HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-6-8, Page 8TIL NWME. Telt long spell of wet weather ie play. ing bevy() With Pepe ea low lying laud, CoawTT Oet)noil leis etsseron tale week at Gederlch,the Reeve being in attend, 11000. &mite Rnos, }lava completed the saw - Orden taken for the sew lawn game of ing of t olr large eilpplyof logs. Thoy're "Teems Junior" whioh le olaireed to be hustlers, better than the old. It is 10191 expensive BElies0ie Commit have sold the Mews and less fatiguing. We are also head. lebonture9,to Stinson & O0., of Toronto, Tauten for the old reliable game of realizing between $60 and $100 over par Q10QUET. Duriug the hot weather refresh your. self with a cooling aid 'Modelling glass of our justly celebrated JERSEY MILK SHAKE you-willfiudit to be invigorating and delightful, G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 800T0ERN RIM:SMON W. 0. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North nd South, as follows: l8OING SOUTH. GOING No1TO. Mali 8:54 a.m. Mixed 9:40 a.m. Express 11:89 a.m. Mail 300 p.m, nixed 9:00 p.m. Express 9:43 p,m. $"irn1 Raw Jkelns, A abiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith be'll pront it. STnAwnonnlMi. Baussoos School Board. will meet on Friday evening of this week. Toe Saturday esoureions to Lake Huron are coming to the front. A Lox of fine cattle were shipped from here this week by Clegg & Dames. Feuarn Division Court will be held in .Brussels on Wednesday, 27th inst. Ton Brussels Gun Clab have decided to shoot for the Lsadbury sup on June 18th, A FooTiALL match between I3ruseels and Atwood will be played on the Park Saturday afternoon. Tee Entrance and Public School. Trey. ing Examinations will be head on 21:1, 09211 and 30th of June, A NUMBER of the town sports are tatting in the ranee at Stratford on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week, Comm of Revision and Council meal ing for Brussels will be held next Monday evening, commencing at 7:30 o'clock, Wk regret to hear that George A. Fear, druggist, of Goderiob, formerly of Brussels, has had to makean assignment. Fax Physiology and Geography chart:, recently purchased for the nee of Brus• e015 Public Sohool, are pronounced to bo the very thing required. Pnovlxome, nomination on Tuesday, 19th inst. Election on the 26th. The nomination for East Huron will bo betel in Brussels Town Hall. POSTIIISTER FARROW, Dr. Cavanagh, Robert Henderson, Dan. Ewan and others ale beautifying their respective lawns by setting out evergreen hedges and trees. A HEISTING of the Directors of Bast Huron Agricultural Society was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday after- noon of this week, to revise the prize list for next Fal) Fair. JOHN BnOADyooT's case will come up for hearing at the June Sessions of the Peace, to be held at Goderioh on Tuesday of cert week, 12th inst. A number of wttnee908 will go from here. "Loan Tnyxeew" and "Lad: Garfield" were diatauced in the 2.00 and 2,19 races at St. Thomas, on Thursday of last week. "Saranac" won 2nd money in the 2.30 trot. Seven beats were trotted to settle it. 2,29}} was the best time made. Taxa Norm,—The publisher of the Port Hope Guide recently got judgment for $11.00 against a Guelph man who sent bank hie paper "Refused." Judge Ketch- um was very severe upon this species of dishonesty. The publisher also got costs. MAITLAND LACROSSE ASSOCIATION.—The first of the aeries of lacrosse matches under the above Aseooiation was played at Listowel on Wednesday between Lis. towel and Wingham the latter winnipg by 4 straight goals. Robt. Ross, of Brue• sets refereed the game. A match be- tween Harrieton and Brussels was played on Victoria Square Thursday afternoon full particulars of which will be given next week. Ix public lessons in deportment, speech and gesture, not to speak of the intelleo- tual benefits of all these entertainments, when in the hands of such able exponents as Agnea Knox, they roust produce a great amount of good. The reception which she received at the hands of the large audience was of the most cordial description ; in fact, as the program was Unfolded, and the great versatility of her gifts displayed they became thoroughly enthusiastic, and encored again and again.