The Brussels Post, 1894-6-29, Page 4o zrTz,'� T L C r V N OZ" I�AS'f' IIURON, CTLtratitMLN,— I hereby return you, Reform- ers ae well as Conservatives, nay siioere and hearty theeke for again returning me for-tbo Mouth time by such a hendsame majority on the day of election. Though soma Reformers swerved from their el, legienoe there were enough of liberal Minded f onservativop to take their pima), pIy.tbanks are also heartily tendexod to those, old, and young, who at oonsidereble sacrifice responded eo willingly to the Dell to go and address meetings wherever re. quired, Hoping oo soma future oppor- tunity to be able to return the oompli. men*. I am. Gsntlemou, Most E08pectfally Yours, TuoMAe Gmeoo. Wroxotot, June 27th, 189.1. New Advertisements, Loos-le—Dr, J, C. Ayer, Horses Wanted—A. Mardis. Hay Cutting—Adam Scott. Groceries—Taylor & Smillie. Only 9 Days More—Good Bros. Cost Price Sale—Miss McPherson, DPy Goods—II. E. Maddook & Co, A Cornwall Miraole—Dr. Williams. Notioe to Creditors—T. McFadzeau. Potato Bug Killer—G. A. Deadman. Good Luck to Patrons --Smith & Mo. Laren. Cuh.e Nntissx.ls .rs1. FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1894. "Mower must go."—Certainly he must, back to the Premiership of the banner Province of the Dominion of Oe -nada for another four years. TIIEoDIT'e election should teaoll the Opposition that the old threadbare argu• menta used in the past four or five con. tests are no longer in it. Had it not been for the Patron movement Mr. Mere. dish's followers would number even less than 25 in the Local Legislature. 11 E Meet 01 b profile. AfPNat g he 1>xowa t It's the other men who lass to do all the "Ping." klownt 0.9 least won't go. That's (tattled, Men may eome end men I may go, but 110 stays 04 forayer: Thet'0'9 no nee running, up against a brick wall. The "grand old captain" has again been put in oberge of the ship of etete and away she sails with colors flying in the air, The man who got up that eatob•. word, "Mowat must go," might to he ostracized for disturbing the peace, Mowat fen's of the going kind, ilfowat will die in herneeo. 9r if ho resigns while in stance, the people will present him with an 41=h:tated speechand sreilver medal, and hie last daye will be spent in that sorb of peace that passetb all under. standing, Oliver and the old silver .med- al ball will go down to posterity together in a halo of glory. Malta no mistake a- bout it, Mowat will yob be canonized is St. Miohael'e Catbedral. Ile will be done in colored glass, clad In a big robe, and udder the sandals of his feet will be in- scribed the word, "Saint Oliver." Thus do we prophecy of Mowat in this life and the life to conte, OUT of 94 members of the new Legis. Ware the Liberal party, exoludiug all doubtfule and some Petrone who are friendly to the Government, has elected a clear majority, Out of those 94 oonstit. uenoies the Conservative party has elect. ed 23, less than one•fout•th of the Legis- lature. The party has suffered the col- lapse whioh was the natural oonsequeuoe of its oourae in the campaign. By lean. ing more than a third of the oonstituen. cies unprovided with regular Conserva- tive candidates they ooefessed that its polioy had not convinced the mind or touohed the heart of the country. It lett the contest in many of these constit- uencies to the P. P. A. I6, therefore, be- came associated, in spite of occasional protests, with the methods and aims of that association and it is involved in its defeat. It is a melancholy ending for a political party, but one wbiah with ordin. ary sagacity might have been foraeen. —Globe Toronto. TEE three Hurons are still in the Lib- eral procession. Although the South Rid. ing had a close call the redoubtable East rolled up the hundreds toward sustaining the Mowat Admiuistration. It is still Thos. Gibson, M. P. 1'. ; J. T. Garrow, M. P. P. ; and M. Y. McLean, M. P. P. Dunlxo the past contest we have heard a score of times of the strong regard the Opposition have for the Patrons but we wait to see how the same Opposition will count said Patrons in the forthcoming .Dominion eleotion. Their work should tell there at is cannot in the Local House. Now that the eleotion is over the Ross Bible and "Pacts for Irish Electors" will have to be stored away ready for duty 4 years benoe. The "calf with the cough" will no doubt continue to