HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-6-15, Page 3JuN 15, 1594
BAIT -$.8E148 PO
Town :rectory.
¥ELa rma gnoaoft.—Sabbath Services
1.1 a m and 0:80 p. m. Snnday Sobool
2:30 p m, Rev. John boas, If A,
gxox Qnungtt,•,-Sabbath Servioee at 11
m and 0:80 p M, Bentley School et
i Ry. M•n t
Q m. e Ia, 1 ar ae or,
, 1
1i 'L. ^.}
$T. Joz1x s Services
11 a in and 7 p in, Sunday School
2:80 0? m Rev. W. G, Reilly, memo.
Mawnonzao Ouonem—Sabbath Services
at 10:30 a m and 0:80 p m. Sunday
iyohool at 2:30 p In. Rev. G. 01. Cobble -
dick, 3d A, B Il, pastor,
RoniAN OAT:Ioz,Io Cuonoit.—Sabbath
Service third Suuday in every month, at
1Q;3Q a m, 1lev Jeeepil Kennedy,
SALVATION Annoy.—Seryioe at 7 and 11
am and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at
the barracks.
OD» FIai rows' Loner every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
Mamma Lome Tuesday et or before
full'tiaon, in Garfield bleak,
A 0 U W Loren on lst and 8r'd
Friday evenings of each month, in Blas.
hill's block.
O 0 F Louoa 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month, in 0lashill'a
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fallows' Hall,
R T or T, and anll dth Tuesday's of
each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall, •
Soles or Snowman, lot and Bed Time.
days of eaoh mouth, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M, Loran, 1st and 8rd Thura.
days of eaoh month, in Vanatone blook.
Roue OIROLia, 2nd and 4th Friday even-
ings inBlashill's Hall.
Pose Ol.rrca.—Ofiioe hours from 8 a.
m,to7p, m;
Mnouseree' IxsTITOTR.—Ilibrary in
Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 5
and 0 to 8 Saturdaya, Miss Dolly Shaw,
TOWN OovNamL.—W. II. Kerr, Reeve ;
W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R,
Williams and S. Wilton, Councillors
P. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Belly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and ',T.
T. Ross, Colleotor. Board meets the 1st
Monday in each mt
on h
SanooL BOARD.—Bev. Roes, (chairman,)
Dr. MoKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid and
J. N. Kendall Sec.-Treas., It. Rose.
Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaoh
Pointe Smoot, Tose/ans.—J. H. Oam.
eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Miss
Downey and Mies Goofier.
BOARD or Hz/tom—Rem Kerr, Olerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr. MoNaughtoa, Medical
Health Officer.
Lane laow'*
117ise Aggie Lassen hal Net retuned
from Ilamilton, where 0110 Iles graduated
as a student in the art of Shorthand
writing and oleo in book-keeping.
On Friday mornhlg neat the Chicago
Volunteer filly belonging to 0. 4, Shepp-
ard, dropped a horse omit, by Prince Ede
t one of bbe boat bt'ecl trotbing stallions in.
One day la
b sveo t
1 Wm. Goddo got
letter out of the Post Otltoo, but in muting
a de wal)c,aeilie lettieil wased it missed on
few minutes later, bit on going back he
found the envelope torn open, and a part
of the contents lying on the sidewalk.
This ie certainly a dishonest and small
piece of business, and the guilty party
left himself liable for prosecution.
There's a dainty little widow just across
the street from me,
With a baby whose stepfather I am striv-
ing hard to be ;
But that infant in hercradle has a
grudge against my sex,
And I cannot woo the mother lest the
daughter it should vex.
Do I go there, blandly smiling, for an
hour of rare delight i
Then the baby rises grandly, howling till
I'm put to flight 1
Do I go there on the morrow ?—Oh, ye
gods, it makes me weep 1—
Then the widow whispers softly : "Hush,
the baby is asleep 1
So, it matters not, she's potent, whether
slumbering or awake,
To balk the utmost efforts that my fer-
vency may make ;
And I'm sure that soulsoanmigrate from
the regions of the bad,
For it's very clear thia infant has the
spirit of her dad.
