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The Brussels Post, 1894-6-22, Page 3
Tom. Directory. MEr,Y33708 COOlet lie -Sabbath Services Mt 11 a en and o:80p,m, Sunday School at 2;80.p M. Rev, John Rose, 13 li, pastor, KIM Guultou.—Sabbaiji liereleee at U a m and 0;80 p m, Sunday Sollool at 2^ 80 m, Rev, D. IlZ'llar, Inviter. , ; so. i r p ,p T. o n — J 1x05 s DI1u 0x. t bat S Ss b 'v' .lJ tier rasa at 11 a to and 7 p m, Sunday School at 2;80 p, m. Rev. W. G. Reilly, Maim bent, i\lgenonr3T Omineu,—Sabbath Services at 10:80 a m and G:30 p m. Sunday &&hoot ab 2:30 p m, Rev,. G, 71, Cobble- dick, Al A, B D, pastor, RonrAN CATnDI,IO 01111nOi1,—Sabbath ervige third Sunday in every month, at 0;80 a m. Rov Joseph Kennedy, riegt. Sere/know Aunrr.rSorvios fa 7 and 11 in and 3 and 8 p rn on Sunday and very evening in the week at 8 o'oleok, at the barraoks, ODD I i r,owo' Loewe every Thursday evening, in Graham's Wools. Mama Tuesday et or before fall moon, in Garfield Moak, A 0 11 W Loncit on let and 8rd Friday evenings of eaoh month, in 131as- laill'» blook. C 0 F Loma 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month, in Blashill'3 Meek. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' hall. L O L 1st Monday in ovary month in Orange hall. R T or T, 2nd and 4611 Tuesday's of each month, hi Odd Fellows' Hall. SONS Ow SCOTLAND, let and 8rd Tues- daya of eaoh month, in Odd . Fellows' Hall. • K. 0. T. M. LoncE, let end 8rd Thurs. days of each month, in Vanetone block. Hone Cream, 2nd and 4th Friday even - Inge in Blaebill'e Hall. Pose OppmE.-Oflioe hours from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m - 'Mammas' INserroen.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 8 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:30 to 5 and 6 to 8'Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw, Librarian, Town Coouom,—W. 13- Kerr, Reeve ; W. II. MoOraeken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and S. Wilton, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer • D, Stewart As aeesorn a d J. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets 1 the et Mondayin e each month. So1IooL Boman.—Rev. Rose, (ohairman,) Dr, McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid and J. N. Kendall • Sec.-Trestleit. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month, PDBLIO Soma, TEAonane.-1. H. Cam. Aron, Principal, Miss Braden, Miss Downey and Miss Cooper. BOARD or Hz/a.m.—Reeve Herr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Rendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. • TUE RUNAWAY BOY. Wunst I sensed my pa, an he Won't stand 'at, an he punished me, Nen when he wuzgon that day I slipped out and ruined away. I took all my copper Dente An climbed over our bank fence In the jimson weeds 'at growed Ever'where all down the road, Nen I got out there, an nen I ranted some—and tinned again When I meet a man 'at led A big cow 'at %booked her head. I went down a long long lane, Where was title pigs a -play's, An a great big pig went "boob," An jumped up and sheered me, too. Nen I scampered past, an they Wuz somebody hollered "Hey I" An just looker ever'wbere, An they wuz nobody there. I want to, but I'm 'fraid to try To go back .. And by and by Somepin Mixte my th'oat inside— An I want my me—an cried. Nen a gree' big girl (same through Where's a gate, and belled me who Am I, an of I tell where My home's at she'll show me there. But I coutd'nt 'let but tell What's my name, and she nays "Well," An net looked me up an says, "She knows where I live, she guess." Nen she tailed me hag wibeclose Round her nek—an on she goes Skippin up the street 7 An nen Purty soon I'm hams agen. An my ma, when she kissed me, Rieeed the big girl too, an she Rimed me—ef I p'amise ehure I won't run away no more. JANE JONES. Jane Jones keeps talkie' to me all the time, An' says you must make it a rale To study your lessons 'nd work hard 'nd learn, And never be absent from school. Remember the story of Elihn Barrio,• An' how he alum to the top, Got all the knowledge 'at he ever had Down in a binokamithing shop. Jane Jones elle