HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-6-22, Page 44 New Advertisements, ?+near -B. Gerry, 7.00ale-.=Dr. dyer. LOoel-••Good liras, Strayed-3as. Sharp. Donal—Stark 81edioine Co. Election Notice—F, S. Soots, Bjeotion NOtioe--F, S. Scott. Sarsaparilla -0. I. Hood'2 Co. Elias and Ineeots—J, T. Pepper. A Travel ler' a Ix xperienee--Dr. W it hams Nlllselz Vast, FR DAY, JUIV.L+' 22, 1894, Toaoi,10 News says :—"In 1867 the total expenditure on Public and Sea pra Schools in Ontario was $1,476,000. In 1502 it was $4,053,000. This is an in- crease in 25 years of about 175 per cent. lo the same period the expenditure on High schools and Collegiate Institutes in. creased from $118,000 to $085,000, or nearly 550 per cent. We have been going crazy over higher education in this Pro. vinoe. We have unduly assisted this work at the expense of the primarysahools that exist for the bandit of all. And in this folly the Ontario Government has lead the way." The whole feats make a some- what different showing. The Mowat Government came into power in 1872. Singe that time the attendance at the Publio schools has increased but 7 per cent. in High schools the increase has been 186 per oent. During the same time the grant per pupil in the publio school bee inoreaeed 25 per cent., while the grantper pupil in the High school has do. creased 62 per cent. THE CANDIDAITS Nominated for Election to the Legislative Assembly. Addington Algoma East Algoma West Ll131110 : CoNSKWATtvn. • Frank Halliday Janne Reid. , .. 0. F. Farwell W. H, harsh... • James Coomee ., ,,.3, Savage,..,.. Brant North W,13, Wood..,,,, B rant South., ,... >.Hon, A. 8. Ilardy• Broolsvine G. A, Dana R. J. Jelly B B Smog)Center Cardwell Carleton Dufferin Dundee D D E E Essex North . E ossex South Frontenao Glengary rueeNorth ,.,.,,A. D. MoOonnell ....Wm. Molntosh . ruoe South R. E. Truax W. M. Deals Dr. o. Roberteon.E A, Little. Ohae, Maher G. W. Monk, 1)t Barr J, P Whitney urham East W .A.Pallia,,,, urh sin West , >, W. H. Lockhart .W. h. Reid !gip East ...J.0, Dance..... .... .0.A.Brown , , . igin West D. McNish D. MoOoll W, J. McKee ..,.....Sol. White W. D. Balfour 01•neit CANDID S, b, G. ISiollou (Patron.) Hopkins (P.P.A. ,D. OloNnughton(1.'•of I.) Wm, Vallene (Patron.) 3, Stevenson (Ind.) D. Jeffs (Patron) G. A. Kidd (patron.) W. Dynes (Patron,) J. P, Fos (Patron, Morris Council Meeting. The Court of Revision for the year 1894 met according to advertisement in the Town Hall, on May 28th, and the members subsoribed the oath required by statute. Changes were made in the As- sessment Roll as follows :—Samuel A. Snell, reduced $100 ; R. Taylor, com- plained of being assessed for 10 acres too much land, acreage reduced and amount of assessment reduced, 8400 ; Thos. R. Skelton, entered owner of S 9 con. 7 in place of George Skelton, deceased ; Wm. S. Skelton entered owner of N d 17, con. 9 and N } of S 10, con. 8 ; Robert W. Skelton entered -owner of N } 16, oon. 9 ; .Tames Forrest, entered owner of S } 22 oon. 8, in place of Donald McCallum ; Silas Jackson entered tenant E pt S } 80, con. 5, in place of F. Burns. The follow- ing parties had each one dog struck off :— N. Thornton, A. Bryan, J. Robb, D. Breckenridge, D. Ritchie, Wm. Thuell, R. Gibson, James Hawthorn, A. K. McAllis- ter, R. Bloomfield, Charles Campbell, Wrn. McCracken, D. Pipe and S. Love, George Hood and D. Meiklejohn had each one bitch struck off and one dog added. On motion of Wm. Iabister, seconded by George Kirkby the Court of Revision was then adjourned to meet again on the 80th June at 10 o'clock, a. in. Council busi- ness was then proceeded with and accounts were ordered to be paid as follows :—P. Cantelon, keel: of Fisher, $14 ; "Thomas Proctor, repairing hill, $10 ; J. Galley, cedar and putting in culvert on gravel road, $89 ; Wan. Findlater, lumber and culvert, $4.75 ; John Ainsley, plans and specifications of bridge, $8.50 ; Duff & Stewart, culvert of centre sideline, $7.68 ; J. Jackson, culverts, $10 ; James Irwin, assessment notices, $2.50 ; Misses Ex - ford, charity, $7.50 ; James Shurrie, re- pairing road, $7.00 ; D. M. Gordon, re- mission of statute labor tor, $14.00;; Alex. Clark, repairing