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Geo, Bray le hoe from the Toronto
Varsity where ie put in his Bret year,
He is baking an Arts course.
R, S. Pelton scoured the Queen Bee at
Galt on Thursday of We week. Long
if fe and ltappinees to yen old boy.
A P.P. A. Mohnen. held forth in the
town hail here on Saturday night, and
was greeted with a large audience.
The non. John Dryden, and others,
aedreseed a large meeting of ratepayers
in the town hall On Wednesday evening
of last week. Mr. Dryden made a very
good impreesion and the (thermos are good
Mr the election of the Liheral eandidare,
G. G. McPherson.
IJerxlx'v .
Mre. T. Hall spent Sunday with friends
in Port Elgin.
Silver Corners cheese factory sold the
last half of May ohoese for 9&o per lb,
Bishop Baldwin held confirmation
services on Tuesday of thie week. Quite
a number received the rite,
, J. H. Thompson wears abeaming smile
since Sunday on account of a bouncing
batty boy bavieg arrived at his house.
The opal strike has seriously affected
Henlryn, on account of our blacksmith's
supply of coal having become exhausted.
Rev, W. J. Brandon, wide and family,
who at one time liad charge of the Hen-
fryn airouit were renewing acquaintan•
cos here this week.
Willie Millen underwent anoperation
on Saturday_ last by having a silver plate
inserted in his forehead where it was
fractured some time ago.
Llrtow cel.
The new furniture factory scheme has
fallen through, Messrs. Krug Bros. hav-
ing backed out at the last moment.
W. T. Parke returned home last week
from his trip to Texas and Mexico, after
e most enjoyable journey.
Matthew Hastie has moved to Harris.'
ton to work at his trade of blaokemith.
ing. Mr. Hestia is an excellent work-
Wm. Stephen is coming back to town,
and intends opening a ouetom tailoring
business in part of the bakery building
next to the old Bank of Hamilton build-
The barytin atone pavement on the
north side of Main street has bean tom.
pleted. The property owners along the
south side are likely to present a petition
to the Councii at its next regular meet-
ing to have a twelve foot walk built from
Mill street to the crossing went of the
post office. A resolution having already
been parried in the Connell to build the
walk if petitioned for under the frontage
tax system, the work may be proceeded
The Banner says ;—A. meeting of the
salesmen of the London cheese market
was held at the close of Saturday's mar-
ket. Mr. Leitch was chairman and John
Gilmour secretary. Several speakers
strongly disapproved of the buyers with
regard to the half pound concession, and
finally a motion by Mr, Leitch was adopt-
ed; naming Messrs. Norton, Geary Leitch
and Lee as a committee, to meet a com-
mittee of buyers, to consist of Messrs,
Ballantyne, Hibbert, Leitch and Cook,
next Saturday at 2 o'olook, with the ob-
ject of arranging difficulties.
Pin =Is auts.
A third tin shop will soon be started in
Strawberries have been on sale at our
restaurants for some days.
The publisher of the Advance has been
very ill during the past week.
Posters are out announcing the big de-
monstration to be held at Wingham on
the 12th of July, in honor of the 204th
anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne.
21,n exceedingly large mud turtle was
captured by some boys on the prairie.
It was a big one and was taken up town
on a dray.
The June session of Huron District
Counail of the Royal Template of Tem-
perance will be held at Wingham on
Thursday, June 14th, 1894, oommenoing
at 10 a. in.
The congregation of the WinghamCon-
gregational church bee extended a call to
Mr. lSecord, of New Durbam, Ont., to be.
come their pastor, and he bas accepted
and le expected to arrive in the course of
a couple of weeks.
Mrs. T. H. Marks, who has been musi-
cal direotoress of the Marks Brothers
Musical Comedy Company, arrived
home last week. The company has play-
ed 42 weeks without missing a night.
They open again about September let
with new plays, new people and new scen-
Sufficient stook has been subscribed to
purchase the "Johnston praitie" for a
public park, and, no doubt, the purchase
will be made shortly. The purchasers
are contributing towardebuilding a bridge
somas the Maitland at the Salt Bleak
and the bridge will be constructed snit.
able for general traffic, instead of only a
footbridge as at first contemplated.
Rev. E. A. Shaw will be pastor of the
Methodist ohuroh here this yam..