She sat in the shade at the farmhouse
With a scowl on her brow and a flush
on her cheek ;
And her handmaiden Katie stood weeping
with Minnie,
And so frightened her lips would not
serve her to speak.
'Now, Katie, my girl," said the angry
"How ie it ye canna mair caution dis-
Ilka day ye're destroyin' me platters and
As though it were nothing for ohina
to Here, the mo
more, ye Dome galloped ower
the field,
And tearable and shatter me best tu-
reen ;
And neo ye destroy a line Aberdeen bowl -
It's fills day thus. Now, pray, what
does it mean ?"
Poor Katie looked up through her glisten-
ing tears ;
Her features an aspeot of misery wore,
"Dear mistress," she stammered, "the
bowl S brake not ;
The Aberdeen bowl it were oradtit
"Ah, Katie, 'Ms ever the fib that ye tell ;
Ills jag broken were orackit afore.
reran; ye will have a new ditty to sing,
For I will bo kind end forgiving na
The good dame's boy Harry, n abaci' lit-
tle imp,
Had heard Katie's pleat, and began to
reflect ;
And resolved that, in oase of an aoeideut
World use 18 with equally happy effect,
Ono day clown the staircase be came with
abouuoe ;
Ayell and a scream told the tale to the
In the arms of his mother theviatim wee
And ebe cried and caressed him with
matronly fear.
"Has he broken hie head, me owu dor.
ling, me pride ?"
"Nay, mither," said Hal, with a sob
and a roar,
As he rubbed hie wee eyes and his little
round head ;
"I pray dinua scold me—'twere cracitlt
Years attar, the lad grown to manhood,
was seen
Where titles and honors he modestly
wore ;
And when in defending a alilified Queen t
None thought that hit head had been b
"credit afore."
G. A. 1t. llfoLeod has been confined to
his bed for the past few days with an at.
took of inflammation of the longs.
One day recently while Joseph Peart
wat ily feliltand on
two nibs. Hsladder, he u a tdell-
to be around but is tumble to do any
One day recently while Mrs. A. Allen
was descending a flight of steps she noel.
denbly slipped and fell and sprained her
wrist badly. She hoe not had the use of
it slime.
Tho annual meeting of thesharehoider'0
of the Exeter Salt Well 0o. was held at
the Town Hall. The old board of direoe
tors waR elected, viz:—D. Mill, T. Coates,
G. A. K. McLeod, Thos. Fitton and T.
B. Carling.
The remaine of the late Mrs. Robert R,
Emile, were brought here by train from
London last week taken to the residence
of her eon, John Evans, and from there
eeneigned to their last restingplaoe in the
Elimville cemetery.
The many friends of Mfrs. John Mc-
Callum will learn with deep regret of her
death which sad event ocourrod at the
family residence on Suniiay of last weak.
Deceased hoe been a sufferer for felly a
year from the effects of dropsy.
The "Yellowstone Bill" aireue and
combination which showed here last week
was a genuine fake and a more disreput.
able lot of young men wlio follow a oirons
was never seen. "Bill's next visit to
Exeter will be a very unwelcome one.
The f
ore Standard
says :—"TheThe
proprietor of the Exeter
woollen mill, aa-
oompanied by Constable Bradden, 00
Thedford, were here on Sunday looking
np a band of gypsies who, it was suppoe.
ed, broke' into and stole a quantity of
goods from the woollen mills. A search
failed to prove they were the guilty
Male mosquitoes do not bite.
The original inventor of paper was bbe
Mount Sinai, in Arabia, ie 0,541 feet
in height.
The mummy cats unearthed in Egypt
have red hair.
The common horse Sy has 16,000 facets
on its eyes.
The peetrel has been known to fly 150
miles in an hour.
Female frogs have no voice, only the
males can Bing.
A flea's mouth is placed exactly be-
tween hie fore Iegs,
The highest mountain in Europe is
Mount Blano-15,732 feet.
