HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-6-15, Page 5• 7uir i :u, 1894 DISTRICT NEWS, Turnip solving ie receiving the etre/. tion of rho fanners this week. Glave fears aro ontertalued of R short hay amp on the old meadows, Jacob l Iaultofer shipped three oar loads of briolc bo Lucknow title week, Edward°,OempbeIl who bud his leg broken some time ago, is able to move around with the aid of aruEohos, Jas, Loagmiee is oonllned to hie bed with iumbago,in hie bank. Elis duties are being attended to by a man from Wtngham, Crit anbtroolz. No ervioe In finox churoh here pert Seuclay on account of Communion in Ethel, The football boy here lune every good team and are Milting of doing up ,Brus- sele boys. R, P. Oahneron has has taken nhaege of Bev, D. Perrie'e congregation in Wiug. ham in the absence of the latter. Are we not going to have a pia.nie this year ? There are lore of fine grounds a- round here, just the plass for an enjoy able tuna. B. A. Miller, a former resident of Cranbrook, was up at the marriage of his partner while tailoring iu this village, He looks well. NC 010 two **tie . J. Dickson, of Trowbridge, paid a short visit to our town last week. The Goad, Tempters here intend hay. ing a box social in the near future, ,James Gook and wife, of Luokoow, were the guests of Re. and Dire. Wood for a oonple of days last week. The many friends of Rev, Mr. Amy will be sorry to hear that Conference has decreed hie removal from this oirou it. A runaway caused a little oxoitoment in town for short time last Saturday. While loading on the Dans at the factory one fell down in front and frightened the horses, No serious damage was done. The annual Molesworth pia -nit ie an- nounced for' Tuesday, July 3rd and prom- ise to more than sustain its old repute. tion. Free dinner and lemonade will be furnished on the ground but n0 refresh. ment stands of any description will be al. lowed. All are welcome. JH:t?del. What has become of our butcher ? Will, Newcombe spent Sunday at his former home in Tiverton. Mr. and Mrs. Watt and Mise Stephen - eon spent Sunday in Bluevale, Reeve Milne's health be improving we are pleased to state and he is able to get about again. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will: be dispensed in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath morning. A few members of Court Ethel, C. 0. F., No. 261, attended an anniversary sermon in Atwood last Sunday afternoon. Rea. H. A. Newcombe delivers his farewell sermon next Sunday evening. He leaves next week for his new home in Clinton. The Presbyterian annual picnic, on June 20th, will beheld in M-e.Dilworth's beautiful grove on the banks of the Maitland, a short distance East of this village. We have seen two young men accom- panying one young lady to Ler home but never until one evening last week did we think it possible for one young gent to escort three young ladies. Wal ton. Rev. T. W. Commie was at Trowbridge this week tying a matrimonial knot for a frtend. W. M, Smith will attend the Synod next x week at Londe n representing St. George's oharob. Walton. The lawn social on Friday evening of this week at D. McCuiag's promises to be an enjoyable affair. The Stewart family, of Brussels, and others will sup- ply the musical program. A lawn social was held at the residen- ce of Thos. Williameou,18th oon. Gray,on Tueeday evening. The program eonebet- ed of refreshments, vooal, instrumental and literary selections, and a good time was enjoyed. Proceeds went to the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church. SUDDEN Dntrn.—A telegram was re. calved by Thos. Malfadzean, Grey, on Thursday announcing the sad uewe of the sudden demise of hie son John in Vaal - iia, California, of fever on Wednesday, 18th, ion. He has been from home for the past 9 years and was shortly to be married, The family is deeply sympa• thized with. PATRONS ; Last Monday evening a Patron'e meting was held in Jones' Hail Leadbnry, and was fairly well attended. R. H Ferguson was voted to the ohair. Addresses were given by R. Common, T. E. Hays, J, Watson and W. Milne. The interests of Thos. Gibson were cham- pioned by W. Doig and A. Hislop. Mr. Gibson will poll a big vote in Moliillop. Bioreeive. Turnip seeding is in order this week. Henry MoAetee and John McMurray have gone to Algoma. Au the cold weather is over the all ab. sorbing topic now is politics. Adam Halliday and