HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-6-29, Page 5DISTRICT
TXtbxl'tz'vas. •
Willis Millen, wbq received injuries
agmo time aQo, ia, we are sorry .to say,
Very low,
Obas, Iluoae, 10th oon„ Ehnen raised
the frame of a large bank barn on Sat.
urday last. John Dougherty, 12hh oon„
Grey, gday
Gro also hada raisin on Wadpcs
of this week,
Last week is was reported that the
first half of Jane make of cheese at SIL
ver Corners faobory'had been sold for 87Jo
should have road 810. John Little, Klee.
rain, has refused 9 1/16 for the last half
of Juno snake,
Mrs. I orge.o, of Brussels, spent last
Sunday in Bluevaio.
Mr, MoPberson is building a new kit.
then and wood house.
John Wasp -Ian's brother'o.in.law from
Mitchell Sundayed with him.
Frank Sootb had two of his brothers
visiting him, one from Toledo and ono
from Seaforth.
John Johnston and wife, and Mrs..
Saults, of Goderioh were vieiting in Blue -
vale last week for a few days.
Joseph Leach has a host of friends
gtaying with him just now. Theygave
us quite a concert on Sunday evening in
the way of'einging.
A.;Brydgee hae a large barn in oourse
of erection.
Mr. Tufts has had his residence re.
painted, thereby improving its appear.
A very large number from this vioinity
took in the excursion to the Model Farm
on Friday.
Considerable work has been done on
the driving track here and we expeot to
see ib oompieted shortly.
Geo, Walsh, of Barrie, and formerly of
this place, has been renewing acquain-
tances in this vioinity.
John S. Scott, who hae been attending
the Northern Business College, Owen
Sound, arrived borne on Saturday.
A garden party under the auspioes of
Trinity Church Sunday School will be
held at John Soandrett'e, ou Friday even-
ing, June 29th.
Ortznb rook.
R. F. Cameron was home from Wing -
ham Tuesday.
Don't forget the pio.nio on July Gth.
Everybody is welcome.
Miss Annie Slemmon is home from the
Ladies' College, Toronto.
Mrs. Jno. Leokie and sons, of Toronto,
and Mies Oliver, of Brussels, were visit-
ing Mrs. S. Slemmon this•week.
Eight candidates from our sohool are
writing at the Entrance examination in
Brussels this week. We wish them quo.
James Wallace left for Wiarton Mon.
day where be has secured a situation.
Somebody will often be singing "Will
you no' come back again ?"
What is the matter with some of our
politioians ? Judging by their appea,.
0005 00 Wednesday, they most have been
in bad company on•tbe 20th.
The Oranbrook athletic aseociation will
have a grand picnic in Mrs. Brown's
grove on Friday, July 6th. A good time
is anticipated as a fine program will be
given. There will be plenty of swings,
games, ern. This is expected to be the
best of the season as it' is a free•for-all
pis-nic. Everybody weloome.
Election is the onetopia of interest this
Mr. Wright is building a new house out
on his farm.
A good time is expected here at the an-
nual pio.nio.
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson took in the
Model Farm, Guelph, last week.
Five pnpilsfrom this school* are at.
tending examinations this week.
The names of twenty-eight new mem.
here were added to the communion roll of
the Presbyterian ohurrillheretast Sunday.
This is certainly very euoouraging.
What we'd like to know. -Who was
strawberry agent at the pio-nio Saturday
and why he didn't canvas more district ?
-How the people like our new gravel
sidewalks ?
W. J. Molise had a shed raised last
Monday which will add to the appearanoe
of his already pretty farm, The captains
were W. Mines and J. Sharpin and a
lively contest followed whirl was watch-
ed by a host of fair maidens and dark
maidens from the fence near by. These
failed not to express deep but unheard
sympathy with the noisy toilers above.
The picnic last Saturday in connection
with S. S. No. 5 was a very pleasant af-
fair, although the day was too hot for
an excessive indulgence in games or
ewinging. The program was good and
not too long, a broom drill by the children
forming a very pleasing part of it. To-
wards evening the foot ball game between
the home and the Molesworth schoolboys
was the centre of attraction. The visit.
ing team had to retire crestfallen, A re.
turn game will be played on the 3rd July.