Service will be held in tiePrssbyterian
church at Belgrave at 2;30 o'olook next
In the liet of candidates wbo have pas-
sed the final examination of tho college
of physicians and surgeons, of Ontario,
we see the name of T. Agnew, Belgrave,
who is now entitled to the license to
practice in Ontario.
HYMEN'S ALPAn.—L very pretty wed.
ding was solemnized Monday morning,
May 28th, at 9 it. m. at Trinity ohuroh,
Belgrave, by Rev. Mr. Higley, the ohuroh
being nicely decorated with white flowers
for the 000asion. The contracting parties
were Jas. Ouming, of Blyth, and Miss
Maggie Miller, of Belgrave. The wed-
ding march, played by Miss MoLelland,
pealed forth se the bride, leaning on the
arm of Mr. Littlefair, who gave her
sway, entered. The bride looked beauti•
ful in her robe of white silk trimmed pro-
fusely with ribbon and Igoe, with white
veil and the usual orange blossoms. The
bridesmaid, Miss Littlefair, looped
oharmiugin her dress of denary oolored
oaehmere, also trimmed with ribbon end
lace, while the little maid of honor, Miss
Edna Hamilton, of Blyth, was becoming.
ly attired in white cashmere. The groom
was assisted through the trying ordeal by
his. brother John. After the ceremony a
the usual oongratulatione followed and b
Bien the guests, to the number of about a
Ort ' repaired ' f
f t aired wJbt he wedding
3, t rt
h h i
o wedding r
ua boa a t t � d
kfs .vee sot
Ye , 41.
the home o the bride where a eu ltu.
ter the repast was cleared away the time
was plsaeantly spout In sooial chat, In.
berepersed with mesio and dancing.
About2 v. in. the bridal party, a000m•
panted by eight .00nplee, drove to Wing.
ham, where they took the brain for Kin.
oardine amid showers of rios. The happy
couple left that port the following morn'
ing for a trip up the lakes. Among the
guests were Mrs. Higley, Mr, and Mrs,
Chiming (father and mother of the groom)
together with the other members of the
family; Chas, Hamilton, wife and son,
Blyth Mr. and the Misses Ila liday,
Belgrave ; Misses Tucker, of Winghatn ;
Wm. Littlefair and wife, Luoknow;
Mrs. Jno. Mooney and Wm. Mooney,
Brussels; Mr, McLelland and sisters,
Belgrave. The costly presents showed
the high esteem be which the bride is
held among her friends, After the wed-
ding tour Mr. and Mrs. Owning intend
settling down to the realities of life in
their home near Blyth, We wish them
every prosperity.
Dr, Leach was visiting our village last
J. C. Johnston is visiting bis mother
and other friends. Everyone is glad to
see him.
Hugh Ross has gone for n trip to the
old country. We understand he is taking
a load of cattle.
Mr. McPherson has had his house
shingled, Arai. Patterson and James
Aohison doing the work.
We are glad to see our school teacher,
Mies Ballantyne, around again ae she has
been on the sink list for a week or so.
Mrs. W. Duff, who has been living in
Bluevale for the last few months, bas re•
moved to Wingham where she intends to
mrke her home.
Rev. J. Pring delivered a very eloquent
address to the Foresters in the Methodist
ohuroh on Sabbath afternoon. A very
large audience gathered to hear him.
John Mosgrove has erected a fine brink
house this summer. Great praise is due
Joseph Pugh for the workman like man.
ner in which the briok work is done. It
is ono of the &nest houses in this part of
the country.
T. A. Reid, son of A. Reid, of Lower
Wingham, formerly of this neighborhood,
and who at present occupies the poation
of head master of the Forest Model
School, was last week honored by the
teachers of East Lambton who cleated
him to the paesidenoy of their associa-
Wm. Pollard was away this week at.
tendingthe Methodist Conferenon.
Mrs. (Rev.) Forrest was summoned to
Mount Albert Met week owing to the ill -
nese of her mother.
Frost has done some damage to tender
plants and viuea but the fruit crop does
net appear to have suffered we areglad to
Operatione began in David Campbell's
brick yard last week. It is going to prove
a great convenience to people in the sur.
rounding country.