culvert, - 81.00 ;; John Watson, Assessors Salary, $80.00. Moved by Wm. Iabister, seconded by Geo. Kirk- by, that the Reeve and Treasurer be in- structed to borrow $1,000 to meet cur- rent expenditure. Carried. W. H. Cloakey asked to be allowed to bring on the Township Engineer in reference to a proposed dram in his locality. After hearing parties interested it was moved by Thos. Code, seconded by Geo. Kirkby that the said request be granted. Car- ried. Moved by Geo. Kirkby, seconded by Thos. Code that Jae. Bowman be in- structed to let a job of placing 100 yards of gravel on centre sideline, con. 2. Car- ried The Council then adjourned to meet again after Court of Revision on the 80th. June next. War. C .mat, Clerk. A. Traveller's Experience. Grenville Grey South A Buohanan G. MnKechnie . Wm. Ford (Patron) G.A.Wintermute (Ind.) R. Dodson (Ind.) 3, A. Buabannan (Ind; J. V. Gallagher J.L. Hay000k (Patron. D.MoPl erean (Patron. G.U.MOGillivray(End, 0 Bush J. Soobt (Patron) D. MoNiohol (Patron,) W. Metoall (Patron.) „T. Gamey (Patron.) Grey North ...,James Cleland ., ,.,.N. Read Grey Center 0. W. Hartman 3 Rorke ...... Helton John husband Wm. Kerne Haidimand Dr. Baxter Hamilton Enst J. T. Middleton Hamilton West ....Hon. J. M. Gibson Hastings East N. Vermilyea HasbingeWest W. H. Biggar G. W. Ostrom Hastings North .... A. F. Wood Huron East T Gibeon Huron West Huron South Kent East Tient West Kingston Lambton East Lambton West .. Lanark North Lanark South Lennox Leeds T. Garrow M. Y. McLean R, Pergueon T. L. Pardo Wm. Harty. R. MoCormiek ... ,Chas. Mackenzie . W. C. Caldwell J M. Clerk Thos. Smytlrington D. Weismiller.. Jae, Clancy ...E, H. Smythe • Dr. Preston A J. Matheson ,.Dr. Meacham W. Beatty Lincoln.....,.... Maj. Hisootb London Thos. S. Hobbs ...... W. R. Meredith Middlesex East R. W. Jackson Middlesex West ....Hon. G. W. Rose John A. Leitoh Middlesex North.... W. H. Taylor (Pat.) Monok Hon. R. Harcourt .... Mnekoka A. P. Cockburn G. E. Langfor Norfolk North E. 0. Carpenter Norfolk South W. A. Charlton NorthumberlandEF. G. Webb Northumberland W..0. 0. Field Nipissing J Loughlin Coterie North T. W, Chapple J Glendening Ontario South Hon. J. Dryden ,.....R. Miller..... E. H. Bronson T. MsVeitty . Ottawa G. O'Keefe Durocher Oxford North Sir 0. Mowat Oxford South Dr. Maokay Parry South James Sharpe W.R. Beattie. Peel J Smith R. Crawford . Prescott A. Evantarel Perth North G. McPherson.. T. Magwood . Perth South T. Ballantyne Peterboro East ....Thomas Blezard Peterboro West ....J. A. Stratton.. Prince Edward .... Renfrew North, ....H. Barr 3.Tierney . Dr. Dowling A. A. Campbell . A Robillard John Lytler ..P. Cassidy (Ind.) Wm. Harvey • TILE LIFT; OF A C0M31ERCIAL MAN NUT ALL SUNSHINE. Constant Travel and Roughing it on Weakness the most Robust—The Ex - Peri mire a Halifax Merchant While on Arcadian Receder, Halifax, N. S. Mr. Percy J. A. Lear, junior partner of the firm of Blackadar & Lear, general brokers, 60 Bedford Row, Halifax, N. S. comes from a family of commercial trav- ellers. His tether, James Lear, was on the road in Lower Canada with dry goods twenty-three years, and few men were more widely known and esteemed, and the genial Percy himself has just retired from the ranks of the drummer, after a varied experience as knight of the grip, which extended over seventeen years and embraced almost every town and village in Canada from the Atlantic to the Pa- cific. He is an extremely popular young man, a leading member of the Oddfellows' fraternity, an officer in the 63 regiment of militia and a rising merchant. "How oomes it that you are so fat and ruddy alter suoh a term of hustling rail- road life and varied diet, Mr. Lear ?" questioned the reporter. "Well," was the answer, "it is a long story, but one well worth telling. I weigh 190 pounds to•day, and am in bet. ter health than I ever before enjoyed in ego I of down to Twog mylifeg years 155 pounds. Constant travelling, rough. ing it on trains and in country hotels broke me ell up and left me with a nasty ease of kidney complaint and indigestion. My bead was all wrong, any stomach bad ; I was euffering continual pains and diz. ziness, my urine was extremely think and gravelly. I began togetsoared. I con- sulted several phyeioians in Montreal, Winnipeg and other cities, lint their treat. ment did not give me a particle of relief. One day 1 bought it box. of Dr+ Williams' John Senn (Patron.) 