thrive under the able management of Hon. Mr. Dryden, who was sleeted by 300 in South Ontario. Hon. W. R. Mieenrrio's majority in London was out down to 185 and his Lieut. Olanoy, West Kent, was snowed under an adverse majority of 700. The great and only Sol. White, North Essex, will also have leisure to devote to his law practice or race horses, as be may choose, the electors relieved bim of further duty at the Legislative halls. PRESIDENT GAR31oT'e ass0eeination was a terrible oold blooded deed and has evok- ed almost worldwide expression of sym- pathy. The murderous Italian and his supporters should be treated to a dose of the same medicine. France has bad many disastrous mishaps in her history, lint the sudden nutting off of Cornet is looked stoma as a great loss, Taros. BALLANTxwas'e defeat in. South Perth is a matter of sincere regret as be was one of the most active members of the House in furthering the interests of the farming community. Bro, Daok, of the Kincardine Reporter, also bit the dnet in Centre Bruce. Hon. Mr. Harty, Minister of Public Works, successor to Hon, Mr. Fraaer was 10 short of re-eleo- tion in Kingston, but 0 reoonnt is expect- ed to give him the seat. All the other members of the Cabinet were elected. TEE Toronto World says :—Those people who have been drumming it into our sera for weeks bank that Mowat was going, don't know what they are talking about, Mowat didn'tgo Tues- day. He had no intention of going. He never had any snob intention, He dose. n' propose to go in the near future eith- er. Mowat ie a fixture. It's all very well for men to get up and shout, "Mowat must go," but how in the dickens are yea going to make him go 7 That's what people are wanting to know. It avails nothing for Meredith and the Empire to rage like the heathen against Mowat, and to tell the people that they've got him on the run, and that he's going this time dead ante, What are the fade P When the game i8 over we find the old man seated at ease on his own verandah, smok- ing his pipe of contentment and wearing in exaggerated form the bland and guile. less smile which i8 wont to oharaoterize USSLLS :POST 3 tratPord u 1os nt F3 9.huGr Grand ,Caunk s 3 d, e en oA1.111y are 3faourded to p x1 BellevilleFriday,George ;Page Wee senteiaod to two yeare in the 2emtei. tiarY for 1ufdauism at Fabere', William Doherty, a farmer 09 8eppol, near Owen Sound, wee tramped on by a team of horses Friday and suetninod in• juries from whioh be diad, A. double drowning aooidsnt 000000ed in the Red River Friday night, two young ladles named Abrazioh aid Spectre beteg drowned while bathing. Mrs, Martin, wife of Thomas Martin, and their eon 13 years old, of Ohaifey towuehip, were blatantly killed by the lightning Sunday. Gall and Hamilton 13aeeball Olube of the gauadian League played 12 innings at Hamilton on Saturday and neither team soored a rue. At a barn.raisiog on the farm of Moe. Jamee Mitchell, near Whitby, on Satur- day a bent fell, and an old man named. Walton Mound had three ribs broken. Che Globe's Winnipeg oorreepondent says the Privy Oounoil hag granted per mission to appeal to the Manitoba echool 0080. It will 111961y come up in Novem- bor. While intoxicated 3loderiok MoDooald lay down on the track near Vankteek Hill and was run over by a train and kil- led. d bt'other.in.law, who aoegmpanied him, eseapod. McDonald leaves a widow and several children. Almon Reed and wife, of Foxboro, were poisoned on friday by eating fish that had been oauglit and left lying in the bottom of a boat that had been recently painted with Paris green. Their lives wore saved by the timely assietauoe of a physician. Mrs, Henry Blooksidge committed sui- cide at Toronto ma Tuesday by drinking nearly an ounce of prussic aoid. Her husband, a teamster, eloped with Mary Palmer, hie wife'e deter, on Sunday last and the disgrace drove the deserted wom- an to suicide. Two young children are loft. Nothing is known of the where- abouts of the eloping couple. A Brandon despatch says it is given out that C. F. Ireland, late manager of the Sylvester Bros.' Manofaoturing Co., has been arrested in Seattle, charged with Betting fire to the warehouse and offioe of that Company a few months ago at Bree- den. The authorities will apply for ex- tradition of the prisoner. Ireland was formerly a resident of Western Ontario. Alexander Logan, one