Atwood is not a very large place, but; -it
can boast of three football clubs.
John Fleming has purchased the stook
and good will of business of R. M. Bal-
Eight candidates from our sohool write
at the Benson Examination on June
28th, 29th and 30th.
D. Campbell, druggist, and R,13. Ham-
ilton, grooer, of Atwood, have had new
nwuinge placed in front of their stores.
The Independent Order of Foresters'
have oompleted arrangements for a mon.
stet: celebration in Atwood on July 2nd,
Prospects are favorable for an enor-
mous fruit Drop in this district this year.
There are also good prospects for is big
yield of small fruits.
Agent Kook bioketed 150 people• for
the Model Farm Thursday morning of
last week. Three onre were left off here
for the accommodation of the excursion-
The results of the Toronto University
examinations have appeared in the To.
ronto dailies, and among the enooeseful
third year men we are pleased to .notice
the names of T. M. Wileon and Samuel
Shannon, of Atwood, and Win. Tier, for-
merly of Monkton, all of whom took secs.
' and Masa honors, the two former in Sci.
encs and the latter iti Mathenlaties. J.
W. Baird, a former teacher at Monkt
p.completed his arab year in Modern Lan•
is\uages very, creditably.
Wm, Loohhead, I3, A„ son of Wm,
Locbbead, .hos resigned his position of
Selena) Master of the Galt C ilegiato In.
°brute to attend Cornell UniVereity. lt,
S. Hamilton, B. A., of Whitby Collegiate
Instituto, has been nppctubod•in his stead
at salary of 111,000 per annum.
B1.1' Oa
FrankBowden has started to leartn the
tailoring hueiness with 0. 0. Ramie,
12th Division Court was held before hie
Donor Jtrdge Doyle, in Induetry hall on
Rev, T. E. Higley visa attending the
annual sneering of this Huron Anglican
Synod last, week.
Mn, Soarletb, a former Blytbite, bub
now of Owen Sound, is paying a short
visit bora arnon'st friends.
Rev, Mr, Hughss, a :former reotor. of
Wingham, is to pr000h in Trinity ohuroh,
Blyth, on Sunday morning next.
On Sunday morning Rev. Mr, Honda.
eon olffatated in St. Andrew's Presbyter-
ian ohuroh preaching to a large oongrega•
Rev. T. 17. Higley intends preaching
the annual sermod to the members of L.
0, L. No. 968, in Trinity ohurab on Sou -
day, July 8th,
On Friday our base ball beam drove to
Auburn to play a game of hues ball with
Auburn team, The game at the finish
was Blyth 10, Auburn 0.
Mr. Mason, the proprietor of the Grand
Central, has had the hotel freshened up
with a fresh .coat of paint which has
made a decided improvement. •
Dr. Milne and Miss Ella McKinnon
wero.unibed iu marriage in the Presby,
tsrian ohuroh in this village last Wednee•
day. They went on a wedding tour to
New York.
Virixai; le tan.
H. Park has now a phonograph in Itis
place of business.
Great preparations aro being made in
town for the 12th of July celebration
0. Johnston has opened a tin shop in
the store just North of P. Deans' flour
and feed store.
Alex. Orr, of Gorrie, formerly of the
Park Hoaee, this town, has purchased
Rogers & Oo's livery, Wingham. He
has leased his hotel in Gorrie,
W. F. Brookenshire was in Paris last
week as a delegate to the Grand Lodge,
I. 0. G. T. from Anchor of Hope Lodge,
of this place.
John Neelande, D. M. Gordon, John A.
MoLean and R. Elliott were inWoodstook
attending the annual meeting of the High
Court of the Canadian Order of Fores-
ters last week.
