HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-6-15, Page 8tS POST. Goon geed cow is a troaeure but there are a great malty who do not know how to use her milk to advantage, If you will take a quart bowl and drop therein about 4 drops of our Prepared Bennet, and then fill up' with new milk (the natural warm• th) and put it in a cool plane until ready to use you will haven dish that is portio. nlarly pefreabing those warm days. It ban be sweetened when served and or'eam added If desired. A. iSa• bottle will make about a hundred of snob dishes. YOU can use up the skim milk in this way but 9t is not quite so nine, Our Prepared Rennet is about 20 times as strong as is often sold. Toy a bottle. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTUERN EXTENSION W. G. & n, Trains leave Brueeels Station, North nd South, as follows : Goma SOUTH. GOING NORTH. Malt 9:515.m, Mixed 0:45 a.m. Souress 11:59 a.m. Mail 8:1a p.m, M12:04. 0:90 p.n. Mxpr000 9:45 p.m, nil WIctys rons, A chiel'a amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. PoTAToEs are a scarce article or Boss. sets market, D. C. Ross is having the wood work at his residence painted. NEATLY lettered signs have been • placed an the windows of D, Hogg's furniture atone. Tunas are 80 Public schools in Inspec- tor Robb's territory and 123 teachers ode.. ployed. Ave kinds of freights are handled now by the G. T. R., the embargo being re- moved. Base fishing does not open until July 1st and fishermen are warned as the penalty is heavy. DIIss BOLTON, of Listowel, was in town this week arranging for ti o'ass 10 vocal musio and voice culture. MESSRS, STEWART & GRAHAM. shipped 4 Cara of grain and a car of flour from Brim. sets station during the past week. Tun perjury case against John Broad. foot was dismissed by the Grand Jury at Goderich on Wednesday afternoon. No NATION for Bast Huron Provinoi ,1 election will be held on Tuesday next, from 12 to 1 o'clock, in the Town Hall, Brussels. "Sunset Tour for 1894" is the title of a neatly gotten up pamphlet by the C. P. R., of interest to tourists. A copy has been handed to us. PERSONS destroying young birds, either ay airgun or otherwise, lay themselves liable to a heavy flue under the Statute. $20 is not easily picked up these days. BICYCLE Roo.—The first run for Brus• eels Bicycle club will take place on Fri. day evening of this week to the social ab D. MoQuaig's near Walton. A large turn out is expected as riders not members of the olub are also invited. J. Wrr, ox, manager for the J. L. Grant ett Co., Ingersoll Pork Packers and cheese exporters was in town on Thursday iu the interests of their business in looking up live hogs. cheese &c. He is a great believer in the Tamworth breed of hogs Grossed with Berkshire which give a fine export hog, for British market, They kill 4,000 to 5,000 hogs a week. 0. 0.F. DEItoNuTRATION.— On 'Monday, Tmly 2nd, the mammoth District Fores• ters' Demonstration will be held at Brus- sels. In addition to Canadian Patriotic songs by school children, music by num. e1•ou8 bands, grand procession and speeches by Sigh Court officers there will be an excellent program of sports. Foot ball contest between Brussels and Rip- ley ; lacrosse matches in which the "Beavers," of Seaforth, and "Dropshote," of Lueknow, are matched, and Brussels vs. Wingham ; water fight ; athletic gnme9, sec. Grand concert with Agnes Knox and Harry Rich as lenders in the evening. Special railway rates. Every• body should attend, Write the Secre£ary if you have not a program. Ona taj BLossolts,—W. D. Hart, agent of the Standard Bank, Kingston, former- ly of Bruseele, and Miss Laura Folger, of the same city, were united in the holy estate or matrimony, in St. George's oath• edral, at 9:30 a. m., on Thursday of last week. