HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-6-15, Page 44 T -BR BRUlsSE New Advertisement; , Locale ---Dr. Ayer. Not1.30-1. S, Scott, Aution Selo—Good Aron, lrooerioa -•Jobu Grewal'. 1+ooel—Stark M0dienie Co. Clover Hay—G, A• Deadman. A Good Oow—G, A, Deadman. Corsets—Ferguson & Halliday. Poli4ioal Maotinga—Tbo0. Gibson. A. ,Marvellous Aledloine—C, I. Hood^ Oow for Sale—Tis Poor Pub. Horse. Situation Wanted-112re. A, G. Hasoni. A Coal Miueres Rescue—Dr, Williams. nilr.1l• eel$ Vast. FRIDAY, JUA`I 15, 1804. Tun Dominion Prohibition Convention will be held atDctontieol on Tuesday and Wednesday, July Ord and 4th. It is ex- pected to be an immense gathering. Prohibition is marching on. Fora wards were added to the Co, list last week whose ages ware 03, 88, 82 and 78 years, reepeotively. Two were from -Osborne township and two from Gode. rio11 town. The prospeob of comfortable quartere,and good Dare should be enooarag. ing to every ward in the County as well as to proepeotive werda many of whom live on cluse municipal grants at the present, Dwane the past 20 years out of all pnb- lieomuialsappointed by the Provincial Government, about 815,000 has been lost by unworthy or dishonest men. In the same time $278,000 has been "appropriat- ed" by appointees to offices by munici- pal power. This record is certainly favorable to the former and proves that good men have been selected, not merely "party hacks to fill a gap," as has been stated. As to payment of fees. Registrars, Sheriffs and Bailiffs are nob performing a general service. They are not in the em. ployment of the people as Cabinet Minis- ters and most other Government officers are. The men who buy and sell lands, or who have suits at court, are the ones who require the service of Registrars, Sheriffs and Bailiffs ; and it is those men, not the public, who should pay for the servioe. Doctors and lawyers are al. so paid by fees, and they as well as legal officers would doubtless prefer to be put on salary and draw their earnings from the municipal treasury. Possibly some plan different from the existing one may be devised and recommended by the Roy- al Commission now sitting ; but it seems to be just and reasonable that those who use the servioe of Registrars, Sheriffs and Bailiffs should pay for it. There are thousands of farmers in the province who never require the offices of a Sheriff or Bailiff, and who uever more than per- haps once in a lifetime get a title record• ed in the office of a Registrar. Tas London Free Press, a bitter party paper, had to eat a Large dish of orow this week over its desire to make a point against the Mowat Administration. Here is its retraction as published in its issue of Tuesday :—On the 5th of May, 1894, in the report of the speeches deliver- ed a; a public meeting held at Thames - villa in the interest of T. 13. Watson, T. W. Crotbere, of St. Thomas, was report. ed in these columns as saying, with refer- ence to a recedt Bale of timber limits by the Ontario Government : "Although there were plasty of auctioneers in the country, this sale was made by Peter Ry- an, a Toronto registrar and party heeler, who received fees amounting to nearly $4,000. Dir. Ryan had a friend buy in a limit for him, and a few days later he sold it again, making $18,000 boodle out of it-" The attention of the Free Press has been called to this report, and, in jttstioe to Mr. Ryan, it desires to say that the statement was handed in by areport- er, and printed without aay enquiry being made into the facts. We find, upon en- quiry, that the statement was wnoLLr nn- i-ot2JLED. No limit was purchased by or on behalf of Mr. Ryan at a Bale at which he anted as auctioneer nor at the sale at which he acted for the Government did he receive any exorbitant or improper amount of fees. The Free Press regrets the injustice done to Mr. Ryan by the insertion in its columns of this raven statement, and apologizes to him for the injury thereby done to him. A 000es cry has been raised that Hon, Mr. Bronson, a member of the Cabinet without portfolio, buys timber limits at his own price from the Crown Lands De• partment. Ms. Bronson in reply said :— "Be was unaware that a man who was engaged in developing one of the grea t interests of the Province was, therefore, unfit to b3 a member of the House or of the Government. The eleotoreofOttawa did not think so. DIr. Bronson then ex- plicitly denied that he or hie firm had ever bought a foot of timber limits from the Government. Every