HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-6-22, Page 5JIM 22, 1894 DISTRICT NEWS MoiLeg/wortb, 13. Xricllee baa a now bioyole. Aire, S. Lougbee4 to an Melilla at ant, Mies Mary McNeish Ain oenti very poorly, Idles Maggio Elliott batt 'returned to her home in 17ta1, Mr, and Mra. Wright, of Ohiaage, aro Waiting S. Lochhoads. for a Mort sty with frieft ends in St abfq d Cur football team played a match last Saturday evening. No goals were won n either side. W. R. Belden, the delegate from the cod Templare here, is attending eonven- ion fh Paria this week The heaviest load of milk that oamo oto the faotot+y this saloon weighed fty.foor hundred pounds. The Molesworth young folks will be well represerated at 10. ter, MODonald' 8 school pliant°, Saturday, 28rc1 inst. • TUE BZO'S'RL Mee Minnie bat ie Inane from St. Tbomae, Next Sabbath Rev, J, 11, Dyke vtill plea°h the closing term f h! W. W. Hoy will false anew berme the 000040 of a few woke. press A 0o11001 pio•njo will be field itt 0, S. No, 4 on Saturday of this week. Gra- gaga 114111 'ioDenaId ie bho teltehet•. At bile barn rinsing at Z. MaKee'a on Thursday of last week the proprietor and D. Alitohell were the captains. Tim race wa8 so close it wise smiled a tie. There was no Iola f any ltfnd and a more orderly bee has seldom being held. P, Bishop was the framer. Ibn young. people bad a 8o0ial gathering in the even - nig at which an enjoyable time was agent, $Ietnta Ssaa, Statute labor is the drawing attraction mong aonnc of the Urethra at present, Wm. Bawbinheimor shipped a oar load of fat cattle to Toronto on Monday. The first half of Julie crake of cheese at Silver Corners has been sold for 81ao, per !b. Mrs. N. Travis and obildreu, of West Bay City, are visiting with John Gay. nor's and other friends. Lyman Holden, of Stratford, is spend. ing a oonple of weeke with his brother•in• law, Wm. Bawtinheimer, Quite a uumbee from here went on the excursion to the Guelph Agricultural College on Thursday of this week. What might have resulted fatally hap- pened to Mre. W. G. Taylor on Thursday of last week. After having eaten eon's canned tomatoes she wa8 taken suddenly ill. A Dr. was called and lie pronounced it a serious ease of poisoning. Luokily she is again becoming convalescent. Slueva,le. Mise Iabister was in town on Monday visiting her aunt. Rev. A. Y. Iiarbiey preaches in Bel - grave on Sabbath afternoon. Two of our Blnevale boys were away on Saturday playing football in Listowel, The Foresters will turn out en masse to Brussels 0, 0. F. Demonstration on July 2nd. Frank Sooht has had his house shingled and also men eve-troaghing, Will Ruth- erford, of Wroxeter, doing the work. J. R. Miller ie• attending the High Court, 0. 0. F. at Woodetook, this week,. as the representative of Bluevale lodge. Mrs. Taylor Gray is very sick. She bas been ailing for a long time but still going around. We are sorry to say she is confined to her bed, bat we hope she will soon be better. There was a great political meeting in the Porestere' Hall on Monday evening. Quite a number of rattling speeches were given by J, Common, J. Govenlook, G. F. Blair, Jr. J. Denman and W. Milne. The meeting was called by the Patrons. Grey. Mrs. S. Askin, of Teeswater, was visit- ing relatives in this township this week. A Patron meeting fe announced to be held at Jamestown on Saturday evening of this week, A. young gentleman went to visit a lady friend one evening last week and while engrossed in. conversation somebody turned the key in the look outside and left the happy swain and Miss —. pris- oners. "Love !aught' at locksmiths" and so did tbeee folks until the hour for de. parture arrived. Rev. E. V. Smith arrived home from British Columbia on Tuesday evening. Be had a thrilling experience in connec- tion with the recent disastrous floods on the bome journey. He purposes attend. ing College at 'Montreal for a couple of terms. Mr. Smith hos been in B. 0. for the past two years and has done good work. HYMEN&AL.