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dean Smith. The bridesmaids were Mies Edith Folger and Miss Price,daugh- ter of Judge Price, and the groomsman Geo. Hart, of Toronto. The bride was neatly attired in white Irish poplin, bridal veil, and carried a hunch of June roses, and the bridesmaids ware spotted muslin and large hate. The ahuroh was beautifully decorated for the oocaeion. After the wedding breakfast the happy couple left in a private oar for Toronto and other places on a wedding tour, amidst the congratulations of many friends, The wedding gifts were beauti- ful MAra,iroxaat.--In spite of strong pro- testations to the boys of any intention to "commit" matrimony Wm. Bright, the manager of Livingston Broa. Flax mill, Brussels, forsook the ranks of baohelor- dom on Wednesday evening and wadded Mise Christina Weeks. The ceremony, was performed by Rev. Mr. Stewart at the residence of bride's parents, near Bel, more, about 200 guests being in attend- ance. Miss Woaks, ei•f.e to the bride, was•tbe bridesmaid and the groom was supported by his brothee, Alex, Bright. A sumptuous repast wa- provided by the hostess to whioh ample justice was done by all.. A jolly evening was spent by the oona any. At few weddings is there seen each a handsome and wide range of beautiful gifts and no better testimonial is needed as to the popularity of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Bright went on a *adding trip South and on their return will Bet up housekeeping in the Graham bloc!, Brus. eels, The happy ooulde begin their sail on the matrimonial sea under favorable auepioes and with the beet wishes of a large °trete of relatives in which Tut. POST joins. G. A. DE/XMAS revolved another young Jersey by Tuesclay'e sxprese from th° East, Cuonve praotiee goo on in good etyle, The Exour'eton will rml to Sarnia next month, Mn. B1iwpLd:On/w, of Bullett, And Prin, olpal Cameron will be the presiding Ex- aminers at Praeeels Eutranoe and Leav ipk oxaminatlonts, TIIE Ronu1d Fire Engine works have jest completed a fine hook and ladder trunk of improved pattern for Preston. It is now in the peinter'e bands. A wEex from next Sabbath a number of Bruseele Free Masons will join their brethren at Seaforth and attend public service in the English church in that town. CnroxET,—A meeting of all persons in. terestod in orielsot will be held at the Queen's Hotel On Friday °vetting of title weels at 8 o'olook. The intention is to organize and play a few local mabehee. SATUsDAr afternoon Of thio week Brue. eels and Atwood footbelliats will play a match on Victoria Park. Atwood waute to win book their lost laurels if they can. Brussels boys wilt put up a good game, Tait Chicago Herald writes Tne POST that a man giving his name as Charles Howard is swindling the Canadian public) by representing himself as agent for- that paper and aolioiting eubsoriptione. They don't know him. Accrnxoo,—John Wilbee bad the mis• • fortune to have several of the fingers on his left hand badly lacerated by coming in contact with a saw in Ament Bros.' factory last Monday, Re will be laid off work for some time. Dmxxn.—The members and adherents of the Methodist ohurcb have decided to provide dinner and supper on Dominion Day in the skating rink. A number of committees have been appointed to parry out the arrangements, so that the im- 1nen80 crowd expected used not gohueery. . Preparations will be made to entertain 1000 people. MESSRS. SooTT & JONES chipped two oars of fine export cattle from Brussels on Thursday of this week. The following are the weights :— owNER. RE51DEN0E, N0. HEAD. 19516259. Jno. Hislop, Grey, 13 17,900 John Smith,3 3,320 W. Yuill, 4 4,870 Thos. Pepper, " 2 2,010 W. Bennett, " 6 7,750 R. Currie, Morris, 2 2,440 W. Bryan,5 7,450 TRE editor of THE Poem returne thanks to the Paisley Caledonian Sooiety for complimentariee to their games and can- oert on Dominion Day. They have the usual Caledonian program of games and sports, with hose reel nee, 48th High- land