HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-6-8, Page 3JUNE 8, 1894
Towri. Directory.
AUX,YIVA OUVAM b b a th Services
at 11 A 111 AO 600 p, m. Sunday School
at '2:30 p m. Rev. John Roes,
Knox Onueon,—.Sabbath Services et 11
a In and 6:$0 p m. Seudae School at
230 p trt. Rea. D, Millar, pater,
ST, Jone's Onuaen.—Sabbath Beraices
at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday School
at 2;30 p, m. Itenr. W. G. Reilly, Mourn.
KonteDin 0111311011.—Sabbath Servicee
at 10:30 a m And 6;80 Ls m. Sunday
Sobool ab 2:30 p m. Iiov. G. H. Cobble -
dick, hi A, 33 D, pastor,
ROMAN °MOLT° Olt 1111011.—Sebbatb
Service third Sunday in every month, at
10:30 a na. Rev Joseph Kennedy.,
Ssaysmorl Aturr.—Serviee at 7 and 11
a m end an(18 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'oloak, at
the barraeke,
Onn Fentoeee Lonon every Thursday
evening, in Graham's blook.
Mesons LODGE Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A 0 xi W Lewi/ on lee and 8rd
Friday evenings of each month, in 33Ias•
hill's block.
O 0 F Lone x 2nd end last Monday
eveninge of eaoh month, in Blashill's
L L let Monday in every month,
in Omega Hall.
I 0 V, and and last Friday in oaa
Fellows' Hall.
It T or T, 2nd and rith Tuesday's of
eaoh month, in Odd Fellows' Hall.
SONS OF SCOTLAND, let and 3rd Teel].
days of each moods, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. Limo, let and sca Thurs.
days of eaoh month, in Vanstone block.
Henn ONIMM, 2ed and 4th Friday even.
ings in Blashili's Hall.
POST Orricio.-0ffice hours from 8 a,
m. to 7 p. m.
MEolidtliCs' Ian/Mo.—Library in
Holmee' block, will be open from 6 to 8
o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 6
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw,
Tows Comeau.—W. 11. Km, Reeve;
W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R.
Williams and S. 'Wilton, Councillors;
F. 13, Scott, Clark; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Aesessor and 3.
T, Rose, Collector. Board meets the let
Monday in each month.
Smoot Bon.—Rev. Rose, (ohairman,)
Dr. McKelvey, De. Graham, A. Reid and
3. N. Kendall •, Seo.-Treas., le. Ross.
Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each
Puma° Sonoor..TeScrialie.-3. H. Oam.
eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Miss
Downey and Miss Cooper.
Boha) or HEALTH .—Reeve Herr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, H. Dennis and J. N.
Kendall. Dr. MoNaughton, Medical
Health Ofeeer,
Oh, wha is this puir 'hapless wioht
That islanders naaistly oot o' aloha
An' has to sit his lane at nicht ?
The Bachelor.
Wba canna aleep wi' dread an' doet,
But weenies like a hookit treat
An' dreams sio dreams he winna moot?
The Baohelor.
Wba nee when ill does sairly res
That he has nans to straik his broo
WP kindly band en heart sae true ?
The Bachelor.
Wba dine ken the joys o' life
That's brooht us by a darling wife,
An' wi' oor bairnies blessin's rife ?
The Bachelor.
Wha never owned the bliss o' love,
That virtue lent us free above
Oor better nature here to prove ?
The Bachelor.
Wha merely lives—this sorry elf—
An' lives but only for hineself,
To hoard an' eek hie wretched pelf ?
Ina contravenes a' N'ature's laws,
An' Radish inspiration draws
Free laie ain whims, ate Mime an has
The Bachelor.
Wba ie't that lives, his aimless day
Ne'er briohtened by a hopefu' ray,
Aye callow me to oorne what may ?
The Bachelor.
Wha haa a heart as cauld aa stane,
Nene ones for him,whe. cares for nane,
An' when he dies we mak nee mane?
For the Baehelor.
We had a preacher yester nicht,
An' faith 1 but he was grand,
Man 1 boo he rakit into licht
The follies o' the land.
Nee liepin', stammerin' dolt was he,
33vsb clear like ony bell
He waena like some honey bee,
Low hummin' to himsel'.
Be Mashed into baith laird an' ldrd,
An' enodly dressed them doon ;
Ilk wird he spat(' rnith wool has scored
A mark upon a croon.
Nor did lie hain the pairer pairt,
But tell't them o' their sin.