wife are visiting friends in the vicinity of Galt. The Masers. Ritchie are improving the Cameron farm by eroding new femme, Robert Niobol bad hie large driving tilted raised on Saturday afternoon of last week. Taman Curry has put a new roof on the barn on tbo hardy farm, which he has rented. The rough fremo of Jos. Smith's new dwelling is up, ready to be veneered with brink. Jobe Wallace bad the btiokworJt of his dwelling oompleted late week. D. Lowry and men did the job. Rev, D. Perrin, of Wbngbane, preached in the Presbyterian ohnrcfe, Belgrave, lest Sunday afternoon, T. Miller has hie barn turned and rais- ed up, preparatory to putting stonework underneath for stabling, Le Belly recently dispoeed of 4 head of fat cattle which averaged 1,500 pouade each, atter being driven 0e miles. The pie -hie in oonneotion with S. S. No. 3 will 110 held in F. MoOraoken'e rove 4th line, the n r 0 Wednesday dnesda y next, 20th inst. Wm, Iliehre and wife, together with the younger members of the family, were vieiting friends in Turnberry township int week, Mrs, E, Wright bit for Mlohigan last week wbore Mr. Wright bee located, R. 'Yonne nod E, Armstrong are bueily engaged pultipg down etc! forme and emoting new and more substantial quos in their etend, flUbbB hasalat purobased I e 100mire eQotern , 8th eon., iron Wn . Olonnae, paying the arum of 04,000 for it. 11', S, Sootb, of Brussels, made the sale ler Dir. Clannan, Whet we notice :—A large number of farmers aro going into tbedairy business. —Seine bays go bathing on Sunday,— Some faevnere run over It whole quarter of'an Rare trying to make a 40 rod turnip drill aid then don't get it steeigbb.—The Grits are fully organized and alive to what is their best in tereote, 1 letevtelre. Mr. Waetnai, ar„ le visiting his son, Mrs. Conover, of Sarlhitt, was in town on Tuesday. Ur. Denning is getting the verandah of his store painted, Aire, Meese): ie away attending the funeral of her aunt, John Diament lute a,brother.in•lawand family visiting them. Wee Blanc, of Me.niboba, has 00018 to stay a few months with her omit, Mrs, Bailey. Rev. J. W. Pring was in Listowel on Sunday preaching a sermon to the For- esters. 131vvt1a, The English 01100ch S. S. pfd-nio is to bo held in"Aubuen on July 5th, The stook of Jeesop tIt McElroy, in this burg ie to be disposed of on Friday. On Tuesday Miss Annis Drummond left on a visit amongst friends in Buffalo. E. W. Tanner, J, P., and wife are vie. iting friends in Waterford for a couple of weeks, Miss Maggie Belly leaves here 0n Wed- a needay for a lengthy visit in Goderiah and elsewhere. The bnilding trade in this town is mak. ing rapid strides since we are having euoh beautiful weather. The corporation weigh scales have been planed on the lot on Mill street, recently purchased by our town fathere, Rev. A. McLean left here on Monday for St. Johne, New Brunswick, to attend the Presbyterian General Assembly. A large number of our oitizens intend taking in the Foresters' demonstration and the races in Brussels on Dominion DJames Connolly, the Patron oandidate for West Huron,and others are to address the electors on Friday evening in Indus. try hall. The Epworth League of the Methodist church invited the young people of the English and Presbyterian churches to be present with them on Tuesday evening at their meeting. On Sunday week as Robb Somers and wife were returning home to the vicinity of Blyth from the Conference at Gode- rich, a large tree fell across the road. A limb about aix inches in diameterstruck the hind wheels and top of Mr. Somers' buggy and another fell between the front wheel and the horde, holding the buggy co that it was impossible to advance without removing the brush. It was a olose call for Mr. and Mrs, Somers. Fortunately no damage was done, al- though the buggy shows bhe results of the adventure. T CUUUl(CIf iSium134. U'SE+ LS POST Road Jao. Sunillie'e S. S. pepol' on page IO Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., left Brussels for the General d,eembly on Monday, He will be absent two Sabbaths. Lean Jackson has 1800otne a member of I the llbetltodieb (Meath orobe ebra and will MA:It/RAol•UR€D By Manipulate n Elate, lfe'a a promising player, The Heron 8yuod will meet at Lon. don on Tueeday of next week. Bev. W. G. Reilly and Jae. Irwin will 0e008050t B ramie, Tbo pastor will take eWlhat was said and clone at the Conference" for hie topic) Sabbath