of Winnipeg's most reepeoted citizens, having been born there, and for several yeare Mayor, be. sides occupying several other prominent municipal positions, died very suddenly at his home on Saturday. • He had com- plained to hie daughter of feeling unwell, and in less than half an hour afterwards he was dead in his bedroom. The pause of his death was apoplexy. Mr. Logan was very wealthy during the boom days, and was one of the best-known men in the oountry. He lately lived a very retired life, and nothing but diffidence kept him from being eleoted to the Local or Do. minion House. The news of his sudden demise was a shook to thousands. • A most.dietressing.acoident ocenrred at Dundee Monday night through which a young manlost hie life. Reuben Tew and MT. Riley wore driving west on King street on their way home, when they were run into by a single rig driven by ayoung man from Hamilton, who had two others with bim. Tew was sitting on the left aide of the rig, and both rigs Dame to - Hether with a crash. The theft of the amilton rig pierced his abdomen, in- flicting a terrible gash. The wounded man was eared for and sent to his sister's residenoe on Xing street West, where he died between 1 and 2 a'olock on Tuesday morning. The young men who were in the Hamilton rig drove off, but were pur- sued and arrested, and are in the cella, awaiting the result of the inquest. A good yarn is told at the 8190488 of a Grand Trank engineer. He was going into London with his train Monday even- ing, when he 8090 0 man lying beside the track near the Asylum. Ilia imagination pictured death in the fade of the poor fel- low, and adding a little steam the engine- er hurried to London, where he told his story. Station Master MaEarg secured • stretchers, surgical appliances, etc., , and a special train was sent out for the dead man. There 9088 an awful stillness as the railroaders approaobed the motionless body of the fellow, but they bravely walk- ed up to hie side. The body was tender- ly lifted onto the stretcher and carried to the train. Nobody looked at him for it was taken for granted that his spirit had fled. The supposed "remains" were taken off at the etation, and just at this moment the body awoke and swore vehe- mently. The fellow had bean dead drunk, A Cornwall Miracle. Lint ow a L- Coolr & Whitby's oirous here Tuesday, July 10th. The first half of June cheese bas all been sold, the ruling price being. about 9 cents, Tne youngest daughter of the late D. T. Morris, had the miefordune of fractur- ing her shoulder blade. The town Band went down to Strat- ford on Wednesday of last week to take part in the Meredith demonstration there. W. J. Rothwell, formerly of Listowel, has lately graduated in medicine at Den- ver, Colorado, and is now practicing his profession in a thriving town is Kansas. Miss F. Long has closed her dress- making business in town for a couple of months and left last week on a trip to Moose Jaw, Calgary and other points in the Northwest. Adam, a,yonng son of Humphrey Bender, Wallace, six years of age, was out in the pasture for the cows when he was kicked by a horse in the field and hadhis jaw broken. J. Martin, a Listowel boy, and son of Robert Martin, Secretary of the High School Board, has passed his se000d year in the University of Toronto, standing third in First Claes honors in Natural Science. Dr. J. H. C. Willoughby, es -Mayor of Regina, N. W. T., with hia bride, paid a short visit to Listowel. He is the eldest son of Rev. Dr. Willoughby, of this town. His bride was Mire Helen Hilliard, a daughter of one of the oldest and most highly respected families of Peterboro'. They were married in New York on June 8613, and after a visit to Washington, D. 0., are now on their way to Regina, where Dr. Willoughby has n large and well.established practice. Canadian 1Vevv s. Winnipeg is to have a Conservatory of M usio. Hamilton Sunday oars began running last Sabbath. Archbishop_ Tache died at St. Boniface Friday morning. Over 3909,000 worth of building im- provement, were reported in Winnipeg during the first half of this year. The shoe merchants of St. Thomas have signed an agreement to close Thurs- day afternoons during the months of July and August, excepting on July 12%. Interest is again being revived in the Tilsonburg & Port Burwell Railway. An American syndicate is looking that