—By the aid of the Rev. D. B. McRae, Louis Steins and Mies Mary A. Stewart were united in matrimony on Wednesday of last week, at the residence of the bride's father. Mies Stewart and Adam Steiss supported the bride and groom. A number of handsome weddiug presents were made. The guests were treated to a sumptnotts repast and a very enjoyable time was spent by all, Mr, and Mrs. Steles have the best wishes of a large oirole of friends for their prosperity. Two youths desiring to take a short out through the fields left their horse and buggy at Z. McKee's. On their return the buggy and bridle which had bees left in the vehicle, were missing, so they hit• ohed to Mr. MoKee's cart after a fruit- less search in the fields hard by, Mr, Mao. was unaware as to who took his rig and was going to have a constable look it up when the story was explained by finding the lost buggy 011 the oon0ee- siona short chateaux) East of Mr. MaKee's where some naughty boys had drawn ft ` to have a joke on the two visitors to the 4113 line. Better drive all the way next time boys. Bis Diroh.—Oontra0tor Oliver, who was awarded the work on the Beauchamp creep and ditch, commenced work this week at the outlet. Pae will employ 40 or 50 hands and will engage looal men as far as possible. The excavating will be done by teams and earapers and 8 montbm is estimated as the necessary time for the completion of the contract. The men will be boarded 1n camp by the centred - or. Mr. Oliver is a man of wide exper. tenth in this kind of work and has recent- ly returned from Britieh Columbia where be had large dredging contracts. He counts this job a small one as compared with many he has had. Feer BA>o;.-A closely oontested game of football was played in:liobert Menary's field, fish con„ on Tlhuredey evening of last week, between the boys on the ebb con. and Oranbrook. The game lasted one hour and the teame were so well hal. aimed that the score stood 2 to 2 at the finials. Following are the names of the players in the respective clubs t— onAnnaO°n. eon 0001. Goal ........... tleoallam Rooks Lap; Tiergueon 1 l 9 argiiaon J,Holiingr D.alo1ougati , D. MoQuarrle .:j ( J Popper as. Brown 1M instate; 1 T. Orarnr J. Brown J, MaKiunon J. Osier _ centre Et. Mit D. Steins N, 18111 3.ltitohio L,'wing { 18,13rewn 3.6malidon 1 Ruing r W. Rosen A. McDougall ! 1 73. Bollinger A. W. Wynn, of Oranbrook, was the re. fares. ono t 008110 ate on X301gmve 0400011, Re removes 00 Allenford, Wiar11on Di8tr 01, at hie tie 04U4rg0, Joeoph Clegg and wife left on Tuecalay for •Yorltton, N, W, T., where they will spend a month or so 718111ing reestivee an aignaiittenoee, They Were tielleted hyJ.T1 8npPu l pio iia In Brumes, with Barrie's suheol will ha held In R. Niobol's grove on Friday afternoon, Jen; 80111. Football, and a mnaieal program will be the OW amueemen18, Dl•. Mooney, brother bo Henry and John Alooney,is worbing Steadily to the top. Re wag elected Treasurer of Mot- ley Co., California, a week 0r go ago. Canadians generally ootnc to the front. James Sharp; 5111 line, pulled some steaks of rye and orchard grass last Sat. urday on hie Man. The rye measured 0 feet in length and the 10aae 4 feet G in - dos. There is great growth this season. iW s> X Matas Cassava vocals:. John MaIntoeh,of this place, is visiting relabiv°s in Michigan, Oar foot ball boys intend entering for the prize at Atwood on the 80th, Gab down to practice boys. The Mlseae-MODocgttll, Who were visit. ing their parents Imre for a few weeks, have gone beets to Detroit. A. McNair purposes erecting e, briok above this Summer. He will. then !team every advabtage of displaying his well seleoted stook to the public), Cameron Bros. have made a large ad. dition to their barn for bho purpose of bolding flax. The stone work waa done by Jno. Bothwell in his usual satisfactory manner. A political meeting, in the interests of T. Gibson, was held here on Monday evening. Good addressee were given by A. Hielop, A. Cl. Dames and Mr. Gibson. Mr. Dames defended the Patron's plat. form in Mr. MIlne'e interests. Me. Gib. son will poll well in Grey next Tuesday, 1E1t]e1, J. C. Heffernan is bome from Trout Creek. Sam. Kleineohroth was bome from Au- burn laat Sunday. Geo. Imlay is attending High Court of the 0, 0. F. at Woodetook, this week. A. Peebles, of Tiverton, was renewing old acquaintannes here one day last week. W. E. Sanders treated quite a number of the young people of this village to an ice-cream party. The Presbyterian pie.nia on Wednes- day of this week wes all that could be de- sired. Swinging was the principal amusement. Rev. Mr. Newcombe and family left thie week for Clinton. Res. W. J. Wad- dell has arrived and taken np hie head- quarters at the parsonage. Mrs. John Mooartney left for a visit to the Old Country this