morning in the Methodist olteroh, and "Is a man better than a sheep ?" in the. evening. Bev, George Buggin, of Blyth, was eleoted Chairman of the \1'ingbam Die• Wet for this year in. oonneotion with the Methodist church. Ile appointed Rev. W. Baugh, of Anhui), F inauolal Secre. tory. ales, Anna Roes, of liruaodo1d, en en. t111tsiastio worker in the Women's For. sign i'tisetonary Society, will address a eels, on Thursdau y c o no g church, nexb.Bwseb eommenobtg at 8 o'clock. Everybody will be welcomed. Services will be resumed in Knox cbnroh next Sabbath, Rev, D,MJllae hav- ing returned from his 'nutlet). During Rev, Dir. Roes' absence for the next two weeks at the Assembly in Sr John's, Dielville congregation will join in the ser• vices at IC= church. Capt. Malyon and Lieut. Parker, who have been in nharge of Brussels ocrpe of the Salvation Army, left for headquart- ers, Toronto, last Woduesday where. they will 0000180 marching orders. We have not learned who the new officers for this place will be. Sabbath evening there was a large at- tendance at the Methodist churoh, The pastor preached a sermon to the young ladies of the congregatisn from Psalm 144 and 12th verse. A large geantity of deice was given to the fair sex, but as to what use will be made of it remains to be een. The two purposes of a corner stone Grov. The new barn on Z. MaKee'a farm wa raised on Thursday of this week. Joshua Bateman, of Stratford, was visiting ander the parental roof for a few days this week. Miss Nellie Ennis final, w as at Belmoro this week attending the marriage of W. Bright and Mies Works. Misses Lizzie and Mary Strachan spent a few days last week on the 10th, the guests of Mrs. James McNair. A large number of school children are preparing for the coming Entrance and Leaving examinations soon to be held, We regret to bear that Deputy -Reeve Oliver's health shelve little or no improve- ment. A consultation of physicians was held last week. Thos, Gibson will address a political meeting at Sperain'e eobool house on Sat- urday evening of this week. There will likely be a large attendance. Oneess,—The May make of oheese in oonneotion with Brussels faotory, 100 boxes, was sold to T.Ballantynefor 9 3.18 acute per pound. It was shipped last Friday. On Tuesday afternoon last John Ma. Nair had a driving shed, 24x40 feat, rais- ed. In theevening t le lads and saes present, withbaseball, swabout 50 in inging, amused ging, o. Miss Amy Bateman, who has been ap- pointed a cadet in the Salvation Army, left here for the Training Home in To- ronto on Wednesday of this week. She Is an estimable young lady and we wish her mane. Joseph Ames received a severe blow on the forehead while attending a barn raja. ing a few days ago, A large mallet head flew off blies handle while being vigorous- ly need by a workman and struck Mr. Ames. Several stitches were required to olose the wound inflicted, G0000 TO Hast ItelVartu.-5110d1ty oven• ing, June Brd, Mrs. William Minos, was summoned away from time, to tbo sad surprise of relatives and friends, being only one week in bed. Inflammation of the bowels was the 000ee of bee death. Mrs. Mines maiden name was Martha holt, and she was born in Queen's Co„ Ireland, in the year 1820, She emigrated to Canada in 1841 with her parents and settled in the Townehip of Wellsley, Waterloo Co., and remained there bill she was married to William Minn, in 1802, and then settledin the Township of Grey, where she remained till her death. She leaves a husband and four children to mourn her lose, She wan a consistent Member of the Church of England from her youth. On the day on whiob she died her husband said to her to try and sleep, seen answered "My next sleep will be in the arms of Jesus,' The funeral took plans oe Tneeday and was largely attended by sympathizing friands and neighbors, for she was heldin high esteem by all who knew her. Her remains were interred in the Molesworth cemetery, Rev. Me. Brownlee, , of F Corrie, conduct, ing the aerviee, were set out as Strength and Beauty These qualities should be exemplified (1) In the Home ; (2) In Society; (3) In the Church. Three requisites ars a healthy body • a developed mind ; and union with the Chief Corner Stone. Soorne—The "Experience" social held by the Christian Endeavor of Melville ohurah, on Friday evening of last week, resulted very satisfactorily, both as to pleasure and finance. Principal Cameron presided and in addition to the many amusing experiences as to how the money was earned by the various members, an entertaining program was given as fol- lows :—Musio by the choir ; duett by the Misses Stewart ; reading by R. M. Dick- son ; quartette by Miaoes Stewart and Ross and Messrs. Large and Roes. The financial results were $45.00. R. 0, T. M, AT U1luncn.