0. R. Smith (P 0,A.) W. Hancock (P.P.A.) A. McLaren (Patron.) ..R. 3. Graham (Temp. J Haggerty (Ind. Con. Wm. Milne Patron, 3.Counelly Patron.) C. Darling (Patron.) P. MOOallum (P: P. A.) A, T. Gard (P.P.A.) W. Gorse (Patron.) • .3. Ferguson (Patron.) ..R. M. Brisooe (Patron.) J B. Wilson (Patron.) .R. Thompson (Patron.) Wm. Shore (P.P.A.) J. H. Alexander. H. Crawford (Patron.) d.. D. Dalton (Patron.) G. Cross (Patron.) W.A. Willougbby.J. B. Ewing (Patron.) Geo. Mitchell.... James Kirk (Ind.) S. Fourdier (Ind.) Renfrew South .... Russell Simooe East A Misaampbell..W. Lawson (Patron.) Simooe West Jas. Duff A. Currie (Patron.) SimeoeCenter Robb. Paton A B Thomp,ion..J. Coutts (Patron.) Stormont W. Mack 0. Fulton ......3. Bennett (Patron.) Toronto East Dr. Ryerson .... J. Armstrong (Labor sup. by Libe.) ' "A.. F' Molntyre (Ind.) people, (8) That more attention might begiven; to juvenile :temperance work, and that the 'iubroduebiau;of the Seloob Degree into oouneils would give interest to thorn, (8) '.therefore, the optima would recom- mend, (a) That lye keep in view the vast 1411 patience of the moral sua51011 idea. (b) That its far as possible t einflusaloeo£ the Order be brolrght to bear on elnlre058, to give spoeialIirominepce to the temper- ance oause. (o) That Carmois exorcise due oversight over the demeanor of mem. hers. (d) That all members be urged to use all wise legitimate moans possible to further the crow of total prohibition, es. peoiallybymaking it a matter of eon. science at the polls, J, H. Reid, on behalf of the Finance Committee, reported that, .owing to the absence of necessary papers, the ootat- luibbes was unable to give, at present, the exaot standing of the oounoil livanoially. C. Horseman (Patron.) W. Nancelsivell (Pat'n.) J. Cross (Patron.) S. McNeil (Patron.) S Lancaster .... H.C.W. Inch ..,.J.A.Davidson H. James Gibeon....J. Cavan (Patron.) J. Wilson (Temp. Ind.) J Shaw There wore also a number of minor re - porta given by the other comnlittees, Under the head of new busineda, it was Moved by W. H. Butt, seconded by W, H. Lewis, that this District Connell request the Select Council to ask for pledgee from all candidates for parliamentary lton0re in bho differeut ridings, to support pro- hibition when the question comes before parliament. It waa decided to hold the next Distriet council at Hohnesville, between 15th and 50th of Jan, next. Moved by3. H.Pypor, seconded by W. H, Butts, that a hearty vote of thanks be extended the Wingham Council for the hospitality shown visiting councils during the convention, which was replied to • by Dr. Dowling, of Wiugharn council. F. C. Emmen, Dist. Secy. Toronto West G. ,G. S. Lindsey ....Ald. Crawford .. Toronto North Joseph Tait G. F. Metter,... Toronto South Charles Moss 0. A. Howland .. Victoria East S. H. Carnegie ..W. Thurston (Patron.) Victoria West Dr. John Molloy ....Robert Bryans ..3.Campbell (Patron.) V.Otterbein (Patron.) Waterloo North A. Robertson F. G. Gardiner (Ind. Waterloo South ....3. D. Moore J. N. Sipes (Patron. ) Welland W. M. German ......Win. McLeary .. Wellington Eaet..,,John Craig .... ...... J. Hampton ....J. Parke (Patron.) Wellington West..,.A. S. Allan Geo. Tooker (Patron.) Wellington South ..J. Mavis: A. Darby (Patron.) Wentworth North ..John J. Flatt ...,J.Nioholson(Pa.&Con.) Wentworth South ..N. Awrey J Wilson York East John Richardson ....E. B. Ryokman.. York West W. J. Hill J W. G. Sohn •'J Hutchinson (Ind.) North E. J. Davie ( ) Pink Pills, and I made up my mind to give them a good trial. They seemed to help me and I bought a second, third and fourth box, and they oared me, My stomach was all right, the dizziness left my head : no more lassitude, and all bra. ces of my kidney disease disappeared. I was a new man, and gained flesh lm. mediately, and have never been troubled since. I consider my case astonishing, because kidney complaint, especially 'gall stones, is hereditary in our family. It helped to burry