week. She sailed by Allan steamer "Parisian" from Mon. treat, on Saturday morning. She pnr- ohased a return ticket from W. H. Kerr, Allan Line Agent, Brussels. GARDEN PARTY. --A garden party, under the auspices of the Epworth League of the Methodist Meath, Ethel, will be held et the residence. of James Lindsay 01 Tbursday evening, June 28113. A choice program of addreesea, readings, reofta- tions, music, &o., will be furnished. Ire cream, lemonade and other refreshments will be served, and the committee will spare no pains to make this the event of the season. Lea.dbutz w. W. Bae was in Guelph last week. J. Rae and R. McKee, of Seaforth Col. legieteInstitute, spent Sunday at home. We understand that a young gentle. man of the 16th, who was once well and favorably known on the 14th line, has gone to Ireland. We hope he may re- turn safely. This district was visited by a violent thunder storm last Saturday night. Its effects were most disastrous, About three miles East of here J. J. Irvine had a valuable horse killed by lightning with- in 4 rods of the barn. S. MaPbereon had a field of Fellwheat considerably damaged by the hail. Considerable excitement prevails over the politioal.contest. The meetings for election purposes in this section have been well attended. At the meeting held here the speaker of the evening was A. Hielop, who delivered a clear, foroible, eloquent speech in behalf. of Mr. Gibson and the Mowat administration. This Government ehould be sustained. Der. ing his tenure of office -23 years—Sir Oliver has given Ontario prosperity ; his rule has been characterized by wisdom and economy, and ie untainted with any form of political corruption. Those who cry out against the heavy taxation, ex- travagancein the maohiuery of govern- ment, &o., should direct their battering- rams against the party in power at 01. tawa, and not against our Ontario rehire. If the Government fa auetained they will prove themselves as worthy of con. iidenoe in the future as in the past. 1Y1.orris. A large number attended the nomin- ation at Brussels on Tuesday last. The brickwork of Joe. Smith's new dwelling House Is nearing completion. Morris Court of Revision end Counoil meeting will be held on Saturday, Tune 30113. W.H. Cloakey is pushing the carpen- ter work on Jae. Thue11's now dwelling house. John Kirton and his sister Bella, of Tnrnberry, were visiting their sister, Mrs. Wm. Michie, this week. W. Newcombe, who has been living at Newark, N. T., for some time, is renew- ing old aogaainbanoee in Morris. Alex. Niobol, jr., had a bee jaoking up his barn on Monday, preparatory to pat- ting stone stabling underneath it, Tuesday next will bury Provincial poli- tics to a great extent. The contest hue been a very quiet one. Hurrah for Gib. son. The Snnsbine Sunday school picnic will be hold in J. Wheeler's grove on life Friday afternoon. A good time hi ex- pected. We notion that the Tucitersmith horse - 111011 are vieing with each other as to who 0an produce the longest hair from the mann of a horse. What next 1 A ppolitioal meeting in the interests of Mr. Gibson, at Button's school hoose on Saturday evening 04 this week, oommen- ofng at 8 o'clock. The Opposition can, didate or his friends invited, A number of the blonde of Rev. Gob, Law gathered at the manse at Bolgrave .on Tuesday e,enin g of this week and hi presented m with a well filled puree prior to bis departure from amongst them. We were not is it and are there- fore unable to give any further 'Wee of what trantpfrod. r. w: Sucomasrop,—The garden party at Dun can MoOuaige last Friday evening waa a thecae.grand oma of thePresbyterianMuralwho net ted nearly 600 as it result. A good pro gram wee itreeentod by A, M. Moray, Chairman, in wbioh D. Stewart, and Tam ily ; Moore. Beet, of Flullotb ; A. Ring soon the, chnroh choir and others boo part. Mr, and We. Ilfocoaig did ever thing possible to make it pleasant fo everybody. Hrtvstah(An.—The residence of Henry Hamilton, neer Walton, was the sone of a large and merry wedding party last Wednesday afternoon when his eetim. able daughter, Miss Maggie, was united in marriage to John Bolger, a well,knowu resident of Morris, Rev, W. G. Reilly performed the ceremony. The bride was attended by her eisber, Miss Ellie, while Thos. Bolgar. supported his brother, The wedding presents indicated the pop. aiarity of the bride, and after enjoying a very pleaeaut evening the company sep- arated after wishing air, and Mrs. Bol- ger, happiness, health and wealth. O00r.