Pipets' Band, Sword combat and other ath'a:tions. Brussels and its monster demonstration will occupy our attention that day. We also acknowledge the receipt of a Press badge from Her• ristan Driving Park Association. The Spring meeting will be held on Friday of next week, June 22nd inst. Two runaways took place Tuesday forenoon. Beattie's team was hitched to a commercial wagon to take away a load of trunks from the Queen's when the animals took fright and made off. They ran up Tornberry street to Flora, running through the driveway at the market Bottles and shortly after upset the wagon in the ditch damaging it some. what. Messrs. Roddick & Wake's pon- ies took their skirmish 24 miles South of Brussels when the boys were going to work. One of the ponies stumbled and fell, breaking the tongue of the wagon. The animals took advantage of the situ- ation and made off. Vitas, Wake was elightly injured in the throw ant he got. Fred McCracken was unharmed. The wagon was not benefitted by the accident. Onto.—On Wednesday of last week, Esther, beloved wife of Louis Fountain, died at her ]tome, near Walkerton, aged 56 years. The manse of death was dia- betic with which she had been troubled for some time. Mrs. Fountain was born at Woodstock and after resided in Burford before removing to Bruce Co. where she was united in marriage about' 25 years ago. Her husband, one son and two daughters survive her. The deceased was the youngest sister of Samuel Rivers, of Brussels, and he and Mies Annie at- tended the funeral on Friday at Walker- ton. Rev. J. W. Sliilton conducted the service. DIr. Fountain's parents, who were French people each lived to the age of 100 years. The old gentleman fought under Gen. Brock at Lundy's Lane. Trig NorEs.—The bills are out an- nouncing the program for the Summer races on July 2nd in Brussels. The races are a 3 minute trot in which are 10 en• tries. Puree, $400 ; 2:50 trot or pace, $200 purse; and a 2:30 trot or paw, purse, $200. Mile heats, 3 in 5. A big crowd ie oounted•on.—The track is in prime eon. dition after the heavy rains.—"Florence G.," "Tennyson" and "Sarnaa" are batik to Brussels and along with "Dr. Living- ston," "Genie Pickard" and others are in training every day under R. Roach.— At the Port Huron races last week there were 125 entries for the 12 races. There were 16 horses started in the 2.40 class, "Lord Tennyson" winning 4th money. "Sammie" west in the 2.28 class and cap- tured 2nd place, making the best time of the race in the 3rd beat, 2.29. "Flor- ence G." paned in the 2.18 class and was awarded 4th money, beet time 2.28. She also took pert in the frse•for-all and won let beat in 2.20, going the } mile in 1.00. There were 8 horses started. Four of these were distanced and one drawn. "Florence" got 3rd money. Driver Roach had a successful experience, winning 0 races. He drove "Nat Oraaker" for Tip, O'Neil, Petrolea, in the 2.40 elan and gob and money, and "Nettie Y," belong- ing to Wm. Stroud, Hamilton, in the 2.• 24 class, taking 2nd place. At Woodstook he handled the same mare on Tuesday in a 2.20 event, winning lat and 3rd beate from "Gsrty B." and "Belmont Chief" and secured 2nd money, "Gerty" taking the race. Mr. poach has prob- ably no equal in Ontario as a suoceesful driver. Sheriff Littlefield and Mr. Rey nolde, of Detroit, offered Mr. Roach a situation to drive their horse "Watch Eye" through the Grand Circuit. He has shown them a private trial of 2.08 over the mile track. Re ie entered in all the big stakes during the season. Mr. Roaoh could nob accept owing to other engagealente.—"Lord Ferguson,' of Lie• towel, won lot mon5y at Stratford last week in the 2,50 pace, cutting down the time to 2.191. This is his drat season on the turf. "Sir Harry Willson," of Hamil• ton, made the boat time on record in Can. oda over a half•milo track in the 2nd heat, viz. 2.16, againet a strong wind,— Next week 'lFIorene°G.," "Saranac" and "Tennyson" go to the Eamilton rano. 13xati0Nll.M.