my father to an early grave, and an uncle on my mother's aide, Dr. Whittle, of Sydney, Australia, had been a chronic sufferer from gall stones from boyhood. I was so impressed with the virtnee of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that I took the trouble to send Dr. Whit. tie two boxes all the way to Australia. Since my discovery of the benefits of these wonderful little pink coated exter- minators of disease, I have recommended the remedy far and wide, and I could enumerate dozens of oases where they have been efficacious. An analysis shows that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain in a condensed form all the alemente necessary to give new life to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for all diseases arising from an impover. ished condition of the blood, or from an impairment of the nervous system, such ae lose of appetite, depression of spirits, anemia, chlorosis or green siokneee, general muscular weakness, dizziness, lose of memory, locomotor ataxia, para. lysis, sciatica, rheumatism, St. Vitus' dance, kidney and liver troubles, the aft- er effects of la grippe, and all diseases de- pending upon a vitiated condition of the blood, such as scrofula, obronio, eyrsipe. las, etc. They are also a epeoifio for the sensor to the female system, buildingsnow the blood, and restoring the gloof health to the pale and sal- low oheeke. In the case of men they ef- fect a radical euro in all oases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses. Sold by all dealers or sent by. mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.60,by addressing the Dr. Williams Medians) Company, Brookville, Ont., or pan y, Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of imilati. one and substitutes alleged to be ',lust ae good." DISTRICT MEETING OF THE R. T. OF T. GQ IDA -r1§ Home Seeker's Excursions 1894 From all stations on the line of the Grand Trunk Timms WILL ns BOLD ON June 12, Good to Return until Aug. 11. June 19, Good to Return until Aug. 18. June 26, Good to Return until Aug. 25. July 17, Good to Rsttun until Sept. 15. To the following points at ratesnamed DELURAINE }$28 RESTON ESTEVAN BINSOARTH MOOS OMIN REGINA �/1 ItORKTON } $9 YORTiTUN CALGARYLBEitT } e 3 !J - RDD DEER - - L 6�0 EDMONTON • f $ 'Winnipeg Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition will be held from July 28rd to 90th, inclusive. and July 17th has been fixed upon forE Excursion nExhibitio0 enable passengers to atte d the The Royal Templars of Huron held their District meeting at Wingham, Thursday, June 14th, with a good repre- sentation from all parte of the district. District Councillor, J. E. Tom, in the chair. After the minutes of the preced- ing meeting, held in Seaforth, Jan. 27th, were read, a striking committee +svgs ap- pointed, oonsisting of Bros. Davis, Cen- tralia ; Dobson, Fordwich ; Pickard, Holmesville, and SistersBeatty, Seaforth; McKay, Goderich, who proceeded to draft the Standing committees. Tho reports of D. Councillor, D. Seoy. anti Treasurer were then given, after which the advisability of dividing the district into two divisions was discussed, but when the vote was token, it was de. cided not to make any division at present. Fordwich council, on request, was granted permission to withdraw from Huron jurisdiction and join Wellington, if permitted by that district. The places in Huron District where the district meet- ings are likely to be held being very diffi- cult to reach from Fordwich, so it was thought advisable to transfer, G. Penhale, Exeter, reported for the committee on "The distribution of reports endpapers." He thought that the fuller report each council obtained of matters Pertaining to the work the better, and that a copy of the Weekly Templar should be placed in the hands of every family re. presented in the council. J. H. Pyper, of Seaforth, in hie report for committa on "Opening and resuscitat- ing councils," said that new councils might be started in Clinton, Zurich, Hill's Green, Dashwood and other places, and when any counoil had become extinct, i those aounails in the immediate neighbor- hood hood might see to the resuseiating of such. The committee