—Additional particulars come to hand of the sad news intimated in the last issue of Tort Posr, of the death of John Ma acizean, eldest son of Thomas MoFadzean, 17th con. Grey, who died of fever, after a abort Innen, in Vieille, California, on Saturday, the 9th of June. About 8 years ago he went to the West, and up to the time of his death resided in the great Pacific State, where by in- dustry and care hailed Required oonaid. arable property. On the 22nd of Aug. nest he would have been 30 years of age, and in about a month from the time of his death was to have been married to a Mise Combs, of that state. The friends here feel satisfied that he received all the attention and care human kindness or medical skill could bestow, there having been three doetore and two nurses be. sides several friends and relatives in con- stant attendance. It is also comforting for them to know that be lived such a life as to be admired and esteemed by all who knew him, and that be now rests among friends who bad preceded him to that silent gathering who wait for the final consummation. Those who were eo kind to a son and a brother so far from !tome have the sincere thanks of the bereaved, and we are glad to know that 11.1r.Mc- Fadzean, white prospering on the West- ern slope of the Rooky Mountains, was not forgetful of the religious training of earlier days. Hs was a member of the Presbyterian chianti, and his only regret in departing was the sadness he knew he must leave behind for tate home folk and another in California. Now he rests by the murmuring waves of that peacefulce omen whose balmy breezes fan the flow- ers around a new made grave. General Ne'v�, Diamonds are being found in the south- west part of Mexico.It is reported that Sir Edward Mallet, British Ambassador to Germanv, has sent in' his resignation to his Govern- ment. At the instance of the C. P. R. Co. a newspaper correspondent at Vancouver has been arrested for sending out false reports of the wrecking of a Raymond ex000500n train. Agnates 0. Hagen,wbo embexzl ed $50,. 000 from the Exchange National Beak, New York, was sentenced in that city last week by Judge Benedict to seven years at hard labor is the Brie County Peniten. tiary. A yoking fellow named Fred Hazelwood had two fingers taken off the right hand while running a press hammer at the Goold Bicycle works, Brantford. In some manner he got his hand beneath the !learner and it oamo down with tremond. uous force. A napabha launch with a party of six- teen persons on board caught fire and was burned in the Stooktou Channel Monday night. The passengers, all prominent persona, had a narrow escape, being oblig- ed to jump overboard and swim to shore. A young men dived from a window in the launch and swam to another craft. Two of the man, one the owner of the launoh, were severely burned. Mlle Beatrice, a lion tanner at the Lon- don Zoo, who is giving a wild animal show on the old iron pier at West Brigh- ton, Coney Island, had a narrow esoape from being mangled to death by a lion Sunday night, She enters a cage with two lions. Her act closes by opeuieg the lion Brutus' mouth and Hissing him, lv While she ae making her bold attempt to smack the lips of Brutus Sunday night the man who feeds the lions made his ap- pearance near the nage with a box of raw beef, Brutus caught sight of the beef, and in a moment unfastened Beatrice's hold upon him and sprang upon her. Both had a lively tussle, wbioh finally emitted in the lion tamer falling to the oar and the lion grabbing the left side # her face in his mouth, Mauagr Ear. tar and trainers Beata and Ordway rush. d in with pitchforks. After plunging he forks several Mines into the head and ody of the bion they managed to make int loosen hie hold, and got the girl out f the °age. She was unconscious and loud was streaming from her Moe as be was carried into the office, A doctor as summoned, and upon examination nand that the lion had s000eoded in Boeing three of hie big teeth through ho woman's loft jaw. Other parte of or face were badly chewed. The doctor aid it was the worst °ase of animal bite e ever Flaw. The woman was delirious t midnight and in a precarious condi. 00. • k yr fl r 0 0 b h 0 b s a bi lVi!•ht1FAOTURE1, 1Y The E.T.f4OfSIlT COMPANY ,s 041?, ria' , MANUFACTURED 1? THE E. T. CORSET COMPANY tLL0HERB100110, QUG, �s,,� �' lit .