—'lite Hamilton Advertiser, Soot. land. POLITICAL BizETINGE.—Political meet- ings in the interests of Thos. Gibson, for the East Riding of Huron, will be held as follows :--June 12111, school house No. 3, Turnberry ; June 13th, Goeman's aehool house, Morris ; June 14th, separ- ate school, Hullett; June 15th, Manly's echool house, Mo$illop ; J rine 16th, Spsiren's school house, Grey ; June 18911, Dames' Hall, Cranbrook; June 20211, Harlock ; June 21st, Township Hall, Ethel ; June 22nd, Molesworth ; June 23rd, No. 1 school ]louse, llowick ; June 25th, Town Hall, Gorrte. Meetings will commence at 8 p. m. Mr. Gibson and other speakers will address the meebiuge. The Opposition candidates are invited. C. 0. F. Deooxsrnarr.,v.—The large restore are out for the Foresters' big Demonstration, on July '1 id. The pro• gram will be 8. 1, embraoing Lacrosse and Football matches ; amusing water fight ; athletic epode ; exhibition of steam and chemical Fire Engines, &0. After the procession addresses will be de- livered at Victoria Park by Peet High Chief Ranger Edward Tows, of London; High Secretary White, of Brantford ; Dr. Stanley, Chairman of the Medical Board, of Brantford, and other High Court officers. 6,000 visitors are expect- ed and five or six Brass Sande. Single fare on the G. T. R. good to go on Satur. day or Monday and return on Tuesday. Invite your friends to Brnesels that day, on the treneaotion. Mows & 00. are adding more machinery to the woollen faotory and are pfeperiug to hustle work through this Summar, They want a large c)nentIty of wool, %rism'r & Gatutei, of the National Roller Mills,.are agaiu importing this week some more No. 1 hard Maoitoba Spring what, to be manafaotured into their brand of 883011oba pure patent flour. Tee large tauk put in by R. N. Barrett in oonaeotion with hie proposed bath room, has the capacity of 4,000 gallons of aqua pure, and Mr. Barrett hopes to boom a "virtue" said to Within to Godli, aims, viz„ oleanlineas, Fociw.—A grove sootal will be bald under the ausplcee of Knox church Chrie Ilan Endeavor Society, at Delgatie'e grove, on Tuesday, Jens 19th, '!'Dame will leave D. 0. ROSS' store at 4 o'clock and 0 o'olook. Admission 10o. GRAND 0oxomnT.—On tbe evening of Dominion Day celebration in Bruesole the Foresters intend holding an A 1 eon• cert in the Town Hall, They���have en. gaged the talented Agnes RIME, (1frs. Black), Herry Rioh, oomi0 vocalist and character.deliueetor, Brussels orchestra, and other talent. Mark down the date. Somata RACES.—Posters are being is sued for the Summer meeting on the Driving Perk, Brussels, on Monday, July 2nd. There will be three events, in which a large number of the best horses in the country will compete. The Turf Club are pushing all neoeeeary preliminary ar- rangements and count on a great day's sport, Glaeox's COM)HTTzE Roots.—The Lib- erals have rented the large sample room in the Queen's Hotel block for their Com- mittee room during the election cam- paign. Members of the Committee will be found there in the evenings to furnish information, receive reports, &o. All supporters of Mr, Gibson will be welcom- ed, whether belonging to Brussels or other municipalities. HARRY Rica, humorous vocalist, ap• peered before a Shelburne audience for the first time, and judging from hie re. oeption it will not be his last visit. He soored an immediate emcees, and at hie next appearance on the program Dom• pletely captured the audience. He re- ceived several double encores, and grao- louely reepo ,ded,—The Free Press, Shel- burne. ODrr.—A Port Albert correspondent speaks of the demise of an aunt of T. A. Hawkins' ad follows :—After a long and severe illness Mrs. Henry Otway passed away on the 21st ult. Her maiden name was Margaret !lines, and she was born in Ireland abont 51 years ago. Her hus- band is H. Otway, now merchant in thie village. The funerel took place on the 23rd alt., and was largely attended. DIBb —Clifford Ames, the bright little eon of D. 0. Boss, died last Friday af. ternoon after a very brief illness, aged one month and twenty six days. The child had a mild type of measles and no. thing serious was apprehended until Thursday night wh'n oonvalsious set in, whioh resulted as above stated. Mr, and Mrs. Ross are deeply sympathised with in the loas of their little one. The funer• al took plaoeon Sabbath afternoon, Rev. John Ross, B. A., conducting the service. Rmrovmu To WoonoTocx.