The Ladies' Aid in connection with the
Walton Methodist ohuroh intend holding
their monthly entertainment at the
residence of Thos. Williamson on Tues-
day afternoon, June 12th. Tea served
from five to seven in the evening. A good
program of music, readings, swinging,
eta., is expected. Allure invited.
BASS RAISED.—The fine big barn of W.
J. Dickson, South of this village, was
raised last week, by tackling under the
direction of Thome, Newsome, builder,
without a hitch or accident of any kind.
It will be one of the best barna in this
section when completed. Mr. Newsome
understands his business and always gives
A garden party will be held under the
cuspides of the Ladies' Missionary So-
ciety of Duff's ohuroh, on Duncan
McQuaig's spacious lawn on Friday, June
loth. There will be a good program,
consisting of addresses, readiuge, recita-
tions, singing, etc. A special feature of
the evening will be music on the bagpipes
by D. Stewart, Brussels. Tea will be
served from. 4 to 7 o'clock. Aii are in-
Ur. and Miss Speiran were away at
Howiok last week.
Grey Council will hold their next meet-
ing on the 29111 innc.
Miss Bella Smith, of this township was
visiting at Trowbridge last week.
Wm. Bateman will have atone stab•
!lug put under his barn this Slimmer.
The minutes of Grey Connell crowded
out last week may be read in this issue.
Rev. W. A. Smith supplied Rev. Mr.
Newcombe', work on the Ethel circuit
last Sunday.
Look out Inc a strawberry festival on
the 10th con. in the near future. Full
partiouler next week.
Wild strawberries appear to be an
abundant orop and are being carefully
looked after by the residents.
A. cellar and'stone wall has been pat
nudes W. Raid's dwelling, 5th con.
Harry Atwood had the work in hand.
Archin B'le'ep has been assisting Thos.
Gibson in the public political meetings
held in the riding. He's a good speaker.
Deputy Reeve Dames ie attending the
County Council this week. Deputy
Reeve Oliver was unable to go owiug,to
his ill health.
John Mitchell has early Jeness, Giant
wheat which was sown in September 1808
and is now q feet above ground. It
cost last year $1.00 per lb.
On Monday, June 4th, Mary E., the
little daughter of Chas. Rose, aged 3years
8 months and 7 days, passed away to
be wibh Jesus. The funeral on Wednes-
day was largely attended, Rev. D. B. Mo.
Rae conducting bhe service.
Runway AoornrNP.—On the morning d
of the 24th of May, as Mrs. Simpeon and
her son, of the Grey township boundary,
were driving into Seaforth, when just I
below the Salvation Army barracks, they
met J. H. Pyper on it gaily decorated
biopic), Mr, Pyper saw that the horse
seemed frightened and drew as far to the
side of the road as possible, As the horse G
still refused to pass, he diemonnted, when J
the beast suddenly wheeled about, upset. II
ting the vehiole and throwing itself. The M
occupants of the buggy were thrown out M
nd Mrs. Simpson folltheavily, dislocating
er shoulder. Tho horse scrambled up
nd rem some distance before being P
orught, slightly damaging the buggy.
Medical aid was hastily silmmonded fon'
A'lt's. Simpeon and Os ,vee soon ma le as
op f L 1
mottbao 'til t
f so est a though 't
p i a t will
take her sons time to recover from the
shook and regain complete use of bhp in.
jured metnber, Mr, Simpeon was not the
least bit injured.
The garden party under the lutspioes of
the L'tdies' Gelid of St. John's ohuroh,
Breese's, anntnmeed for -last Friday on
John Cardiff's lawn, proved rather a tail.
urs on .account of the rain. 4.n enjoyable
time was spent indoors, however, and
something over $12.00 was realized,
Sonoon Rsroat..—.The following is the
standing of pupils of S. S. No. 9 for
month of May, based on eflioieney, regu.
levity and good eonduot:—Sr'.4bbs,--Bella
McKay, Annie Campbell, Jr.4th.—Wes.
ley Somme, fir. Srd,—Geo. Hanley and
Annie Bray (equal), Beate McKay, Wm,
Mcltay, Wm. MoNaught, Goo, Machan.