There are more musolee in the tail of
a rat than a human hand.
A. Pew Things 1e Avoid,
Never oall upon people just at bedtime
or during dinner or before they are down
stairs in the morning.
Never atop people who are hurrying a-
long the street and detain them for 10
or 10" minutes.
Never when you see two people engag-
ed in earnest talk step in and enter upon
a miscellaneous conversation.
Never begin to talk about "tfiie that
and everything to one who fe trying to
read the morning paper ora book or any.
thing else.
Never fall to keep an appointment.
Never inconvenience people by coining
in late at •ahurob, theatre, or concert.
Never delay in answering lettere or re.
turning books.
Never tell Iong stories of which you
yourself are the hero.
Never speak disrespectfully of your
parents or of your sisters. People may
laugh at your wit, but they will despise
you for it.
Lever talk when others are singing or
doing anything for your amusement, and
never the instant they have finished be-
iu to talk upon a different topic).
California has a 3,800 -acre prune or-
Queen Victoria signs about 50,00p docu-
ments a year.
Members of the Austrian pirliam et
get 64 per day.
Canada has one million metes of unex-
plored territory.
There ave 1,785 separate railroad mom
panics in the United States.
In South Amerioa rain frequently fall
in temente from a olear sky.
There are now four thousand more He-
brews in Jerusalem than there were fifty
years ago.
Over eight thousand varietiee of postal
oards have been issued in the world
within thirty five years.
The largest library in the world fa the
Bibllotbeque National, of Paris. It con-
tains 1,400,000 volumes,
Marls Twain computes there are only
thirty-five jokes in existence, the rest be-
ing merely variations on these.
In the British Museum, according to
the catalogue juet issued there are 2,700
complete Bibles in all languages.
The gigantic earth worms which infest
the river banks in Gippeland, Australia,
often grow tonne six feet long and from
one to three inches in diameter.
Dr. Herbert Snow, of the London Can-
cer hospital, says that mental worry is
the abief 00050 of cancer. The number
of oases have more than doubled in Bug -
land in twenty years.
Contrary to the general impression
that deaths from hydrophobia most fro.
enttyoccur in Summer, the etatiatios
show that they are about equally divided
among all the seasons.
William Yaney is a Chioag0 janitor
who is acid to be possessed of a double -
decked throat, with two separate and dis-
ineb voices. .ole is a vocalist, and Binge
ass, soprano, and alto all at the sane
A French electrician, A2, Tronvo, oat.
ohms deb hy Molting In the Water a not
with Incesule cont lamp attaehod, The
onrlene fish oolloob around the light, when
a pneumatic tiro around the edge of the
not is ailoutly inflated and rises to the
surface, entrapping thele without fright.
ening them and bongo without destroying
the spawn—a groat drawback to orclin try
net e tleliiti'.
WOULD $," A SlSTg't7 TO NIM.
Tho average girl who hoe no soruplesin
keeping half a dozen admirers on the string
atone time has many eGrange peouliaritiee.
Oonspiouone among them is her propen.
slay for putting off a follow month after
month, until the thing gets to be mono-
tonous, She hates to sae him go, name -
how, though she knows from the begin'',
ing she's not willing to go with him. A
young man of Richmond, Va,, a few days
ago proved himself the victor in a rather
unpleasanbfeature of the program, says
the Times. Icor some time he had been
aorewing up his omega to spring the ani.
important question, Ile thought he
could see the way perfectly clear, for his
Venus has been espeoially Moe to him
since the Lenten season, One evening be
wonted himself up to the point and de.
larmined to have some kind of an answer.
The usual amount of eloggonoe baying
been exhausted, the romanbto young man
was in the stat of appropriating one of the
maiden's lily white hands tor a quiet,
harmless little game of palmistry,
"No, no," said the blrte.eyadgfrl,elirinir.
ing slightly from her admirer. Then she
assumed a motherly hind of attitude, ea
though to give a wandering boy a bit of
advice, and said :—
"Now, George, yon know I'm devoted to
you in a way, and I'll always be your
Friend ---'t
"I don't lino friends," broke in the
young man.