honestly said it was so I Mebbehe did— I dunno 1 0' course wbat'e a keepin' me 'way from the top Is not never havin' no blaokamithing shop, She said 'at Ben. Franklin was awfully poor, But fell of ambition and brains ; An' studied philoaopy all his whole life, An' see what ha got for his pains t He brought elecbrioity out of the sky With a kite an' a bottle an' key, An' we're owing him more'n anyone else For all the bright lights that we see. Jane Jouee ebe honestly said it was so l 14ialabe he dia— I dunno 1 0' memo what's allot; hinderin' me Is not bavin' any kite,lightenin' er key. Jane Jones said Abe. Linooln bad no books at all, An' used to split mile when a boy ; An' General Grant was a tanner by trade An' lived away out in Illinois ; So when the great war in the South first broke out Ile stood on the aide of the right, An' when Linooln celled him to take charge of things He won nearly every blamed fight. Jana Jones she honestly said it was so f Mebbe he did -- I dunno 1 Still I ain't to blame, not by a bits sight, Poe' I ain't never had no battles to fight. She Sala that Columbus was out at the Muse When he first thought a ilia big soberer),An told Id allthe p S anis^ too p ;cis an' Italians An' all of them amid 'twee a dream, But Qom Isubglle fest lietoned to him, 'Nr pawned all her jewels of wprth, 'Nd bought him the Santa Marie nd acid "Go , ,, )141 the e res .o t ft e p the ar [ I t) Jan aJaPq ; s Alto )iouemswirl d i t t 16 wee go 1lfelrbo yy a1 h 'dia— 1 l dunno 1 0' course that may be but then you'll allow There eine) any laud to discover fust now, " The Deanery of Huron, The first annual eouveutiou for the Sunday eolloole of the Deanery of Iluron was bold fu St, George's School room, Godorich, on Tuesday of last week, Rtu. al Doan Iloclgins presiding, and over 70 delegates being hi attendance, represeub- ing ovary charge in the deanery, except Exeter. Rev, Mr. Diehl, of llolnaesvillo, was appointed secretary. Tian least business of the morning ses- sion was the reception of reports from the various schools, all of which. were very satisfactory ; the atatieti'os given were not complete, but they showed over 1,000 children ourollod, and au average attendance of over 700, while the Bible classes had over 200 members additional. A regular S. S. Association for the Deanery was then formed, to be compos- ed of all the clergy S. S. teaohers mud of- ficers, and mombens of Bible classes, A constitution to govern the body was then 8isoussed and adopted. and one and Pea - ter. of ick eg- of OBS of ould very et•vi- ur- hese e5. and he Sts d- en a - the r- oh- o - of ak- ad ly so m - is on d lip d tea s et the 'ME Aawr,aNCON session was devoted largely to the reading dfscuesing of papers on "The Cabeolei as the basis of Church Teaching," "Qualifications of a Sunday School ' cher," by Mr. Robinson, of Wroxs In these 1;e urged the prime necessity teaching the Catechism, neglect of wit was one of the causes for abasias or n loot of the holy communion. Tho second paper, by Mr, Poster, Wingliam, was on "Children's Servi and how to oonduob them." A. few the suggestions were: Children sh beloateohised by the rector, say ones quarter, in the ohm'oh, responsive s cos should bo used, either from the ch lib service or based on the liturgy. T services require fe mus' is prayer, or adds p Y , ass The first should be bright hymns tunes easily sung and understood ; t prayers might be taken from the cone of the prayer book, suitable for. the chil ren ; and the addresses should be giv by the minister, and should be illustr five and simple after the example of Great Teacher. The benefits of snob se vices will be mutual to children, tea ers and parents. The third paper was on "Parental R sponsibility," by James Armstrong, Varna. In it he said home was the m ing or marring of the lives of many pe pie ; nonpower in the world could le the ohildreu's thoughts to higher realm than mother. Parents should not on teach their children to pray, bit al pray with them and lead such a life the selves that they may be good examples t follow. Teach the children that God a God of love. Rev. Mr. Turnbull, of