Dod, men 1 he ftdrly won my heart,
It's men like him that win 1
Nee snivellin' college cant,
Wi, wirde as laug'e an en;
Nor yet a testrirn reariu, rant
0' lovvin' fire an' Hell ;
330 wirde o' sense in hamely guise
Cam' pourin' like a flood,
That fairly then me by surprise
An' rouged my very bloocl.
Be dwalt upon our duties here—
Tbe britherhood o' man—
Tbe curse o' gold that noo we bear
He laid beneath a ban ;
An' by the time that ha had dime
This thooht again lead birth—
It brings us nearer 11eav'n abune
To hoe some /naval on earth.
In Booth they are a famous/ bend,
• Our village choir of twenty,
And when they sing their voiees fling
Reverberations plenty.
They sit behind the (pereon's bask,
(Thal/dear oldiemo go feeble)
And giggle, sootti, whoop, Swop and howl,
Belot° the patient people.
3'e111004 their surging anthems
ocean emelt eprear'oue ;
And when they cease great floods Of peitee
Soothe, strengthen and reeboro us,
Thera' e Peplum Shrill, that tell, dap man •
Fer.lean'd for elty•high tenor
Which like a knife outs through the Argo
01 Susan Sharp's aeprano.
Old Simon Drag, with visage droll
And tireless "Adam's apple,"
Grinds forth his groans like antiphons
Perform'd by (15 ing oattle.
Big Betsey Bevel the alto zings,
Though didioult her part is,
She don her bed with lungs and °beet,
Mouth, voaal-ehords and glottis.
lathe Rabbitfaoe can't tithe a hint,
Or he would surely leave us ;
Elam/Moe sounds forth, east, west, soutb,
Like sharprning saws and /minors,
Dark Dan, the blacksmith, elege the eir
A. perfeob octavo lover,
And has the "face" to call it base ;
Some say the meal a "blower,"
Pete Lanternlip grows crotchety
Until be gets a solo ;
When through his nose with grand repose
He snorts a theme by Gounocl,
Miss Thumpety, the organist,
Oft faints from /sheer exhaustion,
Her bobbing head and ringlets red
Perform each known contortion,
Miss Mamie Cute, she never slings
And so we never heed her ;
She's only there becauee ehe's fair
And fascinates the leader.
Bach Handel Jones, that hardeome men
With "Lord Dundreary" whiskers,
He leads the choir with dash and fire
And fierce tragediau whispers.
But here I'll stop, these warbling ones,
What oould we do without them ?
For mirth and fun there would be none
At ohuroh without an anthem.
Vioe rarely lingers round the wash tub.
A bar -room light is the wrecker's beaoon.
Some men oao't even take the advise
they pay. for.
Medicine makes as many fatal diseases
as it cares.
A man who ie his own doctor never asks
for a patient.
There is no such inflater of epeeth as a
women in a few words.
Even an allopatb prefers philosophy in
homeopathic doses.
A drunkard can swallow more money
than a family oan earn.
If there were an exchange of breaths,
more men would seek divorce.
The worst of cannibals is the monster
who feeds upon a good wife's heart.
When a, man turns bog he more than
makes up in bristle what he laoke in
A blaokmailing sheet is the only place in
which to advertise fora lost reputation.
Some folke make the painful mistake of
thinking they can't got the dirt off era's -
out taking the elfin with it.
If you as good's judge of human nature
as a child or a dog you won't climb into
the wrong lap or ?royal at a good friend.
Eve and euspimon were twins.
Party platforms make poor rafts.
A straight road is the easiest travelled.
Capital and cowardice counsel together.
When women vote there will be no
You had better lend your money than
your credit.
It takes a two -legged jackass to kick
harder than a mole.
Polluted nominations are poor prem.
dents for pure elections.
Don't riek much on the opinion of him
who has nothing to lose.
If Oupid kept a pawnshop it would be
filled with engagement rings.
31 10 a plebeian fad that the man who
eats with his knife generally pays for
what he gets.
It is a practice at many hotels to al.
ways save the beet room for 'the teen
that never conies.
The man who Wane that he works
with his bead instead of his hands is
respectfully reminded that the woodpeek.
er does the same, and is the biggest kind
of a bore at that.
Martin Grillis has gone to Ireland for a
Wilson & Howe recently supplied
wedding cake for a Toronto wedding.
Thos. Farquhar, who has been suffering
for some time from an injured optio, had
the same removed.
The Doherty organ faotory, extensive
as it is, was enlarged in order to accom-
modate additional machinery.
Mrs. W. H. Cooper, Huron street, has
been suffering from a paralytic stroke for
several days, but is getting better.
The reading room of the Mechanics'
Institute was olosed for several daes, rio
"housealeaning" was in progress, the in-
terior has been painted and otherwise itn-
A lawn seeded has been arranged for by
the Rattenbury street church mission
oirole, to take places on the spacious
grounds of F. Rumball end Rev. J. W.