$n. 2nd.—Lawrence McNaught, John Mc-
Kay, Maggie McCall, Geo. Fraser, Jr,
9nc4,—W, Harkness, Jae. Mann. Part
2n8.—Mattie Fraser, Nellie biol aughb,
Rennin Bray, 'Russel Robertson, Lacy
Bowens. W. L. MoQuAnitrs, Teacher.
Sacrament of the Ford's Supper was
administered in St. Andrew's Presby-
terian, Miurah, on Sunday.
On Sunday there was no service in the
Methodist alerclrowing to the pastor be-
ing absent at the °onferous in Goderioh.
A petition is in oiroulation asking the
Judge's alemeney in connection with the
ease of Peter McIntosh who was sent to
Goderioh for a trial a short time ago.
The firm of Jessop and McElroy, who
have been carrying on a general store in
this town for some time past, and doing
a thriving business, ae it appeared, were
closed up on Thursday.
The necktie sooial and entertainment
under bhe auspices of the I. 0. G. T., on
Thursday evening in the Temperanie hall
was very well patronized by the young
folks, proosede amounting to over $10.
On Sunday afternoon about 40 mem-
bers of the 0.0. P., No. 89, marched to
Trinity ohuroh, and occupied the front
seats of the manner isle to hear a sermon
preaobed to them by their brother, Rev,
T. Tl, Bigley.
On Thursday evening last quite anum-
ber of the electors assembled in Industry
Hall to bear Mr Garrow, M, P. P. candi-
date for West Karon, and the Hon. Mr.
Dryden speak in the interests of the Re-
form party in the coming struggle.
Mies Minnie Holmes is on the sick list,
R. McDonald had a large barn raising
het Tuesday.
The Molesworth cheese factory averag-
ed 31 cheese daily last week.
• The Saorament will be observed in the
Presbyterian church on the fourth Sun-
day in June.
The beef ring is fully organized and its
patrons received their first instalment of
meat last Saturday.
The Molesworth football team played
the return game with Jamestown last
Saturday and returned home with smil-
ing faces having retrieved former losses
by a score of 2 to 0. We knew they
could do it.
Mra. Mines, of the 2nd eon., died last
Sunday evening about 0 o'clock, after a
short illness of a little over a week's
duration. Interment was made in the
Molesworth cemetery on Tuesday. The
bereaved family have the sincere sym-
pathy of the community in their sudden
and severe emiction,
John McMurray t g
y los a young horse last
M. Hughes took charge of the service
at Sunshine on Sunday last.
Miss Annie Agin was home from Clin-
ton for a few days last week.
The atone work for S. Love's new barn
is completed. R. Miller did the job.
Jas. Russell has erected an addition to
his barn to be need as a straw shed.
Farmers are likely to -get a half holiday
'soon, as statute labor day is near at hand.
James Wilkineon and wife contemplate
making a visit to their son at Escanaba,
The many friends of A. W. Sloan will
be pleased to learn that he is improving
in health.
Reeve Mooney and D •puny Reeve Kirk.
by are legislating at the County Parlia-
ment this week..
The printing for the balance of the year
wns awarded by the township council last
week to TEE PORP.
M. Kelly raised hie mammoth barn on
Friday of last week. The frame was put
up by T. Armstrong and men.
The weather of late has been very dia.
heartening to fanners, stone masons and
mechanics. The ladies,however, are sat-
isfied on the soft water point.
Thos. Sheridan, wife and children, of
Michigan, are visiting relatives in Morris
township, Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan were
former residents of this township.
Last week Frank MoOutoheon and wife
and Mrs. W. II. Oloakey went to Peter.
bore' on a visit to relatives and friends.
They were ticketed by J. T. Pepper.
John Agin has purchased a fine tboro'•
bred Berkshire boar from a gentleman in
Buffett. Mr. Agin is deserving of the
patronage of the swine breeders of this
section for his enterprise.
T. Miller delivered two fine fat steers
to E. Watson, at Blyth, on Monday last.
The price, we believe, was $80.00 each.
Geo. Pearce also delivered on the same
day to the some buyer 7 bead of prime
beef cattle, for which he received $480,00.
Mrs, Jas. Stretton, ar., had a narrow
escape from being drowned one day re.
cantly. While attempting to Dross the
river on a foob-bridge she aceidenbally
fell into the water, which was quite deep.