Godorich, gav the fourth paper, an excellent one, "The Bible Class." Each paper brought forth lively an profitable discussions that evinced a de interest on the part of the convention. The following questions were pub an were dismissed generally : "How to cls the Infant Claes," and "Promotion in the School!' On the invitation of the Dean the nex convention will be held iu Sea forth. Officers of the Association were th elected as follows :—Hon. -Pres., the Ru rel Dean ; Pres., the rector of the plac in which the convention slum be held vice -Pres., Mrs. Foster, Wingham ; Re cording Secretary, Rev. L. W. Diehl 'Hohnesville ; Corresponding Secretary Mies Brown, Seaforth. The convention adjourned after a most successful and en- couraging beginning. In the evening a special service was held in the church, the congregation be- ing very large. The musical program was very finely rendered, and choirmaster, Mr. Dowding and his associates well deserved the hearty praise given them in the vote of thanks passed in the chapter meeting. The sermon by the Dean was an admir- able discourse on music and praise in their relation to the church service. TDB CuAPTEa I mam'INO. The quarterly meeting of the Decanal Chapter on Wednesday was preceded by holy communion at 8, a. m., the pro- ceedings of the chapter beginning at 10 o. clock, and continuing until one. Among- st the business transacted was the adopt- ion of the constitution need by St. Geor- ge's Guild, which is now recommended to all parishes as the basis for organi- zatious for church work. The propriety of complying more felly with the church rules for performing marriages and bap- tisms in the church instead of at private houses, will be brought up at the coming ineeting of the Synod. The congregation of Sb. Stephens were recommended to have a deputation interview the Bishop while in this section a fete weeks hence, with a view to having a permanent pul- pit supply. The general opinion was. that both the convention and the chapter meetinn were among the most successful gabhermgs iu the history of the diocese. Wroxeter. Material is being laid on the ground for a new beidge over the Maitland hero. Wroxober has decided to hold a Do- minion Day oelebratiou on Saturday, ' June 80th. John Gibson left last week for Meet - ley, where he hag accepted it situation in a dour milt. Rev. lbtr. Cameron, of Toronto, once - pied the pulpit in the Presbyteriau ohuroh last Sabbath. Rev. 17. A. Shaw will preach his fare- well sermon next Sabbath. His euooess- or, Ilev, W. D. Kerr, will be here the fol. lowing Sabbath. The football cleb bay reorganized. The following officers were appointed : A. oPresident Bvt Thos. InMerTreaanrer;W.David. son, Captain. On Friday evening John Hupfer mot with what might have been a fatal awn - dent. He wits riding 00 a bicycle and was speedowhenthe wheel struckpa trut band r threw him in Trout of a horse, whichd passed over bim, a few alight braises be- ing the resit. taintenemiaceetessetteetteeeficteesRey. v ala o ^ Callen Rl llaidson, 1�reeldgnt. of the n , Ca adi as Chrietlan 13ndSavor'llnian, addreesed the 0, E. workers of the differ. 0»b soelotiee in this village n St, Stettin, en a obereh on Friday evening,. On tits evening of the Otit Inst 'a'foy, fug assembly of about 180 geode aesembl, tad at the r'osidence of J, W, Jeogue5, Hewn*, r, t0 wlb!)ea8 the t o marria� e g f h i Marriage e duughtorNaney:to Olay, il. Ilarl^ls, 'Tie oar gad duty to record the demise of Mrs. Goo.' Bone which gemmed on Saturday Oth inat, ab the pe ripe old age of 02 yearn, feeble all lest lwleter ane old d peaoalelly slepbeen t herself away on the above date. De- wheresheas ra lied a in ily and buriedahoe IJret husband, About 20 years ago elm (same to 011ie county and lived with her d;tughter,lire, Jas Sbarpin, until 1878 when she was married bo Cleo. Boner Her remains were interred in the Ger. ole oemete;y on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Bone' bas the sympathy of all in his be - rennet min BT�TSSXBS POST lateknow. A good deal of oomplaiut hes been made against allowing geese to run ab large