Holmes. The date is the 12th of Juno.
Yellowstone Bill's WiId Weet show
gaurtwo performances here last week.
Chas. Snell, ja, has disposed of hie fine
brick minium) on Union street to Joseph
Senior, for the handsome sem of 82200.
T. 0. Sweet, who has been attending
the College of Pharmacy in Toronto for
the past nine months, hes returned to
Mrs. Jas. Loachnan had. het eye taken
out last week by a London specialist.
She is getting along nicely after the
delicate operation.
A new gas pipe fence has been plume
mound the Presbyterian thumb grounds,
adding much to the improvement andel,.
peavanoe of that beautiful promisee.
One morning recently when the pro-
prietors of the Exeter Woollen Mille en
tithed the faotory their suspicions were
around that everything was not all tight.
Upon examination it was found that
thieves had ferried an enthuse° through
the engine room and secured about 3400
worth of manufaotured woollen goods and
escaped withal', raieing any alarm or
leaving the slightest clue asto who they
were, From certain fresh wagon tracks
ie Imposed that the thieves came frotn
the South and escaped in the Aetna di-
Wm, Deno, townehip °ler/big very Jew
with a complication of dieeases,
Roe. J. Greene end W. 0, Dean are in
Goderith dile week attending the Mediu.
diet Clonference,
A gooksl will be held in the Methodist
church on June 12th under the euepioes
of the E. L. Of 0, E,
Court Gorrie No. 67, 0, 0, F. attend-
ed Divine aortae In the FresbYteriao
obutell last Sabbath.
Jas. Lennox has opened out a tinsmith.
ing liminess/ in the buildiug next to It.
ROBS' Implement emporium,
The pulpit in the Methodist ohuroh was
411ed last Sabbath in the morning by 10.
Harding and in the evening by Robe
Lu cleno'ese,
D. 0. Taylor is attending the Meth°.
dist Conference at Goderices this week.
The W, 0. T. U. purpose giving 008 01
their popular entertainments in the Town
Hall on Tuesday evening, the 12th of
Dr. W. A. Hackett, of Elie village, has
suoceeded in passing the Council Exam-
ination, thee obtaining the degree of M.
0. P. S,
The frost on Monday night of Met
week completely ruined the (grape vines,
tornatoe plants, early potatoes, eons and
other garden stuff in this vicinity. The
thermometer dropped.to 28 degrees/.
One of our aspiring young clerks fell a
viotini to the tender passion to such an
extent Sunday evening that he lea the
church without bis hat. A. friend notice ,
ing that something was awry., sent the
love sick swain back for the mining link.
laoele /rich .
Fishing off the Diem was very good
last week.
Rev. W. S. GriMn, D. D., Toronto,
preached in Koox ohuroh Sabbath morn.
ing, instead of Rev. R. 11, Hall, who was
• The Jude Mills 0o, will appear at the
Grand Opera House some time during
this month, with a new repertoire of
Sturdy Bros. are improving the in.
terior of their store and will put in a
plate glees front making it more suitable
to their increasing business.
An "Al Horne" was held under theaus-
pass of the young ladies of the Sodality
of St. Peter'e R. C. church, in the town
hall, on Thursday, May 31st,
Robb. Robertson, formerly student with
Gamow & Proudfoot and now in A. M.
Ross' offioe, Toronto, has in the late ex-
amination, passed euccessfully as barris-
Geo, U. Elliott, grocer, has put in a
large refrigerator. It is made of ash,
lined with galvanized Iran and is capable
of giving aold storage to 600 lbs, with the
most perfect ventilation.
An order in counoil has been passed ap.
pointing William Marlton harbor master
at Gods/rich at a salary °MI:10par /moues
to be paid oat of the fees, in place of T.
N. Dancy, whose services have been die-
pensed with.
On tbe lst of June the firin of MoIntash
& Harper, formerly Sctundere & Co., die-
olved, Mr. MoIntoth retiring. Ile will be
suoceeded by Charlie Lee,who in partner•
ship with Charles Harper will continue
the business.
The many friends of Joseph Brownell
will regret to learn that he is again laid
up with hie old enemy, sciatioa.
The foundation for Mr. Carmichael's
new brick block has been completed and
the superstructure will at once be begun.
Allan Robb, the little eon of W. Robb,
fell offs box be was sitting on in the
house, and his left arm doubling nuder
him, was broken between the wrist and
the elbow.