The members of L. O. L. No. 794, ac-
companiedby visiting brethren, will par-
ade to the Episcopal church on Sunday,
July let, Service will commence at 9:80
p, m. Bro. Rev. E. W. Hughes will
preach the sermon,
W. Holmes. while shoeing a horse, re-
ceived a very bad kink on the left leg just
•above the knee. He thought the leg was
broken. Itis supposed that something
soared the horse, as it is unusually quiet.
The leg was very sore and stiff for a few
The Times says :-Rev. Sellery will be
greatly missed in town by more than
members of bis own congregation, as he
has many warm friends among the peo-
ple generally, who will be sorry that he
is compelled to leave. He goes to the
Dublin street Methodist church, Guelph,
and the members of that church are to be
congratulated on having suoh an able ex-
ponent of the Word for their pastor.
Gro x.
Jamestown has a good football teem.
Miss Jennie McNair is home from the
Queen pity on a visit.
Thos. Stokes' young colt died. It's
mother wouldn't own it.
Rev. J. H. Watts preached his fare.
well sermon last Sabbath.
Geo. Speiran and wife, of Blanshard,
were vieiting friends in Grey.
Milton MoEwen has taken a position
in Molesworth oheese factory.
Invitations are out for the wedding of
C. J. P. Jefferson and Mise Louise L.
Hillier, at Goderioh, on July 4th.
The political meeting at Jamestown on
Saturday night was well attended. Wen.
Milne and T. McMillan did the speaking.
Miss Louise L. Hillier, of Goderioh,
and 0. J. P. Jefferson, of Parry Sound,
spent a few days at R. H. Outt's this
Mrs. J. E. Coombes and Josie have ar-
rived home from Harriston. J. E. will
remain nutii after his examination. He
is •studying for a 1st,
A very enjoyable time was spent at the
school mo-nio in connection with R. G.
McDonald's sohool. Foot ball and other
sports formed the program.
Raisings seem to be the order of the
day in some parts of the township.
Duncan McNair hada drive shed emoted
on Friday of last week. It was 24 x 32
Alexander Stewart, 14th oon., lefb Bras -
eels on Tuesday of this week for Moon.
min, Assinaboia. He goes West in the
hope of benefitting his health. We trnst
his health will be much improved by his
A box soolel ander the aus-
pices of the Bethel ohuroh, 16th con., will
be held at the residence of Hartwell
Speiran at 7:80 Friday evening July 6th
when a Choice program will be rendered.
Lemonade and other refreshments served
on the gouuds. Dont miss it.
Duan. -Lash Monday Mrs. George 0.
Ingram paid Nature's debt and passed
away after a long illness of about 2 years.
Cancer with other oomplicabions was the
cause of death. Deceased wag a native of
Oxford County and had lived in Grey for
about four years. She was 44 years of
age. The funeral took, place on Wednes-
FOOT BALL. -On Thursday evening of
last week a second foot ball snatch was
played on the 9% oon. between olubs of
that line and Cranbrook. The former
won, after a hard tussle by 1 to 0. Fol.
lowing is the composition of the respective
clubs :-
OnANnn00n. 000 am,
Brown Goal ..tgtb
S,HoUeng01 ' Backe l P• 1VasIl
J. P
1). McQQuarrlo ,.. P, F!orguopeonper
3..Amalldcn 4Baoks T. Orem
1d 80 lil 11 u sr
T. i i
1) Soles Centro l7 8111
J=ititohitl �' L. ',slug { ,.... W.1410211
E, Oster tt1 N, etowart
A,af0Dougal1 .,, B" wing 18,.Eierguson
Beterso-W. Armstrong,
Joe McDonald bhoniifat he had treed a
000o at the pia•nio, bet on °loser investi.
gation ib was found to be jlisb pus of the
neighbors who had aliplhad op to get a
Ourr.-On Sabbath the spirit of Jahn
Car000han,12th eon., tools its alight. He
was born in the township of Tuokeremith
on May Mb, 18114, and was consequently
hardly a month past his Nth birthday.