foot that they had seamed had been bought from third parties. All transactions whioh his firm had had were in the ordinary way' of trade, andhe was unaware of any die. crimination having been exercised in hie favor. Indeed, Mr. Whitney had been very careful to make no actual charges against him. A.e a matter of fact the timber dues were fixed, not shifting or dependent on the will of the Government. Nay, so far was he from having profited that since he had become a member of the Government, the does on timber sold had been advanced 88p er cent- If he hal had any influence, it evidently had been in the interests of the Province, not of the lainbermen," Mn, Dzoitialvaau, the Conservative uotut. nee for Beet 'Baron, bee wisely retired from the Politest. The leading sapport- ere of theConser"vetice party in' this lo. ettlity have lately evioeetl a wonderful tOve for the Petrone of Indieeti'y, notwith, standing the expression of very strong views in the opposite direotion a few months ago. Their motto appeare to be "Anything to down the Government." The little trick is too apparent to have the effect they expect. Sin Oravrlu A1owax Itne given no uoeer- tain sound on the question of Prohibition and the "gush" talked about him having all the hotel keepers ell a string is too ridiculous to be given a serious thought by nnprejudioed people. Here ars his words in reply to the temperanoe delegn• tion appointed to wait on Bina after the Plebiscite vote (which by the way showed a majority of 81,769) was taken;— "If the decision of the Privy Connell should be that the Province has the jurie- diotion to pass a prohibitory liquor law as respects the sale of intoxicating liquor, I will introduce such a bill in the follow- ing session, if I am then at the head of the Government: 'If the deoleion of the Privy Connell is that the Province has jurisdiction to pass only a partial prohibitory liquor' law, I will iutrodune such a prohibitory bill as the deoieion will warrant, unless the par- tial prohibitory power is so limited as to be ineffective from a temperance etend• point." X House of Refuge for Huron is al last to be a reality, The friends of this humane institution have fought hard and long for the accomplishment of this object and are greatly pleased at the outcome. 1994 will long be remembered on account of the victory gained. The position of affairs are, in brief, 45 acres of land have been purchased, on the London road, a mile or so out of Clinton, for which 92,- 600 was paid. The plans of Fowler & Fowler, architects, Woodstock, have been decided upon by the Co. Council and tenders will be asked for the erection of a house to acoommodate 75 inmates. Esti- mated cost of land, buildings, furnishings, &o„ $16,000. Of this amount the Gov- ernment will contribute 94,000 and the balance will run over a term of years so as to rest comparatively light on the rate- payers. A December session of the Co. Council will be held when it is likely the oontreat will be let and the material got ready for an early start next Spring. The site ie not only very centrally located but is a very desirable one for drainage, water and other eseentiale. Building will be ready for occupation during the Fall of 1895. The prairie chickens reoently brought from the North West by Mr. Wilkes, near Galt, are doing well and seem to be mak- ing themselves at home in that district. The other day a nest containing 12 eggs was found. A Coal Minter's Rescue. T1111 STORY OFA WORKER IN Plih WESTYILLIi, N. S., NINES. Suffered From Asthma and Intli:estion— nimblelo {Fork For Eight tong Mon- the—Ile 1186 Sow Regained Complete IlaQlh"anti Strength. From the Stellarton, N. 8., journal. Faithdoes not come to all by hearing. With many seeing is believing. ltIany when they read of what has been effect- ed in other parts of the country may shake their heads with an iucredulons air. To satisfy such people it is neces- sary to bring the matter home ; to show it to them at their own doors: The pee. pie of this country may not have heard, or only know little about the • places where good has been effected by the use of the medicine, the male of 0111011 is on overyqbdtly's lips, but they have hoard of 'Westville, the second most populous town in the enmity, and people for and near have heard of the mining town where 111'78, twenty years ago, over fif- ty lives were lost lu au explosion in n 51)11ne, and people of these provinves know it today as the place from which they draw their supply of