33. B. Gunn, who has been confined to
his residence with inflammatory rheum-
atism for the past two months, intends
spending a month at the Preston sulphur
An entertainment will be given by the
ladies of St. Thomas' church in the skat-
ing rink, on June 15111. It will partake
of many novel features never seen in Sea.
forth before.
Charles Bartliff is erecting a large and
handsome brick residence on the corner
of John and Sperling streets, which,
when completed, will be an ornament to
that part of the town.
Matt. Irwin met with an ecoident last
week while in the tower of Oerdno's
block, winding the town olook. It seems
he slipped or/ a ladder coming down, and,
falling, sprained his ankle.
A very handsome prize has been offer-
ed for a two.mile handicap bicycle race
to be competed for live times at the regu-
lar Wednesday night meets on the re-
orention grounds track. The handicaps
will be re arranged every night so that
all riders will have an equal chance and
the rider making the highest number of
points in the whole series will receive the
Cot in ad e
Bishop Baldwin consecrated the Wal.
teething cemetery last week.
Rev. Jonathan Goforth and wife Bailee
from Shengbai for Canada on May 25th.
Rev, Dr. Ryokreen, formerly of Lon.
don, has been elected President of the
Montreal Conference.
M. Willie was charged by Postoffies In.
speotor Daniel Spry with enclosing writ-
ing in a parcel, and wee fined 310 and
costs by James Noble, P. M., at Strath.
Plume Dineen Rearm= nr 80 MN-
iroliL—All rases of organio or sympathetio
heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and
quickly cured, by Dr, Agnesv'e Cure for
the Heart. One dose convinees. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
Lightning struck the Ptesbyterian
ohuroh at Anaherstburg Sunday. From
the spire to the foundation the front of
the church was shattered, and the in.
terior is damaged.
A unmans: appetite, with perfect diges-
tion and assimilation may be soured by
the use of Ayer's Pills, They cleanse and
strengthen the whole alimentary canal
and remove all °bathe/Alone to the natur.
al functions of either sex, without any
unpleasant effects.
A Boos TO lIonsittioN,-0ne bottle of
English Spavin Liniment oompletely re -
Moved a curb from my horse. I take
pleasure in reuenniending the remedy, as
it acts with mysterious promptness in
the removal from horses of hard, eat or
calloused lamps, blood spavin, splints,
otabs, evseeny, stifles and sprains. Gno.
Rene, farmer, Markham, Onb. Sold by
G. A. Deadman.
The attics daughter of Wm, Ross, Port'
age ht Praleie, was drowned by felling in.
to en old well teat week,
Wine the bleed le full Of hetnore, the
seabed term lo alt the more oppressiyA
Give the eystein a thorough eternising
wall Ayer'e Sarsaparilla and a den or
Iwo of Ayer'e Pale, and you will enjoy
iSvuil)nortrnteiro, as never before bo your Me.
Just try tide for onoe, stud you'll never
The parents of Annie Gerew, the 000k
on the schooner Sweethert, who was led
overboard ten maws below Sand Beath,
Mb?,,, melee in Whitevale, Ont., and are
Well.to•do. Annie was a pupil at Whit.
by Ladles' College end mysteriously dia.
appeared from her hone some menthe
ago, She wee not again beard of until
news mum Of ber death.
linntinint Otritlin IN A Dn.—S011th
American Rheumatic (dere for Rheum..
iism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1
to 3 clays. Its motion upon the system
is remediable and mysterious, lb re.
moves 8,6 once the cam and the disease
immediately disappears, The first dose
amble benefits, 75 cents, Warranted
by G. A. Deadman.
" S'7h so pain and anguish wring the brow
A ministering Angel thou."
This was written of woman more than
one hundred years ago but ib is just as
applicable to -day bo Stark's Headache
Powders for they ootne like an angel of
meow to those who suffer from headache,
neetalgia, biliousness/ and other ailments
arising from a torpid liver. lir. Lance.
field, librarian of the publio library,
Hamilton, says he always keeps a box on
haud for they give instant relief. Prioe
twenty. five oen te.
The extent to whiob the bioycee mania
hes spread throughout Ontario is shown -
by the fact that thew January 1st there
has been 3225,000 worth of bicycles and
parts of bicycles passed through the cus-
tom house at Toronto. While that city
is of course the great center for Ontario,
and the greater part of the machines; im-
ported would come through the port, there
must be quite a few entered at Hamilton,
London, Montreal and other poiuts to pass
customs for Ontario.
Bauer IN Six Hoene—Distressing kid.
ney and bladder diseases relieved in six
bouts by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on aceount of
its extieeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, bath and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or feinstM. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost ini-
niediately. If you want quiok relief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
'Madman, druggist.