Had it not been for the Reality assietanoe
rendered by Mr. Stratton and another
gentleman, the result might have been
serious. Fortunately, however, she was
none the worse of the sudden oold bath,
Sonoos, REronr.—The following 1e the
correct standing of pupils in S. S. No. 4,
Morris, according to marks obtained
uring month of May t Sr, 4th.—Taylor
Pipe, Frank Curry. Jr. 4th,—Lyon
Pipe, Lillian 'Mooney, Ettie Davis, Mil.
ard Oardiff, Robt, Maunders, Sr. 8M.—
Norah Maunders, Ida Mooney, Lulu
Davis, Willie Oloakey, Maud Hoggard,
Milton Curry, Geo. Barrio, Jr. Brd.—
Willie Johnston, Geo. Innes, Willie
reenalade, Joe Pistol), Jobu Cloaksy,
as. roues. Jr. 2nd.—Richard Cardiff,
rnseb Mooney, David MaCuboheon,
ilton Sharp, Myrtle Nichol, Roderick
°Lean, John Moss, Joe Mopatoiteon.
S0, Part 2nd.—Mary Oaruaghau, Clara
lfdoney, Pearl Pipe, Geo, Davis, Ethel
ipe, Jae. Hoggard, Bertha Nichol, W.
Amos, Jr, Bart 2,td,m-,Mabel Nkobol,
Noleon Maunders, Lizzie Davie, Willie
Vieth, David Walker, Minnie Mooney,
Jessie Greenslade, Charlie Barrie.
Standing of Brd and 4th olassee aeoording
to Muy monthly exam.: --Sr, db1t.--Tay,
Inc Pipe, Frank Oloakey, John Curry,
Jr, 4th.—Lyon Pipe, Robt, Maunders,
]aillian Mooney, Maggio MoOutcheon,
Sr. Srd,—Noralt Maunders, Maud Hog.
gterd, Ida ]'looney, Lulu Davis, Milton
Curr''. Miss Hume, T'eaoher,
Very wet weather.
Lots of building going on in town.
James Pox wears one of hie broadest
smiles this week, It's a young druggist.
Our Reeve is away attending County
Council this week.
Political news is inane. Mr, Gibson,
the present member, will poll a largo vote
Business is fair. The web weather for
the past few weeks has had n .depressing
Miss Aggie Jamieson, who has been ht
the Hospital at Grand Rapids as nurse,
is here on a visit to fliends.
Rev. W. E, Kerr, of Thalneeford, has
been appointed by Conference to succeed
Rev. E. A, Shaw, in this place.
Our new jeweller, Er. Goebel, has as
nine a shop as 000 be found anywhere
and a nice stock. We bespeak for him
the suocees he deserves,
Rev. Mr. Stevenson, of Lietowel, ook
oupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian
ohuroh last Sunday. He was the first of
the miniabere on probation to fill the
vacancy in the pulpit caused by the
resignation of Rev, Mr, Davidson, the
former pastor.
Dr, Cavanagh, Brussels, made his in-
itial visit t0 Wroxeter on Weenesday of
this week. He will be at the Gefton
House the lsb and Brd Mondaya of
each month and will be prepared to at-
tend to all lines of dental work.
The Baseball Club hero' are greatly dte-
satisfied with bbe report and sooree pub-
lished in Toronto papers regarding the
games played in Mildmay on the 24th
against the "Crescents," of Toronto, mud
copied into papers around here, TEE Posit
included. The report and more is en.
tirely one sided and does not do justice at
all to the "Unions," and was made up by
a scorer of the "Crescents" for their city
papers. The more was not correct as the
Unions" were not credited with base
hits or anything, but it does not matter
much as the "Unions" are capable of
holding their own against the"Creeoents"
on the field.
A largely attended meeting was held
here last week relative to getting up a
Dominion Day demonstration. It was
unanimously decided to hold one on Sat-
urday, June SOtb, so as not to conflict
with Brussels grand gala day and Pores.
tars' demonstration, on Monday, July
2nd, as a good many from around bare
intend going there that day. An effi-
cient nom mitten was appointed with Joe.
Cowan as President ; J. Barnard, Treas.;
J. W. Sanderson, Seo. The principal
events are two games of baseball with
"Unions" and some city alnb ; football,
lacrosse, racing and &reworks. A goad
program may be expected.