—L est Sabbath morning the Knights of the Maoabeee to brie number of about 100 marched in a body to the Methodist ehurcb where the pastor, Rev. G. H. Oobbledick, B. D., preached an appropriate discourse. The text was taken from the Epietie of James 1st olhapter and 27th verse. Paul was called the apoetle of Faith and James the apostle of Works. Christianity is vic- toriousin the world. It demands, and its claims can't be denied, let, An un- spotted life, which can be bad only by oontaot with the Almighty, and second, A life of practical helpfulness. The lead - g divisions were very praetiaally nmpli- d. Lncoeraging words were spoken the R. 0. T. itt., whiob the speaker id, was organized in 1881, and now este of 141,138 members and over 03,000 - to fie of ea bo 000 hes been paid out of their funds for relief or beneficiary purposes. The ob. jeot of the Order are, to develop the so- cial,'fraternal and financial pbasee of life. Life ineurance is e. positive command. The advantages of the Maceabee Order are ; It hue been exceedingly progres- sive ; the average age of its membere is only 34 years ; anct provision is made for ladies in the department. called "Hive." The church was decorated with drapery emblematic of the S. O. T. M„ while beautiful flowers and foliage plants ad- ded to the adornment of pulpit, platform, table and window sills. A number of visiting brethren from Wingham, Listo- wel and other tents were also' in attend- ance. The turn out was very creditable to the Brussels Maooabees. Rev. Canon Hooton has bean appoint. ed archdeacon of Niagara,sooeeding the late Arohdeaeon Mollfurray AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY DIRECTORS. The Union meeting of East Huron and Grey leranch Agl. Society Dirootors was held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on June 7th, 1804, after due notification by postal (Ards, the meeting having been called far the pnrpoee of revising and re -arranging the Fall Show prize list. The following motions anent that object were made Moved by Alex. Gardiner, seconded by P. Scott that there be three prizes offer- ed for herd of Durhams, and that no competitor show more than one herd. Moved in amendment by Thos, Mo. Laughlin, seconded by Thos. Calder that there be only one prize offered for herd of Derham cattle. Motion carried, Moved by J. R. Smith, seoonded by Rebt, Graham that three prizes be offer. ed for herd of Jerseys, subject to the same conditions and reatriotions es Dor. hams, Carried. Moved by Anes Smith, seconded by Alex. Gardiner that there be two classes for white oats, long and short. Moved in amendment by D. MaLanoh- lin, seconded by Thoe, MoLauohliu that there be only one class for white Dire, as at present. Amendment carried, Moved by Alex, Gardiner, seconded by Robb. Graham that there be three prizes, $3.00, $2,00, 01.00, offered for the bet nate of Swede turnips, entries to be made before Show Day, end prizes to be aware - s(' not later than Oob. 20th, Moved in amendment by 11. McLauah• lin, seoondedby P. Scott that the matter be left over for Ibis year. Amoadment loot. Moved by Alex, Gardiner, seconded by P. Scott that 040.00 be appropriated to. wards special attractions at the 'pall Show. Moved in amendment by David Milne, seaonded by Thos. Motauoblin that the sura be 080.00. Motion carried, Robe, Graham, P. Soott, J. R. Smith, President and Seel:nary, were then en. pointed a aonmit bee bo errange special attrnotious, Masers. Graham, Smith and Scott to be a canvassing committee. Moved by William Pollard, seconded by Amoe Smith that no Director be ap• pointed to accompany judges in any de- partment in which he is largely interest. The F.T.COi?SFT COMPANY �nre tnrxz'sr�u free MANUPAOTURED BY „rte t` THE E. T. CORSET COMPANY SHERBROOKE, c us, ILL ANY THESE C Because that is all we have and can get no more at such Prices. 40 pairs of our regular 50c and 60c line, we place on our counter's Thursday at 36 CENTS, 38 pairs of our regular 75c and 85c line, we place on our counters Thursday at 49 CENTS. 