in the village. G. W. Berry, of this village, has pur- chased by auction the drug stock of G. Fear, of Goderiolt.On June 24th, S000lebyySnaky, uwill Y attend the Prlesbyteriaan Oburoh in a body, at 3 o'elook, p. m. A row took place between two Einloee residents in which one of them used a knife. The ease was settled before Msg- istrabe Lawrence. Ab the recent University exnminrobions in Toronto, John Dowering of this vil- lags and, I, K. Coiling, son ,of the Rev. J. S. Dolling, received ,the degree of 13. A. The old Presbyterian Murcia has bean removed to the vaeanb lot on the corner of Campbell and Victoria Streets, where it will be used as a blacksmith shop by George Northoote. At the last meeting of the Directors of the Kinloss Branch Agricultural Society it was decided to offer liberal prizes for the largest and best collection of the dif- ferent kinds of grasses, grain in straw, 50rn, etc., at the Doming fall show. l0- rater. Quite a Q number from here d e the Maccabees pia-nio at Grand Bend. A 'bus will soon be put on "sobednle time" between here and Grand Bend Park. Mel/ 0.," owned by John Hawkshaw, was distanced in the 2.85 trot at Strat- ford. The Exeter Royal Template intend bolding their annual pio-nio at Grand Bend on or about July 4th. While Rich. Creech was playing hall on the Exeter school grounds be received a bad blow in the face from the ball, bfeeking his nose. He was catching behind the bat at the time. At a recent meeting of the Winnipeg baseball team, two former Exeberitee, F. H. Gidley and Geo. Eaorett, were among the staff of officers elected for the coming year. A meeting was called for the purpose of organizing a cycling club in town when the following ofeers were elected for the ensuing year :—Pree., Dr. Lutz ; Vioe- Pres., N. D. Rurdon ; Seo., R. T. Fergu- son ; Treas., F. W. Collins ; Capt., W. C. Browing ; Whip„ Jae• Grieve ; Bugler, Frank Lutz, At the last meeting of Advance Conn. oil No. 207, Royal Templare of Temper- ance, the following officers were elected for the next term :—Select Councillor, George Peuhale; Vios.0000oilior, Robt. N. Rowe ; Chaplain, E. A. rollick ; Treas., Peter Frieyne ; Rea. -Seo., Frank Wood ; Financial -Seo., Miss M. E. Gill Herald, Warren Snell ; Guard, Ino. Cud - more ; Sentinel, Andrew Dempsey ; Organist, Mies Annie Gregory. net Canadian Ne w The railway officials at Niagara Palle ars having a hard time with the army of tramps moving through the country. Louis Plante, ehargedwith robbing and assaulting two Chinamen near Mimiso in 1892, and was subsequently arrested in Colorado, was sentenced at Toronto to 7 years in penitentiary, HEAT DMA= RELIEVED m 30 Mao. wras.—All oases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and eulokly cured, by Dr. Agnew'¢ Care for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. Eddie Potter, the nins.year.old son of a widowed mother, of Tilsonbarg, Ont., was drowned Thursday night while swim- ming in Cowan brick yard in that town, Hie little sister was nearly drowned in attempting to rescue him. A BOON TO Honsa:nreN.—One bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it sots with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused ]snips, blood spavin, splints, ourbs, eweeny, stifles and sprains. GEo. Ronn, farmer, Markham, Oat. Sold by G. A. Deadman. A colt beloning to H. Richards, Both - d le some manner ors other, against in the pasture field, and a sliver three inches long by one iueh thick penetrated the head just over the eye and completely burled itself in the brain. Avon's Pills promote the natural mo- tion of the bowels, without which there nazi be no regular healthy operations, For the cure of biliousness, indigestion, sick Madam, constipation, jatnd)ce, 003 liver complaint, these pills Gave no equal. Every dose affective. RaIEnnrATlan CURED IN A DAY.