTT,Bruesels. 11ARM TO RENT—LOT NO. 21, Con. 6, Grey. About 80 soros clear' d Immediate poaee8e1on. Apply by mail to J, 0, REVERE NAN'lirout Creek, or to WM, M1LNI0, Ethel, .�' AF lrisale Looe 21, Con. SLEi11'Township of Grey, containing 110 acres, 00 of which le cleared and seeded down. "Wall fenced and nodally adapted for dairy. -purposes. The balanoo is heavily -wooded. It is near to berth and sohool, For particulars apply to 40 4 A, ranbr look P, 0. L fo 151 ly , tb of to Af to Ver ' the the dist' dig