—This week J. T. Pepper and family removed to Wood. stock, where Mr. Pepper recently pur- chased a large drug business. We never lilte to lo e worthy residents from Brae - eels but take great pleasure in introducing Mr. and Mre. Pepper to the people of Woodstock and we hope they will be greatly prospered in their new home. The drug business belonging to Mr. Pep- per in town will be continued, and will be in charge of Sbnnlev Jaokson, a licensed chemist, of Woodstook, assisted by J. McRae. Quire a display of farming implements consisting of binders, movers and rakes, passed np our street on Wednesday morn- ing. They were loaded oa farmer's wag• ons at the depot, aid forming a prooes- sion proceeded to the Oeutral Hotel where the farmers were hospitably enter. tained to dinner. The line of wagons reached from the bridge nearly to the Post office. The implements are mann- featured by Frost & Wood, of Smith's Falls: J. r. Gilpin is the popular and enterprising agent in Brussels, and farm• ere would do well to give him a call be- fore making purchases. LnOAr —The appeal in Senior ve. Blo- Gilliouddy was argued before Falcon. bridge and Street, on a motion to set aside judgment entered by Armour, C. J„ at the trial at Goderioh, and to enter judgment for plaintiff for nominal dam- ages or for a new trial. The action was for libel, and defence was justification. The jury found no damages and that each party ',build pay hie own costa. The trial judge upon this recorded verdict for defendant, and entered judgment dlsmis• sing action without costa. Shepley, Q. 0., for defendant. Motion dismissed with coats. EnuoA'rroxtL.•—In this county, at the next MidsummerExaminatione, the fol- lowing numbers will write ; 182 Primary, or Third Class, 93 Junior Leaving, or Second Class, 10 Senior Leaving, or First Class, 21 Matriculants, 316 in all. $1,550 were oolleoted as the fees of these examinations, of whioh 0988 were sent to theEduoation Department, to pay for the examining of the papers, and the balance, $612, was retained to pay the local ex. pauses for presiding, paper, ink, etc. In East Huron 366 have applied to write on the Entrance Examination, and 145 on the Publio School Leaving. FENANOIAx.--A largely attended meeting of the creditors of Messrs. McIntosh & MoTaggsrt, private bankers, was held at the American Hotel, Braeaele, on Friday afternoon of last week. Dr. MoTaggart was present and gave a lucid aoeouut of the business and the outlook for the future. We understand there is about $6,000 of outstanding accounts, some of whioh will be collected through the Courts. The business management will be left in A. Oouslsy'e hands, who has eo satisfuntorily conducted the arrangements in the past, and it le expected another dividend will shortly be decilitre& which will likely make the tote) paid 85 or 871 cents on the dollar. 114 17SS P?'ST s7UNi 8, 1.394 jE.'e9,lll,e We IBntow, Jae, Ballantyne la visiting in Stratford, Mre, W. H. Kerr 14 vieiting tit Gode. doh, R, Gerry end wife Sundayed in sea. forth, Walter Smith and wife are visiting in Seaforth. Was. Timmins, of Toronto, was in town last week, ,Mrs, (Dr.) MoNaoghtou is 10 808100th this week, Miss Moore, of Aline, is visiting et T, Moore's, Mies Dolly Shaw is vieiting fu Mitobell end Clinton. J. Downingabtsnded the Oonferonae at Geduld] 0n Sunday. Thos. Rose, of Oheelsy, was in Brussele fora /OW days thie week. Miss Bate Humbly, of Winghmn, is vieiting Miss Dolly Backer. Mre. 3. E. Brydges is malting a viait with reltttivee at Dungannon, Mies Hattie ltoderoas, of 1Vinghnm, Was vielting Mies Lillian Ainley. Jae. O'Leary, of the Queen's, took in the sports at Port Huron this week. Dr. lifoTaggarb, of Behirman, Ala. barna, wag in town last week for a few days. B. Dennis attended a meeting of the Huron Deanery at Goderioh on Tuesday of thie week. Pare. S. Pearson is in town after an ex. tended visit to Woodstock, Georgetown and other places. We bear that, A. J. Lowiolt, of Tiver. ton, formerly of Brussels, had the mis- fortune to break his leg. The Goderioh Signal says :—G. A, Fear has gone to