—South American Rheumatic Ours for Rhauma. ti8m and Neuralgia radically aures in to 8 eve. Its aotiou upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re. moves at oitoe the Muse and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 aunts. Warranted by G. 8.. Deadman. NOT many liminess houses in the United States can boast of fifty years standing, , The business Of Dr. J. 0. Ayer iS Co,, Lowell, Mass., whose incompar- able Sarsaparilla is known and used everywhere, bas passed its half.oenten. vial and was never so vigorous as at pees. ant. "High mountains are a feeling o�theseut be hum ef who suffer from nheadaohe cities net. algia and bilbousness, but Stark's Pow. ere are an immediate, pleasant and per- mpnenb ours, You ono get them from y good druggist for 25 oonts a box. Nell Goaoby, at Harwich, ono of bhe moat 1) og e o I s femora In kept, says Y e in a!! 1)ie oxperionau hu never saw a bettor ehowlug for fruit, particularly applee, and that the yield of all l;lnde of ];rata will be far above the average, On the bank of the river at. Winnipeg, ti,ieuarasveandeonnjust been diqrd,aitis believed othat „ t be a to t ,lo t Toro Soob wh MO shat by Biel during t r he t River l F d _ e f;olb llioh of 1800. 40 luvestigetion is to lis made, ReLnt' IN 000 Hoa1;s.--Disbressingk l3- nay ad bladder dieeaseu reneeed in sixa hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." This new reined), e a great surprise and delight on sgoout n of ,ta exooedhlg promptness in relieving a pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary p5eee atte in male Or female, It relieves retention of water and pain hi passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quiok relief end mire this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. im- mediately? Friday evehing Robert Philips, plumb. or, and John Lspbarb, m oontraotor at Burr Bros., were experimenting ab Guelph, with what is knewu as a bi- bad tw 7 dies ole bwii h them,h1butfinding they the boat was overloaded with them, they put them ashore, when two boys, ,lames Heffernan, aged 11 years, enc] Alf. Smith, aged 0 took their plane in the boat, They hod not proceeded far Pp the dam, when the boat from some valise upset, and the four were thrown into fifteep feet of water. Joeepb W. James, a G. T. 16. sac. tion man saw the aooidenb from Allan's bridge, stripped himself and Bemired a rope at the C. P. R. and swain out to the two men clinging to the boat, the boyo by this time having sank. Daniel Bard and Jamas Olgie also stripped and swam to their assistance with ropes, When the mea were rescued they were much exhausted. The body of the boy, All, Smith, whose father works in the gas works, was found about 10 O'olook The body of Ileffernan was found at 11:- 80, Peter Ryan, registrar of Toronto, through hie counsel, haverson & St. John has taken aetion for a large sum against the London Free Press newspaper, The foundation for the action is the publica- tion by the Free Press of a statement made byMr. f1TOtheC s St Thomas mac Barrister, to eC it week 0i two ai ice in sal address in West Kent, to the effect that "Peter Ryan, a Toronto registrar and a party heeler," as the rose Press elegantly reported it, had been employed to auction Government timber limits, on which occasion it was asserted lu the al. legged libel, "Mr. Ryan had a friend buy in a limit for him, and a few days later he sold it, making' $18,000 boodle out of it." When this statement was published, Mr, Ryan at once wrote a let- ter to Mr. Orothers, indignantly denying the charge, and asserting that it was a gross libel. Mr. Ryan demanded that Mr. Crothers should retract the state• meet or give his proof. Mr, Crothers has done neither. At the same time Mr. Ryan wrote a snort letter to the Free Press in a similar vein, Tha Free Press emasculated the letter, only publishing a few lines of it, and made no apology to Mr. Ryan for the injury it had done to him in eiroalabing Mr. (Mother's; false ao0neabion. The a0tion now taken is the sequel. The Free Press has since published an humble apology. -IE COOK'S BEST FRiENID •'•9GF$T SLE iM CANADA. LIME ! LIME ! To those who Intend Building. Having built a Lime House at the Sta. tion I will keep a supply of the Best Fresh Lime for Sale suitable for all Building purposes. Also WHITE BRICK And Plastering Hair for Sale. D. A. Lowry. BRUSSELS. C FL ENZAy Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi. dernThe besst remedy for orless complaint is Ayer's Oherry Pectoral. "Last Spring, I was taken down with La Grippe. At times 1 wee eomplet5lypros- tratee, and so difficult was MY breathing that my breast seemed as If confined in an iron cage. I procured a bottle of etyer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking it than rel lef followed. I could not be - neve that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so eompleto. Itis truly a wonderful Med. fcius."