"You don't ?"
"No, they're too expensive."
"Then, I want it understood that here-
after Inn your sister,"
"Agreed," said George, and sealed the
oontraob with a cordial grasp of the hand.
The next morning the young lady re-
ceived a bulkylooking peeling°. The ad.
dress was in George's handwriting.
"Bless hie dear heart 1" she said, opening
the bundle. To her great surprise the
usual box of roses was this lire t Imesubatitnt-
ed by adifferent
article. cle Half a dozen
pairs of black socks, mob with e. hole in
the toe or heel, as if by way of ventilation,
caused the girl to open her eyes in "holy
horror." Inclosed in a bundle was the
following note :
Mr Van' DEA% SIM r.—Won't you darn
these indispensible articles for me? Am
in no hurry for them, so take your time.
Affectionately, your brother. Gnoaoo.
Craieaslistu Ne w,e,
The anniversary of the Battle ofRidgo•
way was duly celebrated in Toronto on
One doctor in Stratford cauterized
three severe dog bite wounds within forty
eight hours.
Many farmers have ploughed up their
potatoes and corn and planted a second
time near Woodetook.
Toronto aldermen will hereafter get
6300 per annum, and the chairmen of
committees 6100 extra.
At Palmerston, Friday, Rev. J. R.
Webb was ordained for the gospel minis.
try of the Baptist church, after passing
a thorough examination.
Sylvian Denis, a Frenchman, aged 72,
committed suicide near Winnipeg on Sat-
urday by hanging himself to a tree.
Byron need a great deal of hair -dres-
sing, but was very particular to have on.
ly the best to he found in the market If
Ayer's Hair Vigor bad been obtainable
then, doubtless he would have tested its
merits, as so many distinguished and
fashionable people am doing now•a-days.
RNBOnIATIa1r CuRBD ro a DAF.—Soutlt
American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma•
tism and Neuralgia radically aures in 1
to 3 days. Ito action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. 18 re.
moves at once the cause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted
by G. A. Deadman,
R. Vance, of Woodstock, was digging
a drain for 112. T. Peat the other day, and
when in the bottom of the trench, which
was about eight feet deep, planing tiles,
the bank caved in and buried him com-
pletely. But there was plenty of bele at
hand and willing hands soon dug him out
Mr. Vance was pretty well squeezed.
RELIES: IN Ora Hours.—Distressing kid.
nay and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure' This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on account of
its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, bank and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relievee retention of
water and pain in passing it almnet im-
mediately. If yon want quick relief and
sure this is year remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
Last week a terrible calamity occurred
at Pembroke, about six miles from Wood-
stock, N. B. David MoKenzie lost his
house and all his household effects by fire,
his four-year-old son being burned alive,
and his wife is not expeoted to recover
from falling from a window to save her
life. He himself is badly burned about
the face, Fire is supposed to have orig.
Mated home stove in the shed, fanned
by high wind. No insurance.
Winnipeg Tribune :—The furniture and
fittings of the Queen's Hotel, including
'bus and horsee, was Bold Wednesday
morning by :motion at a rate on the dol.
lar. Bidding started at forty Dents, and
the business was finally knocked down to
Wm. Oloughter for 55 mots on the dol.
lar, The book debts and the stock is not
flneluded. Mr, Ctougher has not yet de-
cided whether Ile will hold for safe or
ram the hotel on his own behalf, It is
probable, however, that he will effect a
sale, It is understood the rent has been
reduced from 6000 to 6250 per month,
Chas. Graves, of the firm of J. A.
Graves di Bro., grocers, Tilsonburg, met
with a heavy loos on Saturday, owing to
a visit from some lighb•fingered people.
He had takes home the money received
during the afternoon and evening,
amounting to $68, and during the night
some one entered his bedroom, took his
pants and those of his nephew, Will
Graves, from which the money was
taken, and the 'olothes left in the yard.