New York, where we understand he bas secured a position. B. Davies intends leaving shortly for Woodstock where he will continue his relation with J. T. Pepper i11 the drug business. Mrs. 0. E. Turnbull, of Guelph, is speeding a week in town aiding in the management of THE Pose in the Editor's absence at Co. Council. Mrs. William Vanstone, formerly of Brussels, baa been quite ill ab her home in Galt, but is improving Wisely now. Mrs. Vanstone is well up in the seventies we understand. C11UItIlf CRIME4. There was no eervie5 in St. John's ohurah Sunday evening, owing to the ateenoe of Rev. G. W. Reilly. Rev. J. Kitching, of Victoria Univer- sity, ouounied the pulpit of the Metho. dist church last Sabbath.. His sermons were highly appreciated, Next Sabbath morning Rev. G. H. Cob• bledick will preach to the Maccabees. The service will begin at 11 a. m. In the evening the sermon will be to young women. Tbe Board of the Methodiet church have granted their pastor four or five week's holidays. His work will be sup- plied by the ministers of the neighboring °bargee. Rev. John Ross, 13. A., will leave for the General Assembly, at St. John's, on Monday of next week. A special train will be ran for the accommodation of the delegates from Toronto. Melville cborob received an addition of 15 to its membership last Sabbath. 228 were present at the communion, being the largest number in the history of the congregation. Many from Knox church also participated in the sacramental ser- vice. The following officers have been elect• ed iu oonueoliun with the Christian En- deavor Society of Melville church :— Hon, Prod., Rev. John Ross, B. A. ;Pres., D. Hogg ; Vice•Pres., Neil MoLauchlin ; Oor.•Seo., A. M. McKay ; Rec.•Seo., Miss Cooper ; Treasurer, Miss Oousley ; Prayer Meeting Com., Mre. Wilson, Mx. Cameron, Mies Maggie • Stewart, Miss Harris, Mr. Grant ; Look -out Cum., Mre. Tufts, Miss Ferguson, Miss Ross, Mrs. McKenzie, A. M. McKay ; Social Oom., Mrs. Jno. Stewart, Jas. Ballantyne, Alex. Ross, Miss Ainley, Mies Inman, Mr. Blair ; Flower Com., Blies Annie Stew- art, Miss Birdie Roberton, Miss Minnie Stewart, Miss Dora Smith, Mies Crooks, Kenzie Scott, Willie Copley; Organist, Mies Jennie MoLauohlin ; Leader, Miss Mary Ross. Business Locals, ONLY 4 weeks more. See advt. on page 5. Good Brother's. Jose received one oar Manitoba Patent Flour. Baiter & Vanstone. Fon single harness oheap and durable Dome to us. I. C. Richards. Mira pane, mills pane and strainers of the best quality at Ballantyne & Wilton's. BAnxnn & VANB'IONE have opened out is flour and feed store at Baeker'a old stand, Brussels. Wool WANTED.—Highest price paid for all kinds of wool delivered at our flour and feed etore, Beaker & Vanstone. FINAL Norroo.—In order to SEM coats all accounts must be settled by 2001 June. Good Bros., Brussels. A FULL stock of creamery cane and milk oans of the very beat material and workmanship at Ballantyne & Wilton's. 10 QT/ART galvanized pada, japanned, 3 for 25o., regular price 30o oaoh. Only a few dozen on hand, and can't be re- placed for double the money. Ballantyne & Wilton. CAnnaoE plants, early and late, aauli. flower and tomatoe plants now ready. Celery in season. A fine oolleotiuu of house and bedding plants, new varieties at T. Kelly'e,Brueeele. 44.4 Mimi HARDWARE STORE.—Fenno wire $2.40 per 100 lbs. Cut nails $2.25 per 100 lbs. Screen doors at $1,26 each. Window Banana any size. Good spray pampa, $2.00 eaoh. A good second band bicycle oheap. Barbed wire and wire nails away down at B. Gerry's, Wiem•DIomNo AND Diux nio.—George Birt bas all the neoesaary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure eatisfaotion. Welle cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable, Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et„ Brussels. 34-tf le you want a tirst.alaee buggy, Dart or wagon call on J. Wynn. I have the best value in buggies for the money ever of. feted in Brussels. I keep no cheap slop work in factory buggies that we read about. Illy stook le of the very best. If you want a wagon for less money than my own make I can supply you with the Bain wagon, the best factory made wag. on for sale to -day. Call and stealer your- self. J, WYNN, Brussels. ST4XD41 D .13,4,NIC 01? 