An interesting trial wag held in the
Town Hall on Monday evening before
Magistrates Millar, Gibson andFoster, in
wbiob Francis Wright was tried for
abusive language and threatened assault
against Joo. Musgrove andJno.Diamond,
two connoillors of Turnberry, who were
instructed to let job on Government
drain going through 1Vrighb'sfarm. Mr.
Wright, failing to appear at the hour ap-
pointed, was arrested and made to do so.
After hearing the evidence on both sides
the Magistrates committed the prisoner
to 18 days in Goderioh jail, where he was
escorted by Constables Brethaur and
Undersigned will keep for service on
boar Il, Con.
83 00 to there'
e p Adv atB tto a tot
aervioe with privilege of returning if neces-
sary. J. 3. GOATS,
444 Proprietor,
The undersigned will keep for serving on
North Half Lot 20, Con, 7, Morris, a thoro'
bred Tamworth Boar, recently purchased
from the well known breeder, Too—13011, Am-
ber, Also a Chester White Boar. Tarms,
81.00 to be paid at time ofservioe with priv-
ilege of returning if neeesearv,
00-tf 8. W 0LN1iB,Proprie tor.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 20, Con. 6, Morris, the thorn' bred im-
proved white Yorkshire Boar "Canada's
Prima," purobased from the well-known
breeder J. D. Brethour, Oak Lodge ITarm,
Burford, Terms, 51,00 to be paid at the
time of service with privilege of returning
if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on ap-
Undersigned will keepthe thoro-broil
Durham bull, H3qtiland Prtnoo," for service
on Lot 20, Oou, 8, Grey, Registered pedigree
may be exon nu nppliontion. Terms.—Grade
cows, to insure, 51.00 ; thorn -brads 88,CO3
0, EfIEHEO s,
44.4 Proprietor.
Undersigned wilt keep for service the
4horo'-brad largo English .8et'hsbire Boar,
"Bismarck," No, 1708. It took 1st prise at
the East Huron Pall fair in 1898, and was
always Jet Whalley or exhibited. Terms, 41,00
to be paid at the onto of service with privi-
lege of returning if necessary. Two youngs,
Borkehire Boars and several young Short
Horn 130110 for sale.
D. DMIL1NE, Prop.,
33.5 Ethel.
We are prepared to buy, at high-
est market price, in Cash, any
quantity of Fleece Wool, deliver-
ed either at our grain storehouse,
No. 1, or at the National Boller
Flour Mills, Brussels.
r'Pleeso see lie before disposing of your
Stewart & Graham'
ernon & Ballidav
For Handsome Dress Goocl,s,
For' Genaiim» Bar; cans.
Ferguson 86 Halliday ty'v have them,
1000 yards Fast Colors, Wide Width, about forty Patterns,
splendid quality, all new Goods, they are worth 10c. but
to clear them out quick we quote the price at 8c. or 13
yards for $1.00. You cannot afford to miss an opportun-
ity like this of securing seasonable goods at 'Wholesale
Prices. Our splendid assortment at 10e. will be found
very attractive and worth regular 124,•c.
We have this week secured a large line of these goods and
as we must clear them out quickly we have put them clown
to 10c., cannot be bought elsewhere less than 121c.
Have you seen this line ; they are the latest thing for
Blouses. We bought them cheap and we are bound to
clear them out at once at 15c.
Come and Examine our
_Goods and Compare Prices.
Ferguson & Halliday.
Highest Market Price Paid for Butter,
4 More Weeks
Having moved to a more con-
venient stand, put in heavier
power and some new machinery,
I am now prepared to manufac-
ture, on the shortest notice,
Cart; &e,
Bodies and all kinds of wood
work Supplied.
COBERDryer and the
Panel Doors
We keep constantly for sale a
stock of Panel Doors of all Sizes
and grades, manufactured by C.
Lloyd & Son, of Wingham.
I also do Custom Planing, Match-
ing and Moulding.
Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
Crockery, China & Glassware
As wo have no room for the
Goods in Seaford',
The best and most expensive
goods are yet to sell. The cheap
and poorer goods went first.
Prices of best goods from this
out will be put down to the price
of common goods. Como early
for the best bargains yet offered.
Prices of many Lines
Cut in Two.
Good. Brothers.