It has been rumored ab Cookeville for a
day or so that the housekeeper of Win.
Moody, oommonly known as Lizzie
Moody, is seriously ill, and that she has
gone out of her mind. The doctors oall
it melee/Moths. Her present behavior is
very strange. She has been hiding her
olothes and saying things whiela thews
that ber mind is deranged. Wrn. koody
is a, brother•in,law of the unfortunate
Williams couple, wbo were murdered last
Deoember on the Middle•Road, and for
whose death the tiefortunate MaciA'her-
rell is under the death penalty. The
Moody farm adjoins the property of the
murdered conple. Lizzie Moody is the
woman who gave important information
to the people who visited the murdered
oouple's house after the tragedy was die -
To those who intend Building.
Having built a Lime House at the Sta.
tion I will keep a supply of the Best
Fresh Lime for Sale suitable for all
Building purposes. Also
And Plastering Hair for Sale.
D. A. Lowry.
Ten years of age, but who declines to give his
name to the public, makes this authorized,
confidential Statement to us:
"When I was one year olci, my mom= died
of consumption. The cloister said that I,
too, would soon dieand 011 our neighbors
thought that even 11 I did not dio, I would
never be able to walk, because I was so
weak and puny. .A, gathering formed and
broke under my arm limit my finger and
it gathered and throw out pieces of bona.
If I laid myself so as to break the ekin, it
Was mire tO become a running 3000. I had
50 take IOW 00 rnediehle, but nothing haS
den° 1110 so ninon good al Ayer's Sarsapa-
dna. It hat made me well and Btroag. '-
00,13.16., Noreatur, Kane.
AV'ER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. 140°4 Lowell, Mao,
Cures others, will cure you
CARRIAGE WORD, Whit°st" 141'
• en.,
Between New Yore end Liverpool, via
Queonstown,every Wedneeday.
E 11ri1iJe eg,tv,IHEyavia,obie,,,oritriti
Successor to
V=Ig,174V;IiiVIVIllefr.T.'., "litbhls ott:
sou. Por plane, rates, eta, apdy to
W, Kerr,
Mill street, Brussels, Agent, Brunets.
Will keep in Stook and Make to Order
Of the following styles :—
Single and Double Buggies, Victoriae
Village Carte, Dog Carts with Plat-
form Gears, Ladies' Phaetons,
Doobor's Phaetons, Lumber
Wagous, (to., da.
Repairing and re -painting,
Promptly attended to at
Moderate Charges.
Call and examine stock be-
fore purchasing else-
Agent for the Fleury Plows, and Repairs
always' on hand.
Everybody should see the Adjustable
• Pole. It will fit any rig, either buggy
or cutter.
1.1„ E. BRYDQE.9,
Syetem Renovator
AIM 01Jiml
For impare, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspapoia, Sleeplesenees, Paleate,
don of the Heart, Liver Oornplaint, Neer -
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop, and Manufacture,
Sold by 3. T. PEPPER,
Druggist, Brussels.
Has just received from Toronto, a Life Size Portrait Camera, lar-
gest ever been in these parts, so will supply the public with some-
thing extra nice in Photos. There is nothing nicer than a picture
of this kind to decorate your homes.
G-roups of Every Description
Taken on shortest notice, also views of Private Residences, Public
Buildings, Pic-nic Parties, Ete. We are second to none and in-
tend to keep right up to date in the Photo. line. Every size pos-
sible taken, from the small Sunbeams to Life Size.
PletZtre,.5 Copied and Enlarged to any Size
in Crayon.
Give us a Call—Always Welcome at the old
Reliable Studio over the Standard Bank,
_Established 1871.
Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000
Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000
Gain for 1892, - 2,000,000
Annual Insurance, $ 900,000
New Insurance, 8,670,000
Gain over 1891, - 750,000
Issued Only by ills Confederation Life Association.
ie absolutely free from all restrictions es to residencs, travel and Occupation
from the date of issue. ra'It is entirely void of all couditions, t"It is absolutely
and automatically non•forfeitable, after two years. The ineured being entitled to :
(a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the
further period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid
Up Policy, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to a (n)
Cash value, as guaranteed in the policy.
ilIanaging Direotor,
PrEta901 lase.n'
Sir W. P. Howland, C.B., M.C.M.G. 3. 10. Macdonald.
W. 11. KERR, Agent at Brussels.
TAYLOR & S111111111 S
044,57aX ST*011M,
Opposite the American Hotel, Brussels,
Is the CH.E,IPEST for
All will be sold at a Big Reduction on usnal Prices.
A Large Stock of Seeds on Hand,
lassIn'Before removing to our new prem.'
./„ ises in Dr, Graham's Block,