04X4D,d,. .aN 'S'Aa3T+xS 'ee:M a•t070. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. A.BBETtS, • • (Seven Million Dollar's) CAPITAL (Autherized) . • 97,000,000 92,000,000 Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebeo, Manitoba, buttal Statce r12England. lUSSR,L Pin aarigl, A General Banking Business Tranoaoted. Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from late of deposit to date of withdrawal and oompounded half yearly. i 1'80154 ATTENTION siyOlO TO THE CODLsoTIQN OF FARMERS' BALE NOTRE. Every faoility afforded Customers living at a distance. J. A. STEWART, MANAoso. GXL LIES 84 SMITE, da,7 .x'01 S9 BRUSsmas, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts .Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Serums Rams Papa firowaar• Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at tbe end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We effect le write Insurance in old English or Callaghan Companica, or in Mat. 1101 t0111101nieS ae n,uy be desired. AooaTs FOB CANADA AND UNITED STATES ; THE CANADIAN BANS OF OOsiIsROe. Wool wanted at Brussels woollen mill. Highest prise in cash or trade. Monogr price paid for any quantity of good wool. HowE & Co. Brussels 0. 0. F,—Por the next three months special inducements will be offered by Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, 0. 0. F., Brussels, to any person desiring to become a member of that Order, the in. Mather, fee being reduced during that time. As this is one of the leading In. summers and Beneflaiary Societies in the country people should take advantage of this offer. Por full information ap- ply to A. Rem, O.l0,; A. HomNIe, F. S. ; W. Mamma, Treas. BARGAINS IN WALL PAVER. -2,000 rolls of beautiful American Wall Papers just to band, bought at less than 600 on the dollar. Don't listen to elap•trap but - come right along and choose at your own price, Elegant gilts at 100, 150, 20o and 20o, formerly sold from 300 to 60c. All papers hong perfectly at 10o. Come all and cone quick, for they won't last, W. Roddick. Orin acliau Nesv,e. One thousand carpenters in St. Louis went oat on stripe Last week. At Golpoys, a hamlet three miles from Wiarton, a tame bear belonging to James Shackleton, hotel keeper, of that place, while playing with the four.year•old child of the owner, became angry and tors the child to pieces. Henry Sheard is seeking an injnnetion against the Willard Tract Society to re. strain them from continuing to build the addition to their premises at the corner of Youngs and Temperance streets, To- ronto, now in course of erection. A very sal occurrence took plaoe at the home of Jas. Graham, con. 18 West Luther, the other day. A little child 21. months old, was left alone in the house for a few minutes, and by some means got the stove doer open, and pulled° burn- ing stink out. The child's clothes caught fire and it was to severely burned that it died the following morning. What oame very near being a fatal ac- cident happened in Wallaoeburg the oth- er evening. Mrs. R. McLaughlin, while giving her busband medicine, got bold of the wrong bottle by mistake, and gave him a dose of laudanum. A doctor was hastily sent for, and it was by dint of bard work only that Mr. McLaughlin's life was saved. Friday morning about 8 o'clock, the dwelling house and barber shop and butcher shop owned by John H. Brown, of Durham, and occupied by Oscar Beek. er and E. T. MoClooklin, respectively, were completely destroyed by fire. Loss about $1,000 ; buildings insured in Brit- ish American and Wellington Mutual for $550, A solid brick wall on each side, together with the exertions of the eiti• ions, prevented the fire from spreading. A burglary was oommitted at Wiarton on Friday morning of last week on the premises of Sadlier Bros., dry goods mer. chants. About 3 o'olock, Davis, a tailor sleeping overhead next door, heard aloud explosion, and getting up and trying Sadlier's back door, found it unlocked. He immediately raa to Sadlier's residen- ce and gave an alarm. On entering the More they foetid it full of smoke, the sate door blown off and $300 missing. No clue as yet to the perpetrators. The overflow of the Fraser river, Van- couver, B. 0., is causing great destruc- tion and loss of life. The surrounding