way, and an agreement between the directors and the syndicate is being negotiated. W. S. Law, of Tilsonburg, has left for New York with the necessary documents for signature. Galt Reformer :—"A number of man were raising a barn at George Fair grieve's Thursday afternoon. and when just about to quit work an accideot happened of a very serious nature, and whioh may prove fatal. It seems a man . named Kineilla had been sent to Puelinoh Lake, and had just returned about 6:90. He climbed to the top of the structute, and the boss eek. ed him to come down. He did not ap• pear to Naar hlm, and shortly afterwarde he loot his balance and fell a distance of 20 feet to the ground. He was at onus carried to the house and medioal aid 80M. monad. On examination it was fonnd that his leg was broken and hie cook fractured. Berlin Record :—David S. Brown, son of 0. S. Brown, was on Friday present ed with 91,000 in gold on his reaching his 2lst birthday. This is the second eon of Mr, Brown's that has received Bach a magnificent gift. David, as well as iris brother, have reaobed their manhood without tasting 0ny spirituous liquors and without having used toba000 in any form. Mr. Brown must be congratulat- ed on having eons of this kind. Nob eve. ry father can afford to give his sons a thousand, but it should be the duty of every father to try and have hie pone grow up in this manner, and no doubt but that the sone will be well pleased in after yeare," Myself were pest Minim], aid .and week' lime to emigre 3ie a,ah seflea hhf•. We were repeatedly urged by friends 90 trythe Pints Pills, and at last ooneented. Ater taking a steeple of boxes we aid not see may noticeable bandit and wore about to give Omni up, but were urged to per• severe with them and did 00. When nay wife had taken the fifth box the began to fuel a decided improvement in her health and I decided to keep on taking them, The seventh box marked the turning point in my Date, and I have continued to improve ever since, and today, as you see, we are both enjoying excellent health, alumet as good es we ever did. Mane times I have thought we would never have,been well again and I cannot toll you how glad I am that we tried Dr. Williams' great medicine. I ant now ebbe to do a good day's work without feel- ing the least bib tired, and my wife can perforni her household duties without an effort. I consider that I- havil reneived hundreds of dollars value for the few dol. Tars I spent on Pink Pills.' We drays keep them in the house now, although wo de not need to nee them, bet think it safer to have them on hand in case they should be required." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a epeoific for all diseifeee arising from an impover- ished condition of the blood ora shatter- ed condition of toe nervous forces, such as $t. Vitae dance, l000molor ataxia, rheumatism, paralysis, teiatica, the after effeote of 1a grippe, loos of appetite, head- ache, dizzkueee, ebronio erysipelas, Hord - Ida, eto. They are also a epeollio for the troubles peculiar to the female system, correobing irregularities, ouppreosions an% all forms of female weakness, building anew the blood, and restoring the glow of health to pale and Ballow cheeks. In the case of men they effect a radical sire in all cares arising frommental worry, over- work, or exoesses of any nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's 'trade mark and., wrapper (printed in red ink), and may be bad of all druggists or direct by' mask from Dr. Williams' Medicine Corn.. pany, Brookville, O1t., or Schenectady, N. Y., at GO cents a box, or six boxes for 92.60. Horses WANTED The undersigned will be prepared to purchase HEAVY DRAUGHT and CARRIAGE HORSES, weighing from 1200 to 1500 lbs. The horses must be sound, in condition. and from 5 to 10 years old. Will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS, Wednesday, July 4. A. MAROIS, MONTREAL, Aa8. APPLIOTED FAiIMILY RESTORED TO I1EALTII. • Only one of Many Similar Cased—Ifew the Restoration of ilenlfis was Brought About—A Min Recital or hats. From the Cornwall Standard. There is no longer reason to seek far for proof of the miraculous cures effected by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. We have heard of numerous marvellous cures following the use of this wonderful medicine, and have been eucoesaful in obtaining the foots