—W, H, Wmrr&u5, Crook My, S. D, AYER'S CherryPectoral. Prompttctesuretocure citildtiARB 1. E. Br�dges Successor to ,TI, WILLIAMS ez SON, Mill street, Brussels, Will (seep in Stook and Make to Order C A RIAGg'. ' 000 Of the following styles ^— o y Slagle and Double 33uggies, Victories Village Carts, Deg Carts with Plat- form Gears, Ladies' Phaetons, Doobor's Phaetons, Lumbar Wagons, tee., &c. Repairing and re-pa.iuting, Promptly attended to at Moderate Charges. Call and examine stock be- fore purchasing else- where. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Agent for the Fleury Plows and Repairs alatar'e + p Everybody should' see the Adjustable Pole. It will fit any rig, either buggy or cutter. J. E. BRY©GES, White r * Y Star Linen ROTAL MAIL. STGAuSHIPS, Aobweon Now Pork and Urerpool, Quvcastowa,ovary Wed;ieaclay, As the . 9 toe war i o s this nue carry strlgtlYlh uibed number in the s'=Prllawl mono 015x05 aecommad4tlons intendig 7558588005 are romiudod teat au early ap, phoatlon Ter berths is necessary at this men son, Vol. piano, rates, etc., apply to W. H. Kezar, Agent, Brussels, 11cLEOD'S Brat= Zonovator 0TTTEZI 7.1Li'STED RE-;1IEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleaeneee, Palpate - tion of the 23eart, Liver Complaint, Naar: algia, Loss of Memory, Bronohitie, Con. samption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, hiduey and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Deno, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY 0OQERICf'19 ONT �. M. 11[oLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by 3, T. PEPPER, Druggist, Brussels. �Brusseis' Pliologrqhflo. Has just received from Toronto, a Life Size Portrait Camera, lar- gest ever been in these parts, so will supply the public with some- thing extra nice in Photos. There is nothing nicer than a picture of this kind to decorate your homes. Groups of Every Description Taken on shortest notice, also views of Private Residences, Public Buildings, Pic-nio Parties, Etc. We are second to none and in- tend to keep right up to date in the Photo. line. Every size pos- sible taken, from the small Sunbeams to Life Size. Pictures Copied and Enlarged to any Size in Crayon,. Give us a Call—Always Welcome at the old Reliable Studio over the Standard Bank, sairareis=rt.ais,, CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. Established 1871. Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 Gain for 1892, - 2,000 000 C. MAc sea .LD. Actuary. Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 New Insurance, 8,670,000 Gain over 1891, - 750,000 TIM NM UNCONDITIONAL -ACCUMULATIVE POLICY IsAsSued Only by the Confederation Life Association. rl3-Ib is absolutely fres from all restrictions as to residence, travel and oe0npabion from the date of issue. rr It is entirely void of all eouditione. It is absolutely and automatically non -forfeitable, after two years. The insured being entitled to : (a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the further period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid Up Policy, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to a (a) Dash value, as guaranteed in the polio,. President, Hon. Sir W. P. Howland, C.B., M.0.M.G. Managing Director, J. E. Macdonald, • W. H. ItERB., Agent at Brussels. TAYLOR &SJLLIB'S masciat Opposite the American Hotel, Brussels, Is the CIIE.4PEAST fol ��y GROCERi !Eve, CROCKE y, GLASSWARE AND SEEDS,. All wi11zbe sold at a Big Reduction on usual Prices. A Large Stock of Seeds on Hand. TR USOR, OAST Before removing to our new prem- ises in Dr, Graham's Block. TERMS, CASH ONLY. TAYLOR 8c SMILLiE,