50 pairs of our regular $1,00 line, comprising many different styles, at 69 GENTS, 60 pairs of our ragular $1.25 line for 85 Cents. In this line you will find the Watch - spring E. T. No. 600, and many other popular lines. We"specially invite all the ladies to come and see these lines and:many other lines that we have not mentioned. IZIESON & HALLIDAY; el seeraer_x,.418i. a lcaeteee etfeet teetele S' edea f ltlteca&ftlefele..t s 1glelet. 'fees ed, and that Directors shall in all cases remove their badges before exhibiting any animal or article of their own. Car- ried. Moved by Wm. Pollard, seconded by Alex. Gardiner that Directors wbo may be appointed to accompany judges in the indoor department, be also expected to be on hand on the lar day of Fair, in good time, to arrange g8 the articles olds in that de- partment, and that they be allowed to appoint an assistant if necessary. Car- ried. The next meeting will be held on or about the let of September. Chief of Pollee Carson, of Durham, Ont., has arrested a man believed to be a notorious confidence man and horse thief wanted by the Goderi0b authorities, He has given different names—McLean, Gowanloak, Hunter, Griffith, etc. AMwoRTH AND CHESTER et WHITE BOARS FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on North Half Lot 20, Con, 7; Morris, a thorn' bred Tamworth Boar, recently purchased from the well known breeder, Jun. Bell, Am- ber. Also a Cheater White Boar. Terms, 91.00 to be paid at time of ervtee with priv- ilege of returning if necessary. 88-tf s. WAI XAR, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Lot 25, Cron 0, Af tris, ll tuts pthere' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Canada's rince," purchased from the well•kuown breeder J. 10. Brethour, Oak Lodge Earn, Burford. Terms, $1.00 to be paid at the time of service with privilege of eaturniug if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on ap- plication, ROBT, NI0I7OL, • BOAR FOR SERVICE,—TRE Undersigned will keep for service the thero'.bred large English Berkshire Boar, "Bismarck," No, 1708. Ii book let prise at the Bast Huron Pall Fair in 1808, and was always lat wllenev er exhibited, Terme, 51.00 to bo paid at the time of serviao with privi- lege of returning if necessary. Two young Berkshire flo,us and several young Short Horn Bulls for sale, ( 89-tf D. MILIIH, Prop., WOOL! V rJ t.=ot We are prepared to buy, at high- est market price, in Cash, any quantity of Fleece Wool, deliver- ed either at our grain storehouse, No. 1, or•at the National Boller Flour lltills Brussels. 1 ssels. ft'Pleaee see us before disposing of your Wool. Stewart Graham JI\o, 1EWM Baker and Grocer, Begs to inform his numerous friends that he has reduced his goods to a CASH BASiS, Granulated Sugar, 23 lin for 01.00 ; his. cults, 7o. per lb.; G bars Dingman's soap, 250 ; G bars Ammonia soap, 25o; tobacco, 40o. per lb. ; bread, 80. per loaf, if booked 10o. ; tapioca, Go. per lb. ; sago, Go. per Ib. ; best coffee, 35e. per lb. ; Rio Green coffee, 25o. per lb. ; pickles, 15(. per bob• tie ; all kinds of teas—Hyson, Japan and Ceylon—at Close Prices. Bapanas, Or. anges and Lemons at Rook Bottom Prices. TERMS CASH. It will pay you to buy for. crash, We have 110 cheap Sale Day, you can get this (3 days in ;the week. EAST HURON MR.GIBSON'S MEETINGS. Meetings in the interest of the Liberal oandidate will beheld on Juno 10, 1llanly's School House, McKillop, June 19, Speiran's School house, Grey. June 18, Dames' Hall, Cranbrook, June 20, Harloch. Juno 21, Township hall, Ethel. Juno 22, Molesworth. June 28, No. 1 School House, Howiell. Juue 25, Town hall, Gorrie. Meetings Commence at 8 p. nl, MR. GIBSON and other Speakers will address the meetings. T'ite` u g01 position Candidate Invited. LIBERAL CANDIDATES. EAST HURON .. THOS. GTBSON SOUTH HURON .. M. T. leteLEAN WEeT ll'URON ., J, T, GARROW S AHCTIUN Commencing Tuesday Evening, the 19th ; Wednesday afternoon and evening, the 20tH ; and Thursday evening, the 21st. Private Sale during the rest of the time. TIIE WI�OLE OF 000D Vola STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, Hats and Gaps, Crockery, China, Glassware, Lamps, Shop Furniture, &c., Artist be sold during the Next 2 Weeks. The Best Quality of the goods are yet to sell. The cheap and poorer goods went first. You can get great Bar- gains for the next 2 Weekst Good Bros. I A11 Accounts must be settled by the 20th fust.