for publication in one of them. Mr. Andrew Bowen, an em- ployee of the Canada Cotton Mill, was taken 111 about three years ago, tend com- pelled to give up his position and man work entirely. He was suffering from rheumatism whioh was followed by a aomplioation of diseases, and in a few months became a helpleee cripple. His wife became thoroughly worn out through waiting on him and is a short time also became an invalid and their plight was most pitiable indeed. They scoured the best medical advice within their reach, spending a large amount of money in medicines whish failed to give them any permanent relief. Thi8 went on for nearly three yeare and during that period they suffered untold agonlee. The above is summarized from the statements made by Mr. and Mrs. Bowen to the Standard representative We will give the remainder of the story in Mr. Bowen'e own words. He said "We were both terribly 3,run down ani oompletoly discouraged at seeing dollar after dollar go for inedible° that did not seem to do ns any good. Wo had about given up all hope of ever getting well again, when my attention was palled to a wonderful cure effected by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 3 had nearly lost all faith in medicines, and bad made up my mind that my wife and GOOD NEWS — FOR TEE— Ladies Miss McPherson, the City Millin- er, desires to clear out her whole stock of Summer Millinery And for that Reason has Com- menced a Cost Price Sale Ncr *TUNE 9, x.894 01) LfCK TO PATBOIS .4 Flush Rana is what we hold i• to which every Lady is Invited. Big Bargains in all Lines. Save money by purchasing your Millinery from Miss McPherson. FERGUSON & HALLIDAY'S Store. EADYMADE And our prices mean a deal of good luck- to .you.. 60 D.A1 r:S. Moine Seekers Excursions 1894 From all stations on the line of the 97S Think of being fitted out with a Stylish, Blue Serge Suit, men's size, for $3,25. All Wool Tweed Suits for $5,00. G -rand Trunk All Wool best Custom Made Suits for $7.50 worth $12.00. 32 pairs of Boys' Short Pants bought last week at 60c. on the Dollar. While they last you may have your choice for $1,00. They are worth from $1,25 to $L75. Warm Weather Coats. TICKETS WM, TM SOLD ON jute 12, Good to Return until Aug. 11.11.° June 19, Good to Return until Aug. 15. ;. Jame 20, Good to Return until Aug 25 July 17, Good to Return until Sept. 15. ti To the following points at rates named DELORAINE RESTON gES11'EVAN BINSoA19T11 MOOSO1IIN MBEGINA OOSEJAN 'M XOILii7ON CCAAIINO'ERYL13E1tT EDMONTON - . $ 2 8 3 0 } $3� } $40 We are showing a big line of light weight Coats and Vests: Call in and see them. You can snake yourself comfortable and save money. Smith McLaren, Winnipeg Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition will be held froin July 28rd to 80915, inclusive, and July 37th has been fixed upon for Excursion to enable pas5ongers to attend the Exhibition. J. N.KENDALL, G. T. B. Agent, Brussels. BRUSSELS., — 60 DAYS - Home eekei's' Excursions 1894 From all stations on the line of the TICKETS WILL ea SOLD ON .hrnc 02, Good to Return until Aug. 11 June 19, Good to Beturn until Aug. 18 .503(0 96, Good to Return until Aug. 25 July 17, Good to 'Return until Sept. 18 To the following points at rates named DELORLAINE $28 ESTEVOBN AN RIN80ARTE MOOSOMIN REGINA $ 3 0 REGINA 'MORETO38 7191299017 ALBERT 3 5 CALGARY �4V� RED DEEB - - 14 O. EDMONTON - w Winnipeg tuck: Madrid and industrial Exhibition will be held from July 28rd to 80th, inolueive, and Only 17th has been fixed upon for Excursion to enable passengers to attend the Exhibition. J. T. PEPPER, AGENT, BRUSSELS. GrallU__Caucert 1 TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS, MONDAY JULY 2nd; EVENING, Tinder the auepices of Court Princess Alexandria C. 0. P. The following 601011* will take part :— AGNES KNOX (MRS. CHARLTON BLACK) Lecturer on Rhetoric and Illocution in the Now England Conservatory of • Musick, �Bj�oston. y nartry YM r 'Rich, Humorous, Vocalist and Caricaturist, TORONTO. PROF. HAWKINS, Pianist. BRUSSELS ORCHESTRA— ' H. L. JACKSON, Leader, This is a Rare Treat. DON'T MISS IT. ONLY 5 More Dada,! FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MO DAYU Great Bargains in all BoQts Se Shoes, Hats and Crockery. We will sell almost at any price rather than pack thele up. We expect a great Sale on Monday, July 2nd. GO0D EROS. t.