— Tltursday of iseb week will be a red letter flay in the hiebory of R, 5, Pelton, proprietor of the Atwood Rea.. On that day Rev, ATr, Branton (spolte the magic) worde malting 1?„ S. and Wee M. Jpbneton, of Galt, husband and wife. The oersmony was performed at the home of the bride. The happy twain went to Woodetoels for a week, conPe• goently the Pee dose not appear title week, .TIE POST and lte eta 1f eend eon, grabulatione to Mr. Pelton and bride with the ]lope that many years of happineee and prosperity may be theirs. LAcnosstt,--Tho fist laoroese matols played in Bruesele for several pare took place on Thursday afternoon of last week on Victoria Park, The opposing teams— Ernosole and Bankston — battled for championship honors in oonneotion with the recently organized Maitland League, Game was oalled.at 4180 by T. Cornyn, of Wingham, referee. For 1* houre emboli WAS kept in lively motion with the oche largely in favor of the home olnb, who won handily with a Ooore of 9 to 0. Fol- lowing ie the names of the members of each team and the position played:— nitneeELe, 9Annr5TON. hier.,eau goal Nicholson James point O. A. Oook J, McAlpine cover point Wright 12. Rose lab defence Lennon Thompson Sud Dowling Davies 9rd " Bradley Jackson Centre Hi -Minnow' Strong aril home Adolph Stewart 2110 Atkinson Shaw 1st " Henry R. McAlpine outside " J. Damnation McBain home Wbetlaufer Brussels has the material for a tiptop lacrosse team and by close attention to practice they will make it lively for the most of the stubs in the league. On Thursday afternoon of next week they cross Woke with the Winghamitee at that town. The Harriston boyo were enter. tanned at the Queen's Hotel, returning home on Friday morning. People We Know. J. Ferguson Sundayed in Listowel. G. F. Blair Sundayed in Godorioh. R. McAlpine visited Luoknow last Sun• day. Dr, Parfitt was visiting in Brussels last week. Mrs, J. Thompson has returned to Newark, N. J. Barrister Helms bead, of Seaforth, was in town last Monday. A. E. Pentecost, of Hamilton, Sunday. sd will friends in town. 1:rs. S. Pearson his gone to Port Hur- on to %hilt her daughters. Mrs. T. Umbright, of Elmira, has been visiting relatives in Brussels. Miss Rebeoaa Holmes was visiting relatives in Hallett this week. Mise Kate Wilson is visiting in Toron. to and Mies Lizzie Wilson in Hullett. Miss Maggie McKay, of London, is re• newing old acquaintances in Brussels. Mrs. J. L. Kerr is visiting her daugh- ter and sister in Guelph for a few weeks. Mrs. Walker and daughter, of New Hamburg, are visiting at Hugh Williams', Brussels. Sirs, (Rev.) Perris is visiting at J. N. Kneuhtei's. Mr. Perris has gone to the Assembly. Dan. McDonald is home from Seaforth and has taken a position in tbeEnterprise salt works. W. Blashill and A. Reid will attend the High Oourt of the Oenadlan Order of Foresters' next week, Rev. R. Paul and wife arrived home on Friday from a visit of nearly three weeks with relatives and friends. Dirs, Joshua Bowman, of Listowel, and Mrs. Winger, of Ayton, were visiting Miss Blakeman, of this town. W. Musgrove, whose health has bean none too good of late,talks of taking a trip to the Old Country this season. Mrs. Talon Leckie and sone and Mise Nellie Varcoe, of Toronto; are visiting relatives and friends in Brussels. Geo. Halliday and J. Ballantyne were in Seaforth last Sunday. The silent :teed was the mode of conveyance. Miss Joan Rose arrived home Monday evening after a stay of six months itt Nebraekn, where she was Seedling. Councillor McCracken was called to Peterboro' last Saturday owing to the ill- ness.of his mother who is well advanced in life, Stanley Jackson, a druggist from Wood- stock, bas come to town to take charge of J. T. Pepper's drug store for him. THE POST extends a weloome to Mr. Jackson. Chris. and James