Mr, Canadian was married twice. Nis
first wife was Annie •,Lldwards and the
second, who survives him Elizabeth For.
guson. There were ten r,hridi:en five from
eaoh mother, all of whom reside in Grey
excepting two daughters -Annie and
Agues -who -live in Seaforbh. The sub.
loot of this notion was very highly re.
specked and bis residence in thie looality
won for him many warm friends. Mr.
Canadian was a Reformer in polities anal
a Presbyterian in religion. The funeral
on Tuesdaywas largely attended, 'Pare.
Omruoohan and family have the Sym.
pithy ofthe oomrnnnity.
Frank Stratton is home on visit from
the West.
Wm. Whiteford, of 'Osborne was here
th le week.
Sam, Love raised his new barn op
Thursday of last week.
T. Miller hae jaoked tip his second barn
and is putting stonework under ib.
Jaokson's Church Sabbath School pie.
nio was held on Thursday of this week.
Soon, who has been in Michigan
for emote time, ie visiting friends in this
township ab present.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hood were visiting
their son, A. Hood, of Kincardine, last
week, returning on Monday.
Me•srs. Coomber & McDonald, with
men, are building the brickwork of Wm.
Miobie's new dwelling this week.
A very heavy thunder storm, worn -
panted by rain and wind, passed over this
section on Sunday last, doing oonsider-
able damage.
The two little eons of John Hood, of
Saginaw, Mich., are staying with their
grandparents, Geo. Hood and wife, of
this township. ,
W. H. Cloakey, who had the miefor.
tune to injure his thumb, is, wears pleas.
ed to learn, once more able bo wield the
saw and hammer.
Last Sunday John Hunter had a horse
killed by lightning. The animal was
standing,in the pasture field at the time
and dropped es if shot. It was insured
in the Howiok Mutual.
A lot of very good gravel has been;plac.
ed on many of the roads. If the enor.
mous prop of thistles was cut along the
highway s it would mean a great saving
of labor to many farmers in keeping their
land blear of this pest.
The Sunshine pao•nio, held on Friday
of last week, wae a failure on a000unt of
rain in the afternoon. This being the
third year in succession that rain has in•
terfered with the pio•pio, one would come
to the conclusion that theremust be some
great attraction even for thunder showers.
Tar/ DID 050T D0 IT I -The Herald cor-
respondentreoently stated that the rate-
payers of Morris would have the oppor-
tunityof slapping Thos. Gibson in the
face for voting to repeal the Aot respect-
ing the maintenance of certain bridges,
but they knew better than to do it.
A political meeting was held in Goa.
manta school house last Saturday evening
Oounoillor Code occupying the chair very
impartially. Addrassea were given by
Jno. Govenlock and 3, J. Denman in fav-
or of Mr. Milne and by G. F. Blair and
W. B. Kerr on behalf of Mr. Gibson.
The surprise party whish stormed the
Presbyterian Manse eb Belgrave recently
have got disappointed, as they presented
their pastor with a well•filled puree, ex-
peoting that he was going to take his de-
parture from among them at the close of
the present month, but euoh was not the
ease as the rev. gentleman intends re-
maining for some time yet. His friends
should repeat the dose.
Rev. Mr. Webster will aooepy the pul.
pit of the Presbyterian ohuroh next Sun.
eacher Neilson, of our public school,
has been re.engaged for next year at an
increased salary.
Juo. Barnard was in Woodstock at-
tending the High Oourt of Canadian Or-
der of Foresters.
R. T. of T, -The following officers were
elected at the meeting of the Royal Tam-
pion of Temperance :-Thos. F. Miller,
S. 0. ; Miss E. 0. Lawrie, V. 0. ; James
Nelson, Rem -Seo. ; Thos. Rae, Fin. -Seo.;
Miss A. Allen, meas. ; James MoEwan,
Herald ; Mies Jean Davidson, Guard ;
Jno. Thompson, Sentinel.