The robbers missed a gold watch and
some .change that were in a vest. An
entrance appears to have been made
through a wihdow, but the robbers left
byway of the front door, it being found
open in the morning. No olue as yet,
A salmon trout weighing 10 lbs. was
caught at Port Dover Jaeb 015511,
his leg 001310 hn doinnng the of LIP I1 p, sklpnd 131 5a
romp 1501,
Telegrapllio eommunfeatioil between
Donald, if, C., and intermediate points
hoe been restorsd.
Ernily Roberta,b
, a Malden
lady, aged
, was fOl1Cld drowned
at P
dock, Collingwood, Friday,
During the emit year Rev. Mr, Elliott,
of the Methodist ehuroll, Woodsbook, has
married 23 couples, baptized 80 persona,
and buried 10,
Ilnuge Dla3Ase R0Lncvan IN 80 111;x.
uTEs,—All passe of organics or sympatbebio
heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and
quickly mired, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Heart, One dose oonviuoes. Sold
by G. A, Deadman.
Sons people are eonslantly troubled
with pimples and boils, especially about
the fees and neck, The best remedy is
a thorough mourse of Ayer's Sarsaparilla
wbioh expels all humors through the pro.
Per ehaenels, and so makes the skin be,
seine soft healthy and fair,
Adoram Bell, 0115 of the early settlers
of the township of Adelaide, who has
been a resident of Slrathroy for, some
Limo, dropped dead from heart disease
on Monday, June •nth. The old gentle-
man load sold his farm, booked hie hon-
ey and had not withdrawn ono mint of
the interest.
A Boon se FIORSMlr•.x,—One bottle of
.English Spavin Liniment completely re.
moved a onrh from my horse. I take
pleasure in recommending the remedy, as
it oats with mysterious promptness in
the removal from horses of hard, soft or
calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints,
curbs, sweeny, stifles and sprains. Glen.
ROBB, farmer, Markliaru, Ont. Sold by
G. A. Deadman.
A 14 year-old bey named James Loek-
ery, of the 0th line, Enniskillen, happen-
ed with an accident, whereby he map lose
his life, the other day. He was driving a
team towards home on the OIi Springs
road, when they became frightened and
ran away. The boy was thrown violently
from the wagon, and snetainect severe in-
ternal injuries. He is now lying in a
preoarious oondition, suffering with in-
flammation of the lungs, brought on by
the accident.
Fireman John Allen, of the Windsor
aaoomm dal
a 1
on tram
out Michigan
he 111 ahs an
Central Railroad,
was instantlykilled
y ki ed
last Saturday forenoon as the train was
leaving Buxton and while ata high rate
of speed the driving shaft of the locomo-
tive broke. A large portion of the shaft
crashed into the cab. Allen was struck a
terrific blow, and death was instautan.
eous. Iie was aboat 28 years old and un-
married. The remains were taken to his
parents home in St. Thomas.
Do you feel sad and weary ?—The
world is all right, and Mende are kind
and the outlook is hopeful ; but, "0h,"
you say, "this sick headache, that fright-
fal twinge of neuralgia, that bilious feel-
ing whish makes the thought of the
daintiest edible a misery 1" Stark's
Powders, 25 cents a box. Ask for them
at your druggist's, take them, and the
sun shines again, the birds sing and all
is web. The sick or nervous headache
vanishes, the torturing twinge cries "pea -
mai," and gives up possession, and for
the bilious stomach that loathe the honey-
comb, there is the healthy, appetite that
waits upon digestion.
To those who Intend Building.
Having built a Lime House at the Sta.
tion I will keep ; supply of the Beat
Fresh Lime for Sale suitable for all
Building purposes. Also
Anc1 Plasterin ,Hair for Sale.