Grimoldby and Bd• ward Hart, of Owen Sound, .were in town this week. They came over on the biay• cies on Monday. The distance is about 90 milee, Jas. Danford, of Clinton, formerly of Brussels, has been ill with inflammation of the bowele. E. 0. Danford was over to see him last Sunday. We hope he will soon be O. K. Mies Annie Armstrong, a daughter of Wm. Armstrong, formerly of Bruseele, now of L'Anse, Mich., will be married on Wednesday of next week. The groom will be Harry F. Ingersoll, The wedding takes place at the residence of Mrs. M. Wallace. Business Locals, AUCTION SALn,—See Good Bros. advt. on page 5. JOST received one oar Manitoba Patenb Flour. Backer & Vanstons. Fon single harness oheap and durable 'some to us. I. C. Richards. MILac pans, milk pails and strainers of the best quality at Ballantyne & Wilton's. BARKER & VANnTONE have opened out a flour and feed store at Backers old etend, Brussels. Worm WANTED.—Higheet price paid for all kinds of wool delivered at our flour and feed store. Beaker & Vanatone. A FULL stock of creamery Dane and milk Dans of the very beet material and workmanship at Ballantyne & Wilton's. 10 max galvanized palls, japanned, 8 for 25o., regular price 30o each. Only a few dozen on hand, and can't be re. placed for double the money. Ballantyne Wilton. CAnn,09 plants, early and late, cauli. flower and tomato° planta now ready. Celery in season. A fine collection of house and bedding plants, new varieties at T. Kelly's,Bruseels. 45.4 WELL-DIoenoo AND DnILLINo.—George Birt has all the neoeesary machinery foe digging and drilling wells and is prepar. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure eatisfaebion. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terme reasonable, Residence second door north of the bridge, wet side of Turnberry st,, Brussels, 34.18 2T4X )4 134XE o.r C4av'4]», «os1R'.T.f'rs3'Lxs,'I3".= 0,87199. HEAP OFFIOE, - TORONTO, .ASSETS, - - (Seven Million' Dollars) W 57,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) 52,000,000 Amain in all principal panto in Ontario, Quebec, h{afitfeta, ,Unitn4 Slates cG E4tglaii1, elesed4`'a5° a ;moo, 4 General Banking Business Transacted. Fwrmnre' Notate Dlsoounted, Drafte 'mod and Oolleotione made ors all pointe. SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. Smut. ATTENTION GIVEN TO TEM COLLECTION OF FAMINES' BALE NOTES. Illvery faoility afforded Onstomere living at a distance, 3. A. STEWART, MANAOEn. GILLXES 84 SNITII, 13ANZERS, 13 IR) SS]LS, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts J3ought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. - FARMERS NOTE DISCOUNTED. SALT NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Sa v'zxts Balm DEP, fir°�11ta'. interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twine a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Speoial Arrangements made for Time Deposits. 590 client to write Insurance In old h:ngileh or Canadian Continuities, or 10 Mut- ual Companies as nu5Y be desired. AGENTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : TIIE CANADIAN BANE OF.COonaasoo. Wool. wanted at Breeze's woollen mill. Highest prise in cash or trade. MIDMOST price paid for any quantity of good wool. HOwE & Co. Brussels 0, O. F,—For the next three months special inducements will be offered by Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, 0. 