� CIRSETS Cl , Y THE8E Because that is all we have and can get no more at such Prices. 40 pairs of our regular 50c and 60c line, we place on our counters 'Thursday at 36 CENTS. 38 pairs of our regular 75c and 85e line, we place on our counters Thursday at CENTS. 49 C�+ / �i' TS. 50 pairs of our regular $1.00 line, comprising many different styles, at 69 CENTS. 60 pairs of our regular $1,25 line for 85 Cents. In this line you will find the Watch spring E. T. No• 600, and many other popular lines. We -specially invite all the ladies to come and see these lines and many other lines that we have not mentioned. Y, ��acQsoN Effargffif to mur4a?ittti i v ailcalalOafatialaanalaseleallanattalataStad HALL! 11stasaaas %rYtaalitisMaat vk Vault A Galt men has ripe tomatoes in his garden patch. Another sad fatality has occurred at Comber- A little child, the daughter of Cyrue Roadhouse, was crushed to death on Saturday at about 10:30, a. m. Little Itlaher father, the who is a farmer on the mid to ddle road, half a mile from Comber, and in the morning fondly begged him to take her along to the held on the heavy log roller, He was driving with the roller in the Bald and the child rode beside him. The implement in passing over a farrow jolted and the Haile girl was thrown for. ward. The child fell at the horses' heels and the ponderous roller passed over the body of the unfortunate girl and death was instantaneous. The father was al- most frantic with grief as he beheld the corpse of his child almost completely fiat. tened by the weight of the roller. JaAMWORTH AND CHESTER WHITE BOARS 2011 SERVICE. North Half Lot es. will 7, Morrie, a thorn bred Tamworth l3oar, recently parohased from the well known breeder, Ino. Boll, Am- ber. Also &Chester White Boar. Terms, 01,00 to be paid at time of service with priv- ilege of returning if neeeeearv. 50.111 S. WAL111iR,ProPrietor, OAR 2011 SERV1OE,—THE Lot 20, Con, Undersigned, rris, thll e keep for bred on Proved white Yorkshire Boar "Canada's Prunus," 3. 01. purchased flour, from Lodge Perm, Burford, Terms, $1,00 to be paid at the time of aervioo with privilege of returning if necessary. Pedigree may be 00e11 011 ap- plication. Ro13T, NICHOL. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned w111 loop for servioe the thoro'-brad large English Berkshire Hoar, Biemarok" 110.1709. It took Iet prize at the Bast Huron Pell Pair in 1908, and was alwaysist whenov or exhibited. Terms, 31.00 to be paid at the time of service with privi- lege of returning if necessary, Two young Berkshire Boars and several young Short Horn Bulla for sale. 914f BUIL. ai= la Ptop, Btnel. WOOL! WOOL! We are prepared to buy, at high- est market price, in Cash, any quantity of Fleece Wool, deliver- ed either at our grain storehouse, No. 1, or itt the National Boller Flour u 0 1 Mills, Brussels. 1= -Please see us before disposing of your Wool. Stewart & Graham J 0. CEiEWAR Baker and froBer, Begs to inform his numerous friends that he has reduced his goods to a CASH BASIS. Granulated Sager, 23 lbs for 81.00 ; bis- cuits, 70. per lb.; 6 bars Dingman's soap, 250 ; 0 bars Ammonia soap, 25o; toba000, 40c. per lb.; bread, 80. per Ioaf, if booked 100. ; tapioca, Ga. per 113. ; sago, 6o. per 113. ; best ooffee, 350. per ib. ; Rio Green coffee, 25o. per Ib. ; pickles, 15o. per bob• tie ; all kinds of teas—Payson, Japan and Ceylon—at Close Prices. Bananas, Or. angel and Lemons at Rook Bottom Priaes. TERMS CASH. It will pay you to buy for cash. We have no cheap Sale Day, you can get this 6 days in the week. NII LLIIERY ftUNERY Everything must be clear. ed and in order to do this we have Out Deep Into Prices. `4'V'e invite every Lady to call and see our Styles and Prices before Buying. Miss McPherson, Produce taken in Exchange for Millinery. AucTlo� SALE Commencing Tuesday • Evening, the 19th ; Wednesday afternoon and evening, the 20th ; and Thursday evening, the 21st. Private Sale during the rest of the time, TIIE WHOLE OF COOD BROS' STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery, China, Glassware, Lamps, Shop Furniture, Site., Must be sold during the Next 2 Weeks, The Best Quality of the goods are yet to soli. The cheap and poorer goods Went first, You can get groat Bar- gains for then.e�U ext 2 Weeks,. Well Bros. r °.A1I Amounts must be settled by the 20111 inst.