fuel. Hearing of cure that had been effeotel1 in Westville through the agency of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, a journal reporter thought.it might be of general interest to aseertain the par- ticulars. So to Westville he went and celled at the home of Thos. McMillen, who le known to every man, woman and 0111111 111 the place ]laving taken up his home there twenty soars ago. Mr. Mo - Millan was not to bo seen at the time, un- less our reporter sought him at a distance of between three and four thousand feet udder ground in ono of the deepest coal mines on the continent, where ho ryas at work. Mrs. McMillan was at home, how- ever, and when informed the objeot of the reporter's visit she said she eolticl give all the information ueeessary—and she gave it freely, "Yoe," said she, "Tom was a very slain man, so sick that he was unable to work for eight months—a long time wasn't it 2 " she said by way of pee - Mon. "He had been sick morn or less for about a year. He was like a great many miners who had to work in poor air, troubled with asthma, and indigestion, He couldn't eat' well and of course did not thrive. He lost flesh gradually and at last became so weak that he was un- able to work- After he had been sick for some menthe we read of Dr. William's Pink Pills. We talked the matter over and it was agreed to give the Pink Pills a trial—and it was a blessing we did. Aft- er he began to take the pills he felt him- self gradually gaining strength- By de- grees his appetite returned' and with it his strength, and by the time he had talc. ensix boxes he considered himself a well man. At this time he returned to his work in the mine, but he continued tak- ing the Pink Pills for some time, to make euro that the trouble was driven out of his system. He can now work steadily and is as strong and healthy as 11e ever was. We are both so pleased with the great good this remedy diel him that we never fail to recommend it to any sick acquaintances- This statement is simple facts, and is voluntarily, given because my husband has been benefitted by the statement of another, and so some one else may be benefitted by knowing what they have done for him. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a epeoific for all diseases arising from an impover- ished condition of the blood or a shatter- ed condition of the nervous forces such as St. Vitus' dance, locoinotor ataxia, rheumatism, paralysis, sciatica, the after effects of la grippe, loss of appetite, head- ache, dizziness, chronic erysipelas, scro- fula, etc. They are also a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female sys- tem, correcting irregularities enpppres• Bions, and all forms of female wealmess, building anew the blood .cud restoring the glow of health to pale and sallow oheeks- In the case of lien they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from men• tal worry, overwork or excesses of any nature. These pills are not a purgative medicine- They contain only life-giving properties, and nothing that could injure the most delicate system. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only iu boxes bearing the film's trademark and wrapper (printed in red ink.). Bear in mind that they are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred. and any dealer who offers substitutes in this way is try- ing to defraud you and should be avoided. Ask your dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and refuse all imi- tations and substitutes, Dr. Williams' Pink pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr- Williams Medicine Company, Brock- ville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 99,50. • The price at which these pills are sold make a course of treatment comparatively iu• expensive as compared with other reme- dies or medical treatment. THOU SHALT NOT COVET. ,,,--0,14,0) i �/, r � . i j./C`.w, ms,µ^_'s' e Y- �`' • —J— ,L4c. 1E ,Op ' ytr1J, 1 5 ,fir\/ �"",•+ -.1.. d� • o?.