valleys hays been submerged, houses and outbuildings of ranches have been swept away, and herele of cattle and flocks of sheep have been drowned. Whole vil• loges on the banks of the stream areafloat So far eight lives are known bp have been lost. Al Langley a little boy fell from the p0roh of the Langley hotel and was swept away by the flood. The hotel was afterward washed from its foundations. The town is flooded. The whole of Lang- ley Prairie is now under water, and the island on whioh is the Indian reserve. tion is entirely under water. Tbe canoes in whioh four Indians wore trying to tow soma cattle from a ridge on the island to the mainland, were capsized, and three Of the Indians were drowned. The dead bodies of three men and a little girl were found on Hatzbic Prairie entangled a- mong floating trees. Many other bodies are reported as having been seen in the stream in other loonlities. Farmers fearing to stay longer are taking passage on steamers and bringing their families to Vancouver. The towns of Ohillawaok, Harristou aid. Centreville have been in. undated, 'Tile damage done to the C. P. R. tracks ievery.setious all along the line. At Bluffs the dyking has entirely given way, and 000 yards of read has been destroyed. At Niohomen the whole town is under water. Traffic over the railroad is entirely stopped, no train hav- ing arrived from the East since May 28, ROwnAND.—In Flinn, on May 20th, the wife of Mr. R. Rowland of a son. WmsoN.—In Atwood,on May 27th,the wife of Mr. Wm. H. Wilson of daughter. Trr000aoo.—In Henfryn, on Sunday, June 3r3, the wife of Mr. 3. Ii. Thompson of a eon. Romme sero.—In Elma, an May 26211, the wife of Mr. Henry Ronnenberg of a BOIL COLEMAN.—On Friday, May 25th, 1894, the wife of Mr. E. 0. Coleman, of Seafurtb,of a daughter. MA1.0R2FJD. MARTIN—MuCuramioie.—On May 30th, at Agnes Street Methodist church, To- ronto by the Rev J. MoD. Kerr, Mr. Wm. Martin, of Lima, to Miss Susanna Mo0utoheon, of Toronto. A:LttxANDan—Bnowa.—At the residence of the bride's father, Grey, on 24th of May, by Rev. J. A. Morrison, B. A., Mr. Thos. James Alexander, eldest son of Mrs. Wm. Alexander, to Mies Sarah, daughter of Mr. Samuel (Brown. nx>;a_ Rose.—In Grey, on June 4211, Mary E. daughter of Chas, Rose„ aged 8 years 8 months and 7 days. Boss.—In Brussels, on June lst, Clifford Ames, infant eon of D. C. and Maria Rose, aged 1 month and 26 days, 03-2.52,17SS2.32.,S OI.GAi23CZ9TS, Fall Wheat 54 56 Spring Wheat 52 55 Barley 35 87 Peas 52 63 Oats 32 88 Butter, tubs and rolls12 13 Eggs per dozen 7 00 Flour per barrel 3 00 3 60 Potatoes .. 35 Hay per ton .... 6 00 7 00 Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 00 00 Hides trimmed 3 Hides rough ., 171 2 Sheep skins, each........ 50 00 Lamb skins oaoh........ 15 00 Apples per bbl........... 1 50 1 75 Wool 13 15 Pork, Live .. 4 00 4 25 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. . COOK WANTED, GOOD ' Wages. Apply at the QUEEN'S HOT- EL, Brussels, at once. - CARPET WEAVING DONE. Satisinotlon guaranteed. MRS. McCRAE, nearly opposite Dr, McKelve)'s, Brussels, ptIOYOLE FOR SALE.— I bavo a ane now English Diesel°, warranted free from all Imperfections in material or maoufaobure, which will be sold cheap on liberal terms. G. A. DEADMAN Druggist & Bookseller. A COMFORTABLE FIRST– class buggy for sale at pride away down from original cost. Goodas now. Por price, tonna, &e., apply at T. Ft,10'rCHER'S Jewelry Store, Brussels. STRAYED ON THE PREM - 17 rano of the and °reigned, lot 5, 000.15, on or about May 181*,, 1894, a yearling halter, Owner may have the same by proving. pro- perty, paying expensesOsod taking kin 1 her 57.4 Walton. COURT OF REVISION. VILLAGE OF BRU681005, Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Brussels, County o3 Huron, will meet as Oourt.of Revision at the Coueuo1L CHAMBER, ou MONDAY. ,lune 11, 1.894, n1 7110 p. 111. Parties interested will govern themselves accordingly. F. B. SCOTT, Clark. MEDICAL CARDS. J A. MoNAUGHTON, M, D. • O. M„ L. B. U.P., Edinburgh, M, O. P. S, Ont. Itosidsuob and office iu Wilson's Block, ooriter of 1,1111 and Turnberry Sta. JM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. I'hvsiolau,. Surgeon Aceouoher, eta. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of college of Physlelans and Someone, Out. omen—Next door to , McDonald & do„ Walton Out. •..,,BUY YOUR, ••• Ilelleboxe ----AND .-- im Paris Green Pepper's Drug Store) If you Want the Best. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. I,L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Conveyancer. Colie°. GORE made,. Odlee—Vanotono's Block, Bras, eels, a1 -em M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor Oonveyanoor, No tory P ub• Ino, &e. Oflloo 'Vanstone', Block,1 door north of Central Hotel, Private. Funds to Loan. CAMERON, HOLT & HOpMES, Barristers, Solicitors, Notariee Poblio, tr. G, OAMDn00, Q, 0., h, Ont, Prom', amLT, DUDLEY mumps. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Soliottor, 05, (late o1 Garrow & Proudfoot'e (Moe, Goderioh.)' O19oe over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Bruseols. • Money to Loan. 47 DENTAL. >UENTI:4TI M. CAVANAGH, L. O Sb D. D. S., Graduate of the Hoyal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. Oirmon—Over A.R. Smith's Store, Brussels, Will visit Wroxeter the let nod Ord Mondays and Blyth the 20,1 and 4th Wednesdays of each month.. DR. DAVIDSON, Honor LioeatiaRal Coetal Surgeons. Grown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder- ato Pam Bar Barrett's barSatisfaction I' uroberiy Office 13a'tters- sels. VETERINARY. TD. WARWIOK, 81 • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated aaimale in a com- petent manner. Parbitular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Galls promptlyat- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge 'rurnbelry et„ Brusaele, - M• H. MOORS V. S., H. M., V. M. S. Graduate o2 the Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all domesticated animals treated on ardentlde principles. Horse dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a specialty, Onlls promptly attended to. OlOce, over Johnston & Cocn- rane's marble works. Infirmary ut Beattie's livery barn, Sruassls, Out. 26 - BUSINESS CARDS. ]3. MoORACKEN, Iaeurer of MarriageLicenses. OlUoe at his Grocery,'11urnbarry, street. Brussels. I0N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door south of A. M, McKay & Co's. hardware store. Ladies' and ohidreae hair nutting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM resunANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Feuds invested and to loan. Collections made.. Odioo In Graham's Block, Brussels, MISS O'CONNOR, R. T., Teacher of instrumental mesio on Piano or Organ. will visit Wingllam Tne s- lay and Wednesday of oaoh week, Iles 1 - donee on Priem/6 Street, Brussels. A. HAWKINS, M. O. S. M. • Organist In et, John's Church, Bros. eels, and pupil, in the Art of :Teachingof A. W•Tbayor,Mue.Doo„New York, will give lessons to pupils either on piano or organ, at his parlor ever A, B.. Smith's store, Brun. eels, Vocal lessons also elven. Terms mod- orate. AUCTIONEERS. A• RAYMANN; Auctioneer, Is always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terme cheerfully given. 0ranhrook P.O. Sales n:ay be Arranged at TUE PoeT Publishing House, Bruseals. GEORGE KIRKBY, Lisono°d Auctioneer. Bales oondnot ed on reasonable terms, Farms and farm stooks apooialty. Orders loft at Trim PoeT P ublishingHeuse, Brussels, or sent to Walton P. 0„ will receive prompt attention, LAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN-. en au an Auctioneer, I am prepared , to conduct sales ei farm stook at reasonable prices, Knowing the standing of nearly every primp I am in a position to soli to good marks and got good security when sold on credit. HabisfLellsu guaranteed. Give mea call, 32- F S. SCOTT. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.—'THE IJN- nnnaieoixn has several good Farina for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F S. SCOTT, Brunetti. FARM TO RENT --LOT NO, 21, Oon, 8, Grey, About 80 acres cleared. Immediate possession. Apply by mail to T.0, BEGFNRNABTrout Creek, or to WM. 0011.81, Ethel, RM -12 SA r sale, Lot 21, Dos,30, Township of Grey, containing 190 aeras. 00 of whioh Is °leered and seeded down, Well fannedand epooiaily adapted for dairy pnrpotoo, 'The balance is heavily wooded. It is near to church and salmi, Fur particulars apply to A. 010NA111, 40.5 Oraubrook P. 0,