0. F., Brussels, to any person desiring to become a member of that Order, the in- itiation fee being reduced during that time. As this is one of the leading In- surance and Beneficiary Societies in the country people should take advantage of this offer. For full information ap- ply to A. Ruin, C. R. ; A. Komene, F. S. ; W. BLeaumu, Treas. BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER. -2,000 rolls of beautiful Amerioan Wall Papers just to hand, bought at lees than 50o on the dollar. Don't listen to clap -trap but come right along and choose at your own price. Elegant gilts at 10o, 150, 20o, and 25o, formerly sold from 80e t0 60e. All papers hung perfectly at 10o. Come all and come quick, for they won't last. W. Roddick. A weakly labor paper is to be started in Winnipeg. The inquest into the Hartley alleged poisoning 0000 was resumed at New Dur• ham Wednesday, the press and the pub- lic being exoluded. Prof. Ellis is said to have reported arsenic in the etomaoh ; and Ling, the hired man is said to have made a written confession implioating Mrs. Hartley. 030RT0 . Duseonn.—In Langdon, Dakota, on May 26th, the wife of Mr. Harry Danford formerly of Brussels, of a son. COATEe,—In Ethel, on JO Oa 7th, the wife of Mr. John Coates of twin daughters. Wan: t.—Ab London, on May 26th, the wife of Mr. T. H. Webber, formerly of Brussels, of a son. MARRSaD, BRIGHT—Wocxs.—At Belmore, on June 13th, by Rev. Mr. Stewart, Mr. Wm. Bright, of Brussels, toMiss Christina Wooks, of Belmore. PELTON—Jonl,s'ON.—In Galt, of Thurs- day, June 7th, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. Bran. ton, Mr. R. S. Pelton, editor of the Atwood Bee, to Miss M. Johnston, of Galt. BART—FoLOER,—In SI. George's caths. drat, Tune 603, by the Very Rev. B. Buxton Smith, dean of Ontario, Mr. William D. Hart, manager of the Standard Bank, formerly of Brussels, to Miss LauraE.Folgsr, eldestdaugh- ter of Mr. B. W. Folger, of Kingston, T2Ea. COATEs.—In Ethel, ou June 10th, the twin daughters of John and Annie Coates, aged 3 days. BELT.—In McKillop, ou June lltb, Sam• uel J. A., infant son of James Bell, aged 10 months and 80 days. McFADzaau.—In Vasilia, California, on June 18th, John, eat of Tltoe. Mc- Fadzean, of Grey, aged 80 years. METCAne.—In Ontario, California, on June 10th, Wm. R., second eon of Henry Metcalf, of Guelph, and nep- hew of Mrs. J. L. Kerr, Brussels,aged 26 years. FOUNTAIN.—At Walkerton, on June 0th, Esther, beloved wife of Louis nun. tate, aged 56 years. MINES.—In Grey, on June 8rd, Martha Holt, beloved wife of Wm. Mines, aged 68 years. INGERSOLL, Ont., June 12.—Offerings today :-2,287 boxes June make ; sales, 087 boxes at 8 15.16c ; market quiet. TORONTO, June 12,—Flour, ebraight rol- ler, $2 55 to $2 65 ; extra, $2 40 to 52 50, Wheat, white, 580 ; spring, 60o ; red winter, 58o ; goose, 56e ; No. 1 Manitoba bard, 710 to 72o ; No. 2, 70o ; winter wheat on the northern, 590 to 600. Peas, 53a to 56o. Barley, No. 1, 440 to 450 ; feed, 890 to 410. bate, 38c ; corn, 51o. EAST BUFFALO, N. Y., June 1d.—Cat- tle, three oars, stockers steady. Sheep and lambs—forty.two cars ; markeb very bad ; almost nothing doing ; fair to good mixed sheep, $8 25 to $8 GO ; good to fanny spring lambs, $4 to 54 50 ; fair to good Iambs, 52 50 to 58 50. Hogs -6 care ; 5o to 10o higher ; beat 'Yorkers, pigs and mediums brought 55 ; Belling mostly at $4 90 to $4 95 ; all good heavy stook, 56. TORONTO, ,Tune 12. --Business wee fair- ly active at the western yards to -day, and prism ruied firm. There was a good de- mand for export cattle, and they sold at 413o to 4.go per 1b., the latter forexception• ally choke animals, Bukhara' cattle in good demand, with sales of the best butchers' at 40, and medium at 810 bo 8}0 Mi per lb. Inferior sold at 3o, eh sows sold at 525 to $50 each, and calves at $4 to 56 per head. Sheep firm, the best ex• porters bringing $5 50 to $6, and butoh- ars' $4 50 to $5 each. Yearling lambs sold at 40 to 44o per lb., and spring Iambs at $3 25 to $8 75 each. Hoge were firm, choice baron lots selling at $5 to $5 15 per hundred lbs., heavy fats and stores at $4 70 to $4 85, and inferior at 54 20 to 54 50. AT the Montreal stook yards at Point St. Charles, receipts last week were 2,• 380 cattle, 800 sheep and . 