•i8 -,'J �fl�`re„L„ NEloonson Mssumsvir (who has an eye on the property blmeelf)—Say, Srollver,.you' don't expect to be there to take out that crop, do yen? NalonaoaMowAr(blandly)-0h, yes,Landlord's just looking around, andd he ands the property in euoh good shape that he Gaye he'll renewmy Pease. [A Conservative admission of the situation me expressed by the Toronto Evening Newel S POST 00 !,., Si i' i Jioiue Seekers Excursions 189.4 ]Prom all 81410138 an the lino of the Grand Trunk Timms mu. Tin Sozn 05 Jeno 12, Good to Return until Aug, 11. June 19, Good to Return until Aug, 18, June 26, Good to Return Cantil Aug. 25. July 17, Good to Return until Sept, 15. To the following points at rates named DErl0RA1NE BESTOW 178;PEYAN 0 8 0 0111 1 0 01008)A tAW Y910I81014 $ 2 130 080NCE 138li,YLIIL'ItT Cb 3 RIM DEER • - EDMON1UN - • 4 'Winnipeg Agricltlturot and induetrLA Exhibition viii bo held from July 28rti to 80th, inclusive, null Julyl7th line been rued upon for Excursion to enable p00seugor0 to attend 1115 Exhibition, J. ll • KEN DDA L L, Cr, T. R. Agent, Brussels. MILLINCHY MILLINERY Everything must be clear- ed and in order to do this We have Cut Deep Into Prices. We invite every Lady to call and see our Styles and Prices before Buying. Miss McPherson, Produce taken in Exchange for Millinery. ,..mss e -: $O PAYS Home Seekers' Exeur,',ions 7894 From all stations on the line of the JUNE 15, 1894 TIeltllIs 14ILI, 1511 SOLI) is JIUIV 33, Good to 'totem rung Aug. 10 .lune le, Good to Return until Aug,.18 J line 211, Good to Return until Aug. 20 Jail' I7, Good to Return unlit Sept, 10 To the following poiuto at rates named 5Dt108810NINE ESTE-VAN IIIN SO810111 0008011/19 REGINA 1VrOnsisEJAW YORK1'ON PRIN017 A0131113T OALGA111 11111) 0E1011 - - 1105101,11011 - - 8 1 X35 1 EG 4 O �Ylnnlpeg A••rieult twat end industrial llxhihHien will bo bold from Only BBrd to 80th, iuolusivo, and Only 17th has boon fixed upon for Excursion to enable Fassengors Fo attend the Exhibition. LI. T. PEPPER, AGENT, BRUSSELS. Gra�tl Collcert I TOWN . HALL, BRUSSELS, MOEVENq NDAYING, 2ndJULY , Under the auspices of Court Princess Alexandria C. 0. F. Tho following talent will take part ACNES KNOX (MRS. CHARLTON MACE) Lecturer on Rhetorio and Elocution in the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston. IIar ,y W. Bich, Humorous Vocalist and Caricaturist, TORONTO. PROF, HAWKINS, Pianist. BRUSSELS ORCHESTRA— H. L. Jncxson, Leader. This is a Rare Treat. DON'T MiSS IT. TURNIP SE D ! We have now in stock the following varieties of Tz87'nip Seed viz. : Hall's Westbury Swede Sutton.'s Champion tx Sharpe's Unproved Skirving's Improved Royal Norfolk, East Lothian Elephant or Monarch Bangholm it Grey Stone, Yellow Aberbeen. ALL - GUARANTEED - FRESH. Our Stock throughout is well assorted • and dPAt _`,aPrices Right. amu' t.ari J e C0 it CC tt IC sLM the LISTOWEL El `Woollen Factory' B. F. BROOK & SON Pay the Highest Market Price, Cash or Trade. In exchanging goods for wool, we will pay a Few Cede Above The Market Priori, guaranteeing to sell our goods at rock bottom cneh prices. Come with your friends and see our tremendous stook in all linea of Our atoolc is open for inepeotion, and is the best seleoted stools ever shown by any Woollen Factory in Canada. Do not fail to oall and see for yourselves our Fine Grey Flannels at 26e. per yard that will not shrink in washing, We have made up a special line of all Wool Tweeds at 400, per yard. Something never before shown for the money, Roll Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing, Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, &c. Done on short notice and best of work guaranteed. Pnrtiee from a dietaries can rely on getting their roils home the same day. World advise to hand pick all wool for roll carding, and you will be sure to get good rolls. All we ask is for yon to gime 0s a trial. We deal honestly with everybody and you will find us always ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all, B. F. BROOK SON. t P. S.—Beware of peddlers. We understand they are using our name to make sales. Put them down me fraude of the worst kind. We allow no peddlars'to sell our goods. Look {i Yoursefl DRESSED In one of our All Wool Suits And you will be astonished at the Elegance of your Appearance. Wear it for a few months and you will be astonished "at its Wearing Qualities. Ask the Price and you will bo astonished at the X Tit We offer Men's Suits, All Wool, for $5.00. 11Ien's Serge Suits, all sizes, well made, strongly trimmed, for $3.25. Men's Suits that were $10.00 for $7.75. Men's Suits that were $8.00 for $6.00. We have about 100 Men's Suits that were from $12.00 to $15.00. We have decided to clear them out and will give you your choice of the lot for $10,00. Youths' Suits from $3.00 to $10.00. Boys' Suits for $1.00. Boys' Suits, all wool, from 22 to 29 breast measure for $1.50. v Too Many Tweeds To Clear we will Sell our 50c. 75 $1.00 1.25 1.50 Tweed for 35c 55c G1 75c $1,00 1.15 it 55 11 u Produce Taken. smith & llcLarc�. 1