for "Temperance work" reported through their chairman, Mr. Dobson, who said, (1) That it retroepecb of the act half year was satisfactory ; showed major- ity veto she v the lab g ] it' n of the plebiscite o to prohibition it in favor of the total lignor traffic ; that no stone should be left unturned that would induce the powers that be to give effect to the wishes of the J. N.IKENDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels, 80 DAYS Home seekers' Excursions a$isl From all stations on the line of the JUNE 22,1891 Venal% IYIDL Pel, Soho ON June 111, Goad to Return marl AUG, 11. Juno 15, Good to lietuim until. Aug, 18 J nlie'se, Oood to Return until Aug, !16 July 17, Good to Return until Sopa 1e , To the following points at ratesnamed DN1 010AINl9 ESTOESTVO I NN R , f' BINBO A1RV' I- 1n00501UIN INA � O REGINA. I tlosEAw YO BETON ,r ll RIiTON e� FRINGE ALBERT, CALGARY RED DEER - - EDMONTON - - .1 3 5 1 4O 'Winnipeg Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition willbo bald from July 280d to Nth, inclusive, and July 17th has boon fixed upon for Exoursion to enable passengers to attend the Exhibition. J. T, PEPPER, AGENT, BRUSSELS. rani Concert 1 TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS, MONDAY JULY 2nd, .Li''VEN Under the auspices of Court Princess Alexandria C. O. F. The following talent will take part :— AGNES KNOX (MRS. CHARLTON BLACK) Lecturer on Rhetoric and Elocution in the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston. Zany. W. Bich, Humorous Vocalist and Caricaturist, TORONTO. PROF. HAWKINS, Pianist. BRUSSELS ORCH.ISTRA— H. L. Jecxsme, Leader. This is a Rare Treat. DON'T MISS IT. TURNIP SEED I We have 720W in stoop the following varieties of Turnip Seed viz. : Hall's Westbury Sutton's Champion Sharpe's Improved Skirving's Improved Royal Norfolk, East Lothian Elephant or Monarch Bangholm Grey Stone, Yellow Aberbeen. ALL - GUARANTEED - FRESH. Our Stock throughout is well assorted and Prices Right. s Look al Yours degammenamesInesMOMII VV 0 0At tho LISTOWEL 'Woollen rasetory S. F. BROOK & SON DRESSED In one of our 1�►t11 V%ool Suits And you will be astonished at the Elegance of your Pay the Highest Market Price, Cash or Trade. In exchanging goods for wool, we will pay a Few Cents Above The Market Price, gnnranteeing to gall our goods at rook bottom aeeh pricee. Come with your friends and gee our tremendous stools in all lines of Appearance. Wear it for a few months and you will be astonished at its our stook is open for inspeotfon, and is the best seleoted stook ever shown by any Woollen Factory in Canada, Do not fail to call and see for yourselves our Fine Grey Flannels at 25o. per yard that will not shrink in washing. We have made up it spaniel line of all Wool Tweeds at 40o, per yard. Something never before shown for the money. Roll carding, Spinning and Manufacturing, Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, &c. can Done on short notice and best of work gun Parties guaranteed. P from a distance rely on getting their rolls souls the same dray. Would advise to hand pick all wool for roll carding, and you will be sure to get good rolls. All we ask is for you to give Pee a trial. We deal honestly with everybody and you will find ug always ready to give the most prompt and eareful'attention to all. B. F. BROOK & SON. name Lam' P. S.—beware of peddlers. We underetiand they aro using ourn make salsa, Put them down as frauds of the worst kind, We allow no peddlars to sell our goods. Wearing Qualities, Ask the Price and you will be astonished at the We offer Men's Snits, All Wool, for - $5.00. Men's Serge Suits, all sizes, well made, strongly trimmed, for $3.25. Men's Suits that were $10.00 for $7.75. Men's Suits that were $8.00 for $6.00. We have about 100 Men's Suits that were from $12.00 to $15.00. We have decided to clear them out and will give you your choice of the lot for $10. 00. Youths' Suits from $3.00 to • $10.00. Boys' Suits for $1.00. Boys' Suits, all wool, from 22 to 29 breast measure for $1.50. Too lYlany Tweeds ! To Clear we will Sell our 50c. Tweed 75 $1.00 1.25 1.50 1t for ec CC 11 t1 1t Y1 Ft 350. 550 750 $1.00 1.15 Produce Taken. SM1II1 & ilcLareu1