1,100 hogs, compared with corresponding week last year shows a decrease of 1,000 cattle and and an increase of 600 sheep. Good ex- port cattle firm at about 4} to 40e. The local supply being somewhat limited dealers had no trouble is selling at a pro. fit. The supply of hogs was in excess of the demand, closing 10 cents lower with several lots left unsold. We quote the following as being fair values :—Cattle, export, 413a to 4io ; do. hatchets' good, at 3}e to 81u ; do. do. medium 3o to 8710 ; do. do. culls 20 to lo ; Inge $5.00 to $5.10 ; lambs $4 to $5 ; salves $2 to 5, m -nTSS}7S.S 7A/lA1=SF3ET3, Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley ........ .......• Peas Oats Butter, tubs and rolls.... Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton., .... . Salt per bbl., retail...... Hides trimmed Hide rough Sheep skins, each. ... ,..• Lamb skins each Apples per bbl.. Wool Pork, Live 54 56 52 55 35 37 52 58 82 38 12 13 7 00 300 350 35 6 00 7 00 1 00 00 3 1113 2 50 'G6 15 00 1 50 1 75 13 15 4 00 4 25 THE'PE,'OPLE'S COLUMN. a000 YOUNG 00W FOR ‘.A Sale, Newly calved. Enquire at Tun roeT. HOOK WANTED, GOOD ' Wages. Apply at the 010290N'S 9101- I;L, Brussels, at (tune, CARPET WEAVING- DONE. Satisfaction guaranteed. MRS, aIc0R 11'7, nearly opposite Dr. Mclielvey's, Brussels. VOTING GIRL WANTS SITU- ATION to do light household work or to cure 10• Children. Apply to MRS. A, bt,IDAS OM, Brussels. CLOVER HAY.—WILL PAY cash, when nut and delivered for about 8 antes of olover hal', or clover and timothy. Apply at once to G. A. D1IIADMAN, Druggist & Bookseller. ACOMFORTABLE FIRST - Claes buggy for solo at price away down from original cost. Good as new. For pique, terms, &a, 59lt111tDH 1y at T. FLN0Ti0R'S Jewelry Store, Bruesele, STRAYED ON THE PREM- ISED of the and °reigned, lot 5, con, 19, Ott or about May 18th, 1804,a yearling heifer. Ovenor may have the same by proving pro- perty ,paying expenses and taking her away, JOHN BWEN, 47.4 Walton. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a By-law was passed by the Mun- totpal Council of the Corporation of the Vil- lage of Brussels on the 21st day of May, A. D.1894 "provlding for the issue of Deben- tures to the amount of 85,000 for the purpose of raising by way of loon the sum 0885,000 to redeem Dobenturee of the Corporation falling due on the let day of June, A, D.1594, and that such 11 y -law was passed by author- ity of 5t Victoria Chapter 40, Revised Sta• totes of Ontario, and that snob By-law was registered In the ltegietry Moe of the Coml. ty of Huron on the Twenty-third day o1 May 4.19.1891, Any motion to quash or set aside the same, or any part thereof, must be made within, three menthe from the date of ltegie- tration and cannot be made thereafter, Dated the 12th day of June 1994. 48.3 F. S. SCOTT, Clerk. MEDICAL CARDS. T tD A. MONAUGHTON, M. D. • C. M„ 1..Ii, U.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P. 8.Ont. Residence and olbloo in Wileon'e Bloch, corner of Mill and Turnborry -Ste, J• M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Ph ysiolan, Surgeon A000neber, oto, Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. OFFICE—Next door ie McDonald & 00,, Walton Ont. ,TYPE 10, 1894 ,' ' UY YOUR » • e ob0ro —AND— pet ---AND— i, Pars G'00, —AT— Pepper's Drug Store, If you Want the Best. LEGAL AND .CONVEYANCING. RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, i• Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec- tions made. OIDoo—Vanstouo's)}loon, Brute: eels. 21.0m WM. SINOLAIB, • Solicitor, Cpnvoyanoer,NotaryPub- lie, &e, OEoe—Yanstone's Block 1. door" north of Central Hotel, Private Funds. to Loan, CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, ' Barristers, Solicitors, Notarise Publlo, Goderioli, Ont, M. 0. OAtOEoON, 0. 0., PH1LIr IIOLT,' DUDLEY IIOLME6. BLAIR, BARRISTER, G F. Solicitor, he, (lute o1 Gamow & Prou4foot'e Of lee, Goderf011) Office over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 DENTAL. S)F1NTTST: M. CAVANAGH, L. Et S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal Cohere of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uui- vereity. °Erma—Over A,R. Smith's Store, Brussels, Will visit Wroxeter the 101 and Ord Mondays and B1)11 the 2nd and 4111 Wednesdays of each month. DE. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto. University, Licentiate 'loyal College Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a speolaltyy. Moder- ate Foes, Satisfaction Assured. °Mee over Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St., llrus- eels, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, !J • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. is prepared to treat an diseases of domestfoated animalsin a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. U1Bee and infirmary Pour doors north of bridge .Purnberry at., Brussels. �H. M00RE, V. S., • H. M., V. M. S. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all domesticated animals treated 011 scientific prnnotltlss. Horse dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a specialty. Calls promptly attended to. OtOee, over John Ston & Oocb- rane's marble works. Infirmary at Beattie's livery barn, Brussels, Ont. • 20. BUSINESS CARDS. WI3. A�IoCRACKEN, • IeeurorofMarriageLisenees. OIBoe tit his Or000ry, Turnbot-ry street, Brussels. N. BARRETT, '• Tonsorial Artist. Shap—Next door south of A. M. Moliay & Co's hardware store. Ladiee'aud nbildreua hair cutting a epeoialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURA500E, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court. Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public) Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, funds invested and to loan. Collections made. Office in Graham'sB lock, Brussels. MISS O'00NN0R, 11. T., Teacher of Instrumental music on Plano or organ. Will visit Wiugham. Tues- day and Wednesday of 65011 week. Best - dunce onPrincess Street, Brussels. TA. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M. • Organist in St. John's Church, Brus- sels, and pupil, in the Art of :Teaching, of A. W.Tbayor,Mus,boo„Now York, will give lessons to pupils either on piano or organ. at hie parlor over A.R. Smith's store, Btns- sole. Vocal lessons also giyen, Terme clod- orate. AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, Auctioneer, to always ready to at. testi sales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terme cheerfully given. Orarhrook P. O. Sales may be arranged at THE Poem Publishing House, Brussels. "FORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auotioneor, Sales sonduot od on reasonable terms, Farms and farm stock a suecialty. Orders left at THE PosT P ubiisbingHouoe,Brussele, or sentto Walton P. O„ will receive prompt attention, }IAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN. 6E as an Auctioneer, I am prepared to conduct sales of /arm stook at reasonable prices, 'Knowing the standing o1 nearly every person I am in a position to sell to good marks and get good seenrity when cold on Credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mea call. . 12. F S. SCOTT. e REAL ESTATE. T1ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN• MinSIGN1D hoe several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morrie and Grey. F S, •SOOTT,Bo'llsaels, 1:41ARM TO RENT—LOT N0. 21, 1, Don. e, Grey. About 00 acres cleared. Immediate possession, Apply by malt to J. 0. REFFSIO NAN, Trout. Creek, or to 'IVM. III1LNE, Ebhol. TpARM FOR SALE.— For sa lo, Lot 21, Con, 15 Towushiltof Grey,containing 100 soros, 511 of which le eleared and seeded down, Well fenced and specially adapted for dairy poroses, The b &lance le heavily wooded, It isnear to. ohunk andschool. For particulars apply to A, MCNAIB, 40.4 Oranbrook P. 0. • e !rl D, 8 m v, fc to al 01 t1 ci tl cl 11 to of ti o, of 11' sl G ti ft 1t p si 0 ti III tf h' o: p a' e, ti e, a 0 t, li e' 0 d 0 e: li 0 51 0 1 w 0 7 D 33 a