Pso'eooTATION.-Rev. E. A. Shaw and
wife experienced a pleasant surprise prior
to their departure to their new field, Bel -
grave. A number of the members and
adherents of the congregation of the
Wroxeter appointment, met in the par-
eonage and presented them with fine large
crayon portraits of themselves, beautiful.
ly executed by a Toronto firm, acoompan-
led by a kindly and neatly worded
address. Mr. Shaw replied suitably, ao-
knowledging the gifts on behalf of his
wife and himself. After the presentation
a lunch was served. A pleasant and soc-
ial evening was enjoyed by all. The fol•
lowing is a Dopy of the address :-Oasis
Pteron,--We, b130 friends of the Metho-
dist ohuroh, Wroxeter, have gathered
here to express our regret at your doper.
tare from among us. For the past three
years you and Mrs. Shaw have labored
faithfully to advance our ohuroh and the
spiritual well being of its people. We
wish to present you and Mrs. Shaw with
these pictures as a token of our regard
for you. Keep them ib remembrance of
the days spent in our midst. May God
go with you and prosper you in your lab-
or of love.
Signed in behalf of the church,
Mono Sinuous,
Kona Bn,ir.
Mn. and Mrs. Shaw removed to Belgrave
Itbie week.
Township Council will be held here on
Friday of this week.
The sohool children are in glover, the
holidays have come.
Election returns were secured here Last
Tuesday night,and the crowd well pleased
at the returning of the Mowat Govern.
At the political meeting held here ou
Thursday evening of Inst week, W. Elliott
°coupled the chair. Addresses were giv.
en by T. Strachan, W. H. Herr and T.
Gibson. On Monday evening Mr. Milne
held a meeting at which he and Aroh.
Hislop spoke. Postmaster Spence was
''e have some specially ec nice llot YTea e
� � ah r Gondar
We havo a nice Challfe foil 7l0. Worth 10c. ; Fast Colored forints, light and dark colors, for Sc. Worth
7c, ; Fast Colored Prints, light and dark colors,. for 9c. worth 121c. ; Parasols front 25c. tip.
Something new and nice in Muslim, we have a fine Swiss Spot Muslin, large or small spot.
Our Ladies' and Children's Straw Hats are all greatly reduced in price.
In. Dress Goods we have some Won-
derful Values,
A good Serge, black and colored, all wool and double width, for 25c. worth 35c. ; a Fashionable Sight
weight Llama Cloth at 20c. worth .35c.
Every lady should Ree our Corsets, our regular 35c. Corset for 25e. ; a regular ,14'1.00 Corset for 75e.
In Gents' G-oods we have something
New and Nobby.
We have a nice Fedora Hat at 50c. ; and a good Fedora Hat at 75e. worth $1.00 ; a good Fedora
Hat at $1.25 worth $1.75 ; we have a nice range of dark or light colored Ties at 15c. worth
25e. In Straw Hats we have some extra values.
We have a nice Hot Weather Suit at $3.50 for Men's wear ; a good strong Working Suit at $4.50
worth $7.00 ; a very handsome Stylish Suit at $7.50 worth $10.00 ; a lovely Suit for Boys
lit $2.00 ; a very good Suit for Boys at $2.45 worth 13.50.
In Ladies' and Misses' Oxford Shoes we have
Something Very Nice.
Our India Kid Turned Oxford Shoe at $1.00 beats anything in town. We have a very fine Patent
Leather Oxford Tie at $1.25 worth $1.75. Something very Stylish in a Ladies' Gaiter. We
have a grand Working Shoe for Men at 95e. ; and a splendid Strong Shoe for Ladies at 95e.
as well as extra values in all lines of Shoes.
Give u a, Call anti Compare our Values.
Highest Price for Butter and Eggs, BRUSSELS.
Br:meals will see a lot of our residents
next Monday at their demonstration.
Some disagreeable rumors are abroad
concerning the actions of a certain man
north of Ethel.
SCHOOL REPOnT.-The following report
thews the standing of the pupils of the
senior department of the Ethel Publics
school, as determined by written examin-
ations held during the month of Jane :-
Jr. 2nd class -Number of marks obtain-
able, 280 -Susie Monolog, 284 ; Carl Mo.