D. A. Lowry.
Only the Scars Renialno
"Among trio many testimonials which I
see in regard to certain medicines perform.
trig cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes
II0Nn0 11nDsov, of the James Smith
Woolen Machinery Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa., "none
impress me more than my
own caso. Twenty years
ago, at the age of 18 years,
I had swellings Dome on
my legs, which broke and
became running sores.
do me no good, audit was
feared that the bones
weuldbeafected. At last,
my good old moth or
urged me to try Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. I took three
bottles, the sores healed,
and I have not been
troubled since. only the
ecnrs reinatu, and alto
memory of 8110 mast, bo
remind Mie of the good
Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me. I now
weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and
AM in the best of health. I have been On bbs
road for the past twelve years, have noticed
Ayers. Sarsaparilla advertised in all parts
of the United States, and always takepleas-
are in telling what good it did for,ine.
For the cure of all diseases originating to
Impure blood, the belt remedy is
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared byDr. J. O. Ayer & Oo., Lowell, Afase.
Guresothers,will cure you
10i1U 111AIG la'f,EiIDISittf'S,
Between New York and Liverpool, via
Queenstown, every Wo+ineeday,
steamers as
his line
e c a
aeto6)ymited uuntber to
Successor to
Mill street, Brussels,
Will keep in Stock and Make to Order
Of the following styles :—
Single and Double Buggies, Victoriae
Village Carta, Dog Carts with Plat.
form Gears, Ladies' Phaetons,
Doctor's Ploaotons, Lumber
Wagons, in., lm.
Repairing and re -painting,
Promptly attended to at
illoderate. Charges.
Call and examine stock be.
fore purchasing else.
Agont for the Fleury Plows, and Repairs
always on hand.
Everybody should see the Adjustable
Pole. It will fit any rig, either buggy
or cutter.
the rmR" and
560005'' 05110: aoco»ultadationi, intoud!nl;
paesenaoxa aro rotulurlod that r » early sI,.
1'liew5300 for bortus 1s necessary nt tbie arta'
eon, For ),dans, rating, eta, apply to
W, H, Derr,
Agent, Brussels,
ygte 'Renovator
--ARL 017''0)—. -.—
For Impure, Weak anis Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neer.
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and 'Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Donee,
Eamnia Irregularities and General De-
3'. M. 1rcLLOD,
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by 0. T. PEPPER,
Druggist, Bruesels.
4Briissels' PVomoi��
Has just received from Toronto, a Life Size Portrait Camera, lar-
gest ever been in these parts, so will supply the public with some-
thing extra nice in Photos. There is nothing nicer than a picture
of this kind to decorate your homes. -
Groups of Every Description
Taken on shortest notice, also views of Private Residences, Public
Buildings, Pic -Mie Parties, Etc. We are second to none and in-
tend to keep right up to date in the Photo. line. Every size pos-
sible taken, from the shall Sunbeams to Life Size.
Pictures Copied and Enlarged to any Size
7.12 Crayon.
Give us a Call—Always Welcome at the old
Reliable Studio over the Standard Bank,
Established 1871.
10. 03'. M•t('DONALD,
Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Annual Insurance, $ 900,000
Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 New Iusurance, 3,670,000
Gain for 1892, - 2,000,003 Gain over 1891, - 750,000
Is Issued Only by the Confederation Life Association.
t: "It is absolutely free from all restrictions as to residence, travel and occupation
from the date of issue. t03"It is entirely void of all conditions, t3It is absolutely
and automatically non.forfeitable, after two gears. The insured being entitled to t
(a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the
farther period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid
Up Policy, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to a (c)'
Cash value, as guaranteed in the policy.
Hon. Sir W. P. Howland, O.B.,
Managing Direatnr,
J. K. Macdonald.
W. TI. TKEPR, Agent at Brussels.
Opposite the American :Jotel, Brussels,
Is the CHE•1 PEST fo rte
All will be sold at a Blg Reduction 011 usual Prices.
A Large Stock of Seeds on Hand,
IMO Poktiolentsomel•CII.M1101m1•01•1111..M01.9.11•034113161.41:6119101.1M
'TRT US FOE) 0.A'1-1
Vie°'- Before removing to our new preni
ises in Dr. Graham's Block, •