Allister, 209 ; Willie Lindsay, 204 ; Geo.
Sharp, 193 ; Maud Badgely, 160 ; Adam
Fletcher, 157 ; Emma Imlay, 152 ; Willie
Dowdell, 149 ; Mary MaBlain, 127. Sr.
2ud olass-Number of marks obtainable,
805 -Annie Bateman, 229 ; Howard Mc-
Allister, 222 ; Edna Raynord, 221 ; Liz-
zie Fletcher, 220 ; Stewart McNair, 202.
Jr. 8rd olass-Number of marks obtain-
able, 630 -Maggie Davies, 546 ; Lillie
Dobson, 531 •,Zack. McAllum, 452 ; Edie
Milne, 423 ; May Milne, 387 ; Alvin Barr,
886 ; Cora Sanders, 860 ; Herb. Manning,
296 ; Oliver Qnerrin, 291. Sr. 3rd class
-Number of marks obtainable, 680 -
Carrie Eokmier, 498 ; Obris. Qnerrin,
458 ; Eliza MoAllum, 432 ; Willie Milne,
380 ; Mabel Eokmier, 364 ; Lacy Camer-
on, 829 ; Ellie Dilworth, 88 out of 100.
4th olase-No, of marks obtainable, 665
-Geo. Greensides, 468 ; Sarah Manning,
419 ; Alice Davies, 417 ; Jas. Leishman,
409 ; Willie Spence, 406 ; John Lindsay,
892 ; Ed. Holloway, 372 ; Nora Dowdell,
355 ; Wilbur Lindsay, 852 ; Erna Ray -
nerd, 186 out of 500 ; Charlie Davies, 50
out of 100. 5th olass-No. of marks ob-
tainable, 750 -Jessie Milne, 542 ; Matilda,
Holloway, 488.
George Rice, who is about 13 years old
who was at Port Oolborne with a school
pio-nia from Welland on Saturday; was
drowned while bathing. The body was
The undersigned will keep for service 073
North Ralf Lot 20, Con, 7, Morris, a thorn'
bred Tamworth is oar, recently purchased
from the well 'known breeder, Sno. Bell, Am-
ber, Also a Chester White Boar. Teams,
stag to be Haid at time of service with p AV-
iloae of returning if aenaesarv,
80-tf 8, WALKER, Proprietor.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 20 Con. 5, Morris, the thorn' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Canada's
Freon" purchased from the well-known
breeder J, 70, Brethour, Oak Lodge Vann,
Burford. Terms, 1;.1.00 to bo paid at the
time of service with privilege of returning
if mammary, Pedigree may be seen on ap-
plication, Rosa. NiCHOL.
Undersigned win kee a for eenVloe the
thoro'-brod largo 1,lnglish '1Berliebird Boar,
"Dismarok"17*0,1708.. 11 took Id prize at
the East Efaron3tatl Pair in 1508, and was
alwayelet whenever exhibited. Terms, 01,00
to be paid at the time of service with privi-
lege of roturuiug if necessary. TWO young
Berkshire Boars and several young short
Horn Bulls for sale.
89 tt D. MMILNE, Prop.,
We have now in stock the following
varieties of Turnip Seed viz. :
Hall's Westbury
Sutton's Champion
Sharpe's Improved
Skirving's Improved
Royal Norfolk,
East Lothian
Elephant or Monarch
Grey Stone,
Yellow Aberbeeli.
Our Stock throughout is well assorted
rd Prices Right. M?
Aro now in their New Store,
Dr. Graham's Block, -
A Full Stock of Groceries, Flour, Feed, Bread,
Crockery and Glassware,
,fill Saleable Produce taken at Highest
.Prices, but no Credit i,ivem.
Commissions of all kinds
Promptly Executed.
Remember the BREAD and
other Prices in Proportion.
Goods Delivered in any
part of the town.
No Loafing or Spitting but'bus'•
iuess on Business Principles,
17 exper-
Which we are aided in carrying out with years1
ience on both sides of the world.
if A 1110Jrnab.